All Episodes

August 5, 2024 36 mins
Sam Cosmi from Commanders. New Aphebet song. A.I. Friends. Most expensive concerts per minute. Things I Know. Florida Man. Sports on Tap with Dennis Glasgow from 1190 iHeartSports DC. Be sure to subscribe. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
In its earliest days, the major function of radio was news.
I'm going on here, beautiful.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Let everybody go.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Why don't you put on a show and charge a mission? Okay,
so I would say something with music and comedy.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Now you're talking.

Speaker 4 (00:28):
It will be a show for everyone who loves music
and murder.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Come on, Tuck, we got it a show to do. Showtimes.
Are you ready? I'm ready to ready?

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Job all right, t Happy Monday. Hope you had a
fantastic weekend. It's six oh seven DC's Classic rock Pig
one hundred.

Speaker 3 (00:51):

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Steven Tyler's done. I've gotta suck man does if you
missed it. Aerosmith put out a statement Stephen Tyler is
apparently not going to recover from the vocal issues.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
I know he tried, man, but how old is Stephen Tyler?

Speaker 5 (01:10):

Speaker 6 (01:10):
I think he's in his seventies.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Yeah. I mean, look, that was a great run.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
But you know, I had some vocal court issues, and
I think he had some sort of surgery and they
he was trying to recover from that, and for a
while there it appeared like he was he was on
the mend.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
But it doesn't look.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
Like it's the same thing with John bon Jovi, Right,
they have the same it's just overused, right, Yeah, all
those years of doing it night after night after night.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Yeah, So they've you know, put out a statements in
they are officially retiring from the touring stage. That of
course means that anything that was on the books is
no longer on the books, which sucks. Like that was like,
I feel bad for the people who maybe bought a
ticket and it was their first time I ever seeing Airsmith,

all excited.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
I have wanted to see Erosmith my whole life. I
can't wait.

Speaker 6 (02:03):
Well, Steven seems just completely heartbroken.

Speaker 3 (02:07):

Speaker 1 (02:09):
The Black Crows, who were supposed to open for Aerosmith
on the on this tour, said they were shocked and
saddened by the announcement, but said they had nothing but
love and respect for their friends in Aerosmith. During the
show in Detroit Friday night, Sammy Hagar called it honorable
expletive deleted, honorable for Tyler to know when to quit,

And I have to agree. I mean, there's nothing worse
than those guys going out there and pushing it and
trying to, you know, keep doing it and have have
the shows be less than stellar, you know, adequate at best,
because that doesn't do anybody any good. You're not happy
with that performance, the fans not happy with that performance, So.

Speaker 6 (02:46):
What's the continuing damage that?

Speaker 1 (02:48):

Speaker 2 (02:48):
Doing so.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
I love how Sammy said, the day I can't sing anymore,
I will do the same thing. And that's what a
lot of these mother efforts should have done a long
time ago.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
You tell him, Sammy, tell us how you really feel.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
You tell him, Sammy, well, a hell of a career,
you know, just fantastic, man. I mean, I know he
would love to continue to play. I know that it's
in his blood. But they had to make the call.
That's the call.

Speaker 3 (03:21):
So if you had tickets for the Aerosmith shows, uh,
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
I'm assuming though, I'm assuming they'll do a return to
box office.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
That assumption, yeah, I would hope.

Speaker 6 (03:35):
I don't think.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
Anybody has said anything, but I know, I think that's
a safe assumption that that's what will happen.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
I think that'll be the case. All Right. It is
six ' ten, Good morning, DC's Classic Rock. It's Big
one hundred. DC's Classic Rocket, It's Big one hundred.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Does everybody really want to rule the world like I
have no desire to rule the world, So technically it's not.

Speaker 6 (03:55):
Everybody seems like it'd be a lot of work.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
It's too much work, desire no, no, I mean, would
you even get a weekend off?

Speaker 6 (04:07):
Weekend off?

Speaker 3 (04:08):
Now trying to rule the world?

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Boy, you guys saw this has been all over TikTok Instagram.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
I mean it went viral. The pole vaulter who.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
Just missed.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
That's poor guy?

Speaker 6 (04:25):
Is he really a poor guy?

Speaker 3 (04:27):
Well if he didn't medal, or is he everyone's hero
he didn't medal?

Speaker 6 (04:32):
Well, no he did not. That's okay.

