All Episodes

April 5, 2024 73 mins
Falen is totally checked out and ready for vacation
Colt's cousin is running a scam on the entire family
Anybody listening who turns into a creepy boss
Let's laugh about our trauma with this new therapy trick
Secret of the week is basically this woman complaining about her friends being too ugly

That and much more on the show today!!!

Love you lots :)
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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One on one point three KDWB withsalin and cold. You know they say
do not text and drive. Yeah, they say that, and I completely
agree with that. Would you hit? I know you do nothing dealing with
me? I was gonna throw outthere, I suggest to not do a
full face of makeup and drive either. To the woman this morning ahead of

me, she was crazy. Shewasn't just doing like a quick mascara.
She was blending. She had ablending brush, and she would then occasionally
like stick her head out of thewindow and dry her hair. Everyone's running
late sometimes, but this you couldtell it was too natural, like she
does this regularly. It is soshe was lanes, she was in different

lanes she was. She'd go realslow and then realize she was like twenty
cars back in floor it. Iwas in a single lane. I'm like,
ah, yeah, sometimes it isthe worst though. Driving. We
should all have a driver. That'swhat we need, someone just to drive
us around. I've been saying asI said that to Jen, like,
as I'll be driving, I'm like, I'm tired. Just take the way.
I'm gonna close my eyes for asecond. She's like, no,
yeah, it is Taylor Swift dayon KDWB. Absolutely, we're sending someone

to Paris to see the Arrow's tour. We'll get into that when we come
back on one on one point threeKDW B one O one point three kd

WB with Balan and Cold. What'sup? I feel like I want to
do a new like we should havean official jingle. Probably yeah, someone's
singing rapping, Probably neither of ustrap beat. Sure, I'm into that.
Turn up. So all you're sayingrandom catch races, we do have

a really big day. It iskd WB and that means I my understanding
is all four names called, ormaybe it was three names called. That
makes more sense. Three names calledon the morning show. Each of those
people called back in and that's whatyou have to do. If you hear
your name called, you have tenminutes and thirteen seconds to call back.
If you do, you are qualified. Now. The cool thing is if

you're a qualifier, you don't justget you know your chance to win,
you also do win a prize.We're gonna get you the nineteen eighty nine
Taylor's version the Crystal Sky's Blue Vinyl, which by the way, has her
number one hit. We've been playingon KATIEWB. Is it over now?
It looks and sounds expensive? Itdoes. Yeah, you're but you're gonna

get the vinyl and then you arequalified for the trip to Paris to see
Taylor on the Era's tour. Sonobody thinks it's going to happen until they
do, and they're like, what, wait, that's my name. I
need a passport. Yeah, Ibetter get one quick. You better expedite
one. Yeah, but we'll dothat at two twenty three, twenty four
to twenty and five twenty four namesduring our show and you call back into
win if you hear your name,If it's not you and it's your friend

Caroline, you gotta text Caroline justbe like yo, you gotta have your
whole crew, your whole squad listeningto alert you, like, hey,
they called your name, so youcan win that exactly exactly all right.
So let's do a little get toknow you. You know, Colt's been
here for what it's not even ithasn't even been two months. I don't
know. It feels like forever.Time just moves so slow, so insulting.

No, I don't know, likea month and a half, but
I feel like I get these littlepeaks of you, and I feel like
everybody should hear what goes on inyour life, because there'll be times when
the mics are off and you tellme these things and I'm like, who
are you what one? For example? So I like to do I like
a little setup to get you toovershare as much as you can. And
that's what this is, basically,do real quick overshare. I don't know

what happened, but I'm not blamingyour kids. But since your kids were
over on Sunday, my cat willnot come upstairs. And it's not your
kids, but I am throwing thatin there so that maybe you think it
is. I think it's because Igot one of those to stop using dryer
sheets. I got one of thoseballs, and it is really loud on
the dryer. And the laundry roomis where I have my cat's food and
litterbox. She won't go in theroom. I try to carry her in.

She is so scared. She likeclawed me and ran away and she
peeted on the floor in the basement. Yes, she's been staying that's my
kid. Probably. I don't knowhow, but sounds like this is what
I did. I go I go, olive, did you guys do something
mean to the cat? And shegoes, well, Teddy hit it on
the back. Oh, she isselling out my kid. Left right,

she said, Remy didn't Okay,Well, REMI I don't believe, but
Teddy I probably. But I alsosaid that I know my daughter's lying because
Edith is far too skittish to letany of those kids near her. So
all of is just a traitor toyour children. The one is scrappy.
I don't know. Maybe, Oh, speaking about let's talk. While we're
talking about BFFs. The best memoryI have with my childhood friend is when

we finished the blank. Oh,I have so many great ones. So
me and my BFF Jessica, shewould go with me. My mom would
drive us to Panama City Beach,Florida, because it's like the one vacation
we could afford. Like. Shewould drive overnight. We stay in the
cheapest hotel. We met the hottestsmoke showed dudes. My mom did not

watch us at all. Wait,how old are they were in high school
too? Next thing you know,we're in their room. Don't worry.
I sing in high school. Iwas a very innocent goal but making out
was not off the table making out. The guy was making out with six
foot six. Oh that six sixI'll never forget because and he was so

hot. I think the only reasonhe was ended me is because I was
like vacation like hot. When yousay, like Tate, measures do you
remember him? Or like when yougot to look up as something, you
say, oh, there he couldbe six six, it gets weirder.
We were like they lived in Ohio, which is close to Indiana, so
we were like I had never thephone number, and I called him like,

hey, let's meet a fricious bigif we drove Ohio and met him
in the parking lot, made outwith him again, and then never talked
to him again. I don't thinkthat's not really my best memory with Jessica.
Okay, here's my best memory.If we should like, we's a
little more to forget the blank things, Yeah, because we're parents just didn't

even care. They were just tryingto get you stolen. It was like,
hey, if you come back,cool, we'll have spaghetti, but
if not, whatever you want toShe didn't want. She was so happy
we were gone. She was out. First of all, when I used
to go to Florida with my mom, even from a little kid up.
She left. She would go tothe beach and she was there all day.
She never checked in. And Ididn't have cable TV growing up because

