Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
In its earliest days, the major function of radio was news.
I'm going on here, beautiful.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Let everybody go.
Speaker 1 (00:18):
Why don't you put on a show and charge admission? Okay,
So I would say something with music and Tom no,
you're falker.
Speaker 3 (00:27):
It will be a show for everyone who loves music
and murder.
Speaker 2 (00:33):
Coming on, Chuck, we gott it.
Speaker 1 (00:35):
Take show to dude, showtime. Are you ready?
Speaker 2 (00:39):
I'm ready ready Read job bag.
Speaker 1 (00:42):
Good morning, six nine. It's DC's classic crack Big one hundred. Hi,
how are you. It's it's nasty out there, really really
nasty traffic yes, terrible weather yes, combine them god awful.
So there are already problems all over the place this morning.
So I would say, if you can work from home today,
you can work from home.
Speaker 2 (01:07):
Good day to do it.
Speaker 1 (01:08):
It was actually frightening driving in The problem is it
on the Beltway is you know, the traffic bunches up
a lot more when it's raining, and then everybody's really
close together and the rain's coming down and all those
cars are thrown up water, so it's like you're blinded.
You can't see anything, you know, you're just like white
knuckle on the steering wheel, going geez you think you're
in your lane, but you're not sure, and then semis
tractor tractor trailers, dude, they just they give no fs
at all. They give no f's at all. I did
a just over a year ago, I did a like
a month long trip across the country, right, just had
my whole camp and set up and toured the country
for like a month, just camping everywhere. By the end
of that trip, I hated tractor trailers and tractor trailer
drivers more than I I've ever hated anything in my life.
They give no FS and just dude, it's frightening. Those
things are monstrous and when you get like boxed in,
or you get one that's like drifting into your lane or.
Speaker 4 (02:17):
Speaker 1 (02:17):
There are a couple of them this morning. I'm just like, Okay,
this is probably where I'm gonna die. I'm gonna probably
die right here. Yeah, well, play a lot of music
this morning.
Speaker 5 (02:27):
I guess I have to think from their point of view,
though you're in their way.
Speaker 1 (02:31):
Well yeah, I mean, look, I'm not saying I wouldn't
be the same way if I was sitting up on
top of that monster, going yeah.
Speaker 2 (02:36):
What do you drive professionally? Right then, there's you.
Speaker 1 (02:40):
Oh yeah, yeah, for sure. All right. So coming up
this morning Deep Purple Tickets for Grabs. We're gonna continue
with the big word of the week, Pearl Jam Tickets
will give you a new letter at seven twenty this morning.
It is DC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred, DC's Classic
Rocket's Big one hundred, Aerosmith and dream On. Yeah boy.
He had to cancel those Taylor Swift shows through that
terrorist threat. She had three shows Aris tour planned in Vienna.
A couple of days ago, I heard that they had
arrested a guy. It was a guy that pledged allegiance
to Isis.
Speaker 2 (03:14):
He was a young guy to nineteen.
Speaker 1 (03:16):
Nineteen and him and another guy, and that they were
planning an attack at one of the Taylor Swiss shows.
So they made these rest and I was like, man,
you should probably cancel those shows. I mean, you don't know,
like if there were other guys involved in that plan,
if it's just the two guys, if there's a backup plan.
And I couldn't believe they were going to go ahead.
And then this morning they made a statement.
Speaker 5 (03:41):
So that's the second thing that's happened with her in
the past. What was the other thing was that her
dance school or the yeah, not her school, but it
was like the school that was in the style of.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
Her yeah yeah. So all three shows canceled. Sucks for
sucks for the fans, but you know, safety, but great
to see that they got these guys that would have
been a horrific thing. I don't know what they had planned.
They raided one of the guy's houses and found bomb
making material, so apparently they had been radicalized, according to
the police on the internet. Excuse me, six twenty six.
We'll take care some business here. Things I know. Coming up.
It's DC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred, DC's Class Crock.
It's Big one hundred six forty one. Nasty out there
this morning. To leave a little early if you have
to drive or rain and traffic. I mean, it was
a mess at five o'clock this morning. It's probably only
gonna get worse. So in this rain we'll continue. We'll
talk about that coming up. It's gonna be nasty for
a bit here. It's time for things I know. Even
if you don't win a medal in the Olympics, there
is a Constellation Prize for the athletes who finished fourth
through eight, they get an Olympic diploma something hanging on
the wall.
Speaker 2 (05:01):
It was pretty cool participation trophy.
