All Episodes

April 16, 2024 58 mins
Falen details what happened after her birthday party and which public place she threw up in.
Blue wrecked us both and is going down as the most emotional ending ever
The guy who had his genitals chopped off is getting THIS amputated now
Colt's mother in law was in town and he is overracting about This one thing
Animal encounters turn into this guy who is WAY too comfortable with snakes
People have chocked too often around msp and there are multiple people who forgot to wear deoderant today

that and more on today's show! Love you!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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The film with Christina from Robert's Wisconsin. Welcome to the show, Christina,
can you share a little fun factabout yourself? Yes, So there was
one point in my life where Iactually owned a twenty three chickens to goats
pig. That's so awesome. Thatis game. Yeah, it was like
a little hobby farm. I hadgone on, Oh that's so cool.

Okay, So Christina, do youapprove the show this week? Yes?
I do. Yeah, you anothertude. Oh I'm a dream cone true
and it's so upset for you.One to one point three Katie w b

with Fallon and Colts. So thisweekend I had a little birthday gathering at
Surly you did. It was massive, by the way, I didn't know
you had that many friends. Ididn't eat. There were so honestly full
of people. I forgot I invited, but a lot of people. I
picked that place because it was like, it was such a huge patio.
I didn't reserve tables. Shout outto the girl who's like, I listened
to your show and let us shewas half her table. She was great.

But it was Uh, it wasthe most perfect weather weekend. I
don't drink a lot, never haveand I feel not drink, shut up
to not drink a lot and thenput down heavy brewery beers. It was
almost like a five gallon bucket.You were so dramatic, you know,
my you know, my highlight ofthe evening is what I hang out with

Colt's wife and I tell her allthe crap he talks and then I get
to hear the real version of thisstory. That's one of my favorite parts.
Who like, my wife won't letme get walk in the park,
and she's like, Colt, wewere literally gonna get it, but you
were late coming home from work,so we didn't have time for the movie.
I'm you owen start, but everystory of like Jin doesn't want our

kids go into this type of school. And then I talked to her like
that's not me. I don't care. He's the one that doesn't when I'm
going to that type of school.So like it's not as fun when a
gaslightter and she's there, actually stopit. It really would. But I
actually started feeling so sick at mystomach, and I was not drunk.

I was like, maybe buzz ina little bit, you know what I'm
saying. But I was like,yeah, something like, I'm gonna be
honest with you. I was like, if we don't leave now, something
will come out of some end ofme and I'm not doing that at Surly.
So I left my own party early. I left like fifteen people you
did, and it was out ofnowhere. We're on a group talking and

then you just yell at your husband. You're like, Jay, wrap it
up. It was like he knows. I was like, is there a
s if I do something like that? He knows. She isn't kidding.
So we get in the car andwe start driving, and I go,
because we live in Minnetriesta like ahalfway mark is where you live, saying

that's part staly. I go,Jake, you have to stop at my
work because I'm going to be sick. What wait? Wait, so you
can't at work? I go in. I didn't come up to the fifth
floor. Where did you do?One level? Wrecked it? Vomit?

Really? It was chaotic. Jakewas texting me and I was like,
no, no, dude, Iwant security footage if he was doing him.
By the way, this isn't oneam, this is like nine pm.
Thank you. Is it possible toget footed? I don't be honestly,
there probably is, and you'll seethe urgency. And I had these

slide sandals on and my feet wereso sweaty because I was sweating so much
to hold it in so anyway,and then I and then I scurry back
out. I'm like, I'm good. Now we get home. By the
time we're getting back home, I'mlike, I'm not good. Can I
also just rewind a little bit.When I'm saying I'm gonna be sick,
I'm gonna be sick. Jake takesa quote unquote shortcut which was fast amount

time. I'm like, you havenever look in a direction? Why?
Why did? It was so wrong? And you could see when it hit
him. He did the wrong thing, and he's like panicking. Then he's
going faster, wrong curves. I'mlike, come on, you're the worst.
I get home, gets sick acouple more times. I do this

thing. You don't know this aboutme. I lay in the shower.
I pol a towel, I laidit down for a pillow. I lay
in the shower and let the waterrun on my stomach. It's abnormal.
It's the only thing makes me feelgood when I'm not feeling good, but
it works for you. It does. And Jake walked in and goes,
of course like gross, and hegoes, I want to take a picture

and text this to Jenny. Butthat's weird, you know Where'm like,
that is weird. But I hadno hangover because the thing is wasn't drunk,
just like too much heavy beer wrappedme. Yeah, I don't know.
I don't know if that sounds alittle drunk to me. There's a
lot of things in there that sounddrunk to me. Name one. I

mean, okay. I love howyou could have stopped anywhere and you're like,
you know the best place to throwup all the southhol place of employment
stay. Everybody's over at nine by. I don't want to go into a
gross, random business. I like, I feel safe. This is safe
though at least it wasn't in myyard. You try to get to my
house. I'm happy about that.So big a hole in your front yard?

Yeah, my bad. I've neverbeen invited your house. I don't
know your address, so how wouldI have stopped there? That is true,
you have never been Oh wait,hold on hard pause, Oh what's
happening? I know it is NICKIminaj for Monday. Good point could We're
gonna come back and we have yourtickets. We're giving away every hour on

the twenties. So right when wecome back to twenty one, your Nicki
Minaje tickets on Katie w B.This is the Fallon and Cold Show me
Salin and Colts on one on onepoint three Katy w B with Nicki minaj

Monday. So pretty much every hourwe're giving away Nicki Minaje pickets. She's
gonna be a Target center April twentyseventh, and we want to give you
a pair right now if you're collarten at six, five, one,
nine, eight nine kd w B. Now, I don't know if she's
gonna do that song because there area couple of songs and Nicki's like,
I'm never doing that song again,but hopefully you got to pull out some

of those you have to. Also, we'll come back with the pop Culture
Minute, everything that happened to Coachellaand more on KATIEWBO. So we're giving

away Nicki Nage tickets. But areyou at work? I am like in
an office all right? I waslike, why are you being so low
key? Do they even know you'recalling? Right now? Yeah, I'm
calling work. Sorry, well,just keep your composure because your caller ten,
oh my god. Okay, I'lldo it for her because that was
such a like I'm being honest,that was a real downer. Is going

to be your pitch. It's gonnabe you since you're at work. Okay,
here we go. All right,your caller ten? Wowly that this?
Okay? Maybe bad choice? Badchoice? Well what's your name,
Robin? Oh? That's wait aminute, is that your real name?

