All Episodes

April 12, 2024 65 mins
Colt's neighbor is overstepping the boundaries
Monopoly man is hot and falen tries to get his bod 
Woman gets offered a free trip to go on vacation with her sister but cannot stand her sister and her husbands baby talk to eachother
Normal or Nope brings up the question - when is it stalking??

Hey, for real thank you for listening to the podcast. Idk if you're even reading this or if anybody does, but I appreciate you for keeping us relevant lol hell ya.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Fallon and colts on one on onepoint three kd WB. So I have
a serious question for you. Yes, when are you planning on going to
Dilute? Because I see they usuallywe tell each other about vacation we're taking,
and I see on our schedule Duluthstory and I'm like, that's interesting.

You haven't been there since you've beenhere, so this story must be
an upcoming Daluth story. Well,I'm going in July. I've been approved
act you. Oh yeah, allright, surprise, No, we have
some time, okay, perfect.But the other trip we should really be
thinking about right now is the oneto Paris. Oh not the one you're

taking. Yeah fortune, Yeah,not happening for you, It is KDWB.
Today's a big day on KTEWB.We are getting qualifiers all afternoon,
So you're going to be listening foryour name at two twenty three, twenty
four, twenty and five twenty toqualify for a trip to see Taylor on
the aerostour in Paris, France.Like I said, that comes up with

two twenty. But first, there'salways some drama in your life a little
bit, and this does have todo with the delude thing. And I
made a new friend as a neighbor, which was cool until it wasn't It
is am I the jerk. Let'sfind out in like six minutes one on

one point three Katie w B withFallon and Colt. What's going on?
Like you like? Yeah, Ithink that what's happening is you're slowly trying
to work in stories where you havefriends because I two things. Two things.
There's like, I have friends Ihang out with sometimes. That doesn't
count. Like, that doesn't count. So a coworker can't be a friend.

No, it can, because youand I agreed yesterday we're the best
friends. Okay, but my pointis, yeah, you co work can
be a best friend. But youclaimed you had out friends like outside of
work. So I think the issueis me, the big issue. I
became friends with my neighbor already.That was so quick and his mistake to

No, he's kind of he's areally nice guy. And we were talking
about to Luth. I actually havenever been to the Luth. You lived
here for two years. I don'tknow what I was doing. I don't
know. I was going to ValleyFair. I was, Uh, that's
a great choice. He's just chillingaround a little different. So anyways,
he's like, you should plan thistrip. He told me like all these
cool spots. I'm like, youknow what I should? So I asked
from Tom Off for time off.Rich blessed me, gave me a couple

of days off. Interesting didn't getthat same email, and I booked a
hotel or whatever. He's like,dude, what days are you going?
I tell him about it. He'slike, you know what, We'll book
on ours right now and we cando it together like a little I'll show
you around to Luth, we'll hangout from there. No expert Chicago.
But he was like, that'd beso fun. We could do like a

family trip. But I mean,he doesn't have any kids. It's just
him and his wife. And Ididn't hesitate to be like, actually,
this is just my family thing.Didn't so I'm like, I can't tell
you to not go to the Luth, but we like, I don't want
to go to the Luth with you. You didn't say it like that.
I did you hate confrontations? Idid that? How would you really say

it? Jen? Jen? Beokay to be honest, yes, I
know you did not do it withoutthrowing her I said I gotta talk to
my wife. Let me see whatJen says. I knew it, and
then I texted her. I textedhim later that night. I was like,
oh, I think this, weshould do it. It's a more
low key thing with us in thefamily. After talking to Jen, and

maybe you can do something. Firstof all started this story off, but
acting like you were like I toldhim no, and I knew. I
knew it was a lot best friends, you know me? So how did
he respond? Was he like coolwith it or with you? Like he
doesn't texted me yet? I don'tknow. He's a little salty about it.
I think, Oh, no,I get I wants to be friends

with me. I understand I haven'tmet a single friend of yours yet.
All right, let me let meswitch up the topic really quickly. Taylor
switched. Okay, that's good.That's a good. Let's distract you.
It's tickets a trip to Paris.Yes, have you qualified to become a
Verify fan yet? I have not? Thank you for asking. So what
you do is you go to tdwwdot com and to your name and then

in literally ten minutes at two twenty, Yeah, we're gonna call a name
if it's your name, you callus. You have ten minutes and thirteen
seconds to do so cool. Thankyou get a qualifying prize. You're gonna
get Taylor's uh speak now, Taylor'sversion on Orchid Marble vinyl. So you
get the cool vinyl and then you'rein a very very small pool of people

who have officially qualified for the tripto Paris. Sy Taylor, and it's
orchid, not orchid. It isorchid. At culp did read orchard earlier?
I said, did you mean orchid? Like? That is what I
meant. So you'll win the Orchidvinyl. Well, we'll do that,
like you said at two twenties,So make sure you text everyone let them
know listen at this time to listenfor my name or listen for your name

on Katie W B Sallan. Okay, here we go. Taylor Swift is
bringing her iconic arastward to Paris onMay tenth. Everything. Yeah, we've

been talking about this. Everyone's like, wait, what show? Which show?
And this is the one May tense. So you can go ahead and
start booking your airfare. Just kidding, you don't have to. We're covering
the airfait. You just see thedays off of work. You probably should
get a passport. That is important. That one we can't help you if
that one is on you. Sowe're announcing a name every hour on the
twenties. Our winner this hour isMeg Niagren. It's nyg r e n

So. I don't know if I'msaying it right, but I think so
Nigren Nigrin, Meg from Albertville.Call in now six five one, nine,
eight nine, five three ninety two. You're ten minutes and thirteen seconds.
Start r right now. Also,you're gonna get if you are a
qualifier, speak now Taylor's version onOrchid Marble the vinyl, which is pretty

cool. And if you know Meg, this is the time to be like,
h you heard your name. Yougotta immediately be a qualifier. The
number again is six five one nineeight nine katiewb. I will send you
recommendations for things to do while you'rein Paris. Really, oh wow,
flex it is a flex. Iwent to a place when we're there and
have an apartment in Paris. Well, let's not get ridiculous. I didn't

say it rich, just had itbeen once twice three times? No,
it's okay. We announced our twotwenty name. We have someone on the
phone. Is this Meg? Yees? Wait Meg called? Maybe? Where
are you from? Oberville, Minnesota? What year were you born? Nineteen

ninety? Yeah? Mag, allright, Meg, this is the good
news. You're gonna get speak nowTaylor's version on Orchid Marble Vinyl and you
are officially in the running. Likeit's a very small group of people that
are in the running to win thistrip to Paris on May tempt to see

Taylor Swift on the Araras tour.Oh and I just have to say,
you were in my wedding. Whatoh? Oh, okay, cold,
this isn't about you. Wait Meg, what you Star Wars wedding? That's
me? I was Meg, ofcourse a Star Wars wedding. Oh my
god, this is a beautiful,beautiful You weren't Star Wars wedding. I

wasn't invited. Invited. You betterbring me to Paris to make up for
that. Meg. I am sohappy that this is you. How have
you been. How's the family?Amazing? We have three kids? Now,
that's crazy about the ditch. Howlong have you been married? Now?
So that was in twenty fifteen.Oh my gosh, that's so crazy.

