Episode Transcript
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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. What's going
on here, beautiful? Let everybodygo? Why don't you put on a
show and charge it mission? Okay, so I would say something with music.
I'm comedy. Now you're talking.It will be a show for everyone
who loves music and murder. Comeon, Chuck, we gotta take show
to dude. Showtime. Are youready? I'm ready ready, job Hi,
it's Friday. You made it,six oh seven. Good morning,
DC's classic rock at figure one hundred. Jackson here, maybe you won't have
to work today. Have to damncountries down because of the Microsoft outage.
There's delays on metros, there's AmericanAirlines has got stuffed down. I guess
they're working frantically on it. Butit gives you an idea what happens when
you put them the whole country onMicrosoft. Just wait till AI takes over.
Well, we use Microsoft, andour stuff seems to be working.
I guess it's spotty. It justdepends on where you're at and what you
use. I want to say theysaid there was a major effect on Microsoft
three sixty five. I couldn't getinto my bank account this morning. Left
a, well, your money's gone. It's gone. If I don't see
it, it's gone. Bill Gates. Bill Gates took it. He's on
an island off the coast of Africa. Now. He wiped out everybody's accounts
and shut down Microsoft and left acouple of deaths overnight yesterday, and overnight
passed away Blue Dobbs, of course, so big news guy. And I
think he was about seventy eight,and Bob Newhart passed away. Bob Newhart.
Of course, Bob had a goodlong life. I mean I think
Bob Newhart had to be in thisbed nineties. He was twenty four.
Yeah, yeah, I mean,you can't complain about that. And I
wanted to look at Dobbs at likeseventy eight years old and like, oh
man, that sucks. Look atnew Heart and then go, hey,
he was ninety four ninety five.I'm like, also a good life.
Somebody tells me that their grandmother died, like, oh, I'm so sorry
to hear that. How old wasshe? Ninety five? That's a that's
a good life, man, Whydo you even tell me about it?
You can't expect much more than that, really, at least not anything productive
or enjoyable after that, although I'veI had an aunt, a great aunt
that lived to be close to onehundred years old, sharp as attack,
all the way up until the end, all the way up until the end,
so I shouldn't say that. Iguess it just depends on the person.
All Right, it's sixth or Iwill take care of some business here.
You're listening to DC's Classic Crock.It's Big one hundred, DC's Classic
Crock, Hits Big one hundred.The Chain, It's Fleetwood mac Hey.
Comeing up seven to twenty five ishthis morning. We're gonna give you the
final letter for the big Order ofthe week. That's gonna be your chance
to win those tickets for Hoodie andthe Blowfish in that show on the seventeenth
of August at Jiffy Lube Live.So we'll wrap up the word here in
just a bit. Or Ida.Let's up the potato people, or Ida.
They Mactato Tots and French Fries FrozenPotato Company. They worked with Good
Pop to create a new limited edition. I get it. I get it.
It's a fudge in vanilla French fryPop, which might sound nasty on
the outside, it's frozen vanilla oatmilk, covered in chocolate fudge, and
then rolled in crispy potato bits.The idea is that it's supposed to taste
like when you dip French fries ina milkshake, right right, So like
you go to like a Wendy's.No, that's a best go to Wendy's,
get French fries, dip them ina frosty. Oh so good.
The mashup is available for nationwide shippingfrom good Pop's online store. Each box
costs nine to ninety nine. Firstrun already sold out, but they say
to keep checking back because they willhave more of them available very soon.
It's good pop dot com. I'mon there now. Still not restocked,
says sold out. Check back tomorrow. I think I'll be all right.
I would try these, man.I love French fries in a milkshake.
Yeah, I love it, lovelove love, So I would try this
to see. But the thing abouta French fry in a frosty or a
milkshake is that there's something about thefrench fry being warm that makes it appealing.
So I don't know about this becauseit's all going to be cold,
but I would try it. Iwould try it. I'll spend the nine
bucks. If they restock, I'llpass on that. I'll be all right.
It's dairy free, it's gluten freeand no artificial sweeteners. No,
it's good for you. Yes,fantastic. It's a vegetable. It's six
twenty six. DC's Classic Rock Bigone hundred. DC's Classic Crock is big
one hundred. It's definitely evert Yeah, Rock of Ages. It's six forty.
