All Episodes

March 22, 2024 69 mins
Normal or nope got REAL today
A man is using church in an interesting way that other parents might like
Jake's mom has beef with Colt's wife now
Vont's socks are hopping off of his feet
Throwback throwdown reminds of a BANGER
Ice house hookups, terrible neighbors, and bad tattoos with Anyone Listening Who.

That and more

Love you!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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One on one point three kde wB with Fallon and Cult and everything's frozen
by Just in case, I thoughtI can either acknowledge that no music is
playing and throw you under our busketjust break our radio station. Yeah,
because oh there we go and accessgranted again. He just wanted his moment

need acknowledgement. Yeah, okay,sorry, low Wayne, lollipop our apology,
how bad? Yeah, now welearned a lesson anyone listening who.
It has become a favorite, afavorite every single day. I actually told
the sales rep and our building,I go, hey, quick Trip got
a great shout out on our showthis week. And he goes, oh

really why, And I go becauseI did a topic anybody listening to has
IBS. And a woman tells andhe said, the post bathrooms are a
quick trip, and he's like,yeah, so if you are stopping somewhere
and you're like, I could stopat that this gay station with the arable
restroom or this one with the cleanestone ever, Yeah, that's hot,
praise too, Quick Trip. We'regoing to do anyone listening Who with different

topics that we're not doing IBS today, just the heads up, but we'll
do what we come back on katiewB baby one on one point three kd
WB with Fallon in cult. Anyonelistening who we got a couple of topics.
Anybody who has hooked up in anice shanty? I want to hear

from you. Anybody who has aterrible neighbor, or anybody listening who has
a regrettable tattoo? Can I aska serious question? Yes, do people
in the Twin Cities call it iceshanty? Because you wrote that, I've
never heard anyone say shanty. I'veheard ice house and an ice house.
I'm gonna I don't know. I'mfrom Michigan. House that sits on the
lake when it's frozen. I'll talkingabout you go ice fishing. Yeah,

and it's a little ice shanty.I think it's an ice house. Really,
I've never heard anyone call it anice shanty. That's really fancy.
I was gonna say they're kind ofsmall to be considered a house, but
they're probably bigger than my actual housein Saint Louis Park. So, oh
God, you always try to finda way to get people to feel bad
for you. Well, anyone listeningwho has hoops up in an ice house?
Or has a terrible neighbor or aregrettable tattoo. Do you fit into

any of those? Bro I wasgonna say, have I owned up in
an ice shanty? I have two. I've had terrible neighbors. Yeah,
And I have a hand praying pizzatattoo on my thighs. So that's probably
where I don't thigh high up onthe inner thigh. I can show you
if you want me in here.You want me to say my pants are

tell me the no? What well? I I'm wearing like compression shorts,
but I didn't where's it located?I could dig my pants off and I
have your name on my booty,yeah from Steve O. But that's the
thing. What yeah me? Thisisn't my thing to call. And this

is for other people, all right. So anyone listening who has hooked up
in an ice shanty, has aterrible neighbor or a regrettable tattoo, call
sixty five one nine eight nine kd w B. This is the one
on one point three Katy w Bwith Fallon and called anyone listening who has

hooked up in an ice shanty,which I call it an ice house.
I don't it like an ice mansion. Is that it sounds like has a
terrible neighbor or a regrettable tattoo.At sixty five one nine eight nine,
Katie W. B Rose, whatyou got? Hey, it's not an
ice shandy, it's an ice shack, sense I got whatever. I'm from

Michigan. Well that's why I'm fromWisconsin. Yeah, this shack over I
have. Yeah, I have acrazy neighbor. She sold six of my
garbage cans and takes takes her bringsmy cats into her house or like I've
caught her my ring camera going intomy house. What it's second my cat?

Let's rewind the garbage cans. Didyou do you have six garbage cans
at a time where she's collectively overthe years just taken one at a time.
Oh no, this wasn't years,This was like within three weeks.
So why is she taking your garbagecan? Yeah? I have no idea.
So two of them went missing.I figured guys thought they were old

whatever, So we bought two newones, and then the next week those
disappeared. I called the garbage companyand I'm like, I don't know if
you guys do my garbage cans whatever, but they're gone, so they gave
me another one. It's like thebig five hundred dollars one, and then
then the following week's that one disappeared. Those are one of those things where
like you need a garbage can too, So it's so annoying. Well and

I'm just like, okay, Iam not going crazy. This is absolutely
nuts. What did she say whenyou confronted her? I just asked her,
can't buy garbage cans? And she'slike, oh, the barrels out
on the road. I'm like,the garbage can, cool neighbor. Yeah,
oh no, she said that shewas taking them because she needed to
clean it stuff out of her garage. All right, so she is a

murder, yeah she's. And also, get your own cat. Cats are
easy. You can find cats everywhere. Oh yeah, she like, I
said, she's been in my housechecking on my cat. But it's just
like, what are you doing?I mean, I guess the good news
is when you go on vacation,you have someone to watch your animals.
She might rename one of them likespark Plug and try to keep it for

her own, but oh my gosh, Rose, you tolerate a lot.
Thank you for the call I KatieWB So what is the bad tattoo?
Yeah? So I have a reallybad tattoo. I was a little messed
up one night and decided to letone of my friends tattoo me, and
so she tattooed the word heart,which what I thought at the time was
over my heart, but it's actuallyon the wrong side, sonning. That

is such a drunk person tattoo.Do you have to explain it every time?
Or no? Yeah, for themost part, and it's right where
it can be showings like if Iwere any sense, so everybody can see
it and it's just absolutely terrible.So then I have to go into detail
about how I got it, Andhave you thought about adding on to it,
like different words or an arrow pointingover to the right area. I

have thought about adding an arrow andappointment for next week, So hopefully either
an arrow or like saying or somethingus know. If you do, will
you please dm us a picture?Oh for sure? Okay, amazing it's
balin and cult on Instagram. Pleasedm us a picture. I wish you

the best with your tattoo update.Thank you so much. All right,
So Beyonce has been releasing a lotof photos she has a new album coming
out and guess who is talking crap? Erica Badu. She made a post
Yeah everyone knows Erica, right,Okay, so she's like no, and
then Beyonce's publicist just clapped, willcover it in the pop Culture Minute.

