All Episodes

April 20, 2024 61 mins
Falen caught Colt trying to sound cool infront of her 15 year old step son, Dillon.
Things that make life ten percent more awesome
Taylor drama with her exes
Radio scategories with Ted!!!
Love is blind went down and there was a match!!!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Miss Taylor Swift, Get Ready,and now another track from Taylor's new album,
Tortured Poets Department One and Only Oneon one point three TDWB. I
it's so overwhelming because she released obviouslylike a second album at two am.
So I'm like, I can't gothrough all of these. So if you're
going through them like we are,here is another new one. This one's

called My Boy Only Breaks his FavoriteToys on TDYWB Salin and Colt one on
one point three KATIEWB. So justlet's just get this out of the way.
You say my daughter has ruined howyour daughter speaks? What do you?
What do you? What do yousay? Specifically the RS. I've
noticed she says ours, Like beforewe moved here, she's sounded excuse me

different. Give me an example ofhow she said ours before? What are
before? Yeah, Well she wouldjust say like, r are you okay?
How are you doing? And nowit's are. There's almost like an
O in front of the A,like how are you? That's not how
I say things, That's not howyou say things. Well, you're saying

she got were you saying she gotmy southern or were she saying? Are
you saying all of got Minnesota.I think Olive got Minnesota, and now
Minnesota is getting my children. Thenthat's not all my youngest say not my
daughter. My youngest has a Texasaccent slash Minnesota. So it just sounds
weird. Listen, I've wondered fora long time, is all of going

to have a Minnesota act? No, she will, because here's why she
will. It doesn't matter what youhave mostly and maybe you can tell me
I'm wrong. The people she spendsthe most time with, that's who she's
going to have. And she's goingto be spending so much time with friends
and classmates. She's not gonna wantto stand out when she's younger, So
get ready, she's going to saybig, hey, dad, you having
that bag of chips. It's goingto happen. It's guaranteed. I've accepted

it. Olive will not sound likea hillbilly like me Minisot and that is
just fine. To write a passage. Anyone listening who recently went on an
amazing first da because we always hereabout horrible dates, is celebrating for twenty
It is tomorrow, Happy early birthdayfor twenty or lied on a resume that's

ever, anyone listening, every singleperson listening, is lied on a resume.
But I'm watching below Deck right now, and this girl lied about being
a silver server. She didn't evenknow what it meant. And then I
don't know what it means either,but apparently it's like like prestigious, like
you worked in the fanciest restaurants,and she's not at all. She doesn't
know how to make coffee, soshe like, did you lie? And
then eventually you're like, oh,yeah, I didn't know how to do

any of this. I'll give usa call if you fit into any of
these. Anyone listening who recently wenton an amazing first date is celebrating for
twenty or lied on a resume.Six' five to one nine eight nine
kdwb al Taler Real quick, Rememberwhen we all were just so convinced that

Boney Air would pop up as aspecial guest with Taylor Swift on the airstour
here in the Twin Cities because he'sfrom like Eau Claire, so everyone's like,
oh, he's definitely popping up duringthe surprise songs. And I was
like, I bet my child onit, and he didn't. I didn't
do that, but only nearly thatclook anyway, he didn't and we were
like, oh okay, right there, Sure, I didn't care. I

preferred the songs we got, soI'm cool with it. Randomly didn't think
we would be given this away,but here we are. Tom Sandoval,
yes, the Tom Sandoval and themost extras. I guess that's his band.
They're coming to the Medina s sorry, Medina Entertainment Center Wednesday, April
twenty fourth, so next Wednesday.So if you're a fan of Bander Pump

Rules, you probably want to goto this concert. We're gonna get you
tickets if you're collared ten at sixfive one nine eight nine Katie WB and
we're gonna come back with the popCulture Minute. We're gonna break down some
of the songs from the new album. There's so much. There is a
lot. There's one about Kim Kardashi, yes, Mattie Heally, they're saying,
there's one about Travis of course,many about Joe I'm Made get Ready,

so we'll break that down and otherthings. Of course, coming up
with the pop Culture Minute on KDWB on one on one point three B.
I have one thousand percent the truestswiftye on this radio station. Facts
it really is, you went toboth nights. Okay, let's not bring

that up every time because that doesn'tgive me any points. It actually makes
a little angry with me. Ibought the ticket. Doesn't make anyone happier.
Okay. My favorite song no oneasked on the album is right Now.
And by the album, I meanshe literally to him was like some
pie, here's one hundred thousand moretracks, So like, how how does
she do that with the tour andwith Travis and how like how does she

find We don't know. She saidshe started working on this album two years
ago, so it's not like ithappened overnight, but it seems like that
for us, and it's just crazy. But the one I've been blaring the
most is called I Can Do Itwith Broken Heart, has like a very
eighties upbeat vibe. But there areso many good ones. Of course,
we know. Her first single isFortnite featuring post Malone. She's dropping the

music video for that one tonight,but of course everyone's decoding it and she
went crazy liking posts last night.We'll get to that because the one she
likes, you think is leading tolike what she actually means in the song
because one person created like an AbbeyLee Miller pyramid chart of Taylor's exes in

order of the worst to the best, and Taylor liked it. So I'll
tell you what that is. Butthat person on a high right now.
Ye yes, our boss Ridge textme. He's like, oh, I
like this song and it's called thankyou Amy. Taylor Swift has a history
of capitalizing certain letters in song titlesand throughout her album booklets so that it's

out other words. So the lettersshe has capitalized and thank you Amy or
kay i am. So everyone thinksthat song is about Kim Kardashian because it
talks about basically a bully, andso that fits the funny image. I
was just talking about the bottom tierof Taylor's ex'es pyramid list that she liked
Calvin Harris, Joe Alwyn, Jake, Jillenhall, and Mattie Heally. The

tier above that Taylor Watner, TomHitdleson and Harry Styles and the top of
the pyramid no surprise, Travis Kelce. But she went on a liking spree.
She liked some memes about but someoneput together of Joe Alwyn as one
of the Hunger Games contested. Ohmy god, and you know what a
lot of people thought the album wouldbe all about Joe, it's proving to