Good morning time for things. Iknow. Donkey Kong was originally going
to be a Popeye the Sailor game. Licensing fell through, didn't happen,
but they kept the game and justchanged the characters that were designed, you
know, to take the place ofwhat would have been Popeye. I learned
something new every day. Man.The three densest cities in the world are
in the Philippines. They all haveabout eighty thousand people per square mile.
Give you an idea. New YorkCity is the most densely populated in the
US, but it tops out it'ssixty thousand people per square mind in a
way, your dog causes twice asmuch pollution as an suv that is based
on the energy it takes to produceenough food to keep a dog fed threats
throughout its lifetime. Wow, we'vegot two of them. I've got two
SUVs. When Three Musketeers was firstreleased in nineteen thirty two, they had
three small candy bars in the package, hence the name. One was chocolate,
one was strawberry, and one wasvanilla. And that's where I got
the name three Musketeers, which stuckeven when it became just one candy bar
in nineteen forty five. And finally, ET's actual name was Zrak. It
was going to be revealed in theET sequel, but that wound up never
being made. Hey, Zrack,Huh, I'm glad they didn't make the
sequel. Yeah, thats fine.I like that movie just like it is.
I don't want anything to mess withit. It is uh six forty
two hy today, about eighty sevendegrees. Enjoy this man. You woke
up in some areas this morning inthe sixties low humidity, But that humidity
is coming back tomorrow. But won'tworry about that tomorrow. It's DC's Classic
Crock, Big one hundred, DC'sClassic Crock, Hits Big one hundred.
It's Boys Summer. Don Henley it'sJackson here seven oh three. Good morning
to you, Hooty and the Blowfishtickets coming up seven twenty five is will
give you the last letter for thebig word of the week that'll wrap the
word, know the word, winthe prize. One eight hundred four nine
three one double O three is thephone number. Kind of thumbing through the
files of topicality here Matt Gates.I don't know if you saw him on
the Republican. I thought this theminute I saw you. Guys know what
Matt Gates is, right, He'sthe one that looks like Beavis from Beavis
and butthead Am I right, Andthat's he does spot on like That's not
me just being a jerk, likethat is what he looks like. First,
the very first time I ever sawthat guy said, oh my god,
that guy looks like beefs. Andyou know, I watched him speak
because I love watching these people justyou know, put on this performative crap
because it's entertaining. And the firstthought that popped into my head and I
just kind of thought it and itwent away and then I didn't think about
it again, was like, I'mpretty sure he's had some work done,
dude, his face don't look right, and then woke up this morning.
It's everywhere. It's all over socials. It's all over the place. People
were going, what did Matt Gatesdo to his face? I'm like,
oh my god, thank god,I'm not to I wasn't just imagining that.
It's like very plastic. He's donesomething. Why he's still young?
Why would you go do that?You know, it looks like his skin
shrunk around his skull. Might belike just botox then or something like maybe
I don't know, like frozen face. You know where the botox like freezes
paralyzes that party. I don't knowit. Hey, Gates, if you
listen, bro, you're young,chill. You got your whole life to
do that. Do it later andfit yourf and your face up. Don't.
Microsoft is down this morning. Goodnews is it turns out to be
a update from crowds. Uh whatis it? Crowdsource, crowd crowd what's
the name of that company that doesuh, cybersecurity stuff? Uh? Is
it? No, it's not crowdsource. What is it? CrowdStrike?
Crowds, crowdstrat so, CrowdStrike identifiedthe problem, they are fixing it and
they are fixing it quickly, likesystems already coming back up all over the
place. But there were some issueseven here in DC with the Metro,
lots of airports, American airlines,lots of things were down because they did
some sort of software update. Itwent poorly. Uh, they identified what
went wrong and have implemented the fix. So the the upside there is it
was no cyber attack, It wasn'tanything nefarious. When minute it happened,
was it last night or was itI think it happened overnight. Probably probably
overnight is when they did the update, and then some things went south,
right, And lou Dobbs passed awayat the age of seventy eight. Bob
Newhart passed away at the age ofninety two, ninety three, ninety four,
ninety four. Wow, great life, Bob Newhart an icon, an
American icon. And I saw thismorning that Jason Wright, president of the
Washington Commanders, is going to moveon well to get the scoop on that
he is going to stay through theremainder of the season, but not in
the role that he previously held.I think he's just going to be like
a senior advisor now throughout the twentytwenty four season and then it's going to
move on. So Jason, Ilove that guy. Man. He's a
super personable, great guy, andI think he did a lot of great
things for the organization. He camein and had to polish a turd,
Yes he did, you know whatI mean. He had to fix a
lot of stuff, and I thinkhe did a great job. And I
get a new ownership. You know, you knew some things were going to
change, and who knows what wentdown there, But wish him well because
he is a fantastic human. Doyou know if that was his choice.
