All Episodes

March 29, 2024 60 mins
We learn about different industry secrets
Hot dog update, and the best remix of I'm just Ken from a French bulldog
songs that weren't meant to be bangers but absolutely are
Secret of the week ends up shocking us

That and more on today's episode!!

Thanks for listening :)

Love ya! 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Falin and Cults on one on onepoint three, Katie w B. We
come in before the show each day, we start kind of like getting things
together for later. And I'm gettingso hyped because around three fifty we're doing
songs that were not meant to bebangers but are so good. It's so
good. These are like I can'teven It's like a song that isn't a
song, it's like a but thenit turns into a national treasure, a

national treasure. Yeah, So we'regonna do those around three fifty. I'm
very excited. But right now we'redoing Anyone listening Who. We're gonna come
back and tell you is anyone listeningwho? And we'll fill in the blank
and see if they're listening. It'sthat easy, and hopefully you are,
because we get the most unhinged peopleat this time every single day. Katie
w B. One on one pointthree, KDWB, Fallon and Cold.

Anyone listening who is on probation?Listen. I'm not gonna start off judging
you, but I'm gonna ask youwhy you're on probation. You want to
know what happen. I know alot of people on probation you know,
judgment, yup, his brother,My family's dysfunction though. Anyone listening who
has a baby daddy or baby mamadrama, so not just a baby daddy,

but drama. Yeah. I thinkif you refer to them as your
baby daddy usually like it's just assumedthat there's some drama there, like honestly,
or anyone listening who has gotten intoan actual fight? Never have?
I don't know I had, not, Like you got randomly hit by somebody,
either like you're at the fair there'sonly one food on a stick left

or whatever, and sert what youwant to be and then you throw down.
You both mutually decide we're doing combat. Oh god, have you been
in an actual fight? What kindof a serious question? What was going
on today when you put these threetogether? Because they're all like aggressive.
It's anyone listening who's on probation,anyone who has baby mama or daddy drums

a lot of reality TV shows,anyone who's gotten into an actual fight?
Are you good? I just needsome more drama in my life. It
sounds like to hear about it,the most drama in your life is that
your wife won't let you get walkin the park after work and you're like,
I'm so mad, I gotta gohome. Eat chicken and dumplings tonight.
What you get chicken and dumblings tonight? Not getting complained about? Oh

I knew it was too good tobe good to be true, good to
be true, taking and broccoli,you know it guaranteed? All right?
Anyone listening who call us at sixfive one nine eight nine kd WB fell
on one on one point three kdWB it's the unbelievable story of the day

on one oh one point three kdw B. All right. Now,
obviously there are those who believe insasquatch and those who do not. Where
do you fall? Category do youfall into? Probably had to have existed
at some point, probably not outthere right now. Some would call me
a loose believer. A loose believer, yeah, a lucy there you go.
Sure. Well. The sheriff outin Washington had a pretty funny Facebook

update because a guy called and Iwas like, hey, am I or
am I not allowed to hunt sasquatch? And he's like, I'm coming out
from out of town in April andI need to know if bigfoot hunting is
legal there and if so, doI need a special license? And they
were like, this is I thinkmore of a question for Fish and Wildlife

office, and he goes h calledthem first. They referred me to you,
Wait a minute, what state wasthis in? Washington? Now,
Washington is a hot spot where Ido not sited Oklahoma there is. Why
do you know that I know thisbecause there's a big foot I think it's
in November, a bigfoot hunting periodbetween Like, okay, well, then

that's stupid. Now Bigfoot knows ifyou're gonna host an event, he's not
gonna hang out there. He's gonnamove on to a different spot. That's
just that's dumb. If you're Ithink personally, I think this guy was
gonna bring somebody with him who kindof resembled Bigfoot. And no, there's
more to it. Okay they saidthat, or they told him that basically,

or he said, I'm only interestedif this makes a difference in bagging
a male squad. I of coursewould never hunt or shoot a female one.
A nice guy. Yeah. Thechief of police wanted to pass along
two pieces of information in case anyoneelse wants to travel to the area to
hunt Bigfoot. One The guy wastalking about an area called Meadow Lake,
which is actually not even his county, so he didn't even actually have info

on that. Number Two, he'spretty sure there aren't any around because one
of his deputies would have hit onewith their patrol car if there was.
And I was like, okay,so they're making light of it on Facebook,
which I appreciate, but at leastthe guy was respectful enough to call
in about it. Do it legally, yeah, I mean respectfully. Would
never hurt a woman's squatch, yeah, which is good. I'm just trying

to bag a guy, can it? Taxidermist? As the son of a
taxidermist, would he taxidermy a bigbutt listen for three hundred dollars? My
dad would do a lot. Idon't even I mean outside of even taxidermy,
you would throw a couple hundreds down. My dad's pretty much game for
anything. So very good to know. And the pop Culture Minute was selling

and cult on one on one pointthree kd w B. It's a slow
day today for like pop culture news, and so Colt was like, I'll
help you out, and all hecould find her news stories about celebrities and
bikinis. And I was like,that is not a news story. He
said, what about Rebel Wilson.I go, oh, that she revealed
she wasn't she didn't lose her virginitytoast was thirty five, And he's like,
wait, did she choose that?I'm like, yeah, she once

said she has a book coming out, so she's revealing a lot. And
she said she wants to normalize thatshe didn't lose her virginity till she was
thirty five. Also, she saidof every movie she's ever done, the
most like publicity she got was whenshe lost weight eighty pounds a weight.
She's like, I don't understand whypeople are so interested in this, but
I mean it is that's a hugefeat. Eighty pounds is like, that's

a lot. I've lost five poundsbefore, but eighty that's what makes people.
Didn't make a bigger deal out ofyour five pound weight loss. Yeah,
just assume I'm losing weight and justsay thank you, good job,
Okay, good job cold thanks,Yeah, you're welcome. I don't follow
the Real Housewives, but I knowKim Zoliak. She's been through a lot
with like a public kind of divorceand losing money here and there, but