Speaker 1 (05:03):
Yeah. The first tailgate on record happened in eighteen sixty
one when people traveled to watch the Battle of bull
Run in the Civil War and literally had picnics while
they cheered on their side. That just seems that can't
be true.
Speaker 2 (05:21):
And they thought it was going to be a quick fight.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
It was not. Ethiopia uses a different calendar than most
of the rest of the world. It has thirteen months.
It is currently twenty sixteen in Ethiopia. If anybody wants
to tell them the ride they have in front of
him over the next four or five years. Finally, the
world's largest pistachio producers are the state of California at
forty percent, and then Iran and Turkey at twenty four percent.
That adds up to eighty eight percent of the world's pistachios.
It is DC's Classic Crock Big one.
Speaker 6 (05:53):
Hundred WBIGFM, Washington and iHeartRadio Station Live from the Nation's
cap This is Big Rock Mornings with Jackson on Big
one hundred, DC's Classic Rock.
Speaker 1 (06:06):
Wow. I just thought that Elon Musk is gonna interview
Donald Trump. Did you see that?
Speaker 2 (06:12):
It did? When does that happen?
Speaker 1 (06:15):
I don't know. They got to find a venue big
enough to house both their egos. I'll watch it though.
That's the must see TV. I watched that seven oh two.
It is DC's Classic Rock. You're a shot at Iron
Maiden tickets with the big word of the week, new
letter coming to way jam. I'm sorry, Pearl Jam. Iron
Maiden was a week or two ago. Losing my mind.
I slept about three hours last night. Bear with me.
I feel Pearl Jam. Tickets up for grabs tomorrow morning.
So a new letter coming your way seven to twenty
this morning. DC's Classic Rocket, It's Big one hundred. It's
Gun's Roses Paradise City, d c's Classic Rock. It's Big
one hundred. To the Deadliest Jobs in America. Jackson here,
good morning, this jockey metal logging workers. You know, for
the longest time it was fishing, commercial fishermen, right which
that is a nasty job. And the Discovery Channel did
a fantastic job with Deadliest Catch, kind of highlighting what
those guys do day in and day out.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
It is good show.
Speaker 1 (07:18):
Tough gig logging workers now tops the list of the
deadliest jobs in America one hundred and one deaths per
one hundred thousand. That is followed by roofers. It's another
tough one fifty eight deaths per one hundred thousand. Then
is fishing, commercial fishing, and hunting fifty one out of
one hundred thousand, followed by construction. Aircraft pilots. That scares me.
Speaker 2 (07:44):
But like airliners or is it like test I.
Speaker 1 (07:46):
Think it's a it's all aircraft pilots and flight engineers,
test pilots. And then finally drivers. People who drive are living,
whether an uber driver, whether you're you know, door dash
or you're a trydriver. Thirty deaths per one hundred thousand.
Speaker 4 (08:04):
Speaker 1 (08:05):
Yeah, I don't want to do any of those jobs. No,
thank you, I'm good. I'm good. For a while, they're
watching Deadly as Catch, I was like, I want to
do that, and then.
Speaker 2 (08:14):
I never had that desire when watching that.
Speaker 1 (08:16):
As I finished my beer, I go, yeah, no, I
don't really want to do that.
Speaker 2 (08:20):
Watch that under my blanky.
Speaker 1 (08:22):
Seven twelve DC's Classic Rock Big one hundred DC's Classic Crocket.
It's Big one hundred, one hundred four nine three one
double O three that'll come in handy deep purple tickets
up for grabs a little bit later this morning, we'll
go to the phones. Now, Hi, I have a dumb question.
Do you know if air Smith is sold out? Aerosmith
they canceled their tour? Oh good, Yeah, Stephen Tyler's voice
is gone and is not coming back. That's the it's
the whole tour.
Speaker 2 (08:47):
It's from now on.
Speaker 5 (08:48):
Like they canceled, they retire from Yeah forever.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
He never fully, never fully recovered from that vocal court surgery,
and they decided they just had to hang it up. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (09:00):
Oh damn, I'm but I've got to see him a week.
Speaker 4 (09:03):
What's that twenty four?
Speaker 1 (09:04):
Yeah? Yeah, I saw him years and years ago, my god,
probably eighties. But at least I got to see him
get out. Yeah, sad to see man, But they had
a hell of a career. It can't complain about the
longevity of that band. And of course the music lives
on forever. It's DC's Classic Rocket's, Big one hundred, DC's
Classic Crockets, Big one hundred, Aerosmith and Sweet Emotion. It's
gonna rain and rain and continue to rain for a
few days here. It's supposed to be nice by the weekend.
