All Episodes

July 19, 2024 31 mins
Morgan covers reality tv and pop culture extensively on social media, her podcast, Morgan’s Pop Talks and her daily Patreon. Her favorite shows are Vanderpump Rules, Summer House, Survivor, The Traitors, and of course season 6 of Love Island USA!
Morgan started her influencer journey during the pandemic. She worked two full time jobs for four years before being able to become a full time podcast host and influencer.
She drops weekly podcast episodes every Thursday, breaking down the latest in reality tv and pop culture. She has interviewed Bachelor Nation favorites, Bravolebrities, and reality tv contestants.
Fun facts: She just got married! And was asked to be on 90 Day Fiance. She hosted a group date on Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor. She is a world traveler and has been to three continents.

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Episode Transcript

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Do Do Do Do Do Doo.Hey y'all, it's Denise's podcast. Welcome
back, Happy Friday. I'm DenisePlant. We're doing a special Influencer of
the Week today. I'm so excitedto have Morgan Preston. She is a
pop culture a reality show guru,and she used to work in Radio two,

which is really cool. During COVIDshe decided to branch out before TikTok
was really really popular, and manis she super popular now both on TikTok
and on Instagram. She also hasa podcast. We're going to talk about
Morgan's pop talks, but she'll deepdive into Love Island, which is wrapping
up this weekend. We'll talk Survivor. She was asked to be on a

reality show just a lot of fun, so I can't wait for you to
hear that just in a few moments. But first let's start out with Denise's
dirt. Matt Rife, comedian hasa brand new comedy special coming to Netflix.
It's called Matt Rife Lucid, aCrowdWork special. That's really what he's
known for. He's a great comedian, but his crowd work, he's crazy

quick on his feet, it's fun. It's gonna stream August thirteenth, and
it's the first time Netflix has hosteda show that is one full hour of
just CrowdWork, so be on thelookout for that. Kane Brown is teasing
yet to be recorded music. Mostof the time, a lot of artists
will put out a clip on socialmedia tease it. Well, Kane Brown
has done it before he's even recordedit. He's done it a different way.

He posted a set of song lyricsand it's in honor of his papa,
who is dealing with Alzheimer's. It'sreally really sweet. You can check
it out on his Instagram page.Jelly Rolls released a video for dead End
Road. It's his song from Twistersthe soundtrack. The video is cool and
he just he rocks. You guyshave to check it out. You could

see it on my blog. Goto one oh six seven the bowl dot
com hit Denise Plant. Here's asneak peek of the song. I'm from
Sun Devil, ramshot Gun Gods,I'm a crash and murder. I need
to turn. I'm excited to seejelly roll this Sunday night. I'm actually

gonna introduce him at shy Inn Frontierdays. He's performing with Chase Matthew,
but he's teamed up with Machine GunKelly. How cool is that he started
another genres. Here's a quick sneakpeek of that song. It leans into
John Denver's classic country road Take MeHomely Road, Take be take on Lowly

Hey. We have a new Nuggetsplayer, Russell Westbrook. He's the point
guard. He's been traded from theLa Clippers, now planning to join the
Nuggets. Angelina Jolie has had enoughof fighting with Brad Pitt. Allegedly,
her attorney says she wants her exto in the fighting, dropping the lawsuit
against her regarding their winery. SoPeople magazine said, Pitt suit Jolie after

she's sold away half of her partof the winery for sixty seven million dollars.
Oh my gosh, I'd sell ittoo. He argued the cell went
against a verbal agreement that they had. Now, Jolia is saying she refused
to let him buy her out ofthe business because she didn't want to sign
his NDA as part of the deal. Her lawyer claims he tried to punish

and control Angelina by demanding a newexpanded NDA to cover his personal misconduct and
abuse. He threatens that if theStar doesn't drop the lawsuit, Angelina has
no choice but to obtain the evidencenecessary to prove his allegations wrong, meaning
she's going to release evidence that hedid well misbehave and allege abuse the kids.

