All Episodes

July 23, 2024 32 mins
How to speak Gen Z. Greatest disaster movies. Things I Know. Florida Man. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Be sure to subscribe. 
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Episode Transcript

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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on
here, beautiful, let everybody go. Why don't you put on a show
and charge it mission? Okay,so I would say something with music.

I'm commenting now you're talking. Itwill be a show for everyone who loves
music and murder. Coming on.We gotta take show to dude. Showtime.
Are you ready? I'm ready,get your baby job. No,
I'm not ready yet. We wecome back to you in about an hour.

Us like another hour. Sleep ina cup of coffee. It's DC's
class crack. It's big one hundredand six oh seven, and good morning.
We will continue with the word ofthe week this morning, and a
new letter comes your way at aboutseven twenty five ish. That'll be your
chance at the end of this weekto win some Black Crows tickets. And

that's not the show with Arosmith,but Black Crows at the MGM National Harbor
on the twenty second of February.We're also gonna have some more tickets for
roy Wood Junior to give away thismorning, and another fifty bucks from our
favorite Greek restaurant in Falls Church.We'll talk more about that coming up here.
In just a bit. I turnedon the news this morning. I

was saying, yesterday, I waslike twenty four hours before Trump takes his
first shot at Kamala, and hewhat he call her? He said,
Oh, he called her dumber thana rock. That's less than twenty four
hours. I was right. It'slike an insult my grandparents would he use.

He said she's dumber than a rock. I mean, I'm paraphrasing,
but it was a long line stumbrein a rock. There you go.
All right, it is six oeight. Good morning to you. We'll
take care of some business here andthings I know coming up before seven o'clock.
It's DC's class crack, Big onehundred, DC's class crack. It's
big one hundred legs. A littleband from Tahas Jackson here. What is

Corey Hart? Dude? What areyou wearing? These are the only things
I could find because I forgot myreading glasses, So the only ones that
I had here are the ones thatprogressive? Yeah? Well are they?
He's wearing sunglasses? Are they progressive? Like the kinds of get lighter inside
and dark outside? Stay dark?Are they just stay dark? Okay?

Now I feel like I should putmy sunglasses on. It probably should kind
of feel left out a thing ofit. Seriously, six twenty two,
Good morning to you. We're gonnabe out of training camp tomorrow morning.
That should be pretty cool, Ithink, just because we'll we'll get some
access to uh to the players afterpractice, so do the show out there

and then hopefully and they wrap uppractice, will be able to chat with
some people. And I think Ithink tonight I might actually chat with a
couple of players. And then Iwent out last night to it was just
a kind of a little cocktail partyday before training thing because coach Quinn was
there. It was kind of amedia thing, right, so there's like

newspaper, TV radio people there.And got to chat with coach Quinn for
a little bit, a little FaceTime. That was kind of cool. And
he wasn't wearing his hat. Alittle disappointed, it's no hat. I've
never seen him without a hat.Same, it was just as bald dome
and I wore my hat and thenI felt out of place. But you

the only person they were wearing ahat. Oh no, there were a
few. There are a few.I mean it was super casual, wasn't
anything fancy, but yeah, thatwas pretty cool to chat with him for
a little bit. And god,I can't recall I was just saying this
morning, I missed the days ofthe business card. They're archaic now,
but it used to be so easyto say, do you have a card?

Right? Right? Because I amnotorious for getting home and going,
oh crap, what was that guy'sname? The guy that worked for the
post or the guy that you know, And I'm like, god, dang
it, and I can't remember names. And I met the coolest cat that
works. I think he just startedthis season, works like pr for the
Commanders. Really great guy. Ican't remember his name. It's pissing me

off. No business cards. Iremember everything else. He's he's from Chicago,
he's a Bears fan. But yeah, no, I can't for the
life of me. No business card. Well, now they have that phone
thing right where you can just gotouch somebody's phone and it will send their
contact info. I gotta start doingthat. I just got to get hipper
to technology. I gotta quit what'swhat was his name? Kazinski? Yeah,

