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July 10, 2024 21 mins
The South Loudon Youth Chorale (winner of our BIG Choir Contest) will be perfoming with Foreigner at Jiffy Lube Live July 24, and they were kind enough to stop by BRM. 
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It's cool. They don't have tobe quiet. Make some noise. There
you go. It sounds like aparty. It's DC's classic rock, Big
one hundred Jackson here and we havethe South Louden Youth chorl in studio.
There is about twenty five of them, Am I right? About twenty five?
We are surrounded by kids. Theyanswer my question. There are baritones

and sopranos, and what's the otherone sopranos, baritones and altos? Is
that the mid range is what youdo? Cool? They were singing bon
Jovi while it was playing. Soundedgood it did? Oh so jealous?
So Eric step up to him,like, there you run this thing.
Huh. I'm the associate artistic director, so I'm one of the people who

leads the kiddos. Yeah yeah,So what cuts you into this? Well,
I'm a music teacher, Okay,That's what I was gonna ask.
Yeah, yeah, And I havea wonderful colleague who teaches high school.
I teach middle school, and wewanted to just do something for our community.
That's awesome. Kids an opportunity outsideof school to do something awesome and
fun, and that's what the SouthudeCorral is all right? So uh,

two questions right after bad? Whynot? Why is it not? Why
is it called a coral? Isit? What is it? Is it?
Chral? Corral? What is it? Why is it just not a
choir? What's the difference? Goodquestion? Corral? I think we thought
sounded a little more fancy and andI think I was pronouncing it the first

one. Okay, it's a corral, a corral corral which embodies that were
more than one choir were actually abunch of different choirs. Okay, So
my next question, can someone learnto sing? I'm you're asking a choir
teacher, and the answer for meis absolutely so. Now I'm talking about

somebody really really really bad. That'sme. Well, like I've I always
thought it is, you're either bornwith it or you're not. You can
singer, you can't write, andobviously you can't change the tone of someone's
voice. But can you teach themto hit notes? Is that just ear
training? Like? Can you learnto sing? Yeah, you're talking to

a guy who spends his days workingwith boys whose voices are changing, you
know, middle school experience. I'mliterally working with guys all the year who
are missing those notes. How doyou do it? What's is it?
Perseverance? Yeah? Do they justpractice hitting the notes over and over and
again. It's like absolutely right,and we you know, we try to
help them through their voice changes.But I mean, the bottom line is

any It's like Will Ferrell says anelf. You know, all it's all
singing is is just moving your voiceup and down, right, So I
think we can always get kids closerto that thing that you know. We
might not get them on American Idol, but we can get them closer.
And it's just about the love ofsinging and open your mouth and having Oh
I love it. I just Ilove it. You just don't want to
be in the same room. LikeI mean, I play little guitar and

I'll sit and I was telling Crashsurely was warning I'll sit and I'll you
know, sing along and I thinkit sounds okay, and then I'll record
it and go, oh my god. I bet every kid in this room
will agree with you that when theyhear themselves singing, they always don't.
It's so different. Yeah, butyou guys are hitting every note like I
sound like it's like nails on achalkboard. I'm not I mean, I'm

not even coming close. In myhead, I think I am. I
feel like we want to invite youto sing with us at Foreigner. Oh
my god, do you want meto ruin the whole thing for you?
Because that's what I would do,That's what I would do. So can
you give us an example. Ijust I loved it when you guys were
doing the buon Jovi when the bunJovi is playing. Yeah, we we
prepared a couple like just little hitsfor you from our upcoming concert we're performing

with Foreigner at Jiffy Lube Live Julytwenty fourth. Thank you very much for
that opportunity. Yeah, that's awesome. But so we prepared not only the
Foreigner tune we're singing with them,but another Foreigner tune and even a stick
song as well. So we'll justuh do a little tag for you from
Foreigner. Yeah, I love it, love it. Yeah. Books now

everyone on a juke blas Hero MasSauge and his US juke Boss Hero Massage
and a huke bos Hero and Saugeand at time juke Box Hero Ma Saue