Speaker 1 (04:35):
Let us think how to word this guy was most
of you have probably seen this, but he was going
for a height in the in the was.

Speaker 3 (04:42):
It pole vault? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (04:44):
I was trying to I see him going over the bar,
like I've seen the video, but I'm like, was that
high jump for Povo and he's going for a height
which I think he well what escored him a medal?
And uh Now after watching it and reading a few
stories on it, his leg actually hit.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
First and he would have he would have been d
qu anyway.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
But in the video when you watch him go over,
it's basically his junk that hits the bar.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
And that's why he didn't clear it.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
Yeah, and it's just like, well, dude, can't always be
a plus for you. It's gonna work against you one day,
and it is. You have to do a quick Google search.
We'll we'll find it for you. But it's you'll watch
and you'll laugh. You'll be like, oh dude, oh no, really,
that's what's gonna do.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
That's you're not gonna meddle because of that.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
And then I saw just some of the stuff in
the Olympics Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg got back together.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
Love that.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
I saw them both in equestrian gear, which was interesting.
I don't know what it is about those two. I
love them together. They're funny. And it was Martha Stewart's birthday,
so Cookie Monster apparently showed up to give Martha a
cake for her eighty third birthday. I'll tell you what,
Martha Stewart looks great for eighty three, doesn't she. Holy crap,

she does not look anywhere near eighty three.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
Huh. Well.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
The funny thing about that, if you find that video
floating around, is that Snoop Dogg genuinely looks like really
really excited to meet Cookie Monster like it's like it's
his childhood hero and all his dreams have come true. Uh,
pretty good stuff, all right. And I think we as
of yesterday we tied for the lead in gold medals, now,

you know, because we were behind for a bit there.
But I think as of yesterday going into today, we
are tied for the lead in gold medals. I think
if you really want to like pay close attention to
the medal count, we'll give you the latest. But who knows, man,
Maybe well, isn't it typically I think it was China

that was in the league.

Speaker 6 (07:08):
But yeah, we are now tied, all right.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Nineteen nineteen, right, nineteen golds tied with China and the
Olympics of course run through. I think the tenth or
the eleventh, still plenty of time.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
All right.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
It is six twenty seven. You're listening to DC's Classic Crock.
It's a big one hundred DC's Class Crocket. It's big
one hundred. Summer sixty nine. Is Brian Adams saying good
morning to you?

Speaker 3 (07:29):
Tied? Four things I know.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
Hugh Laurie shot his audition tape for a house in
a bathroom in Nambia because it was the only room
with enough light. He was in the country filming scenes
for Flight of the Phoenix, went into a bathroom to
record his audition.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
I was always blown away.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
I still remember the first time I heard Hugh Laurie
in an interview and he was British because I was
a huge house fan, and I was like, ah, what, Like,
I had no idea.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
That's always crazy when an actor, Oh my god, do that.
Uh the guy who plays Spider Man.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
Yeah, Uh.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
The first movie was Cgi, a CGI character as the
lead role.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
Was Casper in nineteen ninety five.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Canada has almost four times more coastline than any other
country in the world, one hundred and twenty five six
hundred miles of coastline. Norway is second with a measly
thirty six thousand miles compared to Canada. Ernest Goes to
Jail and The Green Mile were filmed at the same

abandoned prison in Tennessee. I read that this morning, and
I'm like, I remember the Green Mile. Now I'm gonna
have to go at Ernest Goes to Jail. That will
be torture, but I want to see it. And that's
what I have for you this morning. Good morning, six
forty two. It's DC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred, DC's
Classic Rockey. It's Big one hundred. There's Journey. Don't stop believing.

Jackson here, good morning to you. It is seven oh
three Hurricane Debbie. It's a Category one now nearing landfall,
but the eyewall moving on shore and the Big Bend
area of Florida. Debbie sounds like a pissed off ex girlfriend.
I mean, I would not mess with Debbie Man. Debbie

sounds like she could do some damage.