I'm so anti technology. This isI refuse to touch any of it.
I won't take it as far assending you know, Tech people bombs,
but I just saw something on thenews about it. I saw something
about him on the news the otherday. I don't know why he came
up in the news again, butwow, what a crazy story that was.
What a crazy story that was.And it was his brother who turned

him in. I think it was. I think it was listening to an
interview with his brother and it mighthave been on just like NPR or something.
I can't I can't remember, butI had not thought about that guy.
And god knows how long. Whendid he die? It was years
ago. Yeah, And then whenthey were kind of rehashed on the story,
I was like, oh my god, Yeah, that was a crazy
story. That dude went like superanti tech went off grid and like then

started like, you know, planningto do harm to people that were involved
with TECH, and he although that'sthat's what it was. I think it
had something to do with AI becausethey were talking about somebody said Kazinski's big
prediction back then was that tech wasgoing to take over everything and we were
not going to be happy. Guesswhat, man, He just died last

year, so it wasn't years ago. It was barely he died in prison,
right, yeah, yeah, Andwas he was he doing life or
was he sentenced to death? Ithink he was doing life all right.
It is uh six twenty six.You're listening to DC's ClassicRock. It's big
one hundred. DC's Class Crock isbig one hundred. When I come around,
there's a green day, a plantan that's park. What Monday?

Yeah, just a handful of daysaway. Here it is time once again.
It's six thirty nine. Four thingsI know. Well, they finally
caved in the coastal town of Carmelby the Sea. That's about three thousand
residents and uh most mostly hippie dippytypes artist And for more than one hundred

years they went without using house numbersor street addresses. There were no addresses.
The only location that had an addresswas the post office. Instead,
people named their houses, and thenif you lived in town, you would
learn the names of the houses toorient yourself. For mail, they would

all just pick it up at thepost office, and for any at home
deliveries they would use They had theirown system where they'd count properties from an
intersection. For example, if itwas monte Verde four sw of eight,
which just meant like west side ofMonte Verdi four property south of the eighth

intersection. That's not confusing. Thetown finally voted to change it, and
they are now going to begin usingaddresses. Is that where? I don't
know. I know it's a kindof an artsy community. I can't imagine,
like if you live there, Iget it, But I can't imagine
going into the town and trying tofind something. But they're fixing it.

Alabama has the longest constitution in theworld. Has more than four hundred thousand
words. Give you an idea that'sfifty times longer than the US Constitution.
Jackie Chan's mother was an opium smugglerand his father was a spy. Really,

I didn't know that. It's kindof cool. What'd your parents do?
Uh? My mom was in drugs, my dad was a spy.
The Atlanta Falcons drafted John Wayne inthe seventeenth round of the nineteen seventy two
NFL Draft. He was sixty fouryears old at the time. They just
wanted to do it to symbolize thatthey valued men who were tough. The

league wouldn't let him do it.They vetoed the pick. How cool would
that event? Do they have topay him they draft him? What would
they'd have to do if they actuallyif the league did not veto that he
was actually drafted. I mean,clearly he's not gonna play, But do
they have to pay him like arookie salary or something? And junior mens

in Andy's Men's are not competitors.They are both produced by Tutsi Roll.
I had no idea. Now Iknow I'm not playing favorites, same company,
Tutsi Role Industries. It is sixforty two. You're listening to DC's
Classic Crock. It's Big one hundred. DC's Classic Crock is Big one hundred,
seven oh six. Good morning,Prime Minister Israel in town today.

I think, so heads up closures, Yeah, heads up, lots of
closures, lots of delays. Nowyou're in the know. You're welcome.
That was so precise an accurate.Well, you know, keep it short
and sweet. Brevity is the soulof wit crash and on that note,

no real quick like I I wantedto throw this at you because I played
around with it this morning. It'sfunny. Amazon announced a brand new future
where Alexa can teach you how totalk like gen Z We've talked about this
stuff on the air before. Allyou have to do is sale ex talk
gen z to me and she'll spitout the slang for you along with its

definition. They've they've started with twentydifferent terms to start. Most of them
you probably know, especially if youhave kids. I have a teenager.
I've heard every single one of these, but everything from you know drip to
to you know sus and cap andno cap and math is and mathing.