That's the bonus. Saturday sunny eighty six, Sunday sunny eighty three,
but heavy, heavy rain over the next couple days here,
so keep that in mind, especially in your travels. This morning.
It was a mess early and is still a mess
out there. It's about seventy three degrees in DC high
today about eighty one. So the US Olympic Committee for
our Athletes is paying out about thirty seven thousand, five
hundred per gold medal this year. So Olympic athletes don't
get paid to compete. We talked about this briefly yesterday,
but when they win, there's usually a little something something
a prize, like a reward. The US thirty seven thousand,
five hundred for a gold, twenty two thousand, five hundred
for a silver, and fifteen thousand for a bronze, And
we are actually on the low end, but we actually
end up paying out way more because well, we're worth best.
We dominate everything, so there's a lot of golds. Some
countries give away way more. Serbia is at the top
of that list. They pay two hundred and fourteen thousand
dollars for a gold medal, although they only have about
two so far, so they're still paying out less than
the US. Malaysia and Morocco are also up there on
the high end. Australia is the cheapest they pay their
gold medalist about thirteen thousand dollars. Singapore where apparently at
one time had a seven hundred and thirty seven thousand
dollars bounty on gold medals, and that was in twenty
twenty one, but they did not win any that year.
Carlos Yulo the Philippines just became the country's first gold medalist.
Get this from the Philippines. He's getting a ton of
private sector gifts, a condo, a house, free food for
life at about a half a million dollars from the government.
Gotta love it. So what are the medals worth themselves?
They haven't been pure gold since nineteen twelve. This year
they're about ninety five percent silver, so their value is
about nine hundred and fifty bucks. A silver medal worth
about four hundred and eighty six dollars in a bronze
about thirteen bucks. But cool thing about this year is
all the medals contain original iron that was actually used
in the construction of the Eiffel Tower. That was kind
of cool.
Speaker 2 (11:56):
That's cool, ye.
Speaker 1 (11:57):
All right, time for the letter for the big word
of the way.
Speaker 4 (12:01):
The big word of the week on Big one hundred.
Today's letter is the letter S is in Sally for
Sam or Snake. The letter S Tomorrow we complete the
word about this time.
Speaker 1 (12:16):
It's good for Pearl Jam tickets this week right here
on DC's Classic Crockets Big one hundred, DC's Classic Crockets
Big one hundred. There's Tom Petty free fallin'. I just
saw something Jack Black said, Tenacious D will be back.
I love it, yep. Following their tour cancelation because Kyle
Gas a Trump assassination attempt joke, we had to take
a break. I don't even know what happened there.
Speaker 2 (12:42):
But oh it was so they were doing a show
in Australia.
Speaker 5 (12:45):
It was it was Kyle Gass's birthday and they brought
out a cake and they told him to make a
wish and he's like, don't miss next time. So there
was nothing to happen at the show. But then it
backlashed online. It spiraled out of control and so they
canceled the tour.
Speaker 1 (13:01):
Yeah, I didn't pay enough attention to it. I saw.
I remember seeing something and going, oh, oh, bro, you
said something stupid. Yeah, that was pretty stupid. Hey, don't
mess around at apple Bee's with the all you can eat.
You know, all these restaurants fast food places. Everybody is
trying now to get people to return to restaurants, returned
to fast food because numbers are down because of inflation.
So apple Bee's latest trick was to do the They
brought back the all you can eat wings, riblets, or
shrimp last month. The appetizers and they're not joking around
about the all you need. It's as much as you
need for one price. But there's a woman in Chicago
that was arrested Friday because she was sharing her all
you can eat order with other people at the table
and they made a scene about it. It happened in Indiana,
just Portage, Indiana, just over the border from Chicago, and
waitressar to it said hey, you can't do that, and
she said, what doesn't say anywhere here that it's only
per person. Things escalated the bill came. Turns out it
does say that in the fine print per person. And
so when the bill came, the manager charged them for
multiple all you can eat deals because there were several
people eating it. Each one's about sixteen bucks. She got
loud and disorderly, wasn't having it. They called the cops.
She was arrested her disorderly conduct. One of her friends
ended up picking up the bill after cops showed them
on the menu in the fine print that it did
say per person. Deal. There you go, all right. It
is seven forty two DC's Classic Rock, Big one hundred.