Okay? Well what you said itwas like, maybe I don't want to
share that on the radio. Okay, Well, Robin, You're going to
see Nicki Minaj on April twenty seventhat Target Center. Congratulations, thank you
so much. You're welcome. Anotherpair coming up at three twenty it's the
Pop Culture Minute with Felon and coultOn, one of one point three jd
w B. Look, I'm gonnabe judgmental logan Paul. This announced Tina's

partner expecting a baby, and I'mlike, oh no, I saw that
too, and I was like,I thought you'd be getting roasted and toasted
in the comments, but everybody seemskosher. I should be like that you're
the one person that's a terrible choice. Uh. Billie Eilish had a big
weekend at Coachella. She came onstage as a surprise guest with Lana del

Rey for and they did her songOcean Eyes, which she sounded phenomenal on,
and Lana called her the voice ofour generation. Do you agree with
her? Yes? I broke.I'm sorry. I I was loaded.

Second, You're good. I hada weird buffer. It's like our internet.
I mean, yes, but alsolike I just feel like I need
more from her. If I'm gonnasay that, oh wow, what are
you looking for? Like just somethingwithout a whisper, like if there's a
song she has a whisper singer forsure. She also was caught smooching a

YouTuber. Her name is quinn LynnBlackwell, and everyone saw them together and
you know she's been she in herrecent was a Rolling Stone interview where she
said she came out yes and soit doesn't come from there in a relationship.
But they at least are okay withsmooching in public. They were hooking
up, that's for sure. Whatokay? Wow? Other surprises at you

would love this one cold. Wedon't have a like an audio of this
that Kesha came out with Renee Rapand they sang TikTok and she was like
they were like he did. Iwas like, okay, so they just
instead. Also, Olivia Rodrigo cameon during the No Doubt set. This

is her not singing, not theinstrumental, her dancing, precious collection and
also surprises. Justin Bieber hopped onstage with Thames and everyone like lost their
mind, like a little how isit? By the way, he was

like not ready to do like thehalftime show with sherebutles pop out it and
he also looked like he and I'mnot trying to judge here, he didn't
look like himself. That's all I'llsay. He looked he didn't look like
himself. Yeah, are you hatingno, because I say it's because of
you know how I have been soopen about what a horrible performer, and

he's such a good singer. Iwould say he has probably the most beautiful
male voice of the generation. Yeah, but he's also and I love his
songs. But in a concert leftme wanting anything for even though I was
mad, I got free tickets sold. Also, this was so bizarre.

But Jay Valvin had Will Smith outto do Men in Black? Give a
clip? Yeah, okay, flipbut wrong clip? Did so taquality?
Did you do the worst quality audio? You would think all these TikTokers you

get to go for free would haveactually good sounding stuff, but now playing
on them, they suck. Also, did anyone at Coachella know the song
men in Black? There's gotta beone that heard it when they were in
the womb. I would have lostmy mind. But that song came out
in like ninety nine, That's whatI'm saying. In the womb like maybe
or when they're like toddlers. Idon't know. That's crazy. Also,

I just wanted to mention if youhaven't become a verified fan yet for TADWB,
we're giving away a trip to seeTaylor in Paris during the aerostours.
She was a Coachella. She washaving a good time and this week this
is super cool. The person whoqualifies each of the names, they get
the Tortured Poets Department on Phantom clearvinyl, only available at Target, So
that's huge. KDWB dot Com,Stalin and Colts One on one point three.

Kd WB want to give you aheads up that we are paying your
bills again. So we're gonna waga one thousand dollars cash every single hour,
like thirteen times a day, andwe want you to win it.
So this is your heads up toput like a little alarm on your phone.
We're doing it on the fifties,so we'll have our next keyword that
you enter on our website come outof at two fifty. So just wanted

to get that out of the way. Now we're going to dive into one
of our favorite things. Two o'clockhour, arguably our most unhitched people listen
and they are crazy, but you'requiet. So this is the opportunity to
show let your freak flag fly,as they say. So anybody listening who

choked and it was horrifying and mebecause we're choking. What are we like
on food you're talking about could beon anything cult? Okay, if it
was horrifying, you can call us. What if you choked on cult?
That was horrible? Like somebody chokedyou out? Ean, it's college.
What were you choking on? Thisisn't ten fingers right now, anybody listening

who cannot stand their coworkers are lookingat me now perfect setup, and then
anybody listening who forgot to wear deodorand today, no shame. I do
that all the time, and itshould be so part of a routine.
It's bizarre. When I was inhigh school that I had such a vivid
memory. I would forget deodor itfrequently, and I'm a I'm a hormonal

teenager. Things are working overdrive.I remember I'd be sitting in like that,
like free. We call it options. It's like your study hall or
whatever. Okay, but it's calledoptions in my school. I have like
Tiffany, and she would get mescented lotion to rob on my armpits.
How horrible is that? I don'tlike anything? Got be an easier ways,
bad idea. I don't know what'swrong with me. Yeah. Still

though, anybody listening who choked andit was horrifying cannot stand their coworker or
forgot to wear theodoran today, giveus a call six five, one,
nine, eight nine Katie W.B. Fallon and Colts one on one
point three kd WB. Anybody listeningwho choked and it was horrifying can't stand

their coworker or forgot to wear theodoran today? Been there a couple of
times, too many times to counttaking your calls right now? Okay,
which one were you? Yo?What's yo? Right away? What's up?
BC? Yo? I choked onetime? You ready? Yeah?

