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April 2, 2024 5 mins
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Corpus Graci's Classic Kids Big ninety threenine hip Man with you and I have
two lovely ladies on the phone rightnow, Lisa and Diana. Liso and
is with Fun Trackers and Diana's withKasa of the Coastal Ben. How are
you ladies doing today? We aregreat, great, Hey, So tell
me about ringing of the bells that'scoming up actually in just a couple of
days. It is, so weare super excited. So, mister,

the event will be held in theGame Fund Trackers at ninety six oh five
SCID. Starting at five thirty.Diana will go into a little bit more
information about the reason for this event. But starting at five thirty we will
be kicking off. We've got vendors, we have arts and craft games,
we'll have cornhole and just kind ofa whole evening dedicated to the community for

families to come out and just kindof partake in some community activities. Yeah.
I even hear that you're going toeven have a proclamation from the mayor
is going to be there also,right, Yes, that is true.
Mayor Guaharda will be here and shewill read a proclamation. She will proclaim
April as Child Abuse Prevention Month,and she will also dedicate April to fourth

to thank our volunteers for the amazingcourt that they do with the children in
the foster care system. Now,tell me a little bit about what's going
on at fun Trackers where kids aregoing to be able to with chalk draw
out on the track out there.It is, Yeah, they are,
so you know, it's kind ofa unique event. So we're taking one
of our go kart tracks, Sobasically the vendors and stuff will be outside

and that's also where the mayor willbe. But that go kart track that's
right behind where all the activities willbe and we're opening it up and so
families can come for twenty dollars andyou basically buy a square on a go
kart track and they can draw.So we'll give them some chalk and they
can be little artists. We dohave Walmart of the Flower Bluff here that's
basically going to be kind of overseeingthat and helping them draw, and then
those proceeds for that twenty dollars willbe going back to KASA and then our

other and partnering nonprofit which is theNext Kid Up. So some of those
proceeds will be going back to thoseorganizations, so they do get the unique
opportunity to draw in a go karttrack and then they'll also get a two
hour video gameplay that will be onsome of our selective games. Wow.
That's so it looks like it's goingto be a fun day in the next
couple of days. If people wantto find out more information concerning ringing of
the bells and there's some of thegreat stuff that's happening in fun trackers,

where can they go to find outthis information? They can either hit cross
this Facebook page or but it islocated on our Facebook page or in the
game fund trackers and they can definitelycheck it out. If we're running also
food special, so if anybody iskind of they want to just come on
over here after work and they're notin the mood to cook, as everything
will be kind of kicking off atfive point thirty. We are running a

half off Hamburger deal, so it'dbe it's the half off of any of
our hamburgers. It also comes withfrides, so we'll be running that dinner
special that night as well. Ohwow, Okay, so to give a
little recap, tell me a littlebit about Kasa. What if people want
to find out about Kaso, Whatdoes KASA do No. KASA stands for
cord to point of Special Advocates.We are a volunteer based organization. Our

volunteers provide a strong voice, healingherd and the opportunity to drive to children
who are in the foster care systembecause of view the neglect. I mean,
these children find themselves in these sharpinfested waters of foster care, in
strangers' homes, and these volunteers justbring happiness to these kids. They give

them the opportunity to just be children, talk to them about what's happening.
If siblings are placed in different fosterhomes, they bring them together, they
take them to the park. Theyjust let them be kids, and they
are there for them. They aretheir champion. They speak up for them
in court, let the judge knowwhat their wishes are. All by communicating

with everybody that's involved in the child'slife while they are in the foster care
system. So basically they just putthose pieces of the puzzle together for everyone
involved, but mainly for the judge. They bring the story to the judge
of how the kids are doing infoster care and what needs to happen and
making sure that their needs are beingmet and that they're not being swept under

the rug. So they are reallyreally special individuals that deserve to be recognized
and the mayor obviously knows that sheloves KASA. Judge McCoy will also be
here to thank the volunteers for theamazing work that they do in the community
here in Oasis and Aransas County.So if people want to be a part
of, like become a volunteer atKASA, will they be able to get

some of this information at the eventthat's coming up. We will have plenty
of information and they can also visitCoastal Beancosa dot org. We'll have plenty
of information, stories, the volunteerswill be here. They'll be able to
talk to any of them. They'llhave a special lanyard on so if they
want to know anything in particular aboutKASA, what their role is, what

kind of you know, what theirstories are, they will be here to
talk to individuals. So come onbuy and just find out a little bit
about KASA and maybe different ways thatthey can be involved. Wow, that's
going to be a great events.Happening April fourth, but we're at in
the Game fund trackers and make sureyou make it on out of course,
it's all for a great cause.Thank you ladies for calling in today.

And yeah, if people want tofind out more information, of course you
said, it's going to be allover social media and uh and uh they'll
be able to find out more detailsthere, right, absolutely, Yeah,
just check out. We'll be makinga couple more posts on our Facebook page
for in the Game Pardockers today andtomorrow. But yeah, I mean they
can definitely call in as well andget some more information into in the Game
pundockers. But yeah, we lookforward to seeing everybody out on Thursday for

this unique event. Hey, thanksa lot time. Checking with Michelle Ron
with the lace Neertainment News
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