All Episodes

July 25, 2024 42 mins
Cocaine sharks. Commanders' Head Coach, Dan Quinn. Things I Know. Florida Man. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Be sure to subscribe. 
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Episode Transcript

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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on
here, beautiful, let everybody go. Why don't you put on a show
and charge it mission? Okay,show, I would say something with music.

I'm tommoy, no your father.It will be a show for everyone
who loves music and murder. Comeon, Chap, we got it a
show to dude. Showtimes. Areyou ready? I'm ready to get your
baby read job and here we go. It's uh six o five, Good

morning, Happy, I've lost trackof days. Thursday, Uh Thursday,
it's DC's Classic rock Quick one hundredJackson. Here, we've got got some
good stuff at Commander's training camp yesterdaymorning, a chance to chat with several
players throughout the morning into the earlyafternoon post practice. Won't be able to

play some of that stuff back foryou over the next couple of days.
Here, I think today go abouta five minute to chat with Dan Quinn
after the first practice, which ispretty cool. So we'll get to that
coming up a little bit later thismorning. Plus we'll continue with the big
word of the week, and that'sgoing to be your chance to win Black
Crows tickets for a show at theMGM National Harbor. On the twenty second
of February. New letter comes yourway at seven to twenty five this morning.

More tickets for roy Wood Junior andmore things I know up before seven
o'clock. So sit tight, we'llget to all that and more. You're
listening DC's Classic Crock. It's Bigone. Hunt, DC's Classic Crock is
Big One Hunter Jones Jet and Ilove rock and roll. It was one
of my first rock and roll crushes. Yep, still see it in my

head. The Crimson and Clover videowith Jone Jet wearing her leather pants.
I think they lacker red. Ithink they were red. I think they
were red, and she was smashinga guitar and I was just a kid,
and I was like, I don'tknow what's happening, but I think
I like her. Love jone Jet. I finally got to meet her,

I guess about two three years ago. I have to dig up that photo
and I was just starstruck. Itwas pretty cool, nicest, nicest woman
in the world, and got apicture taken, and I remember just like
being on a high for like threedays, going, oh my god,
it was jone Jet. It wasjone Jet. Because I was just such
a huge fan as a kid.I used to wear a jone Jet T

shirt that was like size XL whenI was like twelve and like so it
was like wearing a dress, butI wore it all the time because I
just thought she was so cool.I find that, like anybody that you
meet that you were a fan ofas a kid, I revert back to
that, like I become starstruck nomatter no matter who they are. Oh

yeah, yeah I was. Idon't even remember what I said to her.
I'm sure it was just like bigfan, you know, but it
was very very cool because she playeda show and it was a jone Jet
show. Wasn't like, uh yeahit was. It was I'm trying to

think it was if it was partNo, it was a full it was
a full set of just her,and it was. It was fantastic.
All right. Coming up this morning, we are going to give you a
new letter at seven twenty five.That's gonna be good for those Black Crows
tickets. Tomorrow morning. We haveRoy Wood Junior tickets to give away later
this morning. That's for a showhe's filming for a Hulu comedy special,

which should be pretty cool. AndI believe we have another one of those
fifty dollars gift cards for the GreatGreek Mediterranean Grill in False Church. So
we'll talk more about that coming upand just a bit. And coach Dan
Quinn had a chance chat with himyesterday, so we're gonna see if we
can get that on looking at probablythe seven o'clock hours. So I just

you got it right. I sentit over to you. I have it.
I've got some other stuff we'll airthroughout the week too. I just
got to dig it all up andpull it all out and get it ready
to air. But had a chanceto chat with zach Ertz. I'm a
big zach Ertz fan and it's gonnabe awesome to see him play here.
That guy's clutch in the red zonewhen you need him to be. And

they're going to figure that out.Actually, I talked to Quinn about that
about using zach Ertz in the redzone. And also had a chance to
chat with Terry McLaurin. What greatguy. And Bobby Wagner new linebacker,
and that's guy with a lot ofexperience. Man, he's got a couple
of Super Bowls. One super Bowlwin was part of that Seattle Defense that

was just ungodly good and had anice conversation with him as well. So
these will all be coming up overthe next couple of a couple of days.
Here all right, So Things IKnow coming up just seven o'clock.
It is six twenty two DC's ClassicRock, Big one hundred, DC's Classic
Rocket. It's Big one hundred Heartsand Barracuda Jackson here and good morning to

you. Coming up in the seveno'clock hour, we'll play back a conversation
I had a training camp yesterday withcoach Quinn. Talk about the first day
of practice. Plus we'll get youa new letter for the Big Word of
the Week, your chance to winblack Crows tickets for the Big Word of
the Week this week. New letterat seven twenty five this morning. Time
for Things I Know. Oh wow, lamas can be used as guard I

paused because when I was reading itin my head, all I could see
was a lama fighting a coyote andthinking that I would pay money, I
would buy tickets to see that Lamascan be used as guards against coyote attacks
on cheap herds. Studies have proventhat just one guard lama is an effective
protector and can even kill the attackingcoyotes. Can you train a lama?