I was poor, so I wouldsit in the room and watch cable TV
in Florida. That's what I think. It's a vacation. And my mom
would say, it's your vacation.Do what you want with it. You
can see literally, is what shewould do. I did also pee on
my best friend Jessica. She hada very very steep, sharp hill driveway,
even way worse than my current one, and we went sledding off of

it and it scared me so much. I was riding behind her. I
peed on her back and she remainfriends with you. What a ride or
died it? Died? Ride?Or get peede on? I said,
now, but if you're right here, you also are going to get peed
on, So that's cool. Doyou have friends. I've never heard you

talk about any. Do you havea best friend for school. I've never
heard you talk about friends. I'venever seen photos of you hanging out with
friends. Let's just you said itonce. You don't have to keep saying
it. I've never met a singlefriend of yours. You met ted our
promotion director. Yeah, I introducedyou. Okay, well, no,
this is what happened I had.I was affiliated with the worst people growing

up. They were all trouble makers, and I would encourage a lot of
things, but I want to doit, and then they would do it
and I'd be like, I'm notyou encouraged the bad behavior. I encourage
a lot of bad behavior. AndI was a lot of around a lot
of bad things. And when Ibecame an adult, I was like,
okay, I gotta dis I don'twant to be around this anymore. So
I remove myself. Yeah that's smart, almost like somebody who went into like

what's it called. When you routon somebody, you gotta move have a
separate life, new thing. That'syeah, that's what happened me the witness
protection. Yeah, so you're sayingyou are a massive narc and to them,
Cole thinks he got too big forus. He thinks he's too good.
Okay, some people hit me upfor money, so my frother like,

I haven't talked to you like thirteenyears, but can ill tickets?
I actually need an eighth this weekend, can you hook me up? Like?
No question mark pat your number.That's the first that you got to
block these people. Yeah, soI don't know if this is good or
bad, but either way, onething for sure, we do have tailor
tict. We do. You're gonnaget qualified for that trip to Paris to

see her when we come back attwo twenty on Katie w B call and
one here we go. Why amI nervous? Yeah, you're not winning
to feel nervous anything, So noneed to be nervous. All right,

here we go because we already acouple of minutes later. I don't want
to make anyone wait any longer maybefor your chances to win, because someone
just called in and they're like,do I win? And it's like,
we're not calling and taking caller tenAnd I said, have you entered your
name yet? She's like, whatyou have to go to TADWB dot com.
You enter your name there to becomea verified fan. Because how we
give these away is we announce thename on the twenties. If it's your

name, then you have ten minutesand thirteen seconds to call us back to
become qualified. If you don't enteryour name on the website. We don't
know your name too, so that'sthe first stup. Enter the name,
then listen for the name, yesexactly, and then call us. So
you gotta have people listening, orif you're at work whatever, you can
be by the radio. The iHeartRadio app is good option for sure.
And right now our qualifier. Theyare going to get qualified if they call

back in, but they'll also winnineteen eighty nine Taylor's version on Crystal Sky's
Blue Vinyl, which is really cool. Herery fancy. Our winner of this
hour is Lauren Solomonson from Maple Grove. You can call now Lauren Solmonson,
or if you know her, it'dbe like Lauren saying your name. Call

it SIGs five one, nine,eight, nine, five, three nine
two your ten minutes and thirteen secondsstart now. Who. I am excited
for this. They had all threepeople call on the morning show, so
I think they have keep it going. We're gonna come back. A celebrity
announced that she got pregnant by hookingup at a club bathroom. Will tell

you who in the pop Culture Minuteheld on one oh one point three kd
w B. I don't know who. We have on the phone, but
I think we might have the rightperson. Hi, Lauren, No wa
wait wait wait Lauren, will butfrom where? What year were you born?

Nineteen eighty six? Oh god,cut a close, Lauren, congratulations,
Well, oh my god. Okay, let me explain what this means.
Saw online that they called my name, so I'm like, oh,
no, yeah, okay, letme explain what all this means. Okay.
The exciting news is now you aregoing to get nineteen eighty nine Taylor's

version on Crystal Sky's Blue vinyl.That's very, very cool. But what
you're in it for is the tripto Paris. You are officially a qualifier
for that trip. There are goingto be so few names that your odds
are very good. Lauren. Ohmy gosh, you're so close. You're
so close, so cool? Howexcited? Super excited? Yes, Lauren,

have you ever been? Hey,Lauren, have you ever been to
Paris before? I have been one, but I definitely want to go back.
Well yeah, especially to see TaylorSwift. Okay, Lauren, Oh
yeah, congratulations. We're gonna getyour information and we're gonna yeah, put
her on hold really quick. Thegood news is if you're like, ah,
that wasn't my name. Curse Lauren. We still have like Kirk,

we have three names. Yeah,Game three twenty four to twenty five twenty
those are the times you need tolisten for our next name. So to
get qualified for the trip to teristo see Taylor Swift. It's the pop
Culture Minute with Selling and cult onone on one point three JD w B.
All right, I will never stoptalking about Gypsy Rose. What the
star is born? She wants youto know. She's like, I am

not hooking up with Ken. Nowremember the recap prison, out of prison,
married, separates from husband after threemonths, is back with an ex.
They immediately get matching husky tattoos.But she's like, we're not hooking
up. We're not back together.We're just holding hands at a Dollar General
and getting matching tattoos. That's theupdates. So know making out nothing just

handholding huskies. Yeah, well dollartree shopping. They weren't making out.
She's like, we're not back together. If I saw Gypsy Rose at a
Dollar Tree, you know how crazythat would be. I would first of
all, can I get a selfie? Obvious self the autograph? What?
But you could probably make some money. Do you even have a pin with
you at any point time? Youget gypsy tattooed? I get rose?

No, why you get ros gypsy? We like, there's a lot of
roses out there, exactly, I'mnot a fan. Mollie Ringwalld. She
told the world she conceived her kidat Studio fifty four. Now she was
married. She was at the club. They go into a little uh,

I don't know. I guess adressing room, quick hookup. And but
being by the boom she's pregnant withher daughter. I mean, I guess
if I'm the daughter, I probablyI don't want to hear that. But
I'm like, you waited this longto share that. Maybe, I mean,
I don't know. Some would argueI overshare. So what am I
talking about? I don't even knowwhy. I'm like defending myself here.

They're saying Taylor Swift and Travis Kelceywill be at Coachella. Why because Lana
No Ray's performing and jack ant Knoff'sbleachers they're both still off? Makes sense,
like everyone thought the odds were good. She'd do a pop up performance
with Lana anyway because she has offand maybe Travis he likes singing. Maybe
he'll get up on stage sing somesweet Caroline. You know what, I

never say never when he's drunk andthere's a microphone, somehow he's getting it.
That's what it seems like him andevery other person who gets drunk in
an informal setting with like a microphone, everyone all of a sudden like,
let me gim mem that on ready. That is your pop culture man.