Speaker 6 (09:28):
Yes, she does.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
In the Olympics, you know, Dennis kind of made reference
to this last week that some people were getting sick
after swimming in the river the triathletes. Now there's a
couple people that have gotten really, really sick, and they're investigating, obviously,
but I don't know what they need to investigate.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
That water is that water is filth.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
He's gotten nasty, nasty stuff in it, and you had
these athletes swim in it, and you know, they had
to delay the swimming portion in the the river saying
is that how they say it's sane. Details on their
illness is not clear yet, but they come amid widespread
concerns that the poor water quality is exposing athletes to
serious health risk. I mean the fact that they had

to like delay and go, no, the water's too bad.
Today we're not happy. But the next day, oh it's good.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
Now, Now, what's the distance for the swimming porsche of
the triathlon?

Speaker 3 (10:25):
Good? I think it. I think it varies.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
I'm not a huge fan of the triathlon, but I
know it's a it's a you know, it's a good chunk.
It's a couple of miles, isn't it.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
It is?

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Uh seven o five. Coming up, We're gonna have a
conversation with Sam Cosmi. I had a chance to sit
down with the largest man I've ever seen on God's
Green Earth. He's like six six, three hundred and twelve pounds.
He's just a massive human being, super friendly, nicest guy ever,
but just one of the biggest dudes I've ever seen.

Took a picture with him, and I looked at the
picture and I was like, oh my God, like, oh
my God. But a great chat with him, And I'm
going to play that back for you're coming up about
seven to twenty this morning. Just further proof that this
new generation is weak and soft. Did you know they
changed the alphabet song different from the one we learned. Remember,

elemental P was always my favorite part of the alphabet
song as a kid, elemental P. And it was always like,
you know, tough to say when you were like four,
elemental P. Well, the problem was they say that kids
thought elemental P was all one letter what and that
the end when you get to the end in X,

y and z, they thought the end was an N.

Speaker 4 (11:50):
I had an ex girlfriend who thought that about element
OP and this was like years and years ago, and
I thought she was a complete idiot for thinking that,
because I never ever thought that.

Speaker 6 (12:02):
But apparently it's a thing.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
What's a b c d e g l m L.
We actually have an audio of a teacher singing the
way they do it. Now it's different in spots. Give
a listen A b C d e F g.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
H I j k l M m oh no O
p q r S t qv w x y Z.

Speaker 1 (12:28):
Now I never will forget how to say the alpha.
They changed the ending, Joe, this is unnecessary. Really, come on,
come on, I don't know. I'm so disturbed by this,
but I am. I know I'm so upset by it,

but I am. Now you're gonna sing the alphabet song
to a kid, and they're gonna be like, Yo, dude,
you're singing it ron, screw it up. It is a
seven oh seven. We'll take care some business here. Sam
Cosby coming up on the sh show just a few.
It is DC's Classic Rock Big one hundred, DC's ClassicRock
Hits Big one hundred and Green Day when I come around. Hey,
we have tickets for Pearl Jam to give away for

the big word of the week this week. So Friday
morning about this time, there will be a pair of
Pearl Jam tickets. How do you win them? Collect the
letters throughout the week. At the end of the week
they spell a word. No, the word win the prize.
Time for Monday's letter, your first of the week.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
The big word of the week on Big one hundred.
Today's letter is.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
The letter B. The letter B is in boy, the
letter B. All right, another one come your way tomorrow morning.
Right about this time last week, Friday was out of
training camp with Washington Commander's Hot One.

Speaker 3 (13:43):
Props to those guys.

Speaker 2 (13:44):

Speaker 1 (13:44):
It was one hundred degrees by nine am and they
were they were out there practicing in full pads.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
Man, it was.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
It was brutal I was dying just standing on the sideline.
I was watching these guys work out.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
I'm like, man for like a sauna out there.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
But I had a chance after practice to sit down
with Sam Cosmy and we'll play that conversation back for
you now. Sam Cosmy joined us at the broadcast table. Welcome, sir,
Thank you very much for stopping my appreciate it man.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Oh for sure, thank you for having me.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
Yeah, how's practicing in the sauna out there?

Speaker 3 (14:15):
Respect? Because I don't know how you guys do it today.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
It's brutal, for sure.

Speaker 5 (14:20):
You know, DQ has been taking care of us, and
you know we're trying to give it everything we got
out there.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
But yeah, for sure, the heat is u is no joke.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
Yeah it's and it's that like sticky humidity. Almost feels
like you're working out in a sauna.

Speaker 5 (14:34):

Speaker 2 (14:34):
I always say the heat is undefeated.

Speaker 3 (14:36):
Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
So this is your fourth season, by the way, congratulations.