the sad line has made me laugh. Kim can't save Brielle, which is
her daughter's range Rover. The bankis taking it got repossessed, and uh
oh that sucks, I know becausetheir daughter who has gotten everything her whole
life and now she can't pose nextto her own. Well, I don't

think. I just I thought moreabout like, would suck to have your
kid think that you can't provide forwhat they want. I'm sure they could,
but they clearly are living outside oftheir means, and you know what
it's like. I don't feel badfor any one of that situations. I
got a ninety one for tourist formy first car. Dude, I've talked
about this before. We are luckythat I'm lucky because my dad did gift

me a car. I did notbuy one, but it was a ninety
one or two old Mobile Cutlass Supreme. It had a big crack in the
windshield. The passenger window didn't rolldown. The transmission was going out,
so when I'd go up hills itwould be like and then the dash didn't
work, so I never knew howmuch gas I had or how fast I
was going. It was back therewas a solid month where we couldn't just

we kind of fixed my brakes soI would have to just swerve to the
car that's not a street legal.It was dangerous. Beyonce revealed some more
on her country album, a lotof tracks, and then she finally revealed
who the duets are going to bewith Dolly Pardon and Willie Nelson for her
country album, which is super cool. And I also saw it that Meanmore
showed off her very toned arms anda sexy seedless trust. That's so weird.

That's all I knew. Your PopCulture Minute is brought to you by
ovo Lasig and Lens. Find themat ovoi dot com. You are not
in charge of these tories ever.It's beautiful. It's one one point three
katiewb Balan and colts. When youthink about your job, do you have
any secrets? Are there tricks tips? Any I've always heard people that a

lot of people that win contest,they will say it's because they use a
landline. But I don't think there'sanything proven in that, because now so
many people are on a cell phone. I have a hard time believing that's
true. But I've heard people saythat that's their Yeah, maybe for like
wagh in fifty year older, you'rehitting us up on that landline. Possibly,
no people use their office phone.True, I didn't even think about

that. People have real jobs.Yeah forget Yeah, I used to wear
at Buckle in the mall, andI know Buckle they'll have their clearance all
the way in the back, anda lot of other retail stores do this,
so you have to walk by allthe stuff that is not on sale
first before you get to the stuffthat's on sale. Okay, everyone knows
that, and I have no shameif some people might feel a bear as

a call that the walk of shame. No, no, don't even talk
to me in anthropology, catch mein the back closet room that you have
the discounts on baby, And Iwant to know, like, what secrets
do you have in your industry?What is this secret? Not a lot
and maybe it's not even a secretor just more something not a lot of
people know. If you want tohit us up six five one nine nine
KDWB. A grocery store employee says, you don't want to know how long

the food sits on the loading dockbefore it gets in the cooler. You're
right, I don't like what chicken? What are we talking about? I
want to think about it. Warehouseworkers say, this is so disgusting because
I've never thought about this before.Don't ruin things for me. Never drink
straight from the can or the no, don't wait wait, I love like

a TIMEE coke or coke zero.Don't open it up drinking it right away.
Why why wouldn't I drink straight fromthe can? Workers climb on the
stacks, rats run over them.In the warehouse, they sit in stagnant
water, under leaking roofs. Youshould always go what why did you tell
me that keep an alcohol wipe ondeck? This is this is terrifying.

Actually a nurse and this would beme if I was a doctor. A
nurse says, doctors will google yoursymptoms if they're stumped on what to give
you or diagnose. And that's fairand I'm fair. Honestly, they can't.
There's no way they can know everything. And nurses have actually googled and
YouTube what to do in situations theydon't know. That is bothersome because that

part I feel like I could havedone it home and saved a lot of
money. Let me just check thisout. We'll be right back. They're
on YouTube. I'm watching right now. What is a secret in your industry?
If you have one sixty five onenine nine KATIEWB, I would love
to know, and you can alwaystext us to at five three ninety one
or kd w P one. Didyou forget the text number? Yeah?

One A one point three katwu Withfoul and Colts, we're learning all about
industry secrets. People are hitting usup about their jobs, what goes on
behind the scenes, tip secrets youdon't even know about, and what is
your profession? So I'm a I'ma bartender. And one thing I've definitely
noticed, if you treat your bartenderright, you will get free drinks and

what name this? Wait, whatdoes that mean? Treat them right?
Because I wanted I feel like Itreat you right and I have never been
given wrong. I think it dependslike not like sit down east, like
go to the bar, have likefive six drs. Yeah, what do
we do? What do we needto do? I don't know, Like
I think this is the biggest thing. Like if you're like, let's have

fun, make us a fun shot, Like wait, is this a beautiful
person perk? Like Are you justgiving handsome people free drinks? No,
absolutely not. I would never dothat. One time, I lied.
One time a bartender did give mea free drink because I was crying at
the bar. That's awkward, Iknow, so fat. Hey, this

is the word humble brag. Idid tip this person one hundred dollars because
I literally was like, that wasso nice. Very okay, well,
hot tips, be nice to yourbartender. Now we're bartender in the twin
seasons, Like, thanks a lot. I'm not giving everyone free drinks,
but I'll take those tips. Thankyou for the call. Katie w B.
What industry do you work in andwhat's your hot tip? I am

a teacher. I work with elementarykids, and our little secret is as
teachers, we are like constantly drinking. Oh no, do you blame the
kid or you're like Danny that's sick. I mean sometimes, I mean I've
never maliciously, but okay, Idon't trust that at all. That sounded

like you you pick and choose whoyou walk by at that moment. Kids
always have pink eye. I havemore questions. Now, true, I
love that that's a hot tip.Thanks for sharing. I would do the
same thing. Thank you. ButKatie w B, what industry are you
in and what's your hot tip?I'm a bartender. Oh you're second bartender.
I want to see if your yourtip is the same. Okay,