I don't know. Maybe they justnaturally don't like, you know, look
at a coyote as a predator,so they go on the defense. I
don't know, but I just I'venever seen a llama on the defense.
I can't imagine allama fighting a coyote. Oh wow. The unique smell of

rain. We all know that smellsmells like rain. It actually comes from
plant oils, bacteria, and theozone, so it's a combination of all
those things. Vanilla flavoring sometimes madefrom something called castorium, which is a
scented oil that is naturally secreted bythe butt of a beaver. Doesn't vanilla

come from a plant? It does? Say, sometimes vanilla comes from vanilla
beans, right, as far asI know. Yeah, but apparently some
beaver butts sometimes they use castor reum. I don't even know if I'm pronouncing
that right, the scented oil thatcomes from a beaver's butt. Your butt
smells like vanilla. The most expensivethe most expensive virtual object is club never

ride in the Entropia universe. Whatis that? What is the Entropia universe.
Is that like a Second World kindof thing? Anyway? It's all
all I can think is it mustbe like have you ever seen Second World
or Second Life? I'm sorry,second where you can go in Like I
had a friend that was a bitof an entrepreneur and he was creating some

sort of tourism thing, but hewas using Second Life. The only reason
I even know about it, andyou know, he created me like an
avatar and let me go in thereand goofrown. I was like, wow,
this is kind of cool, right, But you can go in there
and make money, and that moneyyou make, those dollars that you make
in the game can be converted toreal dollars. So this is something very

similar and apparently the most expensive itemin there now someone owns it is worth
six hundred and thirty five thousand dollarsand it was originally purchased for ten thousand
dollars. And Second Life then youcan go into these places and like get
a job. It's the craziest gameever. I don't even know if it
still exists, but you can walkinto like a virtual bar and they'll say,

hey, your job is to pullthe handle on this slot machine for
an hour and you do it andthen it gives you money, and then
you can go spend that money tobuy things, right, any object that's
you run into, like prostitutes andlike seriously, you're right, you'll walk
into people that like offer you.You know, it's it's crazy, absolutely

crazy. It's the real world,or it's not the real world. It's
just like the real world in thisjust virtual universe. What's the virtual object
it's worth so much? Says thatit's called a club never Die, And
I have no idea what that is. But now I'm gonna go down that

rabbit hole, so on my waythere to Yeah, I'm gonna I'm I'm
gonna tell you. And during WorldWar Two, finally a US naval destroyer
won a battle against a Japanese submarineby throwing potatoes at them. The Japanese
went on the retreat because they thoughtthey were grenades. It seems to me

they would have figured out quickly thatthey weren't grenades they were they were potatoes
and then re engaged. But whoknows, Well, that's a submarine,
so probably it probably you know,had surfaced. They were throwing stuff at
it. They thought it was grenades, and so they went back down.
I don't know much about submarines,but all right, it is six forty
one and coming up just around thecorner here. Of course, we'll get

to the letter for the big wordof the week. We have Dan Quinn
Chat to play back for you FloridaMan later this morning, Sports on Tap
and more. It's DC's Classic Crock, Big one hundred. DC's Class Crocket
is Big one hundred. It's Nervana. I think it was Esquire magazine just
at a list of the best songsto come out of the nineties. You
know these lists, they're always very, very subjective. But Nirvana was at

number one. Smells like teen Spirit, which no big surprise. Yeah,
I mean that's typically when you seelist and they encompass the nineties, you
will usually see smells like teen Spiritsomewhere in the top five, typically at
number one, So that one didn'tsurprise me. Number two was Fantasy by