Speaker 3 (14:40):
Didn't you just have a little baby girl like less
than a year ago.

Speaker 5 (14:43):
She's about to be eight months old? Oh wow, and yeah,
my world has changed for sure.

Speaker 3 (14:47):

Speaker 2 (14:48):
Yeah, what's that like?

Speaker 1 (14:49):
I mean, I know because I have kids and it's like,
you know, the way it was described to me before
I had a kid was like.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
Well, you don't know real love until you have a kid.

Speaker 5 (14:57):
Oh no, I mean it's just like when she first
came out out, you know, and just holding her. It's
just like you have that instant attraction like that, that
bond that you know can't be replicated in any any way.
And I always tell my wife, I was like, I
would sacrifice myself in a heartbeat for her.

Speaker 6 (15:15):
That's it.

Speaker 3 (15:16):

Speaker 1 (15:16):
I feel like I used to say that too. I
was like, oh my god, I feel like I would
step in front of.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
A train for this child. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
It's it's so different, isn't it. It's crazy, and it
gets better, Like I mean.

Speaker 5 (15:27):
It's getting better as the as the time is going by.
Sleeping is is still kind of hard. Yeah, you know,
my wife's a trooper and I try to help as
much as I can, but you know, it is what
it is.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
When they get to there where they're talking and walking
and kind of attached to your hip, that's really fun.
I won't tell you about the teenage yeers because that's fun.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
That's far. I ain't think of that far.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
That's when they kind of blow you off for a while.
So you know, she got a long time before that
before that happens. So what's it like? Obviously I had
a couple conversations I think with you last year over
the phone post practice towards the end of the season. Man,
it was a rough season. It was rough, it was tough.
What would you say it's the biggest difference this year?
I mean, I know I can see it, But what's
it like out there on the field.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Yeah, I mean we we definitely have a lot of
energy when it comes to the group of guys. I
kind of said this last year, I just felt like
we were really separated defensive and defensively, like we weren't
playing complimentary football. You know, it just like felt kind
of separated. And so this year is completely different. You know,
we're we're just becoming more of it. Like just it's
a it's a team. It's not too separate entities. And

I love to see that, and I think that's important.
You know, when something goes wrong or something, it's not
only my guys just picking me up. It's the you
know d Linman or you know, a corner or something
like that. He's coming over telling me, hey, you know
you're good. We got you, you know.

Speaker 1 (16:44):
Yeah, And it seems like you guys are you know,
they always say that these bonds are built through adversity,
through tough times, right, and it seems like you guys
are really starting to gel like becoming a team. Like
you said, like everybody's like it should be like a family, right,
these are your brothers.

Speaker 3 (16:56):
You should be wanting to fall on a sword for them.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
I always say, it's like, you know, it definitely is
a brotherhood. At the end of the day.

Speaker 5 (17:03):
You build bonds, I mean, I got I mean I
keep in contact with guys that I played with these
past three years and I'm still talking them to this day.
That I mean, we've gone through stuff, memories that we've
had that only we've you know, created together, that are
really special to me and to that individual, and so
you always carry though it was out, you know, those
memories and those you know, moments for years to come.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Right with d and Daniels, do you think your play
on the line is going to be different? Meaning like
there's a guy who can extend place right based on
what we've seen so.

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Far, Does that change your job?

Speaker 1 (17:35):
I mean, do you kind of have to keep your
head on a swivel because it's like you might be
blocking a lot longer than you thought you were going
to be blacking or Yeah, Like.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
I mean we work on scramble drew all the time.
I mean that's like incorporating in practices all the time
and so being able to do that. I mean we
got two quarterbacks that can move to so and like
you said, extend plays. I mean they've made some great
throws just out of the pocket. Yeah, you know one
one guy in particularly that's just I'm gonna as like
Patrick Mahomes. You know, like you watch him, you know

he's always either rolling out right and just making a
dime somewhere. So you know it's a that's another you know,
step of or part of the offense that is new
to us and it's great for us.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
Yeah. So what do you think of Jayden thus far?

Speaker 1 (18:17):
I know it's early, but you know you played with
Sam Hall last year and uh and that you got
Jayden Daniels and it's like based on the highlight stuff we're seeing, Yeah,
it is good.

Speaker 2 (18:27):

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Is that what it gets to see it.

