All Episodes

July 30, 2024 33 mins
Zach Ertz from the Commandres. Gorilla beds. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Florida Man. Things I Know. Be sure to subscribe. 
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Episode Transcript

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In its earliest days, the majorfunction of radio was news. Going on
here, beautiful, let everybody go. Why don't you put on a show
and charge it? Mishit? Okay, so I would say something with music.

I'm comedy. Now you're talking.It will be a show for everyone
who loves music and murder. Comeon, Chuck, we got it a
show to do. Showtime. Areyou ready? I'm ready, ready,
job and go. Well, goodmorning. Tried to give you a little

excitement there, but I just stillhave it in me today. Sorry.
Have you ever done the thing whereyou you try to go to bed super
early because you're like, man,tonight, tonight, I'm gonna catch up
on sleep. I'm gonna go tobed super early. I climbed to to
bed super early, had a book, bam, was out in about ten
minutes. Epic woke up at onethirty in the morning. I could not

get back to sleep. I'm like, oh, you gotta be come on.
I tend to be okay if it'safter midnight where we get up so
early, but when I wake upbefore that, and I did that last
night too, like similar to whatyou. I woke up at eleven thirty.
Yeah, I couldn't go back,and I'm just like in that.
It sucks. It's like it's likeland there, it's one thirty, it's

one forty five, it's coming upon two. I'm like, I'll screw
it. I get up at onethirty. Screw it. I'm getting up.
Well, I don't right, Sofor me, it throws everything off.
So I typically get up about Idon't know, like three three fifteen,
and uh sleep in the day awayuntil one thirty. Time. This

morning was brewed tall. Actually Igot a lot done this morning, though.
I got up and just you know, went to work on stuff and
paid some bills and caught up ona lot of crap. But I know,
you know, come nine o'clock thismorning, it's going to be like
hitting a brick wall. Can't wait. Watched a little bit of the Olympics
yesterday. That's cool. We'll talkabout that a little bit later this morning.

Snoop Dogg callin Badminton may be thegreatest thing on God's green earth,
and yes, I have audio ofit and you have to hear it.
It's fantastic. So that's coming up. Plus, I don't think there were
any gold yesterday. The US addedeight more medals, but no golds got

eight at least at the end ofthe day when I quit counting, So
they hold the overall metal lead withtwenty after day three, but if you
just go by gold medal count,they ended the day in sixth place,
believe it or not, but stilllong ways to go. Added silver and
brons and skateboarding silver and browns andwomen swimming too, brons and men swimming

bronze, and men's fencing. Themen's gymnastic team took browns in the team
event, which is pretty big dealbecause they have not medaled in that since
two thousand and eight, so fairlyimpressive. All right, it is six
h nine quick break here. Comingup later this morning, we're gonna have
another letter for you for the Bigword of the week. That's good for
Iron Maiden tickets this week. Pluswe have tickets to give away for Rob

Zomby and Alice Cooper. Later thismorning. It's DC's Classic Rock, Big
one hundred. DC's Classic Rock.It's a big one hundred. There's Tom
Petty, Crispy kream Well geared upto root on Team USA or the twenty
twenty four Summer Olympics. In Paris. They're gonna offer fans. I guess
this starts tomorrow. Best part,there's no limit. They're offering fans any

donut for just a dollar dollar donutsand that'll continue through Thursday. I'm looking
here. Yeah, there's like nolimits. You can go in and buy
as many as you want. Andthey've got some USA donuts. I'm looking
at a picture here. They've gotto you know, they dip them in
like whites and decorate them with red, white, and blue and golden sprinkles.

Is in homage to the American flag. And yeah, I was trying
to see if there was like itseems to me like the fine print would
be in here somewhere that says,yeah that he can do it now starting
tomorrow and Thursday. Dollar donuts atKrispy Kreme. I'm not a big Krispy