Mariah Carey. This is not reallylike a genre specific, it's all over
the place. Number three was nothingbut a g thang Doctor Dre and Snoop
Dogg. I can see that thatsong was huge. This one I love,
but it surprised me f and Runby Liz Fair, huge Liz Fair

fan, and I loved, lovedthat record, but surprised they put it
that high up at number four.Around the World by Daft Punk In at
number five, number six, TheCannonball by the Breeders, another great song,
Super Dupa Fly Missy Elliott at numberseven, Bikini Kill Rebel Girl at

number eight. I'm gonna sound totallyout of the loop if I say I've
never heard that song. Maybe I'msure if it played i'd know it,
But I don't know that song.Bikini Kill Rebel Girl in at number nine,
Beastie Boys Sabotage, Yeah, weknow that one. My Bloody Valentine
in at number ten, and thenrounding out like the top fifteen here and

again. You can find the entirelist on Esquire's website. But Oasis,
Wonderwall, TLC, No Scrubs,that was a fun song, Fiona Apple,
Crime and notorious Big Juicy Huh.Let you see what's the Esquire dot
com And it's right on the frontpage if you go there now. Because

they just did it, and whatthey did was the top fifty best songs
of the nineties, So you cango in there and agree or disagree.
That's the fun thing about these listis you'll never you'll never agree with them.
Whenever I see like a list oftop fifty guitar solos, ever,
I just sit there and scream atmy laptop. No, No, where'd

you want to know? Or enterSandman. Well, they're all in here,
They're all in here. It's justa top fifty, and you know
they obviously it almost looks like theytry to round out the list and do
like a rock song of pop,song of rap, song of raps,
you know what I mean. Soit doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
But yeah, there's Sheryl Crow RageAgainst the Machine Esquire dot com if

you want to see it, righton the front page. Seven oh five
DC's Classic Rock. It's big onehundred. Coming up, we're going to
chat with Dan Quinn. That wasrecorded yesterday at training camp right after the
first practiced, Like he literally walkedoff the field, was covered in sweat
and sat down at our broadcast boothfor a quick chat, which was very
cool. Play that back for youcoming up, Yeah, like seven thirty

five ish, seven forty right inthere. A new letter for the Big
Word of the Week is coming upjust as well. It's Big one hundred.
DC's Klaus Brocket, It's Big onehundred, and there's Tom Petty American
Girl Jackson here and good morning toyou. I got to give it up
for gen Z at least for Onenpimples ZiT. There was a story in
the Washington Post and then I thinka couple days later the New York Post

covered it as well. There's somethinga pemple patch. Those aren't new,
but they've kind of turned them intolike stickers, like happy faces, smiley
faces, stars, hearts, thingsof that nature. Like the little patches.
I think those have been around forever, like medicaid patches. When you

put that little circle, it waseither skin you'd be like skin tone or
it would be like like clear andit was a little sticker that was medicated
that you could put over a pimpleto help. But heal right, But
you know, when we were kids, acne and everybody went through puberty had

to deal with it was awful.It was terrible, and for some people
it was really bad, like thekind of people that had to go out
and get like acutane or whatever itwas back in the day, right because
it was it was just you know, some people got it really bad,
but you know, zits sucked andthey were embarrassing. And if you were
like a junior in high school andwalked into school the faceful zits. I

can think of times when I wasa kid where it was like I didn't
want to go to school because maybeI had some giant pimple right on the
tip of my nose and it wasalways bright red when it was like,
oh my god. Yeah. Andwell, they've got these little stickers now
and there's kind of a new trendwhere it's almost like bragging about your zits,

and they've gotten really popular in thelast couple of years. Stars are
the most common, but I've seenthe hearts and the smiley faces, and
they come in different shapes, indifferent colors so you can coordinate with your
outfits. And they just call itlike kind of owning your acne now,
and it's become a big part ofbig part of gen z and being trendy

with it, and that's a goodidea. It's a great idea. And
it's just like if you had fifteenzits on your face now and you show
up to school. You look fabulous, look like a galaxy. You covered
in stars and hearts and blue andred and orange. And one of the
biggest companies out there if you wantto see them that Seldy's, is Starface

and the website is Starface dot Worldand they've you know, they sell them
in bundles, they sell them indifferent shapes, and they have pictures right
on the front of their website ofkids wearing them. And it's I love
it because they say it's even becomekind of a currency at schools around the
US because kids trade them. Theytrade them, and they'll trade them for

lunch, or they'll trade them foryou give me a star and I'll give
you this you know, heart orwhatever. And and I just love the
idea that instead of being embarrassed andwanting to crawl into a corner and die
when you're fifteen years old, nowyou can just cover your face and stars
and rainbows and everybody thinks you lookcool. I like it. I like
it. I'll give it up forthem. On that one seven twenty six,

let's give them the letter for theBig Word of the week. The
Big Word of the week on Bigone hundred Today's letter is the letter E
is an elephants the letter E.All right, tomorrow we complete the word
right about this time. It'll begood for Black Crows tickets. DC's Classic
Rock, Big one hundred, D'sClassic Rock. It's Big one hundred.
There's Queen another one by Sadest.Day one of training camp yesterday, we