So let's say someone orders a reallynice tequila and they want two shots.
Yeah, so you pour the amountof tequila in the but they want it
shaken. Well, once you shakeit over ice, it turns into four
shots. So two for them,two for me. No, it's really

nice tequila. That's a really niceshot for me and the other bartender.
Okay, first of all, howlit are you getting during your shift?
Well? This, yeah, thiswas at a bar you could drink.
And have you ever had an uberhome from work? Yeah? It's awesome,

all right, getting a lot oftexts too. I work in a
school cafeteria. Often will we takethe food that wasn't served that day use
it for meal to next day.It's no coincidence when something like Sloppy Joe's
would be served after hamburger, lasagnaafter pizza. I don't want to know
that this one's a sad one thattech here. We cry too, and
we've had a patient for years andwe say goodbye not always in front of
the family. But that's a littlehot tip for that one too. Do

that to me because I think theyfeel it too. I want to go
cry now, Balance and Colt oneon one point three Katie w B.
What is your job or the industryyou're in and what are the secrets?
Here's some interesting ones we got ontext. Your doctor will often call poison
control. If you don't do,call poison control first to possibly save you

an er visit. It's free andconfidential. Next one, I'm a pharmacy
technician and people don't know. Youdon't have to use your insurance. You
can pay the cash price, whichis usually way less than insurance, since
insurance usually can charge whatever they want. Insurance is so dirty, I know.

I said that's crazy. They wrote, yeah, it is crazy.
A medication you'd pay fifteen dollars forwith insurance you can buy over the counter
or do cash price for at leasta third of that cost. Often had
no idea, especially iause my insuranceis like ten percent off. It doesn't
even do anything. I know whatinsurance you have? Oh yeah, Oh

my bad. I mean my wife'sright right obviously, So what do you
do what's your tip? I workat health Care clean belly buttons. Did
you say clean your belly button?Yeah? And why because I mean I
do, and I don't do itall as often as I should, but
sometimes I'll get a little cute tipin there and I'm like, why didn't

I do this too? That's gross. If you ever need surgery, it's
a musk. People don't judge whatyou look like or how fat you are,
but if you have crap in yourbelly button. You know. My
sister is a beautician hairstylist too,and she says the amount of nasty behind
the ear people that come into herpeople don't even wash the behind their ears
either. Yeah's feeling right now,Let's see let me see your finger?

Thank god? Oh man, thatis disgusting. Balon and Colts one on
one point three kd WB. Wejust got this. DM says, Wow.
Round four of your Hot Bracket isthe hardest decision, isn't it.

Here's why, because we have beendoing a hot dog bracket, the hottest
most attractive dogs, and it's gettingcrazy out here because we're now in like
our our final rounds because we're revealinga winner tomorrow and there was a wild
card dog in there. I didn'tthink it was gonna win the first round,
but the King Charles, don't giveeverything away. We're gonna come back
and we're gonna get into this andthen we have the weirdest song of all

time sung by a dog that's justthe cherry on top. We come back
on Katie w B. Magic Takestwo, Meddy gotam is winning with you
having Beddy and then some asy youcan't see the fous through the trees got

me down on my knee? Doyou know that's a fallen fall? Roden

from Angel seem passing on me.Freaking baby you Lisson, Salin and Colt

in the club on one point three, katiew B. That was insane.
By the way, at the endof this hour, I'm very excited because
we do have songs that weren't meantto be bangers but are so These are
like songs you played on the radio. This is like one of those things
you're like, like, there's somethingthat comes to mind that makes me laugh.
There's this little thing that babies layon when like almost everyone has the

exact same one and they lay ontheir back and it has a little dangly
things and it plays a song andabout a monkey or something, and everyone
gets the exact same one and thatsong goes hard. That's the example because
like it's like unexpected songs shouldn't gohard, but go hard. That's going
up at the end of this hour. But first we have to talk about
the most disturbing and awesome thing we'vemaybe ever done, which is the hottest

dog that exists, calling it theI Thank You Hot Dog Bracket. Yesterday
was round three. Things went crazy. The Golden Retriever dominated. Eighty eight
percent of the vote went to theGolden Retriever over the Dobermansphemous, and it
was very close for the husky andSamoya, but the husky did take the
lead with fifty four percent. Peoplewant that husky in their life. You

always make it weird, like wehave to. There's no we need to
not get so close to the linewhen it comes to find it, sometimes
you go over it. I domy best. So today our final round
of well not final round. Iguess tomorrow's the final round and the winner.
But it's the King Charles which isbeing destroyed by the Bernie's Mountain Dog
dominated Husky we're currently beating the GoldenDoodle and the Golden Retriever dominating the black

lab. I didn't expect this.No, the black lab has a calm
demeanor. I thought people would reallybe attracted to. But I picked it
from the very beginning. I said, when a golden triever has a shiny
coat, there's something about it.You called me basic, and I haven't.
I think most Americans must be.You just want the basic. Like
everybody thinks Channing Tatums attractive. Youjust want that. That's like the basic.

Of course, I think that's ChanningTatum every time, and he's just
like, I don't think he's likethe person for people anymore. I think
there are like more modern examples thanthat. Now, okay, call me
all of them. Well, Ijust feel like Tating Tatum hasn't been hot
to me since Magic Mike one,Okay, and that's been like ten years.
So Timothy don't taste too skinny.He couldn't lift me, and I

don't like that, Like I needsomeone who could potentially stand up fighting chance
with me. But one type ofdog breed we did not put into our
hot dog bracket, any type oflike bulldog French bulldog. You don't know
why because they're not Let's be honest, they're not the hottest breed and they
don't face back. No one's goingto choose a pug when you got a
Golden Retriever. But that doesn't meanthey are without talent. And this was

a highlight for me when I sawthat there is a what kind of dog
is it? It's a French bulldogsinging just Ken, I'm just Ken.
So it's from a Barbie movie.It's gonna start off with the actual Ryan
Gosling part and then you will definitelyknow when the French bulldog comes in anywhere
else in my testing life. I'mhaving a commerce conversed in me. I

thought it's more talent than me.That needs to be the original. Definitely.
If you want to go vote forthe Hot Dog bracket, today and
tomorrow are the final voting days.We're going to announce the Hottest Dog tomorrow
on our show. Around this time, it's Ballin and Cult on Instagram and
colt WA Today's trending with Balin andCold on one on one d w B.

