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Boba Do Do Doton Doo doo doo. Hey, y'all, it's Denise's podcast.
Oh, I'm excited today. KennyChesney's coming to the Mile High.
He's going to be Rocket and powerField this Saturday, and we're giving you
tickets all week long on one Osix seven the Bowl. But I'm going
to talk to him about what wecan expect from his performance. Zach Brownband's
going to be there. Megan Moroni. If you didn't get a chance to
listen to my Megan Morony podcast interview, go back and listen to it.
It was last week. She talkedabout how exciting it was because she was
in the parking lot last year.Now she's on stage opening up for Kenny
Chesney, so it's a huge momentfor her. Kinney Chesney is also talking
about his new album and just whatmoves him in life. He's a really
down to earth, cool guy andI'm excited to meet him in person.
This will be my first time.I've talked to him several times but haven't
had a chance to meet him inperson, so I'm looking forward to it.
Before we get to the interview,let's hit Denise. This is dirt
a little update on pop culture.Love Island the finale, Yes, people
thought so Cordel and Serena. Theygushed about their relationship, real and authentic
love story and they one Love Island. But a lot of people are talking
about arianomattox. She's originally from vanderPump Rules and she looks stunning, so
they're saying, oh, stunning injectables, Oh my gosh, she's had lip
fill, our volume replacement, jawlinecontouring, liposection, and remove excess eyelid
skin. Well, no, slowdown, slow year old trolls. Arianna
said, okay, you're partially correct. This is what she wrote on Instagram
talks in elevens, meaning botox inthe two lines between your eyebrows. They
call those elevens outer brow and myneck. She also said elevate from my
neck in twenty nineteen by the neckdoctor. Minimal lip filler because my face
is too small to handle very much. And in my chin absolutely no filler
anywhere else. I'm excited to trybotox in my neck. I've heard about
it, but I thought it's amuscle that you use botox in, so
how can you put it in yourneck? It's kind of scary since my
job is talking for a living,but dying, I'm gonna try it.
I'm gonna try it. Listen,majority of everybody does botox, and it's
great that you can love your ageand gracefully age and not go over the
top. But if you can geta little botox here and there, a
little tune me up, why not. Celine Dion's gonna perform at the opening
ceremonies of the Olympics in Paris,and allegedly she is being paid boom,
boom, boom, two million dollars. And that's just for one song,
two million dollars. She's worth it, though. I bet we get goosebumps.
I can't wait to see. Also, Lady Gaga's rumor to be performing
at the Olympics. That's not adone deal yet they're still talking about it.
This is weird. I know,it's not like pop culture gossip,
but it's got. More than adozen sharks in Brazil have tested positive for
cocaine. For cocaine, I meantwo, elevating concerns that it's the concentration
in their system was incredibly high,as much as one hundred times more than
previously recorded data in other marine life. Oh imagine sharks on cocaine. Didn't
they do something like a bear moviewith a bear on cocaine? Now,
Sharknado is gonna come out again.And the guy from Beverly Hills nine ozh
two one zero Ian their Ion Zarring'sgonna be running away from a shark that's
on coke is watch at. LukeCombs has a rad hat game. I
mean, he's hat game is amazing. So now he wants to make you
part of his soon to be openCategory ten club in Nashville by inviting his
fans to send your favorite hat alongwith the story why it means so much,
and you'll get a chance to befeatured on a massive wall behind the
stage. Isn't that cool? Soyou send a hat, a trucker hat,
baseball hat, or I guess anykind of hat. It doesn't say
it has to be a trucker hatand send a message why it's so important
to you, and it could liveforever in Category ten. It's called Hat
and the Cat on his Category tinwebsite. Miranda Lambert were waiting for her
next album. In the meantime,she gave us a sneak peek on her
Instagram page of a song called Alimony'sBullying Camp and Slily If you're all leave
me Remember it's cute and everybody fromher band is dancing. Check it out
on her Instagram page. Wow,no one told Kane Brown he wasn't supposed
to fire up the crowd. Likeliterally. Kane was playing Finway Park in
Boston over the weekend. A fireactually broke out in a section of his
stage. Is scaffolding crazy. Theyhad to pause the show about ten Allegedly,
they still have no idea what causedthe fire. If post Malone keeps
teasing new music at this rate,he's gonna have to put bonus tracks on
his upcoming album. It's crazy.Posty released or tease several songs from his
upcoming F one trillion album and anotherone on Instagram. You guys, this
song features Hearty. It's called hadMy Gun, My Gun? Who would
You Had My Gun? Plus he'sdoing two songs with Luke Combs I'm excited
to hear, and the album's dueAugust sixteenth over the weekend. This is
kind of cool. The Grand OldOpry had a very special announcer. They
performed their duties from a very veryvery long way away NASA astronaut retired US
Navy Captain Barry Butch E Wilmore currentlyserving as the commander of the crew flight
test mission of board Boeing Starliner Space. It's the first crew flight for that
vehicle. It's his third mission abroadthe International Space Station. They served as
guest announcers from Space and they didan a cappella rendition of Rocky Top.
Check it out special tune for you. You can join along if you'd like.
Ready, guys, wish that Iwas on old Rocky Top down in
the Tennessee Hills. Cute, right, you know. I had a very
special moment over the weekend. OnSunday night, I introduced jelly Roll at
Cheyenne Frontier Days, but I wasasked to introduce the leap Frogs. They
are the US Navy seals that parachutedinto the arena at night. It was
so cool. They had flares ontheir shoes. Just a really amazing moment.