Speaker 5 (18:29):
On the f I mean I'm excited I uh, I think,
you know, with his worth ethic and what he's doing
off and on the field, I mean, like you said,
everybody can see it.

Speaker 2 (18:39):
Yeah, you know, it's just it's cool.

Speaker 5 (18:43):
To like be able to see that and know that
and be able to work harder for that, you know,
just for that potential of just like hey we got
something here.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
Yeah, let's let's let's.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
You know, work that little extra to to to excel
so we all see that, you know, And and I
think it's really cool to be a part of that.

Speaker 3 (19:03):

Speaker 1 (19:03):
And on paper, that's uh, that running game now with
the addition of Eckler. Uh and you got b Rob,
you got Rodriguez. Guy's got to be pretty excited about that.
I think that's I mean, that's that's a strong running
back court right there.

Speaker 5 (19:15):
I mean, like I said, I I I always love
running the ball. And you know b Rob is just
that downhill gonna go through your face.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
Yeah, I love it. So he runs angry.

Speaker 5 (19:25):
He does love it, and you know the fan base
loves that. I love it, And you know, I just
want to.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
I want to. I want to get as many attempts
as we can.

Speaker 5 (19:33):
You see that, Yeah, and so uh, I'm I'm excited
with all that. I mean, we got we brought in
some great guys, not only offensively, but defensively as well,
and so, like I said, we're building something I think
pretty special right now.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Yeah, and I think you know, look, the fan base
is is pretty excited. Obviously you probably started out there today. Yeah,
and everybody sees this is the beginning of something big,
right It's like, obviously they'd love to see you guys
go out and win every game, but but this is
the NFL. But I don't no matter what happens, I
think we're we're at the beginning of something big. That's

how it feels, right like there's nothing future is so
bright right now.

Speaker 5 (20:11):
Yeah, I was, you know, it starts from the head
head down. Yeah, and I think, uh, you know, our
owners are just like putting, you know, putting so much
money into us right now, which is great to see. Yeah,
and you know that only it's gonna just help the
team so much. You know, we're giving some things that
just wouldn't have before to have that.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
It's just I don't know, it's really really.

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Cool taking care of the players, right I just watched
one of the US on the Commander's YouTube channel. I
think it's like the Commander's Update or what Commander's log.
And they were talking about like the new stuff they're
building and all the player stuff they're doing and putting
together for the players.

Speaker 3 (20:48):
Yeah, this is awesome.

Speaker 5 (20:49):
I mean, Line finally has aline room. Yeah, and it's
it's great. Yeah, it's nice. You know, we were just
I would say, we're kind of like mushroom Society, just
like grow the darkness right wherever we kind of you know,
find ourselves. It's kind of what we were doing these past.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
Couple of years.

Speaker 6 (21:06):

Speaker 1 (21:06):
Yeah, so you went to Texas. Yes, what do you
think of arch Manning?

Speaker 3 (21:10):
You know, you think you think they're gonna have a
good season here.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
I think so.

Speaker 5 (21:14):
I think you know, with the being able to play
players and stuff like that. You know, UT has like
one of the biggest you know bank accounts. Yeah yeah, yeah,
college football, So they're definitely throwing some money out there.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
Sure, sure, that's awesome. Well look, man, I appreciate you
stopping by. It's it's gonna be an excited season.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
We are.

Speaker 1 (21:32):
We are really looking forward to it and we wish
you guys the best of luck this year.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
And I know you're gonna kill it, so thank you,
so much, so much, appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
Sam Cosmey ladies and gentlemen, DC's Class Crocket. It's big,
one hundred little billy idle. Good morning to you. It
is seven to forty two. I don't know what to
think about this. I saw a trailer, an ad, little
minute promo for this new AI thing called Friend. It's

a necklace. You put it on, it's a pendant, wear
it around your neck. It listens to everything you say,
then tosses out comments via text message. You can pre
order them now. They're only one hundred bucks. You know,
putting something around your ex's gonna listen to every word
you say. But the promo video for the new product

called Friend has blown up on social media, mostly people
making fun of it, mocking it for being rather dystopian,
just playing out weird. But some people are comparing it
to the Tamagatchi's the virtual pets from the nineties.