It brought to you by Ovo Lesigand Lenz. Find him at ovoi dot
com or come back with anyone listeningwho on katiew BA one on one point
three KATIEWV with ballon and cold.Anyone listening who? Now we know Lauren
was listening earlier, or at leasta friend of hers was a text and

tell her to call in for theTaylor Swift thing. We'll start two o'clock.
People like, are you listening?Are you interacting? So this is
how you prove it. Anyone listeningwho has a terrible boss. We will
not ask you where you work.Number one. Yeah, it can be
anonymous because it could be a clientand we would never want to throw them
under the bus. Nope, no, we need that dollar, thank you
baby. Number two. Anyone listeningwho has been hit on at the gym

has happened to me when you're likeunbelievable, unbelievable story of the day,
Maybe on a video of someone laughingbehind the camera, use a treadmill.
Okay, anyone listening who has beenhaving the worst week, So if you

fit to any of those, justgive us a call right now. Anyone
listening who has a terrible boss hasbeen hit on at the gym or has
been having the worst week? Sixfive, one nine eight nine kd w
B. And we know the twoo'clockers are crazy. We know you have
great stories, but we just gottto urge you a little bit, like,
hey, we're fro we won't bitea little bit foul and maybe a
little bit. I have a greatboss, so that's not me. Oh

Rich is awesome. No one's everhit on me at the gym. People
have actually asked me to white benchesoff after I get off of them because
I'm so gross and sweaty. Canyou slid it last? So that's never
happened ever, But what about you? One on one point three kd w
B fallon and cold. Anyone listeningwho has a terrible box has been hit

on at the gym. Colt claimsthat's it. Hey, listen, have
you haven't seen it yet because ithasn't been something. Once you get to
look at these caps, you'll understand. You'll be like, Okay, I
can see you're so into their calves. It's so interesting. Well, when
you have no other muscles on yourbody, and it's the one thing which
is interesting because I think that usuallywhen men are super super muscular, the

one thing they are insecure about istheir calves. Yeah, so you're saying
the ones that have no muscles aresecure about their calves. Yeah, like
somebody else could give you the biceps, the back muscles, the aves where
the calves at the Oh, that'swhere I come in clag. I could
walk you on an uphill in climb. Wow, what a hero. Thank
you so much. Anyone listening whohas been having the worst week. Those

are the three we're looking for atsix five to one ninety nine kd W
B hi ktwb hi. There I'mcalling you and I have a terrible boss.
Oh explain, like, what aresome bullet points? Why do they
suck so bad? Well, Iguess I'm I'm kind of in between two
categories because I didn't get hit onat the gym. I got hit on
by my boss at while at thegym. No, god, no,

I don't know the gym. Ohgood, Okay, okay, okay.
So your boss bed So he's aterrible boss because he's always hitting on you.
Yeah, I mean it's flattering,but it's no, it's grosser.
Yeah, you gotta put you gottaput a stop to that. And I
feel HR. I feel like alot of people. I heard this one

time too, and I want toapply it to my dog. I want
my daughters to apply it to whenthey get older. Like it's okay to
make your boss feel uncomfortable if they'remaking a pass at you and you don't
want anything to do with it.Absolutely, so sue him. Get that
money to HR, Get that moneyand give us ten percent because it was
our idea, for sure, anddon't forget it is TADWB at three twenty

your next chance to get to Paristo see Taylor Swift doing her thing.
Make sure you listen to see ifwe call your name, it's like I'm
having a conversation with my toddler.You're so checked out. Falance Twerking in
the corner. I'm trying to askher professional questions, like Hey, what
do you want to do here?We have a thing such deep questions.

I feel like I'm in a therapysession, like like, where do you
see the show going in the future. I'm like, I'm on vacation tomorrow.
I'm not thinking about this show inthe future right now. Yeah,
I asked you that, and thenyou responded with last night I had to
decide what I was going to eatin first class. Yeah, you're like,

you're like my husband, Jake.You can't say my husband's I know
your husband, but you're like hasbeen trying to He's trying to ask me
all last night. It was soannoying, like what I want to eat
in first class? Well, can'tI just chill? Ever, like I
don't want to deal with these firstclass problems. You're but the French toast,
the French toast. You are ahorrible friend. If I haven't said

it lately, you are a horribleperson. If I haven't said it lately,
I'm not trying to rich same you. You got it with points.
It's not like you deserve first class, and they know the person who chooses
French toast as the meal. Everybodyelse in first class knows that's not a
first class person. I'd be honestwith you. We did, literally,

Jake, the points. The onlyreason we're doing first class. I've never
The only time I could ever affordfirst class in my whole life was back
when sun Country did it. They'relike, it's one hundred dollars. I'm
like, oh yeah, oh catchme balling and sun Country first class,
and now they don't do it,and then I throw you under the bus
even more. You were like,oh, man, I have a lot
of gas pains lately in first class. Case get it tomorrow. I'm like,

way you are in first class,I think you're allowed to just release
it and no one there's enough spacein between. Yeah, for sure.
Just ja Jase Dash, How manydo you have? Was my second one.
Oh, you're like, whoever hasthe most points? Baby? That's

the line of Jase Jack Jake me. We got that friend's toast money you
fuck. It's one on one pointthree, Katie wu Falon and colts.

Remember when you warn an arc,turn it on me. Uh it is
ad WB today. Don't forget we'regoing to announce another name to get someone
qualified to go see Taylor Swift inParis coming up at three twenty. But
we're gonna help you out if youcannot afford therapy like many of us cannot
in the country. This is thenew way to do a therapy session to

save you a little bit of moneyand maybe help you a little bit,
like instead of just sitting there beingsad and being like sometimes it would be
like that because I can't afford it. Right, this might help you out
a little bit or not at all. We will see when we come back.
Sure in their shoes, shut up, I don't have to have to.

One on one point three Katie wB with Ballon and Cult. We
are like thirteen minutes away from ournext name. We will announce for KADWB
qualifying you to go see Taylor Swiftin Paris. Crazy. That is crazy.
There's a new therapy practice. Therapyis EXPENSI about trying it once,
and I was like, I can't. I mean a hundred bucks come to
see you to talk about me.I obviously love the company I work for,

but the benefits are questionable. SoI switched over to my husband's and
it does cover my therapy. Yeah, it does. And I started seeing
a woman last January life changing.Have you beat it therapy? I'm to
the point where I don't really haveto go anymore. So I would say,
are yeah, call up the brakeson that snake. Okay, you
know well of my main issues havelike I don't have to that up.

You're a bad friend to day,just no. But I had gone to
just just give you a little likeadvice as someone who's got a successful therapy
run more than me. I wentto multiple therapists throughout my life, and
I liked some of them, butlike I just didn't have a real connection
and I don't think I like Ithere was something about warm, like I'm
not there. I must not begetting anything from this because I wasn't looking

forward to going blah blah blah untilI found this woman. So I think
it's annoying because if you do allthe paperwork and all the like get to
know you stuff, but you reallydo have to find the right person.
Yeah, you got to try itout. Yeah if yeah, And that's
where we come in this new uhtherapy practice. Like you think about a
big hurdle you have to get throughin therapy, or like whatever you would
tell a therapist could be a storysomething that happened to you in security.