Now that some of them are oldereighteen, they're dropping Pitt as a
last name and going with Jolie.So wow, that says a lot right
there. There you go a quicklook at Denise's dirt. Now let's get
into our great interview and deep diveinto all of your favorite reality shows with
my influence answer of the Week MorganPreston. Another Influencer of the Week and
today I'm super excited to have MorganPreston. Her handle on social media is

Morgan Pee Talks. She has apodcast that's Morgan's Pop Talks and yes,
she covers everything reality TV, whichI absolutely love. Hi Morgan, Hi,
thank you so much for having me. Of course, you know you
were recommended by several people. Really, yeah, you have a lot of
fans that follow you. Well,that means I'm doing something right. Maybe

I'm in the right line of work. Didn't you used to do radio years
ago I did. I actually justrecently left radio. I left about three
months ago, but I worked inradio for ten years. It was my
first job out of college and Idid every shift under the sun. But
when I left, I had justleft after six years on a morning show

in Cleveland. So the transition hasbeen hard. But I'm getting a lot
better sleep because I don't to wakeup at four o'clock in the morning anymore.
Oh my gosh, I remember thosedays. I'm like, mornings are
really really hard. But now you'vecreated your own brand and you did it
because of COVID. Was that howit all launched? Yeah? You know,

on the morning show, my jobwas to do the reality TV and
pop culture report, and during COVID, I was broadcasting from home at that
time. I'm married now, butat that time my boyfriend was in England
and so we couldn't see each other. So I had a lot of free
time on my hands, and Iwas completely you know, by myself.
I lived alone, So basically Istarted a watching a lot more TV and

b you know, TikTok wasn't whatit is now in twenty twenty. People
weren't really using it. For businessventures. But I just started repurposing what
I was doing on the morning showwith reality TV and pop culture in little
short form video content, and onething led to another and it just started
taking off. I love it.I really do again. You can follow

her at Morgan Pee Talks Morgan PeeTalks. She also has a podcast which
is Morgan's Pop Talks. So we'regonna get to your wedding because I know
you just got married, but let'sget to one of your favorite reality shows
that you're talking about now. It'swrapping up soon. It's Love Island.
I know. Love Island USA wrapsup on Sunday, and honestly, I

am so sad about it. I'vewatched Love Island here and there. I've
never been like a diehard Love Islandfan, but this season USA is Honestly,
it's like you cannot look away.And it's been a minute since I
feel like everyone has been so investedin one particular season. I think probably
season ten of Vanderpump Rules would havebeen the last time we all collectively were

so invested in something. So I'msad that it's coming to an end,
but I've really been enjoying it.You're not the only one. The ratings
have doubled this season double Yeah,what's insane? Do you think it's because,
I mean, there's a lot ofdrama, and it shows multiple times
a week. You don't have towait just one week and you get one

episode, you get to see severalepisodes. But do you also think since
you mentioned vander Pump Rules, it'sbecause Ariana Maddox is the host this season.
She brought over some Bravo fans.Yeah. I think that's definitely a
possibility. You know, people arereally rooting for Ariana right now. They
want to see her succeed, andI think she's doing a great job at

hosting. But you know, agood host won't get people to stay to
watch a show every single night.I think really they just kind of hit
gold with this season. Their castinghas been extremely good. I was say
in the past, I was moreinto Love Island UK because of just the
banter and the accent. It justkind of added a layer that we don't

really get to see here in theUS that often. So I thought they
made it a point this season thanto have people from England, have people
from Australia. So you're kind ofgetting the back of both worlds when it
comes to UK and USA. Thatand I just think the characters they cast
this year We're really Good, isa lot of drama. The producers are

doing a lot of plot twists whichare getting people talking, and like I
said, it's like musty TV.That and I feel like the landscape of
reality TV in the summer sometimes isn'tas intriguing as it would be in the
fall. As a Bravo girly,there's only a couple Housewives franchises on right

now. We don't have any ofthe younger shows when it comes to summerhouse
and banner pump roles. So Ifeel like it's a number of different things,
but they definitely hit the jackpot.And when they cast these contestants on
the show where they ultimately want tofind love, I mean, in the
back of my mind, I'm thinking, this girl or this guy just wants
to be on TV. And ohfor sure they have a rock and body

too, like all are like tenis walking around in bikinis and swim trunks.
So what do you think, likeis the most or who is the
most obnoxious? And who is yourfavorite on this season? Oh, it's
so hard because there's so many womenthat I love on the season, and
I'll start with my favorite. Imean, it's so hard to choose.