I wore like the Princess Leiah Buns. Dave was dressed as Darth Vader
to marry him. It's crazy.Congrats Meg, We'll have another name.
At three twenty on KTWB, it'sthe pop Culture Minute with Felon and Cult
on one on one point three kdwbUh. The biggest news probably is that
OJ Simpson passed away. He hadcancer, and so obviously that's a big

news story. So I wanted tomention that very polarizing human. It's every
other headline about it is like wow, would you highlight this? And then
there's other people like he should behonored. It's so crazy. It's like
a fifty to fifty divide. Verypolarizing human. Courtney Kardashian shared her go
to natural remedy for feeling better.So she posted a photo video of herself

on Instagram and the caption reads,just pounded a glass of breast milk because
she felt sick, gave the camerathumbs up and said good night. And
a lot of people are freaking out. But it is. They call it.
They call it like the liquid goldbecause the reason a lot of people

like, well, they'll use iton anything with babies, like with babies,
like, oh, this baby hasa little psoriasis. I made that
up. Rub it on their head. Oh this baby isn't filling while you
give it breast milk. It's likethis magical cure ale. And uh,
usually you don't hear about adults drinkingit. But I'm not gonna have you
try it your own breast milk.I have not. You never tried it,
You aren't curious a little bit.No. In my mind, it

tastes like coconut milk. And thisis why I've decided, because I feel
like there was like this weird documentaryI watched where this woman was okay,
and I'm not trying to judge,but the kids were like twelve years old,
still breastfeeding, and they were likeand I'll never forget it because they
had British accents, like mommy's milks, the sweetest juice. It tastes like
Milleys, like a weird pep ofBig episode and I'll never forget it.

It tastes like melons, and Iwas like, okay, so in my
mind is a little sweeter. It'slike coconut milk in my mind, and
that's what I'm sticking with it.Yeah, but I think I don't care.
I'm sure there are plenty of momsout there who have done it and
like if they've been sick because theysay it is liquid gold. Also,
guess what the game is suing hisex Genie, because he says that initially

when they were getting divorced that hewas like, I'm gonna live in the
basement and then she just like movedout with their kid and he's like,
what, Like, I want custody. I was staying here so I could
see my kid, which that neverworks out by the way, like staying
in the same house, but Iknow you have to sometimes until you figure
out stuff financially. But he wantsfull custody because it's like she isn't even
around the kid, doesn't live withme, and she has someone else watching

the kids all the time. She'snot doing stuff. That's his side of
things. I don't know that that'strue at all. That's just what he
claims, and that is your popculture meant. It is brought to you
by Ovo Lasik and Lenz. Findhim at ov Oi dot com. Oh
my God, Yeah, Miley's partyin the USA. It's kd W B

spelling and cold one on one pointthree ktw B. He could get six
years. He won't, but itshould Yeah, probably massive fines. Should
he be arrested, Yes, heshould have been arrested. I mean he
could have taken somebody out. Myshare falling from that stories up and it
fell like what two or three feetaway from police officers. Bad location,

bad location, my guy. Anyway, anyone listening who we love doing this
in the two o'clock hour because we'vediscovered the most unhinged people listening to.
That's you, and you're the best, and that makes you our favorite.
Don't tell the four o'clock people.Four o'clockers are awesome. They are so.
Anyone listening who had an invisible friendhas never had a drink of alcohol.

We did no coffee the other day, and we actually got a handful
of people on that one, sosoucially surprising. We never had a drink
of alcohol or lost their temper inan embarrassing way. I have done that
one, I have gotten mad,I've made a scene and then quickly realized
that was so embarrassing. I actuallydid that with I was just talking about

this with my mother in law lastyear. For my birthday. She really
wants me to get a helmet,which I should I need to get one,
Yes, you do, And shejust kept asking me and asked me
and asked me, and I waslike, for my birthday, can it
just be you stop asking me abouta helmet? And I was like,
I'm sorry, my bad. Thatwas embarrassing. I can control my emotions.
That wasn't even as big of oneas I've done. I'm not even

going to share anything I've done bad. But you think losing your temper is
call us if you are in indisecategory six five one nine, eight nine
KATIEWB anyone listening who one on onepoint three KATWB was fallin and cold.
Anyone listening who had an invisible friend, has never had a drink of alcohol,

or who lost their temper in anembarrassing way. I am the last
one. I don't have a specificexample because I'm pretty sure I've done it
multiple times. It's on a dailybasis. Yeah, I used to be
one of those people that like wouldemail back immediately my anger. I've gotten
better about like saying like, let'ssee you write it out, then you
delete it. I don't do that. I don't trust myself obviously, it

said I just like, I'm like, okay, calm down, like you're
ring ridiculous, So, uh Brook, which one are you? All right?
I'm calling for my brother who hadan imaginary friend. Oh you're out
in your brother today because this islike, it's very nostalgic that you guys
are throwing the back chill. Whatwas the imaginary friend? Like? So

it was his imaginary mom and hername was Marca I think that was what
her name was. And he wasalways threatened when my mom was like yell
at him or something like I wantto go to Marthy's house. I want
to do this. So one timemy brother was said the same thing.
My mom's like, okay, let'sgo, and he was five years old
and directed my mom to the middleof nowhere to dis abandoned house. All

right, well, your brother's possesseddan what but he's actually pretty normal,
but like I'm pretty normal now,he's normal. Listen. Here's the thing
about that that is like the ultimatebetrayal as like a mother, if my
kid got a best friend mother,that is so rude. Right, I'm
sorry, but my mom, youknow, was humoring the idea and then

was a little like, okay,we're going back. Yeah, our friends
with a ghost. Great. Yeah, I'm glad you're not featured in like
a true story haunted movie coming outin October. You never know. Good.
Yeah, all right, well,thank you for the call. You
Hi, Katie w B. What'syour name? Amanda? All right,
Amanda? Which one are you?Lost my temper in an embarrassing way?