So what you're gonna do is you'regonna voice it out loud, but as
you speak about it, laugh hystericallythe entire time to disassociate it with sadness
and replace it with laughter. CanI ask you where you got this information
because I don't know that I've relayadvice. Okay, that makes more sense.
I'm like, I don't feel likethat is what my therapist would ever

ever say. Hey, this reallydeeply traumatic thing that happened. Just laughs
while you're saying it out loud,and it'll shift everything. This is the
cheap way. It's like putting ducttape over a cut instead of going to
get stitches. That's that's valid.So do you want to give an example.
I mean, I guess I couldgo first, let's put a meeting.
We're out of time. I thoughtyou could maybe do it first.

Okay, ready, here we go. So it's gonna sound like this,
and you can try it in yourcar too, whatever, if you want
to have a laugh and then cryafterwards about getting all your stuff out.
But sometimes when I'm watching my homevideos and I see like other people having
great friendships with their parents and theycan like go over to their house for
like Christmas. I'm like, ohman, it songs and my mom's some

narcissis. My dad didn't want tobe in my life at all. Man,
that's the worst. I don't know, have anywhere to go on Christmas
because I'm my own counts. Mykids don't even know their grandma. It's
the worst. I gotta tell youif it worked for me, because I'm

laughing so hard. If it's actuallysad, I feel sad because like it
did make me feel better, I'mhelp you out. Thank you. Yeah,
I don't. I'm good about that. I don't know. I don't

really have one. Now, don'thit that button. I swear to God
if I just don't. I textedin saling A Colt on one on one
point three Katie w B. Wouldyou do the Taylor Swift names? What
other hours? Three twenty So rightnow four twenty and five twenty, we

are sending someone to Paris, guestFrance. It's not like, isn't there
like a Paris, Texas or something. We're sending to the Paris, France.
I want to be clear. TheEiffel Tower is actually go to Paris,
France. It's just a cardboard cutoutof Taylor with a microphone that somebody
else is singing, and it's heron the Era's tour. So it's just

like such an amazing trip. Idon't know how we got one of these
to give away, but we do. We're getting qualifiers. You're gonna get
Taylor's version the nineteen eighty nine vinyljust if you call it, and then
you're qualified and you're in this smallpool of people to win this trip.
We got our Winter last Hour,Let's see if we can do it again.

Our winner this hour is Elizabeth Hofferfrom Columbia Heights. Elizabeth Hoffer or
Hofer, but I think Hawfer fromColumbia Heights. Either name Austin or either
way awesome name, Yeah for surecall now six five, one nine,
eight, nine, five three nineto your ten minutes and thirteen seconds starts

now. Don't be a loser.Come on hit us up. You know
herteller today? Uh, this isexciting news. I guess it depends on
how you look at it. Ifour Winter calls in, that's what I'm
gonna say. Let me jump overhere and get my trending together. It's
brought to you by nikolay Law dotcom. And I guess I can help

you out a little bit. No, I think it's told you to stare
at me while I like read allthat information that I dive into this next
do you get a little too confidentabout vacation. I'm like, let's let's
let balance sweat a little bit.Yeah, let's let her hang out a
minute. So Minnesota there, Iguess they're set to expunge more than sixty
thousand misdemeanor marijuana records as early asnext month, and they said that they're

looking at the felony charges too thatpeople have due to marijuana possession. They
say they expect to expunge sixty sixthousand misdemeanor records by this August, and
then there will be like I don'tknow, the judicial branch has until May
thirteen to object expunging of any ofthese records, but that has that affects

a lot of people, and especiallynow that that's some legal stuff going on
in the Twin Cities, it wouldbe going on to keep that over both.
Yeah, if you're like sitting thereand you're like, oh dude,
people are just buying this. NowWe're gonna be here for like another eight
months, and I or I havea difficult time getting a job because I
have this on my record, right, this is legal now, like so

many different things. So have you? Are you a fan of like the
everything Bagel mid Oh okay, wellI'm gonna have more of a what's it
called ostiago? Oh you're so.They just announced that they're going to drop
limit edition flavor of cup Noodles EverythingBagel with cream cheese. My step son

solely lived on Ramen, like thefirst four years. I was like part
of his life. No, hejust like only wanted Kraft mac and cheese.
And I would judge Jake all thetime. He's like, he'll get
better, and I was like,oh, he's not. And then even
a listener because he was he couldn'tcook it himself because it's and a listener

recommended these like little microwave bowls thatare made for Ramen. It changed his
life. Now he does eat more. But there was a brief time where
kid, yeah, I was like, does he eat broccoli? He's like
sometimes, okay, when I've neverseen it happen, So the boint is.
If your kid will only eat macand cheese, there is hope for

you. They will eventually probably tryadditional things. We are still looking for
our Taylor Swift winner. We can'tsay the name again, that's kind of
the rule, but we're hoping toget them qualified. And we will keep
checking the phone because the phone's ringingright now. Could be that person that
is far out. We'll find outthat you're trending on one oh one point

three KTIEW. You will come backwith your after school pop quiz your chance
to win. We're doing Crayole experiencepasses for mall of America. Anyway,
better wait until you get a tasteof it with our new thick cut bacon.
It's savory, it's smoky with justa hint of sweetness. Try it
on the Bacon Deluxe or add itto all your Culver's Favorites and enjoy your

next meal with us at its baconybest from Wisconsin with love, Welcome to
Delicious to everyone who creates a sweettreat with a little something special. Let
me tell you about our concrete mixersat Culver's. There's so many reasons I
love fresh frozen custard. It's sorich, so creamy. It's the perfect
treat. But when I handcraft itwith all of your favorite mix ins like

peanut buttery, reeses and crunchy heat, and see your smiles after every spoonful,
It's clear what makes our concrete mixersso special to me is making them
just for you. From Wisconsin withlove, Welcome to Delicious POPSI ktw with

ballon and cold. Shout to malof America hooking us up with Crayola Experience
passes to give away. All rightWith Kelsey and oak Grove and Cynthia and
Woodbury playing today, we'll ask youtrivia questions. If you know the answer,
you chime in with your name andthe first to two wins. Are
you ready? Question number one,which country has the largest population? Thank

you? Yes, hey, China, that's correct. Hey. Question number
two? Which shape can be describedas is sauceles? Thank you? Yes?
Triangle? Triangle? Is we arelooking? Yeah? All right?
That means you are a winter dayKelsey, thank you for trying. Cynthia,

you're getting the past is the mallof America. Congratulation. You're smart
as crazy, I know it,like you're so good on Katiewbu with Found
Colts. Sometimes it's difficult to notfeel bad about yourself and you see successful
people and you're like, why amI not there? Like a lucky break.