I love to Live. I actuallyjust interviewed live on my podcast this week.
She was my special guest. ButI have to give it to Jane.
I think Janna is so fun.She's so funny, she makes me
laugh so much, and she justhas such a great laura about her.
I don't think she's gonna win becausepeople Kenny doesn't have as a vibrant of

a personality, even though I reallydo like Kenny and I think they're good
together. When you compare it toSerena and Cordell, who I think are
gonna win, they're just a littlebit more at the forefront when it comes
to displaying their personality. The mostobnoxious, I think we can all agree,
is probably Aaron I don't. Idon't so even if obnoxious is the

word that I would use to describeit, I just think he's extremely immature,
and I think a lot of youersthink that as well. Yeah,
they probably looked for that when whenhe walked in. They were like,
Oh, this guy's gonna be excellentTV. Yeah, Yeah, and I
mean Kaylor, God bless her her. I feel so bad for Kaylor because
I know people are ragging on her. You know, she cries a lot,

she whinds a lot. She tookAaron back really easily. But she's
also twenty two, and I likeremind myself of that often. At twenty
two, I certain reason it makesthe best choices. When it came to
my love life, I was pretty, you know, easily manipulated at age
twenty two. Aaron's twenty six,So I feel like by twenty six,
you should kind of know better,You should know how to treat a woman,

and he just doesn't. And whatare they thinking? I mean when
they go into this Casa amore,it's like you, you know, cameras
are going to be watching you andsee all the naughty stuff, and we're
going to end up hating you forfor hooking up with someone else when you
are showing your affections to another contestants. I mean, it's like heartbreaking at

times. Yeah, I really don'tknow what was going through their mind.
If anything, I will say,you know, a lot of Love Island
is surveillance footage, so I feellike, yes, there are cameras on
the ground, so when one's likedirectly in your face, you know,
it's easy two point out that they'rethere. But sometimes when they're hiding in

the corner of rooms and they're onthe ceiling and stuff like that, maybe
that's when they kind of let theirguards down. That and the film around
the clock. So yeah, Ifeel like, you know, it's easy
at the beginning to be super mindfulabout what they're saying and what you're doing.
But when you're there for you know, four weeks, I feel like
as time goes on, they mightjust be desensitized to the cameras at that

point. How realistic, though,is it to fall in love with somebody
in four weeks? I mean,do you really think I make love us
matches here? I do think thatit's more successful than like a Bachelor franchise,
because you know, especially on theBachelor, it's the same amount of
time, but you have even lesstime because you're not living together. You're

not with them twenty four or seven. You go on maybe like two dates
that and there's no distraction from theoutside world. They don't have their phones,
they can't watch TV, so literallyall they do is that they're and
get to know each other. However, it's extremely different, you know,
living in a villa than let's sayErin and Taylor, who will be living

on two different continents. So Idon't know how that's going to work out,
if it even will. But wehave seen people, you know,
have babies from their Love Island couples. A lot of Love Island couples are
still together, so I feel likethey do have a better track record than
some other reality shows out there.Well, since you mentioned The Bachelor,
you just got married, and Iunderstand you were interviewed for Bachelor Nation,

but you also hosted a group dateon Peter Webber's season of The Bachelor,
so let's talk about that and yourwedding. Okay, Yeah, so Peter
came to Cleveland for one of hisgroup Babes. He had three group days
here in Cleveland, and I keptapplying to go as an audience member,
because you know, if you'd comeinto my city, how could I not

I live reality TV and pop culture. But I kept getting denied because at
the time I was a media personality. So I remember complaining about it on
the morning show that I was on, and not even five hours later,
I get a call from an unknownnumber that was from Los Angeles and I'm
like, oh, well, whensomebody called you from Los Angeles, you

pick up the phone. So Ipicked it up and it was a producer
for The Bachelor and they said,Hey, we heard you on the air
this morning. I got your contactfrom the tourism group here. Would you
like to host a group day?And I'm like yes. So they played
tackle football at Cleveland Sound Stadium orflag football excuse me at Cleveland Brown Stadium.

Is one of the group dapes andI was one of the I guess
you could say like sideline reporters.They're doing all the commentary behind it.
But I got to meet a coupleof the girls. I met Peter,
and it was a really fun experience. I'll have to go back and check
it out. Now that I'm talkingto you, I'll realize, Oh,
there she is, there's Marga.Oh yeah, yeah, it's on you

throughs. Don't worry. Were youalso asked to be on ninety day Fiance?
I was asked to be on ninetyeight Fyance. So long story short.
My husband actually is from South Africa, but he was living in England.
He had dual citizenship because his dadis British and his mom is South
African, so he could live inboth places. But we were going through

the K one visa process, whichis kind of what ninety day Fiance is
based off of. Right, ifyou're engaged, you have to submit all
of this paperwork and then once thepaperwork is approved, the fiance has ninety
days to enter the country and foryou guys to get married. So but
I found when I was going throughthis process, and yes it's a ninety

day process, but the journey upto that took two years. Well there's
a lot of storytelling there. ButI was up saying people about the journey
on TikTok and on Instagram because Iwas always looking for answers during the immigration
process and I could never really findany. So I thought if I could
help somebody, that's great. Andso I got a DM from a producer

saying, hey, sell your videosabout your immigration process. Would you like
to be on ninety Day Fiance.I'm a casting producer. But I got
that DM six days after I hadgotten married. Oh last, I was
like, well, unfortunately I'm alreadymarried. I don't I mean fortunately,
But in the moment. Unfortunately,I don't know if you can do anything.

