All Episodes

March 27, 2024 59 mins
Anyone listening who wakes and bakes blew up our phone lines
Colt drove his SUV into his Garage
Falen got a body makeover
Hot dogs round 2 with a surprising win over the Irish Setter
Two Types of Minnesotans in this weather
Falen details how she showers
Is it worth breaking up over involves cheating, but the person doing the cheating isn't who you expect.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Balon and cults On one on onepoint three, Katie W. B.
Can you can you see the differencein me? Am I supposed to notice
something? You look the same?Are you more tan? Are you sure?
What? Probably not things? No, I made a very big adjustment

to my physical appearance today. Whatare you looking at my chest? I
didn't do anything. I didn't Okay, that's not worth that. Sorry.
You told me to look over yourbody. I'm just trying to figure it
out. Didn't say you were checkthis out. I'm like, Okay,
said I made a big adjustment.I didn't say look over my body.

You said big. I just ranwith it. So so I'll tell you
when we come back. Yeah,all right, let's body shame next.
Fallon and Colts one on one pointthree. KATIEWB. You've been had the
opportunity to stare at me for sixish minutes. I've been looking you over
and I got to learn how tophrase things. I don't know any I

can't see it. You know what? You don't look worse? What who
says something like that? It's nota compliment. You look great? What
did you say it like it wasa question. Just tell me what you
did to your body. Thank you. I got the version of botox is

called disport or something. Okay,I thought it was pronounced di sport because
it's see why I asked ther team. She's like no, but anyway,
for the first time in my life, I got it done the field.
Does it feel different? Not yet, but they say it takes I guess
like two ish weeks to like seeyour full results. Yeah, I guess
before I don't know. You don't. You didn't look like you need a
botox, thank you. That's good. I didn't go heavy. I went

light on it. And I thething about botox disport, if you don't
like it, it goes away.So that's why I was like, I'll
try it, and if I don'tlike it, I'll never do it again.
But needles in your face, man, little I was getting a little
anxious, and I also sat upand I was like, oh, and
I'd sweat everywhere, And then Irealized I didn't sweat. I can't.
I went in with my hair wet, but it feels like I was just

like the office. Yeah, verygross, but uh yeah, so in
two weeks I will look so surprisedme. Well, that's great. You're
you're beaten agism, you're staying youthful. That's what I'm trying. It is
to a degree. Yeah, Sothis is a favorite thing of ours.
Anybody listening who and what we dois in the two o'clock hour, especially

today, I'm gonna guess a lotof people are working from home. So
this is really seeing if anyone listensin the two o'clock hour. We're just
casting a wy net seeing if thisrelates to anybody currently listening. So anybody
listening who wakes in bades, Idon't, I know you don't. We've
talked about this, Yes, hasgotten or was broken up with over a

text message, or anybody listening whohas an unbearable mother in law. Well,
there's no chance someone isn't listening thathas an unbearable mother in law.
I am lucky my mother in lawLinda, shout up, little kisses.
She's the best. She is thebest. And Von was trying to pick
her up last week. That wasgreat. Okay, we don't have to

go back to that place. Soanybody listening who wakes and bakes, has
got, has been broken up withover text, or has an unbearable mother
in law, call us six,five, one, nine, eight nine,
KATIEWB. We've cast the net.Let's see if we canrillion baby.
If you're out there, let usknow Salen, Salin and cults one on

one point three, Katie WB.Anybody listening who and here's our list of
options. Wakes and Bakes has beenbroken up with overtext or has an unbearable
mother in law. I'm gonna behonest, nobody's really calling in for that
mother in law once they're like,we don't want her identifying our voice right
now, put them on blast.But Bella, you you are the waken
Baker right? Oh? Yes?You know what I like about awakened Baker.

You seem to as like people justseem to be like so positive and
like just like easy going. Isthat right? Yes? Totally? And
are you still reliable when it comesto your workload? Good question? Yes,
I put work first. Well besides, but does come first? Do
they know you're awaken Baker or areyou just rolling in with some perfume cover

and everything? Yeah? I meansome of my coworkers know. Okay,
not stop pretend we can't tell.Most of the time if someone is awakened
Baker and perfume does not necessarily coverit, not all the time. Well,
I think it's amazing. You soundlike a lovely coworker. Thank you.

Yeah, you're welcome. Thanks forcalling in listening, Bella. Yeh
wait, Graham, you broke upwith someone over text? Her they broke
up with you? I was dumpedover text? Oh what happened? So?
I was seeing this girl and thenshe proceeds to send me a text
saying like, hey, like,you know, we're not anything anymore,

like not a friend. I wishI wish I never told you my feelings
for you. Okay, Graham,hold on, hold on, well some
detail. What happened before this text? I was so I was just working
out, like so someone that hadhappened, like the night before, so
I'm at the gym. Yeah,but what happened the night before? What'd
you say? What did she tellyou her feelings and you didn't reciprocate or

something? She had like heard somestories about someone that I had. I
mistake, I made it in mypast. Okay, so she sent me.
So, she sent me this textsaying, hey, you know,
like we're not anything anymore, wenever will be. I wish I never
told you my feeling, Oh God, because it's something from your past.
How sketchy was it? So?She so she had heard that I had

like a quote on which I neverdid, like that she somebody told her
that he was like a friend forlike money. Like she was like,
She's like, yeah, I can'tbe with you, like we're not anything,
we never will be, and likeI don't think we can even be
friends anymore. Oh wow, Well, I mean she should have given you
a chance to explain. That's weird. Shame on her, That's what I

said. The worst thing is likeshe just completely like iced me out too.
So it was like I doesn't evenlike talk to me, dwyan to
do with me anymore? Yeah,you had no one to reach out to
for money anymore. I'm kidding.I'm kidding, all right, Graham.
Well, we appreciate you for thestory. Thank you. You're welcome.

Bree, which one are you?Hi? I'm awakened big, I mean
I could do any three, butyeah, I wake and bake a lot,
do you hear? Bree? Shereminds me of who we just spoke
to, Bella that like that likehappy yes round her voice. She reminds
me of me before the world justcrushed me. Maybe I need to start
waking a bacon, crazy crazy becauseI am like stuck in a ditch right

now. So that's why I calledin in the first place. Oh why
where at? I don't know ifyou want me to like send people to
come save you. But are youokay? Yeah? No, My boyfriend's
here and some neighborhoodly guys here too. So do you have snacks and and
things to keep you safe while youwait to get out of the ditch?

