All Episodes

April 13, 2024 62 mins
A new game we play with Ted is actually super fun and dope
Falen's mom group had some drama going down!!!
Colt asked Falen to help him wiht a specific task that involves a speedo
Fart walking is the new trend
Golden bachelor drama
Monopoly pickup lines were the best thing we did all week

that and more!!! love you
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Balon and Colts on one on onepoint three kd WB. Every day I
start my day with a diet cokeand apparently cool ranch Toritos is what I
just day at. Lisa smells goodin there. You know, A breath
feels like I'm out a picnic.Serious question. Yeah, if you could

create, if you could come upwith any combo on the spot that gives
you the worst breath of all time? Oh, what does that combo include?
Whatever my wife had for dinner lastnight. It was the like a
burrito bowl, but with just thebiggest amount of onions you would ever think
in general. Okay, all right, I heard someone talk too. Probably

maybe I think anything dry like atleast tour Craft's wet, but like these
chips, just a dry herb.It's just gonna linger. At least you
smell like Doritos. That's not abad scent. It is after a while,
maybe everything goes stale in your roup. I don't want to find out.
We're gonna come back and do anyonelistening who on Katie w B one

on one point three k d wB. Anybody listening who has a crazy
friend? No, you don't haveany friends. I don't mean to be.
It's not like I'm not trying tobe me. I just have You've
never said you've never said a friend'sname. You'll always be like I have
friends, and then you won't namea scene. Can't talk about I get

no room in here to talk aboutme never, you're the king of deflection.
I talk about my friends, Abby, Jenny. Anyone, no,
say me and my friends, andthen I will see like your weekend photos
at host never with fretty, yourkids. Anyone. Anyone listening who has

a crazy friend, tell us aboutyour crazy friend. Well, wait,
we're gonna say she, yes,Jen's friend. That's not your friend,
your wife's friend. I know somebodywho faked a pregnancy to full term to
have this guy fall in love withher. Did it work? No?

Yeah, I could see where thatwould backfire. And now she's not allowed
in a hospital because they think shemight steal a baby. That's terrifying.
Some crazy stuff, all right,And that one's your friend, that's okay,
of course, that one's just allright. Anyone listening who has an
irrational fear has stolen anything, orwho has a crazy friend. We love

our two o'clock people the most unhingedand on a Friday. I can only
imagine, Yeah, this is thetime to get your your story out like
something you would probably never speaking ofexistence, because nobody ever asked you about
these things, right, and now'syour time to share? Yes, give
us a call six' five onenine eight nine, Katie w B.
Now here's the question, though,Yes, I what if you realize you're

the crazy friend? Because I couldargue and my friends probably would too,
you might be the crazy friend.Well, then in that case, I
do have a crazy friend. Isthat great self awareness that I can acknowledge
that I'm a crazy friend? Oris that not that she's just like,
uh well no, I don't likehow excited you are about it that you're

that's the title that you've given yourself. Why I give it to you myself?
I'm just simply saying I might be. I don't know. I'd have
to guess. Check with my actualreal human friends. I have cult.
Okay, Well why don't you Okay, just ask me really quick, what
if I think you're crazy? Idon't that's you're not a licensed therapist.
I don't need your opinion. Okay, all right, so we'll talk to

nah We'll talk to you call usnow six five, one, nine,
eight nine Katie w B. Thisis the Fallon and Colt Show one kd
w B one to one point threeKatie w B with Fallon and Cult.
Anyone listening who has a crazy friend, has an irrational fear, or has

stolen anything? Okay, So Jamie, what's your irrational fear? Butterflies?
But what butterflies? Beautiful and magical? You know, butterfly could never hurt
you? Right, Well, it'sdebatable. I don't like anything that butters
and my parents when I was little, brought me to the largest butterfly farm

in the world. Where is thatlocated? I'd like to go Saint Martin
and the Caribbean now I know,okay, Iran just like swatting. Oh
oh you're the devil. Yeah,they were like kids that kid out of
here, she's killing butterflies. Andwhen I say kid, I was nineteen.
So okay, the picture like youare six years old? Yeah,

this is irrational, definitely. Sodo you hate eyelashes? Could you hate
lettering? Or do you hate likea gentle kicking of your feet in the
water? Nope? But I don'tlike herves I don't like wings really.
Yeah, yeah, Jamie, thankyou for sharing. I'm that's a that
is an irrational fear for sure.Hi, Katie w B. Who's this?

This is Graham and I'm calling aboutthe irrational fear? What yours?
I am deathly afraid of ladders?Ladders? How did this start? Oh?
I just I'm always afraid when I'mon a ladder, it's just gonna
like fall I'm just gonna fall offit. Oh so is this like a
trust issue thing? Yeah? Ijust don't. I just never trust ladder.

Yeah, you can't trust that.You can't trust a ladder like I
wouldn't trust a ladder either, Theysay, isn't that Isn't that like an
intrusive thought? Though? When you'reon like a ladder and you're like,
oh what if I fall off anddie? Right now? Yeah, I'm
sweat Even when I see people likewho do construction they're on those like really
tall laders, I'm like, no, so you're like me. When I

watched that Alex guy doing free solo, my palms get sweaty. But yours
is just when somebody's up to stories. Yeah, I get the sweaty palms
and gets like, I just getsweaty palms even just thinking about it.
It's like, no, sweat.Well, you don't want to derail your
whole day, so we'll let yougo. Okay, all I see,
Hey Katie? W b oh god, what is this fear of yours?

A cinnamon six sticks? Specifically,not just not cinnamon. No, I
love cinnamon, just the six AndI think it's some from childhood, like
the Apple Jack cereal box. Ohyeah, the Applejacks. Dude was creepy,
wasn't he He was. He wasjust trying to get every kid ever
to have a pool party and abowl of milk. Yes, wait,

I don't remember. I don't rememberthose commercials. He was like a little
Jamaican cinnamon stick. Yeah, hewas a Jamaican cinnamon stick and be like,
hey, guys, why don't youcome party in my pool? Aka
this bowl of cereal? Yeah?God, hold on, Oh so creepy.
And honestly, he's a little phallic, you know what I mean,
Like that's a little phallic for children. Yeah, what a creepy guy.

