Episode Transcript
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Key one hundred with Dave and Jin. We are on the phone with professional
violinist Tiffany Moore. Tiffany's story wentviral, we talked about it on the
show we did, and now wehave her on the phone. Good morning,
Tiffany, how are you? Goodmorning, guys. Thank you so
much for having me. It's reallyexciting to get to meet you virtually over
the phone now, right, andso tell us a little bit about your
story and what happened. I wasjust going about my day, prepping for
my week, when all of asudden, I got a text from my
childhood bully, initially expecting free weddingservices from me, and how did you
respond? Essentially, I laid outmy reasonings for not wanting to play for
her, first of all, acknowledgingthe fact that she was expecting a free
service, which I normally would startoff charging people for ceremonial only at twenty
five hundred dollars. So I toldher, you know, it's kind of
crazy that you would expect me togift. You are right that I just
wanted to lay out and let herknow that you know, you bullied me
for being an orchestra and I justthought it was just kind of ironic,
right, And I mean, ifanybody has ever been bullied in life,
you know the trauma that you carrywith you for the rest of your life,
right, And you know it doesnot mean that I harbor any bitterness
towards her. But I also knowthat I don't owe her anything, and
that I value myself and now I'man adult woman and I can stand up
for myself now and be brave aboutit. So then that's what happened with
the groom of this bride. Ireceived a message from the groom a few
friends had sent him my story inscreenshots because they said, hey, dude,
like you're getting married October third,your fiance grew up with Tiffany oh
god and two together, and peoplekept saying you need to reach out to
her and talk to her, seeif she'll even get back to because this
is serious, Like do you evenknow who you're marrying? Right, I
mean for real? And you knowit wasn't so much that she was rude
to me that caused the split,essentially, because ultimately he decided to not
go forward with the wedding. Itwas because of more information he found out
about her that she was being verysecretive and actually cheating on him, you
know. And she had completely alienatedhim and isolated him from his friends over
the last two and a half years, and even so far as his dog
didn't like her. That should havebeen red flag number one. Right,
that is a big one, right, Oh my it is. I mean
that's a big red flag dogs noevil, Oh my god. So literally
he dodged a bullet because it soundslike this bully has not changed whatsoever.
She's never realized the error of herways. She's still acting like a bully
to this day, even to him. Yes, and you know, not
only did he dodge a bullet,Jim, he dodged a whole firing squad
because her family is fifty shades ofmessed up. Tiffany, what message do
you want to get out from yourstory? We can do better as humans.
We can look out for each other, watch out for the underdog,
watch out for the kids sitting bythemselves at lunch. I think if we
had more love and positivity in theworld, that these boys wouldn't be as
brave to do what they do.I agree with you, Tiffany, Thank
you so much for talking to ustoday. We really appreciate your time.
Thank you so much for having me. It's been pleasure talking to you.