Yeah? You know, I got, I got my smoke, I got
my coffee, I got. I'mgood so content with just a terrible situation,
I would be crying and screaming,and this is this is the chill
energy I'm talking about. Maybe Igotta start too. Yeah, man,
you guys gotta you know, wecan have a smoke set some days.

That all right? Well, thankyou so much for all the calls.
By the way, this ticket tagTuesday. We're gonna have Dan and Shade
tickets coming up around two fifty.But first we got to get the pop
Culture Minute, an update on Diddyand the Bachelor. In the pop Culture
Minute on Katie w b It's thepop culture minute with Felon and coult On

one on one point three kt WB, brought to you by Ovo, Lacey
and Len's congrats to pat Uh.I am so sorry Robert Robert Pattinson,
I said, Patrick Robertson, Idon't love either way. Robert Pattinson and
Sukie Waterhouse they welcomed. Yeah,they welcome their first baby together. No

details. Don't even ask me aname. They won't tell me. It's
super rude. No, life isn'tfair because he has a baby and I'm
not the baby. Imagine him asa dad? How much fun? What
on earth makes you think he'd bea fun dad? Do you have fun
dad? Nothing about Robert Pattinson hasever come across as really fun. He's
always like I love Robert Pattinson,but he's always like such a like you

can I just feel like he's ina permanent emo phase, Like he always
just seems like like he hates himself. So my chemical romance, it's a
great Saturday, a dream selling sunset. Christine Quinn remember all that drama that
was going on where her husband andnow she has a restraining order against her
husband. She says there was domesticviolence with her and her kid. Well,

he's telling a different stories. Thingis completely made up. He's denying
all of it, filing his ownstuff. So we'll see where that goes.
They say Diddy had no idea,like, no idea he was going
to get raided, and so cameas quite the surprise. His sons are
out of custody because they were inhandcuffs. I don't know if they were
in handcuffs to just restrain them.I don't know that they were ever booked.

However, Diddy was on a privatejet immediately out of the country.
Yeah, he went to the Caribbeanand I couldn't find like, is he
there still or I believe he's stillthere. They've allegedly caught his mule,
his like drug mule, which isa twenty five year old guy named Brendan.
Just a lot of weirdness coming out, but no complete details on if

they've found anything, et cetera.I know that his kids they say they
have left his La mansion after theraid. So a lot going on there.
This is a spoiler. If hedidn't watch The Bachelor, I watched
a TikTok recap because I don't watchit the onlier than I watched is because
obviously Minnesota had a contestant in thefinal two, Daisy, this is your
spoiler. He didn't pick her.Oh, well, that'd be a picker.

No, do you think she's goingto be the bachelor? It's not.
They already announced to the new Iknow they already announced who the new
bachelorette will be and it is nother. It's a girl named Jenet Tran,
So she will be the leading ladyfor season twenty one. Congrats to
her missed opportunity. Well, youever know they could go back to Daisy
if she has any interest. I'msure we're going to come back and around
fifty after we're going to continue onwith ticket tag Tuesday, your chance to

win Dan and Shaye tickets on oneoh one point three kd WB. Just
too much. Well, I'm notgetting my security to posit back anytime soon.
Oh, I know, because youdrilled a hole through the wall into
your shower when hanging a TV.No, something worse happened this morning.
There's more. I would I blameit on the snow. Okay, I
did it. You need to becareful what you talk about, because you

don't what is going to write youa house in the future. It's one
one point three ktewbu a fountain Colts. I'm coming up the alleyway in Saint
Louis Park and for some reason,a garage in Saint Louis Park is smaller
than a storage unit at U Haul. It's so small. They really are
so tiny there houses Saint Louis Parkin general, they're just like they're they're
like smallest you can on it.I live there, Go ahead, No,

I love Saint Louis Park. Butthe houses they are like a smallish
house. So yeah, I'm alwaysbumping into something in my house. There's
the table, the wall of thefridge. So the garage, you're saying,
even tinier. Yeah, I'll SoI'm pulling up to park in the
garage because I parked on the streetand the snowplow just totally put my car,

like it just buried it. Sothat's not happening today. Yeah.
So I'm making enough room in thegarage and I'm pulling up, and I
gotta get some momentum, so I'mflying up the alleys. Why do you
need momentums? Uphill? Yes,uphill, And my tires are the worst,
and I don't even know if Ihave four wheel drive, because I
bought this thing in Texas where itdidn't matter, but I should have gotten
four wheel coming to Minnesota, youdon't know if it has all wheel drives.

I don't know a lot of thingsfound here's the thing. So I'm
flying up the hill that sound safe, and it's the most narrow space to
get in my garage and I'm perfectlylined up and at the last second,
boom, hit a patch of iceand I just my car flies into the
side of my garage. Oh no, and it's like a ping pong ball,

like it bounced its way into thegarage. But it's all chipped up
on the right side. Oh,you only have one car and you messed
it up. Yeah, the garageis fine. Oh then you know if
you're finals that your deposit back.I think I don't know. I didn't
want to look, but I knowfor a fact there's some chip paint on
my car. So what is wrongwith you? And I told Jen right

when I was coming, I waslike, I had to go to work,
and I was like, by theway, I hit the garage with
the car and I'll see you bythis is why you she makes you ride
the bike. You can be trustedwith the car, all right, Dan
and Shaye tickets, and we comeback on KTWB, KATIWD, Stalin and
Cult. It's time to win Danand Shae tickets. Now. It is

ticket tag Tuesday. That means youdo have to know the winner from this
morning. It'll be easier after thisbecause it's only like an hour in between
each winner. Yeah, but wedo have them every single hour during our
show, so you do have toknow the nine to fifty am name that
winner's name. I have faith ifyou do, you win Dan and Shay
tickets. You'll see them at TargetCenter Friday, April fifth. If you

don't know, that's totally fine.Now you'll remember this hour's name for next
hour, write it down a littlenote, set an alarm in your phone,
or just continue listening to us likeyou do. We trust you your
choice. Then imber to call sixfive to one nine eight nine kd WB
for your chance to win. Ofcourse, these tickets are gonna be awesome.