Today is opening day for the MajorLeague Baseball see and we know this
because next week is the Twins seasonhome opener. We actually have tickets for
that game around four twenty today.Just wanted to throw that out there so
you didn't forget. What do youthink is the highest grossing chain restaurant in

the US, Texas Roadhouse? No, but great, guests keep thinking of
other change. No, man,keep guessing apple Bees. No, you're
wrong. The Signorita what the Senorita'swhat? No, we don't have those?
Does the Michigan things? The cheesecakeFactory, Baby Cheesecake Factory gross revenue
of twelve point six millie, Millie, thank you. Yeah, I was

looking for a fake orn. Thankyou, Burger King. By the way,
they are celebrating the Toller total totalsolar eclipse on April eighth, which,
by the way, I think youwere like kind of making fun of
the other day cult people who aredriving to see it. Yeah, so
rude. I'm not making fun ofit. It happen again for another twenty

years. Is like a three minutething though it doesn't matter. There are
only certain locations and it's a verycool moment. Yeah, and you know,
yeah, maybe only I think doyou need glasses? Is it?
Can you just use ray bands tolook at it or is it like a
specific I don't know. I rememberin school they had because they had us
make a thing with a paper platethat doesn't sound legit. Probably that's where

one shut out Las Lens. Butanyway, Burger King has free whaffers to
celebrate the total solar eclips on AprilLake. Make sure you check out their
app for that. And locally,you know, a Rod's been in town
so much he was like trying tobuy I guess become a majority owner of
the Minnesota Timberwolves. Well, theysay that that whole deal has been nixed

between he and Mark Lore because theydidn't sign the deal soon enough and so
because of that they missed the closingdeadline and the deal is collapsed. That's
what they said. Son, Iknow, good cooler if you still a
j Loo and then she could justbe here if you owned it, but
she for Minnesota. Also want tomention this coming up April first, listen

to the Dave Ryan Show at seventwenty. We have details about the biggest
Taylor Swift Prize we've ever given away. Don't say anything about because it's so
massive. It is massive, andalso just a reminder Trending is brought to
you by Minneapolis Plastic Surgery. Findthem at MPSMN dot com. I'll have
to have to oh yeah, theafter school pop Quiz. We have Jen

and Zimmerman, we have Stephanie andElk River, and you're playing for Moose
Mountain passes at Mall of America.Today. We'll ask you trivia questions.
The first to two whens, youchime in with your name. Are you
ready? Yes? Yeah, herewe go. Question number one, what
is the name of the galaxy thatincludes Earth? Stephanie, Yes, Stephanie,

yes, es yes. Question numbertwo? In what country are the
ancient pyramids located? Yes? Jen, that's right. Yeah. Cult is
big fans of both of you overhere, all right? And what is
fifteen percent of one hundred? Jen? That's right, Jen from Zimmerman,

you are the winner today. Stephanie, you were so close, But Jen,
you're Jen. You're gonna get apair of Moose Mountain tickets to mal
of America. Congratulations, Thank you, You're welcome. We're gonna come back.
These are songs that were not meantto be bangers, but are These
aren't like songs you hear on theradio. This could be like a jingle.

This could be from a commercial.It could just be like a song
that you heard on a kid's toy. If you have one, you can
text it in five three nine twoone KATIEWB one. But we picked some
of our favorites and we'll do thosewhen we come back on Kie d w
B. Callany colts on one onone point three Katie w B. Listen
to this text message. We justgot FYI. My hubby and I are

hoping to have a baby soon,and you were an inspiration for baby names
Fallon. If it's a girl,we like Fallon, and if it's a
boy, we like Kllen with aC. I thought you were gonna say
cold Yeah, me Too's awesome.You congrasp a little baby Fallon if you
have her, or callan if youhave him. These are songs that shouldn't

have gone as hard as they did, and they did. They weren't meant
to be bangers, but they arebangers. Okay, Which one am we
gonna kick it off with? Well, obviously you have this. Everybody knows
this one. Hey, you neverlove me mom. That was an S

ANDL bit with Timothy Shallow and PeteDavidson and it ended up being so hilarious,
And you're right. I love thatyou have one from your hometown.
Okay, that describes perfectly where yougrew up. I know every word to
this commercial. It used to playall the time, and it is one
of my favorite ever. Enjoy HeyBartender. Once you learn in school Russian

fuzzer na and the big read aboutit, Marichot learn to make a mole
on the rocks. I learned somany different cocktails. It was so scandalous
when I'm like seven years old,been like and a six on the beach.

Like most commercials around here are like, go to university and bartender,
not just bartending. Okay, thisis this is what I also love this
song. Oh this goes hard.Sorry if your bass blows out, by
the way, drop It never thoughtI grime to a song about the would

this one. These are songs bythey feel like What's Happening that were not
meant to be bangers, but theyjust ended up being. And I thought
this was a joke at first aboutOzembic, but this is their actual theme
song, which is awesome. Butoh wa, so wait, that's not

But they took the magic song andchanged into a symptom for their actual commercial.
Very catchy if you are a parentor you just like to go hard
with the Kaboomers I think are theirnames. Yeah, there's a song every
aar knows. You'll probably kill mefor playing this, but I can't not
get down to this banger. Let'splay the game. When I shave the

whole family in the living room,yeahs standing up. And when I shaved
dance dancing, Yeah, dancing,dancing, dance and sing just when the

floor's lava. There there's someone that'ssuper high right now, like I don't
have kids, but who performs theFlora's lava? Just type it in the
floor is lava will pop up onYouTube like the top video. I mean,

everybody probably knows we're going again.Only I love so much honorable mentions.
We did get to text the NationalAmerican University that one goes hard and

that's a local favorite. And theythere's like this kid's toy that I would
always lay alive on. It's likethe toy that everyone has. But they
sing a song about a monkey ina bubblegum tree. That's exactly that also
went a lot harder than it neededto for a kid's toy, but if
you have more context and five threenine two one Katie w B one normal