I don't blame you that now.I'm terrified as cinnamon stake that flaccid thing
off that screen all right, well, yeah, maybe not so irrational one.
I support you so weird, soweird. We're gonna come back and
take another round of anyone listening whoon kd W B stalin and calls on

one on one point three kd WBanyone listening who? So anyone listening who
has a crazy friend, has anirrational fear or has stolen anything. That's
what we're talking about right now.And uh, all right, so what
is your which category do you fallin? Man? I got like two

and one. Oh dang, okay, let's hear it all right, So
crazy friends, man, these guysand myself used to go to house parties
and then we would still how wewould do it stuff, Sorry, I
apologize, So youre good, givea go and get going. And how
we would do it was we wouldscape the place out, you know,
partying, beer pong, whatever maybe their jam and dancing. So we're

scoping out what we want and thenthese people don't know us, so we
would start a fight with each otherand everybody goes in the backyard by like
the rest of us stay inside andjust rummage it. I mean, oh,
from god, Olympic medals to carsto car Olympic medals a car to
me. We were hanging out withOlympians. I just like I went from

like a little metal to a car. Geez. Yeah, I was the
one I called a while back aboutthis. I did boats and boats and
cars before. Yeah, yeah,yeah, you know of cars. Have
you changed your ways? This isagain, this is again, like a
long time ago. I'm doing great. I'm actually overlooking what is it lake?

Getting ready to pick up my daughterfrom school and take her to the
trampoline park. People are allowed tochange. He starts stealing stuff from the
trampoline park with the little bumps on. I'm gonna get all these springs,
mount the metal down and get somemoney for this aluminum. Take the phone,
Take the phone. He's thought aboutit. See he's thought about it.

All right, boats and cars.We appreciate you, man, You're
the best. Should we be associatedwith boats and cars? I like you
exactly, all right, Katie wB. Yeah, I was just wondering
if you needed another person for irrationalfield. Oh yeah, what is your
irrational fear? It's outhouses. Whatis it about the outhouse that scares you

the most? I cannot go inthem. I just I don't know what
it is, but as soon asI like, I will try over and
over gun Like if I'm at aconcert a festival, out at a park
with my kids and I have togo, I will step put in it
and turn right back around on myheels and walk right back out. I
just panic, like I can't doit? Can I tell you something like

I had one time my father becauseI was taking forever to go again,
I guess he told me that ifyou take long enough, somebody will emerge
from the bottom and take a photoof your body. I'm with you on
this. I've always been so scaredthat somebody's gonna pop out and be like
boo, I'm so creepy and weird, like what is down there? And

sometimes there's a light like I don'tknow. I have two I have two
outhouse things to share. Number One, I have a friend who at a
festival dropped her sunglasses into an outhouse, pulled them out, took them home,
put them in a dishwasher to clean, stick clean. Why would you
get to contaminate? Why would youcontaminate your dishwasher? Can put the dishes

in with them? And I didjaras like they weren't even like nice.
They weren't like Gucci. They wereliterally like dollar treas, like get a
new pair. Secondly, how intwenty twenty four do we not have a
way to cover up someone else's crapin an outhouse? Like there has to
be some kind of invention so Idon't have to see forty different people's poop
exactly. There's one exception. Iwent to my friend's wedding and it was

an outside wedding and she rented likea special outhouse like for her guests and
a flush which was so nice.That's fair that one I could use.
I could use it. So Ithink it might be like the mysterious pit
that freaks me out. Hey,you know what, I think that you.
I support your irrational fear, andI also support you listening to our

show and calling and thank you somuch, thank you? Okay, you
too? All right, So thisis there's an update on the Golden Bachelor
that we kinda of saw coming.But also there's there are more and more
artists jumping on this disc track againstDrake, and we're gonna cover them pop
Culture Minute for the pop Culture Minutewith Fellon and cult On one on one

point three kd w B. TheWeekend in ASAP Rocky joined the Drake hate
train, so Future and Metro theydid like a diss album against Drake,
and I guess I didn't realize anyof this beef was going on. I
don't follow it closely enough. I'mmore of like a Haley and Selena kind
of beef. Personal Oh yeah,I mean you're not wrong. Well they

the album is we Still Don't TrustYou is what it's called. It includes
round two now of they say,you know, treating Drake like a speedbag.
That's their quote, not mine.The Weekend in ASAP Rocky are throwing
the punches this time. I guessI didn't realize. It's The Weekend and
Drake were once like aligned for labelmates, but then the relationship fizzled,
and he is telling the world hehas no regrets in his parts? Aren't

they just like they're both so successful? Though, Like why even I don't
know. I guess I didn't realizethat people hated Drake, So yeah,
I don't know. He seems prettkosher with everybody, but like except people
like Rihanna and then Nicki Minaj's backand forth on him. Yeah, I
don't know and don't yeah. Uh. The Golden Bachelor couple Geary and Teresa

announced their divorce after three months.Surprise, surprise. No one's living in
like seven states over which other Wellwe said this other day, like we
didn't know they weren't living together.But she lives in New Jersey and he
lives in Indiana. Not close.I mean, I guess it's the same
side of the country at least,But I was like, how is that
marriage gonna work? Because they saidthey don't have a lot of time left,

which is rough to say that,but that was their point, Like
that's why they got married so quickly, Like they don't want to waste time
because they're in their seventies. Peopleare just stuck in your way when you're
older, you just you don't wantto change and do things. And he's
probably like, wait a minute,I just had somebody not telling me to
do my laundry forever, and nowI gotta do, like I have to
pick up my towel when I'm donein the back they I think they're both
really like being close to their families, and neither one was yeah, willing

to move away from their family,which is more rational than the twel thing
what they don't want to leave theirfamilies in. Yeah, okay, that's
fair. Travis Kelcey surprised with aUC diploma and he celebrated on stage at
graduation by chugging a beer. Cantell you Kelsey being of all time karaoke

on stage. That's fair. That'sfair. That is your pop culture Minute.
It's brought to you by Ovo Lacyand Lenz. Find them at ov
oi dot com. We're gonna comeback with our unbelievable story of the day.
Have you ever heard the term fartwalk? No? You have it?
No, Well, we're gonna tellyou about it when we come back
on Katie w B. It's theUnbelievable story of the Day on one oh

one point three Katie w B.There's a woman named Marilyn Smith and she
is the Queen of Fiber and sheis self proclaimed Queen Fiber. Yeah,
she really wants you to take afart walk after dinner. So we did
it for your health. What isit fart That's exactly what it sounds like.
She said, you fart when youwalk, and that's why I named
it fart walking. It's just goodfor your body. Can I be honest

with you? I kind of dothat sometimes. My favorite time during school
was in gym and you'd run aroundthe gymnasium and everyone would just be crop
dusting because you how that you don'twant to far in front of your classmates.
So that favorite, well, yeah, you school the only time throughout
the day where I wasn't in pain. That's the weirdest favorite thing ever.