be a lot about Maddy Heally aswell. And kind of how do you
feel if you're Travis Kelsey hearing allthese things? Because I remember when it
first came out, Travis Kelcey's likeex was trying to, you know,
say that he's a cheater or whatever, Taylor watch out. But then,
like I just thought about, likehe has to. He's constantly reminded about
her all the time. I'm gonnaguess he's an adult and he acknowledges that

everyone has exes, and he's matureabout it. He doesn't care because he's
who she's in love with. Now, Dan, You're like, is pr
rep? That's crazy? No onewould ever hire me for pr I would
act so irrationally if I saw somethingthat upset me, and I would get
everyone canceled. I'd be the worstpr REP of all time. Did good

there, Thank you so much.Congratulations by the way, to Shane,
she did get our Tom stand ofall tickets, Tom said, we have
those tickets every hour on the twenties. Also coming up, we're doing another
in studio, Love is Blind,around four thirty if you want to check
that out. One guy, twogirls. You've seen that video. And

that is your pop culture Minute,brought to you by Ovo, Lasik and
Lenz. We're gonna come back andtalk about things that make life ten percent
more awesome. And here's another onefrom Taylor. It's Betty on one on
one point three TDWB Harmonica Betty Won'tmake one on one point three ADWB with

Balin Cults celebrating Taylor Swift's new album. I don't know if you think we're
held hostage by a Swifty or something, but we're willingly doing this. I
am a Swiftie. I'm the oneholding everyone else hostage in this building.
Yeah. When you think about life, I yeah, I try to not
do that too often. I tryto like just focus on the here and

now. Baby. No, Idon't constantly worry about everything. There's,
of course, like the big momentsthat are like defining, Yeah, but
the things that I really get youthrough the day are the things that are
like just make life ten percent moreawesome. Okay, Yeah, So I
of the cross the List and Iadded some of my own things to this
things that make life ten percent moreawesome. Let's see if you agree or
if you like to add to thespellin number one on the list, salt

just imagine eggs, no salt.Im Gonna ask you do you have a
favorite kind of salt? Im alay in pink seeing I am a big
like a flaky salt. Oh ohthat makes sense. Actually, why does
that make sense? When your phoneis one hundred percent charged, that's for
ten minutes every day. When youpresent an idea to your spouse and they
are one hundred percent on board,I'm guessing that's how Jake feels, because

I am. I feel like Jake'salways on board for my idea. In
the very few times he's not,he'll ask like a couple of questions.
I will very few times like he'strying to lob it up and he's like
easy, okay. He'll be like, yeah, I like that idea,
but what are you And I'll belike, if you don't want to do
it, just tell me, andabout that's not what's happening. I just

have a couple of logistical questions.I'm like, no, it's fine.
See when I know it's something mywife will say no to. I try
to like wiggle in like some warmup questions and then test the mood the
waters and that ejecked if it's thewrong mood. Dogs Number four. When
your friend owns a boat, why'dyou look at me when you said that.

I'm just saying I haven't been invitedon it yet. Why would you,
Minnesota, I'm not out on aboat. So basically, summer last
weekend bonfires, I will invite thebonfires. We are a bonfire. I'm
a bo Okay, let me phrasethis just like my birthday party. Can
I tell you that to the pastfew years, I've had a big bonfire

down by the lake. I invitefriends and then when I'm done, I'm
like, all right, everyone,right to go. That's exactly what you
did this birthday party. Now.You brought us all out to a brewery
and then I got five pm.You're like, I wrap it up.
No, it was a public setting, so I said, I'm leaving you
guys do what you want, butat this this situation is at my house.

So then I say, all right, everyone did good. You can
tell people are already fading. Ilive too far out. No one wants
to drink when they come to myhouse. I'm like, I had to
drive forty seven minutes home. Noface, it's so far. Chinese food.
Oh, what's your favorite thing fromlike a Chinese buffet? Oh,
my god, thank you for asking. Mine is probably the crab rang goon.

I'll do a little low made.I'm gonna do some kind of like
probably like I could do set mechicken. I'm probably gonna do like an
orange chicken. I'm gonna do anegg roll if I'm over at Supermoon,
they have these potatoes that I tellyou, my god, what don't you
like? I love? Yeah,well, I've been wanting to walk in
the park for the past seven yearsnow, but this one's might be.

These are things that make life tenpercent more awesome. By the way,
A list that colds put together.Probably I have some help, especially with
this last one. When you gonumber two, okay, and it's a
nice clean break. Gotcha, We'regood, No, we got it.
We figured it out. One moreas a woman, underwear that don't go

up the butt when I'm walking happyeardit's KADYWB. Today's deep Dive is on
Taylor Swift's I Knew You were Troubleon Katie w B. You were Troubling
You Want Dan, She explained,it's a song that's one of my favorites
on the album, which is onthe album Red, and she said,
it's a song about how being frustratedwith yourself because here you are heartbroken and

you knew when you first saw thisperson, you saw all these red flags
and you went for it anyway,so shame on me. Max Martin is
one of several songsmiths that Taylor hasreached out to in the past and written
many hit songs with, and shesaid, you know, I've always been
fascinated with how Max Martin can justland on a chorus. He comes at
you and hit you, and it'sa chorus all caps with exclamation points.

This song actually features some dubstep elements, and she did admit she was unaware
that she was dipping her toe intothe EDM genre when she recorded it.
She said, I've written some withEd Sheer and he's become a really good
friend and he always plays me reallyinteresting stuff from the UK whenever he comes
over and hangs out. But Inever really thought, hey, I want
to download some dubstep music. Whatended up happening was I wrote this melody

for this chorus on the piano,and I brought it to Max Martin and
I said, at the end ofthe chorus, I just want this to
go crazy. I want it tobe really chaotic. I want the bassline
to do this, and she madethis loud noise to him, like a
ga ga ga ga. She's like, I don't really know what to call
it, but I just want tokind of sing it how I wanted to
sound. And they were like,okay, so sort of like a dubstep
thing, and I'm like, Iguess I don't know the cold hod no,

she to Cosypology magazine. I thinkthat the idea of love I hope
for is that when you learn alesson, you don't have to learn it
twice. But with this song,it's about when you knowingly make the same
mistake twice. I couldn't resist.There's that temptation to push yourself into a
risky situation with someone who is goingto hurt you, and that's what the
song is about. And in thepast, she said, I've written about
shame on you, you broke myheart, but I've never written about shame

on me, So who's the songabout? They always ask, and it
was all but confirmed by Swift herself, Harry Styles allegedly, and I would
be remiss to not add the funnything that came from this song on the
Hot You're Welcome. Today's deep divewas on Taylor Swift's I Knew You were

