Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Deeper in the Den with Dangerous Day. So
there's a list of foods online that people say are
delicious and small amounts, but gross and big amounts. Some
of them are very debatable, but some of the best
ones making the list include cheesecake. One person said, I've
never in my life regretted eating too much cheesecake. Okay, cereal.
Somebody said, the first bowl makes you want a second bowl,
but the second bowl makes you realize you didn't want
a second bowl, you just wanted the first bowl again.
That's kind of funny. Other items I would agree with
that they say too much. A little bit is good,
but too much is gross. Frosting, sesame seed oil with
sobby Cadbury, cream, eggs, candy, corn cotton, candy, marshmallows, honey, truffles, pancakes, butter, mayonnaise, vienna, sausages, locks, oysters, eggnog,
a beef and cheddar, and any kind of cheese. I
guess I'm thinking they're probably thinking rich cheeses, not necessarily
a velveta or something like that. Deeper in the de
you know, technol can make our lives easier, better, more productive,
but it also can be the bane of our existence.
According to a new study, the average Americans says they
lose about three days a month to digital content over
consumption like social media scrolling as well as streaming and binging.
That's about two hours every day, comes up to about
thirty six days per year. Keep in mind, it is
at all content you're consuming, the content overload when you
feel guilty about the time that you're losing. Not surprisingly,
young people lose more than time than older folks, gen
Zers said, is closer to five days per month or
sixty days per year. Overall, Americans consume about six hours
of content per day or seven and a half days
per month. Gen Zer's devour closer more like seven hours
per day nearly nine days per month. That's become one
hundred days a year of self reported lost time. I
think these guys just need to find a hobby. To me,
they can for another episode of Deeper in the Den
with Dangerous Deay right here.