All Episodes

March 30, 2024 61 mins
Todays show includes but is not limited to a whole bunch of incredibleness
A woman called about getting 15,000 back from her tax return... WHAT
Peep challenge where colt deep throated peeps and Falen and Ted guessed the songs he song
Billie Eilish is beefin with Taylor Swift
Egg roullette goes sideways
Things your ex stole from you

that and more on today's show!!

Love you lots
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Balon and Colts one on one pointthree, Katie w B. I went
to someone's house today. They livein Excelsior. It was a beautiful home.
I had to back out of theirdriveway. I backed over two of
those sticks that not as long asyou might think, two of the sticks
that people put their driveway to guideflow drivers. I took the first one

out, and before I could stopmyself, the second one was down befind
my car and I I did.They didn't break, but I swear I
pray she wasn't looking out the waydown. You just drove away. You didn't
even pick it up or tax break, but it just bent over and fell.
I don't know what was there anythingelse behind you? Snow mound?

No, it was two sticks andI didn't even hear it. I just
saw it because my car was beefing, and I was like, what was
that? You just kep going.That's when I saw the second one,
and then you kep going. Ijust think it's rude that there's snow this
time of year? Am I right? Everyone on my side? Now?
Yeah, let's go mother nature.Get about that, lady, Okay,

I just have to clear my conscience. We have like, isn't it a
good Friday? Yeah? I mean, well you should have just texted the
owner of the house if you wantedto clear just do that. There are
two other people there. Maybe theydid it. I get it, okay,
all right, got that. Igot that off my conscience. Like
I said, we're moving on.Anyone listening who We're gonna do that when
we come back on KATIEWB and Beyonce. Yeah, post alone every other hour

we're alternating, so we have thepost Alone one this hour, which means
next hour to be the Beyonce andMiley. I've been listening to both of
those back to back lists. Wouldyou think you can text in five three
nine two one one on one pointthree KATYWB with Ballin and Cold it is
Friday. I am loving the newBeyonce song. Did you do you have

a preference between the Beyonce with postone and the Beyonce with Miley? I
don't know. They're like I likethe Miley one, but I like a
little posty raspy, like he justsounds so beautiful in that song. He
comes in halfway through it. Hesmokes forty cigarettes a day. It's like,
how does he still sound? Thatgood and Miley does it, but
sounds like she's so true. Allright, anyone listening who got a massive

tax return, I want to knowhow you spent that. There's no way.
I feel like tax returns aren't athing anymore. Right, No tax
return you did, Yeah, becauseI owed the stated very small amount I
always owe the state. The federalwas like, we take it away and
we give it not even nearly thesame amount, but we'll give you a
little bit. See they say wetake it away, and we're taking it's

more away. It sounds like youneed to get a new tax person.
Well, I don't know if youhave a tax return, let me know
about it so I can be jealousof you're And anyone listening who has an
ex best friend, I do.What happened? Can you share? Yeah?
I mean I have. Uh,it was pretty easy. Basically I've

shared this before. But I dateda guy for like five years. Yeah,
we broke up and then my friendcame to visit me and she was
acting super weird, and I don'tknow what it was. I was like,
got this gut feeling. This islike only a couple of months after
we broke up, and I waslike, hey, can of my phone's
in my car and I look updirections to this restaurant were going to,
which was like me lying to lookthrough her phone. And she'd been texting

and calling him the whole time shewas at my place. Oh and yeah,
and so it wasn't cheating, butit was like you're my best friend
and this is my boyfriend of fiveyears. Yeah, and uh so I
walked out. I called him.He like started crying because he felt that
oh no, and I wasn't meaningme and I'm like, are you seeing
He's like we kissed and like Idon't know, and I was like okay,

and then I I came and Iwas like, this is betrayed and
she was like yeah, and thenshe left. Anyway, they're married now.
Oh so it worked out, butand and we're all adults. We've
grown apart. But I was like, I can't be your friend, like
I can't talk to you about myex boyfriend all the time. So that's
why we aren't friends anymore. Okay. I love that anyone listening who got

a massive tax return or just likea decent one, like would you spend
it on call us? Or anyonelistening who has an ex best friend?
We want to know what happened?Six five, one, nine eight nine,
KD w B Ballin and Catay goon to do you Balan and cults

on one on one point three,Katie w B just you know when we
come back. We did the popCulture minut It is the craziest like drama
in like kind of like female pop. Billie Eilish slams Taylor Swift, what
yeah? Sabrina Carpenter gives sex advice, and Hailey Bieber calls out Selena Gomez

over the new Beyonce album. Itis so dramatic. I'm going to win.
I know so much coming up inthe pop culture meta. But first,
anyone listening who either got a massivetax return or has an ex best
friend? So which one are you? The tax return? Oh okay,
you don't have to tell us theexact amount. But wasn't like a big

amount, like more than five hundreddollars. It's around five thousand, five
thousand. What we had a babylast year? I got two babies.
I had to pay three grand.What's going on? Right? You're doing
something wrong? I don't know.You have a great weekend rolling around in
your cash like Rich mcdom Hi,Katie w b Which what's your name?

My name is Na Nisha okay,so which one are you? I'm a
best friend story ex best friend?Oh goodness, how long were your friends?
Many years? I was actually thegodmother who or two sons? The
word is? What happened? Well, we were known for having a big
pool party at our house on mybirthday. And we had a big birthday

party, and I had been filmingsome things throughout the night. And a
few days later, after this bigparty, went to look at back through
the video to see what we hadall done that night, and I had
been recording as the fire caught herhusband and a very good friend of theirs

talking. We decided not to actuallyshow the video to her. Instead was
going to try to ward her offthis gal. And when we kind of
broke that news, she ended upkind of squeezing me out of her life.
Oh that happens sometimes, it does. It happens a lot. Oh
that's brutal. Your collateral damage towhat shouldn't have even been you getting in

trouble. You know, I wasin retrospect. I wish we would have
just shown them the video. Buthere's The thing is those two are still
married and got grandkids now, andthat's just how life goes, I guess
it is. Yeah, let's putthem on blast. What's their name?
Just kid? Thank you for thestory. All right, Kayla? Which
category you fall into? Both ifyou want, because I do have both.