I don't know. I'm sure we'llfind out. I mean, it sounds
like he was kind of being pushedout probably, but that's just me speculating.
No clue, no clue. Maybewe'll see if I can get him
on the phone and find out.It is seven oh seven, and we
will take care of some business here. It is DC's Classic Rock, Big
one hundred, DC's Classic rockets Bigone hundred, Arrowsmith. Then dude looks
like a lady. It's seven twentytwo. Good morning to you boy.
Just about the time we were aboutto mess with daylight savings. Time scientists
believe now that climate change is messingwith time now climate change, that depends
on your opinion on that. Imean, ice caps melting right right,
whether you believe that's because of climatechange or whether you believe it's just what
happens is the world spends, youknow that happening is climate change? Well
again, it's you know, Idon't really pick sides on that because you've
got some people that disagree with it, and I understand that, and it's
not my position to argue with them. But whether it's climate change or whether
it's just the natural progression of Earthaging polar caps are you know, and
scientists now believe that it is changingthe Earth's rotation, so's we're talking like
milliseconds, right, So it basicallyincreases the length of each day, but
just by like fractions of a second. That's what happened to Venus, right,
So milliseconds per day. But theproblem is where this becomes an issue
is the high tech world we livein now. So we're in a hyper
connected world. So they suspect thatin the future it could start impacting computing
systems, stuff like jeeps, andthe list goes on and on and on
because those milliseconds add up over thecourse of years, and those seconds are
a big deal when it comes toyou know, a hyper connected world and
using computing so be interesting too.I guess they would have to kind of
look at it like I guess they'dhave to make calculations and kind of look
at it like they did Y twok, you know, like that came
and they were like, oh crap, we didn't set whoa. We forgot
it was gonna go to double zerosin two thousand. Oops. But they
found a fix and they went inand did it. I had a friend
that made so much money, ungodlymoney. Really smart kid. He was
from Russia, but he went toHarvard and he was a computer guy right
and all he did throughout nineteen ninetynine the whole year contract work for banks
corporations. He would go in anddo the fix for them, and because
it was contract work, he'd getpaid, you know, her per per
job, and a lot. Hemade ungodly as hard to fix because it
seemed like it was a quick sithey did it. He made it sound
like it was not that big ofa deal, was tedious, but he
needs a lot of money that year. Oh my God, every time we'd
go out drinking or doing anything,he was buying all the time. He
was just loaded. I wonder howhe's doing today. I do it is
seven uh, and I don't know. We'll see. Let's give him the
final letter for the Big Word ofthe week and your chance to win hoodie
and the Blowfish tickets. Here thebig word of the week on Big one
hundred. Today's letter is k isin kite, k is in kite,
the letter K that wraps the word. And if you know the word,
give us a ring that we'll take. Again. Take into consideration that some
people stream and it takes you know, thirty seconds longer for that letter to
get to them. We'll take colornumber five one eight hundred four nine three
one double O three hooting the Blowfishtickets up for grabs. Good luck from
DC's Classic Rock. It's Big onehundred. DC's Classic Rock is Big one
hundred. Somebody love this, QueenJackson. You're good morning to you.
Let's see if we can get awinner here on the Big Word of the
week. If you keep track ofthe letters throughout the week, every week
at about every morning, rather atabout seven to twenty five, give you
a new letter, start on Monday. By Friday, spells a word,
another word, win the prize,and that prize switches up every week.
As a matter of fact, nextweek I think we have Black Crows tickets
we do that's where the show,not with Aerosmith, but the one they're
doing in February at MGM National Harbor. So this would be Black Crows by
themselves. There you go, prettycool right now. Hooty and the Blowfish
And as you know, I'm ridiculouslyexcited about that show. Just a lot
of memories attached to Hooty and theBlowfish Man. That was a fantastic record
eight seventeen, seventeenth of August atJiffy Lublyfe. And we'll go to the
phones. Hi, who's this?Yeah, we'll stopping Steve, Steve,
what's going on? My man?Not mus brother, not myus man.