They can't take credit for math isand mathing. We said that in the
eighties. Dude, come I,like I said, talk gen Z to
me, sus describe something questionable ordishonest. For example, I don't trust
that guy. He's so sus.Dennis is sus. There you go,
so pretty pretty cool in feature.It's kind of fun to play around.

And they started with, like Isaid, twenty and they can they'll continue
to add to it, but it'skind of fun. I spent a good
fifteen minutes this morning doing it.I had seven o eight. You're listening
to DC's Classic Crocket's Big one hundred. DC's Classic Crocket's Big one hundred.
There's some cars and just what Ineeded. What do you think of my
drip today, very nice on lip. I'm in my Uh, I don't

think, I don't like. Ithink lit went away. No, wait,
it came back. I was gonnasay lit went away, then it
meant something else for a little bit, and then it came back in its
original form. Although I asked mykid about it the other day, he
said, stupid dead. Nobody saysanymore. Well, I'm sorry you just
you did yesterday. He just notwith it. I'm in my self care

era, so I'm trying to provemy my drip. This one's kind of
creepy mother, someone who's iconic ora mentor. I get it, but
it just that just sounds kind ofweird to me, like, uh,
crash, you're so mother. Youguys might skip that one. The rest

of the stuff's cool. I'm downwith most of them. I was a
little tough. We were saying,if you talk to Alexa now and say
Alexa, talk gen z to me, she'll spit out some of the slang
and then give you the definition ofit and give you an example of how
it's used in a sentence, whichis pretty cool. And they've got like

twenty terms up now I was playingaround with it this morning, and it's
kind of fun. I think they'regoing to keep adding to it too.
Remember when Alexa first came out,she used to give really weird answers or
not answer when you'd say are youspying on me? Are you listening to
me? Now it's the perfectly wordedgeneric response every time. So I'll often

when on board, just sit thereand try to get her to say something
she shouldn't say. I mean,I haven't had any luck yet, but
yeah, those things are always listeningto you, man, always. Well,
you know, my kid's name isLex, Right, I goes off
all the time. Right, I'myelling at him, and then Alexa will
respond. Because I have an Alexain every room, and so it's constant.

I do not understand that command.I cannot do that. It's like,
just shut up. So I findmyself in arguments with Alexa and then
realize what I'm doing, Dude,you have one in every room, Well,
not every room I have. Ihave one like in the back part
of the house and then one inthe middle, and then one in the
front. She's gonna start judging youon your like peace stream and stuff.

Crash may want to get your prostatechecked. I don't like. I have
a lot of them at home right, and most of the time they're unplugged
because there's something. I'll walk throughthe house and go, I don't know
what these things listening to me,and then I'll go back to using them
again for a few days, butultimately I go back to unplugging them again

because they just they freak me out. Do you have them hooked into your
stuff? Because I have them turningon my team my son has. I
won't go that far. My sonwanted did his setup to turn his lights
off and on, so I diddo that for him, so it'll it'll
turn his lights off and on sohe can jump in bed and say shut
the lights off. Right, Butno, I'm not. No, I

haven't controlling the volume out TV becauseI'm too lazy to point the remote.
No, see, I'm going Iwant to go the other way, right.
My goal is to be completely offgrid crap and old outhouse like the
Uniform Limited minus the unibomber stuff.I just want to fish and hunt and

I don't ever want to see peopleagain ever. Sorry, no offense,
but I'd rather not look at youevery morning in my shades. Hey,
we're gonna give you a letter forthe big word of the week and your
chance to win Black Rose tickets.Let's do it. The big word of
the week on Big one hundred.Today's letter is the letter R. Letter