All right, Let's start with thattax return. Yeah what you got?
So the tax return I get aboutfourteen thousand a year because I'm a
single mom with three day I wantto be a single mom. What's the
house ignorance? You said, fourteenthousand? The most I ever got was
fifteen thousand, seven hundred. Okay, this year was fourteen thousand. Dude,
that's a down pay mount it Canyou give me up a place?

Just notne too big? We boughtmy carer and cash is what I did
with it. Part of it tothat I paid eight hundred dollars to get
at my garage clean down because Iwas so sick of looking at the craft
everywhere. All right, well,baby, stuff, you could have put
three and a half percent down ona three hundred thousand dollars home for me
in Saint Louis Park. But whatever, true cold, why don't you start

with a car, Why are yougoing for the house. I'm going to
start racking up some kids. Getthe money. Those girls everywhere, you
can get them pregnant. My wife'slike, what, no, Yeah,
it's insane what I get. Butit does go pretty quick. And then
I put a little bit in thesavings Free Kid. It's the Pop Culture

Minute with Selan and Colt on oneon one point three jd w B brought
to you by Ovo Lisa and Len'skindam an ovoi dot com. So Billie
Eilish is very very environmentally friendly.That's kind of her thing. She wanted
to be more conscious about her carbonfootprint, so she had actually, I
think reached out to Chris Martin becauseCold Place pretty big into that to figure

out different ways while touring because obviouslyartists touring is like such a massive carbon
footprint. Yeah, the Jets,Yeah, and they I think she's done
the best she can comparable to otherartists about being aware of what she's doing.
But she did an interview and shewent in on artists. She said,
there are so many big artists whore release all their music multiple times,

including on vinyl, and she thinksit's a shameless cash grab. She
said, it's so bad for theenvironment, and she said, we live
in this day and age for somereason, it's very important to some artists
to make all sorts of different vinyland packaging, which ups the sales and
ups the numbers and gets them moremoney and gets them more and it is
so wasteful and it's right in frontof your faces. So that is Taylor

Swift is the queen of that.Do you think Taylor's going to clap back?
No, no, no, Idon't. But you know, honestly,
it wouldn't hurt Taylor to actually takea little note from Billie Eilish in
this case, because people go inon Taylor all the time anyway for her
unnecessary private jet usage. And youmight say, well, Billy Eilish her
last album, she had six differentvinyl covers, but she also I guess,

if you look into it, sheused recycled materials and actually went the
extra mile to make sure it wasn'tleaving as big of a carbon footprint,
so it was less of a moneygrab. But people are like that was
an absolute attack specifically on Taylor's Swift, because that is what she is,
non she must be I guess tocall it, and I don't think it's
the worst thing. I think thatcelebrities do need to be aware of it.
Like they'll be the ones that arelike like Leonardo DiCaprio will be like,

we need to work on climate crisis, and then he goes on the
biggest yacht of all time. It'sso ridiculous. Also, Sabrina Carpenter,
she has advice for anyone out therewanted to hook up, she said,
did an interview with Cospolitan, andthis is her advice to anyone who's in
that day and age. She says, I mean, at the end of
the day, my whole thing rightnow is whatever you do, don't get

pregnant. That's the way I'm livingmy life. So my sex tip be
smart, use protection, and thatis pretty good advice. Hailey Bieber posted
a screenshot of the new Beyonce coverof Joline. Now it's kind of a
cover, but it's also a newrendition of Joline because Dolly Parton's version is
kind of like, please don't takehim Joelene, and Beyonce's well, you

can listen, it's a little different. Well, actually, let's talk about
that really quick. How do youfeel about it, well, I think
that is definitely Beyonce's take on it. Remember she had the Becky with the
good hair, so there's like aprelude of Beyonce or a Dolly parton being
like, I know I heard youtalk about that girl with the good hair
trying to take your mad. Itreminds me of a Do you think Dolly's
cool with her though? Like puttinga spin on it? Absolutely, yeah,

you can't use Dolly's music if shedidn't approve it. She Jolie Joy
Joan Fine, Julia own Man verydifferend Julie, I know, I'm a
queen. Joy steal a pretty oldbits from the Roo. She's like,

one of my favorite lines is she'slike, I've been with him twenty years.
I raised him like I raised mykids, so I like, stay
away. But Hailey Biber posted ascreenshot that but Whoop with like the little
you know, smoke coming out ofthat emoji, and everyone's like, oh,
is that an attack on Selena Gomez? And I'm like, Hayle,
what was that? The phone ring? No, that's empty, and the
clip I learned that from his head. Okay, I learned so much,

Thank you so much, for allright. That is your pop culture minute,
KATYWB Balin and Cold one on onepoint three Katie w B. I'd
like to know how you would havehandled this situation that happened to me at
the coffee shop today. Let's hearit now. Everyone knows when you go
in a coffee shop there are alwayspeople with their laptop and they're taking up
two people table or four people tables. And I think two people is fine

if you're a solo persona and Ieven get sometimes there's no other option than
the fore top. But it sucks. You know, you should ask some
other people if you could say withthem before you take that four top.
I don't think they're going to Probablyyou should. This is what happened to
me today. In my coffee shop. There is one six top it's like

a high top table. I goto the back where it is and I
said to the one person sitting there, hey, can I grab a seat
here? And they said, actuallyit's taken, and I said, okay,
so I go over. There's likeone seat at the bar. The
reason is the bar initially is becauseit's in between people. I didn't want

that. I was to stay yeand so I sit there, But what
did I do the whole time?I watched that six top because I'm like,
where are your friends? Where areyour friends? I sat at that
bar for twenty two minutes because Ilooked at my clock, tim. No
one ever came to join this person, not even a singular person in twenty

two minutes. Okay, are youdressed as you're dressed? Now? What
does that have to do with anything? No, you look presentable now,
But I'm just wondering, like,did you look ill? Did you look
ill? Like you have? Iwas wearing my jeans. I'm wearing jeans
and a longsleeve purple top right now. Okay, so this is what I
was wearing. So they shouldn't havejudged you based off your appearance, Like,