and is a dashy freaking awesome.I love it. I need a little
more baritone over here, though youguys are holding back. It's a little
back story of my life. No, I can hear him. I love

it. I love that. It'sone of my favorite things about seeing a
choir saying is picking out the differentyou know, the different voice is the
baritones and sopranos, and then I'malways trying to find there's always that one
voice in there. You're like,all right, and who is that in
this room? Because I know everybodywould agree, is it you? Yes,
there's that one voice where you're like, oh my god, that she's

good, and you try to findyou know, that voice? When I
see him on stage, I'm like, who is that? Which one is
that you can never find? Wealways have one where we're like, actually,
back off a little bit. Really, what if I put you on
the spot and said sing me something, would you do it? Huh?
I don't care. You can pickanything. What's your name? Natalie?

You don't have to do it,Natalie. I'm just I just I live
to embarrass people. What you justasked a future star? You pick you
can sing that, you could singthe same thing just by yourself, box
hero for him, just one time? Yeah, and just get close to
that mic. This is Natalie singing, jukebox hero Natalie, She's the rock

star Na, no pressure, Okay, I'll look at the ground. Go
ahead, juke box Yrobistos and hisus there it is. That's awesome.

By the way, when you guysget up on stage, uh, there's
gonna be a lot of people lookingat you, so you need to get
over that. There's always strengthened numbers. I find the choir kiddos, they
you know, putting them on thespot. Some of them will you know,
are down with it, and somekids are like I like being part
of the group. You know.Yeah, So good job Natalie, and

it is so cool, so cool. So can you guys stick around for
a little bit because we'd love tohave you just kind of hang up for
a little bit. Love to somore stuff? Did we Oh awesome?
Did we send you some like I'dlove to have you guys like sing us
like out. We do have acouple of times into commercial. You want
to do that? Do you wantto do the first one? Everybody?
So as we go to break here, see normally we'd hit like a little

sweeper, but oh here goes allright? Here we go, let's try
this out. This is Big RockMornings, Washington Big Rock Mornings with Jackson
on DC's Classic Rock Big one hundred, Big Rock Mornings on DC's Classic Rock

Big Jack Can you guys come inevery day? Just do that. We'll
give you like free coffee and donuts. It is the South Louden Youth Corral
Chorral Chorral, which is a fancyway of saying a bunch of people to

get together and sing. It's afancy wave of saying choir. Actually you
said it, it would uh representseveral choirs, not just once, right,
Is that right? Yep? Wehave. We're actually next year we're
expanding to We're a pretty new organization. Next year we'll have four through twelfth
grade singers spread across five or sixdifferent choirs. Yeah. So what Caroline?

I wanted to put somebody else onthe spot, and I got her
name off the air walk up tothat microphone. I want to hear rage
against the machine killing in the nameof No. What do you got?
You probably a probably doesn't know thatsong? You got a song? You
got anything? You sing? Whatdo I? Yeah? You could even

sing? I'm not singing people,I just I love people putting people on
the spot. I'll do it.What about your solo from the concert?
The children go yeah, okay,yeah, it goes like this, Okay,

like right now, okay, hateit? Okay, children go where
I Sandy? How shall? Isaid? Hady? Wow? I hate
all of you. This makes memore angry that I can't sing. No,

I can't. They keep telling meI can, and I'm like,
no, trust me, you don't. You don't want to hear that.
Working with teenagers. I think shesaid you can sing, you're just not
good at it. She said,that's true. Excellent way to put it.
That is a perfect way to putit. Wow, we thought it

was hot in here earlier, andthen we wrought and then we brought thirty
people into the studio. It's likea hundred degrees in here. It's awesome.
Did you have another one for usfrom your little medley that you had
put together? Yeah. So again, we're just happy to be in the
studio. And this is the SouthLouden Youth Corral from uh well, South
Loudon County in Virginia. And we'regonna be performing with Foreigner in Styx July

twenty fourth at Jiffy Lube. Andso even though we're performing with Foreigner,
we prepared a little bit of aSticks tune for you as well, because
we are Stix fans. Nice.So here we go. Come come,
come ready, go com salloway,come sellway, come sellway with me.