R is in race. The letterR is in rifle. The letter R
is in rat. Got it letterR. Tomorrow morning. We will give
you a new letter at about seventwenty five. End of the week.
It spells a word no the wordwin the prize. Black Crows tickets Friday
morning for a show at the MGMNational Harbor on the twenty second of February.
It's DC's Classic Rock, Big onehundred, DC's Classic Crock. It's

Big one hundred. Fat Bottom Girls, there's Queen and good morning to you.
Seven forty one Jackson here. Eighto'clock hour Sports on Tap with Dennis
Florida Man coming up. We'll belive at training camp. Wow, that's
tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning live fromthe first day of training camp, which
would be pretty pretty cool. Ijust saw I got an email here.

Just see the Trump Nator Teddy Bear. He just did, I did.
He's wearing a leather jacket. He'sgot the big poof of the Orange Chair,
says twenty twenty four on his pawse, I wanna buy Dennis and Dustin
one of these. Leave them ontheir death because they're big Trump fans.

The gift that keeps giving. They'rekind of cute, aren't they? Trumpnade
or Teddy Bear? Was politics always? I I don't know if it was
always like this or if we're justnow seeing it because of social media and
everybody can go yes, yeah,because I just you know, I mean,
was Nixon out there selling tennis shoesand Teddy Bears? And you know,

I don't know. Maybe it didn't. I don't know either. I
often ask my dad and his responsewas always Vietnam. I have asked him
that question, like, is itjust that in this day and age,
I'm finally noticing how nasty they areand how divided and gross it is.
And I said, is this theworst it's ever been? He's like,

Vietnam was pretty bad. Well,I think most of us hang out with
our circle of friends and we're alllike minded. So people gravitate toward people
who shink like they do, sothat's who you see, and I think
that's who we saw before. Butnow with social media, you see it
all. You see all of it, and I think that's so. Was
it this this extreme before and wejust didn't see it? I don't know,

right, do you want one ofthese or not? Because I'm about
to hit Oh yeah, give mea dozen of them. A dozen,
I'll buy you one. I'm notbuying you a Christmas will be here before
you know it. These are expensive. Let me see what are they charging?
Oh dude. On the back ofit, on the jacket, it
says the Trump Nator. No lie, it's like one of those build of

bear bears and it's oh wow,sixty bucks. Sixty bucks. Oh no,
no, I'm sorry. Thirty bucks. Sixty bucks is buy two,
get one free. So I'll getone for Dennis, one for Dustin,
and I'll get yours for free.It only cost me sixty bucks. All
right, all right? It isa seven forty three quick break here and

we'll be back to it just afew. It's DC's Classic Rock, Big
one hundred, DC's Classic Rock.It's Big one hundred, top Teddy and
the Heartbreakers and American Girl. SoTwisters came out with the list of the
best disaster movies of all time andthe nineteen seventy four movie. Still I
still remember this. The Towering InfernoAllen, Yeah, oh my god,

tops the list of the best disastermovie ever. Here's the top ten in
at number ten. Now, thiswas put together by the Twister people,
and I feel like it's pretty legit. It's not like they put the Twister
movies at the top, you know, number one and number two. No,
the in at number ten is Daylightand the nineteen ninety six alone I

think so yeah, and number nineThe Day After Tomorrow that was on TV
in like the early eighties. Thatwas terrifying, and they did a remake
of that, I guess in twothousand and four is what it's says here.
I don't know if it's a Iwonder if they're referring to the original
The Day After Tomorrow, the original, the one with the New Kid.