I forgot about it because I waslike, what Dannon Shay song did
we play on KATIEWB and we hadthis yeap, Well, Bieber Beeb's actually
played this at Bieber's wedding. AtBieber's wedding, yeah, they had no
idea, so you'll basically it'll belike you were in attendance at Bieber's wedding.
If you win. Hi, we'retrying to give away Dan and Shay

tickets with tickets tack Tuesday on oneon one point three kd w B Hi
Molly him, Molly, how areyou? I'm at work actually, and
I work in State Lewis Park.But you guys, Molly sounds like you're
in your cars. We're gonna askif you're driving in this snowstorm. No,
but I'm gonna have to later.We are too, and I was
thinking we should all call our bossesand ask if we can go home ear

late. I agree. I thinkI'm gonna have to just stay late.
If they're not fight to try well. They sent an email to everyone in
our sales and office department saying workfrom home today. I'm like, oh,
that must be nice. I wishI could. I wish all right,
Molly, do you know the nameof the nine fifty winner? I
think I do. Yeah, Mo, it was worth it. You got

yourself a pair of Dan and Shadetickets. You'll se him at Target Center
Friday, April fifth. Congratulations,thank you for listening. You're so welcome.
So now if you're listening, youneed to remember the name Molly at
three point fifty for your chance towin on Katie w B one on one

point three Katie w B. Spalinand CLT. We both love that song
so much. Now, it's sogood. It's so bizarre that it's a
guy from Stranger Things because you know, of course, a lot of people
are be like, I'm gonna dosinging. I'm an actor. The never
words. It sucks. Sometimes it'sgreat. Selena Gomez perfect example, Miley
Cyrus uh and so on. Iwon't give you more example. No Joe,
now, Joe, Joe is thenew Selena gome as you heard it

here first. But the only reasonyou're even listening right now, I know
there's only one reason you're like falloncult. You gotta give us the hot
dog bracket update. We're doing theHottest Dog like we're not doing the Hottest
Dogs. Thank you for correcting that. Worries ranking the most attractive dogs is
everybody. It sounds weird. Thinkabout the most attractive dog. Ever right

now one came to your mind?You got it? Okay, we had
round one up yesterday. The votingresults come up when we come back,
and then the new round talks youcan vote on. Yep, we'll talk
about it. We'll come back oneon one point three. KATIEWB with Salon

and Colt had yet again a geniusidea about rating the hot levels of dogs,
and I said, disturbing. Ohyeah, at first it was only
at first I thought it was weird. Then I agree that there are beautiful
dogs. And then I found yougoogling sexy dogs. Don't google that,
by the way, it pulls upweird stuff. And I could have told

you there is an alarm that goesoff in our building. Yeah, so
we do have results from yesterday's roundone cult. Can you reveal who to
one? Who's moving on? SoI thought the pit bull was going to
pull through. Yeah, pipoll wentagainst the King Charles, Yes, and
the pit bull unfortunately lost. Ithought that Jack's piple would beat out the

King Charles did not did not,So King Charles King one short, King
one moving on to the next round. And then we also had fallon go
ahead, We had the Golden Doodleagainst the Maltese, which I thought was
the most bizarre lineup ever. Well, I thought the Maltese was gonna win

just because we're rooting for the shortKings short King Spring. He did not
win. I mean dramatically, hegot beatn out by the Golden Doodle.
The King Charles and the Golden Dudlewill advance. But today in round two
of the hot dog bracket, wehave a black Lab against an Australian shepherd.
And when I tell you it istight, it is black Lab at

fifty one percent Australian Shepherd at fortynine percent. You can make the difference
if you go to Fallon and culton Instagram. I just feel like a
black Lab compared to an Australian shepherdlike as Australian shepherd a little bias.
Those lovely locks. They're luscious,you know what I mean. You look
at it, it's like, yeah, I can find that attractive. Yeah,
but they have beautiful piercing eyes.But a Lab is very loyal,

way calmer and a great hunting dog, so it can provide for you.
You're looking at some things weird'And the second one is the Bernie's Mountain
Dog against the Irish cetter. Ididn't realize how beautiful an Irish setter was.
But man, that Irish setter doesn'tstate a chance eighty five percent going
to the Bernie's Mountain Dog right now. Oh blasphemous. I feel like I

can fallon and cult on Instagram ifyou thought that was the weirdest thing we
will ever do. It's not becauseI don't know have I don't have a
plan for something weird or but there'sno chance. But that's where it's gonna
stop. No hot dogs are normalat this We're progressive on it, and
now it's just a normal scene insociety. And no one sent us a

weird dan being like you're disgusting yetno, just people were Actually they send
them that they're mad that their hotdog isn't on there yet. Yeah,
so it's it's really taking a turn. But yeah, that's the hot dog
Bracket update. We'll have another onetomorrow. Depending on your voting. Your
vote does count. Remember that yourvote really does. You can always text
in your hot dog five three nineto one. Oh wow takes those I

don't have pictures, well, wedon't get pictures it wouldn't matter anyway.
Yeah, we're to come back withtrending. Obviously. I think one of
the biggest trending stories is the bridgecollapse, which is did you see that?
Yeah? Insane. We're going totalk about that a little bit when
we come back. Also, whata transition from hot dogs to a bridge
collapse? Yeah, I know,not the smoothest, but that's what happens
in trending. It's going to bea mix of like kind of fun and

also the other thing that just theDuluth mayor and the woman who was buying
up the cargo woman who was buyingup property and Duluth. Have you not
seen this? I haven't controversy goingback and forth. He has responded to
her and it's like the funniest kindof mayor quote. I've seen it a

minute. So we're going to coverthat coming up and trending as well.
On KATIEWB Bellan and Colt. Today'sTrending with Bellan and Colt on one on
one point three. Katie WB allright, this is one of my favorite
stories. So they and de Luththey were like, what is going on?
Billionaire? Uh Kathy Cargill, sorry, she was buying up all this

property around this Park Point area,and they were like the Mayor's like,
what's going on? Why are youbuying all this property? What's your plan
here? And residents were wondering too. Well. The Wall Street Journal questioned
her, and the interview is interesting. She was like not happy. She's
like I'm not doing anything anymore becauseeveryone's being a little b word. Basically,

she was like, I was gonnabeautify it. I was gonna put
him pickleball courts. I was gonnado all these cool things. Well,
I think she was like planning onhaving her family live in some of these
places she was buying up, butlike certain things were for the public,
like beautifying it, and so herlike a famous quote came out as Wall
Street Journal interview was I think anexpression that we all know, don't pee
in your cheerios. Well, themayor kind of pete and his cheerios right

there. So the mayor of theluth has finally responded and literally said,
for the record, I'm more ofa pancakes guy's the most like to me.
That is like the most even thoughshe's a billionaire. Obviously, the