Okay, we've all been there.Feel free to share in the judgment.
Free z out unless it was reallyhorrible. No, well, it was
really horrible, and it's taught memany lessons. But I violated that only
the code of conduct for the team, but myself in that I did not
reserve my feelings towards a coach ofmy parents, of my child's fourteen until

at least twenty four hours or reallyforever. And I spotted off at the
coach after the tournament. Oh,any example of what you maybe said or
maybe didn't say. I probably saidthat they lost because of her and she
should probably not coach at that level, and that she didn't have the capacity

to coach the team at that ageor ability level. So basically it took
away any respect the kids had forthe coach at all in front of the
kids. Okay, well, okay, I will say I did not say
it in front of the team.Not exclusive behavior in any way. Right,
it was very inappropriate of me.I have apologized many many times and

that is very sincere. So you'reright, lessons have been learned. How
did the coach react when you saidthis? She did not say anything.
Oh so level, haded, calm, collected, the opposite of you.
That's awesome. Well, hey,you learned from it and you're moving on,

so that's cool. Yes, yeah, yeah, learned a lot.
Yes, yes, for sure.I'm also someone to text in and they
said, we know we're the bestat this hour because we said our favorite
people who listen listen in the twoo'clock hour, they're the most unhinged.
Some extra love, but I lovethat. Thank you so much for everyone
that called. And don't forget,we're like twenty four minutes away from your
next chance to qualify to see TaylorSwift in Paris. It is k d

w B the next name week?Now? Is that three on one on
one point three kW B? Whatdid that thinks about it? Front that
I don't know how to act?Wait, don't know about just on a
bospring and the impact you should feltthe impact. Keep shopping with blast with
the skies the limit and the matescan't get past that. Watch me as
a gas that four got six grade? What's again? The thing? Change?
Every time I switch lanes. Ifeel strange now picking the living all

my brains that it came down.I got the title from my mama Pip
in my own name. Now damnthe change now Rennie grannit just with no
shame there I feel the fame moment. I can't complain no more. I'm
the main now in and out myown team, bigures out of New Jersey,
forty b telling me about the partyup at n y C and cannot
make it. Damn right. I'llbe on the next white man classing next

to bad of white. Come on, if you want to go and take
a live with me and with theyou don't want to know? Told me
no stop if they want to goand take a riding man with me with

dods a lord, if you wantto know you smoking, stop chat.
I'm chat yo. I know somethingyou don't know. I got something to
tell you you wonna believe. Imean, they people straight out of the

floor, more said Dad, Iwas there. We're not the same.
Others asking me at the door andnow I'm yelling my candy and then they
get me get tickets to the nextshow. Well, now now that I'm
a fly guy and I fly high, I want to know why why fly
by? But yo? Start good? Bring from my aunt wood do mean

like you should be good? Beatme good, We beat the stuck,
wishing you buss popping like the drugs. Then listen, you push you but
make money in the club. Hein the bends like she crise. You're
telling me the live in your friends. So Shorty one of the knock knocking
the this and if Shorty want arocking rocking the dis and if Shorty one
of the pop pop and the christSure you want to see the ice in
the ice Bridge City talk Nearly listen, Nellie talks City Listen, want to

fly take your tour to see theice with the socks their no, they
the sons know. They come onboat and your kids come. If you
want to know, and take arible me the dream the boat with the
dozies. If you want to knowme you smoke. If you want to

know, take a rib with meand the dream in the boat with the
dodies. Oh, if you wantto know it, move me. He
smoke, Balan and Colts one onone point three kd w B. We
are gonna announce her next Katie wB quality fire at three twenty. We

actually have someone named Addie on thephone. And there have been a lot
of questions about this giveaway and that'stotally fair. So she has a question
for us. We're gonna get heron the phone and maybe that'll answer any
questions you have when we come backon KATIEWB one A one point three KATIEWB
with Fallon and Colts major, massive, massive prize today Taylor Swift in Paris.

Now, how do you go?Well, first you got to become
a verifive fan, which is easy. You just go to KDWV dot com
and you can do KATIEWV dot com, but t a y DWB dot com.
That's where you'll see it. Yousign up, you put your name
in and then your job is justto listen and you tell all your friends,
you tell all your family. Makesure you're listening. Because I and

we did find out because we wereasking last week basically what date is it?
And I because she has multiple pairof shows and it's the May tenth
show, so that's something to keepin mind. But also if you qualify,
the good news is you also dogood a vinyl. It's like a
Taylor's version Speak Now Orchid vinyl,so you get one of her many releases,

which is super cool. So anyway, there's how I answer a few
of the questions for you. Butyeah, there are more questions. I
know. All right, we haveAddie on the phone. Addie, I
know a lot of people have questionsabout this. It's such a big giveaway.
But you have a question about ourTaylor Swift contest, right, I
just I really want to go andI would do anything. I'll tell you

anything. I'll tell you all ofmy family deep his dark a secrets if
I would do it. I mean, I sometimes my dad still from the
Dollar General. Okay, we meanand she calls her the vword sometimes.
Okay. I love you. Idon't want you to reveal anything else and

have your parents sue us. God, what else is going on with your
family? Your dad feels a dollarGeneral? Does he do it with you?
Sometimes? But he told me wecan listen to Taylor Swift on the
ride home. Oh my god,Okay, you gotta stop, because Addie,
I I you are adorable and Ilove you and I get it like

I would probably especially at ten evennow at my current age, would offer
anything to go see Taylor Swift inParis family. No shame, but we
can't. I'm so sorry. Wecan't do that. We have to like,
but did you You did sign uponline? Right, because we are
reading names, so we might readyour name. Okay, okay, oh

saying how to go steal with mydad. Now see you listen, we
have another name coming up at likethree twenty then four twenty five twenty Addie,
I wish you luck and I inlife, in life. Yeah,
you're adorable. Thank you for listening, and shout out to my fellow swiftye.

Thank you bye. This is theballin and Cold show. We got
lucky. Last hour Meg was listening. She did call in to qualify.
Every qualifier today gets a pretty coolprize. They're going to get a record.
Thank you, you welcome, They'regoing to get the Taylor's version of

course speak now on Orchid Marbled Vinyl. But then also the bigger thing is
you're in the running for a TrisaParis mainten and it's a school too.
It is absolutely so here we gowithout any further ado. Our winner this
hour is Rafael Torres, or asColt said, Raphael Olly, I want

to make sure to say right Rafel, Rafael Torres from inver Grove Heights.
If you know Rafael, if youare Rafael, call us right now six
five one nine eight nine five threenine two. You're ten minutes and thirteen
seconds. Start now. Today's trendingwith Fallon and Cold On one on one.

