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July 25, 2024 39 mins
Jordan Lloyd, winner of Big Brother 11 and host of Togethermess Podcast with husband Jeff Schroeder.  She met Jeff on Big Brother, has two boys, they live in Colorado and we talk about life.
Plus pop culture update with Denise's Dirt
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Bob Do Do Do Do Do.Hey, y'all, it's Denise's podcast,
Happy Thursday. Today, I havea great interview with one of my influencers,
Jordan Lloyd. You know her fromBig Brother fame. It was Jordan
and Jeff that had a showmance andit turned into a marriage. They have
two beautiful boys. They live herein Colorado, and Jordan is just a

really amazing woman. She's down toearth and she's someone that you can just
relate to. They have a greatpodcast they've launched Together. I always say
they should have their own reality showbecause the way they handle everything. Jeff
is hosting Daily Last Live, Jordanis keeping busy with their new podcasts Together

Mess Together Mess podcast. You haveto listen to it, and then she
takes care of the two boys andall other different things that she does influencing.
We'll find out more about what's goingon in her life and also so
maybe what she thinks about this seasonof Big Brother, which is absolutely crazy
because one of the contestants, AngelaMurray, I think she may be one

of the oldest contestants in the house, fifty years old. She's a mom
and she just went off came downand attacked verbally another contestant. He's a
young guy by the name of Mattand she called him crazy eyes. She
said, when your mom watches thisshow, she's going to realize what a
brat you are. It just hurtmy heart to see a mom attack a

young boy like that. It justmade me sick. Woman, you're fifty,
you should know better than this.Shame on you. So we'll talk
a little bit about that. Butbefore we get to our interview, let's
do Denise's dirt. Quick update onpop culture, and it's finally happening.
Disneyland is getting a new superhero Marvelfans I've been asking for, Yes,

Deadpool. It's going to happen forthe first time on Friday. Deadpool and
Wolverine. The movie hits theaters onFriday. So the character is going to
be the latest addition to the Avengerscampus. And officials say, yeah,
he's going to be around for alimited time. There's no word yet on
how he'll interact with guests, butI thought it was cool. Ryan Reynolds

and Hugh Jackman stepped in as guesthosts for Jimmy Kimmel and they promoted their
movie Deadpool and Wolverine, which isdropping tomorrow at the box office. One
of the cutest parts of the nightwas when they sang about their friendship.
Yep, an old Golden Girls tune, you know, And I'd just want
to say this about our friendship becauseI have a lot to say about it.

But why would I say it whenI can sing it? You traveled
down the road and back again.Hot, It's true. You're a pal
and a confidence, Isn't it cute? You should see the video. It's
on YouTube all right. Country superstarLuke Holmb's believes in aliens. He even

saw once the lights in Unison likego up like above the mountain and then
we're like, whoa dude, Andthen they went into a triangle and then
I swear to the Lord, oneof them went like as fast as it
could go and just shot off likeinstantaneously, And there's two left. One
shoots straight up into the sky likeas until you can't see it anymore.

Tom Brady is reportedly casually dating themodel Brooks Natter. I think is how
you pronounce your last name. Accordingto page six, the two are indeed
seeing each other and it's currently notserious. Brooks is in an ongoing divorce
with businessmen Billy Hare and Brady hadpreviously been dating, of course, another
model following his divorce from Giselle.So hopefully they find happiness together. You

said you got out my table.Teresa Judas wants to return to civility and
reality TV. What come on ifyou watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey,
it has been absolutely disgusting how they'vebeen behaved. It's toxic. They're
not only behaving horrible on camera.Allegedly, some are using social media and

influencers to dig up dirt, badbad dirt on some of the other cast
mates and posting about it. SoTeresa said she didn't want to specify what
her post referred to, but manybelieves she's referring to a troll account that
claimed to have been asked to digup dirt on Teresa's coast stars, and
she's claiming that she has nothing todo with it, but they's supposed to

