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May 18, 2023 7 mins
Drama drama and more drama inside a War of the Roses w CK and Carmen!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Cheaters. Beware work the roses.He's on the air with c K and
Carmen in the morning on B ninetyfive. All right, so here we
go, possibly going to catch ourselvesa cheater. C K and Carmen B
ninety five. Go ahead, man, talk to us. Well, we've
been together for three years now,and she's been living with me for for
about two of those years. Okay, and uh it's been good. You

know, I think we rock solid. But I'm out of town right now.
Um, I travel a lot forwork, and uh, normally I
call her and uh I wake herup. Um, she's ah, you
know, she's someone that hates gettingout of bed. He sleeps through her
alarms all the time. So youknow, usually I give her a little
good morning call. Uh oh yeah, good morning me. I'm more you

know, it's a it's a cutething, but like you know, she
may be a heavy sleeper, likesto hit the snooze button. I mean,
we got so many folks who arelike, snooze, snooze, snooze,
snooze exactly. That's totally that's totallyher, right. So uh.
Also I have a like security camein the house and everything. Uh,
because my place is set up likethat and I can see, like you

know, usually when she's not awake. You know, she's supposed to be
up and about getting breakfast and coffeeor whatever, and she ain't, so
you know, I give her acall. Yeah, and you normally,
I mean, people have the ringset up throughout their house. Some people
have it in their kitchen, theirfront door, their living room. I
mean, just in case someone breaksin or something just seems a little bit
off. I get it exactly.So now that we're talking about something being

a little bit off, so Igot an alert last night at eleven PM
and another one at six thirty am. You know that my front door.
Someone was coming, you know,in and out of my house. Okay,
right, And I'm I'm pretty sureI wasn't her, especially the six
thirty one because like I said,she don't like getting up that early.
Don't wake up like that, right, And then you know, and then

one of the cameras was covered upas well, you know, just conveniently
when I was going to look atit. So I'm I'm getting I'm real
suspicious right now. I gotta tellyou that. So you're telling me the
camera was covered up. It wasa little askew, so I couldn't really
see what I need to see onthe front door camera. Yeah, the
dog camera. Okay, all right, so I can see why you're saying

there's a couple of red flags here. We gotta figure out what's happening exactly.
Okay, So here's what we're gonnado. We're gonna call Chelsea.
We're gonna bust out C and seeFlora. We're gonna offer up a dozen
roses, and we'll even throw ina free couple's massage and we'll see who
she decides to do the massage with, sending the flowers too, and we'll
go from there. Okay, letme do it. We're calling Chelsea next

K and Carmen. It's B ninetyfive, War of the Roses. What's
gonna happen? It's War of theRoses now on B ninety five. All
right, so we're gonna get Chelseaon the phone, c K and Carmen.
We're inside a war of the roses, about to bust out C and

se Floral. Here we go.Good morning, good morning, good morning.
I'm looking for Chelsea. Okay,hey, Chelsea, how you doing.
It's Rogers from CNC Floral, abrand new floral shop that just opened
up at Shaw on Blackstone. Wegot a tremendous promotion a day in which
you just want yourself a dozen freeroses and a free couple's massage. Oh

really, you sure did, asa matter of fact. And I know
that a lot of people are hesitant. They don't want to give us their
credit card information and all that goodstuff. And I wouldn't want to do
that either. So here's how itall goes down. We're going up against
the big boys. This is afree word of mouthpromotion. We're not going
to ask for your credit card informationor anything personal. We just hope that
you send the flowers and you takeadvantage this couple's massage. If you like

what we do as a company,maybe you come back to us for an
anniversary, a birthday, whatever thecase may be, where you need flowers,
you know that CNC Floral is herefor you. Okay, okay,
Chelsea, Okay, that's so good, all right, fantastic, all right.
So, like I said, youknow, we have a dozen long
stemmed Ecuadorian road is that we're givingyou, and we're even throwing in a

free couple's massage to use anytime you'dlike. So who would you you know
you like to do this with?Or send the flowers to and all that
good stuff. Well, actually,if I could, I've got a date
tonight. Can I use that couple'smassage? And I haven't seen it?
You guys name is Jane. Okay, So you want to go ahead and

use that couple's massage tonight with James? Yeah? I mean that is great
that I can knew it all right? Listen, how dumb do you gotta
be the sheet on somebody in theirown house with cameras? This is yeah,
okay, how dumb do you?Listen? You better not be there

when I get back home. Bythe way, you're on the radio,
it's being ninety five CNC Floral standsfor c K and Carmen. We do
this thing called a War of theRoses. That right there. If you
haven't recognized the voice, my voiceis Ryan. Yeah, you busted,
you busted. You better not bethere when I get home, and you

better tell James I'm gonna be thethat's when I see him. So did
James come to the house last nightat eleven o'clock Chelsea. Chelsea, Wow,
I knew it. This is crazy. She's probably just gone. No,

I just I just heard her hangup right now? Oh shit?
Okay, So Ryan, Okay,James, I mean you you kind of
imply that you want to beat himup. Oh yeah, the Jeners our
neighbor. Jenders are next door neighbor. I know that guy, all right.
He's married as well, he gothis own wife. I've I've I've

done lunch with him and his wife. And let me tell you, when
I get back into town, shebetter not be there. She better pack
her and get out. Why.Oh so James's next door, he's married.
Yeah, you're actually a little bitcooler than I would expect to get
information like this. I mean maybeyou have a nervous laugh, but wow,

no, no, yeah, Ijust I just knew it, you
know what I'm saying. I mean, I knew it as soon as I
got those alerts. I knew it, you know, I I'm not surprised,
you know so, But you knowhow them you got to be to
really just do that in somebody's housewith cameras. That's I just hope she
better not be there when I getthere. She better pack up. Her
stuff get out because I aint Iain't having that. Well, you know

what, Ryan, I mean,I think you're handling this extremely well.
Um, you might want to sendher a text message or two and be
like, look, get your stuffbe gone because you're technically not gonna be
home until what next Wednesday? Yeah? Yeah, look like like you said,
like, you know, I'm I'mpretty cool, I'm pretty heated.

You know, I'm in my feelingsa little bit right now, but you
know I'm I'm scaling it back.You know, I'm talking to you,
I'm on the radio. But itain't gonna be as nice when I you
know, reach out to her,which, yeah, she's definitely gonna be
getting a formal eviction notice right rightfor me, you know what I mean?
A man, Well, let meget you off the radio right now.
I'm sorry it went down like thatinside the War of the Roses.

Brother. Hey, hey, listen, there's always the next one, you
know what I mean? Hold onnow. C K and Carmen B. Ninety five
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