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February 14, 2024 4 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Corpus Christy's Classic Kids Big ninety threeto nine. What's going on? It's
hip Man with you. I haveSam from the USS Lexington on the phone
right now. How are you.I'm amazing. Thank you so much for
having me on today. You know, actually, since it's perfect that Valentine's
Day's right here and on Friday youhave this. It's the thirty first Annual

Stage Door Canteen fundraiser which has almostgot that nineteen forties Valentine's Day dance back
in the day that you guys arehaving on Friday right. Yes, let
me tell you if you want toimpress your sweetheart, this is how you
do it. I get them ticketsto go this Friday. It's our thirty

first annual Stage Door Canteen and itis stepping back in time to the nineteen
forties. So we have the USSLexington Big Band. It's musicians from all
over the coastal band. This isthe only time they play together one time
a year for this special event.You get dressed up in your gowns or
your World War Two uniforms their businesscasual and you dance the night away listening

to all the big hits from theforties. Wow, that's crazy. This
is that would actually be a perfectromantic evening that's coming up now for Friday.
Just in other words, if theguys mess up today for Valentine's they
can make it up for Friday bygoing to this right definitely. And you
know what, it's not messing up, it's strategizing, all right. I

like that is get a card andyou print out your ticket confirmation and there
you go. You could even printout a card online these days. So
you know, we're thinking of allthe gentlemen and the ladies out there that
want to give the perfect gift fortheir loved ones. Are you know,
Gallentine's Day are just a fun nightout? So how much are the tickets?

Individuals sixty five dollars, Couples geta discount ninety five dollars. If
you want to bring nine other peoplewith you, you can get a table
for eight hundred dollars. Okay,And this is of course all going back
into the USS Lexington right correct.So this is our big fundraiser every year.
These funds go towards supporting the muchneeded ongoing maintenance and the restoration to

keep our lady les beautiful. Yeah. So if people want to find out
more information concerning this great event,where can they go uss Lexington dot com.
They can visit us on Facebook,Instagram, all the social media sites.
But if you go to our websiteit'll take you straight to Classy the
ticket page where you can get yourtickets. They'll be on sale until Thursday

evening. That's cool, that's great. This is going to be a great
event. And of course us isLexington. It's open all the time to
where people can take tours. Anddo you guys still have the escape rooms?
Oh, yes we do. Wehave three different themed escape rooms.
Face your fears, Beat the blastand save our Ship. An awesome experience
for friends, co workers. It'sdefinitely exciting time to see you know,

who's got those skills to save theday, save the ship. And it's
a wonderful opportunity to come on boardthe legs. You can tour before or
after your experience in the escape room. A lot of fun. All right,
Thanks a lot, Sam for callingin today. Again Again if you
want to find out anything concerning eitherthe Scape rooms, the tours, or

the thirty first annual Stage Door Canteenfundraiser that's coming up pret soon they could
all find it at www dot USSLexington dot com. Correct. Correct,
And this weekend, in a celebrationof the ship's eighty first anniversary of being
commissioned, we have throwback pricing,so prices are going back to when the

ship became a museum in ninety two. So adults are seven dollars, military
and seniors five dollars, and thenyouth are three seventy five. That's this
Friday, the sixteenth through Monday thenineteenth. Wow, that's great. Eighty
one years. That's crazy. Wowwow. Congratulations, Thank you so much.
It's an honor to be able toprovide this living legacy to our community.
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