Comparison is very real. They saycomparison is the thief of joy,
right. But you know what's interestingthough, I saw this recently, which
was like so alarming to me becauseI am such a huge Emma Stone fan.
I love her so much. Yeah, and I don't know a lot
about her childhood or growing up,but I did just recently discover she grew
up super rich, I know,and it's different a little bit. She

didn't have famous parents, but likethey were rich parents, and so I
was like, she still seems reallyhumble and so kind and I love her,
but there was a little bit oflike, oh, she wasn't like
in Hollywood, worried about her nextmeal probably, And I don't know why
I'm wired like that, but Iwant if you're successful, I want you
to be at one point you werehomeless, had nothing to eat, and

now you're a bajillionaire. I don'twant it to be that rough for you
necessarily. Yeah, there's like alike an in between maybe, but I
have a just so you don't haveto feel bad about yourself. And this
is a justification I do. LikeI'm always like, well, they had
rich parents, so yeah, I'mgood where I am because I didn't have
that advantage. I think a lotof people already know, like Jennifer Aniston
star Friends, you know in theMorning Show. She's the daughter of Late

Days of Our Lives veteran John Aniston. Yeah, so he was in abiz
So these are a list of NEPObabies. Yeah, basically people who had
it good already, Like when yougo out to California, they didn't have
to really worry, like they hadrent, they had food covered, and
they could actually chase their dreams.Gotcha. This one was crazy. You

know Steve Aoki, the famous DJ. Did you know his dad, Rocky
founded Benny Hannah what. Yeah,he's worth between eighty and one hundred million
dollars. Benny Hanna is so good, I know. And now it makes
sense because I'm just picturing a richdude his son just in his room,

like I hate you, dad,like practicing the DJ stuff. Yeah.
Also, anyone who just feels confidentenough to throw cakes in anyone's face.
You know that they never got introuble for anything because their dad could buy
them out of it. Want meto get the nanny to clean up the
cake? Yeah, to the frontroad. Yeah. Rashida Jones, you
know that is right? And Iknow she was an EPO baby. Yeah,
oh you did. Okay. Yeah, she's the daughter of producer Quincy

Jones. Five hundred million dollars.Yeah. But she's cool. Yeah,
she's cool. She doesn't seem likeshe was rich, no, which I
don't know if that's a bad thingor not. Did you know Gigi and
Belahadide, Yeah, they're okay,This one might shock you. Notable for
of all John Krasinski, Jim fromthe Office. His dad was a doctor,

momineers our school teacher. I forget, but dad a doctor. But
when he tells his story, hetells it in such a good, heartwarming
way, like he goes out andthe mom's like, I'm sure you saw
it on TikTok. It was goingviral, Like you had to pull yourself
out of this. I can't tellyou to stop chasing your dreams. But
it wasn't like he was dying outthere and living on rice and beans,
right. Notable mention ed Sheeran whathis parents. Apparently they were like famous

artists, like super successful, andthey even own like an art gallery.
Yeah, but he pulled himself outof the house when he was like sixteen
years old and he was like,you know what, I want to make
it on my own. I don'twant any of your money. So we
actually kind of did it himself,living on his friend's house. Because I've
talked to him before and I askedhim, like about his worst show he
ever had, and he said thatthe guy kept making him wait like longer

until anyone showed up to perform,and by the time it was like okay,
no one's coming, the last trainhad come and gone and he fell
asleep in the train station. That'swhen he wrote like his first big hit
that we play on the radio,which is really cool. So I was
like, I didn't get the vibelike he predicament, But yeah, no.

Falin and Cults one on one pointthree KTWB. We actually just posted
a video actually about some in caseyou missed it. Yesterday. A woman
caught her mother in law doing somethingand she's like what why, And someone
commented on the video, this shouldbe in normal or Nope, and it
is the answer is nope because itis not normal. But you can check

out the video fallon and cult onInstagram. But we're gonna come back and
actually do normal or Nope. Ifyou have one, you can text it
in five three nine two one KATIEWBone if you've never heard it before,
like what is it? Don't worry, we'll show you when we come back
on katiew b. And also KADIWBis happening. We have a trip to
Paris to see Taylor Swift do herthing. You can get qualified that if

we say your name at four twentynormal for No. One one three Katie
w B. Got to start offwith a big birthday shout out. Happy
tenth birthday to eight. I'll givea great day at school. We'll celebrate
more tonight. Love you, sweetgirl. Mom, dad and Emma wanted

to give you that birthday shout out. So I thought you were talking about
like now, I thought you wereactually giving a shout out for someone you
knew. And then I was like, do you have a kid? I
don't know about I don't. MaybeJake does. He's like, oh,
you know, you know normal orno, checking that your door is locked
forty five times before bed, eventhough you know it's locked, but just

have to make sure. Normal I'veactually gotten out of bed to go check
again, I'm like, I'm ninetypercent sure. But also me being lazy
and then somebody breaking into my housejust because I didn't want to get up.
I think that's a that to bea guy thing. Hold on,
let me explain. I think it'sa guy thing if you are in a

relationship because there is something about me. I have so much security and comfort
with Jake. I never checked doors. I never check anything, but like
when Jake was gone for spring break, I was checking everything. I was
like, who's that noise? Allthroughout the night, but I never hear
noises when Jake is there. Well, your house would be the worst to

rob because it's not a massive hillout with your TV. They would fall
there's as they would break a legrunning away. And I live in a
neighborhood of retirees, which means peopleare watching always because they want to know
everything going on in the neighborhood.They would I would even have to worry
about it. My neighbor would haveeverything about that criminal written down in a

matter of minutes. Sent to thepolice. Thank God. Yes, normal
or no? So you do weagree that that is that's normal. I
mean it's normal for me. Normalor no? Just eating the KFC chicken
skin and leaving the actual chicken.My friend Sam weird. But the skin's
the best, Barn. I meanif you're eating the skin, Nope,

yeah, you don't have I feellike you don't even care about the die.
You might as well. The chicken'sright there, okay. I mean
trust yourself. Who's going to KFCwhen they're like, I'm dieting. So
that whole statement you just made.Well, potatoes are vegetables, aren't they.
That's what I like the way youthink. And the Coleslaw cabin you
go health and Fitness. Yeah,you order that, throw it away immediately,

go straight with the chicken. Obviously, the chicken or the fried I
agree, that's the best part ofthe chicken. But no, I mean
I eat the light all the chicken. Best sides at KFC. Go mashed
potatoes, and you always get toogravy, you imbecile. That comes with
the potatoes. You what. Firstof all, Coleslaw is the most overhyped

thing in the world. You wantto give me a sweaty miniature salad.
That's what you want to give me. One time I was walking in the
street on vacation and a woman walkedout of a building goes, you know
what sounds good? A cold,creamy salad me? My husband and my
step said all the time time wereit as a gold creepy saling? You

monster? More normal or nope?Next normal or nope? On one KDWB,
we are one minute away from ourKDWB name and I just don't want
to ignore that, so we havenot forgotten. We will announce another name