Cream guy, to be honest withyou. I know some people are like
fanatics though, like it's like acult if you like Krispy Kreme. I
remember one opened in my neighborhood.I didn't think twice about it, and
the first day it was opened,there was a line like a half mile
long down the street and around theblock. For Krispy Kream, Like,

what's the deal? They're really goodagain. I'm a dunken guy. I
don't eat a whole ton of donutsto begin with, but apparently they're pretty
good. Well, all right,it is six twenty three, coming up
this morning to chat with zach Ertz. We'll get to that about seven twenty.
That's from just a couple of daysago when I was at it to
Commander's training camp. We'll be outthere again this Friday and we'll chat with

some more players. But conversation withzach Ertz coming up this morning, plus
new letter for the Big Word ofthe Week coming to you at seven right
about the same time. We'll eitherdo it right before we chat with Zach
er right after. That's good forIron Maiden tickets at the end of this
week, and then later this morning, we've got tickets for Rob Zombie and
Dallas Cooper. All right, stickaround. It's DC's Classic Rock, Big

one hundred, DC's Classic Rock.It's Big one hundred. There's you two.
It's six thirty eight and good morningto you. Time once again for
things I know. The conversation withzach Ertz coming up about seven to twenty
this morning, not from a commander'straining camp which is in full swing.
We'll be out there again Friday morning. An Olympic installment of things I know.

Sweden and Finland are tied for thelongest Olympic winning streak. They both
won at least one medal every Summerand every Winter Olympics since nineteen oh eight.
You would think the US would beon there, but they boycott at
the eighty Summer Olympics in Moscow.There you go. The para. I

just learned this this morning. Thepara in Paralympics doesn't come from the word
paralyzed, does not come from theword paraplegic. It actually comes from the
Greek word para, which means beside, because the Paralympics stand side by side
with the Olympics. Interesting. Speakingof the Paralympics, there was a Hungarian

fencer named Powell Caesaris Sigaris. Idon't know he's Hungarian. He won a
bronze medal in nineteen eighty eight atthe Olympics in fencing. He then became
disabled after a bus accident and wenton to win six medals in a wheelchair
fencing at the Paralympics. That makeshim the only person who's ever won a

medal at the Olympics before a disabilityand then after disability. The Jamaican bob
sled team from the nineteen ninety fourWinter Olympics finished fourteenth place, and that
was actually one spot ahead of theUS. That is not the team that
was depicted in the movie Cool Runningsthat was loosely based on the nineteen eighty

eight Olympics where Jamaica crashed in theirqualified run and failed to finish it all.
And finally, football did get achance to be in the Olympics when
it was added as a demonstration sportat the nineteen thirty two games in La.
It bombed. That blows me away, but it bombed and has never

been considered again. That's things Iknow. Coming up a little bit later
this morning, we're gonna give youanother letter for the big ward of the
week, letter number two, whichis gonna be good for Iron Maiden tickets
at the end of this week.Also gonna have tickets for Rob Zombie and
Alice Cooper. A little bit laterthis morning, we'll get to that just
before the big commercial Free Hour whichcomes your way at ten nine o'clock Florida

Man Sports on tapping more stick Around. It is DC's Classic Crock Big one
hundred. DC's Classic Crock is Bigone hundred. If you've been watching the
Olympics, she feel these viral momentsfloating around. Jason Kelsey arm wrestling is
it? Heaverlind is that out here? To see her last name? Nicole
Heaveland rugby team, you should followher on Instagram. By the way she

is. She's on the US rugbyteam, but she's an alternate, which
means she doesn't play unless somebody getshurt, which is that well. She
talks about it in quite a fewdifferent posts, but that's a weird position
to be in, right, Like, she gets to go to the Olympics.
She is an Olympian. She ison the team. She wants to

play, but the only way she'sgonna play is if one of her teammates
gets hurt, which you know,see kind of there. As a cheerleader,
you don't want anybody to get hurt, but you also want to compete.
But she's got a fantastic Instagram accountand it's Nicole four o six.
You'll probably be able to find itfrom there. Nicole four oh six Heaverland,

which is called h E A vI R l A n D Nicole
Heaverland. And she's the one that, uh, that video that's been floating
around has got like millions of views. She's the one that was arm wrestling
chasing Kelsey as he's wearing his beret. Love it. We also have audio
here this from what whoever decided tohire Snoop Dogg for the Olympics. Uh.