It's the pop culture Minute was sellonand cult on one On one point three
d w B. Beyonce posted aphoto. She's been posting a bunch of
new photos to promote her album,and in the photo she has braids.
Well air Kabado apparently was not afan of that, and she made it
clear that she felt like it wascopycat action, so she dropped a little

shade on her. And then immediatelyBeyonce's longtime publicist entered the chat and responded
to her wasted no time posting afull blown scrapbook of Beyonce wearing the braided
hairstyle throughout her entire career, datingback to her childhood, and just basically
posted it was like, oh,she slays, she slays now then always,

and then put a hashtag of thenew album coming out and that was
enough of a clapback that didn't acknowledgeErica's shade, But yeah, it was
rude. You can't really trademark ahairstyle, right, I don't know.
I guess some people could. Youdidn't trademarkt legally probably, but obviously there
are artists who are absolutely known forhairstyle. So she thinks she's jumping on

me because I guess the weekend whenhe had that hair back in the day.
Yeah, that'd probably be like hissignature. Look, yeah, I
think Justin Bieber when he first cameout, had a very hit that like
bowl cut. It was a veryjust behind you should every day I have
to like shake my head every minutes. Oh that's so yeah, that's a

youthing. And then you would evenuse the curling iron to do a little
flare on the side. Yeah,listen, I'm out here completely judging you.
And I went through an entire phaseduring my hardcore phase where I took
a whole section underneath my hair atthe bottom and dyed it bleach blonde and
it was like black on top.So I don't know why I'm out here
judging you. Absolutely speaking of JustinBieber, though, we do have Justin

Bieber Dance Night at the Varsity.Tickets we're gonna be given away on the
fifties throughout the show, So Ijust wanted to give you a heads up
on that. And as I alwayssay, dance night for Justin Bieber,
the Varsity has to be better thanhis concerts because I concerts he has the
best music. So I know thedance party will be killer. But the
concerts. Two of the last onewent to, yeah, this what a

great song? What about this one? Okay, first of all, I
can see why you're not mixing atthis dance party. No One Yummy is
like his most embarrassing song he everreleased. No one liked it except for
the two people out of text andbe like, oh I love it selling

sunsets. Christine Quinn, her husbandhas been arrested for a second time.
Obviously she has now like a restrainingorder and he showed up back at their
house yesterday. We announced that hethere was He was arrested for an assault
and it was on their child.They say that he threw glass across the
room at the kid. He waslike two years old. Kid, yeah
took it. And so anyway,I'm sure we'll get all the details of

something. Way he was arrested,they let him out and then he came
back back to the house even thoughhe has down they have a restraining order
against him coming because of the violence. You gotta use some of that money
for some securities. Absolutely, thatis your pop culture minute. It's brought
to you by Ovo Lasik and Lenz. Find him at ovoi dot com.

We're gonna come back and like Isaid in a fifty after, we'll have
those just mieber dance party tickets.So if something happened that involves Jake's momie,
don't do my ocles mom my motherin law that I love dearly.
Yeah, we got BoNT in thestudio too, because Vonn just never sleeps
at all. Ever, go home. No, I've been here since the

morning show. I have been heresince five twenty seven this morning. Why
did no one else gets here thatearly? While were you here? There's
a blanket in the next studio.There's a blanket and a pillow, and
that, I'm gonna be honest withyou, like some dirty laundry in the
corners. Nuts. So we wereinvited fleance centers. Attacks vaunted me both

and she's like, Hey, it'sJake's mom's birthday, so you should come,
which sounds a little weird, butat the same time, we're all
kind of like family, so youknow, it's not as weird as you
would think. So I'm like,I was over at Falence House for a
dinner. The first night I gothere. I didn't bring anything. I
felt terrible coming empty handed, consideringyou gave me champagne and your trash to
throw away, and you made dinnerwas very nice. I didn't want to

mention that part, so I waslike, Okay, I need to look
good, so I'm gonna get Jake'smom some flowers. You did it sometimes.
You had the beautiful hydrangs. Ifit had been the summer, I
would have assumed you clipped them fromyour neighbor's bush and didn't buy them.
But since it's winter, I knewyou actually purchased those high rangers. I
went to Trader Joe's in Minntana.Options Yeah. So anyways, I show
up with this vase and it's nice, and I leave it there and I

come home and my wife was gettingback to town in a couple of days,
so I got her flowers as well. The only thing is, I
guess I didn't realize that was theonly vase we have for flowers. Wait
a minute, you gifted my motherin law your actual personal vase, the
only vase we have in the house. That's how family we all are here.

You know, you can just givesomeone flowers in the actual arrangement.
You don't have to have it weird. It's almost like an incomplete gifts.
It's actually not sure. You gotto clip these and put them in the
base and give them. Walk havevases around their house for that. Also
likes tend to like moms and likelike just older households they want to have
just random I am a youth,Thank you very much. I have plenty

of oas point. Oh yeah,so you feel you seem like somebody who
crafts her own boss. You seemlike someone who steals your wife's only voss
and gives it to someone else.That did happen? She comes home and
there's a bunch of roses sitting therein a blender bottle, and she was

like I like like, she waslike, you always have the right intention
with the wrong move right, Likeyou always are trying to do the right
thing, but it just ends horribly. So how did she wrecked? Her?
Saying? Yeah, I actually cavethat mom? She was like,
why wouldn't you give her the blenderbottle? Why would me the blender bottle?
I have so many vases I'm aboutto donate. I don't even know
if the donation places take them.Do you want one? He needs one?

Now? Yeah? You please?I mean I don't. I don't
feel like Jake's Muhamma and I areon that where I could ask for the
vase back, and that feels weirdin itself. That's very weird. So
do you feel comfortable asking for thevase back? Yeah? No, one,
okay, you shouldn't. That's abizarre thing to ask, knowing at
all. But if you are goingto donate some of those vauses, please

tapperware dishes, Yes, return toowner. Yes, Can I have the
face I gave you? Flowers inafter you see her like put them like,
hang them up, be like,oh yeah, I need that back
just on the way out. Ijust use this for transports next time I
go over to your house for aparty or something. Oh, by the
way, can I get that back? Please? Oh my god, she

listens, She's probably gonna hear thisand feel bad and give it to you.
Don't how to feel bad. It'sall good. It was. It's
not like it was the only baseI had. What's your name, Linda?
Shout, shout out, Linda.Okay, first of all, I
don't like how you said that.One wait a minute, one more time,
shut out, Linda, just hiton my mother in law. You

know that was an extra long hugon the way out. I know you.
Good. Good, No, we'removing on. We're gonna come back
with Justin Bieber Dance Night at VarsityTheater. Ticket Okay, you re all

right. If you don't have plansthis weekend, we're gonna hook you up
right now. We have a pairof tickets to see the our guys,
tickets to I shouldn't say see THEEbecause Justin Bieber is not going to be
there. I don't want to giveyou all no no, but it doesn't
matter. Sot gonna be epic becauseJustin Bieber has such fun music, and
it's the Justin Bieber Dance Night atVarsity Theater. And you always say that

his music is what you know peoplecome for. Anyways, it's not the
performance. Well, I'm sure somebelievers would argue that, but the music
is like this song is so good, it's the Justin Bieber Dance Line at
Varsity Theater this Saturday. You wantto go? Just be Colored? Ten
six, five, one, nineeight nine. Katie w B. Really

cult loves this song so much.It's okay. It just doesn't have the
toes curling part in there, whichis probably two yeah, the most,
the biggest egg outside for sure.All right, it's one of one point

three Katie w B. We havetickets and they're really cool. It's tickets
to see or go to the JustinBieber Dance Night at the Varsity Theaters this
Saturdays. We're hooking up with ticketsfor Saturday night. You now have plans,
which is pretty exciting. So whatis your name? Oh? This
is Kayla? Hi, Hi,Kayla? Were you calling to win the