The crowd was shouting you wo say, you wo say. You can
check it out on my Instagram page. At Denise Plant, Denver. It
was just a really cool moment tobe part of. Well there you go
a quick look at Denise's dirt.Now let's get to the interview with Kenny
Chesney. Denisan Denver. Are youdoing, kiddy? I'm good. I'm
not just excited. I am sofreaking excited. Oh you are coming to
Denver, baby, I'm so excited, like to play the Broncos football Stadium.
I'm not sure how many how manytimes this will make it, but
it's it's it's always something that meand the band and everybody we kind of
have that have a star beside thaton our tour every year, you know,
because it's just like the best wayI can describe it, it's like
an avalanche coming at you of energythat you can't stop. It's great.
Well, there's like eighty thousand peoplescreaming at you, screaming for much fun
and it's just so much you know, people there are just so passionate about
sports and music, everything that ouraudience is about. To be able to
stand up there on that stage inDenver and experience that energy is is hard
to duplicate in any other place inmy life. But that kind of makes
us feel special. It really does. July twenty seventh in power Field with
the Zach Brown Band. Does itstill kind of give you butterflies in your
stomach when you hear them singing yoursongs back to you. That's like the
biggest honor you can have. Yeah, because you spend so much time working
on music and hoping it's right andhoping that someone will care. And when
you're up there on stage and you'replaying this music and you feel the fifty
to sixty thousand people sing these songsback to you, it validates all your
hard work. It validates you.Not only that, it validates your dream
and everything you try to do,you know, So it's an unbelievable feeling.
I've heard quite a few songs offyour new album Born. You connect
in so many different ways. Youhave, you know, that energy,
that spirit, that relaxation, thatlove, and then you also have songs
that talk about people who have passedin your life. I read that your
music embodies the philosophies that you liveby. What are those philosops? This
record, for sure is came thiscall to action if you will, to
get out and get off the couchand make the most of your life.
You know, especially with the songBorn and with this record specifically, I
felt like that it was a reminderthat we are as much as we have
difference in our life, we area lot alike. We we we want
our we want to be loved,and we want our families to be okay,
and we want to chase dreams andwe you know, all these things
we have in common. And Isee that within my audience, and I
think without even it was almost likethis, what didn't set out to be
an agenda, you know, formy record, but it just kind of
happened without me even knowing it.You know. It's just kind of where
my head was at and the thingsthat I gravitated towards. And I think
that that I added myself to afault in a lot of ways in putting
together a record because I want tobe able to translate that on stage,
and that's kind of the philosophy thatI've had for years. Try to translate
that on stage as much as possible. Well, you touched my heart with
wherever you are tonight and your music, you touch my heart and then you
bring my spirit back up and puta smile on the face than you do.
Well, that's really it's awesome tohear, and thank you. I
am with wherever you are to notI was fifty to fifty on whether it
was going to make the record ornot, you know, because those things
loss and grieving is just for somereason, just in conversation, uh,
people get uncomfortable with it. Andbut for me to sing this song kind
of song and give it to theworld, people get to take it and
applot to their life however they needit, you know. And for me
as personally a lot like you.I mean, you get to a place
in your life and you I realizeI've been to more funerals and weddings and
and so, and I would liketo believe that that there's something out there
much bigger than all of us thatwe don't understand, you know. And
and I would like to believe thatwhen people pass, that they become almost
like a guiding force to help usnot make terrible decisions. And do you
know what I mean, A coupleof badass angels looking out for me right
now. That's why I'm talking toyou. That's why I got this opportunity.
That's awesome, But that's that's kindof the heart of wherever you are
tonight. It's just a song aboutconnection and It's a song about loss and
the fact that that I've never Ihaven't had too many of these in my
life, you know, these songs. But it's a song about the idea
that you know, they're not they'renot gone, they're just out of sight
and that's that. And I liketo believe that that's the truth. I
do believe that. Let's talk abouttake her Home. Herty. I guess
called you up and said, areyou done with your album? And we're
playing that song over and over hereon one of six seven the Bulls,
So I'm so glad you added itme too, you know. That's kind
of how it happened. I mean, we weren't done with the record,
but we were close, you know, like I said, you're never really
done. But he goes me andthe guys wrote this for you, wrote
this with you in mind, andI don't know if you're anything like this
or not. And I went,oh my god, it's been a minute
since I've had a song like this, you know, And it kind of
felt like it was in my wheelhouse, and I felt like it was a
perfect way to start the journey ofthe Born record. And then we were
able to wrap a lot of thingsaround it, and I'm very proud of
it. It's one a song.I know that we'll be on the set
when we come. That's new andyou know new music is always great.
Well, I'm going to be therefront and center this Saturday in power Field,
Mile High. I was Zach BrownBand and Megan Marony born the album
Pick it Up. You will notbe disappointed. And God bless you.
You're like a chemist the way youput everything together on stage, selling out
every single time you come to Denver. I cannot wait to meet you in
person. I can't wait too.How can I forget the niece in Denver.
I'll tell you one other thing.My last name's Plant. That's not
hard to forget either. All Right, you take care, Bud, and
God bless you. Thanks. See