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July 11, 2024 30 mins
I'm Back!
Influencer of the Week.  Stefani Jones is a host of the national televison show Daily Blast Live!  She is a lifestyle infuencer that features celebrities, gossip, pop culture, the royal family and HER WEDDING!  She just got married in France and it was a dream wedding.  Have fun learning about her life and learn a few tricks along the way about engaging followers.  
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Bubba Do Do Do Do Do DoDo. He Ya, It's Denise's podcast.
I'm back. I know gosh,it's been like almost a year.
I'm so so sorry you guys.I had had a lot of personal issues
happen. To be honest with you, I'll share more about that in a
future podcast. This is all aboutfun today. I did start something a

few months ago called Influencer of theWeek. It's so much fun watching Instagram,
TikTok, Facebook and these people havehundreds of thousands of followers. I
want to know what their secrets are, so we talk about what they do
and they give us tips on howto get a following. And Today's Influencer
of the Week she's local, notoriginally She's actually from the UK, but

she moved out here for Daily BlastLive, which is a national television show,
and she used to work radio inthe UK, so I invited her
into the studio. iHeart locally inDenver. She was a DJ for the
day. I wanted to show hermy side of the world. We had
so much fun. Her name isStephanie Jones and she goes by at steph

stff r Jones on Instagram and she'sa lifestyle guru. She just got married.
It was an amazing wedding, andwe get more into it. But
she's also into pop culture and onDaily Blast Live she does all of the
tea. She spills the tea,all the gossip, we talk fashion.
It's just a really fun interview.So let's get to it. I hope

you enjoy and if you have aninfluencer that wants to be featured, go
ahead and contact me at Denise Plant, Denver on any social It's time to
learn a few tricks from those famousinfluencers we see online all the time.
I'm so excited my friend is myinfluencer of the week. I met this
young lady. Oh, probably aboutfive years ago when Daily Blast Live.

It may have been even longer thanthat. We'll have to find out when
Daily Blast Live launched here in Denver, which is a national television show.
And there are changes ahead. There'sbeen a lot of changes in her life,
including some great news that we're goingto share with you. So welcome
to the show. Stephanie Jones,how are you the niece? Thank you
so much for having me. I'mso excited to be here. This is

the coolest thing ever. So thankyou. Well, the first thing everyone's
going to notice is like, waita minute, she has an accent which
I can't hear. Wait, wasthat your attempt of a British accent?
I don't know what that was.That was terrible. I'm like, all
of the twists helped me some porridge. Hey, you know what, I
appreciate the effort. You know what, your accent is better than a lot

of Americans are going to hate mefor saying. This cup of coffee here
is absolutely to die for. Acup of tea here is some of the
worst you've ever had in my life. Really, but you know what Americans
do. This is the thing youguys. Don't boil a kettle. You
like microwave the water. The secret, let me tell you all of you
to making a proper cup of teais to boil the water first. No

lukewarm stuff. It has to beboiling hot. And then you'll have it
going to revolutionize your cup of teain the morning. And then put the
tea bag in after you boil thetea bag. O no, no,
no, no, denise tea bagin first. Then you pour your boiling
water in, give it a minute, let it stew then a splash of
milk and then you can take outthe tea bag. Gosh, I've learned

in all kinds of new stuff andwhat tape of tea? Oh you know
what, it's got to be Yorkshiretea. If it's not from Yorkshire,
it's not worth having. That's whereI'm from, so of course I'm going
to represent it until the day Idie. Yorkshire tea kind of silly.
As she's waving her Starbucks cup around, I had a Vinti ice try day.
Oh well, you know what,but I'll tell you this. England

does not do coffee like America,so I mean, you know what,
growing up watching friends, seeing thelocal coffee shop, I now very much
lived that lifestyle which does not existin the UK, and I love that.
See this is why I love StephanieJones and you can follow her on
Instagram at steph steff R Jones atSteph R Jones. You have a lot

going on. First, let's startwith Daily Blast Live. The reason why
you came to the States was forthis national television show. It is you
know what, It's absolutely incredible.It's a national talk show. We literally
cover so many topics and Each hosthas got their own like special niche Mine
is fashion, pop culture, andof course the royal family. If it's
going down with Harry and Meghan,you're probably going to hear it from me