person, is he gonna give mesomething? If I'm not six feet
I could have sat at the othercorner from them and been nowhere near them?
Yeah? Yeah? So is thisperson just a rude ass? And
just oh okay? Was going tosay, like, would normally you have
friends come sooner than that? Yeah? You could sit there? Or what's
the time limit? How long doyou get to hold a six top table

from people? What is the timelimit on that. Well, I'm such
a pushover. I would have beenlike, you could just have my seat,
Like I can go to the barif you really need it. No,
I thought it was so. Ialmost said something as I left because
I was I felt like I couldn'teven focus on what I was doing.
The only thing I cared about washow he had no friends coming and kept

me from sitting at that table.Oh well, maybe that's the name.
Maybe they don't have friends and theywould have friends controlling. Oh. I
was going to say, like wewere your angle it like we feel bad,
you feel bad, But like I'mjust trying to justify what they did
a little bit. I don't thinkthere is a justific Is there a justification?
And how long does someone get tohold a six top table as a
singular person? Five through ninety one? Text me today's deep dive is on

pinks. Get the Party started onone A one point three Katie w B.
It was written by Linda Perry ofFour Non Blondes. Yeah. They
wrote this hit in ninety two.Clean After the group broke up. In

the early nineties, Perry released twosolo albums, and then she started writing
for other artists She wrote this onefor Christina Beautiful. She wrote this one
for Gwen, but Get the PartyStarted was initially thought to be a hit

for Madonna until Pink happened to callher the week after she wrote the song,
and Pink was a huge four nonblonde fand and she sought out Perry,
who was very surprised to get acall from Pink. When they met,
Perry gave her an MP three copyof Get the Party Started, and
Pink's management loved the song and arrangedfor them to work together on her second
album. Actually ended up co writingand producing eight of the songs on the

album. She actually made this songin her house. She learned that hits
in the two thousands were made digitally, so she bought a little digital workstation
and started experimenting. As she waslearning to use them. She came up
with the track by adding layer afterlayer, and then she quickly banged out
a lyric with every party cliche shecould think of, arriving at lines like
connection brought. Some listeners thought thesong made a reference to ecstasy, the

drug of choice for ravers, likethis line. He told Q Magazine.
I didn't write Get the Party Startedyou'd have to ask Linda Perry if that's
about ecstasy. I don't know whatshe meant with it. I still don't
know if it's I'm coming out orI'm coming up. I don't even know
what I sing. King said.They actually ended up recording twenty or more
songs between the two of them rightat Linda's house on her furry rug.

But this was a big move forher because she ditched the R and B
influence in favor of rock and hiphop, which was a risky move,
but it paid off. Kink said. It was a lot more versatile and
a lot less continuous ballon and cultson one on one point three katiew But
I don't why were playing this andnot just baja men, because thank you

go you're ready. I guess Ijust questioned you all week long. We
have had so many dog breeds upwith your voting going on to pick the
hottest dog. Yeah, all goodthings have to come to an end at
some point in time. I thinkthe Maltese was the most demolished of the

dogs. Shirt the Maltese got.We had a golden Doodle, black lab.
We had a Samoyaed, we hadDoberman pit Bull King Charles. But
it came down to the final threewhen the voting today has been intense.
I can tell you between the Husky, Golden Retriever and the Bernese Mountain Dog,
Husky was out pretty much immediately.Yeah, the Husky man. I

thought people would want to get huskhusted up, but nope, no one's
looking at it the way you are. And that's where I think the issue
is. When you think about aBernie's Mountain Dog too, you see somebody
who can provide for you in Alaska, you know what I mean, Like
you have the mid body, yeah, but if you were stranded in Alaska,
you'd be taken care of. Onthe other hand, the Golden Retriever
has finances right, loyal, nevergonna waiver. I do not like that

its hair is better than mine.That's like, that's just a personal issue
in general. So with that said, thirty one percent of the vote went
to the Bernie's Mountain Dog, fiftythree percent because obviously the Husky was in
there too, Fifty three percent wentto the Golden Retriever. The hottestg the

Retriever. I mean, I saidit from the beginning. Pull the tape
I think the Golden Retriever will winanyone. I mean, ready side,
I'd advitated. Men called me basic, Well guess you are. Apparently the
Twin Cities is basic and we're allokay with it. You are basic,

You're mad. The Australian Shepherd didn'teven make it to the next round.
I guess no one likes Azzie.It seems kind of like discriminatory, but
whatever, whatever you want to be. I do think we should play this
one last time. People were upsthat we did not give any attention to
and you have a bulldog, Frenchbulldog or pug, but we all agreed
we don't think they're so. I'msorry, but no, but one final

time, this is I'm Just Canperformed by Ryan Gosling into I'm Just Can
performed by a French bulldog. Andthis is the championships song for Golden Retrievers
anywhere else life. I'm having aconversation. Stop embarrassing me again? Do

you me in trouble? Oh man, I don't think we'll ever do another
thing like that, But that didbring me to no putting my foot down
the Siamese. Okay, no,first of all, how dare you say
Siamese over a rag doll that Itold you there is more dragon. Yeah,

we got to stop talking animals likethis, we do. It's getting
super weird. Or to come backwith trending on Katie W. Balan and
Colt Today's trending with Balan and Colton one on one Katie W. B.
Well, it's more pop culture.But I know Beyonce. A lot
of people are saying a lot ofthings about the album. Well, you

know what, it's very different becauseshe's right, it is not a country
album. It is definitely a Beyoncealbum. I think Texas Hold Them is
the most country sounding album. Yeah, and I went through like the kind
of the mentions of Dolly Parton andWillie Nelson. They aren't on songs with
her. They have like this littleinterlude like Dolly introduces her doing Jolene.

Willie Nelson has two spots where he'slike almost a radio DJ for like a
country radio station introducing songs. Cool. It is cool. So but then
of course we are playing the songsthat feature Miley Cyrus and post Malone every
other hour, So I don't know. I like that it's different. Of
course, not every song is myfavorite, but it's growing on me.