Yeah, yeah, that was thatscared the crap out of me when I
was a kid, scared the crapout of everybody. But they have it.
Here's The Day After Tomorrow, twothousand and four. So I wonder
if there was either a remake ora movie of the same title. I
have to look into that number eighth, The Wave. I saw that.
That was cool. I haven't seenthe Wave. Number seven, don't look
up number six, Deep Impact,number five, Armageddon, number four,

Twisters, number three Twister. Sothey put the New Twisters at number four.
In the original Twister at number three. The Original Twister was fantastic,
and I've heard nothing but good thingsabout the It's breaking box office records,
this New Twisters, and I reallygot to get out and see it.
Number two, Poseidon Adventure and thennumber one, The Towering Inferno out of

nineteen seventy four. Now I wantto go back and watch every one of
these again. It's two different movies. The Day After is the movie we
were thinking about the Day After Tomorrow. Everything froze over. Gotcha, gotcha,
gotcha? All right, it's eightoh nine. Quick break here back
to in just a few DC's ClassicCrock, Big one hundred, DC's Class
Crock, Yes, Big one hundred. It's eight twenty two, and good

morning to you. Dennis coming upwith Sports on Tap. Just around the
corner of Florida Man, Florida Man, I mean, I mean, was
this guy dropped on his head whenhe was a kid. There's just Florida.
Man, it's just been arrested formaking threats against President Trump and and

JD Vance and their families on socialmedia. Just what's it been a week?
Like? Do you not think thatthat's probably not a wise move.
I mean, it's never a wisemove, right, it's against the law,
right. But you see a lotof people kind of make over the
years. I've seen people make alittle backhanded comments. You go, oh,

I wouldn't be saying that, dude, that's you know what I mean?
But now is definitely not the timenow jumping on social media and making
threats. On Friday, Jupiter PoliceDepartment arrested Michael Wiseman on charges of written
threats to kill after an investigation foundthat he'd written threats on social media against
the former president and Senator JD.Vance and their families and writing it's never

a good idea in writing. Thepolice department was alerted to the threats by
multiple online crime tips, so peoplereported it residents who expressed concern, and
after investigating the reports and the suspectsFacebook accounts, they found that he had
made multiple threats and they were alsothe threats were also made concerning bodily harm

to members of their families. Imean, this guy's an idiot man.
They took him into custody without incident. I'm looking for the air there we
go. I'm looking for the partwhere they say it needs to be mentally
evaluated, because no Satan person doesthis, so it says there will be

a mental evaluation. Earlier this week, another Florida man allegedly made death threats
to Joe Biden and other federal officialsin a series of social media posts,
and he is now locked up amental health facility. Come on, man,
don't make threats in writing on socialmedia. Don't do that. Look
if you have mental issues, wellthen I guess the upside there is then

they end up getting help. Haveyou ever seen anyone on Facebook without mental
issues? But there's no such thingas a person without mental issues. There
we go. We all have ourissues, every single damn one of us.
It is eight twenty five. DC'sclassic, Big one, D's class
crack is Big one hundred. Youryour text made me like cry. Did

you send me a text that ifyou're going to declare me a Trump fan
of your thirteen listeners, I'm gonnastart calling you the unibomber every time I
address you already after the bullpen outside, So I love it. It's fantastic.
Are you guys doing today? Whyis Crash wearing sunglasses? I don't
have You've already been over this.I don't have contact. These are not
normal these areas. But I can'tfind my regular glasses, so the only

ones I could find were the sunglasses. Well you look cool, so well
I'm gonna make it. Yeah,he looks like an idiot, but it's
gonna be my new look. Wearingsunglasses indoors. Yeah, that was a
sports Yeah. Hey man, Igot to uh uh chat with the coach
Quinn a little bits that last nightbecause I only got a text that I

wasn't sure it was real or notfor me. We were shotgun and beers.
It's unreal. We trash the placeand it was. All I can
say is we are no longer welcomeback at DC Prime, at least not
for a little while. Did youget to meet Couch? Yeah it was
great. It was so What wasit like for your first meeting in person?
You know? Cool? Yeah,he's a good guy. He's good