Brilliant move. Really, he's he'sbeen getting so much attention. Uh.
And he's just fantastic, he reallyis. And we have a little
bit of audio of him doing playby play in a badminton game. I
think it was the US against China. You ever listen to this? Oh?
I love is Batman right here.This is a great rally right here
between China and the US right here, as you see it. Don't stop
to the cash to drop a rocketand rolling back and forth. Give me

that, No, I need that? No full here, Nope, over
there? What about over there?Nope? What about there? Nope?
Give me that. I need thatthat too, nope. Sit outs will
get in get and then the wholeway up in the sky now down back
up over there, now over here, get out the way you know of
our told you we need it.That was a good point I could listen
to. I could listen to SnoopDogg called games all day. I love

it and it's it's even better ifyou're actually watching the video to it.
You'll find that one floating around oneof the best places to see all that
you So these videos. The NBCSports account, the one on Facebook has
got everything. The Instagram's got abunch of stuff too, but the one
on Facebook, NBC Sports at NBCSports has a ton of really cool stuff,
including that badminton match that Snoop Dog'sgoing there, and a bunch of

other stuff from US rugby. Ithink the rugby team just moved into the
semi finals. You want to say, they won the quarter finals yesterday,
so they uh it is that right? Well, they moved ahead. I
can't recall exactly where they're at,but they moved ahead. So they keep
playing and they keep winning. Sowe'll see what happens there. I think

they could go all the way.You might be looking at gold there all
right, coming up here in justa few we are going to have a
chat with Zach Ertz from Commander's trainingcamp. Also going to give you a
new letter for the big word ofthe week, and that is going to
be your chance to win Iron Maidentickets this week. So your second letter
comes your way in just a fewit's DC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred.
DC's Classic Rock. It's Big onehundred. There's the police and about

to have a chat here with ZachErtz from your Washington Commanders. But first
let's give you the letter for thebig word of the week, the big
word of the week on Big onehundred. Today's letter is the letter L.
The letter L is in lose,is in loss, is in lightning,
the letter L. All right,at the end of the week,
it's going to complete a word.Know the word, win the prize.

And this week we have Iron Maidentickets to give away. Right, So
another letter come to your web aboutthis time tomorrow morning. Converce say some
from just a couple of days ago, was Zach Kertz had a commander's training
camp. Let's give it a listen. Zach Kertz, welcome, my friend.
How are you. I'm doing greatman, How you doing? I'm
fantastic man, Just telling you offthe other, I'm from Philadelphia. I'm
a big fan. The city ofPhiladelphia loves you. I know that,

Like, as far as they're concerned, you're still an Eagle. It will
be for life, right. Butyou had a fantastic career in Philly,
did fantastic in Arizona. What madeyou choose the Commanders, you know?
I think there was a lot offactors. Obviously, last year in Arizona
was such a grind mentally physically thatI really wanted to come to a place

that I knew people believed in me. And Cliff Kingsbury is one of the
guys that has believed in me,probably as much, if not more,
than anyone else in my career sinceI've been in the NFL, and so
being able to be back with himhas been phenomenal, and I would I
would say him d q AP.Those are kind of the three key pieces
of why I'm here, and it'sbeen amazing. Honestly, I had I
didn't know what I was getting into. Obviously, it's a brand new ownership,

brand new GM, brand new coachingstaff. But it's exceeded my expectations
in every aspect, from the trainingroom to the weight room to the cafeteria.
Everything that they've instilled in this buildingand a short amount of time is
for the players. And you canfeel that right away. Compared to last
year. There is a buzz inthe air this year, like it is
completely different. It is. It'sa different team, it's a different atmosphere.

Last year was tough, Yeah,and you can really feel it with
with Quinn and all these new guysin the new ownership and everything. So
I think it's going to be everybody'sreally looking forward to the season, man,
and bringing a guy like you in. I was, I was talking
to coach Quinn about it. It'slike nice to bring in these these leaders,
you know, guys like you,Jonathan Allen and Bobby Wagner. It's
like you're going to come in andthese these young guys, whether they'll admit
it or not, or looking upto you right like they watch you walk

on the field and they go,that's a pro. Right. Do you
spend any time kind of mentoring thoseguys or is it just them playing beside
you they kind of pick it up. I mean, I think it's a
little bit of both. Obviously,it starts with a relationship first and foremost,
you can't just come in here notknowing a guy telling them what to
do. They're not going to takeit the right way. And so I
think a lot of it is justa lot of fellowship getting no guys initially,

and then I think the way theysee me practice and kind of my
quote unquote resume, I think guyskind of say, Okay, maybe this
is something I can pick up fromZach on the field. I'm not a
guy that's gonna call a guy out. Really, I'm more of a guy
that will talk to someone one onone and I prefer that mess at one
hundred percent of the time because theyknow you care about him when you do
it that way. And so Ijust like to be a voice in the

ear, especially in the tight ends. We got a really young tight end
room. So for me, it'sreally just I'm not the coach, and
I've made that very apparent to thetight end coach, Like, if you
want my opinion, I will saysay, Zach, what do you think
here? But I'm not going tobe the ones after every play like,
oh maybe you should do this,maybe you should do that. But if
they come and ask me, I'mgonna tell them I think they should do.
And like I said, I thinkit all starts with relationships. Yeah.