No on Katie w B normal ornope. Drinking the shower water whilst showering.
I have always done this, butwhen I was talking to a friend
about it, she was like,WTF, that's gross. I just thought
everyone did it some shower. Iwould drink a water bottle to work normal

or nope? No, yeah,no, just get a glass water before
the shower we're at Do you needit that bad? I'm not gonna have
Like water has never gone in mymouth, but I don't actively drink it.
I actively yell at my kid tonot drink the water. And like
the bathtub, oh shower, especiallywhen they're soap, they don't care.
For some reason, I've done likeI've used the shower head as like a
water pick. Let you just openyour mouth, clean out the teeth a

little bit, swish it around.Okay, I'm not gonna do you know
what. I'm not gonna come foryou because I think you set that up
because you thought I would come foryou. But I actually think I've done
something similar that doesn't make it okayfor either of us. Yeah, I
don't trust anything you have any better. I say, I think we have
to stop thinking, Oh, becauseBallon or Colt did it, that means
it's okay. Because I don't thinkeither of us have the highest standards.

There's a dental Ayegenda's like, justget a water, Yeah, why don't
you do that? Normal or nope? Dipping your potato chips in ketchup.
I would say it's not abnormal,but your reaction felt like a nope.
Yeah that's a big Now just getjust get a French fry. At that

point, what are you doing?Don't pretend your potato chip is a French
fry. That's not what it is. I don't do it frequently, but
I'm just saying I've dabbled. I'vetaken a lay like a regular lays chip.
Okay, I've given her a dipto try. You showed us some
extra attention. In Canada, theyhave ketchup flavored chips. My friend in

Canada sent me a bag. InCOVID, we send each other snacks.
Per bag was so much better thanmy bag, and I've felt guilty every
single day since of like the Americansnacks, I center sucked compared to the
Canadian taste. No, I didn'tlike those. There were other things that
were really good. But I thinkit is normal in Canada and it's a
nope in America. Maybe normal ornoe. Mapping out GPS no matter where

you're going, work home, sameroute every day to a degree for me,
yes, normal, Yeah, it'sa normal. Really you do it
well, especially just because you mean, like putting it in the GPS.
Yeah. Yeah, because I don'tknow if like traffic's gonna be bad,
like it tells you, you know, maybe go this route because somebody was
draving a little too fast, itwas an accident or something. That's not

why I do it. I justdon't trust myself. Sometimes, you know,
you'll get somewhere and you're like,I don't remember coming here. I've
done that. It's not because you'relike under the influence. Is because you
or you're not tiktoking and you justzoned out. You've checked out, and
then you're like, oh, no, I don't remember anything. Yeah,
I've done that. That's so spooky. Hey, normal or nope. This

is so confusing to me because Idon't wear these but thongs during the day.
But bikini cut to sleep? Whatdoes that? Where? Throngs at
night? Yeah? Normal or nope? They wear thongs during the day,
but bikini cut to sleep? Whatis a bikini cut? I think of

like bikini bottoms. Okay, howit covers most of your butt? Isn't
it a wanna a thong be uncomfortableall day? I'm the worst person to
ask. That's a nope for mebecause I don't wear thongs period. And
no one's surprised looking at me.No one's like, oh, she's ever
made a sexy decision? Like,no one, no one thought that.
But just in case there was oneperson, I'll clear it up. So

I think I'm the wrong more imaginateabout the chip top. I think I
would guess a normal woman would probablysay that is normal. Like, if
you're gonna wear a thong during theday, you don't want to sleep in
it? Yeah, But if it'snot comfortable, why I wear one at
all? I don't think you weara thong for comfort necessarily. I think
you wear it so you don't seeyour panty lines in the clothing. Ah

okay, But see the issue forme and the reason why I never wear
them is because I'm like one timeI tried it in college, did in
all day and I'm like, what'sworse, my panty line or me dig
it at my butt all day?I think the panty line. I'll stick
with that. Yeah, please doOkay, I'm not changing it up now.
I will come back. We'll domore normal or nope. You can

text them into five three nine twoone kd WB one's normal or nope.
On KDWB normal or nope. Justtouching up your makeup from the night before
and acting like you did it infresh in the morning. So I'm guessing
this is like a first time you'regoing over to someone's house. Deal.

It doesn't sound like it. Oh, I figured like you go to a
club house since the night before.Yeah, maybe it's something like that.
I don't know if this is theydidn't go into the hell this is an
everyday thing or like a weekend thing. But I will say this, it
depends on how old you are,because I think it could be normal.

But any esthetician or person that issaying with clean like like the skin out
there is dying at that thought becausethat says you don't really you don't wash
your face properly. To me,I used to in college, like,
never do anything with my eyeliner.I would just reapply the wing every day.
I don't know how I have constantsties pink eyes. It for like

weeks, maybe longer. What Yeah, did you sleep with their contacts into
I don't, okay, and everyonelastes their contacts. What else you gonna
ask about my sleeping? You askif I were songs when I sleep?
You ask about my contacts at night? WHOA do you need to take a
photo tonight? See you have afull visual per You could set a normal

or no. This is a textwe just got ordering the same thing at
a restaurant every time normal. Mostpeople are creatures of habit. That's why
they We don't like change. AndI've said this before. If I want
to dry something new, I makeJake quarter it, and then if it's
sad and he does too, doesn'tHe's so nice, cute, he likes

everything though he's very pleased with it. There's some word. Does he just
tell you that because he doesn't wantyou to like he? Well? Yeah,
maybe, but he also is ifhe was really craving something like if
we went and he's like, I'mgetting the steak bites and I'm like,
oh, I want to try.I would never do that to him,
then I would let him order sure, sure, okay, rude, normal
or no. I washed my bodywith my hands and friends think it's weird.

