Episode Transcript
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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on,
here, beautiful, let everybody go. Why don't you put on a
show and charge it? Mission?Okay, so I would say something with
music. I'm comedy. Now you'retaught. It will be a show for
everyone who loves music and murder.Come on, Chuck, we got it
a show to dude, showtime.Are you ready? I'm ready to get
your job? All right? Six? So six, good morning. It's
DC's classic crowd pig one Hunter Jacksonhere. How are I hope you had
a fantastic weekend? Big news thismorning. Of course, Biden has has
dropped. That's it, stepping aside, will not seek re election. It
means he's the first sitting president todrop out since Lyndon Johnson in nineteen sixty
eight. He has, of courseendorsed the VP Kamala Harris to replace him.
But I guess we're gonna have towait and see what's gonna happen with
that, because a lot of peoplepushing for some sort of like quick open
primary. But then a lot ofpeople are jumping on board to get behind
her. I get you know,that's the easiest thing to do. Yeah,
like the framework is already in place, so it kind of makes the
most sense. But I did seesomething about Joe Mansion talking about going back
registering as a Democrat again. Rememberhe left that party became an independent,
and now that there's a little carroton the end of the string, well
maybe I'll be a Democrat again.I don't know if they're gonna I don't
know if they're gonna bite on that, but we'll see. You never know.
It just makes my whole head hurt. Biden says he will address the
nation later this week, more detailedcoming. I think he's still in Delaware
recovering from COVID, but it's supposedto be back in town at some point
this week, and you know,this will be it will be interesting to
watch for sure. You know,obviously Kamala is not the nominee yet,
but she's out there running around sayingher intention is to earn it. And
when it have they said what timeframe they're looking at for an official candidate.
They've got one hundred and seven daystomorrow. But you know, obviously
when is the convention, that's whenthey would make it official. So and
that's just around the corner. Soright, So they're right, is there
or does that already? It's Augustnineteen, August nineteen, so there you
go till August nineteen. And reallythat can't even really, that would be
waiting to long mos likely politics tobe boring again. Well, it's not
gonna be. It's gonna get it'sgonna get even better because Donald Trump has
already issued a statement saying Crooked Joe'snot fit to run and he's certainly not
fit to serve and never was.And now if Kanala jumps in there,
you know he's got his playbook retty, it's gonna be she cackles and look
at her eyes, and she's crazy. He'll come up with seventeen nicknames for
and make fun of every inch ofher from head to toe. It's gonna
just get ugly. Man. Oh, I'm gonna be over here in the
corner getting drunk and uh every day. Feel free to join me if you
like. It is six o nine, DC's Classic Crocket's Big one hundred,
DC's Class Crocket, It's Big onehundred. Theres fan Haleo and Panama.
So if you get up this morning, drink coffee, lace up your work
boots, head for a day's work, true working man. Uh. I'll
just remind you that Bruce Springsteen isnow worth a billion dollars one billion,
one point one billion to be exact. He sold a couple of years ago.
He sold his library, which seemsto be the thing now. Man.
Everybody's selling their libraries. And Iguess when you get towards the end
of your life and you got,you know, twenty twenty five years left
to live, You're like, screwthis. I don't care about the songs
anymore. I just want the money. So you got to everybody selling their
libraries for large sums of money.And I think he sold his for I
want to say it was like fivehundred million dollars just a couple of years
ago. So he hit the listof billionaires on Forbes and once again,
a big chunk of that comes fromthe sale of his entire music catalog.