Well, I've told all these guysthat I've talked to. I was
like, Zach, he's clutch,your clutch. We've seen you make a
lot of big players. Man,looking forward to seeing you play here.
So you play with a lot ofgreat quarterbacks too. You feel about Jadon
Daniels, I think Jaden is obviouslythe physical skill set is there, you
don't get drafted number two overall.The physical skill set is not there.
But I think the thing that's goingto separate him, and I've told a

few guys this is Jaden almost hasa gravitational pool to him. Whereas some
guys there when the Heisman, they'redrafted second overall, they almost think they're
bigger than everyone else. Yeah,and Jaden is so far from that where
guys really just want to be aroundhim. And he makes guys feel welcome,
whether you're the fourteenth tight end oryou're the Pro Bowl tight end or

receiver. Every he makes everyone feelwelcome. His work ethic is off the
charts. He's probably the first onein the building every day being with coaches
as often as he can and soI think the physical skill set will obviously
allow him to have some success,but kind of the additional stuff he has
in his makeup is going to beable to set him apart. Right,
right, athletic kid for sure.Teach him to slide. I've already been

there. He's running on the fieldpractice field today. You need a stilels
get out of bounce right. Don'twant to see him get hit man,
No, not repeatedly, please no. So it's you know, it's first
day. It's early with with Quinna. We talked about this a little bit,
but how do you how do youlook at a characterize a coach Quinn
team on the field this year offenseand defense? Like you, what kind

of team you guys going to be? What are you looking to be?
Yeah, I think we're gonna befast, We're gonna be physical, and
we're gonna play to the whistle.And I think you're gonna have guys playing
for one another. And I think, well, hopefully when by the time
the season comes around, and hopefullyon the practice field, you see how
much guys care about one another andthat's going to be exuded through how hard
they play for one another. Whentimes get hard, do guys point the
finger, do they rally around oneanother? And I think the chemistry of

this team is going to be ableto allow us to endure the adversity that
is inevitably gonna come right And obviouslythere's a lot of guys that have been
elsewhere, so we're all kind ofgelling here together. But I think that
the off season program that we had, we've learned a lot about each other.
We learned about a lot about thestandards of this organization in a short
amount of time. And now it'sjust getting better and better each and every

week. And you don't want topeak week one. But at the same
time, we want to win footballgames. And ultimately that's how you're judging
this league. Yeah, the culturecould be great, Yeah the energy could
be amazing, but if you're notwinning football games, it doesn't matter.
So ultimately that's what it comes downto. But at the same time,
I think the thing that separates NFLteams is those extra stuff. How much
you guys, how much guys playfor one another, how much you care

about one another, how much careabout another guy's success. Sure, am
I running the route the way I'msupposed to be so I can get Terry
open or is I gonna maybe I'mgonna just take this playoff because I'm not
primary, right, And so Ithink you're gonna see guys that play for
one another and care about one another. Right, how about your career?
You want to keep playing? Howlong you want to keep playing? Yeah,
I mean I think at this pointI've been saying that's something you even

think about. Yet, I meanit's I'm definitely towards the tail end.
I'm closer to the end in thebeginning. But at the same time,
I feel like right now I feelas good as I felt in a couple
of years. You know, thepast couple of years have been extremely tough
injury wise in Arizona and mentally.I was almost to the point where I
was like, it's been been tough. But being I was in Detroit for
three days last year and being aroundthe culture like that, being around Dan

Campbell and some of those guys,Steve Hiding again, the tight end coach
out there, really just kind ofmade me realize, yeah, I want
to keep doing this. Yeah,And so being around this staff again made
me realize, yeah, this Idon't want this to be the last one
either. Yeah, so I thinkI have a few more years in me.
Love to hear. I've been blessedto be able to play this long.
But at the same time, Ifeel like I'm nowhere near being done.
I'm still at my best, andI think the injuries in the past

have limited my ability to showcase thatI'm still the same player. Sure,
and so I'm still looking forward toshowing that. Well, dude, we
are looking forward to seeing you play. Man. Welcome to the commandial and
I appreciate you taking the time,but thank you so much. Yep,
DC's Class Crocket's Big one hundred seventyfour degrees outside high about eighty nine today,
may see some showers late afternoon intothe evening. Coming up, We've