to qualify you for a trip toParis, France to see Taylor's at the
Arras tour. It's so crazy,and just for qualifying you are going to
get Taylor's version of the nineteen eightynine vinyl, which is pretty epic.
All right, normal or nope?Cold? Just cut me off, Just
cut me off happily. Yeah,waiting for this moment. Let me let

me get this demon out. Okay? Is it normal to hold your breath
as you go by cemeteries? Idon't want ghosts spirits going in my body.
No, no, but I havedone that. I don't know why
I've done that much. You havedone that, I've done that driving by
a cemetery, you're is that athing I've never even heard of, that
you're supposed to hold your breath?They could you have other holes they could

go in. Well, you don'tthink about that when you're a seven year
old. You're just also, let'sjust chill for a seg just thank and
you know there's somebody out there.Oh hold on, Oh all right,
all right, all right, we'llget back to normal or nope, in
that whole weird ghost situation here ina second. But first we have your
chance to qualify right now. Wedid not have a winter last hour?

Am I salty? Yeah? Littlebit a little salty. So we're gonna
do better this time. If youhave not become a verified fan yet,
you do so by going to tayt a y dwb dot com. You
just sign up there and then youlisten for your name all day on KTIEWB
and if we say your name,you have ten minutes and thirteen seconds to
call us back, and you areofficially in a very small pool of names

that we will draw from to givea trip to Paris, France to see
Taylor Swift. So our winner thishour is Shawna B saying or by saying
it's b E I s A nG. So Shawna by sang from Saint
Paul, SHAWNA from Saint Paul.Maybe it's the way we're saying it too,

like maybe we need to do likeSeana B sang at Saint Paul.
It's not Kentucky, Sean B saying, I think you're making it worse all
now, SHAWNA six five one nineeight nine five three nine two. If
you know her, text her Facebook, message her, let her know you're
ten minutes and thirteen seconds start rightnow? Normal no on one on one

point three KDWB. Okay, backto the question, is it normal to
hold your breath as you go bycemeteries? I don't want ghost spirits going
in my body. Nope, I'vedone it before, So I got to
say normal, Do you still doit? I haven't in a while.
But am I start? By theway this person just texted and how long
it takes ballin to say the namemakes me want a kicker, you know

what, To be fair, Icould use a good kick in the a.
Sometimes I apologize. I kind oflike, you know, if you're
like, what's because what happens iswhen we say the name, people call
in and they're like, did Iwin right now? My name is something
totally different, okay, to seeif they want. And so we're just
trying to like clear up all thequestions. Yeah, but I want to

kick you, can we get that? But I am annoying. We can
all agree on that. We shouldget billboards to say kick or balan's annoying.
Whatever you want to be. Sono, I refuse to say yes,
it's normal to hold your breath goingby cemeteries normal or nope. Making
faces at yourself in the mirror sometimesthis is how I know I'm drunk.
If I'm in a bathroom and I'mlike mm, I'm like, oh wait,

ohkay, I need to dial itback. Wait, if you're like,
what if you go you go tothe bathroom, you're out a club
or whatever, and you go tothe bathroom, then you come back out.
I never look in the mirror unlessI am drunk and I make a
face myself, And that's how Iknow, Okay, you've had one too
many. Wait a minute, youdon't look in the mirror when you go
to the bathroom. This isn't aboutmy low? Don't all just to see,

like, just to make sure youdon't have food in your teeth or
something? Will you work with me? And clearly not? Oh, okay,
I do, But I I knowI'm drunk if I look at my
camera roll and I have a bunchof selfies in the bathroom. Yeah,
that's what I'm like. Why didI think that wallpaper was so cool that
I needed twenty seven selfies in thatbathroom? That's so bizarre. But I
would say making faces at yourself inthe mirror sometimes normal. Normal. Did

you want to answer this? Oh? You want to see it? Okay,
see why not? Let's just doit live? Who cares? And
I'll give them an example of peoplewho try to win. Here we get
Hi, KATIEWB. Who is this? Hi Shawna. You're from Saint Paul.
What year were you born? Nineteenninety one? Ye? Yes,

oh yeah, shake it off,sha shake it okay, not exactly,
Shanna, but you're but but youlet me explain what you did win because
this is pretty crazy. You gotthe t You got Taylor's nineteen eighty nine
version vinyl, which is exciting.That's like a cool prize. But now

you're officially in this very small groupof people who are qualified to go see
Taylor in Paris, like dam Paris. Right now, there are only five
names in the drawing. Five names. You're in one of those. Yeah.
Absolutely, Have you been to Parisbefore? Shawna No, Okay,
you gotta get that passport right now, get a passport. Get ready.

It could be you. We havean another name we're gonna draw at five
twenty. Congratulations, shan A holdon one second, okay, and gange'd
you let you flat? It's thePop Culture Minute with Fellon and cult On
one of one point three jd WB, brought to you by Ovo, Lasik

and Lenz. Do you know Coltwho Lily Allen is? No, she's
British. She's a singer. Shehad a really popular song and it was
like, heck you you really reallymuch? Keep it going. Maybe she
had a better voice. She's alsomarried to now David Harbor from Stranger Things.
But she's I mean, she's alsoa NEPO baby, but she's you

know, she's I used to reallylike her and she I guess she has
a podcast which I've never staid.Have what happened? She doesn't do anything
anymore. Oh okay, so youfell off well though, she had kids,
and she says she's irrelevant because she'sa mom, as though you said,
okay, all right, subtle down, sir, No, she's she
She says she stopped doing a lotof stuff she had kids, and they

quote unquote realined her career. That'sher quote, not mine. WHOA.
But she does have a podcast,and I didn't know this, but she
has some really harsh criticism about Beyonce'snew country album Scientis. Yeah. She
broke down Cowboy Carter during her episodeher podcast is called miss Me question Mark,

and she basically said that it wassuper weird. She doesn't know why
she did a rendition of Dolly Parton'sJoe Lene. I thought that was so
creative. She said it was superweird, a weird move to reduce such
a legendary song in the first place. And she feels like it's very calculated
for Beyonce to release an album likethis. Now, remember, Beyonce has

never won Album of the Year.She's the most I believe Grammy Award winning
artist ever and has never won Albumof the Year, even though she's been
nominated four times. So a lotof people think she released this because it's
so different that she'll win. Butisn't that gray point though, Like,
isn't that yeah, people to becalculated? Yeah, but see that's also

one of Taylor Swift's biggest arguments,where she says that if when a guy
does something that's quote unquote calculated,it's like genius, Like they're such great
business people great. So when awoman does it, the word calculated is
you So it's interesting Lily would usethat against Beyonce, but you know whatever,
so not a fan anymore? Well, I, you know, I
still like some people's music, evenwhen they're awful people, except for certain