were out there live at a chanceto sit down right after practice with coach
Quinn. Let's play that back CoachQuinn, welcome, how are you man?
I'm doing good man to have finally, you know, kind of the
thing kicking off, you know.Yeah, I told the team earlier you
remember your day ones, people andmoments, and so being here with this
crew and getting our training camp startedwas good. We did a ton of
red zone work today just to getstarted. But yeah, man, it

was awesome. I'll tell you.The one thing I noticed, if I
had to compare it to last year, there is excitement in the air.
There is This is a different team, This is a different attitude, this
is a different thing. And Iliked we had brought the rookies in early
and so we had about four orfive days with them, so they came
in with good energy, but wasvery fun to see was the bets hey
like coming in early. They wantedto go and check in on the guys
and see where they were. Sothere were a lot of people here wanting

to get started onto training camp,compared to you know, like, oh,
I got to go to camp.So we'll see what that enthusiasm looks
like after about eighteen days, youknow, going for it. But I
was really pumped to see the mindset. They wanted to see their guys and
be around them, and you broughtin some I'm thinking of like Bobby Wagner,
right. I mean, I hada chance to chat with Jonathan Allen
last time, thinking of leaders onthe team with you know, you got

a lot of new guys on theteam. Do you ever like pull those
those leaders aside and say, here'swhat I need from you, Here's what
I want you to do. Anumber of guys in the rooms, players
and coaches that have won the lastgame of the season. That's important because
eventually everyone in the room will haveexperienced that. Until then, there's some
leading moments of standards, leading momentsof championship standards and all that we do.

It's not something that you tack onafter you win it. It's something
that you build on and say theywon because of those And so for those
people that have won the last gameand know what that journey looks like,
feels like how hard it is,that's an important thing. So if they're
not brought here to coach, theyhere to play. The Ertzes and the
Wagners who have you know, realspecial traits about them sometimes just the way

they run their life. It wouldseem to me like the young guys look
up to them, to the vetsand look at those guys and go,
all right, this is how youdo it. Yeah, when they walk
into the arena, that looks likea pro. Yeah, it is a
pro. And so Terry McLaurin hasthat, you know, like every time
you see him, he's ready.It's the catching early, catching after details.
And uh, the more that youdo that and other people can see

that, I want to I wanta little bit of that. I want
to be more like Terry. Iwant to be more like so and so.
And if you do that, Iwant to be more like Wags.
I want to find out his process. Young players like a Mikey seinmers Steel
see that, and now they havesomething to follow and then they have something
to belong to, and they dobelong to this Zach Ertz. I'm a
big zach Ertz fan. I'm fromPhiladelphia, so I love Zach. City

of Philly loves Zach. You know, everybody was sad to see him go,
but then I was super excited tosee him come here. He's got
some left in the tank, wouldyou? And I was moments like today,
we had a big red zone.That's that's his space, you know.
So there's certain things that players reallydo well, and that's our job
as coaches to find those unique traitsand say, okay, when it gets
to this time in the game,when it gets to this point, we

have to feature this player into thatspot. And so Zach makes it easy
knowing down in the red zone wherehow the routes all of it. I've
got my eye on McCaffrey. Ithink that kid's got some talent. What's
in his blood, right, Hehas a real competitor's mindset. Yeah,
he's very strong and aggressive in theslot. Quick he hasn't played years and
years of receiver. The background atquarterback and running back, there's things that

help in the running back part,like after the catch. After the catch,
run like a runner. And thenI think he has the awareness on
some routes what could happen based onthe quarterback background. So there's some stuff
like he is a real competitor,and there's a number of guys like Luke
that have just a lot to prove. And whether you're a rookie or a
fifth year tenth year, when youhave a lot to prove, those usually

are some real competitive moments that you'renot backing off. So you answered this,
I believe it was yesterday or theday before. You know, everybody's
been asking you about Jane Daniels.He's going to start right, And your
answer was pretty much, well knowwhen we know. So after the first
day, how do things look outthere? I mean, you've got some
strong quarterbacks out there. Yeah,and that's I was never trying to deflect,
no no, no, yeah,yeah, knew that and recognize that.
My point was it's never a secret. But as we're going through it,

we want to make sure he's notgoing to miss one step. And
this is a rare competitor and he'sreally hitting all the marks. Just like
anything, you want to make sureyou're doing, like all your due diligence
on things and make sure let's gothrough some red zone third down, go
against another team. Just let's getall the markers right for him. How
well regarded he is here already?How would you how's your working relationship with