got Florida Man in the eight o'clockI we'll get to sports on tapping.
More stick around. It's DC's ClassicRock, Big one hundred. DC's Classic
Rock is Big one hundred, BillyPeppers and under the Bridge Florida Man's coming
up. We'll check them with DennisSports on tap just around the corner as
well. I don't know if yousaw these things floating around on well,

they went viral on TikTok the giantgorilla sofas. Yes, you've seen them,
you know what I'm talking about.They were well, they looked amazing.
They were these giant, plush,realistic looking gorillas that would fill almost
your whole living room. So itwas like this oversized couch. And it

was a company. They were AIimages, and this company put them up
for sale and then when people startedordering, they were like, oh crap,
we have to make these. Sothe gorilla sofas all over TikTok this
month. They were huge, plush, really do look like a gorilla.
I mean, they're pretty amazing lookingwhen you look at the AI pictures.

The problem was those images, onceagain were AI, so they didn't actually
exist until now. Now this furniturecompany in China is making them and they've
apparently tossed them online with a prettyhefty price tag. I found one on
Amazon. It's almost ten thousand dollars. Here's the thing. The real ones

kind of suck. Yes, you'regetting a gorilla couch, but it looks
nothing like the AI version they putup. Are those on Amazon? Now?
Yeah, let me see if Ican find the best way to search
it so you can see the photofor yourself. But if you go to
Amazon dot com and you know what, just try type in like in the

search bar and Amazon just type ingorilla sofa and it pops up, and
it'll be like the first one yousee there, and it's n ninety five
dollars. Here's the thing that justlooks like a giant stuffed animal and doesn't
work. It looks like as we'reten grand The AI versions they put up

were absolutely mind blowing, which iswhy everybody was raving about him and going,
oh my god, I want oneof those. This not so much
and ten thousand dollars. You gottabe kidnaming. That looks like the material
that was like on your grandparents' couchtoo, pretty much like everything's gonna stick
to that pretty much. Yeah,So I think it was one of those

things they were like, I don'tknow what they were thinking. Let's throw
these up and see if people actuallywant them. Oh they do want them.
Oh crap, we have to makeone. And it looks nothing nothing
like the AI version. And aquick Google search of the AI version of
the gorilla couch and you'll see whatI mean. Because the AA versions are
pretty sick I could see why you'dwant one, like I was looking at

them this morning. One oh,dude, that's pretty cool. That's pretty
cool. Oh here's one that's onlyeighty seven hundred dollars. That's a bargain.
Massive sleeper couch, gorilla sofa.Okay, well, don't get scammed.
There you go. Not that youwould drop ten grand on a gorilla
couch that looked like garbage, butyou never know. It's eight oh nine.

We got to take care some businesshere. Florida Man's coming up.
It's DC's Classic Rock, Big onehundred. DC's Classic Rock. It's a
big one hundred. I found thatChinese company's TikTok it makes the gorilla couch.
Right, they make all sorts ofweird crap, dude, weird weird
stuff. I oh my god,I did I went down a rabbit hole

on it. It is a twentytwo. It is time for today.
It's Florida one Man, Florida Man, wo Man. A woman in Florida
was arrested during a traffic stop andshe had a bag of drugs. Get
this, it's always creative ways peoplehave tried to hide their stash. And

then there's this Lady Comps and Floridapulled over a car Saturday when they saw
the driver was not wearing a seatbelt. Why the people that you never noticed
it? Like, well, criminalsare stupid. You'd be carrying like ten
kilos of coke in your trunk andthen do ninety without a seatbelt on it.

It's like what it's like, I'llnever understand it. Anyway. During
the traffic stoff, they noticed thatthe passenger was moving things around suspiciously.
The forty one year old woman,her name is Lauren Riley. Cop spotted
some paraphernalia in the car, sothey launched a full search of the vehicle.
I guess they gave them the probablecause to look, and inside her

purse they found a bag labeled bagof drugs. It says right on the
side of it, bag of drugs. Inside it they found crack powdered cocaine,
crystal myths, xanax, and afew other drugs, along with a
needle, some straws, a spoon, and four glass pikes. So yeah,

it was accurately labeled. At leastshe was organized. She was arrested
on a variety of fellay charges ina misdemeanor paraphernalia account. She is in
jail and her bag of drugs.It's being held in police evidence. I
mean, I don't know. Idon't get it. I don't get it.
But there you go. That's FloridaMan for a Tuesday. It's eight

twenty four Sports on tap of Denniscoming up here in just a bit.
If you missed our chat with zachErtz, that'll be up on the podcast
after the show this morning. Youcan find that on the iHeart app.
It's DC's Class Crock, Big onehundred. DC's Classic Rock is Big one
hundred is Queen and we all thechampions. We're gonna be out of training
camp again on Friday. We are. It's gonna be a big day.