Justin Bieber Dance Night at Varsity Theatertickets? I was calling. I didn't
expect to win. Well guess what, you didn't. I'm just kidding.
You did. What a jerk.I feel so guilty. I can hear
it. You were so broken inyour voice. You absolutely did. Have

you not won anything from us beforeI did? Actually, I just went
to Girls Night at Cowboy Jack.You know that means you can't win.
We're done with that bit. Youwon the ticket. Congratulations, thank you,
You're welcome. Jammy Wow Wow Wow, Salin and Cult one on one

point three kd w B. Oneof our favorite games you play is the
Jings games, where we try tosay the same word at the same time.
Right, Yeah, we have acategory and we're going to see if
our thought patterns today. We'll seehow what we do when we come back.
You can play along with us onKATWB. Are you talking about one
on one point three KTWB with Ballinand Cult the Jing's game. Usually we're

great at this. Don't oh firstsell us. We've gotten it correct a
few times. Is it okay?Serious question? Because you know me decently
well at this point, Defin,that's well, do you answer the question?
I just say, doesn't bother youhow quickly we can come up with
the same words, like we're howquickly our brains are on the same that
I know how you'll think, Oh, oh, do you care how loud

my voice cut? Yeah, that'swhy that guy texted and about how annoying
my voice is. That was thebest thing ever. Don't take it personally,
Okay, let's explain what's going on. Really quick behind the scenes.
Sometimes most texts are nice. Sometimesyou get a mean one and they come
to everybody. Mostly I'm kidding,but this and said, I'm so happy
I don't have to deal with balans, obnoxious voice, and self righteous attitude

in the morning's anymore. Jacass bysympathy, and I wrote rude Hello,
Well, and then I said,I said, let's call him because I
want to. We want I wantto try to like win him over.
I want this person to like me. We were going to win. I
don't know if he's listening, butlike we were gonna. Yeah, we
just want to see if we cangain a listener. Like what can we
do if I called and I go, hey, we called, you want
to win you over? He goes, oops, totally miss the call.

But then he says, don't takeit personally, random eye with an opinion
whom you'll never meet and has noidea who you are on the radio.
Personally, I don't think it.Personally said I have an obnoxious voice with
this self right just attitude, andyou feel bad for your husband. That's
as personal was personal. But anyway, it's great. I've gotten good because

when I first started working here,something like that. I was cried and
spiral, but now I'm like,honestly, it's funny. I will hear
my voice back and I agree attimes like you're right. I don't know
what to tell you, but Ican't quit. I can't muy for my
husband that you feel sympathy before ifhe needs money for his I don't know
happiness. Okay, here we go. We try to say the same word

on the on the count of threeat the same time. Yes, let's
start off with rodeo rodeo? Okay? Did you I mean you just came
from Texas. I'm sure you wentto a rodeo or two? Some words
pop up? Okay one two three, but one two three, clas cowboy
hat Okay. I was never gonnasay cowboy yt Okay, I said,

wow, you said cowboy hat onetwo three poucks O one two three courts
okay one two three secondary one twothree horns he said, stamp standing stopping
the stampede. Okay, gotcha,stampede and horns one two three, one

two three brocken what broken? Okay? One two three bones? We want
you really do read me? Isthat what's happening? I'm so self conscious
now and I can guide you towhere you need to be tooirst. Of
all, how dare you all right? What's the nice category? Okay,
we have to do this within twentyseconds. I'm not in you. You

don't look like you went to college. That's what you just said, not
me. Did you go to college? I did for two weeks. I
dropped out weeks yep. Still faningthe student loans for two weeks? Yep.
Okay. Wow, that got awkwardone two three three, one two
three Why one two three, onetwo three scusiology one two three, one

two three crawl up one two threeStone already said bone. You're gonna repeat
it until I say it. Youknow what we got the first time around.
No, let's chalk it up towin. One two three flip tail
you did not get. First ofall, even if you had gone to
college for four years, you wouldn'thave gotten tail bones. Oh, I

see what you said. Wait justregistered Okay, I got you. Wait
where are we we're at? College? Is a flip top? You said
tail? Okay, I don't knowwhat you meant by tail ready one two
three? Don't right? You shouldhave stuck on the first time one two

three beard, Nope, nope,okay one two three shoutover mm hmm,
I know, okay, one twothree taco bellt. I was gonna say,
Okay, that's it, that's it, thanks for listening. So anyways,

that guy was probably right, theone that texted us with annoying voice,
but just grouped me into it aswell. And feel bad for my
wife. You were taking it personally. You were telling me the most sad
story ever. Are you gonna mentionthat what's trending? Now? I'm not
that's not it. No, didyou bring that up on the radio?

You told me I don't know.Oh my god, you you got to
read the room. Sorry, We'regonna come back with trending. I actually
have really great trending stories coming up. First of all, this isn't great.
There's a big concert that just gotcanceled and it's like two days away
from the concert. We're going tocover that. Also, if you're a
big fan of Stanley's there's an update. Oh finally, and for all my
short kings out there, there isa promotion going on to celebrate you.

I am married to a short king. We're going to cover all that when
we come back. And trending onkd WB selling music Today's Trending with Felon
and Cold on one on one pointthree kd WB. This is crazy.
I mean, we were giving awaytickets in a social media contest. But
I just saw that Bad Bunny andthis is the headline from Star Tribune.

Bad Bunny's poor selling concert Saturday nightin Minneapolis has been canceled. It was
like two days before the show.I'm gonna number guests. We had a
lot of like people. Everybody wastrying to get tickets tickets. Well apparently
everyone was trying to win the ticketsand they weren't buying the tickets. They
say, they say. Ticket buyerswere sent alerts Thursday morning offering refunds to
his target center date. I thoughtit was so crazy because Bad Bunny has

such a huge following. That's gota hurt. Yeah what happened? Like
there's no love for him here onthe Twin Cities. It's so interesting,
not trying to hate him, justsaying Summer Stanley's if you are a big
Stanley cup thing, I have anoff brand one over here that I was
given for free. Yeah, themean girls, mean girls. It was
movie promo stuff, and I willdrink out of it, even though you

know, I hear rumors that there'slike lead right in Stanley cuffs out.
I can't imagine what's in the offbrand one that I'm muzzling down. But
just when you thought the Stanley cupbuying friends, he was over here come
the summer Stanley's. Stanley and Targethave partnered on the Sunshine Vibes collection is
what it's called. The Colorful Cupsare available at select Target stores March twenty
fourth, and much on the Targetwebsite on the twenty seventh, So that's

three days away in stores. Rememberlast time, I don't know the answer
to that. I can try toclick on this Lincoln see if it tells
me. But the last time theylaunched was like that special edition like Starbucks
one. Yeah, it was likethe pink one, wasn't it huh?
And it was k addic. I'mlooking to see you. I remember somebody
jumped over the counter at Starbucks andstole like thirty of them. Yeah,

I think they were closed lined beforethey got out here we go currently listed
at forty five dollars on the Targetwebsite, though prices could vary in store.
The all day slim bottles are thirty, the twenty ounce ice flow thirty.
Okay, I face my advertisement.I would not No, I'm not
buying that forty dollars. No.Well, now you know what, maybe

this is the genius in the marketingbecause I think Stanley like's so expensive.
Ever be reselling that forty five actuallysounds cheap for the Stanley. Now yeah,
that's I mean, okay, Iguess so you're right. That's if
you get your hands on one.Duncan wants to sell you short. So
they're rolling out a short king springApparently that's like a trending thing, short
king. And someone says it wasa short king. I was like,
just a short guy. It's calledhim, Hey you go, you short

king King an effort to make someextra cash by proving smallest beautiful. If
you haven't been watching, I guessit says it's gaining traction for guys.
And if you're wondering how short isshort, they're saying five foot eight and
under. It's a short king.That's so rude. Whatever rude. But
they released an ad like average listen. They release it ad this is actually
funny in which a large and mediumcoffee, put a crown on a short