Katie w B got you by NicolayLaw. Find them at nicolay law
dot com. It's National Pet Day, so this is your chance to show
off your adorable pet on your socials. We shared hours. Cole has so
many cats they wouldn't fit in myphotos a lot, so I was like
going through, I was like,I have way too many. This is
crazy. Actually yeah, So weshared that on Fallon and culdn our Instagram

last year. My landlord. ThenI only have one, just the Siamese
cat I sent you a photo ofbefore I moved in. Oh cuddles,
yes, I know, cuddles onall those other two names because you never
talk about it. I don't haveYeah, just cuddles. Just move on,
fallon is what you meant to say. All right, perfect, Hey
there is this. I don't knowif you know this, but when you're

driving on a Highway seven, thereis this. It's like a drive in
drive through place has been there forever, like since nineteen seventy nine. You're
not talking about the Laquinta Culver's Combo. I am not talk about, not
at all, not all. Galaxydriving is what it's called. And out
of nowhere, in like twenty fifteen, it just stopped being and I was

like, oh, they're closing itdown. Okay, it's a difficult location.
But then like lights would be onoccasionally like what's happening. Well,
officially it's being revived, and it'slike really cool. It's the same people
who own like Craft and Crew.They have Pub eight nineteen Dukes on seven,
which I call. Yeah, they'returning it around and they're going to
keep it open. It's gonna becalled Wells road Side. So I'm excited

for that. And this is crazyto think, but the fortieth anniversary of
Purple Rain is right around the corner, and the Revolution, which is Prince's
former band. They're going to performtwo shows at First Avenue this summer.
They're going to be there June twentyfirst and twenty second. So I wanted
to give you a heads up onthat because tickets are going to go on
sale. Looks like for the secondshow, available to the general public starting

Friday at eleven am. Tickets arenot cheap, my friend, how much
you're talking. The first show isgoing to be expensive. The first show
includes like VIP and like a PaisleyPark celebration event, ranging from six hundred
to twelve hundred dollars six hundred,while the second show ranges from ninety nine

to one ninety nine. It's justwhat you get. So I'll be watching
on somebody's Instagram stores. Yeah,TikTok live, dab dab dad, Thank
you so much. That is yourtrending. We are still looking for our
person. Someone's on the phone.It could be when we come back on
one on one point three kd WBtoo Sweet, hos here two fallon and

cults on one on one point threeKDEWB. Time for our after school pop
quiz Today. We have a pairof passes to the Creole Experience at the
Mall of America. We'll ask youa couple of trivia questions, kind of
like a pop quiz in school.It's a lot of pressure from time to
time, though, it is especiallywhen Fallon's like harpin Ashu, like answering,

now you got three seconds. Ihave never done that, but star
now I am. If you'd liketo play called sixty five one nine eight
nine ktw B Time for the afterschool pop quiz on KDWB with Balan and
Colts. Today we have Tiffany fromGlenwood City, Wisconsin, playing against Lauren

and Eden Prairie. We'll ask yousome trivia questions. If you know the
answer, chime in with your nameand the first to two whens. You're
playing for Crayola passes over at Mallof America. Are you ladies ready?
Yes? Question number one? Whichelement is a chemical symbol of Oh,
Tiffany, Tiffany, that's right.Question number two? Who was the ancient

Greek god of the sea Tiffany?Yes, Tiffany, not Atlantis. Although
someone's didn't tell me that's wrong.That's just not the answer I have.
I don't know if there I thinkthere's some differences. Okay, Google it,
No, I have it? Okay, Well I have an answer.
Poseidon is who I have? Ohthat sounds right. Fallon, you get

the point, all right. Questionnumber three? What is four times six?
Yes, Lauren, twenty four.That's right, all tied up?
All right, here we go.What this is a difficult one, guys.
What was the name of the firstartificial earth satellite launched by the Soviet

Union in nineteenth No, it's areally popular Did someone say their name?
I have no idea, Tiffany,Lauren, neither of you? No Buttnick,
okay, but yeah it's the onethat's okay, all right. What
is the chemical symbol for water?Lauren? Yes, Lauren too, Lord,

we knew how winter. Congratulations.You're going to get a pair of
tickets to Crayole Experience at Mall ofAmerica. Tiffany, thank you for playing.
It was legendary. Love is Blind? Oh this music? You forgot

about it? Oh my god?One A one point three Katie w W
with Fallon and Colt. It wasI don't I don't know. It sounds
bad us hyping it up because wedid it. But here we go.
Pat yourself on the back. Well, one of the biggest things we've done
since I've been here, which hasbeen a month, so it's kind of
setting the bottom. Love is Blind. We had Richard coming to the studio.

We had three lovely ladies. Wedid in the studio. He was
set up in a different room.They were in the main studio with us.
There was a match. Love washad. Well, yeah, there
was a they went on some dates. We had some dates. It was
Richard and Madeleine. And since theneverybody's been like, oh, you gotta
do it again, Like we needanother version. We need it for thirty

year olds, we need forty yearolds. We needed for the LGBTQA plus
And I was like, you're right, we need all these different versions.
So this round we're trying to findsingle people who are thirties, in their
thirties, in their thirties, yes, And I think the whole thing we
need is the man, right,That's what the focus is, like the

one person. The only reason Ido that is because we've done a lot
of different dating events on KDWB andlike we've done a like, for instance,
a singles cruise and like two hundredwomen will show up and ten men.
So it's just from experience options it'seasier to like to get one guy
locked in and then find like threewomen. It just makes it easier.

It's not because we think the guyshould have all the control at all.
That's just it's more making it easieron ourselves. I mean, we could
risk it and see no, no, I don't. It's already like so
uncertain because you have to put alot of power in these people's hands that
they'll actually show up the day of, and they make get nervous and fail.
And I was stressed out, sostressed out until all four people were

here, and then I was stillstressed out about how it would sound on
the radio. But people liked itand it was really fun for us.
So we'd love to do it again. But we're gonna do it next week.
Next week we'll start the hunt.I mean, if you're you,
you're a dude and you're in yourthirties and you want to call now you
can six five one ninety nine KATWB. But or if you know somebody who

is around that and they meet therequirements, which is just thirty don't be
a stalker or serial killer, haveit? I would You got to have
a job in a job, allright, you do. And if you
have all those or you know somebodysix five one ninety nine kW or fallon
and Colt, you can slide intothe DM as well. But we'll start
looking next week for everyone. Ifnot, and yeah, we're excited to

have next week the next version ofour in studio Love is Blind. Hopefully
we can make it happen again.Yeah, we'll see. It's one oh
one point three kd WB one ohone point three kd w B. We
are eighteen minutes away, eighteen minutesaway from our next Taylor Swift name.
It is KDWB. Today we didnot get a winner last hour, big

mistake, disappointing. We did getour two to twenty winner. We are
definitely gonna get our four twenty oneer. It's you. I know it's
you. You just have to makesure you're listening at four twenty till your
friends tell your family, so everyoneis there. Like you have a whole
network to text, you call youblow you up, and there's a whole
free iHeartRadio app too. List kWright there. That's exactly how you do

it. And we're gonna get anotherqualifier coming up for your chance to go
see Taylor swift in Paris. Nobig, no big deal. When we
come back, we're gonna do normalor nope on KDWB right diamonds right the
diamonds, normal or nope on oneon one point three KDWB normal or nope.