the Adam Peters. Yeah, it'sbeen great. Guys are a good team.
We are a good team, andthat's the best way to describe us,
because we look after each other.Want to make sure you know where
we can support one another. Obviouslyduring the off season where there's so many
personnel things to go, I wantto help support him. Now that you
know this training camp's here, he'sdoing the same. I got that covered,
I got to you just hit theteam and anything. You see a

big building going on behind us,lots of construction. So like he'll fill
me in, you know what's happening, what's going on, and it allows
me to just keep the focus,you know, on the grass with the
guys. And so it's a nicebalance because both of the jobs are and
so knowing that you're not you know, they're you know, on your own
great fielding. So I know it'sonly day one. Pretty exciting, yes,
but if you had to kind ofcharacterize what you think your offense and

your defense are going to look likethis year on the field, Let's say
explosive, because it's the players thatwe've brought to here. You know,
have explosiveness, have speed, andI would say that would be some of
the things I think when you andthe fans watch us play. Some men,
these guys are fast and they're absolutelybringing it. And so I'm hopeful
that's what comes across because that's thestyle and the identity that we will be
And it won't be on day one, but I want it on day one.

I want it on day one ohone. I want it on one
thousand and one, ten thousand andone. That's just how we get it
on from here this year, tenyears from now, twenty years from now.
Man, when people see us play, they notice is how we do
things. That's great. Well,i'll tell you his fans, man,
we are looking forward to this season. We're super excited you're here. We're
super excited about all the players you'rebrought in. Just super excited. Yeah.
Well, we feel it too,man Like in the community. We

feel the energy here and there's alot you know that when you have that
kind of energy with a city anda community and a team, it's really
hard to capture and so seeing thathappening here feels great. Coach, thank
you very much. That's Coach Quinnright here on DC's Classic Rock Big One
Hunter, DC's Classic Rockets, BigOne Hunters, BlimE Santa Ria, and
good morning to you Jackson here.It's eight o seven. Today's National Chili

Dog Day. By the way,just keep that in mind, just go
throughout your day National Chili Dog Day, Chili Dog Day. I don't know
if you sell this story in thenews. I think yesterday, maybe the
day before, sharks off the coastof Rio and in Brazil have tested positive
for cocaine. Now, when Ifirst cocaine shark, I heard the the

the headline, and I heard thestory, and the first thought that popped
into my head as you know drugsmugglers and you constantly see those like bales
of coke wash up on the beachin Florida, and you know, somebody's
calling the cops, going, wethink we found some drugs where they find
them floating in the ocean. Somy thought was like, well, if
they found sharks and when they youknow, tested them for cocaine. However,

they do that and found that theyhad cocaine in their system. I
thought, well, maybe they're youknow, some of the stuff that like
gets thrown in the ocean, ormaybe they're they're going up thinking it's prey
and eating it. Then you dohave a cocaine shark. They tried to
say that it was because of thehigh use of cocaine in South America,

that it was in the sewage water, it was in the water, and
it was being flushed into the ocean, And I'm like, I'm not buying
that. First say, you knowhow large the ocean is. You're trying
to tell me that human pee frompeople that did cocaine, you know,

Like, how is that even possible? Marine biol just are saying it's the
high use of cocaine and that it'sbasically going out through toilet water. How
high would the use be? Theygot that's just ridiculous, Like why why
didn't they think of the obvious,Like I don't know, maybe that shark
you tested, you know, sawbaila, you know, drugs floating in

the ocean, thought it was prey, went up and bit into it and
there you go. Or maybe theshark wants a music career. I mean,
you know, there's all kinds ofexplanations that make more sense than the
fact that I'll dig a little deeperinto this story. But I heard it
yesterday. Some news station was covering. It was like through what, through
what? Through what? Through water? Runoff, get out of here.

I can't even buy that for asecond. But the headline was great sharks
test positive off the coast of Brazilfor cocaine. It is eight oh nine.
You're listening to DC's Classic Rock.Florida Man's coming up in just a
bit. Dennis was sports on tap, not too far off. We'll have
to get the scoop from him onthat. It was a strange game in

the Olympics yesterday where they basically bootedall the fans out of the stadium and
then they had him come back andfinish the game a couple hours later.
As a long drawn out story,but I'm sure he's got the scoop.
We'll get to that. And Ithink it was Argentina and Morocco soccer game,
Argentina and Morocco, So we'll seeif he's got the scoop on that.
DC's Classic Rocket's Big one hundred.DC's classic rock is Big one hundred

and There's the Outfield You'll love isJackson her Time for Florida Man Florida Man
Hey Man in Florida on a missionto let the government know that aliens were
oh my gosh, that US alienswere fighting Chinese dragons, was arrested Friday

after he attempted to enter Patrick's SpaceForce Base in a stolen pickup truck.
I didn't even know we had aSpace Force base. Selt a be on
Air Force bases somewhere, an actualspace force base. Pretty cool in Florida.
According to the Sheriff's apartment, twentynine year old man stole to Ford

