Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Please sip deeper in the den with dangerous day. Well,
are you going to do dry January? Giving up boooos
for the month? Will cheers to you? Between fifteen and
thirty five percent of drinkers smaar enough booze for the month.
According to researchers from Morning Consult, ninety percent of those
taking the booze break or doing it for health benefits,
seventy three percent to save money. And if you're participating
in dry January, some of the health benefits, according to
the experts, improve mood, better sleep, weight loss, more energy,
lower cholesterol, diabetes risk, and lower blood pressure. If you
don't want to do dry January, maybe you want to
try damp January. So if it's too daunting, damp January
instead it's where you don't cut it out entirely. Instead
you just cut back, so maybe limiting yourself to one
or two drinks a week. The idea of damp January
is to not deprive yourself of having a Friday night
glass of wine while watching Netflix with your significant other,
but to limit your intake in examine your relationship with alcohol. Well,
I keep trying to break up, but that's set Tagon
boomerang relationshipper in the two. So how would you rank
twenty twenty four? Was it an average year? We'll believe
it or not? A new survey found most Americans gave
it a solid average of six out of ten. There
were some highlights, so some of the biggest ones. Reconnecting
with friends and family top the list of memorable experiences
of those polled. According to the survey, the events that
made twenty twenty four memorable reconnecting with old friend and
family top the list at seventeen percent. That was followed
by creative and personal growth. Got a new pet, learned
a new skiller hobby, volunteered or contributed to a cause,
visited a new state or city, overcame a major health issue,
made new friends, started a job, experienced once in a
lifetime event, made significant progress on a fitness goal, paid
off significant debt, bought a car, researched savings and financial goals.
Also celebrated major milestones, Attended major events or festivals, achieved
bucket list goals, quit smoking or other habits, went on
a dream vacation, or move to a new city. Some
of the things made twenty twenty four memorable. You know
it's so long ago, though, doing again for another episode
of Deeper in the Den with Dangerous daved right here