And he is also the subject ofan upcoming biopic about the making of the
nineteen eighty two album Nebraska. It'llstart Jeremy Allen White from the Bear and
it's called Deliver Me from Nowhere.Why did they pick that album? I
don't know A good question. Idon't know, I would think like Born
in the USA, yas that's thebut maybe this was, you know,
just I don't know. There mustbe something, you know, pivotal,
something significant about the making of thatrecord. Maybe that's the one that just
kind of put him on the map. I don't know. It was never
a huge Springsteen fan. I didlike Born in the USA. You couldn't
escape that like I had. Thatwas everywhere. I owned it and enjoyed
it. But I was never abig Springsteen fan. Like outside of that
record, I just I never reallylistened to Springsteen. But I know people
absolutely love him or obsessed with him, which is great, and that's uh,
well, he's a billionaire still notas rich as Rihanna. One point
one billion dollars. Dude, that'sa lot of money. That doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter at that point.That's more money and you're ever gonna
spend in ten lifetimes. All Right. It is six twenty four listening to
DC's Classic rockets Big one hundred.DC's classic crock is Big one hundred and
there's a Scorpions rocky like Hurricane Hate. This morning, we are going to
have a chance for you to wintickets for roy Wood Junior. That's at
the Lincoln Theater on the seventh ofSeptember. And that is a show that
he's filming for a comedy special onHulu, which is pretty cool. So
we'll get you in the door forthat. We also have fifty bucks on
a gift card from the Great GreekMediterranean Grill. I love Greek food so
good. That's in False Church.We'll talk more about that coming up in
just a bit. And for thebig word of the Week seven twenty five
is we'll give you a letter.We do that every week date about seven
twenty five. First letter coming yourway in just a bit here at the
end of the week on a Friday, it will spell a word no the
word win the prize this time around. We've got two tickets to The Black
Crows at MGM National Harbor on thetwenty second of February. Nice. And
when is this show with Aerosmith Octobereighth. Wow. And they're playing our
iHeart Festival in Vegas in September,So get that iHeart Festival plug in crash,
right, did you get that?In? Black Crow is going to
be in our lives a lot inthe next few months. It is kind
of cool. They're playing playing inwhat you said October and then again in
February. Yes, it'll be herewith Aerosmith in October, and then they're
coming back by themselves for the showat MGM National Harbor. Yeah. So
if you missed it the first timearound, there will be another chance,
and we have your tickets up forgrabs. Tip four things I know this
Monday. I don't know much.I know. The first fantasy football league
started in nineteen sixty two. Peoplehave been playing fantasy football since nineteen sixty
two. Gram Crackers were invented byan evangelical minister named Sylvester Graham. He
believed were the key to suppressing people'ssex drives. What is it with health?
These old foods like Kellogg's corn flakes, cram crackers. They were working
hard back in the day to makesure you didn't want to have sex.
Corn flakes, That's what I wastrying to think of. I knew that
there was another food that we talkedabout, corn flakes. Doctor Kellogg Man.
His whole thing was super super blandfoods. More than half of the
one hundred largest lakes in the UnitedStates are man made. Babe Ruth did
not pick the number three for hisjersey. He was assigned that number because
well, he batted third. AndAntarctica is the only continent on Earth that
turtles don't live on. Ah really, now I'm thinking about that one.
Well, I mean it's in things. I know, it's on the internet,
so clearly it's true. There aren'ta ton of continents. Who am
I to question. I didn't realizethey were pretty much worldwide turtles, but
I guess so. All right,it is six forty one. We'll take
care of some quick business here andcoming up in the eight o'clock hour this
morning, Well, Florida Man,Sports on Tap with Dennis. We'll talk
a little bit about training campus iscoming up. Yeah, that's starting this
week Wednesday morning. Will be outthere live in the seven o'clock hour the
big word of the week and yourchance to win those Black Crows tickets at
the end of the week. Inmorph it is DC's Classic Crock, Big
one hundred. DC's Classic Crock isBig one hundred Sublime in Santa Ria,
and it's about eight oh four.Coming up, Florida Man, and we
will also get to Sports on Tapwith Dennis. Coming up closer to not
a clock, Classic Cash Later achance to win one thousand bucks just after
nine o'clock, and of course thebig commercial free hours coming up at about
nine o'clock and that's over an hour'sworth of commercial free Big one hundred music
stick around for that. So Travisand Jason Kelcey have teamed up with General
Mills for the This is cool fortheir own cereal. It's not really though,
their own cereal. They're calling itthe Kelsey Mix, and it's technically
not new. It's just mixing threeof their favorite cereals together in one box,
which we did as kids. Weused to do that would mix up
the cereals. I still do that, Yeah, try to create something cool
well with the Kelsey brothers. It'sCinnamon, Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms,
and Reese's Puffs. So they're goingto combine all those in a box and
it's called the Kelsey Mix and shouldbe on sale very soon. The only
thing they say they know more aboutthan football is cereal, and so they're
honored to take home the victory andconsider themselves officially inducted into cereal culture with
the Kelsey Mix. I mean,I'll buy it, I'll bet I just
because I like the Kelsey Brothers man. Or you could just buy all three
of those cereals and mix them yourself. But pretty cool, man, I
think it's pretty cool. I lovethat. I love one. I'm trying
to think there was one. Oh. I remember Doug Flutey, when Doug
Flutey was a you know, bigfootball star in you know Buffalo, right,
that's where you played, and theycame out, and that they sold
out in every store. You couldn'tfind him anywhere. Fluty Flakes. They
were like a frosted flake, butthey were called fluty flakes. People went
crazy over them. So who knows. We'll see how this one sells.
And it doesn't say here if it'sgoing to be sold nationally or if it'll
just be a regional thing, youknow, surrounding Philadelphia or Kansas City.