first, and I'm here to spillall of that today. I love it.
But you know what, it's absolutelyamazing. You can catch us in
Colorado on at night channel nine nineNews and it's fabulous. You've got to
tune in and watch it, orwatch us online at Dailyboss live dot com.
And that's how I met you.I worked over at nine News for
gosh fifteen years, yes and Coloradoand Company. And one day I was

walking down the hall and I sawthis beautiful lady and she was laughing and
smiling, and I'm like, waita minute, that's the new girl from
Daily Blast night and you've just beenso wonderful. Do you like it here
in Denver? You know what,I'll be honest. When I came out
was really apprehensive. I came fromLondon, which is obviously very hustle and
bustle, big city, and Ihad no idea what to expect of Colorado.

But it's truly stolen my heart.Literally, I've met the man of
my dreams here I work on themost amazing television show. And I mean,
as soon as you see those rockymountains, there's no turning back.
There's no amount of big city thatcan take that away from you. The
skiing, the people, it's justgorgeous. So you'll never leave Colorado.
Oh you know what, It's gotmy heart for a long long time,

if not forever. Now you mentionedthe love of your life, and I
sorry, I have to do this. He's in the studio, guess right
now, go ahead and introduce rOh. Bless him. So he's called
Roche my new hobby. That's notwhat you call I call him row Row,
much to his dismay, and he'slike that cringing at the back of
the room. He is literally myultimate hype man. Bless him. He's

like, I'll come and take picturesand videos of you, but very firmly
in the background. Bless him.He's like, I'm here if you need
me, but not on camera orMike. You know that is exactly like
my husband. And this is reallygood you guys, because you're a team,
your partnership, and I've been withmy husband for over thirty three years
since I've been nineteen and he'll getbehind the camera to hold the video and

film me doing what I do.He wants nothing to do with on camera
or on radio. You know what. It's like, Opposites attract, you
know, like chalk and cheese andall that good stuff. It's the ying
to the yang. And you knowwhat teamwork is, the dream work?
Right? How did you all meet? We met in Colorado at Aviano's the
coffee shop via another mutual friend,which is what you know. I told

you the reference of I grew upwatching friends and they're all hanging out at
the coffee shop. Right. Literally, that's what it's like in Cherry Creek
where we live and rashe was friendswith another mutual friend and she introduced us
and that was it. The restis history. Literally, Oh my goodness,
how long have you guys been together? Been together four years? You
just got married, married for abouttwo and a half weeks. Oh,

we're going strong, going strong.And when I get to the point like
you where you're like, oh,yeah, you know, been together thirty
and then that's you know, theicing on the cakes in it. That's
amazing. But you know what,he's still alive and yet to cook for
him, which is probably why he'sdoing so well. Wait, but I
have to tell you. We haveso much and I like so much.
I don't cook my kids makes mefeel better. Oh my gosh, my

husband did not marry me for mycooking. Let's just put it that way.
And my kids are like, yourspaghetti makes my gums bleed. Mom,
I'm like, that's al dente.Have you never been to like Europe?
Right, it's supposed to be alittle crunchy, am I right?
Hey, you know what, that'snot bad. It keeps everything like cleaning
your mouth. I don't know whatto tell you, so, speaking of
Europe, I saw on your Instagram, yeash the wedding photos and what you

do with the video. It's sobeautiful. You had the dream wedding.
Oh you know what, I thinkwe both had, like the wedding of
a lifetime. We were so luckyand we spent two years planning it,
Denise, two whole years. Sowas it like instant You guys knew each
other that you're gonna get married.Right when you started dating. You were
like, this is the man forme. Oh I think that well for

me for sure. I think literallyI knew Rochet for a while. We
were friends first, and I thinkthat's what gave us such a solid foundation
for our relationship. We were trulybest best friends, and I think there
was just like this live bulb momentwhere we were both like, what are
we doing? We are each other'ssoulmate, and one hundred percent the minute
we both were like, yes,this is it. That was it.
Completely, that was it. Andif you want to see what Roural looks