They'll be Uh. I think we'vegot some really cool Uh. Well,
you do you have scheduled? IsSam Cosmy Nice. We're big fans of
on the offensive line, Austin Eckler, which I think out of all the
interviews you're doing, I'm looking forit him because I've been a big fan
of him when he was in SanDiego. Yeah, he has such a
dynamic to the running game. Jacksonwith being able to run the ball,
let me catch passes in the backfieldand block. Let me tell you what

he does. Yeah, him andTerry McLaurin. Let me tell you what
they both do. They win mefantasy games, yes, good call and
win you money. I had themboth last year and they iu it was
Yeah, he's he can do itin the fantasy points too. They've killed
it for me in the past.Man favorite Tresway. Yeah. And also

Emmanuel Forbes junior, who was numberone draft twice last season and it was
a rough year for him. SoI'm curious about what his mindset is,
you know. And I can't waitfor you to stand next him and take
a picture because I think you mighttower over him. He's uh, well,
no, he's super tall. He'sjust skinny. He's then he I
was talking to a couple other playerskind of like off the record about defensive

backs, yeah, because that's youknow, that's the position I kind of
enjoy and admire the most, anduh, that's what my kid plays.
And a lot of them were sayingit was just they think that some of
these guys that didn't perform so welllast year, maybe you know, Forbes,
it's gonna be a lot different thisyear. The scheme just wasn't really

working for them. Listen, Likea guy like Forbes has got incredible sick
talent. You know how good hewas in college. You know, there's
a reason he went so high inthe draft. He was a pick machine.
It was a monster. And Ithink he just had a bad year
because it was just a it wasjust a bad year. Well a couple
things. As you know, sometimesthe jump to the NFL is too great

for a lot of players out there. I'm not saying that about a man
in Forbes. I don't think so. But the other thing you and I
have discussed before is that not everybodyfits into everybody's scheme. To your point,
yes, it could be coaching,it could be the region they're in.
There could be ten million different reasonswhy he didn't work out last year.
I don't care who you are.If you're man on man with a

J. Brown, Yeah, hekind of gets nobody's gonna stop that dude.
He beats everybody he does. You'regonna get some That's a good point.
But you know, listen, we'veheard some good things about Emmanu Forbes
junior, So I think his competitivenesshas also kicked up a couple of notches
too. Look, I still likehim. I still have faith in that
kid. I think he's gonna gotlots of time. Guys, his first
round draft choice, I think he'sI think he's gonna have a good season

the fingers crossed. Look, Icould be wrong, Yeah, I could
be wrong, but I really thinkthat a different defense and a different atmosphere
is gonna really well work in favor. And also to your point too,
that there's a lot of that positionwith cornerbacks. It takes a year or
two to see exactly how you're gonnado. The NFL kind of like wide
receivers takes a year or two.Yes, and you can be one of
the best DB's in college. AndI don't care who you are. When

you step up to the pros.That's they're a step faster, a lot
two steps through. Everybody says thespeed of the game, right, oh
yeah yeah. Another guy that we'relooking at is Dodson too. Yeah,
lot coming on about him, butthis is the year he's going to kind
of step by. There's another guythat was that it has no lack of
talent. Man, that guy,I got high hopes for those guys this
year. I think it's good.The James and coaching and everything is you

know, I know that Bed MGMand the and all the different you know,
gambling outfits out there really have itdown when it comes to you know,
just everything that we look at everyyear. But they've got the win
total for the Commanders at seven thisyear. Seven. I think it's seven
and a half, seven and ahalf, so I'd like, I feel
good about it. I hope jaydeDaniels comes out of the gate well,
but I could see them eclipsing thatwith an eight win season, yeah,

I really could to Anything else willbe gravy as far as I'm concerned.
What was the little the little cocktailparty the night before training camp with the
coaches and media and I was outat that thing. Yeah the mixer,
you didn't Suprime, stay hit,you didn't show up. Thanks for I'm
always I was the only one represented. Yeah no. But I was talking
to a bunch of other media guysand was just flat out asking them.