Speaker 6 (14:39):
Wb GFM, Washington and iHeartRadio Station, Live from the Nation's Capital.
This is Big Rock Mornings with Jackson on Big one hundred,
DC's Classic Rock.
Speaker 1 (14:51):
Good Morning to you. It's a oh one Florida man
coming up to cellar. Dennis was sports on Taptists around
the corner and before nine o'clock Deep Purple ticketxcept for grabs.
It is DC's Classic Crock, Big one, DC's Classic Crock
gets a Big one Green Day and good riddence. It's
eight oh nine. Good morning to you. The Internet, somebody
somebody asked a question, what's the one thing you would
never say no to? And then you know, then you
dive into the comments. The best response is one thing
you would never say no to. So somebody offers you this.
You pretty much can't refuse a paid day off, a nap.
I'll tell you what. You should always take a breath
mint when somebody offers you a piece of gum or
a breath. Men, the chances are there's a reason I
will never a hint. I will never say no when
somebody offers me a mentor a piece of gum. You
immediately get a little self conscious. And do I need it? Pizza? Yes? Money, yes,
ice cream? Maybe an invitation to have a beer yes.
Somebody said, mushroom ravioli. Okay, all right. You know what's crazy,
The totally obvious one. Sex, It's not even I don't
even see it would be like the aps. I mean,
the obvious one, the elephant in the room. Things you
wouldn't say no to. Here's a stoner, a joint, Never
bad time for that. And then someone said, when somebody
asked to go for a car ride, I don't care
where we're going. Hell, yes I want to go. And
then he clarified I'm not a golden retriever. Uh, that's
pretty interesting. The Internet can be a great place, man,
when you know when it's when you when you weed
through the trolls, when you wead through all the haters.
When you wead through all the bullying, when you eat
through all the garbage and politics and circus side shows, occasionally,
just occasionally, you find something cool.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
I do enjoy a car ride.
Speaker 1 (17:03):
I do enjoy a car ride myself. All right, coming
up before nine o'clock this morning, we're gonna give you
a chance to win deep purple tickets. All right, We're
gonna have a pair today and a pair again tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning, we wrap up the big word of the
week at seven twenty, and that is gonna be your
chance to win those Pearl Jam tickets. This is pretty cool.
That's gonna be a big show. And we're gonna speak
with Michael Jenkins, host of The Commander's pregame tomorrow pregame
show that ola right here on Big one hundred. And
as matter of fact, the first game is this Saturday,
so pregame will start at about ten am and the
game against the Jets is on it noon and Jayden
Daniels will make his debut. We'll see how long he's
gonna play. Could be as much as a quarter, which
would be nice, but just even a few series, you
know of downs would be cool, because everybody wants to
see what this kid's gonna be like when him he
actually gets out on the field against an opponent. I mean,
we also I'm playing college, but basically this is a
different world looking forward to it. Just watching him practice, Man,
looks great in practice. We'll see what happens. Well, No,
soon enough, Saturday. All right, it's eight twelve DC's Classic Rock,
Big one hundred, DC's Classic Rocket's Big one hundred, and
good morning to you. It's a seven to twenty one
Jackson here. Dana's coming up here twenty one. I'm sorry
eight twenty one. I've been having I gotta tell you, man,
for whatever reason, and I still can't figure it out.
It was. I was so wired last night. It's probably
because I went out.
Speaker 2 (18:32):
It was all that fishing.
Speaker 1 (18:33):
Well. I went out to try to fish. The weather
man lied to me, said rain was now coming until
eight o'clock. I got there. I hiked about twenty thirty
minutes into a spot right. I wasn't there five minutes
and I just came down like it was raining cats
and dogs, and I was like kind of hidding the
trees for a couple of minutes and thought, no, maybe
it'll pass.
Speaker 2 (18:56):
No, how long did it last? I when I never
let up?
Speaker 1 (19:00):
It never let up. No, it was still raining when
I got home, so I was like, screw it. Hiked
out about twenty minutes for whatever reason, though maybe it
was that I got out of there and got home
was completely drenched, and I just felt like. I had
a pot of coffee last night and I could not sleep.
I was wired and got to a bit about midnight
and got up at three. So all morning I've been
like given the wrong time telling you about the wrong prizes.
I tell you what we're gonna do Florida in here,
but it's actually I want to read this story. It's
not actually out of Florida, but it's just too good
to let go et Ceta, Oregon, So we're Florida man.