Wall Street Journal is talking to herit's not like as small town, but
it feels like such a small town, our town it was. It just
made me laugh. It's very veryfunny. Also, I wanted to mention
this, if you like a gamer, Xbox in your hands is a possibility.
The head honcho for Microsoft Gaming suggestedin interviews that Microsoft is working hard

to create a handheld Xbox device wouldbe kind of like the Nintendo Switch.
He said that they have handheld prototypesright now, but they want it to
be fully native, so something sonot something that operates in the cloud.
Yeah, okay, that's cool.What are you still laughing at? Cakes
bit? Yeah, a little bit. That's awesome. And you said had

Hansho and I just I don't thinkI've ever heard you say hansho before,
so it threw me off for asecond. That's what you were laughing at.
I don't know, oh man.Okay. So the biggest story today
and I saw this earlier, wasthe bridge that collapsed, and that is
just horrific. I mean, obviouslythe Twin Cities we've had a bridge collapse,
very scary, lives lost, butbasically a cargo ship rammed into this

ship and when you watch it,it doesn't look like a real bridge because
it crumbles. It's a very bigbridge. It just goes down, so
like my kids magnetic blocks, litersmacks it, and it just what it
looks like. And right now theysay six are presumed dead. So it's
cool. I mean, yeah,thankfully it happened at three am, right
when it was low trapy obviously tothose people, but it is terrifying.

They were set like when I sawit was like ten am and they were
like they have identified like cars withI forget what technology they were using.
They're like people might still be trapped, like, oh man, yeah,
so they were trying to Yeah,it's a bast situation, very very scary.
Your trending is brought to you byMinneapolis Plastic Surgery. Find them at
MPSMN dot com. When we comeback, we're going to the after school

pop Quiz your next chance to wintickets to Nickelodeon Universe, and then of
course at three point fifty ticke attackfor Dan and Jay tickets on KDWB.
I told you how much time forthe after school pop Quiz on one on
one point three KTWB. It's hardfor them not to like talk really fast

when this is playing like we havea pair of Nickelodeon Universe passes. This
is going to get you on allthe rides, including the new one,
the Fly with Opa Ride. Weasked you middle school level questions the first
to two wins. We need twocompetitors to play right now at six,
five, one, nine, eightnine kd WB Beautiful says it after school

pop quiz rid Bye at Nickelodeon Universeat Mall of America Today we have Nickelodeon
Universe wristbands to give away, andh Jacenta and maple Wood and Brooke and
egan A playing little trivia and ifyou know the answer, you chime in
with your name. First to twowins, you guys ready, okay?
Question number one, what is thecolored part of the I called yes,

Cacenta. Hi, that's right outthe gate, Cascenta. Here we go.
Question number two. I found thisone to be difficult. Which river
is the longest in the United States? Brook Brook, the Mississippi. It
is not the Mississippi, Cacenta,do you have a guest? I'm all

right, I think that's it.That's okay. It's not the wrong,
wrong country. It is the MissouriRiver. Apparently I didn't know the answer
either. All right, question three, what is the key ingredient in a
traditional hummus caacenta? Yeah, Cascina, you are a winner, Brook,

thank you for playing. We stilllove you, Cascenta. You're gonna get
a pair of wristbands for Nickelodeon Universe. Congratulations over Mall America. Thank you.
That's rats. We're gonna do thisagain tomorrow. But also today it
is ticket Tag Tuesday with Dan andShade tickets all day long. See your
next chance of ticket tag is comingup in like thiish minutes. Basically through

four minutes. You have to knowlast hour's winter name on katiewby. All
right, the time is now.It's ticket Tag Tuesday, your chance to
win those Dan and Shaye tickets.And apparently they're going to be an Excel

Energy Center. So someone was like, hey, they're not at Target.
I'm like sorry, The copy onthe info in front of me said Target
Center Potato well and is not actuallyvery different. Excel Energy Center is where
they're going to be on April fifth. So I apologize for that, and
we're going to go ahead and doticket tag. That means you just have
to know the two fifty winner's name, and if you do, you win.

It's that easy. And if youdon't, just them on me like
fifty bucks, and then we can'tthing we're not doing. That's not a
thing. That's not a thing.Let's clear that. And if you don't
know last hour's winter name, youlisten this hour so you're ready for next
hour. Does that make sense?That's that tickettag works. If you do
you know? At six five,one eight nine kt WB good luck,

I don't know. It's one onone point three KATIEWB with Falon and Colts.
Falin says she needed a diet coke, so she sprints it out of
the studio. Decided that was moreimportant than this show. But as she
was leaving the studio, she wasasking me how I washed my body cold?
How do you wash your body?I had an answer. She says,
there's a specific way, a uniqueway everybody's supposed to and she wanted

to talk about it when she getsback with her diet coke vocals. Those
backgrounds put Falin and Colts on oneO one point three Katie w B.
How do you wash your body?Slower? WHOA? Who do we need

to play some genuine right now?What I just want to know because I
think that everyone is this a setupthough, Like is it like you're gonna
laugh at me? Like I doit wrong? Or well? I guess
it depends on what you do.I don't know that there is a wrong
way, but I thought it wouldbe interesting because if you visualize right now,
you stepping into the shower. Okay, I'm walking in the Okay,

yes, I'm stepping into the shower. You also working from home, you
in your car, whatever it maybe. Visualize you go in the shower,
I'm stepping on sholders. Process.What is your process? So you
rinse off obviously, immediately wash thehair, rinse, lather up your body

everywhere. You're horrible at this,get you get a loof of I start
with the chest, I apply somemore some more body wash. There's a
lot of area to wash, andthen I go to the arms, onto
the pits. Then I try toget the back as good as I can,
and then you run down the legs. You get the feet very thoroughly,

you get all the crevices in betweenas you come back up the legs,
and then you rent And if I'mfeeling spunky, you condition? What
my hair? Oh? What else? So I reveal something all the time
that for some reason, men aren'tjudged for, but I feel like women

are. I use the same lufaon my entire body that I use on
my face. So here's my process. I step in. But you wash
your face, yes, but notlike the way you're supposed to, because
most people, I think, whenthey're an adult, they have an actual
skincare routine where they wash their facewith soap and a different cloth or something.