F one because quote, the Presidentof the United States told him in his
head that he needed to steal thevehicle. The man then attempted to get
onto the Space Force base in thetruck, and they later learned that the

pickup was stolen. He was arrestedand charged with grand theft of a motor
vehicle. Not much much on theway of details after that, but again,
I hope this is another one ofthe guys that they send for the
mental evaluation and you get arrested andyou tell the cops that the president told

you to or told you to stealthat, and then you're trying to make
your way into a base to letthem know about the aliens fighting Chinese dragons.
You might not be all there.I don't know. Hey, I
found a little more on that sharkstory we were talking about. I actually
found the study and the biologists thatdid it, and they do acknowledge that
they found sharks off the coast ofBrazil and they had done some testing on

them and found that they had presenceof cocaine and they're like muscles and organs,
And they do acknowledge that some ofit could be from smugglers where you
know they're being chased. Traffickers arebeing chased in the high season, they
dump these bales overboard, but theysay that they still say that with these

they think it is most likely urineand feces discharged into the ocean, and
that it could also be from illegalrefining labs that are dumping byproducts into the
ocean cocaine sharks. And then Isaw there's an extra documentary that's on this
came out last year. You cangoogle it see what you can find it

called cocaine sharks DC's Classic Crockets eighttwenty six. It's Big one hundred,
DC's Classic Crockets, Big one hundreds. BlimE Santa Ria, and good morning
to you Jackson. Here It's eighto seven. Today's National Chili Dog Day.
By the way, just keep thatin mind, just go throughout your
day National Chili Dog Day, ChiliDog Day. I don't know if you

sell this story in the news.I think yesterday, maybe the day before,
sharks off the coast of Rio andin Brazil have tested positive for cocaine.
Now, when I first cocaine shark, I heard the the the headline,
and I heard the story, andthe first thought that popped into my

head as you know, drug smugglersand you constantly see those like bales of
coke wash up on the beach inFlorida, and you know, somebody's calling
the cops, going, we thinkwe've found some drugs where they find them
oat and in the ocean. Somy thought was like, well, if
they found sharks and when they youknow, tested them for cocaine. However
they do that and found that theyhad cocaine in their system, I thought,

well, maybe they're you know someof that stuff that like gets thrown
in the ocean, or maybe they'rethey're going up thinking it's prey and eating
it. Then you do have acocaine shark. They tried to say that
it was because of the high useof cocaine in South America, that it

was in the in the sewage water, it was in the water, and
it was being flushed into the ocean, and I'm like, I'm not buying
that. First, say, youknow how large the ocean is. You're
trying to tell me that human peefrom people that did cocaine, you know,
Like, how is that even possible? Marine biologists are saying it's the

the high use of cocaine and thatit's basically going out through toilet water.
How high would the use be?I got that's just ridiculous, Like why
why didn't they think of the obvious? Like I don't know, maybe that
shark you tested, you know,saw baila, you know, drugs floating
in the ocean, thought it wasprey, went up and bit into it
and there you go. Or maybethe shark wants some music career. I

mean, yeah, there's all kindsof explanations that make more sense than in
fact that I'll dig a little deeperinto the story. But I heard it
yesterday some news station was covering itwas like through what, through what?
Through what? Through water? Runoff, get out of here. I can't

even buy that for a second.But the headline was great sharks test positive
off the coast of Brazil for cocaine. It is eight oh nine. You're
listening to DC's Classic Rock. Florida. Man's coming up in just a bit,
Dennis with sports on tap, nottoo far off off. We'll have
to get the scoop from him onthat. It was a strange game in

the Olympics yesterday where they basically bootedall the fans out of the stadium and
then they had him come back andfinish the game a couple hours later.
As a long drawn out story,but I'm sure he's got the scoop.
We'll get to that. And Ithink it was Argentina and Morocco soccer game,
Argentina and Morocco, So we'll seeif he's got the scoop on that.
DC's Classic Rock. It's big onehundred. DC's Classic Rock is big

one hundred. And there's the outfieldyou'll love. Is Jackson her time for
Florida Man Florida Man Hey Man inFlorida on a mission to let the government
know that aliens were oh my gosh, that US aliens were fighting Chinese dragons,