A woman forty seven years old in Oregon might as
well be Florida has been arrested. Uh, you shouldn't siphon gas, right,
that's stealing. But if you do, you probably shouldn't smoke
a cigarette while you're doing it. That's stupid. Forty seven
year old woman in Oregon named Jennifer Holmes was arrested
last weekend after she started a fire and well could
quite possibly be one of the dumbest ways ever. She
was driving a bakery truck with Nana's Sweet Treats written
on the side when she rolled up to a U
haul parking lot and began siphoning gas to pass the time.
While she was siphoning the gas stealing someone's gas, she
lit a cigarette that sparked a fire, which eventually spread
to the second U haul. Got even more dramatic because
by the time the cops get there, the flaming van's
drive line burned out, causing it to roll down the
hill into a tree. Oh my god, her and her
bakery truck were not on the sea when the police
showed up. I guess she made a run for it.
Does not sound like she was injured or anyone else
was hurt, thankfully, but it was all caught on surveillance video.
That's how they know what happened, and they were able
to track her down. She's been charged with second degree
or some first degree criminal mischief and reckless burning.
Speaker 2 (21:04):
I still reckless burning.
Speaker 1 (21:05):
I don't even know what that is, but it does
sound good. I still, to this day will see the
occasional moron who will be standing at a gas pump,
pumping gas and smoking too. I've seen it.
Speaker 3 (21:18):
I've seen it across the street at the x on seat,
and I will look at them and give them the
dirtiest look and go, are you just that stupid dude?
Speaker 1 (21:29):
Like really, like just even the fumes, You're gonna blow
yourself up? Maron. It blows me away that somebody would like,
how do you not learn that? How do you how
do you become an adult in this world and not
learn that you should not smoke a cigarette while pumping gas?
Speaker 2 (21:50):
Seems like a given, but it's not a.
Speaker 1 (21:54):
Lot of dumb people. In the world of dumb people.
Dennis is coming up with sports on tap. I didn't
mean it that way. Stop Dennis. He's laughing, not me.
I didn't mean it that way. Maybe No, I love Dennis.
He's coming up Pearl jamp tickets tomorrow with the big
word of the week, and before nine o'clock this morning
and the big commercial free hour, We've got a pair
of deep purple tickets to give away. We'll play what
have we learned on the show today? Hang on to
this number. It'll come in handy one eight hundred four
nine three one double O three. We'll get to that
end just a few eight twenty six. Good morning, DC's
class scrat. It's big one hundred Phil Collins. He can
feel it in the air tonight. It is eight thirty nine. Boy,
morning guys. Anything you got to say my face, I
didn't say anything. It was crash.
Speaker 5 (22:47):
It left and I was already saying that you that
I offended you yesterday because Dennis came in yesterday and
he was talking to me as I was doing something
over here, but you said something about is the Commander's
season starting going to mess up my weekends? SEDU and
so my in my brain, I'm thinking, oh, I don't know,
it has something changed with it.
Speaker 2 (23:06):
And but the way it came out was why.
Speaker 1 (23:09):
Would it well? And Dennis's defense, you do do that?
I do you do do that? Like he just asked
you a question maybe brand yesterday. I think there's anything
wrong with that whatsoever?
Speaker 7 (23:18):
And you, like, the good thing is I don't take
offense to anything, especially from this show, and you're like soo,
By the way, this show is much better with you
on three hours sleep. It's funnier, it's tighter. I listened today.
This is an entertaining show.
Speaker 1 (23:31):
Today. Keep it up. I'm I got nothing. Do you
want to talk football? Do something?
Speaker 7 (23:38):
Man, because all right, hey, for the first time in
a long time, I don't know if you get into
this stuff, but the commander is actually practicing with the
Jets today.
Speaker 1 (23:46):
And that's sports on DC's Classic crock.
Speaker 7 (23:49):
And helmet swinging, fistfights, all sorts of good stuff are
going to happen.
Speaker 1 (23:53):
I like joint practices. I think things do get a
little heated, they get they get spicy. And did you
see the seahawk one you today? It's helmet swinging. Yeah,
it's it's kind of fun.
Speaker 4 (24:03):
It is well.
Speaker 7 (24:04):
The guys get their their stuff out right, and I
think they want to beat up your own teammate all
the time.
Speaker 1 (24:08):
They get competitive and I like them, I think too.
And I and I bet that this is pure Dan
Quinn stuff. I've all always wondered, like, how do you
do a joint practice without giving up too much of
what you're doing?