I don't know. I don't know, but we'll keep you posted, all
right. Eight oh six, andwe got to take care of some business
here, but we're back to injust a few. It is DC's Classic
Rock Big one hundred ez Rolling Stones, It's Stacy's Classic Rock Big one hundred
and good morning to you. Itis eight twenty one. It's time for
Florida Man. Although Florida man,it is Florida woman. Was it?
About a week ago, we hada story in the news about a guy
that went into a store I believeit was like a CVS something along those
lines, and he went in withhis kid in a stroller and his other
kids in tow, and he stolesome beer right when he wasn't looking.
His child got up and ran away, got jumped up out of the stroller
and ran away right yep. Andso he got down the street with the
stolen beer and realized he was missinghis kid, so he had to go
back, which to him being arrestedand you know, all kinds of awkwardness,
probably disowning that child as well.That's all I kept thinking was the
guy's down the street with the stolenbeer, thinks he's getting away, and
he's like, where's crap. Wellthis this happened in Florida again, this
time with a woman who allegedly triedto dine and dash at a longhorned steakhouse.
So she went in to eat,did not pay, and bolted and
got away. Realized that she lefther purse, so she had to go
back, and there was the managerholding her purse and refusing to give it
back to her until she paid forthe meals. Now, I don't know
why I listened to like some audioof this. It's really kind of not
even worth listening to it. ButI don't know why. The woman stood
there and argued with the you justcommitted a crime, came back for your
purse that you left behind, andhe's offering to give it back to you
and let you go if you justpay. And she's going back and forth
with the guy. So you know, she's demanding the purse back and he's
saying you'll get it back when youpay for it, and customers are pleading
for them all to calm down.I think eventually she did pay and then
he sent her on her way,So I guess lucky day for her.
So, I mean, easily couldhave called the cops. Right, Maybe
if she had not returned for thepurse, he would have called the cops.
I don't know, she still shouldhave called the cops. Well,
yeah, right, I mean it'slike you're gonna let her off, especially
when you come back. When shecomes back and you're like, oh,
yes, you did leave your pursehere it is. If you pay for
your meal, I'll give it backto you, and you're gonna argue about
it. I'm not paying anyway.Looks like it came to a to a
reasonable ending. There was there wassome sort of solution, some sort of
resolution here, and she did notend up in jail. So I say
it's her lucky day because the guythat stole the beer and left his kid
behind, he went to jail.He went to jail. And that's what
we got for you. Take twentyfor that guy. Yeah, I did.
I felt. You know, anybodythat's got kids nos deserve that beer.
A little crap ran away. We'lltake a break here. Dennis will
be in with Sports on Tap alittle bit from now and we will will
training camp starts this week. Man, it's here. I can't believe it.
We've been saying it's going to popup before you know it, and
here we are. It's popping upWednesday and we'll be out there live.
We'll chat more about that coming up. DC's Classic Crocket's Big one hundred.
DC's Class Crocket, It's Big onehundred and good morning to you. I'm
just reading this article. Did Selbywrite this, Yeah, Zach Selby everting
the arraticle on a question of theweek, who emerges at a wide receiver,
you know outside of McLaurin and Dodson. Well, I'll tell you what
though, Dotson's got to pick itup, yeah, because he hasn't done
what he was kind of promised todo. So now, mind you,
Sam Howell, last year it'd bethrew for a lot of yards, a
lot of picks, but he justwasn't the perfect situation. Dotson does have
to pick it up this long.I thinks will have a good season.
Well, I hope. So.I mean he's got Jayden and Daniels speaking
a wide receiver and just update everybodyin commanders can because I know you've been
talking about this morning. You'll beout there on Wednesday. We all where
it's gonna be fun, live andlocation in Ashbourne. The situation with Brandon
I, who is a former teammatecollege teammate of Jaden Daniels once out of
San Francisco. Yeah, yeah.The problem with the whole scenario, there's
a couple of things. Is thathe wants a lot of money. San
Francisco doesn't want to pay him.But they're in there. They're at the
end of their goldilock zone where theystill have a chance to be Super Bowl
competitors, right, so they wantto keep the team together for probably another
year. After this contracts are allgoing to break loose because of Rock Party
and everything else. He's going toprobably demand forty fifty million, So without
you thing based on what this season. So with Ayuk, while he is
tradable right now because he doesn't wantto he doesn't want to be there,
and Washington has the money to payhim, do you want to sacrifice that
much of your cap and also yourfuture for who, by the way,
would add a lot to this offense, make no mistake him. McLaurin would
be fantastic. Yeah, but doyou want to sacrifice that much of your
future? I don't know, butthat's the big question for Adam Peters,
who by the way, came fromSan Francisco, knows Brandon and I Ayuck
very well. And by the way, I should mention everybody that Brandon and
Ayuk is probably a top ten receiverin this league. He's really really good
and would add another dimension to theCommanders. But what are the Commanders willing
to get because San Francisco is certainlyin the driver's seat on this one.