Today's deep dive is on Billie Eilish'sBad Guy on Katie w B. Yes.
The song does start with an audioclip of her removing her in visil
line because they said every day theyrecord, she'd remove it and they thought
it was hilarious, so they leftit in the song I Have Taken.

She thought this was a really uniquetake because most girls don't come off of
saying I'm the bad guy. Shesaid. The initial idea for the song
is people that have to tell everybodythey're a certain way all the time,
like I'm such a rule breaker,I'm such a ba, but they're not
that way in general. I feellike you'll never catch a bad beat telling
everyone she's a bad bee. Shejust is. And they were really worried

when they were writing this song,so they had some lyrics and Billy sent
her brother this beat. This iswhat she sent me. The issue is
that you want to translate stuff justlike sound as another EQ band. Billy
also had imported this really cool highhot pattern, and she said that she

and her brother sat down in herroom trying to write something else for an
actual chorus, because you're writing abig pop song, you need a chorus.
It didn't have a hook. Thepart that's kind of the chorus is
really more what people would consider aprehook. But somehow it worked, and
it's just one more reason this songis so unique. The song is divided
into two parts, with the secondhalf fifty percent slower than the first half.

She told Rolling Stone she got theidea for the two parts by listening
to this song called Stuck in theMud by Isaiah Rashad. And how many
times did they record her saying inthe song thirty four times? And during
the kind of humming parts, shewould always hum along when they were recording,
and she told Phineas, no,no, no, keep that in
there. He's like, well,we can keep it in, but we
have to actually put an effort,and it can't actually be you just you

know, being lazy about it.So even though it sounds like that,
they did work on it to getit to sound this good and people loved
this song. One Record of theYear and Song of the Year the Grammy
Awards in twenty twenty, and shebecame the youngest artist at eighteen to win
Grammy Record of the Year. Today'sdeep Dive was on Billie Eilish It Gosh,

that was so indeed you up alittle bit Friday in the club with
Katie WV too much not such notToday, Salin and Cults on one on
one point three KTWB. I've heardthis for years, like doctors and nurses
will watch a show like Gray's Anatomyand they're like, nothing about this is

legit. They get so annoyed withthe things they see happen in that hospital
that would never happen in a realhospital, along with Chicago fire firemen any
time something gets wrong. So thisis a list we found of the things
that TV shows and movies get wrong. And we're gonna go over that when

we come back on KATWB one onone point three kd WB with Balin and
Colts. So we'll watch things andit'll drive us crazy on a TV show
or movie, and they put togethera list from people's comments what TV shows
and movies get wrong. Found thison BuzzFeed and I was like, Okay,
this is so accurate. The firstone in high school shows there's always

like this huge amount of time inthe hallways between the bells. But every
school I've known, it's really quick, like you barely have time to get
your books and get to your classon time. It's so aggressive too.
And then if there's always someone yellingtoo, if like all right, one
mile left and make it out tospend thirty seconds get to class. But
in the teen shows that people aremaking out against the lockers, having like

really deep conversations. No chance maybe, And I just weren't a part of
that. Yeah. Uh, thisone, they are showing a picture of
Grey's Anatomy. As a doctor Ihate as a doctor, good for you.
I hate it when shows like Grey'sAnatomy have doctors scrubbing their hands before
surgery without a mask on. Youput on the mask, then you scrub.

See. I didn't know that Ihave one. I don't know if
it's on the list, but peoplelike in Zombie movies, but you look
so attractive, like the world hasgone just completely. Yeah, that is
kind of on here. It's moreso for the Victorian eras. They say,
they're like, women look so flawless, like they are shaved, they

have clean skin, there's no stainson their clothing, with makeup. The
it's literally models. And they're like, that is not how they would have
looked in that time, so it'sridiculous. This is another one when people
tug on the reins of a horse'smouth in order to get the horse to
turn and stop. That's a supersensitive area and if you did that in
real life, the horse would probablytoss you off. Oh don't try it,

yeah big, Yeah, they aren'ta little intimidating. One time I
was in a place where they havewild horses, but they're like friendly,
they come up to you. Iwas like, this is beautiful. But
when they all come running up toyou, it was terrifying. I was
like, oh, and they geta little nippy, and I'm like,
Simmysid had an apple in my pocketby but you realize like, oh,

you can nip me, because Ican't do anything to you, just roundhouse
kick me. Absolutely, This oneis my top one. It drives me
nuts when people are driving and thedriver is constantly looking at the passengers,
like for a really long period oftime. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
yeah, And I'm always waiting fora car crash to happen, but a
lot of the time they don't.I'm like, dude, you gotta put

your eyes on the road, butlooking over your passenger so much because that
These are things that TV shows andmovies get wrong. This is I work
at a grocery store and it bothersme so much. Every show, movie
commercial, they'll show someone walking downthe aisle and everything is perfectly stopped and
facing you. You're telling me nota single person has shot from a shelf

and taken an item off. Itgrinds my gears. Nobody put the milk
next to the marshmallows because they're abad human. You just didn't want to
walk back to the cooler. Theworst is yeah, when you say like
turkey lunch meat with the cereal andthat person, that person is a really
bad person. Yeah. When awoman gets up after hooking up and she
wraps his sheet around her, likewant to show them Moby, Oh yeah,

with the person I just hooked upwith Insecure after all this went down,
and this one says, when peopleorder a beer at the bar,
come on, can't you pick acocktail and give this person an actual character
trait? No, not everyone ordersa beer at the bar. Those are
TV shows in movies, things thatthey get wrong. We're to come back

with trending on one on one pointthree A KD WB SO and and cold.
It was so nice and Sunday todayI went for a walk, also
took my daughter to the park andI was like, ah, we should
probably get ice cream. I mean, it's Friday, it's nice out and
quick Hot savings from Quick Trip haveyou cooling off with? Hello, they're
amazing ice cream for just four ninetynine for a gallon. That's Nature's Touch

ice cream. You can get thedeal for fourty and nine on their chocolate
or vanilla. I do both becauseyou know, while I I'm at yourself
and it's a lot sweeter. Whatis just for ninety nine for an entire
gallon? I think it's like suchan amazing deal. And the thing is,
if you haven't had their ice creamyet, you got If you see
a Quick Trip pull over or pullup your GPS and be like, oh,

we have one stop on the wayhome, find the nearest quick Trip
and go there. They make itright at their own dairy facility. And
I mean name another gas station thatdoes that. Imagine like working next that
place. That'd be an issue.I'd be like going over three times a
day. Anyway, don't miss outon the amazing deal on Nature's Touch ice
cream only from Quick Trip. Theweather is nice again, which means I
see so many people out on motorcycles. Keep this in mind, and I

don't want to put anything negative outthere, but if you have been injured
in a motorcycle accident, you gotto call my friend Russell at Nicolay Law
if you get injured, they aregoing to make insurance companies pay. They
are known as the Midwest Motorcycle Lawyers, with officers with offices sorry throughout Minnesota
and Wisconsin. So give them acall one eight five five NI COO L