Trouble, Trouble Balaning Cults on oneon one point three kd WB. We
have a lot coming up. Wehave Tom Sandibal tickets, which I just
never thought I would say that,but his band is coming to the Twin
Cities. We're gonna do those aroundthree twenty Libreptrical Populaz your chance to win
Nickelodeon Universe passes. But before that, I overheard the weirdest conversation with Cult

and the person he was talking tois the Stranger Party, and I like
to break it down with how bizarreyou are in certain social interactions. We'll
do that and more. More NewTaylor is coming up on TADWB, Taylor
Swift get Ready and now another trackfrom Taylor's new album, Torturing Poets Department

one and Only One on one pointthree TDW B. They say this one
is her response to fans being somad about her dating Maddy Healy from the
nineteen seventy five the Brief fulling theyhad, and it's brand new. It's
off the new album called but Daddy, I Love Him on TADWB, Salin

and Colts on one on one pointthree katiew B. That's the brand new
one from Taylor's album that dropped justlast night, called but Daddy I Love
Him on ad w B. We'replaying Taylor's with all day long. You
may have noticed something I noticed overthe weekend. So I had like my
birthday party gathering, if you will, Like people had everyone offcessarily last weekend

and it was a good time.It was a good time. Thank you
for coming, Colts, and youand your wife came, and my whole
family was there, so like mymom, my mother in law, sister
in law, all these and mystep son Dylan came. And the reason
I'm specifically bringing Dylan up is he'ssixteen years old. And everyone was like,
oh, the coolest guys here,Like everyone's like doing their thing,

like my brother in law, everyoneincluded because Dylan showed up and everyone's like,
yeah, Dylan's here, But theneveryone else went back to normal,
and I saw you talking to him, and I'm like, what are they
talking about? And I went overand I was kind of like eavesdropping just
for a second, just curious.You were so embarrassing cold. What did
I do? I just sat thereand at first I thought, is this

a joke? Because you were tryingso hard to be cool with him?
You are, You're twenty nine yearsold. Listen, I think because you're
now no longer like the the youngyoung generation. I could tell it was.
I looked in the mirror and thought, ooh, I used to do
that, like where you're really Iat one point pulled my phone out and

started taking notes of the things youwere saying, and I would like you
to read some of these. I'mgonna have my phone over to you and
you can read some of the Iwas just trying to read them aloud.
And you tell me how ridiculous youthink down let me just cap apout.
Maybe it's like a midlife crisis,like I'm turning thirty next months. I'm
like trying to hold onto my youth. But I don't think it's going okay.

She is so de Lulu back someonethat caught my attention. I was
like, did he just say toLulu? And I wrote, how long
were you listening? This is sucha long list, not as long as
you might think. It's like youwere working in any phrase you've ever heard
that the youth say so quickly,Oh yeah, that's cap, like crazy

cap city per for they don't evensay cap anymore. I don't think the
ski trip Sorry, I only wipemy tears that can't see. Yeah,
so you see how ridiculous you sounded. Okay, the ski trip look lit.
The view was fire brack. Ispelled it how you said it?
Brah like br a maybe b ra h. Dude, the new album

is so Slay Slay all Day.That's the one that I asked him about.
Later He's got red in his face, like yeah, kind of embarrassing.
I thought you were cool. No, there were a couple more things.
This is the things that I overheardColt saying to my sixteen year old
step son to try to sound cool. I heard that this is I have

to say it. Okay, wellyou already said it once. I heard
that dude is the riz Daddy thatRizzly Bear there's one more. He's got
that cash. That's scrilla ak racks. What were you talking about? I
was just who were you saying?Is so delulu? Was it me?

He is now reading them back.I still feel youthful saying it. It
still feels like I'm I'm hanging inthere. No, not at all.
You gotta let it go. Yougotta you gotta hang the cap up,
you gotta retire it. No,no, all right, all right,

you agree? I mean I feela little bit O. Okay, we're
gonna come back. This is reallycool. First of all, we're gonna
give away some Tom Stand up allticket. It's gonna be in the Twin
Cities next week, which is justokay cool. We're gonn get your tickets
for that. But also coming upin trending, two Minnesotans were featured on
the Time one hundred twenty twenty fourlist, which was pretty cool. So
we'll talk about that in trending whenwe come back on Katie W B Sounds

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SEW Tom Sandoval and the most extrasare coming to the Medina Entertainment Center on

Wednesday the twenty fourth, So ifyou're a fan of vander Pump Rules and
you want to go, be Collerten right now to see Tom Sandival live
in concert. Six five one nineeight nine KDWB. Today's Trending with Felon
and Cold on one on one pointthree KDWB brought to you by Nicolay Law
dot Com. Two Minnesotas have beenhonored on Time Magazine's prestigious Time one hundred

list. Beth Ford, the CEOof Lando Lakes, and Rachel Hardiman,
University of Minnesota School of Public Healthprofessor made the twenty twenty four list of
honorees. This is Ford's second timebeing honored by the national magazine. She
took in I guess She was onthe list of leaders in twenty twenty three,
and Ford is honored under Times Titanscategory, while Hardman was highlighted in

its Innovators section. So congratulations toboth of them. That's like pretty amazing
and something you'll ever see me inColton better than I could do. Yeah,
i'd say things on a TADYWB BUTO, that's right. Tomorrow is a
big day for those who not justenjoy the blazing up for twenty but also
those who like a little munchie food. That's more of me. I am

like a stoner with food, butsans the marria jajuana. I feel I
can't even picture you doing that waslow smoking. Yeah, I can picture
you're having monkeys, but that seemsso the way it isn't word about like
that so rude. Well, justso you know, a lot of places