be some kind of proof happening.It was so bad. There was a
physical altercation on the show, andthey're not having a finale because it was
so disgusting. Oh, speaking ofsocial media, Brett Eldridge, a country
music star, said Yeah, weall need a break from social media every
once in a while, but hedoes want to give you updates on his

music. He says he struggles withsocial media. Well, there may be
twelve days of Christmas, but thereare ten days of country stars for this
year's Opry Country Christmas, John Party, Scotty McCreery, Chris Young, Chris
Jansen, Trace Atkins, Mickey Guiton, Priscilla Block, Kathy Mattea, John
Barry Chapel, Heart m Moore willcelebrate The seasonal celebration begins December second and

runs through the twenty third. LadyGaga, the rumors are true. Finally
it's confirmed. She's set to performat the twenty twenty four Paris Olympics opening
ceremony. It's tomorrow. I'm soexcited. She may team up with Celine
Dion, who is allegedly being paidtwo million dollars for one performance. Dua

Lipa is also supposed to perform.The opening ceremony will feature a parade of
ten thousand, five hundred athletes,and instead of marching into the arena,
they are going to cruise down theSin River. It's going to be beautiful
and exciting. Remember, if youcan't be in front of a TV,
you can hear everything about the Olympicsfor free on our iHeartRadio apps, So

just make sure you download it.God had you rising country star Parker McCollum.
Well, he revealed the name ofhis unborn baby. His son is
going to be named Major Yancey McCollum. It's inspired by the old Championship College
football games. Job And finally,sad news This broke my heart to read.

Yesterday, Lauren Elena is canceling someof her upcoming shows. She's mourning
the death of her dad. Thetwenty nine year old revealed to fans Wednesday.
Yesterday her dad jj had passed awayin twenty eighteen. Her step dad
Sam died of cancer. Elena didn'tsay how her dad died, but she
did cancel three upcoming appearances, twostops with Jason al Dean, so she

can mourn with her family. SoGod bless them and lift them up in
prayers. Now for our interview withJordan Lloyd. She's the winner of Big
Brother eleven, host of a greatpodcast with her husband Together Mess podcast.
Her husband's Jeff Schroeder, who shemeant on the show. They've been together
fifteen years, married for eight years. They have two boys, Lawson and

Leighton. They live here in Denver, Colorado, and Jeff hosts a TV
show called Daily Blast Live, whichis based right here in Denver, Colorado.
Jordan, how are you, sister? Good? How are you?
I'm excellent. You know, I'ma big fan of Together Mess, your
podcast with your husband, Jeff,and it cracks me up every single time

I listen to it and I hearthere's good news. You're gonna go two
times a week. Whoo whoo weare Yes. So many people requested two
days a week, and at thetime, I mean with kids in sports,
you've been there, when you're you'vegot you have two boys. That's
gonna work. And we've made timeand we're gonna make it work. It's

going to be a lot, butwe're giving the audience what they want.
So we are going to go twodays a week. It's going new episodes
are going to air Onundays and Wednesday. Let's first off, describe what Together
Mess is in case somebody hasn't downloadedit yet. Yeah, okay, yeah,
we talk family, we talk marriage. It's very authentic. It's basically

I think it's very relatable. It'swhat we all go through life with family,
with kids, the ups and thedowns. Right now, we're going
through a down. My husband justfound out the show that he's worked on
for seven years just got canceled.So we're making a life change. But

we've been open and honest and talkedabout it on our podcast and so many
people, you know, you seeon social media. Everybody's perfect on social
media. Everybody's marriage is perfect,everybody's kids, your job, life,
everything, and it can get youdown sometimes because you compare yourself. I
know I am. I'll be onehundred percent honest, I'm one of those
people. I compare myself and Itry not to. And my husband has

been very transparent and talked about,you know, the ups and the downs
and how he's been feeling with findingout that he lost his job and almost
feeling a little lost, like what'snext, you know, because he worked
really hard to get that job andyou know, and then I've been right
there supporting him. I've told himI've been with Jess for fifteen years.