I don't think it's weird. Yeah. I feel like if you're if
soap's on any part of your body, it's clean anyways. So your hands,
it's not that your hands are alldirty and greasy. I have a
thousand percent, but I like avacation. I don't have a washcloth necessarily,
and I will you got to cleanit. Yeah, I'll take that
bar so just in places I don'twant that bar so to be. He's

the whole family sharing it. Well, nobody asked about that normally. No.
But yeah, dude, those littlelike uh what are they called?
Wass? That's just big detergent tryingto get your money. You gotta wash
more? Wait what you don't needthose things? Wait? You said wash
cloths are quote unquote big deturkey.Big de Turkey is just trying to get
your money because you want you touse up those wash claws. So you

gotta wash a bunch of more things. You know, you don't need any
of those see your stands up.Detergent companies YEP created wash cloth for you
to use to wash your body,because then you have to wash those using
more detergent. How does your mindwork? It's a magical mystery. I
would never have thought of that inmy life. Well, I just know

because my kids use them like everynight. It's like, oh, I
gonna wash use again. There's somany things just piled up. My daughter
doesn't take a bath every night,well doesn't normally. No packing your suitcase
for a trip, unpacking it andpacking it again to make sure it's all

there. You are a type aperson and that's fine. I think that's
normal. No, that's not.Be like everybody else just gets a vacation
and be like, oh man,I forgot that thing. Oh you're say
you're my husband? My husband,I'm like, I double check everything before
he goes on a trip, becausehe is. He is. Actually the
last trip he went on, lefthis charger at the house. Felt charger.
Had to buy a new phone charger. Those are cheap. We went

hiking. We got to Yosemite NationalPark Way Plaster National Park. We stopped
for gas. He looked down andhad sandals on slides. Dude, my
hiking boots in the gift shop,which was a million dollars. I just
did this in Colorado last year.We went up pikes Peak and Jen looked
down at my feet. She waslike, you know there's snows. Yeah,

She's like, you're wearing crocs.You you're hiking in the snow in
crocs. I was like, whywould you do that? Ja, I
don't know. I was threw themon quick this morning. I forgot about
it. I'm like, you boughthiking boots for this trip and we got
an hour into the park and youremembered you're in slide but not hiking moons

for our biggest working days. It'sburks. Is that what he was in?
Yes, wool socks and those birdsgently ordered off brands, So we
call him Schmergan stocks because I've gotit from Amazon. I bought they were
burks. They were not who It'snormal or no on one to one point
three kd WB so holding something youshould go and lock yoursel balon and one

a one point three kdewb. It'sobviously today is the whole Major League Baseball
opening day, but next week isthe season home opener for the Minnesota Twins,
and we have your tickets. Ifyou would like to go to the
season home opener, just be callerten right now. We'll do like that
six five, one, nine,eight nine, KD w B Where to

come back, and we're going todo the pop culture minute. More as
have been listed as collaborators on Beyonce'stwenty seven track list Albums twenty seven.
I know her country out is gonnahave a lot of songs on it,
and there's some big names on there. Jemmy Well got a bullety p many
bon battle Conde names Stalin and Coltone on one point three. Katie w

B. Congrats to Lauren and AppleValley. She got the Twins tickets and
that's gonna be an awesome game.It's coming up next week season home opener,
and I had all the details infront of me. Here we go.
Let's say my computer keep shutting meout. It's real cute. Hosting
the Cleveland Guardians April fourth at TargetField. We're gonna try a brand new
game. And you know how thisgoes to Canada being greater can be a

disaster. But vont is literally stillhere. He's been here since the morning
show. I said, vont youdon't actually have to stay? He insisted
he would. Biggest mistake, right, I don't know what you're talking about,
asked to stay here for the nightshow. Yeah. Usually you get
a break between the morning show andsay you've been here all day. I
don't go anywhere. I live here. I guess I caught in the other

room. Well, we also skippedclip Quiz on Tuesday because Ten was working
from home because it snowed. Interesting, Bill, Colt and I were able
to come in on that snow day. If you could work from home,
you would, so I took theopportunity. I would too. I would
too. They'll always do like earlyrelease days, and I'm like, oh,
that's interesting. What's an early releaseleg that doesn't exist? Day?

And I got you. I likethat. We're actually going to do clip
Quiz tomorrow at four o'clock to likemake up for this week, which would
be exciting. But this is agame. We're going to go right into
it right now? Or are wecoming back and doing it? Yeah,
we can come back to it.Okay, we're gonna come back and play
this game. Like I said,it's kind of I'll explain it we come
back. It's a brand new one. It could be great or a train
wreck. Don't miss it. I'mktwb oh. It's a pop culture minute

with Fellon and Colt on one onone point three kd WB Beyonce has so
many artists featured on our upcoming album. Earlier we mentioned that it's twenty seven
track country album, and of courseshe's gonna have Dolly Parton, She's gonna
have Willie Nelson, but also someother artists like Miley, Cyrus, post

It's a lot of people. ButI was like, post Malone is really
getting the big feature because he's gonnabe on the new Taylor Swift album and
the new Beyond the album, andhim and Morgan Wallin, I know they
just teamed up. I just don'tcare about Morgan Wallen. What is it
about Morgan? Did you date someonewith a mullet? Has nothing to do
with that. No, I don'tget him, and no one's going to

convince me. I don't know wherethis anger is coming from, but I
just like, I don't get him. He's just like Overnight, He's just
playing at us Bank Stadium. Ittriggers me. Most artists have to like
work for years to get there,and I know that they he shouldn't have
to just be sad like Whiskey Glasseslike in twenty twenty and that what is
okay? Sorry, I worked forKatie WB, so I don't know about
Whiskey Glasses. I'm sorry. Iyou know what I know. So obviously

