Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Morning Show with Preston Scott's Get Right to Our
visit with US Congresswoman Kat Camick, Florida's third district. Congratulations
Congresswoman on the reelection.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
Oh, thank you, thank you. It is good to be back,
and we have got a lot of work to do
in very little time.
Speaker 1 (00:21):
I've described it as squatters have been in a house
for four years and it's been torched and destroyed, and
the rebuilding is going to be very, very difficult. Anyone
that's ever occupied a home while doing a renovation knows
how troubling that is. Kat, I don't think I'm far
off by saying there is really no way of describing
how broken things are.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
Oh that's putting it mildly, and I got a bit
of a taste of it yesterday. We have not four years.
We have two years. Because historically the house that is
in power, when the new administration comes in, it flips.
So right now we're operating underneath the assumption that Republicans
will have the House for the next few years, and
then after that Democrats will do everything they can to
obstruct the Trump forty seven agenda. So we have very
little time to get this done. And when we say
it's broke, it is broke to the core, and I
don't know if there's any amount of super glue that
we can we can find that will piece it back together.
So in many ways, we just have to take this
all the way down to the studs and start again.
And we're going to be on a mission to make
government as small and efficient as humanly possible. And I
think President Trump has been knocking it out of the
park with his cabinet picks. This is going to be
American freedom on steroids, and I could not be more
excited for it. Kat.
Speaker 1 (01:51):
One of the reasons why I'm so grateful to you
from making time even though a large part of my
regular radio audience iHeart obviously moves the show across the country,
but we're not in your district. A large part of
it just is not. But one of the reasons why
I have you is I don't know of many that
are as candid about the temperature of what's going on
in Washington inside the beltweigh as you, So let me
just ask you this up front. Well, the Freedom Caucus,
which I'm a big fan of, will they turn perfect
into the enemy of good because we cannot Afford GOP infighting.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
Well, we got a real big taste of that yesterday.
No surprise. Once again, you know, it was deja vu.
Two years ago we had this fight with Kevin McCarthy
and then yesterday we were watching it play out with
Speaker Mike Johnson. And it all comes down to the
rules package. Now, the rules package in the conference is
how we conduct ourselves, how we do our business, and
it always seems to come down to the motion to vacate.
The motion to vacate is the tool that members have
to replace the Speaker of the House. Now, historically for
decades that had been four was the number. Then it
was negotiated two years ago to go down to one,
and that is how Matt Gates and Kevin McCarthy infamously
had that clash, and Kevin McCarthy was then replaced. There
has been so much movement up here in Washington to
make it a simple majority of members required in order
to remove it. The Freedom Caucus and some others have
said no, we want to keep it at one. Well,
this is where it gets frustrating for me. I think
sunlight is the best disinfectant, and what we saw yesterday
was another backsdoor deal negotiated in secret, and we don't
know what the deal was that was negotiated. And what
I have seen is it doesn't matter what label you
put on or what group you belong to within the House,
whether you're Freedom Caucus or you know, Main Street or
whatever other group there you know you belong to, people
will always let their ambitions PLoud their judgment. And two
years ago we saw where it wasn't just about the
motion of vacate, it was give me a committee assignment.
I want an office in the capital, I want this,
I want that. Yesterday, behind closed doors, they were negotiating
the motion to vacate. We don't know what that magic
number is, but we do know that there were as
a request made to have more office space, more committee assignments,
more of this, more of that. I'm watching my country
die and people up here still want to operate with
the cloak and dagger smoke filled back rooms. We have
to take this all the way down to the studs
because the American people deserve to know the truth of
what's going on up here and who's really on the side.
Because all I've seen so far is a bunch of
people up here that are in it for themselves and
their political careers, not for the American people.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
Twenty one passed the hour. I told you, folks in
the wake of the election results, don't pop the champagne,
don't break open the corks, because not only as Congresswoman
Kat Camick is telling us, do we have a crapload
of work to get done? And I say we because, folks,
you play a role in this in pressuring your members
of Congress. But Kat, you're describing the other side of
my fears, and that is that the GOP will not
awaken to what the voting public just asked for, and
they'll just get in their own way and fumble it
all away. Tell me about your I know that the
young Republicans of Florida wanted you, pushed hard for you
to be Conference Chair. What happened in that.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
So yesterday was our leadership elections and or some leadership.