If nobody knows, we met onBig Brother and yeah, we're just riding
this storm right now. And thelast episode for Daily Black Live is September
six. That you can still watchit. If it's not in your city,
you can watch it on YouTube.I say that anybody listening right now,

send an email to Tagna and tellthem we want to keep Daily Blast
Live. We love that show.I know it's like number one here in
Denver on Channel nine. It is, and I mean it's really sad.
All everybody that works over at DailyBlack Lives everybody family, and that's what
makes it so sad. I wasthere the other day and one of the

people that worked there on Daily BlackLives saw me and she started crying and
she was saying, I remember youwalking here to the studio and Lawson being
in a stroller. Lton wasn't evenborn yet, and I started crying.
She started crying, and you know, we're just one big family. I
don't work on the show, butI feel like all of them at Daily

Black Lives are my family. Weall moved here together, we all have
little ones, We've all made transitions, and I'm really going to miss seeing
everybody every day. But hopefully amiracle can happen right now. The TV
world is changing. Everything's kind ofchanging right now. I hope something can

happen and they can stay together andcontinue on. It's a great show,
but we'll see. I have suchstrong faith, so I'm going to say
a prayer for you and the DailyBlast family and you and Jeff and you
never know what's going to happen.I'm serious. If you're a Daily Blasts
live a fan, send an emailto Tegna and tell them how much you

appreciate that show. Who knows theycould turn around and keep it on.
And what you're doing is saving people'slivelihoods. And that's what I love about
you, Jordan, because I wasa huge fan of you and Jeff.
I'm Big Brother. I've always beena fan of Big Brother, and so
when I met you in person,even though I've worked radio and TV,

I was just awestruck. I'm like, that's the girl I like so much
because you're so fun, you're sorelatable, and you're not afraid to tell
the truth about how you're feeling inlife, like the anxiety, the worries
that you have going on right now. I feel like reality TV now.
So when we were on Big Brother, it was two thousand and nine,

there was no Instagram. Twitter hadjust came out, and Facebook was out,
And I feel like now people it'smore so just want to get on
reality television to be an influencer andeverything nothing's real anymore. And I feel
like I try to be very transparentbecause you could be fake and come up

with this brand and have this following, but you're not a good person.
I try to lay everything out thereand keep things as real as I can.
But when I first met you,I still remember I had lost in
the stroller. She was a baby, and I thought you were so pretty
and you were so tall. Iremember being like, she's tall, those

are myles and you were so nice. I feel like I have good intuition
on people, and I was like, I like her, not fake.
I was like, she's not justbeing Because people in television and radio,
I feel like I can pick outwho's fake and I'm like, oh,
that's such a fake. Hi,How why are you? Yeah? Yeah,

you're not that fan like you areso consistent and you are so generous,
and you're you really are a goodperson. You love helping people.
I mean you and I together.If you text me about something, I
answer you back, or we tryto help each other out. And that's
what friends do. That's what goodpeople do. You help people. That's

what life's about. Why else arewe here on earth? You know?
And very rare defined. I thinkyou get to a point in life where
you're like, when you're happy,you don't have to be phony or backbiting
or fake, and you could justfeel that somebody is happy in a good
spot in their life, and that'shim right now. Like I'm so happy

here in Colorado, and I've grownup so much. I mean when I
left her big brother. Actually,because a lot of people probably don't know
this, I when I was waitressing. I was twenty two years old.
I was working three jobs, andI was scouted. I never tried out.
You're bidding no, So I wasyeah at that time because growing up,

I thought I wanted to be adental hygienist. And my dad's friend
let me work for him, andthen I realized, like, uh,
people don't really brush their teeth,Like I don't think I want to do
this the rest of my life.And I was like, you know what,
I'm just going to wait tables rightnow and I'm going to work at
the salon and figure it out whatI want to do. And I also

bartended like once a week on collegenight at a country it was like a
country bar. And this lady Bonnieapproached me, Bronnie Clark, and she's
like, have you ever thought aboutdoing reality television? And I was like
no, And she's like, Ithink you would be great on this show,
big Brother, I'm casting And inmy head at that time, Charlotte,