like, gorgeous. I know I'mbiased, but it's gorgeous. Check out
her Instagram page at Steph R.Jones. It's Steff R. Jones.
So let's talk about the wedding.It was not here in Colorado. It
wasn't so obviously, if you've notguessed by now, I am from England,
I am not a native, andRochet's family a lot of them are

in France or in Switzerland or inCorsica. So it made more sense for
us to go over to Europe thanto drag all our families over Stateside.
So we got married in the southof France, so it was easy for
everyone to get to good beautiful weather. It was in a chateau. Yeah,

and guess what fun fact Joe Jonasgot married there? Oh you kidding,
bit of a random trivia for you. So yeah, we saw it
online and we knew that was definitelythat was it. It ticked every single
box. It's called Chateau Deterreau.It was just so magical. It was
everything we could have, honestly,everything we could have dreamed of and more.
It was so beautiful. Did yougo visit before you got married?

There? We did? Okay,we did. We were you know,
we weren't. I saw it onlinefirst of all on Instagram, you know,
scrolling like where can we go whereit looks like it could be a
good fit for us, And wewent and visited a few different places,
and then as soon as we gotthere, we just you know, it's
like when you know, you knowright, And as soon as we saw
it, we're like, this isthe place we're gonna get married. Absolutely

well. The pictures in the videoare absolutely stunning stuff. I mean,
it really is like Bridgington if youwatch that. People that have said that
to me, they were like,did you have you have Bridgeton as a
reference? No? I didn't.I'll take it as a compliment, and
I mean that as a compliment.I know there's like a lot of drama
that goes on that show and somequirky stuff, but I just aw at

like the castle and their homes andjust the culture of it. It's like
a fairytale wedding. It did definitelyfeel like a fairy tale wedding. I've
got to say. You know,we we went a little out there with
like we had flowers, and wehad chandeliers, and we had all our
best friends and family. It wasjust beautiful. You know what's longly,
just surrounded by the people that genuinelyroot for you, that care for you,
that love you. What's important.You can have the best wedding no

matter where what when it is.You know, it could be literally pouring
rain, it could be the middleof winter, who knows. But as
long as you're surrounded by the peoplethat truly love you, that's what makes
it, and that's what brings theenergy and the good positivity, you know,
success, success to your wedding.How many was in your wedding party?
You know what? So in totalwe had eighty eight guests. The

majority of that was family, andthen we had a handful of friends that
were from scattered around like our oldestfriend. And so it was. It
was so beautiful. What are thebig wedding no nos that you've experienced?
At my wedding, it was solow key and it was so long ago.
I mean, there are things Icould I can mention now. But
if there's brides listening and they're planningtheir wedding, oh, what would you

suggest? Okay, So I wouldsay, if you're a guest, just
be a good guest by one.If there's a dress code, don't ask
questions, just follow it. Yeah. Obviously, do not wear white.
Oh my gosh, did you havesomebody do that? The amount of people
that asked me, oh, isthis okay? And it was white?
It's crazy, but I know theyhad good intentions obviously. But that's the

first rule everybody knows. Don't wearwhite. Don't even ask. And you
know what, that's actually my toptip. If you have to ask,
the answer is no. And thatapplies to everything, whether it's a plus
one, whether it's can I bringchildren, whether it's a dress code.
If you have to ask, theanswer is no. Yeah. You guys
are still kind of in your honeymoonphase. Did you guys go on a

honeymoon. You know what. Westayed in France the following like about a
week and a half later, justto decompress, get a bit of son,
see our family, and just youknow, relive the magic of what
just happened. Everyone says it goesso fast, and it really does.
After two years of planning, Ohmy gosh, I know. So it
was so nice just to have aweek just to relax and just we went

around all these beautiful little French towns, had loads of wine and cheese and
just lived our best little French lives. It was gorgeous. Do you have
photos now? Like a photographer there? Since everybody has cell phones and Instagram
and Facebook, and you know what, that's that's a real thing. So
we actually asked our guests to nothave their phones at the ceremony, and

