Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Please, he's deeper in the din with dangerous date. Well,
yesterday was blue Monday, supposedly to be the most depressing
day of the year, and in response, there's a positivity
campaign which was launched in the Netherlands not to complain
for thirty days. A person who came up with it said,
the idea is a way to shift your perspective from
all the whining, moaning and negativity. They're calling it a campaign,
but really today and this lingo, isn't it more of
a challenge, especially since there's a good chance you've already failed.
So when you start getting the urge to complain, you're
supposed to stop and think why am I grumbling right now?
Is it necessary? And do you have a reason to
whine compared to somebody who's less fortunate. The challenge is
self police. The idea is see how often you complain?
Is already pretty much an eye opener. Now, I guess
you can complain all you want, but on the bright side,
at least it's not as insufferable as dry January Deeper
in the USA today put a list of things you
should not leave in your car when it's below freezing.
You probably know a lot of this, but it's good
to share it with you anyway. As all cans, believe
it or not, they can explode when they get too cold.
Canned food they can expand when they freeze, and that's
when bacteria can get in. USDA says toss any canned
food that swells from freezing, and if it doesn't, they
suggest tossing it to be safe. Eggs, don't leave them
in your car after you get groceries. If they freeze,
the shell cracks and then they're not safe to eat.
Electronics like phones, computers, tablets don't work well when they
get too cold. Can also damage the screen. Any condensation
and form inside the device when it warms back up,
it could cause a short Also, medications, Some medicines like insulin,
become unstable when they get too cold. When in doubt,
toss frozen meds or ask your pharmacist. And finally, your
loved ones, your kids, your pets, your seniors are more
vulnerable when it comes to cold weather. Even short amount
of time in a freezing car can be dangerous, so
don't leave them in there. You'll have to excuse me,
I forgot a lot of gramma on my car to
they can for another episode of Deeper in the Den
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