King coffee and report refer to theshort King as Mellord because it's their season
if you want, and you gotto hurry and the promotion ends March twenty
six. Can we take a randompoll, by the way, on the
text line like what is short too? Because five A? I mean I
Jake would absolutely fall into the shortKing category. Then my husband five three
nine two one? Can you textreally quick like what is short too?
Because I'm six to two, soit doesn't matter to me, but I

feel like five A that's still yeah, got some height on you? Agree?
I agree? Think it's a littlerude, all right, jump into
the cupboard and that's short if yougot to jump to get a stop because
I am five to two. Youare turning on me right now. I
did it actually, like a coupleof minutes ago when you were standing up,
yeah, I was like, isthe studio on a slant? Or
are you that short? That isenough? That is enough? I can

never reach the top shelf at agrocery. Your trending is brought to you
by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery. You canfind them at MPSMN dot com. Beyonce,
Texas. Hold on on, Katiew B. Vaughn Just Vaughn is
walking around without shoes on. Hewent to walk in his sock fell off

and I said, how loose areyour socks? That's so weird? Going
on went flying. Okay, we'regonna do the after school pop Quiz and
ignore what just happened. That's yourchance to win these Justin Bieber Dance Night
at the Varsity Theater tickets, andwe asked you middle school level trivia questions.
Two people compete, the first oneto get to right when. That's

how it works, and you cancall to play at six, five,
one, nine, eight nine.Katie w B gets some new socks.
Voto at the school Pop Quiz onKD w B with Balon and Colts and
also Michelle and Minneapolis and Joe andCoon Rapids because this every single day,

we usually a pretty cool prize.And today it's tickets to the Justin Bieber
Dance Night at the Varsity Theater comingup this Saturday. We're going to ask
you middle school level trivia questions.You chime in with your name if you
know the answer, and the firstto two wins. Are you ready yeah,
all right. Question number one,which big cat is the largest big

cat? Michelle, Yes, Michelle, uh, Jake ware No, not
a jaguire, Joe, Joe.Do you have a guest? Yes,
Joe Lion. No so close thoughit is a tiger, all right.
Question number two? What type offish is nemo? Yes? Yes,

Joe, all right, here wego. Question number three. What is
the group of stars called that forman imaginary picture in the sky when you
see like Big Dipper and Orion's Belt? What are those called? All right?
The answer is a constellation? Allright? Here we go. From

which country did the statue of Libertycome from? Yes, Joe that I'm
so sorry, Michelle, thank youfor playing. Joe. You're gonna go
to the Justin Bieber Dance Party nightat Varsity Theater this Saturday. You're so
welcome. My mom revealed something tome I did not ask for. I

think people at a certain age startjust sharing TMI because they're like, I
got to tell someone. We'll talkabout it when we come back on.
Katie w B Got goat show thisShiver, Shiver, Spellin and Colts on
one on one point three. Katiew B. I grew up with a
mom who like literally would go tothe bathroom anytime she had a toot.

Okay, so she is a verythe secretive woman. Is this why you've
been so nervous about sharing this story? It's not about tooting. I'm just
trying to give you like I'm tryingto set you up to explain it.
But you've been nervous about talking aboutI don't even know what the story is.
I've only been nervous about it becauseI don't want her to listen and
get mad at me and never shareanything with me ever again. But if
it's something like this, I'm okaywith her never sharing it. So as

she's gotten older and she says it'sabout her mom. As my mamma's gotten
older, she overshares like personal thingswith my mom and mom my mom's like
I didn't ask, like when thelast time you went to the bathroom?
Is why do you offer that upto me? Because I think that you
get to a certain point where youovershare. That is where I'm very different
from my mom. I have alwaysovershared. You're that peace, So I

can't imagine will I go the oppositewhen I'm older. I don't know,
So my mom goes, we're justsitting. It was complete silence. It's
just me and her in the livingroom. And she goes, ah,
finally trim my toenails out of nowhere? What out of nowhere? And she
goes, you wouldn't believe it.And I go what and she goes,

they were two inches long? Ohwait, so how only is she cutting?
She's measuring? And what was thereason? Let me explain. I
go okay, and I go,I bet that feels better. Shows No,
actually, my feet feel tender.I said, okay, it's been
a minute since you've seen some daylight. Now. In my mom's defense,

she has thumb issues. She can'tshe literally can't physically push the fingernail clippers
down. It really hurts her hands. She's horrible arthritis and stuff. So
I'm not making fun of that.She usually goes in and she'll have someone
else cut them, and I've saidto her, wait, I'll cut them
for you if you really need meto, Like, that's not what I
want to do with my time.But if give your mom's cut your toenails
a million times. So wait,but there is okay. It is very

different when you're a baby, butfor some reason, my picture is still
doing it like a New Year elementaryyears. No, but I don't know,
and I get it because I thinkthat's kind of how life goes,
right you your parent takes care ofyou when you're little, and if you're
lucky, they take care of youwhen you're little. I mean, I
know a bad parents. And thenas they get older, you were you
switch it up, you help takecare of them. But I was just

like, something is unnecessary, Likeyou didn't have to tell me they'd gotten
to two inches? How were youfitting in your shoes? At least she
didn't just pull them out, thosedogs out start clipping like while you were
sitting there. Fair. Fair,But she can't do that. First of
all, she's not bendy like thatanymore. She could, and then she
could make you feel bad that shecan't do it. And then you're like,
I guess that would be my mom'smove, because she'll be like,

oh, yeah, my tires arereally unsafe. I hope I don't slide
off the road in the winter.I'm like, are you asking you to
buy tires in the most oh myrandom way? She'll always be like,
no, I would not like andthen she leaves it like she was asking
you to buy her winter tires.I'm like, yeah, for sure.

So anyway, I just think maybethis isn't like something we're going to talk
about necessarily. But if your parentis like mine, where like they hit
a certain age and they just startedsharing, it got like two comfortable sharing
things with you. What did theyshare? Six or five? Three nine
two one KDWB one. You cantext in we are to come back,
We're to do normal or nope onkd WB Stalin and colts on one on

one point three KDWB. I'm reallyhappy to know that so many parents are
over sharing with their kids. Mymom calls me on a daily basis.
This text says and talks about howoften she goes number two. She has
no filter. Why this one calledand gave me their colonoscopy prep details?
I did not ask for. Thisone said our dads got drunk and they
told us about their post divorce hookupsat a bonfire. We were mortified.