I am in the minority because he'sselling out these huge shows, but I
cannot. I love your passion.When you're passionate about something you go are
I appreciate that about it. Ithink it's cause I literally hate this exact
last not. I mean, that'sa great song and I loved hearing it

on KATWB all the time. AllRight, So I don't even know what
I'm saying. I'm panicking. I'mgonna Well that's it for pop Culture Minute.
Yeah. The big thing is wehave a new game we want to
try out. Yeah, we're gonnado that when we come back with pop
Culture Minute. Brought to you byOvo Lasic and Lens. You can find
them at ovoi dot com. Ifmy boss is listening, big fan of
anything we play from Morgan Wallin onkd WB one on one point three,

katiew b Fallon and Colts. We'replaying a new game. I saw this
on TikTok and it's a little difficultto explain, but not so. I
had Emily in our office right downwords on pieces of pay paper. We
each have a piece of paper.Three of us currently have the same word.
One person has a different word.We will go in a circle and

we each get to describe our word. Then we decide who we think has
the one word that is different fromthe rest of us, who the odd
ball is correct. So let's givethis a go and just how it goes.
Okay, I'll start to describe myword. I'm going to say competitive
balls vat Ted Okay, to describemy word sphiracle Okay, and Ted are

vt athletic? All right? Nowyou start again, Fallon, Now,
who do you think Fallon? Ithink that Ted has the different word,
because I feel like all of oursdescribed like an overall thing, and Ted's
was very specific to one item.All right, So Ted, what's your
word? All right? Ball?Were Well, that's not yeah, so

I think we're right. It's notwhat I have. Now what do you
think we all had? Ted?I don't know, you guys, it
seemed like in the same category.Is it like sports? Okay? What
would you call it like that?All right, let's do another one.

I had to do three rounds ofthese. Okay, don't look, okay,
let's pass these out. Okay.To clarify, was it T baddy
or T daddy? I will daddy? There needs to be a distinction.
Okay, all right, So Colt, you want to start describing what word
you have? I can't. It'snot the most legible. Okay, it's

one of two things. I'm gonnasay, a story, A story me
or ted? Ted? Go ahead? Novel pages, vine chapter? Whoa
this is? This is tough.I think that Colt is the one that

has it because he couldn't figure outhis word. I feel like it's really
easy online. I think BoNT isyou think, yes? Why do you
think vant has the odd word ted? Because he's just a sneaky guy like
that. You're just throwing us offon purpose, deceptive to you, sir,

Yeah, a little bit. It'sthe glass I'm going with Colt.
Something about mine is so you wantto say mine, Well, two of
us think that you have one.Mine is read? Oh that is different
from mine. That's different from mine? That is also different from Okay,
now you have to guess what ourword is. Yeah, well I'm gonna

guess it's book. Okay, whereyou go. Here's the question if you're
listening, is this awful? Wereentertained because it's you know, we like
to try new things. That doesn'tmean it's gonna be good. We have
one more round. Okay, Like, how are you doing? Would you
have guessed what? Like? Youknow what I mean? Would you have

been able to guess these? All? Right? Here we go, fun,
I'm sorry I called you a liar. Yeah it was a little hard.
Oh wait, here go my glasses. Jeez, all right, vaunt
kick us off. What's your descriptiveword? Lake, bloat, summer drive?

Okay, I'm going with cults again. I'm going with fallon. I'm
not I'm going with Well, clearlyyou're not gonna go with you. That's
fair, But if I noticed myselfhaving the odd one out, I would
agree. Right? What was yourword? Again? I think I'm the
odd one out if I'm gonna behonest. Okay, so you think yourself

doesn't mind, doesn't along the lake? So I'm gonna sound on the old
one out. You can't give itaway like that. Cold. But aren't
we supposed to agree? Well,I don't know that you're supposed to like
you all right, so I guesswe all agree cold. What's your word?
A car? Yeah? Yeah?So what do you think you're boating?
Your boating boat? I think there'sprobably some workshopping we could do.

If you're listening to the podcast later, you can just skip this if you
interesting, like I don't know,I think this is the thing people like
the way I saw this game play. They're sitting around drinking and there are
more people. I think you needa minimum amount of force. I think
you can get even trickier with morepeople. Antequila, bring that next car

charge of tequila? Why am Ithe drink? You're the only one with
an office? We know? No? All right, that's uh, that's
the game. Let us bank fivetwo one kd w B one. It's

a throwback thrown throwback throw down,take you back to the old school kd
w B. All right, herewe go, Here we go. We
each take a throwback song. Youdecide on the one that you want to
hear. This is my selection thisweek, Like work, we were supposed

to play it yesterday, like weran out of time. That was so
sad about it. Yeah, it'ssuch a good song. I never wanted
you to win more. Thank you? So do I get your vote?
No? No? Okay? Andhere's colt submission. Don't play it down.

Don't play it down. I wasso nice to you. I can't
remember who it is? Is itWhite Walls? Malcamore? Oh so uninterested?
The three votes wins. Why Hangingover here? Six? Five,
one, nine, eight nine Katiew B. Throwback Throwdown? And this

is Ariana Grande's new one we can'tbe friends on, Katie w B.
It's a throwback throw down, throwdown, throwback throw down, take you
back to the old school, katw B. All right, so we
each pick a throwback song. It'sballin Cole and you decide the one we

play. This is fine, likethe way you work it. I could
have just not chosen. Hey,give yourself a fair shot. What's your
song you didn't give me? You'reright, that's all right, that's it,
that's all right, Katie w B. Who you voted for? Hi,

I'm voting for Sallon. Thank youso much. What's your name?
Bailey? Thank you? Bailey?We love you. Hi, Katie w
B. Who you're voting for?Ballen Ah, yes, thank you,
thank you, And KATIEWB who you'revoting for, I am voting for you.
Sallen love you, thank you somuch. What's your name? Lovely?
What a clean sweep? Thank youso much, and here you go.