I'm are married, and she's like, yeah, probably not. So
the timing didn't work out on thatone. So I see that your husband
likes to watch these social reality showswith you too. Do you think you
two would ever be on a realityshow together? Is that a goal of
yours? I think we'd probably startwith a podcast together before going on a

reality just together. Honestly, I'vethought about this question a lot, because
I get it a lot just onwhether or not I would do a reality
show, and I don't think thatI would, because you don't have any
control over the way somebody else editsyou and how somebody else perceives you.
You know, when you have yourown brand and you can decide what you
say on a podcast, you knowthat it won't be edited or taken out

of context or whatever. It's alot easier to put yourself out there.
But I'm protective over my relationship,and I've heard that reality TV is a
curse for our relationship. So Imean, if I was approached with a
check, I might change my tune. But if you had to ask me
now, i'd think probably not.Yeah, some of those housewives make like
eight hundred thousand dollars an episode.It's crazy, Yeah, it's crazy.

But I think if you have alittle shaky relationship or any skeletons in the
closet, they're going to come outright. The producers will do their homework
so they can make sure that it'sgoing to be a crazy season, right
yep. So now let's talk aboutyour wedding. How did you meet your
husband? He's from South Africa,you said, yeah, so our story

also could be people say a movie, But I actually met my husband thirteen
years ago. I live in Ohionow, but at the time I had
moved to West Virginia and he istwo years older than me. So I
was getting ready to graduate from highschool and have my freshman year at college,
and he was a freshman at acollege near Buying. He was on

an athletic scholarship. He was hereplaying soccer in the States. And my
sister actually met him first, myolder sister, and she said, you
know, you would really like mylittle sister, Morgan. I think you
guys should meet. So we meta couple of days later and we just
instantly hit it off. I definitelysay I fell in love with him at

first sight. I don't know saythe same about me. But when we
met, it was in February andhe had already made the decision that he
was going to go back home toSouth Africa at May in May, at
the end of that semester, sowe couldn't really, you know, explore
a relationship too far at that moment. I was eighteen, he had just

turned twenty one, so it justwasn't you know, we were young,
and it wasn't in the cars todo that kind of long distance relationship.
So we didn't see each other forseven years after that, but we kept
him, pudged here and there,and ended up moving to London, and
long story short, he came tovisit me and my family for Christmas in

twenty seventeen and I picked him upfrom the airport and I literally fell in
love at first sight for a secondtime. And I was like, oh,
no, this is bad. Whatam I gonna do? And like
I said, we hadn't seen eachother in a seven years, so I
was very surprised that, you know, those feelings never went away, and
fortunately for me, he felt thesame way. So we committed to a

long distance relationship. We did thatfor five years. We did it through
COVID, which was extremely difficult.We did it through, like I said,
a two year immigration process. Butnow we're on the other side of
it. We legally got married inOctober, but we just had our big
ceremony and reception two weeks ago.So it's been really good. Wow,

well, congratulations, thank you.He's adorable. I saw one of the
videos where he like popped in andsurprised you. He was dressed like one
of the contestants from Love. Iknow. He's always down to go along
with me, and you know,he's like the typical husband where he's like,
oh, these reality shows, likeI don't want to watch it,
and then he watches one episode andhe's sucked in. I mean, thankfully

for me. He doesn't deny itanymore. Yeah, like just say you
like it. Everybody knows that youlike it. It's fine. He went
to Bravo con with me last yearand he was like, yeah, getting
in pictures with you know, peoplefrom Bravo and stuff. So he fully
embraces his lifestyle. What was Bravokon? Like that's on my bucket list.
It was really good. Bravo Konis like, it's like a totally

different world. I have been twiceand they're taking a year off this year,
which I'm disappointed, but my walletis happy because it is a very
expensive thing to attend. Luckily forme now it is a business expense,
so that kind of stuffens to blowa little bit. But it's really cool.
I mean, what other place canyou see all of your favorite reality