No, when I was in middlewait, I can't read that one.
Okay, yes I did. WhenI was in middle school, high school
whatever. My mom was making coollosh for dinner. I was sitting at
the table watching TV. She looksat me, and so I said,
I ever tell you you were conceivedand a hot up to your mind?
You? How dare you take ahot tub away from that kid anytime they

see a hot and you're like,oh, stirring it? Did I ever
tell you if you were conceived ina hot tub? Why did that gulash?
Remind ever make that mom? Remembernauseous? Am I right? Stab
on it? I'm gonna work onmore funs, babe. Thanks. I
don't know what I'm calling you babelately. I'm gonna stop because I hate
it. No, it's your thing, It's cool. No, we're gonna

come back and do normal or Nope. I have teased for a while one
of the grossest normal or notes I'veever seen in my life. Someone in
this room doesn't think it's like abnormal. I do. We're gonna do it
when we come back on Katie wC. Two of us doesn't one to
Katie w B. All right,let's just get into the worst one I've

ever seen. Yeah, you've beenhyping this up for days because I have
never seen anything like this before.There have been gross normal or notes,
and then there is this one.Okay, here we go normal or no.
A guy I am dating admitted tome something he does in public bathrooms
that left me horrified. If hedoes a number two and it leaves a

mark in the bowl, he willclean with a toilet brush so that there
are no marks in the bowl forthe next person. Fair play, I
do that too. First of all, usually pubble bathrooms don't have a brush,
so that seems questionable. Anyway.Yeah, this is where things shift,
guys, This is where things shift. However, if there is no

brush available, but someone knows whatI'm going to say, because they're like,
yeah, I've done it, hewill wrap his hand in toilet roll
and wipe the marks away with hishand. That means he is going he's
mummifying his hand. He is thendipping his hand into the wet bowl where

he had just done his stuff.He is cleaning it off, removing the
toilet paper from his hand, touchingthe door ankle, and going to fingers
crossed wash his hands hopefully, shesays, or he says, I guess,
I don't know. I find theidea of this horrifying. Just think

of the germs it will it willnever be enough. Toilet roll to protect
your hand, but he insists it'sgood etiquette, normal or nope. I
said nope, But another person inthis room between me and Colt said normal.
Okay, your self, this isa nope. In a public setting,

hold on, pa, say you'rein and out? Who cares?
Just how to say? Out ofmind? What setting is this? Okay?
In a private setting, explain it. If you're staying the night at
somebody's house, it's the weekend.What monster doesn't have a toilet brush in
their bathroom? Let me get tothe point, okay, Because you go

and you're like, oh, no, okay, this happens to people.
They should have a ten thousand dollarstoilet that does pre missing, and this
want to be an issue what theydon't. And then you're looking around the
cupboard and you look onto the sinkand you're like, one animal doesn't have
a plunger or a brush in thespare bathroom. So then you don't want
to go out there and say youneed it because that's embarrassing, right,

So what do you do? Well, we know what you do. You
mummify the hand. Oh god,I'm glad I put that like coin that
term Now, first of all,there's a whole process. What is that
to mammifying your hand? No seriousquestion? Do what do you do?

Because you're going to have to cleanit with the fingertip pressure. But usually
when you're mammifying, it's going aroundthe hand with me. Yeah, you
guys, the guys, okay,let's all be adults here, the guys
being a child. All right,you don't just dip your hand in the
toilet like it's a pool. Goon, you gotta flush and then it's

down, and then you quickly thenditch wash hands for days. You have
done this so many times it wasa process. How many times if you
came to my house for dinner,how many times do you immediately have to
go at someone else's house? Well, this is like when you're younger in
your twenties and you're like staying inthe week like Halloween weekend or something.

You're in your twenties, you're currentlyright when your younger twenties, or just
start traveling with a travel sized brush. I guess that's maybe if you have
a house you have people over,just keep the stuff Amazon twelve bucks,

just keep in the bathrooms. Iam not gonna judge you to your face,
so just text in if you agreewith cults or is a filth track?
One Katie W. B One,what a bizarre? Normal or note?
Normal or note? I feel likeI'm a criminal every time I leave
a store empty handed or anytime Iuse an ATM. The anxiety, despite

in a sense, is real.When I leave a store without buying something,
I literally look around like they're gonnathink I stole something. Yeah there's
a criminal. A couple of seconds, you think the alarm is gonna go
off, no reason it would gooff, like I hope it doesn't go
off right right panic. Yet Iwent to a grocery store the other day
and I was like, I don'tI don't see like what I was looking
for. I was like, Igotta go to the next door, and

I you have to in there.You have to walk through the lanes where
you would check out. So thenit makes you feel extra trash. You're
like, no, no, I'mgood. I just didn't gotta there's nothing
in my pockets to swear, don'thurt me. Normal or note. Having
a book to read on kindle,audiobook and paperback at the same time.

I think that's normal. If you'rea smart person, but my brain could
never be managing all those at once. Yeah, nobody's doing that all at
the same time. Here are thetext we've received so far. This person
said they're just a bare hander.Okay. This one said touch, then
extra toilet paper and let it sinka little, then flush again. This

one says so gross, I thinkI need to sing the alphabet two times
instead of once after hearing this,yeah, do you get it for washing?
Did you see the alphabet to makesure they're clean? I understand?
And this FSF no, just flushmultiple times? Is that doing it for
you? Okay? And here yougo. I'm sorry. I'm the only

honest person. What do you want? You want to come? You want?
You are a liar. This onesays, chili, I've done it.
What's chili mean? They know?Not even gonna question it. You
got my back. You gotta beninja quick though, wall it's flushing?
Who is that? That's what's up? A phone number? I just said

three three nine as literally, wewon't judge you and just kick off this
person's phone number four. That doesn'tcount. Colt. I literally want to
vomit. You're so disgusting Hey,this is I agree with Colt. I've
done it in a private setting too, watching quickly clean the bowl at least
so I could say, great,that I'm going to do is lie to

you and leave your toilet dirty.Normal normal for nope on KD W B
normal or nope. Needing to getevery scrap of toilet paper off the roll.
My husband will leave the last fewsquares that are glued to the role,
but I have to get them offthe best I can, mostly because
I don't want to waste them,but also it's satisfying to feel it off
and have a clean roll to recycle. Am I crazy? Does anyone else

do this? Is normal? Oh? Never mind, You're not crazy.
Normal. I'll take you one stepfurther for being gone. Yeah, I
have been in a situation where thereis no toilet paper on the roll and
I'm not going to drip dry,and I've taken the cardboard, pressed it
upon myself and then thrown it awayto at least I've done that before,

and like in a pinch, nowwe're being honest. I appreciate that.
Yeah. I got to stop admittingsort things though, like normal or no
vacuum in the carpet every day justfor the satisfaction of the lines. Now,
oh yeah, that's weird. That'sa nope. That's for someone who's
super clean, and I love thatfor you. That's something my roommate would
do. It wasn't even for theclean though, it was just for the

lines. Yeah. I don't havelike the kind of carpet and rug.
I guess that shows lines. Yeah, I guess I do that with the
I like mowing because I had thelines in the grass. That's how I
know I'm old. I used tomow and Jake was like, you can't
mow anymore. It looks so bad. What what even was your plan here?
And I was like, I'm doinglike a big square and it gets
smaller as I go in. He'slike that was great. And then I'd
stop and go up a hill andthen to the right. He was like,

he's like, stop, like thisis so emparaisy so much. He's
like, you are not. Iwas like, that's fine, almost like
I did it on purpose. Iwouldn't have to anymore normal or No.
I can't stand cold bottled water roomtemp only, but if you add a
flavor packet, I love it.Cold yeah, I like ambient water.