When I preheat the oven, Iactually wait the whole ten or fifteen
minutes for it to preheat before usingit. I may be the only one
who waits. That's some discipline,right there. Normal. Oh yeah,
very rarely. If it's what Ijust I can't wait, it's like you
put it. I maybe wait liketwo or three minutes, but it's you

know, you put that pizza in, just like shave off or add two
minutes. No, I trust mewhen I say Jake infuriates me when he'll
put like dow pizza in the ovento reheat it. I'm like, just
throw in the air fire, bro. He's like nova. I'm like,
it's the same thing. Their fireis a game changer game and if you
don't have one, you're missing out. But when i'm pre usually, if
i'm baking something, it's like apretty specific instruction, and I don't I

am not someone who's like, oh, I'll loosely follow a recipe. Absolutely
not. I am not gifted.I can't just throw a pinch of this
and a dash to that. Sosee I do a pinch of this and
a dash to that. But youcan you can tell back, Okay,
normal or nope? Drinking pickle juiceout of the jar with a straw when
I finished the pickled Nope, nope, nope. Oh it's so hard not
to just cuss the allies. Whatwhat is happening? People are really really

embracing pickles this day and age,like the biggest food of the fair two
years ago, pickle pizza, Mymom, You didn't have to say what
I mouthed. Why did you justmouth your mom? Were you saying?
Were you implying she was the biggestfood of the fair two years ago?
Or that she's in a pickle juice? Whatever? My mom does like pickle
juice. She thinks it's I thinkshe says it's good for like information or

something. Okay, let me askyou this one hanging family picks in your
house. People say it's narcissistic,that's normal. I feel as normal.
It used to be incredibly normal,and then something happened in like home design,
where there are no photos of people, and I get, here's what
I think of. This is gonnabe a millennial shout out. I think

in like Nick lache and Jessica Simpsonwhen they were married the Newly White,
they had all these just constant,everywhere beautiful photos of them together, and
that did feel a little intense.But you bet your ass, I'm gonna
post, like, hang photos ofmy kids on the walls. Yeah,
they're cute. I don't know.I think it personalizes. It always makes
me a little sad when I seethese beautiful homes from like interior designers and

there's zero like family or happiness onthe wall. If Nick Lackey can do
it, don't you dare say aname like that, don't you dare?
We never use Kleenex, just toiletpaper, normal or no normal. You
don't agree, You're just so fancy. But then there's little things where it's

like you can take you can takefealin out of the trash, but not
the trash out of foul. Wehad friends over and they could not believe
we don't have Kleenex at our house, and I was like, why would
we It's toilet paper is the samething, And they just stared at us,

even my mom, my mom,who's like, I really have no
money. I have Kleenex one.Okay, sorry, I think it's the
same thing normal or no on KWB. And we are very aware that we
are two minutes away from our nextTaylor's swift name, so we have not

forgotten normal or no. Driving atotally different route out of the way to
avoid driving past his house aka yourex that could be her house as well.
No, I don't guess, notnormal, you're still hung up.

I would say the opposite. Iwould say that actually shows you're not like
you're disgusted by them. You don'teven want to see their car if you're
still hung up, This is thekind of thing I would do, drive
past just to see if there's anothercar there doing. My friend used to
drive past her ex's house all thetime. She could choose two routes to
go home, and she always hishouse. What point is this stalking if

you go in to their driveway andsit there, or you park out front
and watch. I think just drivingpast because it's actually on your way home,
Yeah, is not stock landlord tome? Drive by and like look
at the landscape, be like oh, you made this week. I'm like,
yeah, every Sunday because I probablydo that too if I was a
landlord, because I would, andtrust my trash tenants. I paid on

time mostly every time, like normalor nope, preferring to eat with specific
utensils or dinnerware. Mine is abowl and a spoon. Can it fit
in a bowl? Bowl? Itis? Can I eat it with a
spoon? Even if the answer isno, I'm probably gonna eat it with
a spoon. Plates and forks aretoo open and obtrusive. My husband thinks
I'm bananas, but I'm telling youit's a comfort thing. Normal or nope.

Okay, it was normal at first, but then you got weird with
it like that. You're like bowlsand plates and sporks are too Yeah,
you're discriminating plates, but yeah,yeah, I think it's normal to have
like your kind of plate for Idon't do spoons off unless it's like a
cereal, So I guess normal toyou. Nope to the majority. So

no, ex oh, hey wesaid we would do it, and here
we are not being liars. You'regonna get, first of all, well,
Sarah, what you do get ifyou qualify you get the Taylor's version
of the Speak Now album in theOrchid Marble, which does have this song.
But you're also in a very smallpool of people who are qualified for

a trip to Paris to see TaylorSwift on May tenth. That's right around
the corner. So basically, inlike a month, a month from yesterday,
you're going to be in Paris.So here we go our winter.
This hour is Autumn shlower s cH l o e R from North Branch.
Autumn shlower shlower from North Branch.Call in now six five one nine

eight nine five three nine two.You're ten minutes and thirteen seconds. Start
right now. And if you knowAutumn, this is the last time we're
saying it. Hit her up,help her out, Texter or Facebook or
whatever it may be. We aretrying to get a caller this hour,
and then again, if it isn'tyour name, don't worry. We'll do
another one at five twenty oh.It's the pop Culture Minute with Sellon and

cult On one on one point threekd WB. The big news is that
OJ Simpson has passed away. Hewas seventy six years old. He did
have cancer, obviously, a veryvery polarizing human. So it's a very
big mix. It's a lot ofjokes, a lot of jokes death honestly,
and I saw somebody I'm close tohis said rip and then they got

ripped apart. They were like,how could you rest in peace? Oh?
You know what he did? Yeah, people are going off about it.
They absolutely are. Meghan Markle andPrince Harry double down on their TV
career. They have two new Netflixshows coming. This is like a new
thing. I literally just came out. According to Deadline, they are in
production for a new cooking, gardeninglifestyle show starring Megan, seemingly inspired by

the actress's new American riviera orchard business, which will dabble in a lot of
the same stuff. This is notabnormal for her. She had a big
blog like this before she got withHarry. It was called The Tig.
I believe I did not read itbecause I wasn't like. I didn't follow
her until she got with Harry.Yeah, but once she became a royal,
she had to shut that down,shut her acting career down. So

I'm not surprised she would go backto this. Was she in suits?
Is that okay? So she waslike pretty successful before this all happened.
Not really, and I don't meanto be mean. I mean she she
obviously got a job, which ismore successful than most people at try acting.
But suits really wasn't huge until itjust came to Netflix reasons. And
I'm not knocking on it. Likepeople did like it. I've never heard

of it before and so but itgot a lot. Most people only heard
of it when Mega Markle got withHarry and they're like, oh, she's
in a TV show unless you werea huge fan of hers. Then it
had like a second life when theybrought it to Netflix. So but she's,
you know whatever, anyway I wantto find in Kate documentary, she
is she she what allegedly what shehad, like announced very serious stuff.