No, not you. No,Well I'm not judging it because I
don't either, but everyone else judgeslike you're so bad, you're gonna regrut
that you're disgusting your pos And I'mlike, that's too far. Yeah,
but this is how. So Istep in. If I'm washing my hair,
which is not every single time,get my hair wet soap onto the
loofa, rub it around. Inever have to reapply sope ever, so

you're not throwing on gobs a body. Wash face first. Then I go
down and I do a circular motion. I lift each boob to make sure
I get under it and around thesame circular Oh. Then I do the
left arm. I grind my leftarm pit. You guys, like I
learned, you're supposed to be givingthat a lot of attention. Okay.

I then go to the other arm, wash the arm, grind the armpit,
belly, same as you. Ilike try to get a little back
with my t rexy arm. Probablynever been washed, yeah, since I
was young and nimble. Then I'mgoing down and I immediately grind my crack.

The crack gets grinded almost as muchas so you're putting in, and
then you move it up the front. Actually, they can do the front
first, then the back, andthen I go down do the feet,
and I actually do wash my feetbecause a lot of people don't wash their
legs and feet. They let thesoap run down. They think that's good,
and then you just kick it arounda little bit. Yeah. So
but then you're doing your face afterall of that. No, I did

my face first. Oh, ifyou do the math the next time I
get in the last place my loofahwas was between my toes, and then
I rob it onto my face.It's not as bad as hearing. No,
I don't know are Loofah's self cleansing? Oh? No, they hold
so much back to her how Ihad my Lufah, I've had it for
like five years too, so it'sprobably time five. I just feel like

they're always getting it soaked up,so when of that clean it's out,
you would think, right, I'vebeen telling myself, But as it turns
out, we're trash. Like wejust gave away tickets to Dan and Chase.
That's not what this is. Thisis actually super super cool. I
don't know why the Twins chose us, but we feel very honored to get

away tickets to the season home opener, which if you look outside, is
very unbelievable that it is April fourth, So like right around like next Thursday
is the Twins season home opener againstthe Cleveland Guardians. And if you would
like to go, we need twopeople on the phone to play a game.
We'll explain the game when you're onthe phone, mostly so that you

don't google the answers. Oh yet. So it's your chance to win.
At six five, one, nine, eight nine, katiewb, Salin and
Colts one at one point three Katiewb. We have tickets to the Minnesota Twins
home opener coming up Thursday, Aprilfourth, against the Cleveland guardians, and

we have Beth and Kyle both onthe phone. We're gonna do a little
concessions prices right for a Twins game, which means we're going to ask you,
you know, different concession items.You have to guess the price.
You know how the price is rightworks. So we're gonna start off with
Beth, Beth, how much forhelmet? Nachos? Ten dollars? Ooh,
okay? Locking in your price?And Kyle, you are very interested

in a Twins big dog. No, that's not how the game works.
Have you ever played the have youever played the price is right? Kyle
guesses the same idol? All right, Kyle, So I just figured you
wanted that big dog in your life. God. Okay, Kyle, what
you're the helmet? I'm gonna gowith nineteen dollars? Nineteen? All right,

I'll call. You have to tellthem if they both if they both
overbid, you have to say it. All right, Well, Kyle,
you actually overbid yours. Okay,so by default, Beth, you're the
winner. And what the actual priceis? Sixteen twenty nine? All right?
So you got really thirsty, youwant you know, a little some

some in your life. So you'regetting a truly Seltzer. How much do
you plan on spending bets No,Kyle goes first the round two. How
much do you plan on spending Kyledollars? Twelve dollars? Oh, Beth,
okay, twelve o one and theactual retail prices fifteen ninety nine.
Oh my god, bet, youschemer, you watch too much prices right,

well, she knows the game.Kyle. I feel bad, but
Beth beat you by a penny today. Congratulations, Beth. You got a
pair of tickets to the season homeopener of the Twins. Yeah, cotulations,
we'll have another pair of tomorrow atfour twenty. We're gonna come back.
We to the pop Culture Minute.More updates on Ditty's home raid on
Katie w b Emmy. It's thepop Culture Minute with Selling and cult on

one O one point three kd WB. So. One thing they definitely pulled
from Ditty's house we know during theraid was hard drives and they have photos
on TMZ of the house after theraid and they say, first of all,
Diddy had he wasn't on his radarthat he was going to get an
idea, no idea, no tipoffs, anything but they show pictures of

his house and it is just rippedapart, which I've seen that in the
TV and the movies. You know, when they are able to get the
search warrant, they just always thought, who do I have to clean this
now? Yeah? Yeah, heprobably will pay someone to pick up.
Maybe they're like, yeah, well, yeah, I guess that's probably not
the top of his priority list rightnow. But they did take those hard

drives because you can see like piecesof computer and other equipment on the floor,
and that makes sense that would probablybe a top thing they'd go for.
They've also arrested a twenty five yearold they say is his drug mule,
and Diddy himself out of the country, took his private jet out of
the country. He's in the Caribbean. Obviously. That makes him look very
suspicious. It's a little suspicious.His kids are out though, Like I

don't know, when I say out, I mean they're out and about.
They yesterday were seen in handcuffs duringthe raids, but that doesn't mean they
were actually arrested. Obviously. Thatcould have just been to basically keep them
in a spot. I know somany people are hitting them up to like
where's your data, like this iscrazy, Like their phones are probably NonStop
right now. Probably. They didobviously pick a winner last night on this

season of the Bachelor. And themain reason we care in Minnesota is because
one of our girls, our locals, Daisy, she was in the top
two. This is a spoiler.You haven't watched it yet. I didn't
even watch the show, and withintwo flips of a TikTok scroll I saw
the winner. I was like,oh, I would have been upsetting if
I hadn't seen it. But hepicked the other girl. He did not
pick Daisy Daisy, and they pickeda new bachelorette. It is not Daisy,

it's Jen Tran and Rachel Lindsay.She is a previous and she was
really excited because she is the firstAsian bachelorette. So that's yeah, they're
finally remember how like forty seasons we'rejust all white people And they're like,
oh right, there are other peoplewe could put on this show. Maybe
you knows during the pandemic is theslower. Let's do this what you absolutely