TV stars in one setting and youknow, seeing Andy and going to panels
and you know him answering listener questions. It's a lunch in a lifetime opportunity,
so you gotta go once. Yeah, was there any uh, well,
maybe your favorite Bravo celebrity that youmet and then one that he just

had a bad day, didn't havea good interaction, I will say,
I mean I wouldn't call it abad interaction, but shep Road was extremely
intoxicated. Oh I heard about that. Yeah yeah, yeah, so,
I mean everybody was saying that hewas definitely under the influence when I met
him. It still wasn't a badencounter. It's not like anything crazy happened,

but he was definitely having trouble puttingsentences together. Yeah, and if
you don't know whose ship is,he's from Southern Charm And after he got
called out for that, he startedon the road to recovery. And I
guess I don't know if he's completelysober now or if he just slowed down

his drinking. Yeah, I'm notsure either. It was it was less
kind of vague at the reunion lastyear, but he definitely was trying to
be more mindful. I'm sure that'sgoing to be a storyline coming up in
season ten, which is currently filming. But my favorite, Oh it's so
hard. Andrea Denver from Summerhouse isjust like the sweetest soul ever. He's

this little ray of sunshine. Honestly, I know she has a bad rap,
but Lindsay Hubbard has always been incrediblynice to me, even like dming
me. When I was at BravoKons met up with her. So I
really love her. And she's grant. Didn't they just announce you it is?
Yea, she is. I'm veryexcited for her. My husband and

I actually had a run in withTom Sandoval in a hotel room, which
was very uh awkward and uncomfortable.We were the only three people in the
room. So that's another story.Well did you hear that he is now
suing Ariana. I did hear that, And honestly, you know, some

people they're saying, I'm not surprised. I actually am surprised because I feel
like he was starting to finally turnthe corner on. You know, people
are really hating him, and youknow, people still do dislike Santaval,
but I feel like it was startingto ease a little bit because they hate
was really loud and really strong.But I feel like he just kind of

kicked it all back up again withhis lawsuit. And you know, I
did have a lawyer light into myDMS and say, you know it's a
bad book. Yes, but ifI would come lawyer, unfortunately, I
would do the same thing. Becauseit's a it's a cross claim. So
basically, you know, Rachel isdoing him for recording the video and she's

also doing Arianna for allegedly sending itto different people. So in order to
kind of save himself from that lawdu he has to then file this cross
claim saying, well, Arianna wentthrough my phone with out my permission,
so I can't be responsible for somethingthat Ariana did, you know, without

my permission. However, he stillrecorded her in the first place. Yeah,
so I just don't necessarily see.I also had a lawyer say,
you know, you have to alsoweigh public opinion, Like, even if
in a court of law, youknow you could win this argument, you
have just done yourself a serious disservicein the court of public opinion. That's

going to hurt your image even further. Absolutely, And I thought Arianna that
was dismissed on the case against herbecause she didn't show it to anyone else
at all, Like she didn't sendit to anyone else. So I don't
know if it is or not.I know what I know. She's saying
that she didn't send it to anybody. Rachel's lawyer is saying that Arianna sent

it to Rachel. So something alongthe lines of Ariana finds the video in
her phone, send it to herselfso that she has it on her phone,
and then from Mariana's sent it toRachel saying I've seen this, I
know I've seen this video. Iknow what you did allegedly, right,
Marianna is denying that, but that'swhat Rachel is saying, So it's tough.
And then and Tom of course gaveallegedly the password to Arianna and the

phone, and so I mean,come all, it's just a nightmare.
It's a mess. I think maybethey're taking vander Pump Rules this summer off.
And do you think it has anythingto do because Arianna is just kneeling
it these days. I mean sheis the host of Love Island. Yeah,
and not only that, she's goingback to Broadway. So you feel,
yeah, and that's happening, Ibelieve in either August or September.