you know what, in one waythat was fabulous because hopefully in the pictures
we won't see, you know,the dreaded eye in phones every single shot
you look at. But also we'renow anxiously awaiting the professional photos, like
what did it look like? Wecan't wait to see, you know.
So that's nice because it kind ofkeeps the wedding magic alive because we're waiting,
you know, what will the finalphotos be? Like, I can't

wait, I can't wait to seethem. Oh gosh, it really is.
I want to encourage you to checkout her instagram and we're going to
get to some of the stuff thatshe does for work wise too. But
you have quite a following stuff areJones. So if there's someone listening and
they want to become a fashion,makeup lifestyle influencer, what's the secret to
get that engagement in following. Ifeel like since I've been with Rachet,

I have definitely shown a little bitmore of our actual life. Whereas before
I only would post about work andI thought that's all people cared about.
But you know, I think themore open and real you are, the
more people engage with that. Youknow, so much today we see people
overly using whether it's filters or tryingto portray themselves in like this perfect life.
Life is not perfect. No,life is hard. Yeah, you

know, there's a lot of upsand downs and it's not always easy,
And I think sometimes it's good toshow the raw, real side of situations.
You know, everything being perfect allthe time isn't real. How does
Roro handle that since he's so behindthe scenes. Oh, bless thee.
He's fabulous. You know, heputs it with me in my craziness and
he sometimes he'll get involved in avideo, is like, what are you

making me do? But then everyonethat sees it will give him so much
love that he's like Okay, He'slike, I don't get it, but
I'll do it for you. He'sthe best. Sweet. No, he
is so just watching him right outand I know you don't want to be
on the mic at all, butI have to tell you he is just
looking at you. It's like,get a man that looks at your wife
like he does. Oh you're sosweet? Is like your biggest fan.

No, he's amazing and I definitelyam his one hundred percent. He's I
feel like he's Oh, I don'tknow, he's like my little backbone.
He's like, he makes me somuch stronger and happier. He's so supportive
and you know what it's all about. It is it is when it comes
down to it, And I sharedwith you like in my life the last
couple of years, I've lost somany loved ones. It's so hard and

you realize what you take is thememories and the experiences. All of these
like handbags that were showing their shoesor this that. Yet I'm going to
take that with you. So makethe experiences and the dreams come true.
Absolutely, spend time as much timeas you can with the people that you
love the most and cherish it.And you know what, if you're having

a bad day, call your mom. There's no one who's got your back
more, or a sister or ananti. You know, people that truly
love you, and it's so hardto find. That's the one thing I
missed the most. Yesterday I hada hard day. I was like,
oh, I wish I could callmy mom. Yeah, that's the one
thing you miss so and that's thehardest thing you missed after like a death
of a loved one, you wantto pick up that phone. And I
called my mom and dad every singleday. Again, that's the hardest part

too, is absolutely that I don'tknow habit that you have. Let's go
back to your work, so dailyblast life. How many years have you
been I've been there just over sixyears now. The others have been there
seven. I've been there about sixon a bit. You are like the
pop culture style guru over there atDaily Blast Lives. So you get a
lot of fun interviews. Oh,I get all the you know what,

I feel like, I get thebest bits, which the host will be
like, no, oh, it'sthe best fit. I love, love
love going out live talking to peopleliterally having conversations like I'm having with you
now, Denise. For me,it's like making that human connection, getting
to know someone a little bit moreand being different to what people expect to
write because they see you on TVand they think they know you, but

then when they meet you in person, it's completely different. Yeah. And
you know what, how many timesyou see this perception of a celebrity and
you know what, they're just likeeverybody else. They have good and bad
days. And believe me, withcelebrities, I've seen the good, the
bad, and the ugly. It'strue. It's true. Can we find
out today, like, who's yourfavorite celebrity interview? Oh? That's really
really hard. I can always say, and I say this every single time.