E T or visit them at NicolayLaw dot com says today's trending with fellon
and cold on one on one pointthree KD. The absolute biggest story I
think in the Twin Cities right nowis the Stone Arch Bridge is closing.
Now we knew this was coming.I honestly it was already closed. I

don't go to the stone Arch Bridgethat often. We wanted to do our
last or the show before it wasclosing. My dream was like, we
would do our show there on thelast day it's open, but it's a
Sunday, and then we would doit when it reopen in assuming we have
jobs heavier. We were trying tofigure out, like there's gotta be something
drastic that has changed, so oneof those has to lose a limb or

gain a bunch of weights. Justour bodies for sure. But yeah,
basically it's going to be closed.It says for over a year, but
everything I've seen says two years ishow long the construction will take. So
starting Monday, no more stone ArchBridge for you. So this weekend is
probably going to be insane at thestone Arch Bridge. Yeah, like everyone
trying to get it in, whichis a weird way to probably and raise

that a lot of people are probablytrying to get it in through out.
But you're not wrong. It isNational grilled Cheese Day and I would have
been remiss to not share that witheveryone. Uh, I believe the masters
are back. Do you follow golf? I literally until you said golf,
didn't put two and two together withmasters? I was like, who's our
master? What are you talking about? We have a are you talking about?

Our bosses are back? Do youknow okay Master Splinter? Nope,
that's Nija Turtles. That's not evengolf. I thought you might know that.
Nope, No, still no,okay, that's great. Uh that
is your trending the biggest story ofcourse, like I said, start arch
Bridge. They'll keep that in mind. We'll come back. Where The after
school pop Quiz with your chance towin tickets to Nickelodeon Universe and Trending is

brought to you by Nicolay Law.You can find them at nicolay law dot
com. Cool Giant Church and Shoe, Shut up Balin and cults on one
on one point three KDWB. Whyare you doing that to just ignore it?

I posted a picture like why though, Like he has a hoodie on
and he hasn't pulled where you canonly there's a tiny hole. First thing,
we're just having fun out. You'renot going to see any buttons to
push after Where your after school popquist for a chance to when Nickelodeon Universe
Passes. If you'd like to playby answering some trivia, call us now
six five, one, nine,eight nine KDWB. That's a school bus

right there picking you up, takingyou home, ready for the long weekend.
It's the after school pop Quiz onKDWB with Balon and colts, and
we ask you trivia questions. Itry to keep them like some. I
picked up today where it said forseven year olds, and I was like,
those were yesterday seven year olds?Ever you want hard and then it
got awkwards. People feel like theyshould know it, but then nobody knows

it. I did ask a questionabout spot Nick the satellite, and people
were a little taken. Aback.I do apologize for that. Today we
have BC from Waconia and Jenna inBurnsville playing for Nickelodeon Universe Passes. I'm
gonna ask you trivia questions. Chimein with your name when you know the
answer. The first two wins.Are you ready? Okay? Question number
one? How many days are therein a leap year? Yes? BC?

Jenna b Okay? Question number two? What color do you get when
you mix red and yellow paint?Yes? Yes, BC? That's right,
Jenna. I feel like there waslike a little delay on your phone

because you were like a hair behindhim. But unfortunately for you, b
C did one today. Thank youfor playing, Jenna, BC. You
just got yourself a pair of passesto Nickelodeon Universe. Thank you. Hold
on one second, BC, soI can get your address. Okay,

let's go. I'm in those likemom groups on Facebook and this woman posted
a like a concern about her neighborand their kids, and I was like,
oh, we got to talk aboutthis, so we'll do it next.
Balin and Colts won a one pointthree Katie w B. I'm in
so many Facebook groups. I'm gonnabe honest. Most of the Facebook groups

I am a part of it isto pull ideas and content for our show.
And there's a lot of drama insome of those groups too. This
one I thought was worded in avery nice way, way, nicer than
I would have handled it. SoI'd like to see. I mean,
we have promotions director Ted in heretoo. He doesn't have kids, no,
but yeah, wait a minute,no kid. Okay, this is

the post. Talk to me aboutneighbor kids and how you handle them.
I love our kids, like thatthey play with their kids in the neighborhood.
She loved that environment. They youknow, play adventure whatever. But
there's a particular family. They havethree kids, all under eight. Their
parents are never to be seen.Last night they were playing with my kids

in the front yard and we physicallysaw both of the parents leave in the
same car together, Like just lefttheir kids alone. How would you handle
this? And they're under eight?Yeah, so three kids under eight.
First of all, there are somelegalities like of not leaving kids under a

certain age all alone. Like wewouldn't even leave when I first starting Jake
and Dylan was nine, we wouldabsolutely not leave him alone. Well,
first of all, you got tosay when they come back, I want
you to know, like if they'rein my yard, that doesn't mean I'm
watching your kid or babysitting for you. Because that's the thing where kids will
be like, oh you got them, Like especially at the playground, they're
like, okay, well i'ma goto whatever, get a little sit come

back. What kind of people areOkay, I don't know. I surprises
me too as a child have herso many people just don't watch their kids
at all. The parks I goto. Oh, that's not even The
park is a little different than afull neighborhood. I think the park I
still watch my kid because she's four, But if all it was eight,

I probably would be comfortable sitting ona bench and letting her run through the
playground area without me following her toeach slide. Yeah. But I have
a friend who has a neighbor andthe kid will come over and literally say,
my mom said it's cool if Icome over, and she's like,
that's grizzy. Your mom's okay withit, but I'm not okay with you.
Yeah. At that point, you'rejust pawning your kid off on other
people. See in situations like that, I've heard where people will have a

sign on their house or their poollike open or closed, letting you know,
like you can come play with kids, or right now is not a
good time. Yeah, but thisis very different because this is like there
are always those parents that are kindof nowhere to be seen, and they're
like, they're good playing with theneighbor kids. Someone's watching them. There's
an adult out there. Yeah,but you're not going to like go and

run errands when no, that's soassuming and dangerous. Hey, just bad
parenting. Yeah, you're just trustingyour kid with anybody. Also, Yeah,
I'm way too, I'm too sketchedout by people too. How well
do you know your neighbors? Goodquestion. I would be non confrontational and

leave a strongly worded note in themailbox, which they would know came from
me. Since the kids were inmy yard, I'd be like hey,
or actually might be like, hey, I know you guys both left yesterday.
I like, do I love yourkids, but I don't want to
be in charge of them because withoutyou talking to me first. I think
that's fair. I think you,as an adult, you kind of have
to stand up for the kids inthis scenario too, Like, I think

you need to voice for the children, like, hey, did jackag You
can't just leave your kids like yougotta. No, that's how they know
you're crazy. Yeah, that callJackwagon. Call the Jackwagon. I don't
trust my kids with him. Atgreat point, that's what you do.