Love the show, appreciate it.Hey, if you were collecting letters throughout
the week, then you know theword. And we've got Hoody tickets up
for grabs. What's the word.The word would be big clock clock.
I think he's through the big partin yourself, but it is it is
clock Steve. Yes, congratulations We'regonna give you tickets to go see Hoody
at Jiffy loub Live on the seventeenthof August. Right, rock and roll
man, Hoody awesome. All right, hold on and we'll get y'all set
up. That guy had some personality, Thank you, Steve. All Right,
it's seven forty three. You're listeningto DC's Classic Rock, Big one
hundred, DC's Classic Rock. It'sBig one hundred, Sweet Tone Alabama.
There's Leonard skinnerd It's eight oh six. Good morning to you. Dennison was
sports on tap and just a bithere Florida man coming up just around the
corner. Your chance to win ticketsfor Sticks and Foreigner next week at Jiffy
Loub Live. I spit my coffeeout this morning when I saw this.
Somebody used to put a meme upsaid, if you watch Jaws Backwards,
it's the heartwarming story of a sharkwho gives arms and legs to disabled people.
Come on, where did people comeup with this stuff? Where?
Like? Amazon announced today that PrimeDay twenty twenty four was Amazon's biggest Prime
Day shopping event ever ever, recordsales more hopefully you have Amazon stock more
items sold during the two day eventthan any previous Prime Day event ever during
the forty eight hours shopping event.So when two days uh, they say
Prime members globally saved billions on dealsacross every category and bought a bunch of
crap they don't need. What itcomes down to, on Prime Day,
you're just looking for things to buybecause I can save money. I don't
need that, but look it's onsale. Am I really saving money?
Yeah? Right? Exactly? Oh, I spent a lot too, Like
I feel like it's if it's somethingI need and I'm waiting for Prime Day,
but I just can't because I knowif I jump on there on Prime
Day, I'm gonna buy a bunchof crap I don't need because I think
I'm saving money. In reality,I'm spending money I would not have spent,
right because if I need it,I'm not gonna wait. I don't
have time. I have to haveit because I need it. Right,
Well, what did they say?I was looking for a number record sales
for fourteen Is that right? Fourteenpoint two billion consumers spent seven billion online
outside Amazon on the second day ofPrime twenty twenty four. Independent sellers sold
more than two hundred million items.That's mostly from small and medium sized businesses,
so that's good. Mobile commerce accountedfor forty nine percent of online purchases
on the second day, and thebuy now, pay later option accounted for
seven percent of online oders orders totallyin over a billion dollars. It spending,
that's the thing too. Some peopleare throwing it on credit buy now,
pay later. Oh all right,it is eight o eight. We
got to take care of some businesshere and we'll be back in just a
bit with Florida. Man. It'sDC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred,
DC's Classic Crock, AG's Big onehundred and the boys back in town.
Then, Lizzie, Uh so,is the convention wrapped up now? Is
that the funnal? Yeah? Yeah, I think so. Yes, Trum.
Last night was the last night acceptedthe nomination. Last night, right,
well, I was everybody wearing Maxipads on their ear. I thought
that was a little odd. I'mI'm sorry that I thought that was a
little odd, Like I gave itsdumb. I get it. But it's
like, come on, come on, now, come on. It's like,
yeah, it's a little silly.It's time for Florida man, Florida
Man, Florida man, desperate forhis girlfriend and cops not to access his
phone, jumped into the ocean toavoid giving up his pastcode and flood arrest.
I just watched this all on theofficer's body camp. It's a little
more to it than that, butit's pretty funny to watch. Bodycam footage
shows two female Florida Fish and Wildlifeofficers questioning a man identified as AJ.
He was on a boat with hisgirlfriend somewhere near Key West out in the
waters. It's beautiful. It's avideo, and he's arguing with the officers.