You have the Speaker of the House, the majority leader,
and the majority leader brings he sets the schedule and
what determines what bills come to the floor. Then you
have the whip who is responsible for the counting the votes,
making sure we have the votes. And then you have
Conference Chair who is the messenger and the person who
organizes and keeps the conference together. And make no mistake,
if we are not one team, one mission, and that
mission being America First. With the exceptionally narrow majority that
we have, we will not be able to get President
Trump's agenda done. And so I thought that I was
absolutely the best person to communicate those conservative principles, to
communicate to the American public what we're doing, how we're
doing it, and why we're doing it, and to keep
the conference together because I get along with everyone. But
at the end of the day, I was told when
the vote came down that because I do not support earmarks,
that I was not the choice for the conference. I
was also told that because I did not vote to
remove George Santos, that I would not be in leadership.
And to the George Santos situation, I'll say this, the
voters are the ones in charge. Our folks back home
are our bosses. And I don't think that it is
right for members of Congress to pretend to be the
moral authority and to disenfranchise eight hundred thousand of someone
else's voters. And that's effectively what people who voted to
kick George Santos out. Did Not only was it a
stupid political decision narrowing our majority which stopped us from
getting more done and stopping the radical Biden agenda, but
we disenfranchised eight hundred thousand people. To me, that's absolutely insane.
And so I wish the conference, of course, the best
of luck, and I will do everything, in anything I
can to make sure that we are united and that
we stick together. But this has got to be a
reckoning that the swamp is so very real, and that
there will never be a real, a real movement to
put America first until politicians put themselves second.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Kat much was made of Donald Trump not draining the
swamp his first time in office. I think he learned
a lot of lessons about who to put around him,
and I think we're seeing that instead of having the
junior varsity as the cabinet, he's looking at the varsity
this time around. But having said that, there's only so
much a president can do. If members of Congress want
to bring the fire hose and just load the swamp
back up with water, they're certainly capable of doing that absolutely.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
I mean, we all talk about taking away the pen
and phone you know, Obama famously said he didn't need Congress,
he had a pen phone. Well we've seen how well
that works out. Trump had to unfortunately do a lot
of his work via executive order, and Biden was able
to just dismantle it with the stroke of a pen.
So you need Congress. And that's why I have spent
the last two years criss crossing the country like Carmen
San Diego, raising money for candidates, doing everything I can
to help secure the House for President Trump. And what
I am hearing now is people are more concerned for
their political careers and they're saying, Hey, maybe I should
go to the administration. Hey, maybe I should do this,
Hey maybe I should do that. Hey I have an idea.
How about we actually do the work that we all
campaigned on and said we were going to do. How
about we reduce the size of the government. How about
we start draining the swamp and getting rid of the unelected, nameless,
faceless beacrafts. Why don't we fix health care? We don't
have health care, we have sick care. When are we
going to address inflation? What are we going to get
energy back online? These are all the things that we
campaigned on and so if we don't get right to
business in the first one hundred days, I don't see
this going the way that President Trump wants it, and
we need it, and the American people should demand it,
and they should be asking their member of Congress, what
the hell are you doing to make sure that the
America First Agenda is getting underway. It is absolutely furiating
that we're on day one and we can't seem to
get it together.
Speaker 1 (10:20):
Congresswoman, don't be surprised if you see a link emailed
to you about a petition that someone that you know
and are talking to right now is putting together. You
got it.
Speaker 2 (10:33):
More than somebody.
Speaker 1 (10:34):
You're my hero.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
Thanks Kat, Thank you guys, have a great week.
Speaker 1 (10:38):
Thank you you as well. Bless you, and I mean
that sincerely, bless you. Unfiltered raw truth. This is why
I have her on the show, because you just we've
heard things others are not willing to say. She doesn't
give a rat's rear end about appointments and committees, and
trust me, she'll be in committees because she's too good
at what she does. But that's the type of people
we need fighting for us in Congress twenty eight minutes
past the hour, the rest of you take notes