Who ambient? What's ambient water?Ambient's it's the it's just ambient. Yeah,
just room temperature. That's it.A minute, what I have never
in my entire life heard someone calledroom temp water ambient? Is it pompus?
Hold on? I mean, I'veheard of ambiance in an ambient like

setting, but I've never known I'mprobably saying this wrong. Hold on,
another word for room temperature. Okay, he's googling it. Someone's got a
text, Max. It's not comingup ambient ambient. It's not like kind
of like a mood of vibe.It's not an ambien. Okay, we're

gonna walk He didn't find the evidence. I'm gonna walk away from that.
No. I do know some peoplethat won't drink water at all unless there's
like a flavor packet in it,though, And I guess that's that's always
interesting to me, But I getit. I don't yeah, normal or
note. I'm so disturbed by whatyou said, and you can't even focus.
I can tell you're not listening anymorebecause you're trying to prove that you

were right. I don't know.We can move on, No, we
can't normal or nope, turning allyour clothes inside out before putting them on,
just to make sure there's no hairsticking on the inside from the static
of the dryer. I have longhair and always fine hair on the inside
of my sleeves. Nope, No, I don't think so. Nope.
That's a big note. It doessuck if you're a girl, and you'll
just feel like a big old wadof like a like a rat hair,

and you're like, what I'm from, so weird and you just strip it
off, you toss it. Iget I guess. I have two daughters
and my wife, so it's justall over the all over my clothes.
Tepid Is that the word you werethinking of? No, tapid water?
Nope. Someone said ambient temperature isroom temp, which means you're right.
I've never heard of that. Someonesaid, holt, you're right. You

sound like wait no, they said, you sound like a scientist. This
is a validation and acceptance feels likeI said, whoa, I've never heard
of it. That doesn't mean I'mwrong. Oh, this is a great
feeling. Why just acceptance, I'mjust joking. But why do you say
that you aren't a scientist. Well, why don't you say room dance?

Well, I saw it on afiltered water thing one time and I was
like, you know what, thatactually makes me sound educated and articulate.
Let's use that. But the oneperson questioning it makes you doubt yourself so
much? Can you say? That? Tell us a lot about who I
am as a person? One question? One weird. Look, I'm like,
all we don't have to do that. Is that idea dumb? That

idea is dumb? Yeah? Right, yeah, let's move on. Okay,
all right, Well that's normal ornope? Someone said, Palin,
did you do the normal? Ornope? That haunts you? Yeah?
And if you missed it, checkout the podcast. We would love for
you to listen to our podcast.We do a lot in these four hours,
and if you miss some of it, we get it. You can
go back and listen. Anywhere youlisten to podcasts. You type in Fallon

and Colt you'll find us. Wesuggest iHeartRadio. Of course, we're gonna
come back and do the Unbelievable storyof the day, the new way kids
are getting high. According to ateacher, it's coming up. It's the
unbelievable story of the day one ktWB Wow, overwhelming amount of people knew

that ambiyont ambient, ambient, ambient. I know it's you're right, basically,
I was saying ambionce, but it'sambient for your actual use of the
word for room tamp water. Everyoneknew it but me. But here's the
thing. You gotta keep learning,baby, I learned something new today from
you. Colt. I took thel and you're gonna move on. I

didn't, okay, I mean Ijust said. All i'd said was what
does that mean? And then youdoubted yourself. I didn't say you're wrong.
I had never heard that before,never ask a question again. I'm
thinking, hell, apparently all right, this is crazy. They remember when
it was like putting vodka and tampon'skind of thing. It's allegedly how people

were like getting drunk. And there'salways like some new rumor. I don't
know if it's I don't even knowif kids actually tried, or if it's
like a rumor where parents are freakingout for no reason. But a TikToker
is claiming her teacher is a friendsays that kids nowadays are doing this and
getting high off of it. Well, a couple of kids had these little
bottles of nutmeg in their bags.What do you have nutmeg for? And

they were like, oh, culinaryclass. So then they're at lunch and
she's talking to the culinary teacher andshe was like, what are you guys
making that needs that much nutmeg?And the culinary teacher said, what are
you talking about? We're not makinganything with nutmeg. Well, the resource
officer over hurt them and he waslike, you remember what, students.
The resource officer goes in the classroom, looks on their backpacks and finds little

jersey nutmeg. They're all suspended becausethese flipping teenagers have figured out that you
can use nutmeg to get high.I don't know how how, but apparently
you can, and that is thatis interesting. We announced, by the
way, today a pretty epic lineupfor our iHeart Radio Music Awards, and

we're gonna come back and talk aboutthat a little bit in the pop Culture
Minute. And also one of thepolls logan or what's the other one?
I get them confused? Yeah,they're they're concerned, and they're getting like
security around them for a very seriousreason, which will cover in the pop
Culture Minute. I mean it's thePop Culture Minute with Felon and cult on

one on one point three kd wB. Hey, it has dropped the
new trailer for the Beetlejuice movie.It's like, I was like, I'm
gonna be honest, I wasn't likehuge into the original Beetlejuice. But it
looks great, like a great cast. It has like the original, Like
why no, no writer, andI don't know why I'm blanking on the
actual guy who plays Keaton, MichaelKeaton Beatle Juice. Catherine O'Hara is in

it, and Jenna Ortega. Itlooks good. It looks like sometimes when
they do a remake, it's likedisappointment, but this this looks like it's
going to be set a standard.Well, it's not a remake, it's
an extension. No, because thesame people are back. Why know a
writer and Michael Keaton are going toplay there? No, Nope, I
guess I don't think so. Idon't know why they'd have the same actors
and as their previous characters. Soyeah, okay, well that's awkward.

So we announced that the I HeeartRadio Awards are coming, and we do
this every year, and they belike such great artists there. First of
all, they said Justin Timberlake isgoing to perform, and I know a
lot of people are really excited aboutthat. He has the new album coming
out. But also two big awardsare given out and one is going to

Queen Bee Beyonce, And here's alittle clip of that. Oh you're talking
about her Innovator. Yeah, she'sgonna get Okay, don't miss Beyonce accepting
the Innovatoral Award at our twenty twentyfour iHeartRadio Music Awards. Watch Monday,
April first, at seven on Foxnine and listen on the free iHeartRadio app

What's Up on Beyonce one on onepoint three KDWB. And they also have
like they're doing another like an IconAward is going to share. So a
lot of huge artists are going tobe there and that'll be a really cool
thing to check out. So Ijust wanted to bring that to your attention
coming up on April first. I'llyou mentioned this earlier, but the Bad
Bunny concert has been canceled and that'slike two days away. They said tickets

weren't selling well, and so everyonegot an email basically saying you're going to
get a refund. Don't worry.It's gonna be humbling for him because he
sells out a lot of places,don't know what, just to have to
cancel it would be like, ohoh yeah, not fun selling Sunset.
Christine Quinn. She is looking forextra protection against her husband because he was
arrested for basically assaulting their child,it seems, and then obviously they put

a restraining order and he showed upat their house again, and then guess
what, he was arrested for asecond time. So she wants extra security.
They say that, and I don'tfollow the logan Jake Paul's of the
world. I don't care logan Paul. They say, Jake's still concerned over
I guess Floyd Mayweather made a threat, so they're using twenty four hour security
to this day over it because hethreatened to kill Jake Paul. That's been

like years, and he said he'sstill taking that remarked really seriously and has
twenty four hour security. Yeah,you're right now that I was twenty twenty
one when he said that. ButI guess he's genuinely still worriedird I mean
Mayweather, I mean I guess Imight be the original short King. Is
he the original short King? Idon't know. Probably I would think Little
Richard might be the original short King, but I don't know if that's true

either. That is your pop cultureMinute. It's brought to you by Ovo
Lacing and Lenz. Find them atovoi dot com. We do have those
Justin Bieber Dance Night tickets at theVarsity Theater coming up Saturday. We'll get
you those when we come back.No good one on one point thirty K