They basically were out there looking forsomething else, looking for another boat
that had I don't know, criminalson it something. But they come across
AJ and his girlfriend and apparently hisboat had some code violations. Wasn't his,
it was his boss's boat. YadA, YadA, YadA. Do you
have any ID? No? No, So they discover that AJ nor his
girlfriend have IDs on them, andthe boat he is operating is breaking a
number of codes. So they startgiving him the business and he keeps saying
I didn't do anything wrong, andthen the cops says, hey, look
why you're acting so weird while you'regetting so agitated. Usually when people get
this agitated, it's because they haveworn out. Do you have a warren
out? He doesn't really answer me. You can tell that's what it was.
And you know he's going back andforth with him and saying, look,
you can, you can write mea ticket for this, but I'm
not going to jail today. I'mnot going to jail on a Sunday.
I'll have the money to get out. I'm not going to jail. His
girlfriend has got his phone and keepstelling him to calm down and says,
you're freaking out. He starts threateningto jump in the water and swim home,
and she's like on his phone tryingto call his boss, I think,
to try to get him out ofthis, to get the registration for
the boat that he did not haveright and she keeps asking for his pass
code. I need the code toyour phone. If you just give me
the code to your phone, Ican help you. He won't. This
pro is more concerned. He lookedlike he was ready to go to jail
versus up giving the pass code tohis phone, and she wouldn't do it.
And then the officers tried to makean arrest, and he was like,
and there, you know, don'tquit versist. He said, I'm
not a risk. I'm not resistinguntil you touch me. And then he
jumped in the water. I don'tknow what the guy thought was going to
happen. He jumped in the water. He swam back to shore. It
took him about seven minutes. Theyfollowed him in their boat for seven minutes.
As soon as he got to shore, they jumped out. You know,
he got to knee high water.They jumped out through cuffs on him
and took him away. Did hehave a warrant? It's so At the
end of the story, it saysthat they tried to follow up with the
police department to determine if what thewarrant they assume he did. Why would
you jump out of a boat andswim away when you really didn't want his
girlfriend to have his password to hisphone? Yeah something, And they have
not received word back yet. Butthe comments in the story are fantastic because
everybody's talking about the bro is willingto go to jail versus giving his pass
code up. It's pretty funny.I wonder if I can I'll see if
I can link this and put thison our big one hundred socials because watching
the body camp footage is kind offunny to see this Skuy just panic and
then eventually jump and swim. Iyou know what was going waste? It's
Florida. I was going through hishead like I'm gonna jump in the water
and swim away from you in yourboat. They followed him to shore.
What did you think was gonna happen? And they said that when they were
making the arrest, they were slappingthe cuffs on him. They were like,
are you serious? What did youthink was going to happen? It's
a twenty seven. It's DC's classiccrack pig, one hundred sharp dress man
seas top. So Jason Wright goingto finish out the season as an advisor
and then move on. Yeh yeah, have to word. I think what's
happening with the commanders? If hehadn't heard yesterday the Jason Wright is going
to basically take an advisory role andhe's going to move out of the commanders.
And this is no reflection on Jasonand what he's done or not done.
It was a Snyder hire. Andthe other thing about Jason was and
this was kind of a mandate bythe NFL. He was the first African
American president in the NFL ever hired. And I've bet Jason several times.
He's a smart man, well spokenman, and boys, he a well
dressed man. I love how thatman dressed. But he also got a
lot of things done. I willtell you this. He came in,
so did Ron Rivera, and sodid Julie Donaldson. All came into a
really toxic atmosphere and they cleaned upthat mess there. And just happens that
he's a higher from the previous administration. And the classy thing is is to
slowly get him and transition him out. And that's what they're doing with the
commanders. They're looking now for anew present. Yeah. I like Tason.
He's a great guy. Yeah,very good. And by the way,
he'll do well whatever he wants todo. You know, he played
in the NFL, very smart,knows the game well, and you know,
I look at it like he hadto come in and polish a turd,
and I think he did a giantone and I think he did a
damn good job did And nothing butrespect for that guy. So yeah,
it's kind of sad to see himgo, but I know he's he's going
to be just fine. Yeah,but he will be just fine. But
you know, when it's sports too, it happens, right. Yeah.
So, and we are only whath but a handful of days away from
training camp. We'll be out thereon Wednesday? Is that the case?
Am I that the twenty fourth?I don't know what's then. I don't
ask me where I'm going or whatI'm doing. We got a big week
next week because we've got training campon Wednesday, Wednesday morning, and that
goes all the way through August twentyninth. Are you going to be out
there Wednesday morning? I would loveto be out there with you. Yes,
So I will be there with Iknow you've had HVAC issues in your
life. The air conditioning for youwill work on Wednesday. I was waiting
for him to say, but butyeah, well that's am I that predictable?
