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Corpus Christy's Classic Kids Big ninety threenine hip Man with you and I have
on the phone Brian Yoder, who'swith Battling Barbecue Benefiting Children Battling Cancer.
That's coming up on Saturday, Octobertwenty first over in Ingles Side at n
O. Simmons Park. How areyou doing, Brian? I'm doing pretty
good about yourself. I'm doing greatnow. Of course I remember this from
last year. This has become anannual event. How long have you been
doing this since twenty eighteen? Howevermany years that is? I can I
can't remember. Wow, Well,the one thing I do remember because I
went last year and we were outthere. Of course, besides the barbecue
contest for every chance to win lotsof great prizes. But you have lots
of other great stuff going on,including pro wrestling and let's see, it's
a kids activities, corn old contestsand much more. Tell us a little
bit more about it, that's right, that's right. So at noon we
have a professional wrestling that's underneath thepavilion. Then you got two thirty to
five mistaken scarecrow people. Then sixto nine thirty is going to be Seattle
Rising. We have a corner.Competition starts at eleven, So if you
want to do that, get therea little bit early eighty percent payout on
that. Other than that, everythingis free for the public to come.
We have kid activities, got likea rock crawl. We've got like little
kid games too. We've got youknow, beer vendors, regular vendors,
barbecue vendors, all that kind ofgood stuff. Now, this cookoff that's
going on, I know it's sixthousand dollars in cash prizes. Can people
still enter right now for the cookoff? Yes, they can. Actually you
enter through our website at Batlanbarbecue dotorg. As long as you sign up
by Friday afternoon, you can compete. Okay, all right, now,
tell us about you said its benefitingchildren battling cancer. Tell us a little
bit about the charity on that.Basically, you start in twenty eighteen with
a friend of mine I went tohigh school with. So I had cancer
and we decided something different, somedifferent friend to raise some money. So
we had a little cookoff, endup having nineteen teams, I believe,
and so we say, you know, let's let's keep doing this. Let's
see if there's other people that needthat want some help and wouldn't mind,
you know, doing this, Andsure enough it just kept going and going
and so you know, it's we'vebeen doing this since twenty eighteen and we
have no plans on stopping. Wow. Yeah, So we're talking with Brian
Roder. He's a part of BattlingBarbecue benefit Children's Battle Cancer happening on Saturday,
October twenty first, is happening inIngleside over at n O. Simmons
Park. You want to find outmore details, go online www dot Battling
Barbecue dot org. That's b AT T l I n BBQ dot org.
That way, people don't go battling, you know, and it's Battling
barbecuet. Yeah. Yeah, soof course, like you said, this
is a free event. Tell usmore about the one thing I'm interested in.
It's a lot of people have greatevents and stuff like that, but
you're the only one that I knowof that has pro wrestling. Can you
tell us a little bit about thefederation that's that's doing that wrestling event?
Yeah. Basically, so these guysthey come down from I believe the Dallas
area and they had reached out tous mm hmm. Somehow they found out
about what we do and he said, hey, man, how would you
like some pro wrestling over there?And I just thought to myself, you're
kidding, right, He said,no, man. He goes, here's
a video of what we do,and they, you know, they got
to go all over in the Texasarea. He said, we would love
to come down there and wrestle andshow you what we got. I said,
well, I don't have an arena. He goes, no, man,
we got our own stuff. Wehave our own stage, we've got
all the roads, we've got allthe wrestlers. All I got to do
is have a big space for us, and we're going to entertain everybody.
So all right, and shirt upman. Every year it's a lot of
fun. It's so cool to watchthem, man, it's awesome. Yeah.
I saw it last year and Ithought that was so cool that you
were doing that. And of course, like you said, you got live
music and much much more. Andyou said, people can People can still
enter right now for the cookoff,but they got to go. They have
to do by Win again Friday byFriday evenings. You know. Sometimes sometimes
people you know, like when wedo cookoffs, they come we come in
Saturday morning because traveling and all that, and I totally get it. But
as long as I sign up byFriday afternoon evening, they are actually signed
up. We just can't have peoplewalk up Saturday and say, hey,
we're here to go. We're youknow, already all the rolls, everything's
been passed out. So as longas you're signed up by Friday afternoon,
you're good to go. Okay,And what are some of the categories?
I know you probably have brisket onone? Is there like chicken? Is
there other types of meats and stufflike that? Right, So we're doing
three meats, so it's going tobe chicken, it could be however you
want. As long as it's notshredded. Then you'll have ribs. It
can be any type of ribs.It can be baby back, spare.
Uh, you know, Saint Louis. If you want in brisket is of
course brisket. You know what Imean. You can do You can do
your your flat, you can doyour point however you want to want to
do it. Long as long asyou win, you win, you know
what I mean. So, yeah, we have but we do CBA sanctioning,
so they have a little more leniencyon some of what you can do,
and you can actually kind of sethem do and just have chicken.
You do thighs, you can dowings, you know, whatever you want.
Well, if they need to tastetester, you just let me know.
I'll be there for that because that'swhat we have people that are open
to judging. You know, weactually will. We'll have we need twenty
four judges per and you know,we don't mind having some of the people's
spectators. If you arrived, Soyou go turn into at June one and
two o'clock. If you're there atSimon's early and we have some spots open,
ask us, hey, man,can we be a judge? And
I'll look, well, hey wegot a spot. Jump on in there.
Let's see what you got. No, there you go. It's happening
Saturday, October twenty First Battling Barbecuebenefiting Children's Battling Cancer in Ingleside at n
O. Simmons Park. Make sureyou make it on out there. Everything
starts at what time exactly. Everythingstarts basically at eleven am, So eleven
am. The first thing is thecornhole competition starts, So that's technically the
beginning, all right, Okay,so if you want to find out more
details www. Dot Battling Barbecue dotorg. That's b A T T L
I n BBQ dot org. Brian, thanks all for calling in and uh,
you know, looking forward to seeingyou pretty soon. I'll see you
Saturday. I'll help everyone comes out