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Corpus Scracy's classic Hits Big ninety threeto nine. What's going on? It's
Hit Man with you and it's thattime again. I've got Michael from Bluebelt
ice Cream in with me right now, and I can't stop eating this because
I'm a huge fan of cheesecake andyou brought in this new flavor cookies and
cream cheesecake, cooking cream cheesecake.Yes, tell me a little bit about
it. Sure, it's a cheesecakeice cream. It's blended with chocolate cookie
crusted cheesecake pieces, and it's gotchocolate cream filled cookies. Right. It's
like, well I just had someright now. It's like when you first
take the bite, you taste thecookies and cream, but then right afterwards
that's when the cheesecake kicks in rightafter that, which I think is really
cool. Yeah, I don't knowhow they do it, but it's they
got the manned scientist up there.Now it's out now, it is.
It hits the shelves on the twelfth. Okay, so it's in all stores
right now. So can they getit besides the gallon, they can get
them in the quart size and thepint pint size, right pint and quartz.
I'm terrible with me with measuring quartpint now, so it's like it's
pint sized and also in the gallonsize r half gallon size, half gallon
sized, right, I need toget that. You get worked on anyway.
And you also brought back in theA and W flavored A and W
root beer flu now, okay,tell us a little bit about that.
Sure, we brought it out afew months ago, but just remind people
we still have it out there.It's still selling well, so get it
why you can. But it's avanilla flavored ice cream swirled together with A
and W root beer flavored Subert.Yeah, yeah, so, and right
now actually is a perfect time becauseyesterday was National ice Cream Day and it's
the fortieth anniversary of National ice CreamMonth. Right back in nineteen eighty four,
Ronald Reagan declared July as National iceCream Month. Wow, so make
sure you get some ice cream todaynow if people want to find out more
details or whenever you have new flavorsout, where can they go? Besides,
of course you can see on oursocial media page because I just took
pictures of myself eating it, right, I appreciate that, but where else
can they work? Where can theyfind more Infoah? Of course we have
a Facebook which it's the Bluebell.You know, we have an official Bluebell
ice Cream Facebook page right at.I love Bluebell on X and we have
Bluebell ice Cream on Twitter and Pinterest. I'm not Twitter, but dude,
Instagram and Pitcher, so I'm stilldoing the same thing. I still call
it Twitter, even though it's calledX now, i still call it Twitter.
So it's like, if you're lookingfor something new, and of course,
as hot as it's been lately,you might want to try this out.
Cookies and cream cheesecake. It isso good. And of course we've
always got lots of other great flavorsout there right now, so sir,
we usually keep trying to keep aroundthirty flavors out there going at one time.
Yeah, yeah, so make sureand go get it today. Anything
else you want to pass on toeverybody. I just appreciate having us in
again, and uh, we appreciateconsumers out there following, you know,
keeping buying the blue Belt. Oh, come on, it's Texas. It's
a tradition. You got to eatblue Belt. It's like a requirement now
before you get your driver's license.You gotta eat blue belt. Oh yeah
yeah, So thanks a lot forcoming in today. Oh thank you for
having me all right on the way. We got more classic gets coming up
on Big ninety three nine