What happened? What'd you choke on? What was it? Oh? Yo?
It is my imagination. I tooksome acid and I started throwing up
because I was all sick. Andthen from there I went and washed my
face in the mirror and it lookedlike blood was coming down, and then
I started puking. And then afterthat, I was like, if I
don't stop puking, I'm gonna pukeup my whole inside. And I just
like reread for a few minutes andI finally got over again. Old life,

old life, relatable, relatable.We've all been there. No,
we've all been there. Oh,BC. We look forward to your calls.
Thank you so much, You too, Katie w B. What's your
name? All right? Which categorydo you fall into? I am under
the I did not wear deodor itto work today? Oh? How bad

is it? But I don't smellso Bad's good. I made sure my
coworkers sniffed me today. How howdid you have that conversation with your coworker.
Would you say, hey, canyou get in here? No closer?
Can you smell me? Or what? Well? We're nurses out of
school? What was it really like? I kind of just walked up.
Hey. Yeah, so you're basicallythe fallon of your office, Like you

don't care any what he thinks aboutyou. You just put it all out
there. Oh yeah, definitely,I agree. It's working out. It
makes it so much easier when youdon't care exactly. Well, good for
you. I would be smelling likea can of chicken noodle soup at this
point in my day, so I'mhappy you don't. Yes, thank you

so much, Thank you. Katiew B. What's your name? Katie
w B? What's your name?Ah? My name is j Okay.
Which category do you fall in?The category? Oh gosh, I mean
what did you choke onza? Wait? What kind? What do you mean?

What time? Like like pepperoni cheese? It was like extracuge Yeah,
oh yeah, you get some ofthat cheese in you, But that moment
it gets lodged, like you startlike breaking out. Did someone have the
heimlook or did you get it dislodgedyourself? I was like super little,
So my mom so we like,you didn't dinner or whatever, and my

mom's like, gave me a sliceand I just started choking. And she
brought me to the bathroom and shehad put her fingers down my throat.
Oh oh, there's a better way. I feel like sack kids back,
but that works too. Oh youshouldn't just sit you there and open up
YouTube and siding a how to video. She's she's sprung into action, So
that's good. One A one pointthree KATIEWB along with two men and a
junk truck want to help you winone thousand Baloni colt one A one point

three katiewb. Just in case youmissed it, we did just give you
the keyword. We want you towin one thousand dollars pay your bills is
back. So you can use onethousand dollars pay your bills. I would
say the better investment would be purchasingall the new summer colors of Stanley Cups
that just came out. Yeah,I do that so you can bract your
friends and I. But you goto katiwb dot com. Your keyword is

green like money g R e EN at KDWB dot com Sealing and colts
one on one point three kd wB. Here's the thing about me and
Colt. We are mature, emotionallyavailable adults. Sometimes that's fair. Sometimes

I think I think you would besomeone who would shut it down, close
it off, and I one,yeah, And I would be someone who
would be like crazy over the toploud. Oh well you would express it
and I would. I would justgo in the corner and deal with it
and cry by myself. Right,yes, yes, but we've gone to
there we do in meetings. Yeah, you're yelling and that I'm in the
corner. Yeah, you gotta stoppainting this picture like I do that because

you've done it every single day,and uh, just saying keep doing everything
I said about bound yelling and meetings. See, I told you I've spent
twelve years here trying to like createa quote unquote damage. You'll ruin it
within one month, Thank you.Cold. We're gonna come back and talk
about what made us both cry thisweekend. We cried over the same thing

because we're emotional people. We'll talkabout it when we come back. Fallon
and Cult one oh one point three, KATIEWB. The day was Sunday,
it was yesterday. It was agood day, very sunny, went to
Afton Park. Well you might thinkwe were out and about. We were
later, but we went to swimand then we went home. We're like,

we're doing a little relax because Aliveand I had a girl's lunch.
We're going to so we're like relaxing. So I do the usual. I
turn on Disney Plus and it saysat the top new Blooey episodes. We
are all in agreeance raise your handif you're listening, we all agree.
Blue is the best kids TV showever created, Say Ie, I I
it might possibly be the best showperiod eight period. It makes My niece

is in college. She doesn't havechildren, she's twenty one. She and
her friends sit around on watch it. I had so many people message me
this weekend. I don't have kids. I watch My mom texted me and
said I just watched Blue by myselfand cried. I go okay. First
of all, you're welcome for thatDisney Plus login debby Okay. Secondly,

yeah, new episode. And usuallyif you don't know a lot about the
show, it's about it's about dogs. Blue and Bingo. They're a little
blue healer dogs and they're both girlsand then their parents are bandit in Chili.
It's Australian. It's a family offour in there, like eight minute
episodes have fun. Yeah, thelaugh play eight minutes max. So this
episode that came out called The Signwas thirty minutes. People were hype about

this and it's one of those showswhere it like hit your emotions anyway.
On regular episodes, some are justsilly, some will get your emotions,
but this one, the premise isthey're gonna they're selling the kid's childhood home,
the childhood home where you've seen allthe episodes, have all the fun.
They'll move away from all the friendsand characters you've gotten to know.
And we all of us, Me, Olive, Jake, all crying so

much during this show. I didn'teven know how to process it mentally at
first, because I was looking over, Yeah, my kids were well,
Remy was crying, and I therewas a moment where I'm like, do
I need to I should trun uplike a therapy session, because there's no
reason I should be crying watching Bluie. Well, especially if you are a

parent, it hits the emotions,or even if you're like an adult and
you moved away from your childhood homeand your parents call you, Right,
you go back to that childhood homebecause you've got to pack up your stuff
and clean up your room if theyleft it. The way is, I
have a lot of friends that hadto go through that, and they're going
through all it's like you're going downmemory lane. And in this you know
a lot of cases like you havethe markings on the wall where you did

the kids height, we did thatwith olive, or you are like that's
where they took their first steps.That's where my brother shot me with a
bb gun. Ye beautiful memory.Yeah, just all those things. And
it does suck as somebody like whodoesn't have a childhood home to go back
to. Even if it wasn't likethe best scenario, you still like have
a lot of memories. Was demolished. I don't. They crashed it.