guy. Children. We didn't spenda whole lot of time talking football.
That's fine. He's a big musicguy. So yeah, yeah, but
I did chat with and maybe youwould know. I was telling Crash this
morning that I said, I kindof miss the days of a business card
because I used to be able togo, hey can I get your cart?
Because I'm terrible at names, right, I forget things. Yeah,
twenty minutes later, but I metthe guy that writes for the Post,

covers commanders for the Post. He'sa cool catch, John Kyne. I
don't know, Yeah, I thinkit's John, Yeah, who does a
really good job. And then Imet another guy that was really cool that
John is a ESPN So I'm notsure who the Post is that does something
TV and and I was like,damn it, I really I wish I

could have got like car. I'msure I'll see them again very well,
you see them at camp when yougo there tomorrow for the big live show
tomorrow, because I think a coupleof those guys would have been great to
chat with on the air as stuffhappens throughout the season. But yeah,
it was a pretty cool event toyou know, cocktails, and I mean
I screwed myself because I had acouple of drinks and then that that just

I can't I can't sleep when Ido that. Yeah, it's just I
don't drink much, so when Ido, it's like I don't sleep and
I'm just staring at the ceiling atmidnight last night. Oh that's the worst,
man. Yeah, although you know, it's a pleasant little buzz that
alcohol. It is well, butduring a weekday for you, that's that's

a little rough though brutal. Butwe're gonna be out there tomorrow morning.
Yeah, yeah, we're gonna dothat. We're gonna talk to you and
I are going into an undisclosed locationtonight to talk to several players that we'll
have on on the on upcoming shows. It's not d C Prime because we're
going we're gonna cover the offense,the defense, and I know we're gonna
hook up with Zach Selby, whodid, by the way, a great

job of diagnosing what's coming up intraining camp at Commanders dot Com. He's
our senior editor. He'll be withus every Wednesday during the season. But
he went over every position and lookingat the depth charts, which was just
a fantastic job. So he hada great article on the wide receiver corps
that I read. He did good. Yeah, but he knocked out every
position. A lot of work.But it's a good read if you have

time at Commanders dot com to checkout that stuff. But I'm looking forward
to it, man. I meanthey're just you know, they're putting on
the pads, which will be fun, and we can see what Jayden and
Daniels looks like when he's running around. He won't be touched, of course,
but we'll finally get to see someaction, some plays and talk to
people and get at it and thenbefore you know it, I mean,
August tenth Man is just around thecorner. Yeah, we're five weeks away

from the first preseason game of twelvenew kickoff at the Jets and then here
we go. Man, It's I'mreally looking forward to it. There are
some MANIFL teams that training camps havealready starting cleaning the Baltimore Ravens they started.
Yeah, but we start tomorrow andget at it for about four or
five weeks and it's gonna be alot of fun. Yeah. I think
in the division, I want tosay the Eagles started to I think they

start today. I think so mostNFL teams are starting this week, so
we're getting at him, and I'msure everybody's chomping at the bit over there
with coach and everything. But isthere something you really besides Jayden, because
we're all excited to see Jaden throwthe ball and hit. Is there anything
else you're really looking forward to seeingat camp? Well, you've heard me
say I'm interested to see with thisMcCaffrey kid. Yeah, just because anything

else though at camp? Yeah,like what I'd like to see Eckler,
Yeah, yeah, I'd like tosee him run the ball, and I'd
like to see that wide receiver corewith Jayden throwing to them, you know,
guys like dots and then yeah,you know that it'll I think it's
gonna be a I'm actually curious tosee the new tight ends that you drafted.