they are going to be offering dealscheese. Jimmy John's is offering something called
the Deliciously Dope dime Bag. It'sa ten dollars bag that contains a smoked
ham and problem sandwich and a pickleand a bag of chips and a chocolate
brown A little more risky than Ithought Jimmy Johns would do. It also

comes with the Jimmy Johns branded rollingtray. I guess the deal is only
available if you order online with promocode Dimebag Popeyes? Is that? Is
that for real? Obviously check yourlocal ones because it's like a national story
I'm reading. But also Popeyes willhave a special four to twenty munchies menu
featuring a four dollars and sent achicken sandwich deal. Nice. And then

there are other places like Smashburger,Buffalo Wild Wings, and a few others,
so you can look out for thosefour to twenty deals. Yeah,
I'm not too upsote. That's prettypretty great. Also, if this is
probably happening according to reports, nosurprise, they're saying Caitlin Clark is close
to a deal with Nike that wouldget her a signature shoe and an eight

figure contract. Dang duh, Like, why wouldn't you Why wouldn't you have
a contract with her? The NikeSmart Move that is your trending. I
think we have our caller, sowe'll grab them really quick. But we
are doing Tom Hi, KDWB.Who's this Hi? This is Ashley,
Ashley your collar ten. Congrats.Yay, oh my god, yay.

Yeah. You're gonna see Tom sanderbalin the Most Extras at Medina Entertainment Center
on the twenty fourth, which isnext week. So congratulations to you,
and we're gonna come back. We'lldo another pair of those tickets at four
twenty and five twenty. But ofcourse it's back to back Taylor all day
long here because guess what we are. We are k d w B,

Salin and Cult. One on onepoint three kd WB. Time for your
after school pop quiz, your chanceto win some Nickelodeon Universe passes. We
have a pair of those. Ifyou can answer some easy trivia, it'll
be you against another person forget Yeah, come on, two first wins the
prize pretty easy in that regard.All you get two questions right to win.

Call into play now six, five, one, nine, eight nine.
Kd WB. Here is your keywordto one one thousand dollars one oh
one point three. K d wB is the after school Pop Quiz Today.
Kd from Oak Grove is playing Ericafrom Elk River and they're playing for

a pair of Nickelodeon Universe passes.I'm gonna ask you guys some basic trivia.
If you know the answer, youchime in with your name, and
the first to two wins. Areyou ready? Yes? All right?
Perfect? Question number one? Whatbody part do snakes us to smell?
Katie? Yes, Katie, theirtongue. That's correct, Katie. Question

number two, what kind of treehas acorns? Katie? Yes, Katie,
elm no, it is not.Do you know the answer, Erica,
pine, not a pine tree?That tree has that? All right?
Question number three? What is ahoney crisp? Katie? Yes,

Katie, it's the thing. Well, it's either a cereal or it's the
thing the bees make. You saidcereal. Okay, well that's to do
one answer. That's neither right,so doesn't matter. I'm sorry, Erica,
what were you going to say?That is correct? That is not

looking for Okay, here we go. We are talk our next question.
How many senses are there? Erica? Yes, Erica, that is Katie.
Thank you for playing, Erica.You do get the Nickelodeon Universe passes.
Congratulations, Thank you to you.Twe O one point three t d

W b I am loving today.It's all Taylor Swift all day. And
that might be a lot for somepeople, but for Swifties out there,
it's a big day. You've beensinging, I've been seeing you dancing all
very long. And usually people don'tgrind to Taylor Swift, but I find
a way slow. Yeah, somehowyour slow grind matches the slow. Thank

you so much. We kicked usoff last week and we loved it.
It was Radio scategories, and uh, we're gonna do it again this week.
We basically go through one of thosecategories lists. If you've ever played
the board game, you pick aletter and you have to say a word
that goes with every category with thatstarts that letter. I'm well, I'm
going to say that you've been gettingbetter. I think you should practice a

little bit more. But I'm worriedthat I'm going to come in and be
terrible. But Ted and I arecompeting today. Welcome promotion instructor, Ted,
Hello, Hello, good afternoon.We've officially forced Ted to be in
part of three segments on our showdown like an honorary third member. He
was asking about endorsements. Calm down, Yeah, you gotta sell yourself you
do, so I have to leavethe room first. Ted will do round

one, then we'll come back andwe'll do my round, so I will
be oh, wait this We're actuallygoing to do it in like five minutes?
Is this the top of the hour? To Katie W B. Stalin

and Cults on one on one pointthree Katie W B. Will Taylor surprise
everyone want to Coachella tonight because it'sthe release of her album and that's her
song with Lana del Ray. Lanais headlining the stage of Coachella, so
that could possibly happen that we arehoping for, but we shall see it
is one on one point three TDWBwith Fallon and Cold. We're gonna play
radio scategories. So basically, Ihave a list of ten things. I'm

gonna give you a letter. Youhave the list of things that start with
that letter. Whoever has the mostpoints obviously wins. Ted. How you
doing today? So good? Howare you Cold? Great? You're gonna
go first. You both have thesame list, same letter. So we're
kicking Fallon a studio. You getone minute, get out of here,
Nerd one minute? Okay, lasttime, Ted, I'm gonna be honest

you dominating. I think I onlybeat her by like two or three though.
Is that what we call dominating?Yeah? You dominated? You were
pretty quick. Heck yah. Soyour letter is b B Okay, let
me set the town and your timestarts now famous female else bever lead to

Angelo medicine, benadryl, things madeof metal, skip hobbies, biking,
oh okay, people in uniform,bus drivers, things you plug in,

blenders, animals, buffalo languages mh skip names used in the Bible.
Ben probably I think junk food,bugles. Oh yes, okay, back

to languages or things made of metal? Uh a blo, Okay, I'll
take it. I'll take the blade. I'll take the blade. Okay,
perfect, So my god, thelanguage is pretty great. I am uncultured.

I do want to say that.Don't need to quit my job and
go travel. Don't cancel yourself,all right? So very good. Round
we're gonna get Fouling back in thestudio. See if she can beat ted
radio s categories next on ADWB recnice it's one on one point three t

the WB bound and cult Ted roundone categories was very very good. You've
said it like five times off airoff the mics as well. I have
a lot of comments. You're quick. Okay, you're the quickest person I
know in radio. So that's nice. Oh well that's your letter. Today
is B and we're gonna go throughten items. You got a name off?