They extended the gas station parking lotit was next to. That's brutal extended
it. How important is this gasstation? It's called four quarters and it's
popping. It's the only gas stationin town. Yeah so, but we
we posted a little video of usFallin and Colt on Instagram to show us
having real raw emotions watching it.So it's just like our shout out to

all the people out there that wereemotionally destroyed. But it was they were
happy tears. That's the thing wetry to like explain to Olive. We're
like, she's like, why arewe crying? And I'm like there,
She's like she associated with sad.I'm like, there are things, yeah,
there are happy tears too, likewe're happy crying and she's like,
ool, kid, that's well,you did a lot better than me.
My kid asked, be like,why do I feel this way? I'm

like, I don't know how tothis is emotion shows that I'm crying too
and trying to figure it out.I don't cry in this family. So
crazy. But also on our video, I posted the creator was on a
podcast which blessed that creator and heactually recommended ten episodes to watch before you
watch the one called The Sign,So if you wanted to know what those
were, you can go check themout. They're on the caption of the

video. He has posted ballon andcult it is Nicki Minaj Monday on KATIEWB.
That means we're going to come backand get your tickets. It's Nicki
Minaj in concert on KATIEWB Ballin andColt Nicki Minaj is coming to the Twin
Cities Target Center on April twenty seventh, and we have your tickets. We're

going to give those to Collar tenright now six five, one nine eight
nine katiew B. And then we'lldo another pair at four twenty and five
twenty. Today's trending with Ballon andcold On one on one point three Katie
w B. It's brought to youby nicolay Law dot com. Okay,
this is the are you a StarWars stand at all? I don't know

if I know this about you?Oh no, okay, that's the star
No, that's fine. The bigyou know, May fourth is the big
Star Wars. DA May the fourthbe with you. So they're doing this,
this is a thing. Since youdon't know, my fellow Star Wars
people out there will know. Bluemilk for Star Wars Day is gonna be
a legit thing. So they onthe on the movies, they'll drink blue

milk. And like if you goto like Hollywood Studios where they have the
Star Wars area, okay, youcan go to like a cantina and get
blue milk it has a certain name, but now it's gonna be available at
grocery store starting April seventeenth. TheTrue Moo Blue Milk is described as vanilla
flavored milk tinted with blue food color. And so it's got to be good
for you, gotta be so readingthis is my wife won't even let me

try it, no chance. Definitelyhas some kind of die in it.
This may be laught. Twenty twentyfour is wackiest pet names. There's a
pet insurance place and people submit,and here are the funniest ones. Chug
Chug pickles. What little Richard Simmonssweating to the oldies. That's a full
name. Can you imagine Richard Simmonssweating? Do the oldies get in here?

What's in your mouth? Oh psychoMolly from corporate word? Get it,
mister pizza puff. I like thatone. That was good? Anybody,
Kitty committee. That's a play onYeah, I got it. I
didn't know if you do that.Steph Purry, Steph Purry, frosted mini
wheats. Thor Odin bun Odin Bunn, God of Bunder. I might know

that more if I knew more aboutthor skull crusher and snoop hoggy Hog.
That made me laugh. Those arethe wackiest pet names. We've had some
good ones. We've done that beforeon the show, where it's like calling
with the wacky pet names and they'vemade me laugh. I had a hadgehog
Bruce cliss or Quill Smith. That'sonly Bruce, Bruce Clise or Quill Smith

the day. That makes sense.Now, this is a really quick one,
but interesting. You probably don't knowthis John Wayne Bobbitt who he's famous.
He's the famous guy whose wife cutoff his genitalia. It's a story
many many I mean, I wasa tiny like a tiny child when this

happened. Songs are created, peoplelaughed about it, but it's awful.
It's so horrible when you think aboutit. Why though, in a little
bit happened in nineteen ninety three,did he cheat. I'm guessing that's the
alleged like I don't know if therewas confirmation. I was ninety three,
I was barely in like kindergartens,so I don't remember a ton of the
details about this guy's junk being choppedoff. The point of the story is

he's re emerged in news because nowhe just had to have other things amputated
his toes. He claims that thereason he has neurological issues with his feet
are because of the nineteen ninety threescandal with the Genitalias. So, I
mean, when you start off withthe first one, the toes don't seem
that bad. Afterwards, fair alittle bit. I can throw your balance
off and I don't like that.Probably, I mean depending on because you

could affair. Yeah, okay,well there's your trending. We're coming back
with our Actually, I think wehave collar ten on the phone real quick
if you want to grab them.Yeah, Hi, KATIEWB. Who's this?
This is Caroline, Caroline your collarten. Yeah. Yeah, you're
gonna see Nicki Mina. She'll beat Target Center April twenty seven. Congratulations

Caroline, thank you so much forlistening, have fun of the concert.
Thank you, Falan for the bestBalin and cult one on one point three
KDWB time for your after school popquiz. We're going to hook you up
with some Nickelodeon Universe passes if youcall into play. We asked you some

trivia questions. There were definitely likeeighth grade level at least they should be
simple, but not always, notalways the first to get to right when
the passes call to play. Nowat sixty five one nine eight nine kd
W by Balin and Colt one onone point kd WB, it's time for

the after school pop quiz. ShoutTomorrow America for hooking us up with Nickelodeon
Universe Passes today and most days.Honestly, we have Jordan in Saint Michael
playing against Julie and Norwood. Howit works is I ask you trivia questions.
You know the answer, you chimein with your name. The first
to two wins. Are you ready? Yeah? All right? Question number

one trick question, but not howmany planets are in our Solar system?
Jordan, Yes, Jordan, eight? That is correct. Yeah, Jordan,
you smart, You're smart. Growingup it was always nine and they're
like, JK, Pluto is ona planet. I was like, wait
to ruin my gosh, my educationhere? All right? Question number two,

which is the smallest ocean on Earth? Jordan? Yes, Jordan Indian?
No, Julie, do you havea guess? I specific, but
that's wrong. I know it's fromit is That's okay. Arctic Ocean is

the smallest, sorry, harder nexttime, all right, Question number three.
Who was known as the King ofPop Jordan? Yes, Jordan,
Michael Jackson, that is right,Jordan, that is right. Julie.