Yeah, and then the new draftpick and Zach Ertz and Zach too,
and Zach is going to help himimmensely. And I think they brought
Zach in on a way for hisleadership abilities in the dress room. But
I think he still has a littlebit left in the tank and if he
can stay healthy, he's going tobe just fine. And we need that
because we don't have Logan Thomas anymore. But Logan couldn't stay healthy, and

when you get to that age,it's really hard to stay hooky. I've
been watching Zach play for years,and that guy's clutch, and it's nice
to have a Yeah. I wasn'tsure when he went to Arizona if he
had anything left in the tank,but he did. Yeah, he is.
He's clutch. And who somebody elsejust popped into my head. Uh,
well, you don't have to kickit up, but well, there's
a couple of players that have tokick it up. I think that Dodson

has to kick it up. Ithink Forbes has to kick it up.
Yeah, but also Dotson, Ithink really has to kick it up.
And I think these kids have toshow that they belong on this club this
year. Those are those are positions. I think that. And you know
what, one other b Rob bRob has to step up in the running
back position because I think he's capableof a lot more. But the kid
just started to run with a littleanger. He's got to do a little

bit more of that. So Ithink they all will. Dotson is an
amazing player. If you watched himplay in college, He's ridiculously talented and
in this new Kingsbury offense too.Yeah, And I just think it's a
different story this year. You've gotJade Daniels at quarterback now, much more
dynamic, A vibe in the airis completely different. We were talking about

this last night. I was talkingwith several guys about how, like towards
the end of the season last year, when it got down to the like
last three four weeks, it waspainful. It was painful to even talk
to these players. It was painfulto talk to the coaches. It was
it was it was God. Ialmost felt bad putting them through it,
you know what I mean. They'reall dead men walking. Yeah, it

sucked. So I think that there'sa whole new vibe, there's a whole
new it's just a whole new thing. And I think those players that and
I think even a guy like Forbesis gonna is gonna step up. And
well, I hope so, becausemaybe they put him out him a little
bit too early and he was thecrap system for him, or it didn't
work. They could have been backcoaching too. You're right, we don't
know, We don't know about that, but I know you're gonna be talking

to one of the offensive linemen andwe'll have that later in the week.
But I'm really curious from their standpointabout how they have to change their game
with somebody who's such a mobile quarterback. Because when you're doing your blocking schemes
for running or passing, that's fine. But when there's a quarterback who can
run at any time, you haveto change your game as an offensive lineman
a lot. You know that forsure. So that'll be interesting to hear

from their standpoint of what it's liketo play with Jade. Yeah. Yeah,
well, I'm looking forward to it. Man. We'll be out there
at camp on Wednesday. Lots ofinterviews all this week and right through camp
and then get ready for the firstpreseason game on August tenth at the Jets.
Fantastic, All right, guys,I appreciate it. Hey, we've
got some we will do you doyou buy chance to have that information on

our fifty dollars gift cards sitting infront of you. I ask because I
had it in front of me andnow I can't find it. I want
to give away that For the things, what have we learned on the show
today? What eight hundred four ninethree one double three, and it's a
gift card to the great Greek MediterraneanGrill in False Church. Yes, but
they had listed a bunch of stuffthat they had as specials and I wanted

to run those down. Well,we can do we can do that when
we get throw it the winner online. So we've got fifty bucks at the
Greek Mediterranean restaurant there in False Church. And let's hit him with a question
and if you get it right,we'll set you up the price. That's
simple. What do we got?Lexo will teach you this language if you
just say, Alexa, talk thislanguage to me? What is it?

I got it all right? OneI one hundred four nine three one double
o three. Good luck from Bigone hundred, DC's class crack hits Big
one hundred. What have we learnedon the show today? Jeff? Congratulations?
He called in Jeff and Ashburn knewthe answer. Unfortunately we dropped his
call. Jeff calls back. Yougot it right, you won. The
answer was gen z. If youask Alexa to speak gen z to you

now, she'll give you a word, give you its definition and use it
in the sentence. It's pretty funny. X you should try it and fifty
bucks on a Great Greek Mediterranean Grillgift card. The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill
and False Church with a taste offresh cuisine this summer awesome stuff like chicken
souvlaki paired with a feta fries.And for a limited time, if you

use the code TGG two four,you can redeem a free dip appetizer with
entree purchase. To order, justhead to Great Greek Grill dot com.
That's Great Greek Grill dot com.It is DC's classic rock Big one hundred
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