But that is your pop culture minute. Brought to you by Ovo, Lasik
and Lenz. You can find themat OVOI dot com We're gonna come back.
Don't forget. We are doing tickettag Tuesday today. That means in
about I don't know, fifteen ishminutes, we're gonna have your next chance
to win Dan and Shade tickets.They're coming to Excel on April fifth,

which I'm learning there's a lot goingon in the Twin Cities over that weekend.
You have the Twins game on thefourth, you got Dan and Shaye
on the fifth, and I thinkthe sixth was what fallout boy. So
yeah, your birthday, Oho,you remembered as you pros much Balin and
cults on one O one point threeKDIWB. So this is funny enough.

I don't know if you saw thesame video as I saw or if you
saw a totally different one, butthere is a video idea going around of
a guy who's talking about the typeof employee you want at your work.
Yeah, and I thought it wasgoing to be detail oriented, somebody who
can execute the plan correctly. Butthere's there's a little bit of hope if
you were the class clown, thereis for sure. Do you have audio

of this guy Nope? Oh,which is just talking about really thought you
were putting it in like yesterday.Okay, you're just listening to it at
the studio. Well that's a funturn of events. Okay, So anyway,
well we'll play that, I guesswhen we come back. But there
is They say that it's not aboutsomeone who actually does the work, which

sounds sketchy to me. But we'lllet the guy explain it when we come
back and see if you agree.Like, if you're in a business setting,
do you think this is true?This is the actual kind of employee
you want around you. We'll dowhen we come back. On KATIEWB this

text set it best Bottoms Up Bangerall caps got. That song is so
good. I don't know who's incharge of the music these days, I'm
a tell you this much, thoughthey're killing it lately on Bottoms Up.
Those are the two I can thinkof write. It's one of one point
three KTEWW with Falon and Colts.So I saw this and it's funny because

you saw something very similar and they'resaying that it's actually more important to hire
this type of person. Here yougo, but I'm gonna say it,
personality hires are arguably more important thanpeople that do actual work. Let me
explain. Let me explain. Let'sexplain. Anyone can can do work.
Anyone can be a good employee.Anyone can go and then send an email.

Anyone can do that. It takesa specific type of person to keep
the company culture fun and like funnyand keep the office like in good spirits.
And that's where we come in.That's where personality hires come in.
Because I solely got my corporate jobfrom having a good personality. I had

zero experience, but I made thepeople that I inner with laugh and they
were like, oh, we shouldhire this guy. So I'm gonna stay
statement, and it might piss somepeople off, but I stand by it.
Personality hires are arguably more important thangood workers, all right. I
would say in certain fields, yes, but I don't think they're going to

hire I'm not going to hire anaccountant because the personality or a surgeon.
Yeah, but I think you haveto have a balance. I agree if
you have in an office setting,though, it does make sense because you
want people to be excited to comeinto work well offices. Think about how
desperate, especially before COVID, howdesperate offices were getting to have a quote
unquote fun culture They're like, wedon't care if you drink here. There's

a free mini bar over there.Well keep your Yeah, it's totally cool.
We would and they were like theywould like lure you in and be
like you can have peanut butter filedpretzels if you work here, hollow because
we're a fun company. And you'relike, all right, cool, but
what are the benefits? Like,not important? The benefits are we have
a free shot COUTERI Thursdays and you'relike, actually, just sounds good.

You broke your leg, Well onlypaid ten percent of that byye, we
got some good meats on Thursdays,so we do a meat raffle. So
I mean, I think there's likesome truth to it. You wouldn't want
a bunch of like, you know, smart people on like me and cult
and that said you need you needa met or a cult in the to

mix things up, yeah a littlebit. Yeah yeah, and to keep
people on their toes. Yeah,that's true, that's for sure. What
do you think if you work inan environment? Do you agree with that
guy's David? You just text infive three nine two one KTIEWB one.
The personality hire is more important thanthe just work higher. Yeah. I
like how highly he thought of himselftoo. He's like, listen, they
love me in there. He's like, I had no experience and they hired

me because that was funny. I'mlike they were desperate for any employees.
It sounds like I think, sooh speaking about I don't want to be
a bad employee and forget about this. Oh yes, yes, yeah,
yeah, good Call Stan and Shaye. They're coming to the Twin Cities.
They're going to be at Excel EnergyCenter of Friday, April fifth, and
we've been doing ticket tag all dayfor ticket Tag Tuesday. That means you'd
like tag in with the last winner'sname. So if you know the three

fifty winners name, you call rightnow. It's six five, one nine
eight nine KATWB. You tell usthe name and then you win and the
good news is you'll get a newname. Seeing when tickets at five fifteen.
In case you don't know, onKTEWB, you the ticket tag Tuesday
on one on one point three kdWB, sending you to see Dan and

Shay. So what's your name,Britney Brittany? Your color ten? Oh
my gosh, yes, Okay,you're so close Brittany, I just need
to know the name of our winnerfrom three point fifty Jenna. It was
Jenna. Did I break you outa little little bit? A little bit?

I'm sorry. Congratulations Brittany. You'regoing to see Dan and Shay at
Excel on Friday, April fifth.Thank you, You're so welcome, and
you're gonna want to remember the nameBritney for your next chance to win at
five point fifty on katiewb, ohall the news. Well lately I've been

doing Ben beautiful sas it, ohGod, Stalin and Colts one on one
point three katiewb. We got ahandful of messages. I want to read
a couple really quick about is itmore important to hire a personality worker or
do just like a real worker?Someone who said thousand percent agree with that.
I manage a sales team and Ialways say, I don't give a
crap about your background. I don'tcare if it's been the last twenty years

making coffee for a living. Doyou have the will to learn? Do
you have a good personality of soI can teach you the job. Nothing
worse than a bad personality higher thatbrings the whole vibe down. So yeah,
they agreed. Why you looked atme, you blocked eyes and you
said brings the vibe down, notevery every day. She's like, we're
out anyway. It doesn't matter,col I think you're a great hire.