Hello? Got a list or nameoff the things? You get?
How it works? Yeah? Okay, let me do the game. Yes,
your letters be and your time startsnow. Famous females, Britney spears,
medicine or drugs, things made ofmetal, bionic arms, hobbies,

bowling, people in uniform, skipbasketball players. Things you plug in?
Uh, I don't know. Skipanimals. Uh, Skip languages I don't
know. Back to that languages Bavarianall right, names used in the Bible,

Bob, just kidding, best junkfood? Oh god? Skip bugles
okay, things you log in?Why is this bothering me? Do you
have other ones? By the way? Straightener? Blow dryer okay, blow
dryer okay? And you got peoplein uniform? Correct? Yeah, basket

player. It doesn't matter because yourtime is a stress level. Stress level
was high. My husband is inhere helping us with our love is blind
thing. He has a radio,the studio door open. I'm going I'm
waiting, like, shut that door. You don't leave the door open,
you mind. Here, we havea love is Blind lady and the talk
to hers coming up soon. Okay, Okay, Ted, let me see

that list Teva's writing down for us. Okay, we're gonna go through these
answers now. If you both saidthe same thing, we cancel it out
immediately. I did google some ofmy answers, if they were true or
not. Yeah, a little bitof them. We're uh, we need
to look up the biblical names.I don't think anyone here is confident in
knowing their biblical names. Okay,So for famous female, Ted said,

Beverly di'angelo Falon said, Britney Spears. Okay, one one? Who did
he say? She's the mom fromthe original Vacation movie? Okay, yeah,
she's beautiful. Okay look her up. Oh I won't, but I
believe you medicine drugs. I wasa little confused because Ted said benadru,
which is for sure a drug.And then what did you say, bear

bear like a bear be a ye r uh? Oh? Yeah,
I was confused. Friend. Thingthey actually say to have it if someone
you know it, or take itif someone you know, is like having
a heart attack, right, Ithink it counts. It sounds real.
It's a lot, it sounds real. No, bear is no, I
get I get it. Just kidding, just kidding me. Okay, things

made of metal balanced bionic arms,which yes, yes, thank you,
And Ted said blade. Okay,blade is way better than bionic bionics.
Pretty sick. So for hobbies,Ted says, biking. Fallon said bowling,
bowling, which is actually one ofTed's hobbies, so captured him.

People in uniform Fallon, basketball players, Ted, bus drivers, things you
plug in? Ted says, blenders. Fallon says blow dryer, Oh,
blow dry okay, okay, myhandsw writing is well you're writing quick.
Number seven was animals. That iswhat I said that. Oh okay,

I see what happened to okay,and then Ted said buffalo. Oh good
one, Ted, very good.Languages. Fallon said, how do you
say Barvarian Bavarian? Bavarian? Yes, and I looked it up to confirm
it is. It is absolutely language. Who travel I got nothing on that,

Yeah, nothing on that. Icame to me. I didn't like,
I don't know anything about it.I can't say hello and Bavarian.
It just came to me radios categoriesFallon is up eight to seven? Then
uh, names used in the Bible. I I know that Beth is Beth
is Beth is one, and Ifeel like Ben's got to be in the
Bible. Way is one of themost common names, probably on the bad

I'm typing. Is Ben in theBible? Yeah? No, no,
the Book of Genesis. I don'tbelieve. What are you using like a
Yahoo search engine and you're using Google? This is not blasphemous Google. Are
you talking about the name broken downsome of my people Ben and Naya and

you're shortening it for Ted right now? I'll accept it. Jump okay junk
food? What uh problem? Howdare you question? Okay junk food?
We got both bogles, which fingernails? Get it? You win? Categories

nine to eight? I needed it. Congratulates, Thank you, Ted.
I'm not even going to be likecrappy about it like I usually am because
I'm the worst winner. Thank you, But today I want to say it's
an honor to beat you, Ted, because you're so good at this game.
Wow, that's so sweet. Yeah, I am out of this and
I'll write your name. Hey,don't you be all right. We have

Tom stand of all in the mostextras tickets. Yeah, his band is
coming to the Madina Entertainment Center onWednesday the twenty fourth. If you're a
fan of Vander Pump Rules and youwant to see him, just be collar
Kin at six five one nine eightnine k d w B. It's the
pop Culture Minute with Selling and Culton one on one point three, I'm

me out Guard, brought to youby Ovo Lasik and Linda. I want
to keep this short because we haveour Love is Blind contestants. Then we're
about to kick off Love is Blindand we're so excited for this. We
have Todd, we have space,and we have Abby in playing today.
I guess playing is weird word,but you get what I'm saying. Okay.
The main thing everyone's talking about today, of course, is the new

Taylor Swift album Can You Tell Hereon TADWB as we are only playing her
all day long, but she surprisedeveryone and dropped an additional like twenty seven
million tracks on top of the albumWe're already expecting. She went on like
a liking spray free, liking people'smemes and my the funniest one she liked
is someone put together an Abby LeeMiller from Dance Mom's pyramid of her exes

and Taylor liked it and the orderis her least favorite X is at the
bottom of the pyramid Calvin Harris,Joe Alwin, Jake Jillenhall and Mattie Heally
hate to be on that part.The next tier she seemingly likes Taylor Lautner,
Tom Hidlson and Harry Styles. Andthen, of course the top of
the pyramid, Travis Kelcey. Verybeautiful, no surprise, no surprise there.