I can't think of it off thetop of my head right now, but
I think that I think they all. I think they need a break.
I almost feel like rushing the pitcameras back up was a mistake on their
part, and I feel like it'skind of been a pattern recently with with
Bravo. You know, they didit with Kyle Richters and Mauricio, they
did it with Summerhouses and Carl andI understand wanting to get you know,

this raw motion, but it reallybackfired the season on Bander Pump World.
I think because you know, wehad this this odd thing that we've never
really seen before. I mean,we knew it had to be a factor
behind the scenes, people thinking aboutthe longevity of the shows that they're on
and how to secure another season.But Sina and Laala were really transparent and

like desperate about it this season,and it made for honestly, in my
opinion, just not great TV.And it made us not like Sina and
Lala, which I know Lalla isa controversial character, but I've always appreciated,
you know, what she does bringsto reality TV because she brings a
lot. So it was sad,you know that we kind of had to

turn on her this season for theway she was acting. Well, yeah,
it was difficult, and she's pregnantnow and that would have been kind
of nice to see that journey ofher having another child and this to be
a happy one too. Yeah,let's move on. I know you're also
a big fan of Survivor, andso am I. I just can't get
enough. If I could go ona show, I think it would be

Survivor. I really yeah, ifI could handle all the bugs, that's
my issue. I know, Iknow, I always say that I would
love to go on Survivor, butI like, let's be serious, moll
and I didn't have a pillow undermy head. I'd be like, I'm
out of here. I actually auditionedfor Survivor three different times, no place.
I think it called back one timefor by a producer. But I'm

not mean enough, and I guessmean isn't the word under. I'm a
people pleaser. I'm gonna passive regressive. So I feel like people would walk
all over me, and they pickedup on that. I think they need
people from all walks of life,with all different personalities, and people would
gravitate towards you. I think becausewe want to see nice people. It's

not just the villains we want tosee. We want to see nice people
win too. Well, maybe I'llrecon try it, try it. I
would love to. I'd be like, hey, I know her. I'm
voting for Morgan. Okay, soyour podcast drops every single week. You
have interviews, you talk about realityshows. Obviously, it's called Morgan's Pop
Talks. You can get it onthe iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your

podcasts, wherever you listen to them. You have one free episode every single
week, like you said, Morgan'sPop Talks. But if you're looking for
more ends up coverage, Bachelor recaps, I do Bravo Fridays, I do
Survivor recaps. That's all on myPatreon, which is also titled Morgan's Pop
Talks, so you can find methere and Morgan before I let you go.
Influencer of the Week is all aboutlike teaching other people who want to

be influencers little tricks of the trade. So what would you suggest if someone
wants to be a pop culture realityinfluencer? What's something you've learned that you
want to share for them? Honestly, just to say true to your opinion.
You know you're not going to befor everybody and that's okay, and
having different different opinions actually works outto your benefit. You know. I

used to, like I said,I by nature am a kind hearted person.
I don't really like when people arearguing with me or anybody else for
that matter. But you know ithelps because when people have different opinions and
they're in your comment section, that'sgetting your engagement up, that's making more
people see your content. So embracekind of that aspect of it. Also,

I would say, you know,I work to full time jobs for
four years before I was able todo this full time, So don't be
discouraged. I know that there's alot of people in the space right now,
but there's also space for everyone.Just because there's people also talking about
reality TV and pop culture doesn't meanthat you can't do it too. So
just really be dedicated in hard working, and never be afraid to share your

own true opinion. And if someone'swondering how do you make money by posting
videos, it's really the podcast rightwhere you go to Patreon. Yeah,
so I have a couple different streamsof income, and that's kind of something
that I tell people too, isthat you never want to rely on one
because especially in the day of socialmedia. You know, what the TikTok

band happens, and I was onlymaking money on TikTok, then what would
I do? So I have acouple different revenue streams. TikTok is one
of them, but podcasting, branddeals on social media, you know,
I do affiliate marketing, Amazon influencerprograms and Patreon, So a couple different

revenue streams there. Just in caseanything crazy ever happens. Is there a
website that you would recommend for influencersto go to for pitches if they want
to get guests on the show orif they want to get brand deals.
Honestly, I've had the best luckdoing interviews by sliding into people's dms.
I have had more you know,Bravo. People tell me I said yes

to your interview because I look atyour page and know that you're not,
you know, a mean spirited commentator. I don't feel like I'm going to
come on your podcast and be caughtin a and like a gotcha moment,
you know, So I would sayjust shoot your shot in the dms,
especially if you have content on yourpage that showcases your personality. As far

as brand deals go, I actuallyam pretty removed from finding them. I
have a manager that finds them forme. But you can also pitch yourself
to different talent managers and see ifanybody will pick you up. Excellent.
Thank you so much for giving usa little guidance along the way here.
You're a wonderful influencer. It's MorganPreston, her Handles, Morgan pe Talks,

her podcast, Morgan's Pop Talks,and You're awesome. I was so
excited to have you as my influencerof the week. Well, thank you
so much. I appreciate it.
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