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Hey, what's going on? Itis hit Man with you and I've got
Cody Hanson, the drummer of Hinder, on the phone right now. Hinder,
of course, is going to beat the House of Rock this Sunday.
Tickets are still on sale right now. You can get them at Texas
House of Rock dot com. Cody, what's going on? I love it?
How are you? I'm doing good? But you guys are I'm going
to say, I set it offthe phone. You guys are a touring
machine. You guys have been literallyeverywhere right Yeah. Man, things have
really picked up this year. We'vewe've been really busy and it's good to
be out, that's for sure.So if so, tell people what can
they expect at a Hinder show.You know, I think we've always just
tried to make things a big party, you know. We just we want
everybody to come out and have agood time and and you know, sing
along to tell the songs that theyknow. You know, we try to
bring a good mix of like,you know, all those older songs that
were popular, and then a fewnew treats here and there. So we'll
be playing some new stuff that nobody'sheard before. So that'll be cool.
But yeah, man, just justa big party and everybody having a good
time. Yeah. If you wantto find out more details, you can
always go to their website called hendermusicdot com. They got lots of great
stuff up there, a lot ofgood YouTube videos and much more. I
find a lot of your stuff onFacebook. You guys do a lot of
reels. Do you do a lotof social media for the band? I
do, I do some. Yeah, we do have a guy that that
we we have kind of do someof the posting and stuff for us and
some of the maintenance and things likethat. But you know, we're I
don't know, as we've gotten alittle bit older, we kind of,
I don't know, grow tired ofsocial media a little bit. So I
do not have to have somebody takeit over. I am with you on
that also, But you know,in this type of business, if you're
not doing social media, you're notgoing anywhere. So it's like, I
know exactly how you feel, man, So yeah, man, it's very
evil, I guess so. Hender. Of course, we know for your
for some of your great rock music, but I hear that some of your
music now is across between a littlebit of rock, maybe a little bit
of pop, a little bit ofcountry. Yeah, yeah, we're we're
just wrapping up or just finished anew album actually, and yeah, it's
kind of it's really all over theplace. You know. We have we
have some songs that sound like alittle more current, you know, heavy
rock, and then we have somethat are you know, kind of the
old school throwback sounding hinder type tracks. And then you know, we have
some some that we've you know,kind of experimented with a little bit and
gone, you know, just takingsome some pop elements and country elements,
like you just said, and it'skind of kind of, I don't know,
it made a really cool blend anda really cool, interesting body of
work, I guess. Yeah.I saw actually on your Facebook page around
March that you guys were in thestudios. Uh, do you have a
name for the new album yet?We do, Actually, I think we're
going to call it back to LifeA nice nice So there there is a
new a new song that has asimilar title, and that's kind of where
it came from that we're actually playinglive. So we were actually getting together
today to run over a track thatwe haven't played yet. So hopefully we'll
have at least two in the set. Wow. Wow, we're talking with
Cody Hanson, the drummer of Hinder, where this Sunday they're going to be
playing over at the House of Rock. Tickets are still available if you go
to Texas House of Rock dot comto get your tickets. They also have
special guest res and eighteen Hours aregoing to be opening up for him.
Now, tell me a little bitabout Marshall. Now, I saw this
one reel that you guys had onsocial media where there's two sides of Marshall.
At one point he's a mechanic,then the next point he's your lead
singer. Is he like a jackof all trades? What's he doing?
Yeah, that's kind of since wedecided to buy our own our own tour
bus, so the two of uskind of get together and we do the
mechanic ing as well. So it'skind of a full it's like a full
time job, to be honest withyou, It's like a whole second,
second thing, a whole different partof the band. You know, we
the two of the seem to youknow, we mechanic together, we produce
music and write music together, andwe kind of just kind of try to
take on as much as we can. That is so cool. Yeah,
we're talking with Cody from Henderman.He's going to be here on Sunday with
the House of Rock. Uh,it's it's it's so cool that you guys.
It's almost sounds like you guys arealmost a family atmosphere. I mean
you guys literally are brothers, right, Yeah, I mean that's kind of
how it's how it's always been,you know. You know, we try
to, I don't know, tryto keep everything as tight knit as we
can. And uh, you know, I think that's kind of the secret
to I don't know, having along successful career is you know, keeping
everybody tight and you know, kindof being on the same page and marching
forward. Well, it's going tobe a great show. I know that
for a fact. I've already heardword that the show is almost completely sold
out. They've only got a handfulof tickets left. So if you want
to get your tickets, Texas,House of Rock dot com makes you get
them for this Sunday. Since youguys are a touring monster, what's the
craziest thing that's happened to you guyswhile on tour. Oh man, I
don't even think I could. Idon't even think I could ten point that.
You know, there is one storythat I don't know why, it
just seems to be the one thatstands out to me because it was just
really funny at the time. Butyou know, we liked, you know,
to drink on stage and like Isaid, make it a party atmosphere.
And I remember we were up ina ski down and under this big,
giant heated tint. It was reallyhot inside the tent, and there
was a guy that had a prostheticleg and he took it off and he
threw it up on the stage andyou can imagine there was a lot of
stuff in this leg, right,you know, and whatever. This was
really gross. But so one ofthe guys picked it up. Bass player
picked it up and was gonna wasgonna hit Blower with it, and instead
he takes it from him for ashis vibe could drink down inside that leg
and then just chokes it. Ohman, Yeah, that's a story you
got to tell your kids down theroad. I can tell you that much.
That's crazy. Wow. So itshould be a great show. Looking
forward to seeing you guys coming intotown. Where are you at? Actually
today today we're in Oklahoma City.We just came home from a flight eight
up in Washington and we jump onthe bus tonight and head to Amarillo.
That's where we start the rest ofthe tour. So oh wow. Yeah,
it's like I said, you guysare a touring monster. If you
want to find out more details,go check out some of the reels that
are on their Facebook page, andof course go to their website hindermusic dot
com. Lots of great stuffs outthere, so we could expect some of
the some of the classics Hinder classics, but also some great new music.
And I'm actually looking forward to seeingMarshall singing some great songs there. And
one last question. I asked thisto all the bands all the time.
You know, there's a lot ofbands that are up and coming and they
want to you know, break breakout, you know what I mean.
So what advice can you give tothese up and coming bands to make it
in this type of business? Iwould say to learn as many skills as
you can, you know, throughoutthe years. Like I said, we
try to keep everything in house,you know, learning you know, music
production, learning how to mix,and master learning how to do graphic design,
learning how to you know, likedo your own merch do your own
set design, do your own lightingdesign. You know that it's just it
doesn't cut it to just be amusician and walk up on stage and play
play your songs anymore. You gotto do learn how to do everything behind
the scenes as well to save moneyand make sure it's done right. Wow,
that's actually great advice. It's thebest advice I've heard so far.
Thanks a lot, Cody for callingin today, and we'll looking forward to
seeing you guys on Sunday at theHouse of Rock and any last thing you
want to see to your fans.No, just can't. We can't wait
to get back down there. It'sbeen a long time. And then we're
definitely looking forward to it.