Come salloi, comzell, Come sellwith me. Com salloi con sel,
come sell with me, com salloytom Selloi, come sell with me.
I like the ending there, that'scool. You know, we just need

some cow bell, Yeah, cowbell, cow bell. Everything always needs
more more cowboll would sound fantastic.So yeah, the South Audin youth corral.
I apologize for mispronouncing it all week. Is there such a thing as
a coral? I mean, besidesthe bottom of the ocean, name of

the sun of the guy from WalkingDead? All right, they are going
to be performing at the Big Concertwith Sticks and Foreigner July twenty fourth.
And they submitted an entry. Itwas the best one, and so that
means they won the opportunity to jumpup with Foreigner. And and how cool

is that? I mean to like, you'll be up, don't worry about
the crowd, Like when you getup up on a stage and you look
out at that many people. Itreally just kind of seems like just to
see a people you don't really see. You don't really you shouldn't get nervous,
You really should just see lights.Yeah, it depends on what time.
Do you guys know what time you'regoing on? I know that Foreigner's
second that night, so they areokay for the uh there's a uh,

there's like an opening act and thenForeigner and then Sticks. Yep, so
we'll be on and that will mostlikely be towards the end of the set
because it's one of the bigger hits. So yeah, so you'll probably it'll
probably be dark out by then,so all you'll see is stage lights.
Else you'll see like the front rowand then just lights in your face.
But they will see you, andthey're judging, all of them looking at

you, judging. No pressure.Fantastic, So let's uh, let's take
care of business here, do youcan you sing us out into a commercial
break and then if you guys canstick around a little wile, what have
you come back home with us?Yeah? Sure, let's do come sail
away again? Ready to got itready and go com comb sell like com

sell with me, com Sell combSell Tomba Tombsall with me, Tomzell,
Tom Sell com Awesome, Awesome,DC's classic Rock, Big one hundred.

DC's classic rock is Big one Hundred'sGuns of Roses Paradise. You guys were
singing some Guns of Roses too,like that. You kids are officially hip.
You're cool. It's cool. Doyou do you guys have like a
favorite classic rock band? Huh?Yes? Who queen? That's a queen?
Yeah? Why is it? Queen? I mean that's that's that makes

sense right, Yeah, the mostwell known, it's your most what queen
is the most obvious choice? Who'syour who's your favorite? Like haero oh
those are fantastic too. Queen isa good one though, because Freddie Mercury
could sing. I mean he yeah, I mean, why don't you step

up to Hare Hare Natalie, stepup to that mic and so and I
want you to do Bohemian Rhapsody?Go oh, actually do you know a
part? Do it? Yeah?Any part I was. I was just
teasing. I was just putting youon the spot. Don't screw it up.

And she's channeling her inner Freddie Mercury, Everybody, everybody, everybody's watching
it. Everybody's listening. Okay,is this the real life? Is this
just fantasy? Caught in that slide? No escape from reality? All right?

I tried to put her on thespot. It didn't work. She
was ready. She came out andnailed it. Hang it. What else
you got? You got another onefor us? We do well? I'd
love to hear it. Yeah,we're performing with Foreigner. Yeah, one
specific song and we save the bestfor last. So this will be the
song we're actually singing with them onJuly twenty fourth. Okay, let's do
it. You ready? Do youknow your notes? Yeah? Too?

Ready? Here we go. Oh, show I feel it. I know

you can show me. Yeah.Nice job. That was fantastic. So
do you have a website and youmention that to you guys? Are doing
a fundraiser? Yes, because Iwill totally support that. What do you
got so much? Yeah? Sowe're the South Loud of Youth Corral,
a nonprofit youth organization dedicated to justelevating the choral arts for our kids.

Let's back up a second here,real quick, ditch the nonprofit. Let's
make some money. Yeah, Imean, I'm all about making money off
on the backs of these kids.Now, go ahead, I'm sorry,
go ahead, nonprofit, nonprofit,good good stuff, but we are.