You were ready for it, butJordan got it in the nick of time,
which means Jordan is our winner today. Julie, gratulation. Congrats Jordan.
Thank you ever thought I would whenanything so cool? Yeah, and
your chance to win comes up afterthis song. We have your next chance
one one thousand dollars. So rightafter Benson Boone listened for your keyword to

win on KDWB full it's the unbelievablestory of the day on one oh one
point three kt WB. And incase you missed the keyword, the keyword
because we want to make sure youwin. And it turns out we already
had a winner this morning, socongrats to that person. Your keyword this

hour is happy, So you goto KDWB dot com enter that happy.
You have to do that within sevenminutes because we we'll do a new keyword
next hour. Batally, some peopleare a little confused. We've had people
call us and just yelled the keywordback to us, or like, what
do I text what do I do? Just happy at KDWB dot com exactly
all right, now to our unbelievablestory of the day. This would be

pretty unexpected. If you ordered Ubereats and you opened your door to see
the delivery person on a horse,that actually just happened. A person delivered
the Uber Eat order on a ona horse. You got a tip a
little more if you see that,right, So, I feel like that
took them longer to get there.The video could end up getting them shut
down though, because Uber says it'sagainst their policy to quote make deliveries via
horseback. Apparently they have it wasn'tit is now thanks to that guy,

Maybe that I could say they gottado you talent and cults on one oh
one point three, katiew b.I think a lot of people live in
neighborhoods and they you you judge otherparenting other people in the neighborhood pretty much,
NonStop, pretty much. Yeah.So we have someone on and she
arguably has the worst parents of anyneighborhood. We're going to talk to her.

You might be able to top it. We'll see. We're going to
talk to her here, why theparents in her neighborhood are so awful when
we come back on KATWB Talent andcults on one oh one point three KATWB.
I was reading off of a Facebookgroup last week, I believe,
and a woman was saying, howthere are these kids that always come over

and their parents really don't ever likecheck in on them or anything. And
then one day she saw them bothparents get in a car and leave and
she's like, wait a minute,so I can't be in charge of your
kids. What's happening? And wegot so many calls neighbors. A woman
I said, hold on, Iwant I actually want to like turn your
situation into a whole thing of itsown. And she's like, all right,
So we have her on the phone. And you think that you maybe

have the worst parents in any neighborhoodever tell me about them. I had
a neighbor. I mean it wasa nightmare. So they were like these
weird fitness people that would fill eachother like on bald and whatever. Anyway,
two kids and I lived right nextdoor, and their kids would come
over and ask for food because allthe parents kept in the house were like

prochain bars and energy drinks. Oh, it was crazy. And then they
would if I was gone sometimes becauseI I never locked my door. It
was this kind of neighborhood. Itwas like I was in the culdest back
and it was Yeah. I wouldfind them in my house going into my
pantry eating because they were starving.That's crazy. Did you have kids of
your own? Yes? I had. I had two kids, two little

kids, so they were too littleto be playing with mine, and I
was like, what is happening.Oh. I would be like, hey,
I just caught your kids like acouple of raccoons going through my cupboard.
You gotta like, I can't Ithat's I had a friend, Hazen.
Actually, Hazen had the healthiest parentsever, and I hate it going
to his house because all I hadwas apples, and they're like, what's

for dinner in apple? Okay?But he would come to my house and
this kid would gorge himself. I'mtelling you. We had that that government
money, so mom my mom wouldalways get like the cosmic brownies and all
those snacks. He literally would havea cosmic brownie sandwich every time he came
to my house, like throughout thenight. That was so funny. No,

they would eat like a whole thingof screw sandwiches out of the freezing
Yeah, my gosh. Another littleadded thing on top. I was out
of town for several weeks. Theygot a ladder climbed up over my balcony
and took my control or like mygas Oh your pro pane, yeah,
my pro paine. Yeah. Andso when I got back, I came
back early and I was like,what the heck we were going to grow

out and there's no prope. Iwas like what And we went over and
they were like, oh yeah,sorry, we needed some. I would
be sitting them in voices. Here'show much food your kids ate? Here's
like the prope. Did they eventuallymove away or did you I did?
Yeah, yeah, oh my gosh. They were Yeah, they were crazy.
Well I'm glad you got away fromthat. That sounds off. That

would be night. I saw myself, like really so bad for the kids
that I would go to the storeand actually buy extra stuff. One of
them had never had a juice boxever. All right, that's that act.
Like, well, I like groceriestoo. If you have feel bad,
you can buy me some grapes orblueberries or something. I mean,

maybe you can top her story doyou have the worst parents ever in your
neighborhood. Obviously trying to keep itlight here, so I keep that in
mind, but we'd love to hearfrom you. Six' five one nine
eight nine KTWB. Also, itis Nicki Minaj Monday on KATIEWB. So
have tickets to see nick Minaj.She's at Target Center April twenty seven.

We're gonna give those away coming uparound four twenty, so make sure you're
listening for that right now. We'relooking for the worst parents in any neighborhood.
Sixty five one nine eight nine kdWB. All right, time for
Nicki minaje Monday tickets. She's gonnabe at Target Center on April twenty seven,

so we want to get you tickets. We're gonna go to Collar ten
right now. Six five one nineeight nine kd WB. So Travis Kelce,
he was having a great time withTaylor at the Coachella events this weekend.
Before that, he was at agraduation. He did something that upset
people. They said he was beingan ass. We're going to cover his

defense on that and more when wecome back. It's in the pop Culture
Minute after we get our Nicki MinajWinner on one O one point three kd
WB. So what you heard istrue. We do have Nicki Minaj tickets
I win. What's your name,Abby, Pabby? You are collar chain?

Yeah, Oh my god, that'sso awesome. Yeah it is.
Congrats Abby, thank you for listening. Of course you're going to see Nicki
Minaj at Target Center on the twentyseventh. Congrats, Oh my god,
thank you. That's today's former birthdays. Oh get ridy, I know what
that's going to look like. Thenmake sure you don't drink too much before
the concerts so you can actually enjoyit. Okay, right, I know.