Thank you. We're gonna come backwith is it worth breaking up over?
She reveals a secret, and thenshe she shifts us. She she just
takes us on a journey of herlife and if she should break up with
her boyfriend, and it's so interesting. We're gonna share her story when we
come back on KDWBH. Is itworth breaking up over? You decided with

Felon and Colt KDWB. All right, here we go. This is a
wild ride. This is a wildride, and this is an email we
received. You can always submit foris it worth breaking up over? By
emailing me Fallon f Alien at KDIWBdot com or Colt Colt at KDWB dot
com. All right, they say, I hooked up with my friend while

his fiance was showering. WHOA,let's stop there. So the friend has
a fiance, she was there,they hook up. Yeah, Okay,
I don't know what overcame me,but I too, am in a relationship
all right, all right, continue, I've always wanted to hook up with

this friend. We've been like,they've been talking like since high school,
she says, So they like eachother since like high school, or she's
liked him since high school. Itsounds like, and to give you some
I guess idea of where they're atnow, she says, I'm twenty seven
now. I got it out ofmy system though, and it was awesome,

so I loved it, but Ihave no desire for more with this
guy. So it isn't anything likethat. So she's not like, oh,
what do I do? Like,should I break up with my boyfriend?
Because I want to pursue this.That's not what she's saying. And
she wants to also make it clearI will not be telling my boyfriend because
she's like, it's a one timething. I'm not telling him. But
she says it did make me realizeI'm not getting what I want or need

in the bedroom, knowing all ofthis isn't worth breaking up over the audacity.
The audacity. So you hooked upwith this person who has a fiance,
You're in a relationship. Now youwant to know, should I break
up with them? Well? Maybemaybe if they're with a good person,

they just need to work on showingthem the things that they want and staying
with them because the grass isn't alwaysgreener. Yeah, but you're gonna have
to address the part where you cheated. You don't have to do that.
Lots of people do not address it. Ever. I think you are crazy
narcissistic if you are trying to figureout whether or not they're good enough for

you when you just cheated on that. Listen, listen, how dare you
judge her? You don't know whatshe's gone through? Okay, that's a
joke. I know who's been throughher. Okay, what you're wording.
If you have any words for thisperson, whether it's advice on if it's
worth breaking up over, or justthoughts in general, give us a call

six' five one nine eight ninekatiew B. By the way, you
can always leave a talkback. Wedon't really talk about that that often,
but a talkback is where you goon your phone. If you're listening on
the iHeartRadio app, there's like alittle microphone and you press it and you
can talk to us for thirty seconds. We can get those messages. Because
I realized sometimes maybe you can't waiton hold, or you're at work and
you got to go to the bathroomand record a passage quick for us or

text in five three ninety two onekd WB one? Is it worth breaking
up over? I love how firedup you are? Called? So you're
so mad? Is it worth breakingup over? You desired with felon and
could on KDWB one of the quickestrecap I can of this story. She

hooked up with her friend while hisfiance was showering. She then drops,
I'm also in a relationship, butI've always had a crush on this guy,
and like, I don't want anythingmore, but it was like awesome
to hook up. But should Ibring up with my boyfriend because now I'm
like realizing he hasn't given me whatI want? I said, it's so
crazy. I like love first ofall, I love that you felt safe

coming to us, and then wejust just I'll be honest with you.
I would be honest, but youare worried about the person who's actually Okay,
Yeah, Courtney, what do youthink loyal? You could absolutely break
up only because your partner does notuh deserves better than you. If you're

just gonna run around and cheat onhim. Yeah, but I love your
opening line, the ohs ain't loyaland loyal Courtney, We love you.
Thank you for listening. You arethe perfect representation of what we want listening
to. Fallon and called on Katiew B absolutely every afternoon, baby,

thank you? So, uh,how are you handling this? Oh,
by the way, Cult, anythingcrazy happened to you today? I maybe
hit my garage with my car.Okay, Today's trending with Fallon and colt

on one on one Katie w BFirst and trending news. I did get
disport today, which is like botoxin my face, my first time ever.
And I thought that the entire TwinCities listening would like to know.
I'll let you know. And it'snot a thing yet. It can't.
It can't shower you in conflidence yetfor two weeks. What's different? You

don't look worse. That's what yousaid earlier, So I mean, I
guess that's an upgrade. H Wealso posted a video Fallon and Cult,
which I think is pretty fun.It's uh, there are two types of
Minnesotans on a winter day like this, and you can go check it out.
For a little laugh. If you'dlike to fallon and cult on Instagram
trending is brought to you by MinneapolisPlastic Surgery find I'm at MPs m N

dot com. How do you feelabout this? No, I know you
don't give your kids McDonald's, butI also know that when your kids are
away, you will down to McDonald's. Yeah, I go back to the
unhealthy habits. Hey, it's nothealthy, baby. That's that is called
being an American and having the mostdelicious fast food. They're gonna start selling
Krispy Kream donuts at all of theUS locations by the end of twenty twenty

six. I think that's great becausethey the only and maybe I'm wrong,
the only sweet breakfast they have arethe hotcakes, right or if you consider
a mcgriddle like the syrupy No,I don't know because I don't go my
wife's listening, but I got yourwife's listening. I think they have like
a cinnamon roll type thing too.You think, I think, Oh my

god, I can see the icingon your lips. Like that's how clear
it is to me that you downthese cinnamon rolls. I'm just saying I'm
throwing it out, dude. Iused to go to McDonald's every morning for
breakfast. I'm like, I'm notdoing it today. I find myself there
like I'd wake up like I hadblacked out and then have an ash run
on my hand. Driving right now. Oh yeah, I was like,