And I won't put anybody on thespot, but I'm like, what do
you think scene's gonna look like?And you had the guys that are like
dude, six games maybe six gamesmaybe, But the other half of them
were like, I think they're goingto exceed an eight games, Like,
you know, they were kind ofhesitant to say it, but there are
a lot of people that think they'regonna have a great season. So we'll
see. Well, it's all guessinggame. I mean, you know,

who knew that the Eagles were gonnayou know, poop the bed the second
half of the season because they werethe best team in the NFL. And
you just don't know. That was, you don't know, colossal collapse it
was. And I'll tell you what, Serianni the head coach, and everybody
there, everybody's job is on theline this year. They have to win
and win big, you know,And even being from there and having a
lot of ends there, I stilldon't know what happened. They kept it

pretty, they kept it under rafts. I don't know if they lost the
locker room. I don't know somethinghappened in the locker room. I think
we kind of answer in there.But the team that right, we did
figure that out. It did notcome out. Yeah, yeah, all
right, A couple things before Ilet you go. We've got Olympics going
on a lot of swimming in thepool today. Do you hear Snoop dog
combat I did, Well, they'rethe best, I tell you him and

Flavor Flav. It just fantastic thoseguys at the Olympics and what they're doing.
I love it. Yeah, StoopDogg has just having the time of
his life. But Katy lad Decki'sin the pool in the fifteen hundred.
I watched her in the prelimbs.She beat the other competition and this is
of course before the finals. ByI think it was almost forty seconds.

Really, yeah, in the fifteenhundred, which is that real long rint?
Yeah that sounds insane, it is. Was it really that much?
Yeah? Yeah, it's incredible.She's just a machine out there. So
she's a Bethesa's Kitty Ladecki and she'salready got a bronze medal and hopefully she'll
meddle a little bit more. ButI watched the men's team gymnastics last night.
USA got a bronze. The kidwith the glasses, the guy on

the that on the horse, Yeah, on horse, it was him.
It was wrapped it. But everybody'sraising him as the Clark Kent at the
Olympics. Yeah, and you andI talked about these stories. Are are
so many cool ones. One otherone before I let you go. There's
a lady who's doing ping pong forChina and she's fifty eight years old.
She was a big ping pong playerand forty years ago she was had a

kind of a path to the olympbut something kind of weird happened. She
never got her chance. So shebrought up her kids, Da da da
da dap, and she decided duringCOVID that she would get it going again.
And now this woman at fifty eightis representing China in the Olympics.
It's huge, isn't it. Ihave a new follow for you. This
is the Nicole Heaverland. Oh yeah, she's the alternate on the on the

women's rugby team. Yeah. Followthat account. She will flipping it.
I know about her. She's sofunny. Speaking of Witch nine thirty semi
finals USA New Zealand for the women'sseven rugby Alona Meyer. I watch her.
Watch the team. By the way, first time ever USA has been
in the semi finals. They nevermeddled in women's seven rugby ever and they're

good. So watch it today.Nine thirty of the show The Highlights tonight.
But that is a big deal forwomen's rugby. What time is that
nine thirty? Am? So listento Jackson this more some music? Yeah,
and watch some rugby. Find aplace to record that? All right?
All right, guys, have agood one to see you tomorrow and
also see on Friday. Yes,sir, all right, all right,
I gotta give away some tickets forRob Zombie Alice Cooper with what have we

learned on the Show today? Whathave we got? All right? There
was a very cool version of thesethat existed only in AI form last month.
Oh yeah, now you can buyreal life crappy versions on Amazon for
the lolo price of just ten grand. But don't don't do it. Three
one three good luck from Big onehundred, DC's classic Crockets Big one hundred.

Let's see if we can get awinner on what have we Learned on
the Show Today for Rob tomby AliceCooper tickets. We have Tom on the
line. Tom, We're talking aboutthese things made in China that are garbage.
What was it? Gorilla? Yes, the gorilla sofa. Just the
biggest scam I think I've ever seen. Correct, Hey, Yeah, we're

gonna set you up with tickets forRob Zombie and Alice Cooper. Hey,
that's great, thanks Bud. Youbet man. Hold on and we'll get
you all set up all right.We'll have another pair of those to give
away tomorrow morning, right here.On DC's classic Cross I gets back on him wh
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