North Carolina was a lot smaller thanit is now, like it has
blown up. But I was like, nobody comes to North Carolina looking for
somebody for a reality TV show,because in my head, you had to
be in California for that. AndI told her I would show up for
the casting call, and I didn'tshow up. I skipped it, and

she called me back a couple dayslater and said, I haven't found anybody.
Will you please meet me at theHilton Downtown. I have a picture.
I can send it to you.I got to look through my phone.
She sent it to me years later. I showed up wearing a hoodie,
a zip a puddy jeans with camoprint on the back, and flip
flops. And when I showed upat the hotel. Everybody was dressed like

they were going out to the club, high heels, tight dresses, and
I remember being like, why amI here? I feel so dumb.
I don't fit in with these people. And she asked me if I had
a Oh what is it whenever you'relike auditioning and it has basically yet she
asked me if I had a headshot, and I said no, So they

made me stand up against a whitewall and took like a headshot, and
and then after that the rest ishistory. I just kind of kept making
it each round. But you knowwhat, I didn't know that by going
there in a hoodie and Jean,I was just being myself. I actually

stood out at that casting then everyoneelse because everyone else was dressed their best,
and I was just like whatever,they're not going to pick me for
this. And I just kept makingit each round and then got on the
show, which is crazy, andnot only got on the show, you
won the show, Yes, butI didn't even watch Big Brother. I

didn't I went in the house.I remember Bonnie telling me you got to
watch the show, so you knowwhat's going on. I was like yeah,
and then she's like, did youwatch it. I would turn it
on YouTube and I would just skinthrough the clips, kind of like cliffs
notes for YouTube, and I'm like, all right, I kind of got
the hint, but I didn't reallysit down and like watch it. Watch

it. There In the process,they were always asking me, so,
who's your favorite player? And Ionly remember this girl, Lisa because it
was the only one that I watched, and I think she was from like
season what one, two, hthree, something like that, and she
was my answer for everybody, andI had no idea what was going on,

and it just now, looking backon it, I'm like, that
is hilarious, like what I keptdoing. But yeah, So then I
met my husband on the show.It was not love at first side or
ooh, I want that guy.I actually thought Jeff was old because at
that time he was thirty one.I was twenty two, and he had

gray hair, and I was like, oh, he's too old for me.
But I fell in love with hispersonality and his heart and he was
so sweet and we were best friendson the show, and then it just
blossomed after that, and like Isaid, we've been together fifteen Oh my
gosh. And he's from Chicago,so totally different part of the world.
Oh my gosh. I was like, when I go back and listen to

my voice and how I sounded.I sounded like such a baby, and
I had like this southern voice.My mom is like, you sound more
like Jeff now and not like yoursouthern self. I'm like, well,
look who I'm around all the time, mom, But yeah, we are.
Jeff and I could not be moreopposite of each other. But I
think that's why we work. Jeffis very Jeff is very Chicago, and

he's impatient and I am very patient, and we just we just go together.
It was just so cute watching yourromance bloom on the show, because
you know, he would tease youand you're like, what, I don't
get it. What little did heknow that you were? That worked for
you the whole time, like Idon't understand what's going on, and boom,

the girl wins a half a milliondollars. I know. And then
it's so because at that time myparents, there was just a lot going
on in my life, and I'ma Christian, and I feel like it
was such a god thing for meto Bonnie to have found me. Never
wanting to do reality television, anythinglike that, and where it has got

me now, All of it isbecause of God, and I felt like
he placed me at the right time, and then Jess at the right time,
and then just how we connected giftswith everything because with that money,
I bought my mama house and mymom. I paid it off in cash
so my mom would never have toworry about a mortgage. And she just