how'd I get there? This isone of my favorite stories of the day.
So Kathy Cargill, she was buyingall this land and Duluth and people
are like, the mayor and peoplearound are like, what's happening when you're
playing Kathy? So they called herout, so she didn't interview with the
Wall Street Journal and She's like,I'm not doing anything now. I was,
but now screw them. And shesaid she initially was going to do

like have some people like family member'sfriends, whatever, live in this area.
But she was gonna pen like pickleballcourse and really spruce it up,
make it look beautiful for everyone.And she said, and I quote I
think an expression that we all know, don't pee in your cheerios. Well,
the mayor kind of peed and hischeerios right there. Well the mayor.
Mayor Roger Reinert has responded said,for the record, I'm more of
a pancakes. Guy. I justthought that was the funniest comment. I

was like, that's such a sucha Dluthe Mayer was a small town New
York money cakes. Okay, thatis your trending. Don't forget. At
five fifty you have your next chanceto win Dan and Shaye tickets with ticket
tag Tuesday on katiewb, Crolling andColts Saling and Colts on one on one

point three KATIEWB. Just about tenminutes away from your next chance to win
Dan and Shaye tickets. It's tickettag Tuesday here on KATIEWB. So Colts,
what happened in the snow today withyour car? Well, you have
one car. First of all,people are giving you crap because, uh,
you have one car. And soeveryone likes to comment on our videos.

They're like, did you ride yourbike into work today? Yeah?
I do bike into work and todayno. I was like, you and
the kids can stay home. Imean, if you want to say that,
you bike out with them, butI'm driving into work. Yeah.
So I pulled my car off thestreet because the snow plows in Saint Louis
Park. They don't care, They'lljust they don't care. They'll just it's
like an igloo around your car andyou got to dig your way through it.

Well, but because what are theygoing to do? Get out,
knock on that every one's door.They got it. It's not all about
me all the time. Yeah,So if you don't know, in Saint
Louis Park, the garages are ridiculouslysmall, right, almost just for fiance,
Like that's the only guard they couldbe into a garage. So I'm
pulling my car into the garage andeverything's going. I'm getting momentum because I'm

going uphill up the alleyway and Ilike, you know, jerk, the
wheel over straightened out, everything's linedup perfectly. I have like six inches
on each side to deal with.That's not a lot, but yeah,
well some argue that's a lot.But okay, anyway, so I hit
a patch of ice. Oh Igot your joke, all right. I

was slowed about one. I thoughtyou were just like all right, that
joke fell out. It's like,okay, I was trying to defend you
that it wasn't a lot of spacein your garage. Barrel is always talking
about this garage, Okay, go, yeah, thanks for explaining. So
I smack, I hit a patchof ice and I just my whole car

shifts into the side of the garageand I just smoke it. It makes
the loudest noise. I'm trying tohide from my neighbors because they definitely heard
it. Yeah, and uh,And that was the last thing I told.
I like, hit my wife upand I was like, oh,
by the way, I smashed thecar into the side of the garage,
how could they see so much?Yeah, it's chipped up, the side

mirrors all jacked. It's it's athing. Yeah, I guess. So
we're gonna come back with shade ticketson Katie w B. Yeah, saloning
Cult one on one point three Katiew B. We are hosting a hot
dog bracket, not hot dogs hotdogs. Some people were confused. They're
like, I thought I was goingto go there and it was going to

be like, you know, abun with a hot dog. You can
like attractive dogs and you decide,and it's not. It's a brief.
We're basing it on breed, notlike oh Jenny and like spring Lake Park.
Yeah, chow No. So Roundone was yesterday the King Charles beat
the pit Bull and the Golden doodlebeat the Maltese, so they destroyed,

destroyed. And there's a similar competitionhappening today. Round two is going on.
It's Hot, It's live. Youcan vote for the hottest dog right
now. Is it a black Labor Australian Shepherd. Black Lab is winning
currently at fifty four percent, whichis like a thorn and cold side because
he has an Australian Shepherd. Yeah, and the Bernie's Mountain Dog is kill
Irish Setter eighty one percent, whichis set I mean, the Irish Setter

is easy on the eyes, beautifuldog. And you you might be thinking,
like, who actually cares about this? Thousands those people, thousands of
passionate dms about like if you don'tput a husky and they'll come and find
you. I'm like, wow,we're going Yeah, it's getting really weird
and also a valuable lesson we learnedcult don't google sexy dogs because we try

to get pictures for the story andwe he got removed from that assignment.
I type in beautiful insert dog.Breeding's not leaning me down any weird paths.
There were emojis in place. Ihad to throw the computer away.
It was bad. It was barkback. It was bark it was bar
bar it was rough. It wasrough, all right, Go vote for

the hot Dog bracket fallon and Coldon Instagram. Time to you boy,
Dan and Shade tickets tickets and stickat tag Tuesday say twenty times fast and
this is our final pair. Youdo have to know the name of our
winner from four point fifty and youwin tickets to see them at Excel April
fifth, and uh yeah, it'sgonna be a really good concert. I

some people argue they have like thebest live voices they do. Justin Bieber
had my wedding artist because of that. Some might argue that though, but
I think that they have beautiful voicesand hair and hair Yeah anyway, com
now six five, one nine nine, Katie, you bootiful, says its
good. Tickettab Tuesday on one ohone point three ktewb for Dan and Shade

tickets. What's your name, Matt, Matt your collar ten? Yeah,
well, Matt, you have onemore assignment before you get these tickets.
What was the name of our winnerat four fifty? I believe it was
Brittany. Yes, Matt, youhad me stressed out. Congrats you've got

a pair of Dan and Shade tickets. You're gonna see I'm an excel yep.
Coming up on April fifth. Youbringing anybody with you? Yeah,
I'm gonna bring my wife. Goodjoin you? Good choice. All right,
have a great time at this show. Congratulations, thank you, good
times, good times, Matt.It was awesome. We give away a
lot of Dan and Shae tickets tomorrow. We still have another pair of season

home open our tickets for the Twins, which is coming up. It's crazy
weekend that April weekend, next weekend, heanks it weekend again weekend beegus four
twenty tomorrow are the Twins tickets?And getting you anything for your birthday?
That's a great question. I've saidto everyone. Don't get me stuff,
please, I have too much stuff. I'm trying to purge. Just give
me money. Thanks, No,I not agree to that. Selling and
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