You gotta be a voice. Idon't know. I think seriously though,
you need to be a voice forthe kids and really stick off for them,
because they can't. They're seven,they can't, they can't yell at
their parents. They didn't care,they didn't notice. They were all like
make mud pies, probably set fires, guarantee something sketchy. I don't know,
Texas, what do you think?Five three nine two one ktw B
one one O one point three KDWBwith Fallon and Cult today, we're going

to play a little like radio versionof Scategories, which is my favorite board
game of all time. But it'sgonna be kind of like a speed round,
and we're gonna make it a gamealmost like I would say, the
very into family feud, you knowwhere they have one representative from each family,
come do like a speed round.I would say, it's a combination
of Scategories in a family feud speedround. And that is the game.

Baby, we are giving birth totoday on our show, and we have
promotions director Ted, and here wehave forced him to play yet another game
with us this week. Let's doit. Yeah, so me and Ted
against each other. Colt is hostingand we'll explain why he's hosting when we
come back. Katie w B likea Temple of Doom or something. Music,

it is so weird. This isour thanking game music for our live
version of s Categories on the radio. I feel like I'm in a haunted
house right now, don't you good? It's a little spooky fun And Ted
the promo director, and I willbe competing today. I was gonna host
it, have Cult and Ted playing, but gold is so bad. We

did practice route I don't know wordsor things people and then gotten his head.
I know, and then he gotin his head and then he kept
having me requis him and he finallyjust did a really good job. He
said I needed that to sleep tonight. It was annoying me. It was
throwing me off. I'm like,am I even should I even be here?
Do I deserve to be a lie? Have you played Categories before?

Ted? Of course, it's myfavorite game. And if you haven't played,
what you do is you roll adie and it'll land on a letter.
So let's say it's a letter S. And then you have to think
of all these categories something that startswith an S. So example be restaurants,
notorious, people, fruits, thingsin a medicine, cabinet, toys,
and you have to think of aword that starts with that letter.

So how we're going to do thatversion is we'll have one minute to get
through ten categories, and I'll gofirst, so we'll kick Ted out and
then we'll bring Ted back in forround two, and he'll have the exact
same letter and categories and you canplay along as well. All right,
I a little faster ted job France. Okay, so your letter is going

to be t t Okay, Okay, are you ready? I'm nervous,
but sure. All right? Timerstarts now. Articles of clothing a T
shirt, dress or desserts? Atear MASU, car parts transmission? WHOA
things found on a map? Texasathletes? Uh Tom Brady, four letter

words? Uh talk items in arefrigerator? God cut skip, farm animals
skip street names. Oh God,I'm like I'm getting I'm getting sweaty,
Tennessee. Uh things at the beachA turtle? Okay? Back to farm

animals, rooster, chicken coat?I don't know skip Uh. Items in
a refrigerator that should be so easy. Ketchup a cilantro salad? Oh god?
Seven seconds? Okay, why can'tI think of anything? Skip?

Okay? Farm animals Okay, okay. Refrigerator one should have been the easiest
one ever. Taco season no foworks is We'll come back and we'll bring
Ted in. He'll get the sameletter, the same categories. When we

grade anything that we guessed the sameon, no one gets the point correct,
so I'm nervous. I started offso strong and crumbled very quickly.
No, you did good, Actuallydid a lot better than I did.
I said taco seasonings and the refrigerator. So yeah, it was pretty terrifying.
It's one on one point three KTEWB, Falon and Gold. Sorry,

we just got the weirdest call someoneasking about fallin s kid. I don't
know. Yeah, Okay, we'regonna move on to round two of S
categories. Promo Director. Ted inthe building and guess what, Ted,
You're in the hot seat baby house. Categories works as you get one letter
and you have to come up witha word starting with that letter for each
of these ten categories in one minute. Are you ready? Hot seat?

Hot seat. At the end ofthis, we'll go over both of your
answers. All right, see whowins? So Ted, Okay, your
letter yep is T and your timeand your time starts now. Articles of
clothing, tank tops, desserts,truffles, car parts, trunks, things

found on a map, um andsay skip if you don't know how to
come back skip. Okay, athletes, Oh my gosh. Tristan Thompson four
letter words, tuck items in arefrigerator, turnips, farm, animals,

turkeys, I'll take a street names, Texa, Tanka, things at the
beach, old on can I uh, turtles okay, and we're gonna go
back to the map thing. Okay, boom and your time is over right.
Wow, my heart was beaten.Man, I'm a little nervous,

even though I know a smoked fellon, I just know it. Okay,
we're gonna go through this. Thismusic is actually putting me on edge.
I think, yeah, it's soominous. Builds up the anxiety. Okay,
So here letter with t articles ofclothing T shirt for fallon. Ted

said tank top. I was soworried you were going to say t shirt
because it came to be so faststhe obvious one. My mind is working
with alliterations here, so I saidtank top for tea. Wait, does
he get too? And I guesswe didn't stay in at the beginning.
We might move forward in reals categories. He would have gotten two points because
it would be tank top. Itwould have been two, But I guess

we didn't state that. Oh yeah, that's a lot of maps. Yeah,
let's keep let's keep it simple.Okay. So number two was desserts.
Fallon said Tira Massou. You saidtruffled, both count, Good job
both count. Number three was carparts. Falon says transmission Ted trunk very

nice, very nice. Why doI sound more like the mechanics than you.
You're from Indiana, that's w Yeah, things found on a map.
Number four Texas and Texas canceling eachother out. But for athletes, Ballance
says Tom Brady. Ted says Tristan. Ted says the Cereal cheater. Yeah,