The Easter Bunny is super generous thisyear. Have you seen this? It's
like so crazy how much people arespending on Easter baskets. They say the
average person is spending one hundred andseventy seven dollars per person. Oh oh,
that's insane. I guess I didtwo hundred and fifty. I did
for both kids, so one twentyfive. Would you get them a golden
Bunny? Oh? I got Well, oh no, I mean the Easter

Bunny spent that on them. Well, yeah, you know what I'm saying,
right, So, yeah, theEaster Bunny went in. But I
know there's some there's some no likemajor presence, but just spring oriented presence.
Okay, like kites, rain boots. I'm sorry, is the Easter
Bunny now, Santa Claus? Whatis opening over there? East Bunny is

creating monsters in my household? Allof lucky she gets up one of those
little peep stacks, you know,it has like three peeps in a row
on a stick. Yeah, andwe still on the para letter you wanted
a time because shows all crazies arebouncing off the walls getting mad over stuff
like what happened, oh red dye. So that's one thing. Also,
I don't know if you've seen thistrend going around. It's very crazy.
Men in New York are just punchingwomen in the face. Have you seen

this? Yeah, I've seen alot of videos and it's kind of scary.
My wife goes there like every coupleof months to visit one of her
friends mom trips, and like,you gotta wear a motorcycle helmet, like,
don't well they yeah, in public, they say they're mostly targeting you
if you're looking at your phone,which is everyone. Yeah, And so
it's just these women will post aselfie video and they'll be like they look
stunned, and they'll have like ahuge bump on their forehead or something,

or a black guy and they'll like, a man just punched me in the
face. And that's an actual thingthat is happening in New York right now.
Guys are just going up to agirl who's looking at her phone and
just punching her in the face andwalking away. What is happening, I
don't know, but it makes mefeel thankful being in Minnesota. I know
there's some sketchy areas that's everywhere,But it is not like I've never been
once worried on a trail or walkingaround a lake. Then anyone's gonna run

up and punch me. Yeah,but also, I'm six too, and
kind of you know I I'm built. You can't hit it about yourself.
I don't know you wanted me totry again. I'm six to and I'm
like, you know what you knowa little? All right? Trendings brought
to you by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery.Call me miss Frizzle. All right?

Is the after school pop quiz onone a one point three KDEWB with Fallon
and Cult. We have Maria andmaple Wood and Addie and Wyoming playing.
So we'll give you easy trivia questions. Maybe they're not so easy. Some
are hard, and the first totwo wins. If you know the answer,
you just say your name to chimein. Are you ready? Ye
ye? Question number one, We'llstart with a difficult one. What is

the only mammal capable of flying?It's okay if you don't know, all
right, no one knows that one. It is a bat? Okay,
no judge, man, No,I didn't know that one. Sticking with
our bat theme, though, whatis the name of the fictional city where
Batman lives? Yes, Maria gotthem, Yes right, Maria, all

right? Question number three, whatis the main language spoken in Japan?
Maria? Yes, Maria, Japan? That right? All right, Maria,
you got to correct, which meansyou're our winner. Addie, thank
you for playing. Maria. You'regonna get a pair of Nickelodeon Universe passes.
Congratulations. Oh, thanks so much. The kids A love them.

We have peeps. This is ASMR. I want to try a peep game
with you next that I'm going toput a bunch of peeps in my mouth
and see if you can that.Yeah, I guess what I'm singing?
Oh, lucky me. Yeah,it'll be great to see one to a

point three, katiewb. You alwaysknow when our boss is out of town
because that's the day that cold's like, I'm going to shove a bunch of
peeps in me and you guess whatI'm singing. And I said, didn't
we do this like on your firstweek you put up you shoved the banana
in your mouth. I shoved thebanana. It was so wet sounding it
made everyone uncomfortable and we were likewe'll never do it again. I was

trying to figure out, like howwe be topical? What can we talk
about Easter wise? I know,let's put a bunch of peeps in my
mouth. Promotion Starctor Ted is joiningus also high Ted, Good afternoon.
Do you have any memory I have? I have an Easter story, like
a memorable one. I never spentEaster with my dad except for one year,
and I well, no, Imean my mom just I typically stay
with my mom. It's fine.Guys still make it worse. But one

youar got me an easter basket.I remember getting up, like i'm I
went through the hallway and I swearI saw the Easter Bunny and I was
like, oh, so went backto sleep. When I got up in
the morning, I was so excitedbecause in the easter basket outside of my
door, I saw a barbie withall these shoes and I was like,
oh, she's going to be styling. When I got up, the shoes
were jelly beans. They were notshoes. I was like, I never

liked jelly beans. Who does's justso many jelly beans? But I think
get a Barbie. So out tothe Easter bunny for that one The Easter
Bunny is pretty clutch. I rememberI was in fifth grade and the Easter
Bunny got me Chryl Crow's Greatest Hitsalbum. I swear to God, true

story. I know the body knowsyou well. I must have told the
Easter Bunny that I like liked onesong by Cheryl Crow. It was probably
this one. Every fifth grade boysdream is Cheryl Crook's greatest hit? Hey,
bro, what'd you get over theweekend? Honestly, Cheryl Crow is
a battie and she is an angelwow and musical legend. So shout out

to Cheryl Crow. She has amusical legend. Absolutely. Okay, So
brought in a bunch of peeps todayand what's happening? Could guy? We're
gonna put how many peeps can Ifor this? We aren't, Honestly,
I'd guess minimum four. You wantme to choke? No? Maybe wanted?