Speaker 6 (22:36):
Yeah, vaguely, yeah, this is high tech.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Though it's They say it might be good for people
that are kind of isolated or lonely, or you know,
think introverts or something like that. But the ad shows
a woman eating and watching a show on her phone,
and a message pops up saying the show is completely underrated,
and then it ask her if her.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
Falafel is any good.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
The website says, your friend and their memories are attached
to the physical device, so if you lose the device, there.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
Is no recovery plan or whatever.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
The part of the video where she's on a date.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Yeah, it's so Pierre. How'd you find these books? I
don't know. I just kind of like to come up
here to be by myself.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
I've never born to anybody else asides Harry.

Speaker 5 (23:34):
She goes everywhere with you, right, my friend, guys, I
must be doing something right though, I guess.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
So the red flags uh friend dot com if you
want to get a peek at it. If anything, you
just watched the promo videos. They're pretty funny, but like
I said, they're all over these promo videos all over
social and people are just kind of ripping them apart.
But a recent study out of Stanford found that virtual
friends could actually be helpful for, you know, people that

live alone or just don't have friends. And the guy
behind it is a twenty one year old His name
is Avi Schiffman at seventeen, he won an award for
creating a website that everyone was using back then to
track COVID numbers. So he's one of these tech heads
and who knows where to go from here, Like you

know right now, Basically it listens to you and then
acts as your friend, but it doesn't speak. It just
texts your phone. So you know, you'll be eating lunch
and it will send you a message, how's lunch.

Speaker 4 (24:36):
But you know that's not a real person who cares that.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
That's AI. All right, it is seven forty following seven
forty five.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
We'll take care of some business here back in a
few it'sdc's classic Crock, Big one hundred. DC's classic rock
is Big one hundred.

Speaker 3 (24:51):
Come as you are, as Nirvana. I think I saw
a rat or a cat.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
Maybe it was a small dog, could have been a cockroach.
It says something run across the floor in the building downstairs.
I have to walk out of the studio like every
ten minutes because it's the size of like a like
a what it's like the size of a closet.

Speaker 3 (25:14):
Get claustrophobic.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
So I spent a lot of time just kind of
watering around the building while songs are playing. I think
I saw a rat run across the floor downstairs.

Speaker 6 (25:23):
Were you down in the main lobby.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
No, I was looking down, just looking down over the edge.
So that's why I'm not absolutely convinced there's something something
the most expensive concerts out there per minute. As most
of you know, concert ticket prices have just gone through
the roof's. I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous, to be honest

with you, But if you break it down per minute,
the most expensive ticket is Bruno Mars cost you an
average of two dollars and nineteen cents a minute Bruno Mars.
And it's here's the thing, it's really based on how
long of a set they play. You would think Taylor
Swift would be in there, but no, because while her

average ticket price is like two hundred and forty bucks,
she plays like three and a half hours when she plays.
So like, if Bruno Mars is coming out and doing
like a fifty minute set for the same price, you
can see where that's going. So it looks like in it,
number one was Bruno Mars most expensive at two dollars

and nineteen cents per minute of music. You two was
number two at two dollars and twelve cents per minute.
Drake number three at a dollar eighty one per minute.
Rolling Stones were number four, and number five was George Strait.
It looks like way down the list there's like a
tie between like Beyonce and Morgan Wallen. And again the

reason some of these are not that high is because
they Taylor Swift's concerts, on average are three hours and
twenty one minutes long. That's insane. She plays a long time.
She's followed by Dead and Company, who play an average
of three hours and fourteen minutes, and Guns n' Roses,
who play an average of three hours and two minutes

if they're doing their entire show. Guns and Roses notorious
for if you catch him out a good night, they'll
play for three hours.

Speaker 4 (27:20):
Are they still doing that or has Axel been consistent?
I think he's been pretty consistent this last.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
Think he's he's been fairly decent. He's gained some wisdom
in his old age. I think it is eight oh eight.
We'll take care of some business here coming up Florida man,
and we'll get to sports on tap of Dennis. It's
DC's Classic Rock Big one hundred. DC's class crock Is
Big one hundred. It's a twenty two and good morning
to you time once again for Florida Man.

Speaker 3 (27:48):
Florida Man, So, Florida.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
Man was arrested Thursday after biting off part of his
friend's ear.