recently got married in March, andI asked her. I was like,
do you still want to live inthis house? And I think she probably,
I mean with her new husband,She's probably this is weird. My
daughter bought me this house, soher she's moved to the beach. But
now I have my brother and mybest friend growing up both live in the

house now. Because the house Iwasn't ready to sell it. It's so
sentimental to me, and I waslike, I can't do it. I
have an attachment even though I haven'tlived there and I haven't lived in that
house in I don't know, eightyears, and I can't do it.
I couldn't sell it. So Igot my brother and my best friend growing

up that live in the house nowand have taken over. You are a
sweetheart, God bless you. Ithink that's like so many people have a
dream of being able to do thatfor their parents, but I'm surprised a
lot of people would do it forthemselves first. So that just shows what
a good heart you have. Thankyou. Yeah, No, I'm a
giver. I love helping people.That is one thing I love. And

having. Okay, I remember beingtwenty two years old and having that five
hundred thousand dollars in my bank account, and then before big brother and waitressing
and probably only having well, Idon't know, eight hundred dollars in my
account. I never felt any different, you know, whether it was five

hundred thousand in my bank account eighthundred dollars in my bank account. Insecurities
were still there, how you feelstill there? But helping someone, being
able to buy a house, forsomeone, being able to help my sister
because at the time my sister wastwenty four, so like I paid off
her car and I instead of buyingmaterialistic things, I didn't do any of

that. I didn't even buy myselfa new car. I drove my car
from high school was a two thousandand three Honda Civic, and I drove
that till I was twenty six untiland then I sold it to a friend
from high school, her cousin andbuy one thing for yourself. You know,
I don't think I did. Ithink I you know, I took

a lot of it I invested,and then I took a lot of it
with me to California and when Imoved with Jeff and I don't even know
how I lived off. I meanI could when I was like living in
California, I was like living offof twenty thousand a year. I think
I was like, how in theworld was I doing that? And I

was so happy. It just showslike money doesn't give make happiness. Like
for me, it's giving to othersand helping others and you always get rewarded
back. That's what I tell myboys. I pray first for health and
happiness, because without your health andhappiness, you have nothing in life.
And then just find something that makesyou happy that it lets you cover the

bills in life to take care ofyou and your family, and then living
life be happy. Yes, Andit's not. It's not like what My
kids are only five and seven andthey watch these YouTube videos and they think
that watching YouTube that that's how itis they see these high schoolers making all
this money from YouTube, and myseven year old is like, oh,

I want to be a YouTuber.I'm like no, no, no,
no, no, you are notdoing that. And I'm like, that's
not the way it is. Andhe's like, well, this person drives
this car and he's only seven andhe knows that. Yeah, And I
don't want my kids, Jeff andI do not raise our kids that way.
And I don't want my kids thinkingthat life is easy and that you're

going to get what you want.And money does not make you happy,
it really doesn't. No, ithelps you get by in life, and
that's yes. And the memories whenyou find good friends. We were just
in Mexico for a friend's fiftieth birthdayand it's actually people that I met in
my neighborhood and we had I toldJeff I go. It was such well

we booked for the listeners out there. We booked this trip before we knew
my husband was losing his job,so it wasn't like we booked it when
he found out he lost his job. But anyways, it was so like
needed and to watch my kids playingin the ocean, having the time of
their life. It made me sohappy and I was like, even if

I was having a bad time onthe trip, I would have been happy
just to see my kids how happythey were. And I told Jeff,
I, go, we need togo on more trips, even if it's
in an RV. Now, weneed to do more together as a family
and experience. The kids aren't goingto remember what we bought them. They
are going to remember the experiences wemade with them. And that's all you

take with you. You know,I lost my parents, and I remember
we would go camping all the timethe Redwood forest. I still can smell
what it smelled like, the redwoodtrees. And I used to watch my
dad and my mom. They lovedBig Brother, so we would watch A
Big Brother all the time. Andnow my husband's watching it with me,

even though he doesn't like reality shows, just so I have someone to talk
to about it because it was sucha bonding thing in my family. Are
you watching the current season A BigBrother? I haven't. No, I
haven't niece. To be honest,I have not watched Big Brother in a
couple of years. It kind ofwith the kids, with the little one