The person who was the kindest,the most polite and the most genuine
was Michael Boublay, really very verysweet. I was there the day he
got his star on the Hollywood Walkof Fame. You were in California.
I was there interviewing him and spendingthe day filming, you know, behind
the scenes of him getting his star. And he was there with his gorgeous
wife and kids. They are themost picture perfect family literally ever. They're

gorgeous, and they've had their firstshare of struggle as well with illness in
the family, and they were justabsolutely darling. All of them were darling,
and he was gorgeous him on thephone in a different radio station.
I've never had a chance to meethim in person, but I would imagine
he's very charming, extreme, youknow what. He's extremely charming, and

every single lady that was like,oh my god, and he shall seemed
to me mo yeah, exactly.And his wife is like right there with
him. She's amazing. She's definitelyhis backbone too. She was there supporting
him, and they are just agorgeous couple. That's good. And you
have to have somebody that understands entertainment, that you know when you look around
that it's not actually like flirting onehundred percent. Absolutely, And he's he's

such a gentleman through and through.And I'll tell you who else is absolutely
gorgeous. Margot Robbie, Oh mygosh, yes, she's gorgeous and she
nice, she's you know what,she was absolutely darling. She was so
sweet and you know what, sheis just as gorgeous as she looks,
if not more. Isn't that strangethat I said? Is she nice?
Now? Do I say that?Did I say that about Michael Bigli?

No? I didn't. And thefirst thing people think about when you have
a beautiful woman, oh is shenice? Yeah? So shame on me,
Dad, DJ No, No,No, you know what, she's
absolutely lovely. She's got a heartof God, and she is so smart.
I don't think people give her anywherenear enough credit for how intelligent she
is and how hard she works.There's a reason that Barbie was over a

billion dollars, like literally, she'smade so much money. She's got the
brains and the beauty, Barbie,Barbie moving. I thought, you said,
Barbie, that's my accent coming through, thick and strong. I much
rather have an accent like you do. And it's really not an accent.
You find the one with the accent, right, You've got an accent.
I'm not even gonna try and doit. I have a pastry accent.
Don't I like my country accent?Don't I? There you go? My

dad I was from Oklahoma, butwe grew up in California, so it's
like a twist of a valley girlcountry girl. I love it. But
I think a lot of Americans sayto me, Oh, I like your
accent. But guess what. Growingup, all I watched on television was
American accents, and I think it'sabsolutely charming. Did you ever think about
getting into acting yourself? You know, I went to drama school when I
was a very little girl, andI'll tell you what. My memory is

not the best, so remembering linesand scripts, it has to be heard.
It's very tough. You know.Thank god for auto Q and prompter
and life situations like we're in rightnow, because it saves people like myself.
You're excellent at what you do stuff. You know that. So it's
Steph R. Jones on Instagram.What about the toughest interview you've ever had
to do? Ooh, that's hard. Let me think And it doesn't have

to be a negative one, justa tough one that you were maybe nervous
about or it challenged you a bit. I'll tell you who challenged me,
and I wasn't expecting it because Ialways heard very different was Steve Corral Yes,
So I think what it was hehad just finished filming a movie and
he was playing a very serious role, and it was very different to how

we used to seeing him. SoI think he's normally used to obviously being
very funny and silly, and Ithink he was trying really hard to break
away a little bit from that personafor this particular movie, and so I
was expecting the silly side of him, you know, and I got the
more serious. So it wasn't necessarilyhe wasn't rude or he wasn't welcoming,

but it was he was very differentto how I expected. But I think
that's because he was trying to portraythis seriousness so much, which I totally
understonde respect, you know. Yeah, let's talk about another thing that you
the Royal family. Oh my god, there's so much going on in so
many changes, with so much drama. Always I think, I mean,
poor Kate. I know, Iwas one of those people and I felt
horrible about this when she edited thatphoto and I put a picture and changed

it into like you know, meand Luke Bryan and then I put a
capch she did. Sorry for retouching, you know, I was just having
a little bit of fun. Yeah, and then she announced she had cancer.
I know my dad died from cancer. So it just ripped my heart
out. I could not get thatdown off at the Instagram quick enough.
Horrible. You weren't the only one. Other people like Blake Lively and so
many other people didn't feel like atotal just horrible human being. What is