Speaker 3 (27:58):
Full on Mike Tyston.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
It was an early morning brawl at a Key West hotel.
James Williams, forty five years old at Port Lucy, Florida,
was hit with multiple battery charges following an incident that
took place at about two thirty in the morning. He
was on vacation at the hotel with three friends, another man,
and two women when they got into a fight while

returning to the hotel. They'd all been drinking. One of
the women passed out. Williams decided to place her in
a maintenance wheelbarrel to transfer to her back to the
hotel room, but while he was doing that, he started
to pour beer on her and insult her.

Speaker 3 (28:42):
That upset the others in the group.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
This specifically the other man in the group, who told
Williams he was being disrespectful and that well, it became combative,
and Williams then pushed the other to the floor and
began choking him, and then bit off part of his

ear while one of the females was trying to separate them.
When police arrived on the scene, they saw a guy
being treated by paramedics about half of his ear missing.
Oh Williams left on foot after the attack, but he
was later found on the property and arrested.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
He declined to speak to the deputy and was taken
to jail.

Speaker 1 (29:29):
Charged with aggravated battery, battery by strangulation because it's its
own law, and two additional counts of battery.

Speaker 3 (29:38):
No word on whether they found.

Speaker 1 (29:39):
The piece of ear, were able to reattach it, or
if the guys is going to walk to the rest
of his life would half in the ear.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Entra Florida.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
Man, It's eight twenty four, DC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred,
DC's Classic crockheits Big one hundred, It's eight thirty seven,
It's Aerosmith and dream On. How long did you stick
around camp on Friday, Dennis.

Speaker 7 (30:03):

Speaker 3 (30:05):
No, I kind of hit out this, So that was
a long morning for us. Man.

Speaker 7 (30:07):
That was because it was just so fun. It was
fun because it was so steamy hot. Oh god, I
really when you and I went down the sideline and
we were feeling the heat, and all the fans were great.
It was a fun morning. You're right, did the show
had interviews, but those big dudes, in fact, anybody in
pads for over an hour and a half because the
temperature was about eighty nine but it felt like over

one hundred over the humidity.

Speaker 6 (30:29):
It was nuts.

Speaker 7 (30:31):
And when Cosmy came in in great interview this morning,
he actually looked refreshed. These guys and dan Quinn actually
talked about him the other day about how he stood
out as a leader, how he's looking good out there
speed blocking.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
But it was amazing that that was a hot day
on Friday morning. Yeah, it was.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
As a matter of fact, he was saying, he was like,
you know, last week He's like, there were you know,
we'd wrap practice and I thought to myself.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
Man, I could keep going, he goes today I was done.

Speaker 2 (30:59):

Speaker 7 (31:00):
Yeah, Well they were hydrating properly and and all that
kind of the good stuff. So we had a lot
of fun out there. I know, you got a couple
of interviews and we're going out one more time. Last
day the media can be out there is Friday, August
twenty third. I'm busy when uh, well we'll make it happen.
I'll call listen, my people will call your people and
we'll get you together.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
Thank you so appreciate it. And a big shout out
to Matt Howell engineer. That's all I gotta say.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Yeah, he's the man, because it's the man gets everything
running up that.

Speaker 7 (31:28):
I know you're busy because you're traveling a lot. But
did you watch any Olympics over the weekend? I it
just bits and pieces. I saw the guy final man
ten women that was like point zero zero five that
photos incredible lyles run real. It really wasn't real. And
did you catch the controversy in the women's one hundred? Now, huh, Well,

there's two women from Jamaica that are world leaders and
they're just as good as Shikari Richardson Is who finished second.
By the way, they were not allowed entry to them.
I did see that they went to the wrong entrance.
They didn't take the bus that they were supposed to
for some bizarre reason, they both weren't allowed entry into

the same so they weren't able to race in the finals.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
They weren't they qualified for, weren't able to warm up right,
which you know, and it's everything that's a big deal
because whatever a holes were working that gate told them
they had to go to a different gate. They weren't
allowed to all blurt security mall cop right, like they
weren't allowed to come in. That's a bad look, a

terrible look. Terrible look. They're Olympians, they're in the final
and you you, oh, I'm sorry, you can't come in
this entrance.

Speaker 3 (32:40):
F off.

Speaker 7 (32:42):
And it's clear who they were too. That's just really
despicable that that happened. Paris has been I gotta be honest,
a little bit all over the place. This has been
a bit of a disaster. It has well between the
river and people off after swimming in that thing.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
Oh man, the cardboard beds they're making them sleep. It's
beautiful looking.