I'd love to know what you thinkof the new album. Feel free
to text us five three nine twoone K d W B one. And
also, someone did ask is therea head update on his date he had
on Valentine's Day? Are they stillgoing strong? Yes? Her name Abby
also and they are going very strong. Still there like a committed relationship,
is there? I thought you weresaying there's a Gypsy Rose thing or does

it doesn't matter? I have asong I say, I just wish we
had a Gypsy Rouse a cham Ilove it so well. We knew she
was undergoing some classic surgery and guesswhat Gypsy Rose, don't because don't.
Okay, Yeah, that's a goodokay, okay, okay, thanks for

saving me. Yeah, no moresilvers. You know how she had a
bunch of the like teeth, notwhat I was going to guess. You
were going to guess her nose,weren't you? Nope? Oh well she
got her airteeth fixed, So nomore silvers. She's on the road to
just success. Uh Huhmerica sweetheart everybody, And that is your pop culture minute,
brought to you by Ova. Laceyand Lynn's coming right back with Love

is Blind in studio version. Itfeels like a perfect Stalin and cult on
one oh one point three kd wbH. It's been a while since you've
heard this beautiful music, so relaxing. We have three I'm assuming and my
brief time knowing them, amazing peoplehere today for our in studio Love is
Blind Experiment and we have Todd,we have Stacy, and we have Abby.

So right now we have Todd ina different studio and there's a big
blanket up covering liked all you cannotsee them no, and my husband Jake
is literally facilitating this and he hadhim put up like papers on the windows
and stuff so you cannot see thework today. Yes, So we're going
to start off with Todd. Hi, Todd hell, and we're gonna let

Todd introduce himself a little bit,like tell the ladies a little bit about
yourself. All right, So Todd, I designed medical devices for a living.
However, I'm also in the processof starting a few companies in the
area. I'm working towards my master'sdegree, kind of focusing more on that
business side, but kind of onthe personal note. I I've worked with

kids for a long time. Eventhough my professional I'm an engineer, a
lot of my passion is working inyouth programs. I even got my foster
care license when I was twenty threeyears old as a single guy and became
the youngest licensed single mail foster adoptiveparent in the country at the time.
But now spend most of my freetime running youth programs, including some D

and D stuff and volunteering in theschools. So kind of hard to get
out there. Sometimes hit up thebars or whatever. So yeah, okay,
well, thank you, Todd.I'm a great person. My God,
the youngest jud I just sit onmy couch after work. We know
we are we already out. Yeah, just kidding, and that's probably going

to be the case with me aswell, Like, oh, you guys
are much more accomplished than me.Let's kick it off with Stacy. Stacy,
introduce yourself. Hi there, I'mStacy. I'm originally from Wisconsin.
I moved up to the Twin Citiesprobably about five years ago. Now I
work for a local defense contractor.I've been in the defense industry now for

over fifteen years. I'm a managerin business development and I guess what I'm
looking for here is since I'm newerto the area, it's been kind of
hard with dating apps. So lookingfor some kind of companion, if not
anything, maybe just a friend.Okay, perfect and Abby. Hi,

I'm Abby. I am a highschool teacher and currently I'm getting my master's
degree in educational leadership educational leadership.I have lived in the Twin Cities for
about I don't know a few months, but I lived here about ten years
ago for around five to six years. So okay, okay. I just

played Taylor Swift songs. Dang.We knew that they were going to be
better people though, I know.And by the way, they're all younger
than me cult they're still hoped foryou out there. Maybe. Okay,
so that's a little bit about eachof you. We're gonna come back and
Todd will get to kind of speedday ask you each questions, and then

you'll get to ask Todd questions andwe'll go from there. This is very
exciting because our Inn Studio Love isBlind on t d w B, we're
playing Taylor Swift all day long andwe have your keyword to one of thousand
dollars coming up right after style fromTaylor Swift one on one point three k

d w B, Fallon and Cold, and our Inn Studio Love is Blind.
We have Todd, and we haveStacey, and we have Abby.
We just got to know them alittle bit. But if you're just turning
on your radio, it's kind oflike the show. They actually cannot physically
see each other. We have bothwomen in the studio with us, and
then I have my husband over inthe studio with Seod next door. And

this is kind of like this speeddating round of this experiment. So we'll
start off with Todd. Todd,we'll get to ask minute's worth of questions
to Stacy, and then a minute'sworth of questions to Abby, and when
your minute is up, you'll hearthis. Okay, the toaster oven has
done. Ye, all right,Todd, your time starts now. Hi,
Stacy, Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you. I wanted

to start off with asking about whatare your interests in travel? And have
you traveled the world? Great question. I absolutely love travel. I actually
started doing solo travel back in twentytwenty one when Kind of the World started
opening. So I have been allover the world. I've been on every

single continent except for one, whichis Antarctica. Definitely on my list and
that would be kind of my bucketlist item that I want to do with
an next year or two. Allright, great, what is one memorable
moment that you would like to share? Oh? Gosh, memorable moment.
So for me, it would probablybe the day that I became an aunt

I have. Yeah, I havetwo nephews who are ten and six.
They're far away. They live inMilwaukee. I see them quite often,
But the most memorable moment was probablythe day that I became an aunt.
Awesome, Oh, okay, theminute goes all right. Now Todd will

ask Abby questions and go Nice tomeet you, Abby, start quick.
When's the last time you laughed?Is very hard? Oh, my gosh.
As a teacher every day, likeyeah, the high schoolers say pretty
crazy things sometimes. So yeah,so why did you choose to get your
master's degree? Yeah? Honestly,with education right now, there's a lot

of changing and a lot of decisionsare made, and I would just like
to be more and make more ofthe decision making process, and also just
to increase my level of knowledge andexpertise. Okay, and tell me a
time that you're proud of someone else. Gosh. Again, as a teacher
every day, I would say,one thing that makes me the proudest is

probably things that my family accomplishes.That sounds so cheesy, but I would
say that's probably the biggest thing.I'm a big family person, So anytime
they do something like become a parentor get a new job or move or
any big decisions that my family havemade has made Yeah. Okay, all

right, now we get to flipthings and we'll kick it off with Stacy.
She gets to ask Todd questions.Okay, so what is what's your
biggest prior already outside of work,outside work, trying I know it sounds
cheesy also, but trying to makea difference in other people's lives, helping
people where I can. Okay,what are your current hobbies? All of

them? I think is the shortanswer. I collect hobbies for a living.
I can do everything from niche sweaterto build a pulse jet engine.
Wow. Wow, can I getin the running? And I have to
flip this question back to you?So what's your dream travel destination? I

would like to hit every every continentas well. So far I've been to
twenty one countries in all fifty states, but I would like to give out
to a few other continents here awesome, cold is looking so insecure by the
way, Wildern, I've been toFlorida. Sorry, twenty second okay,
so real quick, describe the perfectsunday. Perfect sunday going for ice cream

to a new place that I haven'tbeen before, so walking down by the
river or something and just enjoying theday, preferably in summer. Yeah,
awesome, All right, that's thelongest minute ever. Pause. I know
it's like, how long did youtake out of that minute? But I'd
be like, can I get himnow? It's Abby's stir Whenever you're ready

Abby. All right, Hi Todd, sorry that it feels like I'm asking
a bunch of interview questions. Okay, So if you could rank the following
three TV shows from worst to best, Big Bank Theory, Friends, Seinfeld,
Seinfeld Friends, Big Bank Theory.Okay? Do you have siblings?