Well, congrats to Amy. We'regonna have another pair of tickets for
Nicki Minaj Monday at five twenty onKatie w B. It's the pop Culture
Minute with Selling and Cult on oneon one point three jd WB, and
it's brought to you by Ovo,Lasik and Lenz. So we talked about
this a little bit last week,but they did a little walkthrough at the

university. I don't know if itwas like University of Cincinnati. I think
is what it is. Jason Kelseyand Travis Kelce and after Traviscott his diploma
he chugged the beer and everyone waslike, that is despicable. He's acting
like an ass. Why is hemaking this about him? And this was
Jason's response, I know it lookslike a graduation from the video, but

it was actually at the end ofa New Heights Live podcast that we put
on to raise money for the university. The university did this topoke fun at
my brother and I for never reallypicking up our diplomas. God basically calm
down, everyone calm down. Soanyway, this weekend was Coachella, A
lot went down, a lot ofsurprise pop ups. Kasha joined Renee Rapp,

Shaquira came on stage. I'll behonest, I'm blanking. I can't
remember who Shaquira came on stage withwith the ir Yeah, Olivia Rodrigo surprised
with No Doubt, and then alsoBillie Eilish came on during Lna Deell Race
set and they did Oceanize Force Doso. Justin Bieber was on stage with Thames,

which was an interesting thing because helike said no to doing the halftime
show with Usher, and he seemeda little not like himself. He seemed
kind of tipsy, turn't drunk somethingand maybe he was not gonna judge Live
Your Life. And then Jay Balvinbrought out Will Smith to perform Men in
Black, which was just so random. A lot of the audio we had

we played more clips, but alot of the audio is like peep Bowl
videoing on TikTok and it's it's almostlike people video on who video and other
people videoing. Yeah, for sure. So Hannah, I don't know her
name last Okay, I'm not gonnasay it. Hannah Reid. She is
the woman who was the armorer forthe movie Rust. Now, remember that's
the movie that had Alec Baldwin init. That's where the gun was loaded,

Yes, and he killed someone obviouslybecause he didn't think it was a
loaded gunge. This woman was thearmorer. She is going to get eighteen
months in prison due to that.So really it is getting really serious.
And I wanted to mention once againthat we have TADWB going on. On
Thursday, we announced names get qualifiersfor your chance to go see Taylor Swift

in Paris. And this is reallycool because our boss lined up her brand
new album will be the qualifying prize. Taylor Swift, The Tortured Post Department
on Phantom clear vinyl only at Target. Make sure you're a verified fan.
You become one by going to ADWBdot com. Animal Encounters with Fallon and

Cults on one on one point threekatiew. This is anything from a domestic
dog to a wee. Last weekwe had an elephant chase on like a
Safari horseback ride, which was yeah, just I can't imagine this one is
an email we got. She didn'tinclude her name, so I will not

give that out. Well, it'sin her email address. But if people
don't sign things I try to like, I'm like, maybe they don't want
their name red. My mom andI took my best friend camping for the
first time in Colorado, and onthe last night, we had packed everything
up and we were all sleeping inthe same tent. In the middle of
the night, I woke up toa bear pawing at our tent. I
sat up and my mom was juststaring at me, wide eyed. With

my friend and in the middle ofsound sleep on the counter. Three on
the count of three, we tookout our pots and pans and banged them
together and just sprinted to the car. We slept there the rest of the
night. In the morning, wecame to find out that the group campsite
next to us had left all theirfood out, including ten to fifteen pounds

of steak, and one of theircampers was sat on in his tent by
the bear. What just was layingthere and the bear sat down on the
person through the tent. That's terrifying. That is terrifying. So yeah,
that's like the first rule of camping. You don't leave your food out even

if there aren't bears around you looklike raccoons or anything else, like just
the worst. So thank you forthat email. We're going to come back
and we're going to do some phonecalls. So if you have an animal
encounter, could be a bear,could be a dog, could be a
wreck, snake, whatever it is, call us six five one nine eight
nine ADWB And we're also just afew minutes away from our next keyword,
your chance to win one thousand dollarson one on one point three ktew B

Salin and cult. I always wantto use an Australian accent during this,
which makes no sense that I saw. Nope, that was not good,
all right, wait wasn't terrible?Are you okay? Did you just have
like some kind of episode. Yeah, Nope, it's Balin and cult on

one A one point three ktw Btaking your animal and animal encounter stories.
Yeah, animal a lot of Blueie. So anyway, Leavi, what's your
animal encounter story? As a kid, I've always have been defly afraid of
bears, and I went on thewildlife camping trip with my dad and at

the time, he ended up goinghome for the night and I stayed with
an attent with some of my buddies. Will everybody knew I was super scared
of bears, and we saw acouple on the walking trails the day before
and some of the adults that wouldbe hilarious to Uh, there's a light
from a street lamp nearby and itkind of like put a shadow off,

and thought it would be a greatidea to go on all four knees and
make bear grunting sounds. And Idon't think I've ever been so scared of
my life, like making sounds toscare them away. And then I wake
up in the morning after being scaredall night long, being like no sleep,
and everybody told me that it wasall them the whole entire time,
So it wasn't even actual animal encounat all. It was just adult being

messed up. Yeah, pretty much. But you were still as terrified as
if there was an actual bear.Yeah, I mean the first encounter,
can I I was pretty scared.Can I ask you what sound? Give
me? One of the sounds youmade just scared off? Just so I
know? I was going just hypermilshoo bear? I mean I was only

twelve. Yeah, you would havebeen LEVI. Thanks for calling in,
Hi, Katie to bb with youranimal encounter story. Yeah. So I
moved down to Kansas City for abrief period of time and I was fishing
along the shoreline and there was abunch of other people. This group of
people packed up their stuff quickly andleft, and that intrigued me. So