Speaker 7 (33:02):
But listen, I think that when you organize something that
big is inevitably going to happen, right. It is no
easy task and for a city to pull that off
takes a lot. And you know, throughout my lifetime, I've
seen some really good ones and I've seen some that
have been just like, oh hell, that city didn't we
got to do with it. We got La coming up
in four years with Tom Cruise dropping the flag at

the Hollywood Science I buckle in for that.

Speaker 3 (33:25):
Hey, couple other things about the Olympics.

Speaker 7 (33:27):
We're doing so well in the pool, world records, gold medals,
Kitty Ledeki has been awesome a lot of people. But
there was really a great story yesterday on the women's cycling.
There was a woman who was on the team and
she was an alternate at the last minute, but she
was going to be in the chasing category, so you
chase each other on bikes. Yeah, but somebody on the
team opted out and quit, and I don't know why

she did.

Speaker 3 (33:49):
On the American team.

Speaker 7 (33:50):
So this woman, who by the way, was in business
finance only picked up biking about ten years ago, fills
in for her at the last second and when gold.
Really it was incredible. I'll send it to I think
her last name is Felton. But just an incredible story
about you go to the Olympics, you don't even think
you're being in this race and you end up winning gold.

Speaker 3 (34:11):
It's huge, absolutely huge. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (34:13):
I have watched the video of the guy hitting his
junk on the on the pole vault.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
That was something else.

Speaker 7 (34:19):
Say yeah, yeah, that that hit that gut of my
TikTok algorithms.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
Poor guy. I know that's right. That's funny. Watch it.
It's funny. I see why it went.

Speaker 7 (34:29):
There was a high jumper on the women's side who won,
and she was from the Ukraine, so you can imagine
she was emotional after what she's been through.

Speaker 3 (34:37):

Speaker 7 (34:37):
So there's so many, as you talked to you and
I talked about before the Olympics started, so many great
human interest stories. It's been a lot of fun. We
only have a week left. They end on Sunday. That's it,
eleventh Yeah, yeah, yeah, Sunday, that is it. So another
week still a week. Yeah, and hey, some big commanders
news over the weekend. I know you know about this
and probably have chatted about it, but Jade and Daniels
will get reps on Saturday afternoon at the Jets. Dan

Quinn made that clear over the weekend. I'm excited about that.
I'm glad we get to see him. He'll probably play
maybe a quarter of that, but he's gonna get some snaps.

Speaker 1 (35:08):
Yeah. I wondered if it would even be a complete quarter.
I mean I thought about it. We'll be lucky if
we see him for a series of like, yeah, down.

Speaker 7 (35:16):
The balancing act here is we have a rookie who
needs snaps. Yes he does, but you only have three
games and you don't want him to get hurt. But
you need enough to see that he is indeed ready
to go. We're needing him the starting quarterback kind of. Look,
he might get a quarter. You never know, he might.

Speaker 3 (35:29):
Actually I think a quarter would be reasonable, and that
needs it. Yeah, yeah, So we'll see what happened. And
baseball in town.

Speaker 7 (35:34):
Then that's have a seven game homestand and then they
got a couple at Baltimore if you want to head
up there, so a little baseball intown during this hot weather.

Speaker 3 (35:41):
I guess we're getting rain later in the week, but
we'll see how that goes. Do I want to head
up to Baltimore? Well? Probably not. I'm gonna pass. All right, thanks?

Speaker 1 (35:56):
All right, guys, eight forty three, let's give always tickets
deep purple with what have we learned on the show today?

Speaker 3 (36:03):
What do we got?

Speaker 1 (36:03):
I'm kidding Baltimore, by the way, I love you. I
love you Baltimore. You're beautiful city.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Beautiful, I love you.

Speaker 4 (36:10):
Florida man was arrested after he bit part of this
office friend.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
There you go nine three one, double three, Good luck
from DC's Classic Rock. It's Big one hundred. DC's Classic Rock.
It's Big one hundred.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Big Grat's going out to Joe called in and knew
that Florida man bit his friend's ear off and scored
some deep purple tickets. We'll have some more of those
to give away tomorrow morning, right here on DC's Classic Rock,
It's Big one hundred
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