I got. Really, I mean, we were always doing stuff at the
pool or we were involved in something, and then I would just get behind
on Big Brother. And then youknow, when you get so far behind,
you don't feel like trying to catchup. Yeah, and that's kind
of like what happened. So Ihaven't even started this season. Oh my
gosh, there is a horrible womanon. She's fifty years old. She

attacks this young kid, calls himcrazy eyes, and says his mom is
going to think he's such a brat. It's horrible. What you know,
what's okay? You know what's sad? And this is going to happen.
People like the fan base a BigBrother. Not everybody, but the internet
side can be very mean and unforegiving that woman. There's probably going to

be people. She could lose herjob. People are going to attack her,
they'll send notes to her house,Like I hope, I mean she
might. I don't know. Ihaven't watched a show. She might be
crazy, but I feel bad forthat part of the reality side, like
when people do reality shows. Nowthat lady is going to be labeled.
Now she's going to be called crazy. Yeah, well, would you ever

do a reality show again? Idon't know. I think it depends on
what it is. I would neverdo Big Brother again. I think that's
like a young person's show, andone hundred days is a long time.
And I did it twice already becausewe went back on season thirteen and that
was just enough for me. ButI'm very grateful for my experience on Big

Brother, and they were so goodto us, so I appreciate them.
I just it's just not something Iwould want to do. I would do.
I am obsessed with the sh showTraders, Oh me too? Isn't
it good? Yes? And Ifeel like it's very it's more low key,
it's not it's mentally hard like BigBrother, and it's only two weeks

of filming, so I feel likewith my kids that would be easy.
And I know they are using BigBrother people. I don't know if they'd
asked because it so long since wewere on. We will, but as
they will ask again. If you'relistening, you good message Traders and tell
them we want to see Jordan onTraders. Jordan on Traders, I would

totally do that one because I feellike with Traders, if you were played
Big Brother, I feel like you'rekind of ahead of it because you are
used to the lying and manipulating becauseyou if nobody knows, you're trying to
figure out who the trader is,right, And so I feel like I

feel like I would do pretty goodon that. I think I would.
Yeah, yeah, that would doit. But do you want to be
a trader or a faithful I wouldwant to be a trader, I think
I think I would too, ButI would want to be a trader,
like get picked up as a tradertowards the end. I think it's harder

if you're a trader from day oneto make it from day one all the
way to the end. Yeah,Dan Geeseling got like popped out right away,
he did. Yeah, they do. They knew she was so good,
I know. And the lines thatshe had, it's like I don't
have to give you a rose orkiss your butt y, you know.

I was actually really surprised in Pete. Pete the pilot. Yes, he
was doing really well, and Iwas like, they need to put him
on Big Brother. I think hewould play. He would do a good
job. He was like figuring outthe traders and Trashelle. I thought she
did a great job. I thoughtshe did too. Here's an idea,

so you could go on Traders andwhy let's get Julie Chen I love her,
but why don't we get a cohost or if she retires, Jeff
can host Big Brother. Oh,there we go. Let's put that out
into the universe. Let's manifest thatwe'll put it out there. And again,
this is all fun stuff that theytalk about on their podcast together Mess

and it's going two days a weekMonday and Wednesday starting the twenty ninth.
I know you just had a doctoron and he really encourages you to do
positive thinking and face your fears andyour reality. How was that having your
first guest on your podcast? Ohmy, so Jeff kept talking about him

and this whole year I have,it's like a wellness journey for me into
like not drinking alcohol, like focusingon myself, listening to positive thinking,
exercising, reading my scripture more.Those are things that like I have been
trying to do this year and justbe a better person overall. And this

guy is so smart and the wayhe puts things in perspective, because I
kept asking him, what do youfor you? But people face fears and
do you think that people hold backfrom getting their dream jobs. They're getting
things that they want because of fear. And I feel like I was answering

that or asking that question for myselfbecause I've always doubted myself, like I'm
not as smart as that person,They're not going to pick me because I
don't look this way, or I'mnot good enough, and I've always self
doubted myself and that is something thatI need to work on. And just
his answer, you all have tolisten to just what he's said amazing.