We're raising money for the kids,actually right, and we're doing a scholarship
fundraiser. You could go to ourwebsite, which is www dot slyceral dot
org s l y c h Or a l e dot org to donate
to our scholarship fund, which willhelp a student go to our summer camps
or participate in our concert season.Very cool, very cool. So is
this a year round thing? Doyou guys all do this year round?

That's amazing, that's awesome. Howoften do you guys meet, like Monday
once a week? Yeah, that'spretty cool. Monday nights. Where's Wren?
Did I have rain? Come upyet? This is what I do.
I put him on the spot.Step up to the Micren, don't
be don't be shy. What areyou gonna sing for me? Okay,

let's hear it. I'd like tohear it. Come sello, come sel,
come sel with me, come sallow, come salloi, come sell with
come sellow, come sel, comesell with me, Come sell, come

sell, come sell with me.That's awesome. Nice job, Nice job,
fantastic. Let's do we we taughtthe kids how to do Florida Man
here where you said take your birthday? Google Florida Man and your birthday And
uh, I'm not sure if that'sa good idea. How old are you?

Guys? Again? You can findsome really bad stuff on the internet.
Just don't look at that stuff.Uh, what's your birthday? December
eleventh? December eleventh, Florida Man, Florida Man. Wait, let's have
you guys? Can you sing FloridaMan for us? Going in? Oh
sweet, this is awesome. Nowyou guys can't hear it, but we

have some little banjo music going inthe background. Now. Florida Man's smothers.
Oh, I think we've had thisone before, but it's it's a
good on. Florida Man's smothers hisnephew's meatball sandwich with eye drops because he
hated him. What movie was that? In wedding Crash Weddings where I don't

know if this is true or not, but apparently it'll make people vomit if
you put eye drops on their foodor in there. Yeah, don't do
that. Yeah, it's not gonnacut. He was a wreck because you'll
be arrested, he says right here. He was arrested and charged with poisoning
of food. After the incident happened, forty five year old man was at

a store and asked for a bottleof eye drops, saying he had dry
eyes. But then he went andtook those high drops and put them all
over his nephew sandwich. And hesaid he said he was hoping it would
make his nephew puke his brains out. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, So

somebody called the cops and he gotarrested. Necessary. So don't do that,
kids, don't do that. Yeah, kill that, kill that music.
I want to I want to saygoodbye to everyone without the banjo's playing
in the background. O. Youguys won't stay forever. Just sing us
in and out of break every day. That'd be awesome. Oh, we
did get a talkback message. Wedid ull play it. What do we

got? Legendary bands? That wasreally cool? That's really good. Great
job, Natalie. Oh, Nataliehas a fan. Natalie, you have
your first fan? How about thatfirst fan? Yeah? You should,
you should. You're gonna call itbecause my last name is Pringle, I'm

gonna call it the Pringles fan.I like it. I like it.
Yes, five years nothing start now. I'm telling you guys, start a
little punk band, be cool,super cool. All right, give us
that website one more time, justin case somebody missed it. Yeah,
and again, just thank y'all somuch. No, thank you, man.
We appreciate, appreciate it, andthe kids are so excited to perform

with Foreigner July twenty fourth at JiffyLube. And our website is www dot
sly corral dot org. S ly c h O r a l E
dot org. I spelled that rightcorrect. And we're raising funds for our
scholarship fundraiser, which would go towardhelping a kid participate in one of our
events like summer camp or our corncertconcert season. And again, just thank

y'all so much for having us.Hey, thank you, and we look
forward to seeing you guys up onup on stage. I will be staring
and judging. Don't screw it up. Don't makes it look bad. We
picked you. If you perform poorly, it reflects reflects poorly on me.

I can't help it. So justsaying no, you guys are gonna kill
it. It's gonna be awesome.I look forward to it, so thank
you for stopping. Bye, guys, We really, we really appreciate it.
We got to take a break here. We're back. We are breaking
here right, yes, yes,we are all right, so we'll be
back in a minute. It's DC'sclassic rock Big One Rock Mornings.
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