Speaker 7 (24:19):
That's a good I was thinking about that. I guess
you have to be really careful and just kind of.
Speaker 1 (24:22):
Do the basics. Yeah, I guess it's like, well, we're
going to run our high school playbook against it.
Speaker 7 (24:27):
But it's interesting, and you know, this is maybe something
I'd love for you to talk to Quinn about the
next time you get a chat with him about when
it comes to your playbook and you do preseason, in
the regular season, how much are you letting the team
actually show your full playbook? And does it always expand
as you get farther into the season, right? And then
when your postseason, because always hear a BYuT these coaches
coming out what plays in the postseason that they've never
used before, right, right, So they must have just a
unteeing them about that. They don't always show everybody all
the time. But that's a good point. Yeah, should be
a good one.
Speaker 6 (24:57):
Speaker 7 (24:58):
Of course, I know you mentioned about the game on
Saturday twelve o'clock kickoff, ten o'clock pre game with Michael
Jenkins looking forward to it.
Speaker 1 (25:04):
It's just I'm just so happy football's here. Yeah, it's
finally here. And I don't know if you the Eagles
have been looking pretty good in training camp too. If
we talk about the division, I don't know about the Giants.
I think the Giants are I think Dallas that organization's
messed up Dallas.
Speaker 7 (25:19):
Dallas might be good sneaky this year because I know
there's been a lot of Shenanigans going on there.
Speaker 1 (25:24):
I think Dallas is going to be good. I think
the Commanders have drastically improved, and I think the Eagles
are going to be really good, almost frightening. They picked
up Saquon Barkley, of course, and he's doing really well there.
And I just read something yesterday that said Jalen Hurts
has thrown one hundred and thirty two passes in camp,
zero interceptions so far.
Speaker 7 (25:45):
And Kellen Moors are right now the offensive coordinator right though,
and that has never happened. Did you see the news
I sent you about the Eagles in last year's locker room?
Speaker 1 (25:52):
Did you catch any of that that I sent you?
Speaker 7 (25:54):
No, I haven't seen that yet. Well, I'm just gonna
give you a quick overview of event. Okay, make people have
ciphered the Jalen Hurts and AJ Brown went rogue on
the team last year together during that Seahawk game. Do
you remember when they threw that long bomb in the
interception when they needed just a short first down. Apparently
they decided not to listen to the coach, not play
the play he wanted and did what they wanted to do,
and the locker room erupted.
Speaker 1 (26:16):
After that, So that's where it all started.
Speaker 7 (26:17):
There's no respect between Syriana and Jalen Hurts, apparently none.
He doesn't like his ex'es and O's they don't like
each other well, so it was hard that he survived
this past year. Siriani the coach.
Speaker 1 (26:28):
Wow, maybe they'll repair that relationship.
Speaker 7 (26:30):
I don't know, man, I just I just know that
Jalen Hurts is going to be an Eagle for life
and Siriani is not going to be a head coach
for life.
Speaker 5 (26:36):
Speaker 1 (26:36):
I also think there's more to that story. I think
it's just that. But you and I were talking about
how did that locker room get lost?
Speaker 7 (26:42):
Something happened with Hurts and Sirianni that that escalated in
a game?
Speaker 1 (26:46):
Speaker 7 (26:47):
I mean how often do you hear that where somebody
goes rogue like that? That's wild stuff.
Speaker 1 (26:51):
Man. All right, brother, thank you very good one. I
appreciate it. Let's give away some tickets for Deep Purple.
Oh with what have we learned on the show today?
What have we got?
Speaker 5 (27:00):
We learned an important safety tip. You shouldn't do this
while pumping gas ah.
Speaker 1 (27:04):
Yeah, yeah, nine and three one double three, Good luck
from d c's Classic Rock Big one hundred. DC's Classic
Rocket's Big one hundred, and we've got these deep purple
tickets to give away with. What have we learned on
the show today? Go to the phones? Hi? Who's this Richard?
How are you this morning? Pretty good? Pretty good? Hey?
If you were listening, what should you not do when
you pump gas? Cigarette? That's right? It seems like common sense,
doesn't it.
Speaker 5 (27:32):
Smoke a joint?
Speaker 1 (27:33):
But you know, either or let's just not have fire, right,
Let's just not have fire in your gas. Uh yeah,
we're gonna set you up with deep purple tickets. Very cool,
Hang on it. We'll get you all set up all right.
We'll have some more of those to give away tomorrow
right here on DC's Classic Rock It's Big one hundred