people. Some people no chance likeare Kelli Okay, perfect example, Gypsy
Rose. She wants everyone to knowthat even though she went to prison for
assisting to kill her mother, gotout, got married, separated from him
three months later, and is nowwith her ex fyance getting matching tattoos,

she is not back with their exfiance. They're not hooking up. They
are just holding hands at the dollartree. Oh my god, this which
one would you like to start unpacking? First situation? We've moved past that.
Yeah, that's true, forgive andforget arguable. I guess I don't

know. Molly Ringwald. She saidher daughter was conceived in a Studio fifty
four dressing room, and I'm sureher daughter's like, thanks, mom,
cool, really love that for me, She's just like, yeah, me
and her dad just hooked up reallyquick and it was cool. Yeah.
Yeah. And also they're saying,likelihood Taylor Swift to Travis Kelsey shug up

a Coachella coming up is very highbecause Lanna del Ray is performing and Jack
Antonoff's band Bleachers, which I I'dlike, both thought this anyway, because
they thought Lana and Taylor would performSnow on the Beach, which is a
big song they did together, Andsince Taylor's off, like on a little
break for the aerostory, it wouldmake sense. She know, Taylor's never

officially performed at Coachella, which iskind of interesting. It's weird. It's
a good headliner. It would beimpossible to be unhappy. I feel like
if you're both of them in arelationship right now, they're traveling all over
the world in in constant validation fromboth of their fans, like yeah,
no one, It's like an endlesshoneymoon. I want that. I know
no one validation. Our spouses needto step up their dame validate me.

Tell me I'm pretty, tell meI'm beautiful, tell me I'm smart,
tell me I'm a good person.Hello. It's one on one point three,
katiewb with Fallon and Colts. Mycousin did something has our entire family
up in arms, and I wantto see how you would react in this
situation. Because your cousins have nameslike mine, do that makes sense?

Like mine are like Jimmy and Billy, and that like makes sense to them
from Indiana? Yes, are yoursnamed like Skeeter? I do have a
Skeeter, But I'm gonna leave thisname out because this is a for real
life story and I don't know ifshe listens or not. But okay,
it was. It starts out reallysad. Oh and I'm a non confrontational

person, but I'm like this closeto sending a text. And you know
what that means for me. Herdad passed away, right, yeah,
good guy. Everybody loved them,so they wanted to keep the family house
in the family. So they setthe go fund me, like, let's
keep dad's house and the family willlive there. Whatever. We need help
paying for the mortgage. I'm anice guy. Gave them some money.

How much, be honest, fivehundred dollars? Oh jeez, okay,
I didn't expect that amount. Ithought you were gonna say twenty five dollars.
No, I ever round up?You want to round up your purchase
today kind of thing? Okay,okay, okay, but for real,
send her the money. So thenon the go fund me, you know
how you can make updated posts.She updates the go fund me. This

is so crazy, she says.I appreciate everybody for donating. We decided
instead of keeping the house, I'mgonna buy a brand new Jeep Wrangler instead.
It's my favorite car. It's whatDad would want me to do.

So now the house is going tothe bank, and everybody who donated the
money is just her driving around anew brand not even just a brand new
deep Wrangler. Can you pull yourmoney back? I don't know. I
don't know how fund me works,but I'm door. I know doors come
off, jeeves. I deserve adoor, at least That's what I'm saying.

That messed that crazy, and everybodyin the family's like, well,
I mean, her dad just passaway. It's blowing up multiple groom dads.
Some are like for it, Someare like, this is crazy.
We deserve to get our money back. Okay, you don't no offense.

I am. I am very veryfortunate. Both of my parents are alive
still, yes, and I'm youknow, very like I said, very
fortunate. However, if I lostone of them, that does not give
me the right to get a newcar because of my sadness. Yeah,
that's insane. Listen, a lotof my family members and friends are down

on their luck. I don't givethem money just for whatever, you know
what I mean. But I thoughtlike the sentiment of keeping the house around
was Okay, yeah, I'm willingto help out. Yeah, but not
for you to get a new car. My little brother needs a new car.
I need a car. I needa car car. I only have
one family of four whipping around.I'm on an ee bike in twenty degree
weather. Every single time. You'relike, I have the shadiest family.

Let Colton, I make you feelbetter. That's what we can do.
So are you gonna text and sayI don't know you have the right to
say, hey, I don't havea car. Currently, I cannot afford
to pay one of your car payments. I need at least half my money
back. Yeah, or send methe tire from the Jeeps. I mean

like put it on eBay or somethinglike. Hey, that's so messed up.
I know. But at the sametime, her dad did just pass
so maybe I'll let it be you. I'm a pushover, you know that's
fair. So there was some shadybusiness going down with my cousin. It's

one on one point three KTWW withfounding Colts, and her dad passes away.
They're trying to keep the house.She sets up a go fund Me.
Everybody in the family's donating, includingme and myself. Then she comes
out updates to go fun me sayingI decided to get a new Jeep Wrangler
instead. The house is going tothe bank. This is what dad would

want. I I'm laughing, youwizard that, but like that is so
great. I understand she just losther dad. I don't know what she's
going through mentally, but you can'tjust take people's money for something they gave
it and then buy a Jeep Wranglerand flex on everybody on Instagram jeep life.
You know what's interesting about I thinkthat there is a little bit of

truth about like where you're from andhow you handle confrontation. So there's this
whole thing where people say Minnesota's arepassive aggressive, and I don't think that
that's necessarily true. Like they'll saythey're not kind, they're passive aggressive,
and I'm like, I've actually experiencedlike the nicest people ever in Minnesota,
so I don't I never agree withthat. Now, I don't know how
maybe passive aggressive works with how theyfeel about confrontation. But where I'm from

in Indiana, people don't mind confrontation, and like they'll do like a backhanded
like southern kindness but like very blunt. Yeah that's why you are no,
very thank you. But now thatI'm attached to you, I will be
in meetings and I'm like, oh, group me in this why I am

so loyal and kind to you?In meetings, I will literally be like,
oh to me, yeah, butI'm saying, when you're sticking up
for us, And then I'm evenlike, oh, she's going in Okay,
listen, dope, that's a distractionright now. But I'm saying,
like my family would absolutely call mycousin out like there would be a group
Facebook post so everyone knew. Yeah, how mad we were. We're geting

a lot of text about this.First of all, someone said, your
family not as shady as their family. This person is that my dad tried
to fake his death to leave hisfamily, which was four young kids and
a wife. I think I winshadiest family. Lol, Oh my god.
Other texts say what is wrong withpeople that they think that is socially
acceptable at least lie and say you'rekeeping the house. That's my favorite onecause