Enjoy no diggity on Katie w B. Not even mad about it.
You're not going to believe this.It's the secret story of the Week with
Allen and cold One kat w B. All right, so four years ago,

this is the email we got.I told my friend I needed money
for my rent and bills. Sheloaned me six hundred dollars, okay,
a lot of money, she said. I did try to pay her back,
but she insisted she wanted to helpme, and I was like,
okay, so I stopped trying topay her back. The truth is I
did not need help with my bills. I took a trip to Italy.

We went to different schools, soshe didn't know I went on a trip
and I did not post any pictures. What I didn't post any pictures,
which was actually the hardest part forme. Oh that's the hardest. I
don't feel bad she always had plentyof money, so I know six hundred
dollars did not affect her at all. Yeah, but that's not went to
Italy. She might have had moneyjob story to her rich friend being like,

I need some help. I can'tpay my rent. I'm gonna have
my heat turned off, and literallytook the money, went to Italy,
and when her friend's like, no, no, I just wanted to help
you, don't pay me back,did not insist on paying back, said
okay, chill, Yeah, you'rea you're a bad friend. I mean,
I know you're not looking for anyadvice or people to hate on you

or judge you. But that's notwhat this is about. The secret that
we we want people to still emailus with their secret week. The way
she capped it off of like,well she and I don't feel bad.
Yeah she has money, so yeah, not your money, her money,
And I love how she says thehardest part for her wasn't like the conscience,
but it was that she couldn't postpictures from her trip. The hardest

part is I can't sleep at night. I feel so much to give.
I wanted a good selfie in frontof whatever statue. Nope, Nope,
not happening. That is your secretof the week on KDWB. We'll be
back with trending and there's a big, big, big situation with the Timberwolves.
You didn't hear about that we'll covercoming up on KATWB. You'll probably
think that you today's trending with Felonand cold on one on Katie w B.

But you buy Minneapolis Plastic Surgery foundat NPSMN dot com. Timberwolves sale
collapses, so a rod Mark lorethey were trying to buy the Timberwolves and
they said no, they missed theclosing deadline. So not happy in imagine
just having enough money to turn downthat much money. I don't know that
they sounds like they didn't turn itdown necessarily. I don't know how.

I don't know what happened, movingon to the next buyer. So Burger
King has free whoppers to celebrate thetotal solar eclips April eighth. You gotta
go, I don't know, toBurger King's website to figure out the details.
I'm not going to do everything foryou to do a little work with
a whopper baby, But it isthe next total solar eclipse which comes up
April eighth and will not occur againfor another twenty years, which is crazy.

The Cheesecake Factory is the highest grossingrestaurant chain in the US as two
hundred and six locations. We haveone here on the Twin Cities. They
gross twelve play six million dollars inrevenue. Dude, they have the biggest
menu ever and it's so good.Yeah, I get confused when of our
going there. I'm like, Idon't know. There's so many things.
People started turning on chain restaurants afew years ago, and it is great

to support local, but also like, there is nothing wrong with a delightful
chain restaurant. Man, they havesome great deals you mentioned because you guessed
early or what it was you said. Texas Roadhouse one of my top favorite
change. Yeah, it's awesome,and you going there. It's the best
for kids because it's so loud andit's so dirty because there's just shells on
the ground. Doesn't even matter.I don't know they want you saying that
to everyone. That's so dirty.It's like the best reputation said, how

far them? I love you knowwhat I'm saying though, Like you can
bring your kid in there. Youdon't have to worry about them dirtying it
up because there's already you know,stuff on the ground. Well, Texas
Roadhouse was like the fancy restaurant whereI grew up in Indiana. And so
when I came here and everyone's likeit's not I was like, you don't
know what you're talking about? Youah, like a red lobster or olive garden.
Those were just your ball. Yeah, okay, give me, yeah,

keep spinning that cheese wheel on myplate. Never are you gonna tell
me what? Never going to We'regonna go back and get some more cheese.
We'll be back. So that you'retrending on kdwblling and on one on
one point three k Salon and Coltsone on one point three KDWB every day
around three o'clock we do like anofficial update. But then obviously we went

to give you an updown the hotTom today. It's because it's coming down
into the wires, the final Hounds. It's the final hound down, the
hound down, the final hound down. We're gonna get fired. So round

four, King Charles is going againstthe Bernie's Mountain Dog. Bernie's killing the
King Charles. Yeah, I meanwhat in a real battle to By the
way, probably I was holding outhope for the short king, but nope.
And these are, by the way, the most attractive dogs. Is
the bracket we're doing, and Iwe will not explain or apologize. Husky
is beating the Golden Doodle and theGolden Retriever is beating the Salon and Colts

one to one point three. Katiew b. It is my last like
full night home alone. Isn't thatcrazy? Well? Nothing, my family
I don't need to make like abig flurry. My family went on spring
break a week ago. When theycome back tomorrow as choked. They come
up tomorrow, but not till likemidnight. So I'm legitimately tomorrow night gonna

have to said an alarm, SoI don't you're gonna knocked out, you
go get them from the airport.So tonight's like my last sleep through the
night. I don't know, youwant to be able to just be irresponsible
fall asleep. Jake has to getan uber. I would be so mad.
He's carci that know, you wouldn'tbecause Jake's better than me. And

he probably called my mom and shelike, uh has almost a sleep apnea.
What she does is all miles anhour on an ambien to bake your
family up. What's the word youcan't sleep? What's the word? No,
she has insomnia, but also sleepapnia. Anyway she would get on

my point. She has a wholelist of things. Yeah, for sure,
good for Debbie. And we won'tget into the arthritis because that is
a whole different situation. Not laughingat that, obviously, but the family's
back says my last night of freedom, I'm gonna eat on mc flurry on
the couch in my undies. That'sa great image. Sorry if I ruined
younight. Thanks for hanging out withus. We'll have yet another pair of

season home opener tickets to the Twinstomorrow around four twenty and we're gonna play
clip Quick because we missed it onTuesday, so we're gonna play that with
head at four o'clock tomorrow on Cap
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