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Corpus Christy's Classic Kids Big ninety threeto nine is hip Man with You,
and it's starting today. It's officiallyon right now. We're talking about Anime
Corpus Christy at the American Bank Center, happening Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Make sure you get your tickets now. If you go to Animecorpuscristy dot com,
get your tickets right now. AndI have I have a celebrity here.
I can't get over this, VeronicaTaylor. You might know her from
some great Japanese anime which includes ashKetchum and his mother Delia from Pokemon anime.
Also in was it Sailor Moon andSalor Moon Crystal. I'm in Salor
Moon now as Sailor Pluto. Yeah. Wow, it's crazy. How are
you today? I'm good. Thanksfor having me on the show. I
have to say, or I shouldsay. Ash Ketchum would say, hey,
hit Man, that's like hit MonLee or hit Mon Champ. I
don't know. Uh. I lovethat. It's you know, anime has
come around so much lightly, it'sit's almost now. Well, I could
say right now, it's in themainstream totally. So for people like me
who are still learning more about animebesides watching it on Adult Swim on the
Cartoon Network. Tell us about anime. So, anime, I would say,
is the style of animation that youfind in Japan, but it comes
to America and it is dubbed intoEnglish. So we basically the shows are
translated and then adapted and then wefit the flap, wow, say the
lip flap, so that you canembody the character. But from the space
that you get when the mouth opensand closes, right, there's a different
parameter there as far as acting goesthan what you get when you're doing prelay,
which is you get to record theshow and then it's animated to your
voice later. Now, besides ofcourse the Sailor Moon and Pokemon, you've
been in a lot of other anime. Can you tell us about some of
the other stuff that you've been in. Gosh, I've done so many that
I kind of it all globs together. But I was April and Ninja Turtles
in two thousand and three to twothousand and seven. Wow, I've done,
gosh, so many things since probablynineteen ninety five. Slayers is a
big one. Right before you hadto really scrounge around at your video store
to find anime. Now you canstream it everywhere, so a lot of
what I worked on before is nowavailable. When only ten people knew it
before, now many more do.Wow, and you can meet Veronica of
course at anime corpus CHRISTI starting nowover at the American Bank Center, So
get your tickets now Animecorpuscristy dot comand of course there at the venue.
I'm interested in voice acting. Imean, you know a lot of people
do voice acting now, I've beenfollowing a lot of voice actors that are
on TikTok. How did you getinto that? So? I studied acting.
I was in every play I couldbe in in elementary school and high
school. I went to college foracting and grad school, and I toured
the US with acting companies, withcontemporary theater and classical and children's theater.
So I have my whole background oflive acting, and then I bring that
to cartoons, video games. Ido a lot of audio books. Basically
I had a chance audition upon recommendation, So that's kind of how I got
into it, which means for everyoneout there, you just want to study
and be your best at whatever youdo, and then hope that your suitcase
full of all your tricks is packedso when the door opens you can confidently
walk through. Nobody's that confident asan actor, You're just like, oh,
gosh, are they going to castme? But at the same time,
when you have studied and learned yourcraft, you're able to kind of
pull things out of thin air becauseyou're always asked, oh, can you
do this other voice? Oh canwe have this character? Can you give
this a try? You don't haverehearsal time, You just kind of jump
in and go for it. Sowhen you're doing some of this, do
you have like the actual anime infront of you, Like you actually see
what they're doing while voicing this.Yeah for anime. Yes, when you're
dubbing, you are watching it andyou have the script in front of you,
and then you hear three beeps inyour headphones and then you know when
to start talking, and then youare reading the line as you're watching the
lips move wow, and then you'retrying to fill in for that. Sometimes
you watch it first with the originalJapanese language behind it. Sometimes most of
the stuff I've worked on, youjust jump in and we just go for
it. Oh wow, that's crazy. We're talking with Ronica Taylor, who's
going to be over at anime corpusChrissy at the American Bank Center. Make
sure you stop by her booth.Have people come up to you and ask
you to do like a voice messageor have you Have you been like at
the grocery store and you're walking byand like you're talking to a friend and
somebody goes, wait a minute,your voice sounds familiar. I would say
no one ever says your voice soundsfamiliar. Although I do a lot of
English as a second language, andso I have been recognized in another country
for that teaching people English. ButI yeah, I don't. People don't
normally recognize me at all. Thatalways flusters me because what was the beginning
question that you said that all ofit is just kind of I know,
the people always ask me to dothe voice quotes, or can you do
a message for my friend or myson is turning ten or things like that.