Tristan Thompson. Someone. My sisterwatches the Kardashians a lot. I'm
aware of. Okay. So fora four letter word, ballin said talk.
Ted says talk, okay, items, that's a weird word. Items

in a refrigerator. Fallon got nothing. I didn't think of a dang thing.
But I will shout out the peoplewho were texting it. I'm screaming
tomatoes at the radio or Turkey.Yeah. I don't know where turnip came
in. Yeah, I don't feellike turnip is a real fridge product,
but I'll give it to you.It is if you live on a farm.
No, I think it's more ofa counter produce item. Nah,

I'd keep my turn ups in thefridge. You wouldn't, I would.
I like them cool. It's thepoint get out here for a farm.
And Fallon had nothing ten out ofturkey. And I was actually talking with
this when you were out in thehallway afterwards. I was like, is
it And I was like, Iwould accept a turkey. So you get
that actually before you came in.You get the turkey points, street names,

texta tanka for Ted, Fallon said, Tennessee m and things you would
find at the beach, turtle anda turtle. Oh, so Ted does
one by two points. So longstory short, Ted comes up in here.
You know, anytime Ted comes inhere, he just demolishes both of

us and then leaves the studio.And then our egos are broken, and
yeah, sucks to suck. Havea nice weekend, like two or three
weeks in a row. Look quizand I will hold onto that because it's
the only thing bringing me piece ofmind. Dres I'll see you on Tuesday,
woman, Oh for my birthdays.Friends again, I was gonna say

you're gonna makee kiss the ring.Nope, no, that's your thing.
Yeah, that's fair. It's katiewbNo only you Spalin and Cults on one
oh one point three kd WB.So there was a big update on The
Golden Bachelor and then it like immediatelywent into like Gary did something like immediately

after this announcement was made, andpeople like, oh wait what that was
quick? Yeah, so I thoughtI'd be downe reporting on the Golden Bachelor,
but I'm not here are I lovethis for you. This is great.
It is exciting for me. Sowe're going to cover that when we
come back in the pop Culture Minuteon one oh one point three KATWB.

It's the pop Culture Minute with Sellinand Cult on one o one point three
KDWB. Brought to you by Ova, Lasac and Lenz. Find him an
ovoi dot com. So OJ Simpson, when he passed away, he still
owed Ron Goldman's family one hundred andfourteen million in debt and Leada battle loooms
Yeah, they fourteen million, onehundred and fourteen million dollars. So what

happens now? I don't think anythinghappens because I don't I don't know that
he has any money or anything left. All of his assets get liquidated and
go to I don't even know ifhe has assets. I don't know Roberto
Cavali. He's an Italian fashion designer. He is dead at eighty three years
old. That came out on TMZ, so that's sad news. And obviously

earlier today it came out, somaybe you saw it. But if you
didn't, Gary and Teresa from TheGolden Bachelor announce they're getting divorced. And
as soon as they announced it,Gary filed like he filed immediately, so
really, yeah, it was veryquick. Well, so I'll continue.
I was gonna say. Also thisweekend, Ryan Gosling is hosting SNL and

Chris Stapleton is the music guest.And don't worry. They did talk to
Rihanna about plastic surgery and she said, oh, don't worry, I'm gonna
do it in the future. Iwant my boobies pinned back to my shoulders
right where they used to be.I don't want implants. I just want
to left. And you know what, I respect the honesty because after you
have kids and with age and gravity, you do just want to pinned back
where they used to be. It'sthe worst balin and cults. On one

on one point three kd w B. We have Kendra joining us. Kendra,
you recently got married and your bestfriend is now planning her wedding and
you're the maid of honor. AndI find that when weddings are a topic,
there's always some type of drama.So what is going on with your

best friend's wedding? So pretty much, my best friend is like copying my
dream wedding, and she's like takingthe wedding that I couldn't have because of
COVID, and like now that we'reoutside of COVID, she's just taking all
of my ideas, everything that Ihad planned, like that I spent all
my time on all my research doing. She's just taking and it's it's like

it's just it's devastating it. Soit's like like a gut punch, you
know. Yeah, she ask youif she could use any of this?
No, I think she was.She's kind of like being sneaky about it.
She's not like upright asking me,like hey, like I know that
you did this for you or youwanted to do this for your wedding,
but she's like coming to me like, oh, yeah, this is these

are the flowers that I picked whatdo you think? Or scheme I picked?
What do you think? And it'sthe same exact thing that I had
showed her like years ago. OhGod, it like breaks my heart because
I'm like, you know, obviouslyyou have an idea what you want.
And so many people were affected byCOVID didn't either had a postpone to way
later or completely alter what they wantedto do, not have like the you

know, big kind of party thatthey wanted exactly. And now she gets
to have it outside of COVID,and she's stealing like everything from you,
and you're the maid of honor,so you have to like be there to
support it all. Yeah, Andthat's the thing is, it's like it's
her big day and like we've beenwe've been best friends since childhood, so
it's just like we've like been dreamingabout, like, you know, our

wedding and stuff when we get older, and I just I don't want to
make it about me, and Ijust I'm just I'm so sad. I
don't know what to do. Idon't even know what to tell you,
because I get it like I think, at first of all, it sounds
like you are an amazing human forbiting your tongue. I don't know that
I would be able to do thesame. I feel like I would make
some passive aggressive comments like oh,yeah, those are the exact cupcakes I

wanted. Oh that was the photographerwe wanted in my head. I go,
at least you're going to experience thewedding you plan for and you don't
even have to pay for it,So that's cool. Yeah, that's a
really good point. But I meanit's not about you, which sucks.
Oh, but just bring your weddingdress change into it and then yeah,
get photos, renew the vows.Yeah, really make it about yourself.

No, I don't know what.Maybe people have advice, like what should
you do? Because obviously you Ithink you're probably doing the right thing,
but also it does seem so crappythat you just have to sit there and
bite your while your best friend isdoing this, and then you're going to
be spending your money to support kindof your ideas but for her. If

you have any advice for Kindra,like what would you do in this situation?
Six five, one, nine,eight nine kd WB Kendra, we'll
get a little feedback for you,but I think you are doing an amazing
job and it just shows what agood human you are. That means a
lot. It's been honestly, shepromised me that. Stalin and Colts on

one on one point three Katie wB. We're just talking to Kendra and
she said she planned like her dreamwedding and then COVID happened, so she
didn't get to have it. Nowher best friend's getting married, she's the
maid of honor, and she's noticingher best friend is basically having her exact
dream wedding that she couldn't have.And she said it's like a little gut
punch every time she books or plannedsomething else like she wanted, and she

doesn't know what to do. Thistext got it five three ninety one.
Girl, your wedding Pinterest board isnot unique. Those upcakes have been ten
thousands of times. Wedding trends comeand go. It's just not that serious
taking your calls, what do youthink? What advice do you have for
it? Sometimes you know you justgot to change your thought about it,

because when your best friends like thatfor so long A lot of times best
frinds have the same takes and thesame similarities. That's true. She just
changes her thought about it, islike, yeah, you know what we
shared that and and it's you.She's kind of honoring what maybe she wanted
to do to begin with. Andlike that other guy said, it's free.