Yeah? Pretty much so. Andthen we got the Olympics next Friday
week from today. The Olympics,by the way, the giant outages today
that I'm sure about affected the Olympics, and then getting ready for their openings,
so cluster affected metro Yeah, yeah, and some some airports and American
airlines. I mean it was abig deal. It's clear after last night
and this morning we're ft. Yeah. Yeah, it was apparently it was
a crowd crowd crowd strike. Yeah. They did some sort of software update,
right, and something went wrong.Yeah. The good news is they
immediately identified it and put the fixin. But you know, the first
thing you think when I first gotup this morning turned on the news and
heard the Microsoft thing, I went, oh, because the first thing you
take a cyber attack, right,So that's all it's going to take,
man, and you can wipe outa lot of who's coming after us.
But thank goodness, it was justas software. Thanks so. So a
couple things for the weekend. TheNats are back in town starting tonight versus
sincey it's a six game Homestand ifyou can't see Cincy this weekend, where
the temperatures are going to be palatable, by the way, we've got San
Diego coming in early next week.And then if you're a golf fan,
the final golf major of the seasonis already underway. It's the second round
of the one hundred and fifty secondBritish Open at Royal Troon in Scotland and
right now your leader is Lowry.He is five under, threw up about
halfway through Tiger Woods is plus thirteenoh and will definitely not make the cut
tight and you can see he's juststill struggling on his bad leg. And
I just feel bad for the guy. I still watch him. I still
want him to do well, butTiger's is having a bad British Open.
I just don't want to see himgo the way of like Joe Montana or
a lot of people like it.It's like a lot of people Tiger's the
greatest, yeah, right, andhe will be remembered as the greatest,
and it might just be time tojust be remembered. I'm kind of curious
if Tiger will hit the senior shorewhen he turns fifth, which is only
a couple of years away. Iwould still watch him play great, he'd
be yeah, yeah, I wouldabsolutely. I mean, if his body
can take it, dude, hisbody is jacked that car accidents still the
great gjuries. Yeah, but heis like he's in pain. Yeah,
Oh, there's no doubt about that. Yeah. By the way, a
broadcaster, and I know you'd appreciatethis because of the way Rady used to
be. Now what it is.There's a guy who does kind of sideline
reporting follows the golfers, and hetalked about Tiger Woods and and basically kind
of flippantly and I think accidentally saidthat he's got to be on a lot
of meds, boy, to beout here and on that ley. And
as you can imagine, he gotroasted pretty good because he's not a doctor
and he shouldn't say that. Somebodyon medication or not. You should not
say that. Yeah, and lookmaybe he is, who knows. Yeah,
just not your place to say.But right so, yeah, British
open through the weekend on Sunday,Little Baseball Net's Park and uh, there
you go. Well, I'll justsay that to work with you guys,
I am indeed on a lot ofmeds. By the way, you never
had to tell anybody that that wasa given. Thank you, Dennis,
Thank you again. Let's give awaysome tickets for we have Let's see uh
today Stixon Foreigner that show next Wednesdaynight Jiffy Lube Live, and we'll give
him away with what have we learnedon the show today? What do we
got? Florida Man's girlfriend needed himto give her something so she could clear
up a misunderstanding with the cops,but he refused to do it. What
was it? Four nine three onedouble three? Good luck from Big one
hundred, DC's Class Crocket's Big onehundred, and we'll see if we can
get a winner on what have welearned on the show today? Hi?
Who's this? Don Don? Howare you this morning? I am fantastic.
How are you? Jackson? GoodMan? Good if you were listening
earlier, Florida man refused to givethis up? What was it? His
past? Go to his phone?Very good, very good. Yeah,
he was willing to apparently take afelony over given his girlfriend his past.
Cote, What an idiot? Yes, man, we're gonna send you up
with stick some foreigner tickets. Standby and we'll get you all set up.
All right, pass stick, allright? Hold on. Next week
we will have tickets to give awayfor roy Wood Junior and also for the
Big Word of the week. We'redoing some Black Crows tickets. It's DC's
Classic Rock Big one hundred.