I do? I have two sisters, both of them older. Okay.
What would you say your morning andevening routine is or like you're five to
nine after your nine to five.I don't have a routine at all.
I try to mix it up upwith a wide variety of hobbies and activities
and run a few programs. Sothose are all kind of chaos. Would

you consider yourself high maintenance or lowmaintenance? Extremely low maintenance except for keeping
the silverware in order in the relatable? And do you have any pets?
My son has a pet cat.Okay? And what is the last book
you read? Oh Travelers w HarryPotter? What is it? Three seconds

for? The answer is so rude? You have a second go. Okay,
all right, this is crazy,but this is our lovest blind experiment
and we're actually going to come back, and Todd has to pick someone now

as the rules go here in ourstudio. They don't have to date at
all, but after he picks someone, we will introduce them and we'll post
a video on socials so you cansee all of that happen. But the
decision comes up when we come backon kd WB. My reputation has never
been were so one o one pointthree kd WB. We're read the text

of someone just sent in really quickabout our Love is Blind in Studio.
Somebody say, can we get somenormal people for the next Love is Blind
segment? These people are too perfect, unrelatable. We're gonna come back and
Todd's going to make a decision betweenStacey and Abby, and then obviously Stacy
and Abby get to choose if theyalso want Todd. That's not how it
works. What do that? Wecome back on kdew B want Balin and

cults on one O one point threekdw B with our in studio Love is
Blind finale, I will say,because people do keep texting and asking,
we did say we would give anupdate on this. We did have a
Love is Blind in studio experiment ifyou will, about a month ago,
and the bachelor was Richard and hechose Madeline and they did go on two

dates, but unfortunately it did notwork out past that. So that is
the update. And someone actually messagedme the other day and said the update.
But I'm pretty sure it didn't workout because I just saw Richard on
a dating app and it wasn't likeRichard did anything. No, nothing like
she just got out of a relationship. She thought she'd be ready and that's

fine. That's fine. So that'swhat happened with that. Wanted to give
you a quick update, but withoutany further ado. We do have Todd
and we have Stacy and we haveAbby, and we're gonna let Todd take
it to kind of explain how he'smade his decision and what his decision is.

So whenever you're ready, all right, thank you Allan. Yeah,
definitely a tough decision. Was reallynice to meet both of you ladies here.
Obviously we covered a lot a shortperiod of time to kind of meet
someone new. So hopefully we canconnect and get to know more about each
other. So, although you knowfamily is very important to me, and

you know working with kids is definitelya passion of mine, I have decided
or would like to ask us Staceyif you would be interested in meeting up.
Sure, absolutely, Okay, goodnews, you're gonna meet up in
just seconds out in the hallway.Okay, this is great cult videoing.

Right now, he's completely silent.I'm just a little annoyed that Todd so
perfect. Actually, I would saythat and Stacey were pretty perfect as well.
Yeah, everybody in here is soaccomplished and well established. Yes,
all wonderful people. We will haveto be a difficult decision. We will

turn the microphone off, We'll playmore Taylor Swift. We're gonna let everyone
meet each other in the hallway.As we say, no one has to
go on a date. It's upto you, guys. We let you
guys go have a conversation outside ofthis studio. And when we come back,
we do have more Tom sandival tickets. Yeah, I was coming up
at five twenty on TDWB on's upona Time Stalin and Cult one on one

point three kdw B. We havean update from the woman who was trying
to spice up her marriage. We'llsee if it's working out. We'll talk
to her when we come back onTADWB. So it's Scalin and Cult on
one on one point three kg WB. You may have heard this a couple
of days ago. A few daysago. Now, we had Ashley on
and to summarize what happened, shehad some friends and neighbors over. Two

of the parents kissed in front ofher younger son and he's like, oh,
my dad never kisses my mom.And the woman goes like, ha
ha, I think I traumatized yourkid by kissing in front of him and
tells Ashley what the sun said,and that really was like what. She
laughed about it, but then itreally weighed on her mind, like I
don't want my kid to like thinkwe never kiss. And then it made
her sort of you know, lookingat her relationship things they could work on

possibly, and she was saying howshe's not blaming this on her husband and
she's not looking for that honeymoon phasenecessarily, but a little bit more PDA
and passion would be nice in hermarriage. So Ashley had a plan,
and Ashley is on with us.Hi, Ashley, Hi, guys,
so you will you share with everyonewhat your plan was to kind of get

a little bit of spice back inyour relationship. Yes, okay. So
it was sort of a two parter, and the first part was that in
my mind, I planned on attemptingto basically hook up with my husband every
single night. Now I didn't tellhim that part of the plan, but
I to tell him that I wantedat least a good night kiss every single
night, with the hopes that,like at least being intentional about that would

lead to more. Okay, soit's been three nights at this point,
and have you been successful in yourplan two three? Baby? Oh?
Yeah, not bad. Did henotice a significant yeah, a significant uptick
in that and wonder what the heckwas going on? I mean, honestly,
yess, he was wondering a littlebit of what was going on.

