Episode Transcript
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One three point three TCR Country withDave and Jen. Super excited to be
on the phone with Tracy Byrd,Who's going to be performing at Summer Emotions,
the big Fourth of July celebration,bringing the Watermelon Crawl to Ashlar,
Kentucky. How are you Traped doinggood? How are you? Dave and
Jen? Hello, good to talkto you guys. Listen, we are
super excited about you coming to Ashland. Absolutely well, I'm excited too.
I mean, Watermelon Crawl on Julyfourth. It doesn't get much better.
It's exactly right. Yay. Thisis the Tri State area. Summer Motion
is in Ashland, but it isalso Huntington, West Virginia, Ironton,
Ohio. Is there anything you knowabout this area? Well, I've been
all around there many times through theyears, but not particularly the Tri State
area now. But that's great toknow we're pulling from three straights. I
like that absolutely absolutely, you havepeople from all over because also Summer Motion
has the best firework display in theTri State Ara, Oh, gotta have
that out of July fourth celebration forsure. You have had just an incredible
career hit after hit, millions ofalbums sold, numerous awards. But how
many Fourth of July celebrations have youplayed over the years? Oh gosh,
too many to count, probably,you know. Actually the last several years
I have taken off on July fourthand stayed home and celebrated, you know,
with my family and my friends.And so this is probably the first
time in a decade that I've playedon July fourth. So pretty excited about
it. Oh gosh, yay.Yeah, the big party that we have
is actually on the weekend. Somy wife said, okay, go ahead,
play on July fourth, get home. After that, I knew you
were a smart man, happy wife, happy life. That's right, that's
right. And I got to payfor all these parties. She throws too,
so I need work. Speaking ofyour wife, you've been married going
on what thirty three years? Congratuthree years, Yes, sir, thank
you, thank you. She's apatient, patient woman. For sure.
I was gonna say, you gotany tips of wisdom there for us?
Gosh, just don't quit the biggestone. Just just don't quit, you
know, don't give up. Absolutely. So you also have three kids,
house, the fan, the famis growing. We we're about to have
our first grandchild in November and sogetting bigger. But yeah, our kids
are My daughter will be thirty thisyear, but she's not the one having
the baby. It's actually my sonand his fiance that are having a child.
And and then so he's twenty seven, and then my youngest is twenty
two. So so kind of spreadout there. But yeah, two of
them out of college and you know, moving on working and doing living life.
And one, the youngest one,is still in college. So do
you already have a name for thegrandkids to call you? Is it going
to be Grandpappy? Her popop man. Poppall Tea is what I think they're
gonna call me, Poppall Tea.Grand Pappy, you made a fallis a
hundred and eighty. I'm only fiftyseven now. That don't get me old
before my time? About that,Grandpappy sounds like I ought to be on
a porch with a jugo moonshine somewhere, you know, you know, a
rock and cheer, Yeah, andyour pike tobacco, you know what I
mean? Yes, right, yeah, a big old corn cob pipe.
Yeah, so good. So Igrew up listening to country music in the
nineties. That's when I fell inlove with country music. Of course you
are a big part of that.Do you have a favorite career memory over
the years. Oh, my gosh, there's so many, so many.
I mean, you know, fromsinging and playing with my icons like you
know, Merle Haggard and George Jonesand Hank Junior and people like that,
to play in huge, you know, big shows like we played a big
Fruit of the Loom country fested AtlantaMotor Speedway back in the day, and
there was a quarter of a millionpeople there and so wow, wow,
you know, you go back andlook at the thing like that, and
that was big and it was exciting. But still to this day, I
prefer a couple thousand people over thatmany. It's more intimate, a lot
more fun from me, That's whatI was gonna say to you. You
know, it's so exciting that you'recoming to Summer Motion because man, it's
such an intimate setting. You cantotally see everybody's faces were And by the
way, this triceaedd area, Igotta go us credit. We're always so
happy for live music and especially countrymusic. So you're gonna have the best
crowd ever in Summer Motion. Ohman, Well, I'm excited about it
that it sounds like it's gonna bea lot of fun. And I'm gonna
tell y'all something. I'm sitting onSam Rayburn in my boat right now in
East Texas, and I just seenabout the most American thing ever. While
you were telling me that about thefestival, a bald eagle flew down.
I'm just sitting here with nothing onhis floating. He flew down within three
feet of me on my right sidehere and scooped about a one pound bass
out of the water right in frontof him. My goodness, exciting,
Oh my gosh. And if youweren't on the phone with us, you
could have gotten the video. Ohman, We've got them. We've got
them everywhere, and I've seen themdo that far off before, but I've
never seen one. I don't getdon't know. Have you even seen me?
He just flew down right here.He was massive, he was as
white as my boat. Unbelievable thatI just had to share that with y'all.
It just happened, so I hadto share. I love that happening.
I mean, it is our nationalbird, you know. So there
we go. Happened during our interviewI love it. Yeah, I fool
that. So when I think Fourthof July, I think America, think
fireworks, thank country music. Ithink if you drink, don't drive to
the Watermelon Crawl. You know whatI'm saying, Yes, sir, Yes,
sir. Especially think that let's let'suh, let's uber here too,
and we couldn't be more excited tohave you come and perform, of course,
the Summer Motion twenty twenty four,fourth of July in Ashland. Once
again, Tracy Bird, thank youso much, and we are looking forward
to it. Thank you, guys. I'll see y'all then