the latest with her? Do youknow? You know what? We recently
saw her which we wasn't meant tobe seeing her at the Trooping of the
Color and which is a really bigparade of session throughout all of London,
and they have all the beautiful planesand the military of flying, and they've
got all the gorgeous horses and it'sjust stunning. So if you didn't see
it, go on Google and onYouTube really and rewatch it because it was

gorgeous and Kate wasn't actually meant tomake an appearance. They said that she
wouldn't be going back to her royalduties for a while. And when I
say in appearance, it's when youknow all the Royals go out onto the
balcony and they're waving at everyone.Again. She exactly, she looked fantastic,
She looks incredible. She's definitely gotthe support of William and all of

her family. Her gorgeous children arejust beautiful as well, and she actually
looks really really well. And let'sbe honest, she's a royal, so
she's going to have around the clockcle care and people that are taking care
of her and supporting her. AndI really think, just as you said,
I think that was a really biglearning moment, not only for people
in England but across the world aswell. But you know what, I

think that's also partly down to thepaparazzi and this crazy frenzy we have over
media and celebrities, and especially theroyals. People feel as though they should
have access to them at all timesand know exactly what's going on, and
that creates this frenzy when it wasvery confusing. Let's be honest, where
is Cage. She's not been seenin public like a body double out there

was That wasn't her worst, Itwasn't her, but I think there was.
I think there was lots of veryconfusing elements, and I think the
Royal family themselves probably didn't know howto handle this situation. And also when
we saw Kate release her statement,when she did say that she had cancer
and that she was going through somuch, you know, she herself said
I needed time just to process thenews that I had and also explain it

to my children who are very youngin a way that they will understand and
they will know that I'm going tobe okay. So that was something.
And I think we're so used toeverything being quick, quick now now instant
results, and that we all shouldknow exactly what's going on that sometimes we
forget, like whether it's a celebrity, whether it's a member of the royal
family, that they need time andprivacy too, And I do think that

is part of this whole fast medialifestyle that we lead, and that does
result in people, you know,being like, where is she the whole
Where's cape? Did completely blow up? Didn't it? Yeah? It did?
Is she doing well now? Ithink she looks she looks as though
she's doing really, really well.She's definitely got the best medicine and the
best health care that anyone could everask for. Have you ever met a

member of the royal family while inEurope. Oh, no, I wish.
Believe me, I would be like, I would be the first in
line. No, I wish.I love that. A lot of Americans
say to me, you know,oh, have you met them? I
was like, I wish, Butnow I'd be like us, have you
met your president? Just because youlive in the US doesn't mean you're gonna
yeah, yeah, you know,surely you and Biden are best friends.
To me, Come on, you'vebeen round to his house for a cup

of tea, have you not?Of course, of course, let's talk
about the extended royal family. Yes, Harry and Meghan. Do you think
they're ever going to be back inthe arms of good graces with the Royal
family? Oh? You know,it's really hard. I mean, you
know what I do feel for Harryand his upbringing and the things that have
happened with his mother, and Ithink that has led to some serious trauma

which we have seen play out inreal time, and also everything that's happened
with Meghan. But I've got tosay, I don't believe you should be
spilling your family's news here, thereand everywhere. I think that's for behind
closed doors, and I think,you know, if you say I want
privacy and I want to lead alifestyle side of the limelight, to then

go on Spotify or Netflix or whateverand sell your an Oprah and sell your
story, it's a bit conflicting.For me as a British person, it's
a bit conflicting. So I wishthem all the best. I really hope
they are happy. And you know, I do think he's definitely a lot
less in the limelight than he waspreviously, so I think, you know,

they've got the gorgeous family. They'rein Montecito, one of the most
beautiful places on earth. And youknow, I have heard rumor has it
Megan's going back to acting really,so maybe she'll be back on our screens
before we know it. Do youthink she'll join the cast of Suits,
because I think they're revamping that.Well. I know that she had to
step down from that when she wasa working member of the royal family,
so you know what, could shego back possibly? Oh my gosh,