We're guessing a song? You sing? The phone? All right?
Too? Are in his mouth?How tiny is your mouth? Peeps?
Are that massive? You have thetiniest mouth that ever a little baby bird?
Come on, just puked in hismouth. Candy shop stuff used to

turn me on. It's a goodone. Still holds up. He put
an extra Papa baby. You knowdoes that kiss me through the phone by
soldier boy? Let's got baby calI need to repeat, did you just

eat all those I've heard peeps havelots of protein. I don't think that's
true, so take that up.Okay, So he always does say he's
handsome, humble, and hung.Cole says that he said about himself his
bio. Wow, he now hasfive peeps in his mouth. I'm going

hung new song. He now hasthe head of a six peep in but
not the butt want and I gotwhat you promiscuous boy. Shout out to

Ftato his musical legends, who wasalso a baby. Also side note,
Cole wasn't good at carrying a tunewithout peeps in his mouth. I don't
think that was very easy. Iwas like, we got every though,
didn't we. I got me honestwith you. That was just to work

around to get around my die today. I just wanted some sort of you
said, ballancy, pick up peepsand bring them in because you knew your
wife would see them. My wifedoesn't allow beeves in our house because of
the day you got baby come backwith clip quiz and Katie w B Allan

and Colts One On one point three. Katie w B new Beyonce album came
out today and she has a songwith post Malone. She has a song
with Miley. I like both ofthem. I know it's I think this
album is really polarizing for people.I know that because I see the feedback.
We get what we played Texas HoldThem. It's very polarizing. Well,
when you when you've been at it, like as long as Beyonce,
you got to try new things todo. And this is definitely, I

would say an experimental album for sure. And she was not lying when she
said it isn't a country album's Beyoncealbum because kind of the most country sounding
song on there definitely is Texas HoldThem. But we're alternating the songs at
the top of each hour between theMiley and the post Malone. So we're
gonna do the brand news Beyonce withpost Malone here and then we'll come back
and play clip quiz with Promote UhPromo director Ted. This one's called Levi's

Jeans on KATIEWB. It's a littleclip quiz. On one of one point
three, KATWB with founding colds andTed's our intro. Hello clip Quiz with
a clip Quiz intro. Wasn't Ijust flexing too? He was like,
I'm so ready this week. Idid everything right and then immediately went into

the non intro. That's pretty onbrand, though, I think it should
be noted that you just put onlip gloss for this game. It's because
I'm suber sigh. Okay, I'vejust never seen before needing the monster here
because like an intimidation tactic, holdon, we'll come back. He found
it. Hit it. Are youready? It's clip Quiz on kd WV.

Wow, Yeah, there, itis all right. I put I
keep putting on every different type ofbrand of chapstick lip stuff because I am
so dry and nothing helped. Andmy daughter was like, what happened to
your mouth? And I was like, okay, dang, rubbing it in
all right, house. Clip quizzwork, okay, by your roles and

standards. So we have a show, a movie, and a song all
correlate in the same year. Youguess the show, the movie, and
song, and what year they're from. Okay, four points per round.
Person with the most points after thetwo rounds wins the game. Okay,
so it's me versus promo director Ted, Hello, first, who wants to

go first? First? I nevervolunteer to go first? Okay, Ted?
Here is your show? What weekefor over four thousand crams of saturated
fed per serving. It's pundit FORMU. It's just enter the mouth and go
directly to the stomach cord. It'sdistributed to the blood street score everywhere.

Get so to do it? Isthis like Invaders? Zim? What did
that part? Oh? I neverwatched that part, I know, but
even if I don't watch it,But that's Cartman. It was so hard

to find one without Hartman to dolike in someone's name? All right,
No, I'm happy for you andme. I think you might get this
one's head. You gotta think thisone because it's like a fetish. It's
something like maybe we need to devotesome time to thought about what you said
to me the other day. Ihelped my painting instead of half tonight thinking

about it. Something occurred to me. It fell into a deep, peaceful
sleep, and I haven't thought aboutyou since. Oh my gosh, h
the usual sucks. Suspects. Iknow it's Robin, will you? Oh?
But I don't know if it's goodwillhunting. That's yes, that's right.

I wish I would have picked this. Yeah, this is wrong.
I'm never picking first. You areusually good at the music side of things.
Maybe you'll get this song semi charmedlife, Third Eye Blow. Yeah,
that is one of my favorite songsof all times. It just immediately

puts in a good mood. So, now, which year do you think
all these came out? Sad?I'm gonna go nineteen ninety seven, yes,
yeah, noted when it comes toa year. Yeah, you're so
good at the years of some race. I know this kind of strange,

isn't it all right? Cool wayto kick a sotad. Now let's see
fallon. Your show starts with goodsock stop touching like two toaster wakles.
I have to have cereal, giveit, you get it, give it,

Lewis, And it's sending an unmannedprobe ra venus. I'm letting a
bunch of school children name it.Oh, that's gonna end badly. You
do this every month? Yes,sensitive skin Harry gets its enders closed.
That's a TV show. Yeah,that's a show. You got a guess,
no idea again, I'm not gonnawaste time. Malcolm in the Middle.

Oh, the mom had that trunkof an accent. You guys are
going to have cereal like what wasthat? Wow? You guild that you
have to know this movie. There'sno way. Okay, before we start,
I'm afraid we're gonna need to makesure you can do a standing backtop
standard procedure. Do you understand bringingon iconic? Iconic? Yeah, there

you go. Okay. Ooh,that's given me some year. Oh man,
I don't know okay, and yoursong is oh god, okay,
taking in faith heal breathe yeah,nice good tune here voice. I can

feel a maget footing singing, wishthat was in my easter basket. This
kiss, this kiss, so good, so good? Oh that is flash
of your girl back. I don'tknow anything about Malcolm in the Middle,
bring it on. Man, couldn'teven begin to guess what's the year?

Could even again? I will sayI'm gonna I don't know ninety eight?
Can I jump in here and guesstwo thousand? Nice? Three thousand year?
Again? I didn't know facepal madeit into the two thousand Ye decent,
Well, it's all tied up aswe're go into round two next,

and we have twins tickets after roundtwo of clip Quiz on one on one
point three k d w It's clipQuiz on kd w V. You did

it. We're all tied up goinginto round two. We have a show
movie song and then you have toguess which year they all fall into.
Okay, whoever has the most pointtwins obviously, so we're tied yep,
tied up two to two. Ted, you kicked us off last time.
I'll give you the option. Doyou want to go again first or second?