You can't make jokes about the street. Okay. It was saying I am
I would like everyone to know Iam not a part of what Colt just
said. I am a completely separateentity here. It's not falling and cold
in that moment. I don't knowwhy vont would say that, honestly,
Okay, I want to turn it. Also, they're saying that Kim Carr,

sorry, not Kim Courtney Kardashian breakssome people out on her Instagram stories,
but I think a lot of momsare kind of like, why is
this a big deal? It's twentytwenty four. She supposed to photo posted
a photo of herself with the thumbsup, and she said, this filter
is crazy And I just pounded agiant glass of breast milk because I feel
sick good night. People are like, why do you drink her own breast
milk? And they're losing their minds. I never tried breast milk, but

I will say that they call itliterally, call it liquid gold. It
takes a lot of work for womento breastfeed, It takes a lot of
work for them to pump, andlike somebody even texted in earlier, they
spilled four ounces of it once andactually cried, don't blame you. But
they say it is like kind ofa cure all it's so good for baby.
Or you forget about it. Youleave it on the counter and you're
like, oh no, we leftto sitting out. It hasn't been Yeah,

are you supposed to put it inthe fridge for cre That's number one.
I have a serious question, though, I don't know if you know
how bodies work or anatomy physiology.But if the milk is already in you
and then you pump it out,but then you drink it, Yeah,
does it have a different effect fromit already being in you? I think
it does. Okay, yeah,thank you. I think it does.
I think it would have a different, different benefit for your body. But

what do I know? Like Isaid, I know nothing. Your Pop
Culture Minute is brought to you byOvo Lasic and Lens. You can find
them at ovoi dot com. We'regonna come back, and we have someone
on the phone with a big dilemmawhen we come back. Who is it?

Is it? Hi? KTWB?Who's this autumn floor? And where
are you from? North Bringe?And what year were you born? Two
thousand and four on the Naked Timedude, literally like fourteen seconds left?
Okay, Well, if somebody textedme on Facebook actually, and I was
on the phone and I was like, oh my god, somebody just text

me. I should probably give thema call. So I just hung up
at my boyfriend. Yeah see yeahnice. Oh you had a boyfriend holding
you back in life, almost makingyou a loser. Whoa Okay, good
news Autumn This is how it's gonnawork. You are going to get Taylor's
version of her speak now Orchid MarbleVinyl, and that's your qualifying prize.

And now you are officially in thedrawing of a very small amount of people.
We're gonna draw and one person thatcould be you. We'll go see
Taylor Swift in Paris, France onMay tenth. Awesome. Yes, congratulations,
and uh, I don't want to. I want to make sure you
know because some people will get confused. We call a specific name and if

it's your name, then you callin and that's how you qualify. To
get your name even in the running, you have to go to tadiwb dot
com. You sign up there tobecome a verified fan. Then we draw
names from that we read them onthe air, so we'll name or I
guess read a different name at fivetwenty for your next chance to qualify and
win. So this girl has adilemma. She wants to go on a

vacation, but there's a caveat.Does she take the free vacation and deal
with the caveat? We will talkto her next either Falin and Colts on
one on one point three Katiewb.We've never done a bit called like the
dilemma, but it sounds very likelike stressful and you're exciting. Yes,

we love the drama, but wedo have Stephanie on the phone, and
Stephanie, you do, in facthave a dilemma. I do. My
dilemma is do I accept a freevacation or is it just not worth it?
Okay? Well I don't know whatcould make it not worth it because
I feel like a free vacation.Where is the free vacation? Can I
ask that we're going to to makea okay? Okay? Yeah, so

what is the issue? Like whywould you not accept a free vacation?
Maybe it's who's offering it to you? Right, Yeah? So the dilema
is my sister invited me on afree trip, but it's with her and
her husband for a week. Okay, So how crazy are they? Do
they get drunk and fight? Orwhat? I wish? I wish it

was something that like fun. Theyactively openly and like like they almost exclusively
speak and baby talk to one another. Wait, what are you? What
are you talking about? So likehow I would talk to my toddlers.
It's like, oh my god,I love your face? Do you want
to go to the pool? Doyou want some drinks? What do you
want to do? You know whatI mean? It's that and all the

time they do this, Yeah theyhave like no shame. It's in front
of the entire family. Yeah,awful. So even he like the husband,
I mean, I know, likeyou know, some men are less
manly than other men. But likehe he doesn't care about like he has
no pride. No, he likecancers right back, He's like, you
don't drinks, It's oh, Iwould rather jump out of the airplane.

There is my only season for likedinners and birthdays. That's fair. I
mean, have you ever to catchjump? You don't do that again,
do you? I mean have youever spent a long period of time,
like what's your tolerance? Like howmany out if you've done birthdays and stuff?
Are you? Like at the twohour marks, you're like that's it,
I'm done, I have to go. Well, here's the thing.

Like unfortunately, like a year ago, we shared a hotel room in Chicago
for my cousin's wedding. Oh soI was stuck with him in like a
close proximity and it was awful.Is there is there any way you go
on this vacation and you can belike, hey, guys, go into
the beach, and like you spendmost of your time away from them.

