Episode Transcript
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Corpus Chrissy's Classic Kids Big ninety threeto nine? How are you a tip
man with you? And I've goton the phone with me right now,
Sam from the US Lexington Museum.Hey, how are you? I am
wonderful. Thank you so much formaking time to talk with me today.
Okay, now I hear this,this is happening very soon. You need
to tell me about this breakfast withSanta. What's going on? Yes,
So on Saturday, December ninth,we will have the VIP himself, mister
Santa Claus with Missus Santa Claus boardthe USS Lexington Museum waiting for all the
local boys and girls to take picturesand have a splendorous day aboard the USS
Lexington Museum welcoming the holiday season.Yeah, I hear you. Guys,
got a lot of stuff that's goingto be happening there. You're talking about
also watching The Grinch that Stole Christmasover in the Mega Theater plus all.
Yes, and then you got acandy Cane scavenger hunt. That's that's going
on. We have so much passinto this event. It starts at eight
am, it goes fill noon.So yes, we've got a pancake breakfast
bar. We've got the movie TheGrantry Stole Christmas, the animated film that's
in our Joe Jefsel Mega Theater,a three story tall screen, thundering sound,
so a great way to watch aholiday classic movie. We're going to
have a story time activities, somuch to do in this great holiday event
aboard the lax so and also,I hear you're giving out a gift that
kids will receive a bag of reindeerfeed. What's that about? Yes,
well, you know reindeers are magical, the holiday season is magical, So
for giving some of this magical reindeerfeed that when they take it home,
they can spread it on their yardsso that when Santa and the reindeer come
over to deliver their presence, they'llhave a little something for the raine years
to eat while they're there. Thatis so cool. Now, to go
to this event, you need topurchase tickets right. Yes, you'll go
online to uss Lexington dot com toget your tickets there and we have two
different ticket prices. So if youare a museum member or military, tickets
for twenty dollars. If you're nota museum member, tickets for twenty five
dollars, and you still have timeto become a museum member, so you
can purchase your museum membership and thenget that discount on the tickets for Breakfast
with Santa and other special events thatwe have throughout the year. Yeah.
I always love going to the USSLexington because of course I'm a Navy veteran,
so I love going on there andremembering the times when I was in
the Navy going onto the ships likethat. I always always have a great
time there. How else, whatelse is going on there at the USS
Lexington besides Breakfast with Santa. Yougot a lot of other events coming up
prety soon, right, we do, you know, and so it's going
to be a big twenty twenty fourfor us. Are high likes that we
have kind of year round with ourescape rooms, you know, that's something
in addition to the general admission thanhours on this ship days you know,
from open nine to five. Butwe have so much to see on this
ship, and we're actually open threehundred and sixty three days a year.
We're allly closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Wow. So a membership is great
when you know this time of theyear you have family here, take them
aboard to the lex so much tosee those escape rooms. We have three
different escape room experiences, save ourShip, Beat the Blast, Face Your
Fears, all different themes, butthey include aspects of the ship, of
naval history and so it's just youknow, you kind of choose your experience
that you get to have when youcome aboard the USS Lexington Museums. Wow.
All right, So if people wantto find out more information about,
of course Breakfast with Santa and othergreat events that's happening at the US Lexington,
what else where can they go tofind out all this information? Go
to our website USS Lexington dot com. You can find us on Facebook,
Instagram, TikTok YouTube. Check usout. We've got lots for you to
see, you know, just ona regular basis. We've got a hard
hat tour, flight ops, tour, ghost tours, lots of different things.
So check out our website to findout all the information and let us
know how we can make you havea wonderful experience aboard the USS Lexington Museum.
All right, I appreciate it,Sam for calling in today and looking
forward to seeing you very soon withBreakfast with send Over at the USS Lexington.
Okay, yes, thank you somuch and we look forward to seeing
your listeners aboard the LAS