We've never had done that before.I don't like the I think I'm
just up, You're just up?Yeah, okay. There will be no
cushions, there will be no rapro ling, the one saying that at
the end of the series, noone will have a recording contract. This
is on you base and this isour purpose built test track. There are

no traffic jams here, well apartfrom this one and the bustlingside. Right,
do you know this film? Oh, I got no idea. Top
Gear top Gear on Netflix? Right, Yeah, it's on Netflix now.
Yeah, it's like a car show. I'm a big car guy. Listen

you run on his shows that start? Okay, okay, so your movie
is I think you're pretty funny.Don't you freak flash like breaking your teeth
that's the accident. No Flash,I don't want to fight you, Flash.
I wouldn't want to fight me neither, exactly a uh spider man.

Yeah, why they call him flash? Then I would have got the flash
that would just be on the note. Which one is that? Oh?
Wait? No, I don't wantnope, dope, don't share that?
Ye all right, don't care?Move move right into the here go show.
You don't understand me, daddy,I think you'll ask. Okay,

girl, don't want don't and you'redying you. I just want to ask
if you want to give me yourname? It's want your dad, you
don't want me. The song youboy, don't mean not gonna be you
want to settle you? Oh,your youth is showing to I don't.
I don't know this song, andI'm kind of disappointed in myself. You

know at least who it's by,Uh love Kim actually love him is in
the song. It's Eve though,right, Yeah? Do you know?
Not the name of it? GangsterLove definitely the name. So what about
the year? Okay, so Iwant to get by the way, we
have twins tickets at the end ofthis. Okay, two thousand and one,

two thousand and one, mm hmmm, two thousand and two. Have
a chance, have a chance.Thank god, you do have a chance.
Okay, Fallon? Your show iselectric? Yeah, coming through electric?

Electric? Electric? No, yougot a happy meal in front of
that shirt? Oh field trip signature? Oh deep, that's getting really good.
A lot of background noise, mattclip, not a lot of acol

character identification, really hard. Electricwas said twenty seven times, like it
sounds like shuffling the dishes, everyroom, every person on the cast.
And also it's impossible to find aclip. But they're not just swearing.
I don't know, freaks and geeksshameless okay, okay, okay, Well

here's the movie where have you been? I got Sikh Summer said anything to
you yet? No Napoleon Dynamite?Yeah, okay, old and your song
Fallon It's Alicia Keys some one time, some people food a fortune, the

whole Fame people live on? Yeahlive? What are we going to go?
The whole three minutes? What doyou think if I ain't live it
all. Yeah, if it ain'tyou, you probably knew that the whole

time is showing up. God,I get it. I was like,
I know it ain't falling. Iknow it ain't this girl fire. Okay.
So Napoleon Dynamite, I believe,came around out around the exact same
time as as Old School. I'msorry Anchorman or Anchorman. An Anchorman is

a superior movie to Napoleon Dynamite.For some Reasonapoleon Dynamite got a lot of
attention. I was in Indiana atthe time. No, I'm We're a
my way to it. I'm notgoing to wait to a baby. Let
me, let me, let mesnip it out like a bloodhound over here.
It's either two thousand and three orfour, because he is in two
thousand and two, three, twothousand three, two thousand four. You

have you still won four to three. It's all good, Ted. How
do you feel? I mean,I'm all right. Are you going to
make him kiss the ring again?Or is that just a one time thing?
No, he has to kiss it. He has to kiss it.
And can I just pick like acelebration? Could I get one more hit
of that faith Hill song for mycelebration Faith. Oh yeah, sure,
do it for the people. Great. If we didn't include the twenty second

intro, want it right to sayit, you could have gotten the hook.
All right. Nothing says Easter weekendlike faith? Yes, magic food?
How do you freaks know this?And non quants teaching? Oh,

you're bringing it back to the QuadCity DJs still salty about it? All
right, that's enough, fay Pill. Time to give away Twins tickets ted
before you leave, kiss the ring, Well, thank you. The Minnesota
Twins are hosting the Cleveland Guardians Thursday, April fourth. It is the season
home opener, and we want tosend you and a friend to that game.

Just be collored ten right now towin at six five, one nine,
eight nine kd w B. Oh, it's the pop Culture Minute with
selling and cult on one O onepoint three kd w B. Brought to
you by Ovo Lacy and Len's findthem on ov oi dot com. Gypsy

Rose and her husband her boyfriend orwhatever he is is our fiance, Yeah,
fiance for now? No, theybroke up three months what I know?
I knew this would blow your mind. What three months out of prison?
It's over? Is there? Truelove, That's what I'm saying.
And there were so many creepy guyscourting her in prison, and that's the

one she chose. Or do youthink she has other options now? Like
dudes are like, oh, youknow, she might not be too bad.
Maybe here's what I've learned. Sometimeswhen you live distant from each other,
it works out because you only seeeach other like on weekends for fun
things, and then when you actuallylive together, you like you got the
you have the reality. It's notthe honeymoon. Yeah, it's not the
vacation partnership and the reality sets it. Maybe he was like, I know

as she's capable of, and Ifeel like I'm getting on her nerves a
little too hot? Not okay,all right, I'm out. Billie Eilish
calling out celebrities, mostly Taylor Swiftbecause she said she's very environmentally friendly,
tries to be comparatively to many otherartists, like with tours and things.
She actually puts in the work.And she said, we live in a

day and age where, for somereason it's very important to some artists to
make all sorts of different vinyl andpackaging, which ups the sales and ups
the numbers and gets them more andgets them more, and I can't express
to you how wasteful it is.And she basically said that, and everyone's
like, oh, you're talking aboutTaylor Swift because she releases a million vinyls
of every like here's this, nuxtcoffee, here's this, and she's and

Billy had a few different vinyl options, but she worked with a company or
an organization to like get recycled product. Blah blah blah. And Taylor Swift
already gets looked at negatively for hercarbon footprint on her private jets. As
soon as that story came out,she said, I'm gonna offload one of
these. It's probably about another one, just like anyway. Also, everyone's

all about that new Beyonce, exceptfor those that aren't, a lot of
people I see are really liking it, including Dolly Parton, who gave praise
to Beyonce's version of Joe Lane.Here's a question, jo your own man,