He was so aching and I lefthe left I felt so inspired because I'm
so by I And to be honest, I'm a moody person. I try
not to be. I just havealways been a moody person and I am
not that person. I can't wakeup every day and be positive like my
brother can wake up every day andhe's always in a good mood and positive.

Me. I overthink everything and orI again I self doubt myself.
And listening to what he said,like when you wake up in the morning,
you have to think positive when youwake up in the morning. Me
walking really helps me and makes mehappy when I walk, and when I'm
listening to something positive and me tryingto be a better person than I was

yesterday. Like he left my houseand I'm like, I'm going to start
a business. I'm gonna do that, like I'm gonna conquer the world.
And yeah, I was, likeI wish he lived in Denver. I
would call him all the time tocome over here and talk to me.
You know what's interesting is looking atyou. Everybody perceives themselves differently than what
the world perceives them, because Iwouldn't guess that about you, And yeah,

I would never guess that about you. And I think you're extremely intelligent.
I think you're beautiful, and Ithink everybody else does too, and
you're very nice. But I thinkeverybody's hard on themselves. And I've learned
myself to start each morning like witha prayer or a gratitude, like just

three things, three things to saywhat I'm thankful for. And it could
be the silliest things, you know, but it works, It really does
work. Denise. When you werecoming up in radio and television, did
you ever do that at any timein your life? Did you ever self
doubt yourself? I still do,Like, no, I'm going to get
this, oh, no, one. You know the one thing my Dad

taught me because I initially wanted todo TV, but I lived in Lake
Havasu and it was in between Vegasand Phoenix and we didn't have TV stations
there. And he's like, we'lltry rating and I go, but Dad,
I don't have any experience. Andhe said, the worst thing they
can say to you is no,if Katie Kirk can do it, why
can't you do it. So Ihustled my booty down there and I got

a job. But we all haveself doubt. I mean till this day,
I still have self doubt. Youknow, as you get older,
you start aging and you get selfdoubt. But the gratitude really does help.
I want to talk about one otherthing. Your Daily Blast Live Tomorrow.
You're going to be on the showand you're going to talk about your
experience with something unique. Oh yes, okay. So they are doing a

new segment called house Call and it'swith Sam Schocker and Doctor Coley and it's
talking about the weight loss drug Ozimpic. I didn't take Ozentpic. I took
semi blue Tide and Trzeppetide. Itook them two years apart from each other.
And I'm on there talking about theside effects. So they talk to

somebody who had a good experience withthe weight loss drug, and then they
talked to me, and I justshared my experience with I had probably every
single side effect, Like I don'tthink the weight loss drug likes me,
and my body does not like theweight loss drug because I had put on
I put on a lot of weight. I got COVID in twenty twenty one,

and that's kind of like when myweight gain all started. I started
having trouble losing weight. I wentto the doctor and had my thyroid check,
and anybody out there, when yougain weight and your clothes don't fit
anymore and you don't feel good aboutyourself, you start feeling a little depressed.
And I got on antidepressants and Ijust blew up. I got up

to so when I moved here toDenver, I had all my baby weight
off with losson. Then when Ihad Layton, I worked hard and I
got all my baby weight off.I was one hundred and thirty seven pounds,
and then I got up to onehundred and eighty and diabetes runs in
my family, and I was like, my blood pressure's high, Like what
am I doing? And so Iwas desperate and I was like, you