was it not amazing? It wasabsolutely fantastic. I binged it after she
was a royal and I think,yeah, me too, did to me
too, And I loved it evenmore because of that too. I mean
she is gorgeous, she has gorand she was fantastic as Rachel in that.
I loved it. Speaking of beauty, before we get to your next

working opportunity that you're going to do, let's talk about fashion. What are
we going to see? We're alreadyinto the summer. Yeah, maybe fall.
Do you have any ideas about fallfashion? Oh gosh, So it's
completely different depending on what your personalpreference is. But we've got a lot
of trends out there. So oneis quiet luxury, which is very understated,
very monochromatic, so wearing tones ofa similar color. So let's say

head to toe in beige or inblack, keeping it very simple, clean
lines and silhouettes, which is timeless. Yes. Also, Assie, one
that I thought was so much funis the mob wife trend. Did you
see that? Big? Oh yeah, I mean we're coming in We're in
Colorado, right, we get thesnow, so if you're going to rock
it, here is a place todo. So do you think that'll come

back this winter? Because I didn'tget a chance to wear it. You
know, that is going all out. That's ultra glamor isn't it. That
is how to do it. Whetheryou were fur or whether you're a faux
fer girl, you know rocket,just embrace it. Or like you know,
the gorgeous big smoky eyes wearing thebig chunky heels leather. Yeah,
that is more is more, youknow, just go for it, do

not hold it back. So again, if you want to find out some
of these fashion items, maybe checkout some of the stories that she has
on Daily Blast Live or even herwedding that we spoke about earlier. Just
go to our Instagram page which isat Steph R. Jones sd F F
R Jones. Okay, Stephanie,let's talk about your next project you're planning,

you're gonna launch Steph and T Whatis that? Okay, So it's
a little bit of a secret.So I'm spilling a bit of piping hot,
a little bit of piping hot.Guys. All I can say is
I have for the last almost twoyears, I've been working on this project
and it's nearly due to be released. And I mentioned earlier the joy of
what I do is talking to peoplelike your Seltonese or celebrities and finding out

things that are a little bit unusual, A little bit different, things that
you would not expect. And allI can say is this will change people's
perceptions and turn them on their heads. I love it. So whatever you
think it's going to be the polaropposite, it is not her Steph Jones
that we know. Now. Nowit's a little bit different. We're digging
in a little bit deeper. We'refinding out things that might be to some

controversial, unusual, you know,finding out that you know when you say,
what on earth, I've got theanswer for you? Is this going
to be TV or podcast? Keepyour idea, Denise, Oh, follow
me on Instagram and hopefully later thisyear it will be all revered. So
excited for you, so excited,you know what. I've been working on
this for quite a long time andI am so excited as we'll probably half

my guests like for it to befinally released. This is why I have
Influencer of the Week, so Ican find out stories from big influencers that
we know throughout the town, butalso throughout national too. Well. Let
me tell you, Denise, You'regoing these are We're talking a million followers
plus plus. These people. Theseare people that are really out there that
have got huge stories and people willbe completely blown away. I am so

happy for you. Congratulations, Thankyou, bro Road. Do we get
a sums up? Yeah, he'llsee in my background he's like, I'm
making sure you do not get usin any trouble by spilling too much.
Spill the tea, but not toomuch. I love everything that you have
going on. Thank you so muchfor coming in today. I really appreciate
it. Again. You can followher at steph R. Jones st e

f F R Jones and let's havesome fun. You're ready to be a
DJ, which we didn't talk about, of course, shame on me.
You were a DJ in the UK, I was, I was. You're
listening to the new sound. Ashortage is Stephanie Jones on Hogs and Radio.
That was my tag, heyled inyour head, you gotta do Colorado's
New Country one O six to seventhe Ball. There we go. That's

why wait call it would say,say Colorado's New Country one O six to
seven, The Ball, Colorado's NewCountry, one oh six seven the Bull.
Yes, girl, I'm gonna putyou on air. We'll put some
of this behind the scenes too.You'll see her film a few breaks,
of course, she's gonna post iton her Instagram page. You can check
out mine at Denise Plant, Denveror one O six seven The Bull COO.

Thanks Steph, thank you,
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