was arrested Friday after he attempted toenter Patrick's Space Force Base in a
stolen pickup truck. I didn't evenknow we had a Space Force base.
It's something on Air Force bases somewhere, an actual space force base. Pretty
cool in Florida. According to theSheriff's apartment, twenty nine year old man

stole to Ford f one fifty becausethe President of the United States told him
in his head that he needed tosteal the vehicle. The man then attempted
to get onto the Space Force basein the truck, and they later learned

that the pickup was stolen. Hewas arrested and charged with grand theft of
a motor vehicle. Not much muchon the way of details after that,
but again, I hope this isanother one of the guys that they send
for the mental evaluation, and youget arrested and you tell the cops that

the president stold you or told youto steal that, and then you're trying
to make your way into a baseto let them know about the aliens fighting
Chinese drag Ye might not be allthere. I don't know. Hey,
I found a little more on thatshark story we were talking about. I
actually found the study and the biologiststhat did it, and they do acknowledge
that they found sharks off the coastof Brazil, and they had done some

testing on them and found that theyhad presence of cocaine and they're like muscles
and organs, And they do acknowledgethat some of it could be from smugglers
where you know, they're being chased. Traffickers are being chased in the high
season, they dump these bales overboard, but they say that they still say

that with these they think it ismost likely urine and feces discharged into the
ocean, and that it could alsobe from illegal refining labs that are dumping
byproducts into the ocean. Cocaine sharks. And then I saw there's an ext
documentary that's out on this, cameout last year. Google it see where

can find. It's called Cocaine SharksDC's Class Crockets eight twenty six. It's
big one hundred. DC's Class Crackhet'sBig one hundred queen and fat bottom girls.
I will say, Dennis, thankyou yesterday for all your help out
of train. You were quite welcome. You were a fun day yesterday.
It was a great day. Itwas. There was a lot. In

fact, the last twenty four hoursfor you and I were a lot,
and I wanted to pass a complimentto you and Crash two. This show
usually is eh, it's all right, but yesterday was fantastic. Shut his
mic now. That was a greatshow yesterday, and there's more to come
because you had a ton of interviews. Commanders loved it. We loved it.

A little swampy out there yesterday,but if they had the ac It's
really funny to see you in photoswith football players. I look like a
toddler that and you also have areal unhinged, creepy smile too and all.
So what's funny is the only personI look normal in that is I
have a picture with McLaurin, Well, pump the brakes a normal and and

like because mclaurin's like a normal hugehe's he's a normal sized, right,
He's tall, but he's a normalsized tuman. I took a picture next
to zach Ertz, next to JonathanAllen, those are large men, and
one next to Bobby Wagner, andI swear to god, I look like
their three year old son. Youdo not even in person. Yeah,

you go, well, that's abig guy. Yeah, but then when
you look at a picture, yeah, you're like, my god, I
didn't realize how big that man.And I had been around athletes for a
long time, but still to thisday we are amazed how big a human
being he get. And I sawhad in great shape too. I saw
up for the first time up closecosmy yesterday. Yeah, holy crap,

big man, he's like four men. I don't like four men. I
didn't pay attention to you. Butwhen zach Ertz hit our ten, the
lady seemed to be getting a littlebit more. Zach's a heart throb,
dude. Zach's, by the way, what a power couple between him and
his wife, Julie, the formerUS women's national team soccer player. They're
gonna make super babies, d onebabies. Two beautiful people that are great

athletes. Great interviews yesterday, andI heard Quinn today. You know what
I like about Dan Besides just youknow because I'm a Seahawks fan and he
was leading to boom and now he'shere, and I'm excited about that.
Is that Dan is thoughtful. He'sappropriately candid, and he gives you a
lot more than you think you're gonnaget out of him, even though he's

still holding back because he's a coachand they do that, sure, but
he is a great interview And ifhe ever wants to get into the media
someday, and I know he's gota lot of coaching ahead of him,
he would be great on television.But I just like the thoughtfulness when he's
holding pressers and when he talked toyou yesterday. He's just a very kind
gentleman. I really dig that he'ssuper, super down to earth. He

really is. He really a greatguy. And the players love him.
They really do. I love you. You know, you have to buy
in. And when he was withPete Carroll and they'll see they had to
buy into that kind of system.And I'm not saying they love him because
he's like trying to be their buddy. I'm saying because they say he's tough.
Oh is tough, that he's tough, but that they just love the
the uh, the attitude and theatmosphere he brings to to camp. Yeah,

did you have any other takeaways?I know he did all your interviews
yesterday, but I know you gotto watch a little bit of anything that
looks really good. Well, we'llfind out. Yeah. I was talking
to Bobby Wagner and was asking himabout well, he was there and I
was talking to him, and uh, you know, I hit him with
the same question. I'll hit allof them. So what do you think.
I know it's only day one,but you got a developing Yeah,