That's true. That is why Iwas like, listen, you have
to live it up. Why not? She just hasn't change your thought about
it to make it okay, Likeinstead of feeling hurt by it, maybe
she needs to feel honored that Hey, she took her ideas and is doing
something for her day magical, andshe's part of that because she's being a
maid of honor. She is partof it. See. I can tell

you as more mature human than Iam because you have that outlook and I
need to have that outlook more inlife and not be like, oh there's
still more stuff, you know,make it about myself. Yeah, she
don't need to make it about herself. That was two years ago. She
doesn't need to launch if she gotif that other I don't even know if
that other girl got married or heloved or whatever. She should just be

happy. How did you get sowise. Good question. Well I even
knocked down a few times myself.Oh so experienced. It's kidding, you
know. Life is just about thatand that's all it's It's a thought process
that that girl is having, andshe is making it about herself. Can
you be my therapist a beer?Oh nice? Okay, yeah, yeah

right. She can't change anything,but she can change her own thought about
it. She has control over herown thoughts. Love it absolutely. Thank
you so much. That was greatweekend, you too, katwb Hurry.
I have some feedback over the caller. Yeah, what do you think she
should do? I think, youknow, I'm all for the girl code,

where you know you don't feel yourfriend's ideas and baby names like I
totally get that. At the sametime, we really can't called DIBs on
a theme or on a name,et cetera. It sounds like the friend
isn't really doing it too Deediously,it would be different if the caller had
her wedding plans like a month later, and then the friend early with an

earlier wedding is feeling the ideas.I feel like that would be different.
I think she really just needs toreassess the relationships and if it's really an
important relationship, if it's been agreat friendship, I think she should,
despite her tongue and you know,beat her maid of honor, keep moving
forward and kind of just take itwith the grand assault and move forward with

the friendship. I think if shesaid something it might ruin things the relationship.
But I agree it's hard to buyyour tongue, but it probably is
the best move. Yeah, ifshe wants to like keep the peace and
realize I think she said she gotmarried, So that's what it's about at
the end of the day, isthe actual marriage. And I agree with
what you said. Thank you somuch for calling in. I think can

sit all right. This is oneon one point three kdi WVU with Follon
and Colts. I need your helpme, Yes, can't I help you
en up with the show every day? Actually? Probably yes, a little
too much. I wasn't. Iedited a monopoly video about you just trying

to raise up the monopoly Man.That was a highlights yesterday. Yeah,
when I did my pickup lines formister monopoly Man. Yeah, I'll post
that tomorrow. By the way,I forgot about it, which just circles
back to you. Doing everything forthe show ever, Okay, helpless.
It has to do with accountability andsomething I've been afraid to voice because it's
a little, I mean, forme embarrassing and so you've been homeliness in

and keeping it from me. Yes, and I want to be honest about
it if I can. Next,it's beautiful one one point three kd WBU
with Folon and Colts. If there'sone thing I learned about you, you
love to belittle me. I'm kidding, You're best friend. I would never

we give each other crap as jokesesandies. Yeah, I need some for
real life accountability though. Weight loss? Why would you assume it's just weight
loss? Why would you just godirectly to way literally just said like yesterday
that you were like when I firstmoved here, I was so fit,
Like I want to lose weight.You did? You were like, I

want to lose weight and you anda direct quote was if I get a
six pack, it's over. Ididn't know what that meant. I did
say, if I got a sixpack, our views on reels would increase
by temple. He did say,you would like just do right now they're
gone and they're like, oh,who's this guy? Gross? You get
off the screen. Okay. Sohere's the thing. I feel like my

whole life, I've had like troubleaccepting who I am. Oh, it's
gonna get really serious. I'll helpyou, friend, not for realsies.
But I've always been able to loseweight. Like I'll get lazy. It's
about losing weight. May be soawful, and it is about losing weight,
so I can you know, Iget lazy and then it's like,
Okay, I'm extremely good at losingweight at an unhealthy rate. Oh,

you're one of those food that canbe too strict and restrictive and it's unhealthy.
Yeah, and also not maintain itlike a lot of people. Most
people have tried something unhealthy at somepoint and it's not you can't maintain it.
And I'm very good at maintaining it. But if I go off,
then I go off. You golike an ad Yeah, so I don't
know what it is if I haveLike before, I didn't have kids when

I was losing weight, so Iwas just snacks everywhere in my household,
you know what I mean. Soin between shoving cheddar squares in my mouth
because I can't get cheese. It'sbecause the red NI it's just very difficult.
So here's the plan. I we'regoing to bring in a scale on
Monday, right, weigh myself.I don't want to scale in here.

There's going to be a goal forme to hit by June first. I
don't know what the goal is.It has to be depending dependent on what
the weight I'm at two months.You're going to lose water weight in that
dime. Listen, just I thoughtyou were going to be supported, nothing
but nonsupport. I think you're perfectthe way you are. Okay, I
don't think you need to lose weight, but listen, this is the thing
because I need some accountability or else. It's just not going to work.

Weigh myself Monday. If I don'treach the goal, but I will set
a date, take a picture ofme and a speedo. Ask put it
up on a bill put it upon a billboard yourself and I think that
I'm bend. You just meet yourway. We'll go into a dark room.