I I wish I already know thatI won't be able to have like a
lot of alone time because they're kindof the people that like, why did
you everything together? Let's do youknow? And you was obligated to whining
and ye oh god, have youever tried baby talking back to them?
I'm not maybe they'll get the hintlike, oh, yeah, that is

weird. What would you do calledif your siblings, which I know would
never happen in your situation, youon a free vacation, but they spoke
exclusively and baby talk, what's morelike I would tell them? Would just
tell him I'm like, you gottastop, you gotta just please, don't
make demands for all paid. Iwould or yeah, no, I would

drown one of them. I don'tknow. This is I think this is
a really good dilemma. What wouldyou do if you're listening in this dilemma
situation that Stephanie's in, would youtake the free vacation, put up with
the baby talk, or just likeit is absolutely not worth it. I
couldn't handle it for an entire week. Yeah, didn't even think about that

because they they would be it wouldbe so rude if I said anything with
a free trip. Yeah, soyou are in quite the pickle. Do
I fake six the whole time andthen just go off on my own?
I don't hate that. I don't. It's not the worst idea. What
do you what would you do?I am curious six five one nine eight

nine Katie w B. You canalso text in five three nine two one
KATIEWB one Stephanie. Let us knowwhat you do. Decide. By the
way, maybe someone that calls ortext in will like help you out,
but let us know what you decide. Okay, I will hopefully I'll get
some guys. Good look with yourwidow di Emma, Oh thank you,
she promised me. One on onepoint three KATIEWB with ballin. And it's

called the dilemma today because she trulyhas a dilemma. She called in and
she said, you know, mysister invited me on a free vacation,
which is awesome, but it's withher and her husband. And she recently
learned because they went to a cousin'swedding in Chicago for the weekend, and
they shared a hotel room that almostexclusively her sister and the sister's husband talk

to each other and baby talk,and she's like, it is the most
annoying thing I've ever experienced. Theydon't even care who's around. They just
do it all the time. Andshe's like, so what do I do
Because they're a kind of people thatwill not let me just be by myself,
Like they're gonna want to do everythingtogether, so there's no way I
can avoid them on the vacation.Do I take the free trip and put
up with the baby talk? Ordo I just turn it down because it's

not worth it taking your calls andyour text So, Emily, what do
you think she should do? Sheshould talk like that the whole time,
just what they say. You guyswant to go with you have whining,
Let's go to the pool. Iwant to go to a park. We
go to a park the whole time. Do you if anything happens, because
they're gonna be like, what isshe doing? Oh, you're getting the

solo steak. Think Minnesota about it. You're not going to say something I'll
get it right back. That's sucha good idea. Oh my god,
thank you for calling. I thinkshe absolutely should take that free vacation.
You're right, wonderful, Thank youappreciate it. Thank you, Hi Katie
w b Oh what do you thinkshe should do? What would you do
if you were in her situation?I wouldn't go. I don't think it's

worth it to go on a vacationwhere you're going to be miserable the entire
time. So true, no amountof sand or sun can replace you having
a bad time, right Like,yeah, I don't know. I just
I don't think it would be worthit at all. And imagine they get
delayed in an airport and then she'sgot to sit there someplace in like Toledo
had a touchdown, and they're like, oh, are you gonna are saying

water? Oh god, thank Probablynot. But it is a free vacation,
That's what it is hard to say. But well, thank you for
the call, thank you for havingme. You have a good day.
So would you go then? Yeah? But then I would complain the whole
time. I mean like live livechats, live streaming, like you won't

believe I would. I would doit to go viral on TikTok. All
right, we have texts also.This text says, uh, yeah,
go and get black out drunk.That great advice. This says, I'd
go and wear headphones the hotel wholetime. This is oh my god.
I used to work with a womanwho spoke normally at work, but the
second or husband called it was grossbaby talk. It just made me want
to vomit. Why do they dothat? I don't know. This is

oh my god. Yeah, Itake the free vacation. Let them do
the excursions that you stay back tothe swim up bar girl, So all
roads lead back to just get drunk. That's how you handle it. Yeah,
somehow I'll cover your hearing, getblackout drunk, and take the free
vacation. I was so high notrecognized the fire murder right cut off up

should my mind one oh one pointthree k d w B. I just
saw a thing where Joe Carry,the guy who does this song. He
said that this was the simplest,like easiest song he's ever written, and
then of course it becomes like hisbiggest hit, and I don't know it
was. I mean, that's kindof what they always say happens the song

is like the artist are right headsminutes, they'll be the biggest hits.
We do have your next chance toget qualified for a trip to Paris to
see Taylor Swift on May tenth.We have one more name we're gonna read.
So it's want to remind you soyou said an alarm on your phone
or tell your friends and family tolisten for you. It's coming up at
five point twenty on one oh onepoint three kdew B and this is end

of beginning. It's throw throw down, throwback, throw down, take you
back to the old school KDB.All right, we each got a throwback
song and we're leading it up toyou. All right, the best three

out of five votes that comes throughare just first of three, first of
three. It seems like it's beena pretty tight competition though the past couple
of weeks done. I mean you'vewon the past three weeks. I think
you won a week in there.All right, So your songs starting it
off with Okay, bobbin, Iwant a dirty We don't have the system,

but Fighter is a really great onetoo. Twitter is not the next
best one, but the next nextbest one. Okay, all right,
what did you pick. I wouldhave chosen Genie about but I'm just saying
I don't want to skew like anyvotes. That was Jake's sexual awakening.
My husband a model. Yeah,he said everything had to line up perfectly
for him. His parents had tobe gone, t RL had to play

the music video. It was asexual a whoa whoa what in the two
thousand? Okay, so this ismine? Just really feel it? Would
you just t and scene? Okay? So which one? Which song do

you fully want to hear? Sixfive, one, nine, eight nine,
Katie w B. We'll get yourvotes, ye, and we'll find
out next. Oh and we alsohave your chance to see Taylor Swift and
Paris. We're gonna say a name. At five twenty, somebody saiday song,

it's a throwback, throw down,throw down, throw back, throat
down, take you back to theold school. Kad w B. All
right, this is the song thatI picked this week for my throwback choice?
Makes me that's I just get Iguess so deflated, but this anymore,

I just lose just going around throwbacksong the week. Guess what did
you select for your song? Hitit? It sounds better in my head.
It looks like I think they wantto look a little bit more of
an uplifter, But maybe I'm wrong. You don't want to cry on the

way home. You vote the firstof three, we will play the full
song. Katie w B. Whoyou're voting for? I was gonna vote
for you, Salent? Thank You'sall right? Oh thanks, Katie w

B. What's your name? Larry? Larry? Who are you voting for?
All right? Oh? My goodby? Cool? That's all.
It's cool with me. Thanks Larry. Hi, Katy w B. Who's
this? Rachel? Rachel? Whoare you voting for? I have so
much faith in Salent? Wait?What? You should have no faith in
me? Ever? I had somuch faith that you're gonna pick a banger.

I'm always a letdown. I know, I get this. Oh man,
well it looks like it's three ina row for me. Okay,
let me ask you. I wasgonna choose Acon. Your so beautiful.
You should have done that. Youwould have voted for that one. Dang
it. I want to redo nextweek. Good luck never sing again?