D W B. We have youknow, plans for you this weekend.
If you don't have any Saturday night, you can go check out the Justin
Bieberg Dance Night at Varsity Theater andit's gonna be a lot of fun.
Like this one is like a ohoh my couples out there if you're single,
find a partner and just like slowdancing. And then there's that one
person who doesn't have anybody and it'sus all sat in the corner. No,

then it's a group of friends andthey do like a circle and it's
beautiful, lovely. But you're gonnaget a pair of tickets to this if
you are collar ten right now,six five one nine eight nine k d
w B. If we're looking forCollar ten, it should be pretty good.
This is new music by the way, Yeah, Joe from Stranger Things.
It's spelled DJO though it's very confusing, but it's just Joe. But

it's Steve from Stranger Things, rightKATIEWB one on one point three KATIEWB with
Falon and Cults. So last weekwe actually skipped this the throwback throat out,
and the reason we did is becausewe were in the midst of the
Love is Blind instudio experiment. It'sbeen one week since that happened. Crazy,

so many people asked and we didn'tdeliver for the video of the moment
our Love is Blind contest and saweach other for the first time. So
for a throwback Thursday post to day, if you owe a Falon and Cult
on Instagram Stories, I posted itso you can see the first time they
saw each other and you can readdo you feel like they were feeling each
other once they saw each other?And we have an update as well,

a link to the podcast where theyactually went on a date yep, and
Richard tells you everything that went down, yes, exactly. So those are
things you can check out fallon andcult on Instagram. But we're gonna come
back and do throwback throat on.We each pick a throwback song. You
decide which when we play on KATIEWB, Yeah, yeah, are you thinking

about what? It's a throwback,pro down throw, throwback, thrown take
you back to the old school,kd W B Cult, I both pick
a throwback song and you decide theone we play here is cult song this
week. You would not believe youten million old fellows. I took an

Uber one time. It was likethirty minutes in the entire time, the
Uber driver was playing this song onrepeat, some repeat forty minutes and I
was drop So I was like reallyfeeling it. We're like, is it
just me because I'm drunk, Likefor thirty straight? That's not a loop,
right this that did not happen tome with this song. I have
a fun fact about this song.This song was written for Hillary Duff.

She turned it down and it workedout really well for this artist, Charlie
XCX. I love that song.H I had no idea. Yeah.
You can vote on the one youwant to hear right now first to three

votes wins at six five, onenine eight nine, Katie w B.
After we do that, we alsohave your secret of the week, and
this one involves I think some sinningbecause it involves church is a little questionable.
We'll do it all. When wecome back on, Katie w B
sings what it's a throwback throw down, throw down, throwback throw down,

take you back to the old school, kat w B. We each picked
the throwback song and we'll play onebased on your votes. This is cult
throwback song this week. You willnot believe you if you had a million
Firefly. I had to do it, Fellows. Okay, it's like such
a weird statement. I had towant to do it here. I had

to do it. Yeah, yougot us Alstony and my throwback choice could
not. They tried to stop me. I try to sabitaze you as much
as possible so I can tell mefirst of three votes, whens, we

play the full song. Alli,who you voting for? I'm voting for
you, fell Ali Alie. Havea beautiful weekend. Thank you so much.
Bye bye. Hey Katie w B. Hey, I want to vote
for Cold and Firefly. Yeah,what I'm talking about? What's your name?
Tony? Tony? Much love ishi? Kati w B. Who's

this? This is Brittany, Brittany, who you're voting for? I'm voting
for? Oh my god, Brittanyprofiled you. Brittany. He's like,
already know she's voting for you.I was like, this is Foulin's demographic.
That was rude right there, likea nice woman, Brittany. Oh,
Brittany, I am so sorry.You sound like you have a lovely

boye. Okay, well good becauseI really wasn't. But thank you,
Brittany. Katie w B. Whoyou're voting for? Bomap? Oh my
god, it's an even tie.What's your name, Stephanie, Stephanie?
Guess what? No one else iscalling Stephanie. I don't know who's going
to break this tie. This isthis is the most awkward moment ever.

That's too bad. Not your problemplay boom clop. But that was the
last one. That's true. Ido like that. Yeah, I do
think that's fair. Thank you somuch for the call. We appreciate it.
We got another one. Hey,Katie w B. Oh my god,
you're so what's your name? Yourmom? All right? Your mom

calling from Saint Louis Park. Itseems like looks like boom Clap takes you
today? Cool? Thank you?All right, that's your sound to call

right now. We're taking collar tenat sixty five one nine eight nine Katie
w B for tickets to the JustinBieber Dance Night at Varsity Theater. It's
this Saturday. It's gonna be awesomeagainst sixty five one nine eight nine kd
WB. You're not going to believethis. It's the secret Story of the

Week with Allen and Cold on oneof one free kt w B. All
right, Blake, you are readyto go with your secret, so whenever
you're ready to share with us whatyou've been keeping inside. Hey guys,
Yeah, so my wife and Ijust moved to Minneapolis a few months ago,
and being away from where we grewup, we have no support system
for our family or anything like that, and like money has been really really

tight. So to meet new people, we've been going to church, okay,
yeah, And after a few weekendswe realized after we dropped the kids
off at the youth church down thehall, we could sneak out of the
church and go grab coffee across thestreet. I mean, yeah, I
mean, I know it sounds reallybad. But it's like the only hour

a week my wife and I likeget to have like a little moment together
almost like like a little mini dates. But can you like see the church?
Like how far is this coffee place? It's around the corner and so
like we can't see that, Likeif we were to come out of the
coffee shop, we would be ableto see the church, but we can't
see it from like inside of that. I ask how old your kids are,
because if they're babies, I wouldworry about doing that because babies cried

and they like, well do youin the church and say like no,
no, they're seven and nine.Oh okay, unless they like break something,
you're probably fine. I know peoplewho do something kind of similar at
like the gym, because they'll havelike kids plays out as they drop their
kids off, but usually don't leavethe actual facility. They able to go

to the cafeteria and they'll just showup to Lifetime and then go downtown to
Keys Exactly. I think I getit, And honestly, kind of a
smart play by you guys. Youfigured out how to cheat the system at
church. I guess you want tobe like with them anyways, could you'd
be listening to the sermon. Areyou able to uh like sleep at night

and knowing that God knows what you'redoing? Are you confessing your sins after
each of these moments? Well?See, it's really cool because this church,
what they do is because they wantto be able to reach a larger
audience, they actually like stream allof the sermons so when we get home,
we can actually like listen to italmost like a podcast. Yeah right,
we're not like skipping the sermon.We're skipping like the physical sermon and

letting the kids go to youth groupand taking that as an opportunity to go
get coffee together. And then wewe make sure we like actually hear the
message later. Okay, I wasgoing to ask how many times have you
actually listened to the message later,but it sounds like you have. Yeah,
we do. And sometimes we'll useit as talking points because sometimes they
will use the actual sermon and likethey'll use the youth group as like kind

of like a more kid friendly versionof the sermon that they're going to do,
and so we'll listen to it withthe kids so we can be like,
hey, you remember this thing thatyou learned that you were talking to
us about well, this is whatit is and more detail and so it's
a can you can you can admityou put it on two speed. It's
like an The hands are like aduvestet, very hand just sew me awesome.