You just take a picture really quickwith the flash to pick it up.
If I don't meet the goal,the picture goes up. I want
to stay on a billboard because that'dbe awesome. Budget with a billboard or
for billboards, so it'll go upon the Instagram for me just to get
roasted and toasted. If you don'tmeet it by June first, my specific
date, we can come up withthe goal away the date it has to

be done by. If I don'thit it. Embarrassing pictures though, No,
are you the kind of person thatbecause I don't want to be in
charge of that flow. I amvery good at grooming. Okay, you're
not focused on the right thing.Okay, I'm worried about my mouth here.
The hope is the embarrassing photos neversee the light of day, right

right, right, right right?So I have faith in meet one.
Secondly, I need you to helpme with this. So just go along,
you work out, because anytime youdo anything physical, you'll work it
into like the weirdest story. Yeah, so we went groceries shopping? Did
I mentioned I ran two miles?First, I'm like, what does that
do with you? Like? Oh, it's so nice that I ran.
And then also this weekend is goingto be like eighty so then I can

maybe run again. Are you areyou down with this Monday scale? Don't
meet it embarrassing pictures. Yes,yahn okay a. Salon and Colts won
a one point three kd w BBig Weekend in the Twin Cities. A

huge landmark is closing. It's beclosed for like one to two years.
We're going to cover that in trendingcoming up on kd WB Today's Trending with
Balon and Colt on one on onekd w B. This is your final
weekend for the Stone Arch Bridge.I mean not forever, but it's so
crazy. They're they've been talking abouthow they're gonna close it because if you

do renovations to keep it safe foreveryone on so officially on the fifteenth,
which is Monday and Payday, shoutout, it's closed to the public and
it's gonna be I saw two years, but then something also said at least
for a year. But I thinkit's like a two year project. You
never know what you got till it'sgone. I don't know where people are
in the Twin Cities are going toget engaged. That's my question. Where

we'll s your photos take place?Whereas photos, Yeah, it's really upsetting,
So there's that. I mean,I guess you you could you'd be
trespassing, but you could mean couldwhat you could like hit it up?
Still, I don't know that youshould. I want to hop a brier.
Yeah okay, okay, you shouldpay and catch a lawsuit. I'm
just saying something. You're feeling funthis weekend. If you watch S and

OL, Ryan Gosling is going tobe the host and Chris Stapleton is a
music guest. Every time he's beenon, he's been so funny. One
of my favorite skits with Ryan Goslingis the one where it's him and they
had Kate McKennon and they they wereabducted by aliens. Have you seen that
one? They are sharing their experiences, but Kate mckennon's character was just like

probed and everything else, and he'sHe's like, no, man, it
was a beautiful experience. And it'sjust it's just very funny. He's one
of those dudes that just has everything. He really does. He seems like
he's like not just hot, buthe also has a good personality and he's
probably nice. Wait did I tellyou about his cookie story the girl Scout
Cookies? No? No, youremember that he bought? Yeah? Yeah,
yeah, what do you have toshare it now. Well, him

and his dad would go around tothese little conventions and he was like,
I just want to go home.I wish everybody would buy this stuff off
my table. So my dad usedto take me home, so he saw
in his later years he's successful.He's in La he sees a table full
of girl Scout cookies, buys allof them so they can leave. He's
like, guess what, chuching balling. But then on his way home he
realizes, I don't want all thesegirls Scout gas. I have like thousands

of cookies just in my car.So during a traffic jam he starts throwing
them to other cars on the wayand they're like, is that Ryan Gosling
growing girls Scout? I love that. That's a great story. Also,
if you're a Bridgerton fan, theythank you. They just released the trailer
for the upcoming season, which isgonna focus on Penelope's love story with Colin,
and I believe it comes out likethe first part comes out in May.

I'm excited for and The Masters hasofficially started. If you're a golf
person, which we learned cult myselfare not, but about our boss is
only the Master, but I'm not. That is your turning. It's brought
to you by Nicolay Law FINALM atNicolay Law dot com. You know a
lot going on this weekend at TreasureIsland. First of all, today was
a big day. They had anon sale. You can still grab tickets,

but they did just go on saletoday, so great seats still available.
They have the best of the Midwest. It is a star setted local
lineup outdoors at Treasure Island, soit's like right there. Music by the
Mississippi featuring Bodine's Gear, Daddy's GBLayton, the Cactus Blossoms, and Marcy
Playground Marsi Playground. That is sucha flashback for me. I think of
like listening to that song a Sexand Candy when I was like soup.

Maybe too young, but I wouldlove to see that as an adult.
They're coming to the island on Saturday, July twenty seventh. Like I said,
grab your tickets at TI Casino dotcom. Tomorrow night at Treasure Island,
huge huge event going on, theWorld Fighting Championship features boxing, kickboxing,
so much more. Like I said, they still have good seats,
that's the crazy thing. So youcan sit ringside and see these amazing athletes

compete again. That's Saturday. Don'tmiss out. Grab your tickets now at
TI Casino dot com. That's whereyou're also going to book your dining,
hotel and more. Fallin and cultson one on one point three KDWB.
A lot of stuff going on inthe Twin Cities this weekend, so I
wanted to mention a few things atSports Minnesota Timberwolves Tonight host Atlanta and then

Sunday they host Phoenix. That's thelast regular season game before playoffs, which
is exciting. By the way,we are giving away tickets to I think
the opening playoff game, the homegame. If you go to KDIWB dot
com and you go to the contestpage, you can enter to win those.
Also at Minnesota United playing Houston tomorrownight, you can check that out

here in the Twin Cities. Andyour birthday party is going to be hosted
as Okay, We're not like noone even wants to come, but it
is going to be such a niceweekend. They have the Hot Chocolate Run
going down at Boom Island this weekend, the Saint Paul Art Crawl. You
can check out all Weekend Long andthe Minnesota Craft Beer Festival, and of

course, the forty third annual MinneapolisSaint Paul International Film Festival. Not to
mention, the Stalin and Colts wona one point three k d WB.
We're ready for it. I mean, my husband texted me what sounds more
appealing than turkey or chicken brats rightnow? I mean that's I mean,

thank you for a cookingake. Iknow, I thought we were get like
pizza or something. It's Friday.Isn't that so messed up when you want
to go out to eat or I'vebeen trying to get a walk in the
park forever and my wife's just like, no, let's eat in. I
got spaghetti or whatever she's got cooking, And it's like, dude, just
be reckless with me. Let's goget some fun food. Okay, you

just said you want me to beholding you accountable for a weight loss,
so I guess I have to sayit's gonna be another month and a half
before you get walk in the park. My friend, I had to see
you ordering some Gillian Michael's workout videos. Such a data for sending me P
ninety x videos dated stuff. Ilove it. Hey, I hope you
have a great week and it's gonnabe a beautiful weekend of the Twin Cities.

Thanks for hanging out with us.As always, if you missed any
part of the show, you canpodcast us Salin and Colt. You just
type that in anywhere you listen topodcasts. Have a
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1. The Podium

The Podium: An NBC Olympic and Paralympic podcast. Join us for insider coverage during the intense competition at the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. In the run-up to the Opening Ceremony, we’ll bring you deep into the stories and events that have you know and those you'll be hard-pressed to forget.

2. In The Village

2. In The Village

In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

Listen to the latest news from the 2024 Olympics.

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