Please, thanks for calling and fallen. Here we go. Christina aguileras fighter
on Katie w B. We're inthe middle of an argument. Maybe you
could help us settle this. Iwon a one point three Katie WB with

Fallon and Colts. I don't evenknow how this came up yesterday, but
Fallen is claiming you're saying you couldpick up the monopoly man. I'm saying
I would like to unpopular opinion.Mister Monopoly is a smoke show, So
like that's my he's my host.You like got short King? Yeah,
I'm married to Jake. You've metShort But I means yeah, so I'm

sure what does it matter? So? I mean he has like any option
though, like he's the richest guyI can think of in that game,
Riz, you riz up the allover the monopoly man, I guess.
Okay, give me some pickup lines, like what would you say to the
monopoly man to pick them up?And if I approve, you'll hear this?

All right, let's just start offwith like some simple uh before I
buy a property, I'll probably needan inspection, if you know what I
mean. But yes, no dollar, oh okay, okay, okay,
I give it to you, allright, all right, hey, mister
monopoly, Hey, this is meyou pretending to him that r Hey,

mister monopoly yeah, hey, misterMonopoly, want to take a chance in
Pasco on that ass? Is thata cucumber in your pocket? Or are
you an escrow? No? Imean it's good, but it's like,
what are you doing later? I'dlove for you to come over and get

me to full occupancy. Oh holyI think you could raise the monopoly man.
Thank you. I got a couplemore. Okay, I see your
grade at flipping properties. I'd lovefor you to come put me sometime I
thought I got hit this. Theseare my pickup lines for mister Monopoly.

A lot you could use these,by the way, if you know someone
in real estate. The housing marketmay go on the start off, the
housing market may go up and down, but I definitely will holy smokes.
Really one more? Really? Onemore? Yeah. My final pickup line

to mister Monopoly. I see youlike railroads. Fun fact about me.
I like to be both railed andrope just so much. All right,
let's move on. Let's say ourTaylor Swift name before we get canceled.
Yeah, you get knocked up,monopoly man. Oh ude, all right,

here we go, Here we go. It's our final name of the
day. If your name is calledyour qualifying Priese is the speak now Taylor's
version Orchid Marble record. Our winnerthis hour now, just you know,
you had to become a verified fanat KDWB dot com and we we drew
a name from someone who signed upthere. If this is your name,

you call I think there was alittle confusion with that. Yeah, okay.
Our winner this hour is Ashley SillinSI L L I n Ashley Sillin
from Minneapolis. If you know Ashley. If you are Ashley, oh you
know, we're teller. If youare Ashley, call us six five one

nine eight nine five three nine two. You're ten minutes and thirteen seconds start
now all right, KADIWB. Whatis your name and what city do you
live in? Minneapolis? And whatyear were you born? Nineteen ninety five?

Yeah, okay, actually this isyou are officially you are officially in
this very tiny pool of people.Wait wait, wait, Ashley, Ashley,
hold on, you are okay,you are now officially qualified. You're

one of like ten people in thedrawing now for this trip to Paris.
Can you believe it? Oh mygosh, oh my gosh. All my
friends are listening right now, andI was telling them what's happening, and
they're like, I was like,there's no way. So if you win,
if your name gets chosen, whichfriend are you gonna bring? Yeah,
no pressure. Well that's that's thehardest question. Well, right now

you're gonna get Taylor's version of Speaknow the vinyl record. That's like your
qualifying prize. And then you arein the running. Like I said,
so few people in the running,and you could be going to Paris on
May tenth to see Taylor Swift inconcerts. Oh my god, I'm so
excited for you, Ashley. Congratulationson getting like the official qualification. This
gives you a little time to thinkof who you will take with you.

Okay, thank you so much.Today's Trending with Felon and Colt on one
on one w B. This ishuge news, huge news. Minnesota's largest
candy store is moving and doubling insize. It's been there so long after
fifty years along Highway one sixty nine. The store is building a new,

big yellow barn. It'll still bein Jordan, but twice the size of
the existing store. Yeah. Iwas gonna say like thanks. I was
like, are the getting rid ofthe yellow too? Because that's no,
So what happened is there's like countyconstruction projects that are going to permanently cut
off the store's access to Highway onesixty nine, which would cause huge declines

in business. So there planning.I guess they're going to do this and
move by twenty twenty seven. Thecurrent store will remain open until then,
so you're not going to miss out. But that is just absolutely crazy.
And uh, historically it opens Mother'sDay weekend, which falls on May twelfth
this year, but they haven't officiallyannounced when it'll open for the twenty twenty

four season yet. But something tolook forward to and even more, Candy
didn't think it was possible. Bigger, better, yellower, Absolutely And it's
brought to you. Your trending isbrought to you by Nicolay Law Findalment,
Nicolay Law dot Com, Okay Callingand Colt on one on one day,
Salin and Colt on one on onepoint three katiewb. So a lot of
people I will say they when Isay where I work or what I do
for a living, people always belike, that's that's cool, That's just

gonna be a fun job. Isthis when you're trying to get free stuff
or that's that's the only time Iever use who I am. Do you
get pulled over? Yeah? Literally? Do you really? Because I was
kind of joking, have you donethat? Yeah? I've always wondered,
but not in the way that youthink. They'll usually say where you're headed?
And I'll say, because you know, they always asked that, oh
work, and they almost always saywhere do you work? Got it the

best nonchalant way. So normally ifsomeone's like, what do you do for
a living? I just say like, oh, for iHeartMedia. If I
don't want to talk about it,yeah, but to the cop, I
want to talk about it, andI'll be like, I'll be like,
oh, I work for KATIEWB,the radio station. And that could go
one of two ways. If theyhate it, they could be like kicking

like, oh, also, youhave a worn out for your arrest.
You skip jerry duty? No,I did. I did do jury duty
once. That's a whole different story. I did get in trouble by the
judge don't be tweeting during church duty, And I was like, I'm not
I did not like I just tweetedI'm doing carry this right now. But
not salin And cults on one onone point thirty kd w B. It's

almost the weekend, like I alwayssay, like at this point, basically
is the weekend. And so wedid it. Give yourself a pat on
the back. We made it through. If you missed it earlier, about
an hour ago, we have girlon. It was a very interesting dilemma
because she wanted to go on thisfree vacation. Yeah, her sister offered
to take her to Jamaica for free. Crazy crazy, except what was the

dilemma? The sister and her husbandbaby talk each other NonStop. Yeah,
that's the only way to communicate,is baby, it's crazy. You want
to go to dinner tonight, butyou have to hear it. We had
her on, and you can alwayslisten to anything you miss when you check
out the Fallon and Could podcast.You can find us anywhere you listen to
podcasts. We thank you for listeninglive or on the podcast, and have a great
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