It's so confused. It was morethan normal for us, which again,
you know, I'm taking responsibility forthat, but I basically I was like,
yeah, you know this, thiswas intentional. I really wanted to
spice things up. And I didkind of mention the interaction that happened last
week with the other mom, andhe was like all right. Basically he
fell in. He's like, ifthis is what it looks like, you

know, I've come in. I'msure, yeah, okay, Well,
I also feel like I just noticeda difference in your voice, like you
sound happier from even the last timewe spoke to you. I know,
I mean it does. It feelsI'm like, okay, good, It's
just it's nice to connect with him. I didn't realize we were missing this
like intimacy and I'm having fun.I'm not gonna lie. So I'm happy

that you're You didn't get all threenights, you got two out of three,
but you still like feel good aboutit because some people are like,
if it's not exactly how I envisionedit, I've failed at it and blah
blah blah buth. You don't seemto have that attitude, which is good.
Hey, two nights, I'm greatwith that, perfect okay, Ashley.
Well, I would love to likecheck back in with you maybe sometime
next week or something, just tosee how it goes after there's like,
you know, because resolutions, theytend to fade out over our time a

little bit. But I'd love tojust check back in to see how things
are going so far. I thinkyou guys are my good luck charm.
So I'll take that. Yeah,we'll take it cold. Has it helped
you at home? So we'll checkin next week. Leave a dreamy in
the quiet. He tell you,all right, guess what we have?
We have Tom Sandoval tickets, didn't. I mean that is a surprise to

all of us. But people areloving it. Like every time we've given
these away, the phones go crazy. Tom Sandival's band, Tom Sandival in
the Most Extras are coming to theMedinas Entertainment Center. And if you're a
vander Pump Rules fan, I'm guessingyou want to see Tom on Wednesday,
April twenty fourth. You will ifyou're color ten at six five, one
nine eight nine KDWB. Today's Trendingwith Fellan and Colt on one on one

point three ADWB. Brought to youby nikolay Law dot com. This is
a trend going on on TikTok rightnow. Are you a white suv mom
or a black suv mom? It'sthe latest debate. Apparently, if you
drive a white SUV, you're probablycalmer, more reserved and patient with your

kids and may be a little boringif you're behind the wheel of a black
ssue. My wife is a blacksuv, so let's hear I am as
well shout out why perman Spishi,you're the cool mom blasting music, cracking
jokes, and probably a lot lesspatient with your kids. Yeah, I

feel like Jenna is really patient.But also the rest of the things,
she's the cool mom. Yeah,maybe some white stripes on the top,
because she's kind of both. Iwill say this. My friend Emily always
jokes that she has hasn't listened toher music and since she had kids.
Oh yeah, no, I know, I listen to my music and all
of just has to adapt to whatI like. Situation. She can be

a little controlling because sometimes Jake willget her on like a du alipa kick
and I'm like, I don't wantto do a leap in fact, one
time please training season. I'm like, all right, I know, so
that's the trend. I am ablack SUV mom, I guess. And
now I know that's very cool.You're pretty good. Also, this is
really cool. Two Minnesota women havebeen honored on Time magazine's prestigious Time one

hundred lists. Beth Ford, CEOof Landa Lakes and Rachel Hardman University of
Minnesota, a public health professor,made the twenty twenty four list of honorees.
And I thought that was super cooland that we should acknowledge that I
think we have our caller ten reallyquick, Yes, Hi, KATWB,
who's this? Hi, Bridget,bridget your collar? Ten? Congrat You're

going to see Tom Standibal. Whoowhoo Yeah at the Medina Entertainment Center,
April twenty four. Cauld on onesecond, Bridget, we'll grab your info
and we'll be back talking about likekind of like what we're gonna watch this
weekend. I have a new showI just started. I want to recommend
heck y. We'll do that whenwe come back on TDWB one on one

point three a d WB. Weare calling it BA because we're playing Taylor
Swift all day long on kdwb' Spallinand Colt. I started a new show
last night. It's gonna be likea questionable weekend. I like to call
it soup making pleasure Macon, suitmaking, weather soup making, love making.
Nope, I said suit making makevery different. But we started a

new show and we liked it sowell. We stayed up till ten pm
watching it last night. That's ridiculouslylate for you. I know nine PM's
are our mark, but Jake waslike, it's we haven't had a good
show in a long time, Let'sjust do one more And I was like,
oh fine. So it's the newmovie or sorry show on Hulu called
Under the Bridge. Riley Kio she'sElvis's granddaughter, and Lily Gladstone she's the

one that's in won the awards andthe new Flowers of the Whatever Moon with
Leonardo DiCaprio. Flowers of the Whatever. I don't watch Leonardo DiCaprio movies ever
than Titanic. I think there arethe Flowers Moon. That's flower Oh anyway,
the Flower Moon. They are thestars of the show. But it's
called Under the Bridge and it's basedon a book about a true story from

nineteen ninety seven of a fourteen yearold girl who joins friends at a party
and never returns home. So it'slike a mystery kind of thriller. And
anyway, we watched like two orthree episodes and we were like, Okay,
this is really good. So Iwant to recommend that it's on Hulu
if you want to check it outthis weekend one point three ADYWB it with
Fallon and Colt Love is Blind.We have a huge recap. We made

love on the radio. Hold On, why that what we're in the business.
We did not make love on theradio. We found love. Love
was found on the radio. Foundon the radio. Maybe we had Todd,
who was just an incredible dude.I mean you could hear on the
podcast all the accolades. Everybody inhere was so established. You have Stacy
and Abby were the lovely ladies.And I was, I'll be honest with

you, is nervous because the firstround with Richard and the lovely women we
had in it was so good thatI was like, we should have just
left it alone. We should doanother one because it's will never be that
good. And I was nervous,And it's stressful lining people up because people
canceled last minute because they get nervous, or like, we had one girl

canceled and that's totally fine. She'ssick, and I thank you for not
making us sick. But I waslike, oh god, it's one more
canceled. Then it's just one chrome, one guy. At that point,
it's just it went great, though. It point great that we had two
people accept the offer. While heextended the ala branch to Stacey and yeah,
and your husband asked he was leavingthe studio because he was helping us

out. He got a little video. They stayed after to chat in the
little lobby area. Yeah, theydidn't approve that video of my creepy husband
videoing them through a glass door whilethey stayed to chat with each other to
get to know each other. Somaybe we'll get an update from them sometime
soon. But if you missed it, highly recommend going to check it out
on the podcast Fallen and Cult.And like Colt said, he's putting together
like a video and stuff because youdon't want to be blind to the love.

Like you want to see what theylook like too, So we'll have
a video so you can see whateveryone looked like at Fallon and Colt On in
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