I went over to their spot andthere was a very large snake, which
doesn't scare me. I'm comfortable aroundsnakes, reptiles. I love them.
I didn't know what it was,and so I went and decided to try
and play with it, I guess, and here it was a cotton mouse.
Oh oh, no survival skills none, luckily. Luckily, I think

it had just eaten or something,because it was really sluggish and slow,
but Ory gave you a good lookup and down. He was like,
now wait for the next big Well, I'm big. I'm a big guy,
so I could have been a goodmeal. That is great. Well,
I'm glad you made it out ofthere. You're braver that I am.
I see even like a gardener stick. I'm like, it's gonna kill

me. Awesome. Well, thankyou for sharing. Have a good day.
Well, hi with your animal encounterstory. I was living in Montgomery,
Minnesota at the time, and Ihad one hundred and twenty pounds dogs.
I was bringing my laundry down thestairs and he got the zoomies knocked
me to my leg. I tumbleddown the stairs and I broke my neck

in my bag. Oh my god, how did you respond? I couldn't
because I was laying there right.Did your dog go and find somebody to
help you or just abandon you completely? No, he didn't leave my side,
And thank god, I had mywireless eater buston and was talking to
my friend on the phone, andthey called nine one one and gave him

my garage code. They took meto the hospital and knew PRAG but they
didn't have the right doctors there totreat me at the time, So they
flew me in a helicopter out toNorth Memorial Hospital. Sweet helicopters. All
this one hundred and twenty pound dogcosted you like ninety thousand dollars. Yes,
yeah, And then so then Ihad long story short, I was

in a necon of back braces forabout two years. Oh, I ends
up having to have neck surgery andso now I have a phone graft in
my next well there, wow,so much there. That dog is really
really engraved his way into your lifeforever. Also, if that, if
that's not a commercial for air podslike save woman's life, that's you need

to get to Tim Cook, likethe CEO of Apple right now. Oh
yeah, yep, no, itwas. Yeah, it was crazy,
but at least I can still walkand yell kidding. That was the biggest
thing. That's a positive out LoosAbsolutely well, thank you for sharing that.
What's your dog's name, Domino,that's the name for knell you will

in existence? Oh man, Okay, thank you for the one on one
point three Katie w b along twomen and a juncture Stalin and cults on
one on one point three KTEWB.I got my husband Jake to go to
pilates with me today. So yeah, here's the thing. He's like one

of those I love the way Jakeis. He's one of those people that
like, if you're like, hey, we do this with me, He's
down to try anything. And Iappreciate people like that in your life.
Yeah, I am nothing like thatfor him, but he's like, we
should do this. I'm like,no, I don't like running, so
I'm not gonna go run. AndHe'll like, we should do this.
I'm like, I'm so he sharesall of your hobbies, you share none

of his hobbits. Basically correct,we do some. We have some hobbies
together though, so it's not likewe don't have anything in common. I'll
clear that up. But there issomething joyful because Jake works out all the
time, he goes to the gym, he does weightlifting, blah blah blah.
But it was glorious to watch himstruggling during my exercise right because I'm
like, I'm doing this much.Yeah, it does make it feel better

about your superior is what it mademe feel like in my mind, I
thought, I think he he neverimplied this, but he thought me going
to plate probably thought was like someweak workout, like, oh, enjoy
is that even working? As youmumbles as you leave the house. Yeah,
go have fun basically having coffee withthe girls. And I'm like okay.
And then I saw him quivering andshaking during the plank challenge. It

does make you feel so weak whenyou're doing a plank and your body's just
like having an earthquake by itself.Are you trying to squat your legs?
You're like, quit betraying me,bitch, you know. But he was
like he did go rocking this weekend, and I thought that. I was
like, okay, that's really impressive. Yeah rocking, Yeah, yeah,
I know what that is. Youdo? Yeah, that's just hiking,

right, not just yes it is. It's where you have weights you're lying
hold on, nah, you go. He went for a walk. He
didn't hike. He went on theroad and he put fifty pounds of weights
in a backpack. Okay, areyou it's a form of physical exercise out
of all was walking or hiking?Finish the sentence? It froze? It

did it freeze? What's it saying? Walking or hiking with a loaded backpack
or a rock sag. Yeah,typically over faring dis so I was kind
of no, you were it whatyou described as just hiking. He would
have just gone hiking. He addeda backpack full of weights on. Yeah,
I thought that was implied. That'sthe rocking part, right, I

didn't know what it was either.It's okay, I didn't know, but
now I'm like, should I geta weighted best? I was excited to
be right a little bit, butthen immediately not. I'm sure someone will
texted me like, oh, fullyfelons, don't say Colt is right.
I mean I just learned about itmyself. But anyway, he did it

and he wants everyone to know.He is like you when you go on
a jog Colt, where he's findinga way to work it into any conversation.
But the mechanic calls are like,yeah, everything's looking good, the
oil change is done. All right. After I'm done rocking, I'll come
over and pick the car. Tobe honest, I did rock for the
weekend because I had to carry mykids all the way up that hill at
Afton State Park because they just stoppedwalking. Yeah. Children, they're so

like eighty pounds They're like, youcan't make me walk If you want me
back at the car, can Ihave to carry me? I had already
ran that day too, Just soyou don't here we go Balan and Cults
one on one point three, katiewBut we've only done this one other time,
but since it is officially tax Daytoday, we're gonna come back and
do an Amazon audit. We'll explainwhat an Amazon audit is. It's happening

to be a cult. It's stressful, it's embarrassing, and it's very telling.
And we'll do it on tax Dayand we come back. KATIEWB,
shout up, that'll have June June. It is Nicki Minaj Monday on one
O one point three, KATIEWB.I have been seeing a lot of clips

of her tour pop up in myTikTok feed and it's gonna be awesome.
She's going to be at Target CenterApril twenty seventh, and you'll be there
too. If you're a collar tenRight now six I've won nine eight nine
kd WB. Good luck. NickiMinaj Monday with Falon and Colt on one
on one point three, Katie wB. What's your name? Hayley Hayley,

guess what your collar day? Haley? What what? Okay? Golt,
You're never allowed to say about it? Kay? Are you there?
Did you hang up after that?No? Oh you good? Okay,
Hailey? You got Nicki Minaj tickets. Congrats, thank you. We're so
welcome. She's gonna be a targetcenter on the twenty seventh. Who are

you gonna take with you my bestfriend? Oh that's so much nicer.
You don't want to shout it out, Just leave it a best friend,
my best friend logan. Now Today'strending with Felon and Colt on one on

one point three Katie w b.Brought to you by nikolay Law dot Com.
Listen, the Golden Bachelor couple Garyand Teresa may have split up,
but that's not going to stop familyfeud from running the episode they record it.
Really do them like that? Ijust can't imagine, because you know
they're probably talk about how happy theyare and things like that. It just
goes to show you, like noneif it's true, what you know?