Julie. I know I'm a queen, still a pretty all bit bitch
from Louise See. Dolly's take wasmore of like a please don't take him
like you could, but please don'tBeyonce his like, don't even yea,
I will find you and you willregret it. I've put in the work,

I've raised this man. He isfine. Absolutely. You might hear
Taylor in the background. It's notlike a haunt, like a new vinyl
that she's releasing that we're promoting,but actually this is really cool. Coming
up on April first, the MorningShow at seven twenty will have details about
the biggest Taylor Swift prize we've evergiven away. It's Mass seven twenty April

first. It's huge. I don'twant you to miss out on that,
and we can't say anything. Iknow. Our boss Rich is like,
do not say anything about it,but it's They put it one of those
prizes where it's so big it's almostunbelievable until you win and you're like,
oh my god, I know andstop talking actually, because I almost said
something I'm not supposed to and Idon't want to get us in trouble.
Have you ever hooked up with someoneand when you woke up in the morning

they had stolen something from you.We're gonna do that when we come back.
Katiew B still Dutch number and toomuch one on one point three.
Katiew B with Falon and Colts.I don't know if your algorithm is similar
to mine. But there's this girlthat's been going around and it makes me
laugh every time. And she says, she's like, Yo, this guy

hooked up with I woke up likeand he was trying to sneak out and
he was he was stealing her groundb from her freezer, and when she
came out, it spooked him andhe dropped it and they both just looked
at each other because he didn't knowwhat to do because he was caught stealing
her ground beef. And it mademe laugh so hard because Jenny, I
will say this from the Morning show. She once got up and stole a

frozen pizza from a guy. Thishappened to my little brother. He never
had a one nice stand and hewas out. I forget it's cubby one
too, But they and it endedup going good. Brought her back to
his place in Hopkins. They hookup whatever the other thing. He wakes
up in the morning, she's gonenothing a trace, like, just not
know anything. Goes out to hiskitchen, opens the fridge, nothing's in

there. Goes to his cupboards,open the fridge or opens the covers.
Nothing's in there? How how likedeep of a sleeper? You think you
hear her shopping? He calls me, He calls me, He's like,
dude, she took the toaster strudles, And I was like, what are
you talking about? The toaster?She stole everything? And then she hit
him back and wanted to see hima second time, and he was like,

you want to eat again, Yeah, you want my groceries again,
Get out of here. Well,my question is it doesn't have to be
food, but did you ever bringsomeone back to your place and they stole
something from you? Could be somethingmore valuable than toaster scrudles. Love to
hear from you six five to onenine eight nine KDWB oh Yes, outcast
missus Jackson one oh one point threeKatie w B with Falon and Colt,

we're gonna do a little Easter eggroulette. This is you maybe seen this.
Jimmy Fallon does this with just Ithink outside of Easter just egg roulette,
But it's Easter egg roulette because tisthe season where you smash an egg
against your head and you hope youget the hard boiled one perfect in a
tuna salad or egg salad, andyou hope you don't get the raw one

because then you know, egg onyour head. Gross. We're gonna do
that when we come back between myselfand Colt. But first we have New
Beyonce and they're alternating every other hourbefore between the one featuring post belone and
this one, which is her newone featuring Miley cyrus On, Katie w
B Stalin and Colts one on onepoint three. Katie w B. I've

seen have you seen Jimmy Fallon dothis before? The egg? I thought
I created this, but no,no, I think I've even done this
on the Morning show before. It'sdefinitely not a unique idea. Sorry,
no offense. I thought it wasreinventing the wheel. Well. I brought
in some eggs. Some are goingto be hard boiled, some are raw
dog as we're calling them. Okayeggs, Okay, So we're each going

to have a handful of eggs.I brought in six Okay, okay,
so two of the eggs are goingto be hard boiled, which means for
our raw Oh. I don't likethat, so we'll each do three.
Okay. Can I just get itout of the way, So you want
to you want to do all three? Yeah, because if I get yoked,
I don't want to wait for youand then be all yoky on the

side. Okay, If you wantto do all three and get it out
of the way, that is finewith me, trust me, because I
don't like this anyway. We waituntil a five o'clock hour so that if
we get yolked, we have togo home. Okay, So let me
just take my headphones off. Okay, And would you like to do the

smashing or you want me just tosmash? I brought there are trash bags.
Do you want to put one onfirst? Oh? You did?
Yeah? Okay, I'll do thattrash bag. Okay, all right?
Do you you just do it wheneveryou want, if you want to get
all three of yours out of theway going, I want to get all
three, all right, So herewe go. I'm going to angle the
mic this way, okay, andthen oh no, okay, careful it's

on the microphone. We're gonna getin trouble, no, okay, okay.
Well, the odds are good thatyou'll have at least a hard boiled
one. Now, okay, I'mgonna go with the second one. Here
we go ready, really, youin a row not ever use that phrase

again. Your hair never look shinier. Honestly, though, this could be
a great treatment for you. MyTrader Joe's dry shampoo. Okay, okay,
so this one has to be justto boil, then, right,
I would say? Is so cold? Well, I put them in the
fridge. Doesn't feel boiled. I'mstarting, Okay, let me get well,

it's gotta be. I'm just gonnado it. Oh, why is
there a yoke? Are these allyoke? What are you doing to me?
All right? Let me just dothe fourth one and see? Why
would you ever do the fourth one? Okay? I think these are all
yokes? What happened? I'm gonnabe Why are my eggs all yoky?

Your hair is dripping, It's soeverything is dripping. I'm all yoked.
I'm showing your raw dog with somany eggs. I'm gonna be honest with
you. I'm gonna person honest.Yeah, go ahead, two cartons of
eggs in my fridge. You're tellingme you brought I'm so sorry. I

want to look at you. Ican't even move on to the next secon
do all of yours? Can youcome touch this button. I can't move
my hands so expensive eggs? Whichbutton? You said that one? Right
there? All right, Well thatworked out for me. Honestly, I'm

not even upset. It is oneon one point three, Katie w B.
Last thing I want to do inmy life is get wrong to talk
about you again. The first timeI've heard that from some ballon and Colts.