Well, yeah, right, theyhold all the cards. Yeah, I
guess you gotta reading this article.Yeah, perfect timing. I guess you
just got to look at the depththat you don't know who's gonna You don't
know who's gonna shine. There's akillers in waiting. What's his name,
Zach. He has to get toplay for the Eagles. He's good.
We're talking about Zach. I don'teven know. I know what you're talking
about. Yeah, yeah, youknow. I think he played behind Davante
and then we got McCaffrey in theslot. We don't know what he's going
to be like. There's a lotof unknowns going on right now. But
making no mistake, if Brandon andI joined this team, we'd be a
lot better. But we also needoffensive lineman too, So I know that
Peters is probably looking for a freeagent or two to add on the offensive
line to protect Jayden Daniels. Butthe offense would be super explosive if Brandon
and I joined us. So wewill see on that one. I will
tell you though. With training campon Wednesday, the rookies have already reported
Tomorrow the veterans report, and thenWednesday's your actual first training camp day.
These are the days that they dotheir physicals, they get fitted for the
pads and helmets and all that kindof stuff. Playing practice in nine to
eleven. Nine to eleven, Sowe'll be there all day and we'll have
interviews for you and coaches. I'mgoing to talk to d Q you indeed,
DQ catching up a little bit,yeah, and talking some rock and
rolling some commanders and our first chanceto see you know, in pads Jaydon
Daniels. He can't be hit,of course, but we get to and
you get a chance to see himin person again, which is gonna be
a lot of fun for us.And again I'm telling you there's something about
this McCaffrey kid. I really like. I do too. I mean it's
in the jeans and you know whatI saw in the early Canthody was saying,
he looked explosive. But we justdon't know any camp until we get
into practices and they gained situations.He just he's quick, quick, He's
got his brother's jeans when it comesto that quick twitch gene. Yeah,
yeah, quickly, Yeah, AndI'd love to see him work out.
He's not a huge guy like hisbrother, but he's fast, very fast,
and we haven't had a real decentslot receiver a long time. You
know. Else I'm looking forward tomeet and also watching is our new running
back from San Diego. And yeah, and I really have always been a
big fandom. This kid can blockand can catch passes out of the backfield,
and he can also run the balls. And I tell you what,
when this kid is healthy and he'saround twenty seven, I've been twenty eight
thirty is kind of the mark forrunning backs. We can get two or
three good years out of this kidwith b Roben Rodriguez. Yeah, I
like our running game too, butwe need to get some more offensive linemen.
Then there that's a bust. Yeah. On paper that that running back
court looks really good. Yeah.Yeah, excited about that. So I'm
excited about camp. So we gotto go in and you'll be out there
Wednesday. We're gonna have a lotof fun. So a lot of stuff
happening over the next several days.Yeah, and then through August twenty ninth,
and then our first game is versusthe Jets in early August. That's
a twelve new kickoff on a Saturday, and I'm looking forward to everything.
It's going to be a lot offun. Man, very cool. Thank
youns appreciate it. On tennis,let's give away some tickets. We have
tickets for Roy Wood Junior at aLincoln Theater on the seventh of September.
He is filming a Hulu special.So these shows where they're filming for a
comedy special are always really cool.And we've got your tickets if you know
the answer to what have we learnedon the show today? One eight hundred
four nine three one double o three? What do we got? A woman
tried to dine and dash at aLonghorn steakhouse and she would have gotten away
with it if she hadn't done this. Well, there you go, nine
three one double three. If youknow the answer, give a ring,
we'll get you the tickets. Goodluck from DC's Classic Crocket. It's big
one hundred. DC's Classic Crock It'sa big one hundred. And we have
these tickets for Roy Wood Junior atthe Lincoln Theaters filming that comedy special for
Hulu. Should be a great show. And what have we learned on the
show today? Let's see if wecan get a winner high. Who's this
line, mule? How are youthis morning? Good? How are you
doing good? Do you know theanswer to the question? The answer that
question? What the what the late? What did the lady is? Right?
Yeah? What did she leave behind? Lady left behind? Correct?
You got it? All right,man, We're gonna set you up with
tickets to uh see Roy Wood Junior, the comedian at link In Theater.
Don's good. I appreciate it,you you bet, but hold on and
we'll get you all set up allright, Okay, thank you? You
bet. More of those to giveawaytomorrow morning right here on DC's Classic Rocket's
Big one hundred,