know what, I'm going to trythis weight loss drug because I saw a
couple of people I know doing itand they had great experiences with it,
and for me, at six weeksboth of them, I stopped because I
just started having these side effects withthe weight loss drug. But I did
drop twenty pounds both times. Thefirst time I took it, I lost

twenty pounds and then I gained itright back. This time, I've made
changes in the way I eat.I walk three to five miles a day,
and I haven't put on the weightback at all. I've actually been
able to keep it off. I'mstill trying to lose fifteen more pounds and
then I'll be right back where Iwas when I had all my baby weight

off. But I just basically amon there talking with Sam and doctor Coley
about all of that, because Imean, everybody does. I mean everybody's
knowing it. I feel like ifyou're not announcing that you're doing it,
and you're all of a sudden someonesees you and you're super skinny, you
know, we're like with it.You're totally doing those of course, but

what were some of the side effects. Can you share a couple? Oh,
of course, this is a weirdone. My I always felt like
I was sucking on a penny,like that copper metal taste in my mouth
weird. And I had burning tongue, which is weird. Burning tongue always
started that four weeks for me,and it was always when I upped my

dose with the weight loss drug.So when I was at a small dose,
I was fine, and then whenI would up my dose, that
is when I started having all sideeffects. I would have headache, really
tired, like a pregnancy tired.I was very moody. I mean I'm
moody now, but I was verylike quick to just like snap. So

I just told myself, I waslike, you know what, this tip
isn't worth it. Maybe this isa drug for a medicine. I mean,
this is a medicine for other people, but for me, it's just
not doing I mean, yes,I was losing the weight, but all
the side effects, it wasn't worthit to me. I was like,

this is miserable almost, And myblood sugar kept dropping on the drug and
I would wake up and feel veryjittery, busy, and I didn't like
that at all, so and myanxiety was really bad. So you know,
I was like, you know what, be healthy, do it on
your own. You got twenty poundsoff with it. It did what it

needed to do. Now you needto get your booty off the couch and
do the hard work and get theweight off yourself. Did the side effects
go away after you quit taking it? Yeah, so as soon as I
stopped taking it, they it's assoon as it comes out of your I
guess that builds up in your system. As soon as it was completely out,
I didn't have any more decided,like, my anxiety went away.

I remember going to the doctor tobeing checked over because I was like,
listen, I'm feeling like all thesethings that I just told you all on
the podcast, and she checked meover it was like everything fine, and
I was like, yeah, Ithink I'm just gonna stop. And then
as soon as I stopped, minedeety stopped. Like I felt back to
myself again, and I wasn't.I wasn't very quick to snap at the

kids, and so yeah, itwasn't for me. But again other people
I have friends that are on itor were on it, and they didn't
experience any of this. They werelike, oh, I might have had
you know, I might have myiron with low, but that's it.
And they were fine, Yeah,I think it's you got to change the

lifestyle. I've gained weight too,and it just, I mean, it
comes with age. It's hard.Tomorrow Daily Blasts Live watch and see your
local listings. It's here in Denveron Channel nine KUSA, and then it
All shows also shows again on KTVDa little bit later in the day,
right, yes, okay, andyou can watch on YouTube if it's not

in your state, you can watchon YouTube. Okay. Daily Blast Live,
make sure you do it, butmost importantly download their podcast. It's
Together Mess Eess Together Mess with Jordanand Jeff, her husband. They talk
about so many relatable things and there'sso much fun to talk about too.

I know there was a couple episodesthat where I got emotional because when Jeff
shared how he was feeling and howyou were feeling after the transition that's going
to happen with Daily Blast Live.We've all been there, we all can
relate. And I just want tothank you for being so honest and joining
me today on my podcast. AndI'm going to continue to say prayers and

everything's gonna be fine. You're gonnabe staying here in Colorado, sister.
Thank you so much to Nith andThanny. I love talking to you.
And we have to get together.You got it. We'll go out for
a happy hour, yeah,
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