One on one point three, Katiew B. You look like like
Beavis and Butt. You look clean. I don't know the difference between Vivis
or but I don't know which onethe brunette is, but you look like
him. Thanks, and your youhave the hair is spiky and it's very
green, you see, And it'sbecause of the egg yolk. And someone
did say you can get salmonella thatway. Yeah, I was wondering can
I get it through my eyeball becausesome of the yolk went into my eyes

too. Just so all over.We did do egg roulette earlier. And
I do apologize because I, firstof all, I'm upset that I wasted
eggs because they're not cheap, andobviously tis the weekend where I'm coloring eggs
and I accidentally brought the wrong ones. In So you got a lot of
raw dogs. Yeah, I gotraw dog by a bunch of eggs.
They were all yolk. My apologies, that is my mistake. I'm gonna

forgive you. It's okay, Likeyou keep bringing it up. So I
was like, are you gonna forgiveme? I have to give a birthday
shout out? Really quick? CanI get a birthday shout out? It's
a girl Jana listening in Seattle oniHeart shout out. We met. She
came in to the I was inthe Jason Show. She was in the
audience on my last day, andI was like, what a gift that
I get to meet you. She'sin from Seattle. That's so cool.

So anyway, I want to giveher a little birthday shout out. We're
gonna come back and do trending.There's a landmark in the Twin Cities,
been around since the and they're sellingit. It's like you'll know what it
is when I mentioned it, butit's coming up in trending when we come
back on KTWB, Sir, today'strending with felon and cold on one on

one point three kat WB All right, so they say this quite possibly is
Minnesota's oldest dairy Queen is up forsale? Oh where Rochester. There's a
family that's owned it for seventy years. Yeah, they open it in June
was it the first day? Nineteenforty seven? The same year another dairy

Queen opened eighty five miles away inRoseville, And that's led to the debate
over which one is the oldest inthe state. But either way, that
family's had it for generations for seventyyears, and now it's on the market
for one point four million. Let'sgo in on it. Let's go in
on it. One point four fora DQ. It's a lit one.
It's legit. Think about it.Unlimited blizzards, Baby, you in or

not? Yeah, that's worse theend. You're so easy, I'll to
say his blizzard. He comes intoday. By the way, he's been
like eating popcorn every day. Wehave one bag of popcorn studio and corn
and I'll look up in his mouthwill be blue because it's like a blueberry.
And I'm always like, you've beensnacking again. And today he's like,
why is everyone bringing snacks? AndI look over hand in a box

of t rex. They want usto just in the studio. That's true,
and I said, that's fair.This is interesting. Speaking of things
you're eating, they say, Iguess there's like the whole thing in the
mom fluencer community. If that's ayeah, that is the thing momfluencers.
But I guess A steady found amother's diet could help determine a baby's facial
features in the wombs. A studyfound, though, the issue with that

is now, mom fluid, whyare you blinking? Is there in your
eyes right now? I can't seeyou blinking? You kind of flushed it
out, man. But a studyfound mom fluents are glamorizing it too much
on social media and it's making normalmoms feel insecure, inadequate. I don't

know the details and like how itcould the diet could determine, but I
will tell you the first sixteen weeksI was pregnant, I only ate fruit.
I couldn't say anything else. Iate fruit, and that is it.
Then after that your girl was craveand mcchickens. So if all of
a shaped like a McChicken, thatis, it was so good, It
could be better, could be worse. That is your trending. It is

brought to you by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery. Find them at MPSMN dot com.
Go flush your eye out. I'mworried. Thank you, and one one
point three KTEWB with Fallon and Cult. It's Easter weekend. My family gets
back in town tonight at midnight,which is just so crazy. I was
like, really midnight, I haveto Actually, I can't even look at
you seriously because your hair is justcovered with egg yilts. I feel bad.

I'm sorry, I feel bad.I'm like trying not to be petty
about it too. Accidents had beenor was it an accident? It was
an accident? Did egrew lette earlier? There were mistakes made, Colt got
a bunch of yolk in his head. But the good news is I am
clean. Yes, also I am. I'm having you guys over for Easter

this weekend. That's nice, right, you'll forgive me for that. I
don't know what because you're telling meyou have all these this keisha and all
these desserts and coffee cakes, andI'm like, I feel bad not bringing
anything no where. Your wife partymessaged me and tell me she's bringing stuff.
Oh so she's got a cover.Yeah, she actually said yesterday you
said, what can she make?I was like, excuse me, what

can you make? Yeah? Iwas signing her up for sure, but
then you were like, just getorange juice. But in her head,
she's like, maybe I should makesome fresh orange juice. And I'm like,
you're over so many things. Whateverthe cheapest orange juice is. Also,
isn't that a little hill billy?I don't even know if that's classy
where you pull up and you haveyour own fresh spaces and like a plastic
baggie. Yeah, I don't knowthat. I'd be wells did a plastic

bag. But the only people thatare gonna drink the orange juice anyway are
like, well, I might ifI have some champagne. Wink the little
Mimosa. Do you want me topick up champagne now too? That's what
the wink was, all right?Hit one on one point three, Katie
w B. Fallon and Colt.That is it for us? I mean,
unless you have something else you wantedto do. Did you did you
write an original Easter song you'd liketo perform? No? I just kind

of wanted to shower, get thisegg yolk out of my hair. Fair.
We did announce earlier today the winnerof our hot Dog bracket. If
you missed it, it's up onour Instagram stories. But spoiler, Goldener
freev took it baby, and there'sone woman. It's a safe choice,
you know what I mean, Likeyou're living That's okay, that's so basic,
that's maybe fine. There is onewoman in our dms I've never seen

more passionately angry about the decision becauseshe owns a husky and she's taking it
very personal. I'm like, thisisn't about your dog. I swear,
I know I get it. Butyou can go check out the weird video
that Coult made with stolen photos ifyou left the watermarks from artists on them.
I never thought I was a professionalof this. Oh and by the

way, we do have a podcast. If you ever miss anything from the
show, you can always check itout filon and colts on whatever app you
prefer to use. Have a greatEaster and a great weekend. Thanks for listening.
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