Well, Blake, thank you forsharing your secret of the week.
I felt this was like a confessionalmoment because it was related. So happy
to be here for you and welcometo the Twin Cities. By the way,
thank you, I appreciate it.Don't miss Beyonce accepting the Innovatial Award
at our twenty twenty four iHeartRadio MusicAwards. Watch Monday, April first,
at seven on Fox nine and listenon the free iHeart Radio app. What's

Up on Beyonce one on one pointthree, Oh, Today's Trending with Felon
and Colt on one on one pointthree kat w b it determined. Earlier,
Colt asked what height makes a shortking that's a man who is short,
and a lot of people said anythingunder six foot, which I thought
was a little aggressive because I've neverlooked at a man maybe some five to

two, but I've never looked atlike a guy who's like five ten five
out of the Milo short King,Like ever six foot is that's pretty tall?
I mean I'm six two. Well, the actual book says you are
flexing. You've literally bought it.You're highly twelve times today and honestly I
applied you were like, oh Ithought the room was slanted because you're so
sure falling, like what happening?That was rude. But also being tall,

there's nothing. People just ask youto, like get stuff for you
or for them, and then you'rejust sad for you want't you a dunk
of basketball? Leave me aloud?Don't you sound like if you're short,
you're not really missing out? Okay, I literally cannot grab cereal on the
top and taller people because we're taller, we're lazy in other every aspect.
Okay, Like Jake is gonna incrediblelike everything, Like he can dance,
he's got a beard for days,he's got muscles because he actually is trying.

When you're tall, you're just likeI'm tall. I'm okay, it's
so we'll let us slide. Allpeople are so sick of you being their
representation right now. They say thatthe average guy is under five foot eight
and that's what makes him a ShortKing. But this is making me laugh
because Duncan is doing this whole ShortKing like promotion right now. So their
ad says in which large and mediumcoffees that those those two put a crown

on a Short King coffee, referringto the Short King as mallured because it's
their season. There's a promotion goingon through March twenty six. Yeah,
it's apparently Short King Spring. WHOAdo you need a discount on the airline?
I don't know, I don't know. Also, if you are a
big fan of the Stanley Cubs,remember they did that launch at targets like

for Starbucks and then they sold outimmediately. They're launching their summer Stanley's.
They've partnered with Target. They're calledSunshine Vibes Collection and they're available at Target
stores March twenty fourth and on theTarget website the twenty seventh. I think
the most expensive one was like fortyfive, but cheap compared to Stanley's on
eBay. I guess I can behonest with you have never remotely researched as

Stanley on eBay, but I willbelieve you. Other big news, the
Bad Bunny concert Saturday was canceled andthey say it's just due to poor ticket
sales, which is just, Idon't know, very interesting, and I
wanted to throw this out there.They're throwing a air Lingus flights between Minneapolis
Saint Paul to Dublin will begin onApril twenty ninth. Have you ever been
to Ireland? I have not,but maybe I can go. There's like

a short king credit and somebody outthere and wants to give it their short
cam. Keep on spring perfect.Uh, that is your trending. It's
brought to you by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery. Can find them at MPSMN dot com.
And congrats to Katie who won ourJustin bee bird tickets on katiewb on
one week. I think I knowyou a little bit. I know who
you are, okay, but talentcolts, Oh yeah, sorry, one

to one point three Katie wu abalon and colds. I would like to
get you to know you a littlebit more through blanks. Okay, you
have to finish the blank. Okay. So you knew you were a little
trashy when I realized that other peopledid not eat every single meal on a

paper plate on one of those paperplate holders. I did my entire life
growing up, I never had ameal not on a paper plate other than
like at restaurants. Yeah, andI thought that was so normal. I
went to college dinner. One haddishes. I was like, oh,
what is this, Like I've seendishes and used them, but I was
like, I get the convenience.My mom had those little wicker paper plate
holders we ate every meal on.At least she classed it up a little

bit with the whigs. Yes,yes, yes, what about you?
Wait? What about you? Oh? Probably when I realized that everybody else's
house didn't have carpeting from the fifties. Okay, you know what I mean.
You walk in it's like all brownand curly and yeah, yes,
yeah. Never thought I would throwup in blank but I did. Well.

For me, it was the bathtubwhen I was in it. I
oh wait, so you were soakingin the bathtub. So I have only
once in my entire life gotten sosick that I couldn't control it like I've
always I've never noticed people who justlike puked on a wall, Like,
how could you not go to atoilet? This one time it was the

first time I drank after having olive, and I had Margarita's at a karaoke
bar, which that makes no sense. Why would I have Margarita's and I
had red Velvet Cake And I knowthat because Yeah, it just hit me
and I couldn't control it was awful. Yeah, btal Mine was at a
bowling alley like the Lane. Yeah, but I was only nineteen at the

time. Oh god. And wefigured out how well underage drinking. We
figured out the hack that you thetwenty one year old orders it and then
they just leave the picture on thetable and they don't even think about it
and then you start drinking. That'swhat state were you in when that was
happening, this Wisconsin? Ye,that makes sense. Yeah, there are
no rules there. I didn't planon spending a lot of money until I

purchased Blamee a Little Robot, alitter box for my cat. I always
bought like the cheap ones from likeWalmart, and then I got the little
Robot, which is life changing,but it is so crazy expensive. It's
better last for that cat's life,is all I'm saying. And anything ever
happens to it's probably me stealing it. Because one one three kdewb with Fallon

and Colt. My sister has beenvisiting for the past couple of days.
How's that It's good? I lovemy sister and it's only two days.
But she left today. Oh no, I am so happy, Like I
do you know what I mean?Like because I was like, like my
own space, but it was onlytwo days. I don't care. It's
just like I love my own space, and so when people visit, I

just feel like I can't do anythingas soon as you do, I have
to entertain them. So like Igo to work all day and then I
come home and I can't even relax, which is not true. She would
not care. But I know whatyou're I understand what you're say because as
soon as you're like bye and everybody'slike sad, and then you shut the
door, you're like, yes,we are back in business. That my
bra is off before the door isclosed. She's you have a time to

where it hits the floor as soonas it shuts, which is hilarious,
acting like I wore a brog becausemy sister was there, Like that matters,
But you know what I'm saying,Like just an example, I know
what you're saying, so I probablyshouldn't invite myself over for dinner at all
to night and tonight I'm hungry.No, go to your own house.
I'm on that budget trying to saveall right, I feel that Vat is

uh, he's going to be inreally close to his show because he's been
doing the morning show filling in.So he's sleeping right now. Actually is
he? Actually? I saw meas a hello. It's my job to
wake him up after we leave.Okay, so kick the door a couple
of times and then we're going tohead out. But you have a great
evening. Thanks for hanging out withus, and thanks for listenings. Katiewb.
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