Like that's true? Well, everybodysays out on those shows like we can't,
we couldn't be happier, And thenlike six months later they get divorced
and it's like three months in thiscase, not even six months. No
air date yet, but they havesaid, like, we are still going
to run it. Don't even tryand stop. So they said smart,
smart people are gonna watch it becauseof that. If you're a big person,
and I know, like most peopledon't watch men's sports, they watch

women's sports. But if you do, want to check out the NBA play
play In Tournament. It'll take placestarting tomorrow through the nineteen And is Kaitlyn
Clark in that or Caitlyn Clark?Yeah no, because she's a woman.
Oh okay, I watch what I'msaying. I know most people don't watch
sports. The only watch women's sports. So I wanted to throw that mass
coming to the timber walls. That'swhat we need. Honestly, that'd be

so sick. I wouldn't be upset. I'd be like, yeah, you
got to become a season take older. You well with your going on.
I don't know if you like ninetytimes. Dua Lipa has been announced as
the next SNL host and musical guest. It's taking this week and off so
April twentieth. She'll do both.I bet Jake's really excited about that.

Jake is the best celebrity crush right. No, he will never admit that
he does love her music with funSydney Sweeney and do a leap for every
other school scroll. Basically, it'slike, I don't know why they're always
on my for you page. Gross? I gross? Women am I writing?
I'm like, all right, getover it that you're trending on one
on one point three kdw B.Don't forget coming up at five fifty or
maybe you know around there cold onthis before maybe a little bit don't Nope,

not want to say that. We'regonna give you a keyword for your
chance to win one thousand dollars onKATIEWB at our twenty twenty four I Heart
Radio Music Awards. I wanted tosay thank you so much. Now,
Taylor is preparing to release a brandnew album, The Tortured Poets Department,
and this Friday, at the strokeof midnight, I Heart Radio will play

you a new album in its entirety, and I'm so top that I channel
to share it with you. TheiHeart Radio album premiere of The Tortured Poets
Department, hosted by Taylor herself whereshe'll share stories behind the songs and play
the album from beginning to at myHeart. You've all just been so incredibly
supportive over the course of my entirecareer. I'm so grateful for that.
I just can't wait to keep havingfun with you guys here right here Friday

at midnight Allan and Colts on oneon one point three kd WB. So
what's going on in your life?Cult? Anything crazy happened recently? My
mother in law was in town andshe said something to me that was like
a little no, I don't wantto say anything. Is that your mother

in law, by the way,nicest woman ever. She wrote me out
like a very thoughtful birthday card.So now I don't even know that I
trust you when you say things aboutyour mother alone. The issue is my
parents weren't even involved involved with mylife when I was a child, and
then definitely not now, so I'mnot used to having a parental role tell
me to do things, you know, like authority is what you're saying,

Well, just like little stuff AndI know, okay now that I'm thinking
about it, like it's so ridiculous, But she's like, you need to
get a physical and see your doctor. You need to get any and I'm
like, I can make the appointmentmyself. You don't have to remind me.
It's those little are like you needto wear a helmet while you're riding
your bike, Like you don't haveto. I know when I'm saying out

loud that was sotherly things wear ahelmet instead of a doctor appointment, And
inside you're screaming, what I don'tneed you telling me what to do.
I think this is what it is. I'm just figuring out. It makes
me feel incompetent when she reminds meto do things I should already be doing.
Why aren't you doing them? BecauseI've been confident. But also I'm
not used to a parent harping forlack of a better word, on these

things by just casually mentioning she wantsyou to like be in good health and
be alive for her grandchildren as theirfather. Well maybe it's maybe it's I
didn't even get to do my angstyyears because I basically moved out to my
house, So maybe this is likemy angsty year's time where I'm like,
yeah, I can do it onmy own, mother in law, you
know, It's funny. If myif my mom did that to me,
would annoy me. But if mymother in law said it to me,

I'd probably be like, you're right, Linda, you right, you are
Onna's good side. Every time she'slike, have you met found she sonis,
I'm like, yes, I doa showing right now. Whatever,
Hey, listen to your mother inlaw. She cares about you. Yeah,
and also you need me here kindof too, I guess a little
bit. Yeah, not even aword about my mouth at all. Well,

I do like that you push Stalinand Colts one on one point three
KATIEWB. So today we kicked offpay your Bills. I love we do
this. It's your chance to winone thousand dollars thirteen times throughout the day
on KATIEWB. And you can spendyour thousand dollars whatever you want. We
just call it pay your Bills becausethat's a fun name. A lot of
people do use it to pay bills, and chances are like, if you

have a massive amount of debt,you're probably not gonna You're irresponsible already,
so you're not going to spend iton the bills, So help buy whatever
you want. Speaking of we literallydid an Amazon audit earlier for taxing.
You had spent nine hundred and seventyeight dollars on the weirdest stuff, so
it can help feed your weird Amazonaddiction. But we had a winner already

this morning. Her name's Kristen,and we asked her, what are you
planning on spending the money on?Probably pay off some debt or go shopping.
That's fair, like a little bitof debt, a little bit of
bills, a little bit of shoping, because you got to treat yourself.
What one thousand dollars you have toenough talking though? Here is your keyword
to stalin a cult on one onone point three kdwb Coult scaring up putting

his helmet on. Guess new thememusic now that he rides his bicycle in
to work and home each day.And it's very fitting because you here,
thank you. You know. WhenI'm straightening up and I'm getting the posture
right, I do kind of feellike the Wicked Way to the West.
Yeah, a little bit laugh,Oh god, my pretty, my pretty?

Oh No, I feel like youcould you could handle the laugh though,
let me hear it one time.Ash is she known for her laugh?
I don't know. I know theflying monkeys are a thing. I
watched that with all of them,Like, should we let her watch this?
I wonder why she has nightmare?That's terrifying. All right, Okay,
enjoy your tax day, said noone. Thanks for listening to Fallon

and cults on katiew
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