And you know, when you haveash going hey, good luck on
your Pokemon journey, it's kind ofI don't know, it takes you back.
It's nostalgic. It's a voice that. Luckily it doesn't sound like my
voice, I wouldn't get much morework. See. I think that's the
one thing that you and I havein common is since it's like radio and
voice acting, they don't see you, right, but they hear you that's
it, which I think is socrazy. It's it. I've had that
happen to me where I'm at thegrocery store and I'm talking to friends and
go, wait a minute, areyou in the radio? That's it?
Yeah, So it's it's crazy aboutthat. Yeah, I think too.
I do a lot of audiobooks andto be able to tell the whole story
using different voices, but to connect, you know, the same with you
when you're when you're speaking into themicrophone, you're speaking to one person,
right, and so to be ableto be so personal and intimate in that
sense, right, but there's amillion people who could possibly be listening to
you. Just can't think about that. We connect person to person. So
what's next for Ron? I knowyou're doing, like you said, you're
doing sailor Pluto. You said,yeah, I do. I'm doing a
lot of different cartoons, a lotof audiobooks. I have a podcast with
my daughter called the Trainer's Guide niceAnd we're doing a Pokemon rewatch of the
first season, and so we're talkingabout what happened in each episode. While
we're talking about the bigger lessons learned, I was pregnant with her the whole
first season. Oh wow, Soto be a ten year old boy carrying
around I suppose you could say aPokemon in my belly. But she's never
seen those episodes. So we're goingback one by one. So fun.
So you've been doing so you've beengoing to conventions and what what's the craziest
thing that somebody's come up to,Like I've asked you to autograph. Do
you have like like certain items thatthey've they've shown you to where they want
you to autograph. Yeah, Iwould say the Pokemon cards are really popular
right now. Right Funko pops arereally popular. That's what I was thinking
about. Crazy. Yeah. Peoplebring a lot of the things that they
had when they were little, Likethey're the binder that they put the cards
in, or they're poke decks,all kinds of or some drawing that they
made. A lot of little kidsbring me drawings now. It's just it's
so personal and it's what basically,I'm there to hear your stories. You
know, you come to me.It doesn't matter if I sign something or
not, or we take a photo. It's about telling me your story of
when you were growing up watching theshow. And that's the thing that's I
mean comic cons, especially anime CorpusChristy, it's about the community, about
all of us coming together supporting oneanother. We're all equal and wonderful in
a convention, and that it startsthere and then it just ripples out into
the world. Well, I lovethat. I love how you say that.
Veronica Taylor, she is the voiceyou might have heard her on Pokemon.
She's now on Sailor Moon or SalePluto from Salor Moon, Crystal and
much more. Make sure you goout. It's happening at the American Bank
Center. Get your tickets now atanimeidcorpus Chrissy dot com. You can also
find out more details on their Facebookpage, on Instagram, and of course
you can get tickets there at thevenue. Any last thoughts you'd like to
pass on to anybody. I'm justsuper excited to be here. I've never
been in Corpus Christy. I'm soinspired by the art and the architecture and
the people that i've met. Sofar, I've had great food, and
I've got three more days to eatand meat, so I'm super excited.
Well, thanks a lot for comingin today. I really appreciate you stopping
by. Thanks all right on theway, we got more classic gets coming
up on ninety three nine.