and his response is the best.I'll probably not tomorrow, maybe Monday,
I'll play back his interview. Buthe said, Yeah, He's like,
I don't answer that question yet.He goes, let's talk again in a
couple of weeks. Yeah, hegoes, because I don't answer that question
until we put pads on. Andit's like, because it's like these guys

that look good, yeah, withno pads. Bobby's right by the way,
He's like, when we put padson it and somebody's coming to hitch
you, he goes, things changeand he goes, that's what I'll tell
you who the real studs are.You got a little taste of you yesterday.
But let me tell you about watchingBobby Wagner all these years. And
this guy's going to the Hall ofFame. So just an incredible athlete.
He's a winner. And Bobby's beenrepresenting himself for years two, which is
another unbelievable thing. But Bobby isvery pragmatic. And I was talking to

one of the PR guys yesterday andhe said, Bobby is structured. He
wants to know everything. He wantsno surprises, but he'll take good care
of you. But he is sostructured and pragmatic about everything. Everything is
planned out. And this is howhard of a worker he is, folks.
After that swampy practice yesterday, hecame in as the last player,

and you know why because he waslifting weights hard after practice. The guy
is just on another level. Andthat's why he's going to be in the
Hall of Fame because he works ata different level than everybody does. But
he's thoughtful. Once again, hewas kind with me yesterday because I was
excited to meet him. But allthe players, the coaches were yesterday.
It was a lot of fun.We got a lot of we got a
lot of interviews in the Bank,and we'll be out there back again on

August second. My kid had jokinglysaid to me one time about McLaurin.
He jokingly said I could cover him. I told you that. I said,
Hey, man, like my fourteenyear old, he plays defensive back.
He says, he can cover you. He goes, oh, he
goes, bring him out here,he goes, I promise you, I
won't take it easy. I wasbringing the boy out here, and I'm
like, you know what, Imight do that, and he's like do

it. He's like, I'm aI'm all for it. I'm like,
all right, all right. Somore practices. Fans get to come out
on Sunday, that's the first timethey get a chance to come out.
And then on Monday is Military Daytoo, So you know, a couple
more things of sports. Even thoughthe Olympics are opening up tomorrow night,
officially, we were already underway actuallywith games Argentina Morocco game right, they
had to boot people out they did, yeah, to finish the game.

Yeah, what a mess. Thatreally weird. So US men's soccer played
yesterday. They lost three nil toFrance. The US women's soccer team place
today versus Zambi at three o'clock onthe USA and Peacock and I was watching
seven on seven rugby. You know, you get see sports you normally don't
watch, which I love about thesummer Olympos. So that's fun. So
the Olympics, you know, arealready underway with the game official ceremonies tomorrow.

Lebron Coca guff are gonna be carryingthe flags, which is really cool.
It's gonna I'm looking for the Olympics. It's it's just four or five
weeks of a lot of fun sportsthat you usually don't get to watch and
be patriotic and cheer on USA.Uh baseball. We've got one more home
game with the Nets tonight and thenthey go on the road for several games
through the weekend. So uh yeah, we're just you know, it's kind

of a break with the Olympics.But listen, it's gonna be all over.
There's like five six different networks youcan watch the Olympics on and check
it all out. So but listen, great job on the Quinn stuff.
I know, we got more interviewsin the bank looking forward to it.
We're gonna post that, by theway, on the social media channels for
Big one hundred and also the websiteso you can check out the full interview
and looking forward to the other onestoo. Man, very cool, Thank
you appreciate good work. Oh thanks, you're the bomber. We've got tickets

to give away for roy Wood Juniorand this is for a comedy show.
He's they're gonna film a Hulu specialso it'll be a good one. And
if you want those tickets, whathave we learned on the show today?
What do we have? All right? Sharks off the Coast of Brazil tested
positive for this substance marijuana nine andthree one double three. Good luck from
Big one hundred, DC's Class Crocket'sBig one hundred and let's see if we

can get a winner on what havewe learned on the show today? We've
got some roy Wood Junior tickets togive away. Hi. Who's this Richard?
Hi? Richard? How are youthis morning? Are you good?
Good? So, if you werelistening earlier, Shark's off the Coast of
Brazil tested positive for what correct?Yeah, you got it man, Hey,
we're gonna say you have tickets forroy Wood Junior. Awesome, Hang

on the line and we'll get youall set up all right, sure,
thank you. You bet one lastpair of those to give away tomorrow morning,
right here on DC's classic crock Bigone hundred
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