it starts out like there's so againstand then like a lot who are saying
they think that this is pretty illegaland go fid me to change the original
intent and that you can like actuallyget her in major trouble. Yeah,
I don't want to do that.I mean she's in the wrong definitely.
I mean it is a scam,Like she definitely ran a scam on the

whole family. But at the sametime, like I don't want her to
be arrested. I don't think she'dbe arrested at all, or like I
don't know, I think gofund mewould require her to refund people their money.
I don't think she'd be arrested unlessshe then didn't refund. People who
wanted so would go fund me payme back. But she doesn't have to
pay anybody back. That's not athing. The money has to come from

her. Yeah, that's yeah.It's a whole lot of uber rides in
that jeep she's got to give.Yeah, no kidding. The other one
said, you gotta get your moneyback. It's not okay. One time
I set up a GoFundMe for myaunt and when she didn't have a job,
as a surprise, or I didit for as a surprise, and
it raised so little that I senteveryone their money back. So you can

send money back, all right.That sounds like a whole Can you handle
it for me? What's her nameon Facebook? I'm going on my heart
book. No, no, justgive me your name on Facebook. You
just do it right now, rightnow? Yeah, shady, you better
give them some money back. Youwant your kneecaps. But whoa, but
then you're gonna do that like youonly ten percent? Bit You're like,

I handle this one, so,like you know, right, give me
one hundred dollars leaves. I'm justsaying this song is perfect. Your family,
Katie W. B. It's beautifulthings. Oh, it's a throwback
throw down, throwback throat down,take the old school. Kady w B.

We do have one more Taylor Swiftname Will Announce of five twenty.
Just wanted to like give you thatbecause people were asking, but time for
the throwback throw down. Coles andI both picked a throwback song. You
decide which one we play today.Cult you can kick us you want to
go? Okay, thanks, soso money. That's when she was Avril

before Alfy came in. Wait,she's Ashley now no, it's in the
conspiracy theories. Oh yeah, actuallya woman named Ashley. Yeah, yep,
goddamn a dark rabbital and TikTok overthat you're on the conspiracy theory.
What I'm on that is cult selectionAnd here is mine l La Beyonce,

Lady Gaga Telephone or Cult Avril Levinewith complicated. You decide which when we
play the first that gets three votes? Right now, we'll play that song
six five one, nine eight nine. Katie w B. It's a throwback
thro down, throw down, throwbackthrow down, take you back to the

old school, kt w B.All right, well, Fallen, your
song this week is I'm getting alittle stressed out because the version I'm seeing
in our system is like a danceremix, which is not what I want.

I'm worried. What's your song thisweek? Okay? I thought it's
weird. Thought you don't have thereal version. This is what happens when
I let you choose. This ismy version this week? Or my song
rather? You know, a timelessclassic it is? That's true? All

right, sah. We take yourvotes first of three, we'll play the
full song. Who you're voting for? I gotta do my girl fall all
right? Katie w B? What'syour name? Matt? Matt? Who
you're voting for? I gotta gowith talking about Matt. Katie w B?

Who you're voting for? All theway? Yeah? She is pretty
good? I thank you, Katieb B? Who you voting for?
Lady Gaga? Dang? All rightthe decider? Hi, Katy w B?
Who has your vote? Oh?Give me fallon so close? What's

your name? Yes? Jake?All right, Jake? I hope you
have a mediocre weekend, Jake alight? All right? The song that wins
the throwback throw down today, LadyGaga be take telephone on ad w B
be dancing. I'll be dancing tonight. I'm not taking dancers. I'll be

d I'll be dancing tonight. I'mnot taking Lucasa dancers. General baby him
here with sing I am una service. What is the version same? Bring
your imp of busy bab. You'renot going to believe this. It's the

Secret Story of the Week with Allanand Colt on one on one point kt
w B. Robin is on thephone and I'm gonna be guessed this is
not your real name, Robin,because usually with secret that week people make
up a fake name. But goahead and share. What is the secret
you've been keeping? Well? Okay, so oh, I am very selective

of my friends and most of thetime I choose more ugly one. I
was gonna say more, and whatlike you're gonna say it, so you
choose ugly friends in your opinion?I do, yes, I mean,
I really think it's unfair that lessattractive people, like they seriously do not

get the fair stait. So you'redoing this to be like fair to the
agos, Yeah, because sometimes they'relike the most fun. That's true.
I think you got to make up. It's like, you know when you
can't see, you can hear reallywell, Oh my gosh, So you
have a great personality, is whatyou're saying. Wow, experience. I

mean yeah, you know it doesn'tquote because the I mean usually I get
all the attention and then my friendscan kind of then break out of their
shells. So I kind of amlike ground trailblazer, groundbreaker for them.
So you are a hero, iswhat you're saying, because you you adopt
these people who maybe wouldn't get tohang out with hot people like yourself.
You get the attention and they getto hang around with an attractive person.

When you say attention, what likefrom them or from people when you're out
and about. That's when we're outand about. Yeah, like I mean,
no one would, Yes, theywould not get a second look if
I wasn't like walking you know,in front. But you know, not
that we're talking about this in away lately, you know, I can
say that you know, maybe theyare maybe holding me back, you know,

because you know when we go places. What I'm trying to say is
we don't look like that coool group, you know what I mean. But
like, yeah, yeah you said, are you implying like if you would,
you know, like in the movieswhen you go to a club and
there's a line and they let thehot people in and they make everyone else
wait in line. You're saying youwould be able to go in, but
because you're with them, you're beingheld back a little bit. Yeah in

that scenario, yes, but it'sto their benefit, like when we just
walk in well bar, not havingto wait in line, for sure,
Like definitely. So you're almost likea villain with all these little minions,
these ugly little minions just walking aroundwith you. I they know it.
I mean everyone has. I meanyou do know when you're ugly? I

will say that you do. Imean you look in the mirror? Ever,
what means would you look at themirror? Let me finish, and
you ever say to yourself like yeahI could look better today, or like
or you look are you look inthe mirror and you're like, oh,
hell yeah, I'm flexing on everybody. Yeah, she gets it. Rob

know what to say to you becauseobviously I am like I am. We
don't, we don't really this issupposed to be a judgment free zone.
It's just for people to get thesecret off their chest. And you have
done that. Well, you're welcome. I hope others use to say.
She was too used to use thosewords. You're welcome God as she promised.

Two. Okay, this is thefinal name for qualifying for Taylor Swift.
Someone did ask if we're doing itnext week, and I I think
we are. I don't know.Yeah, I was sure we're allowed,
but I don't know. I actuallydon't know. They haven't said we are,
but I don't know. My gutsays yeah, but whatever. Yeah,

this is what the person was talkingabout earlier. And they're like,
I want to kick fallon because shewon't just say the name that makes sense.
Basically, we've been getting you tosign up to become a verified fan
at KDWV dot com and then weread a name. If it's your name,
you have ten minutes and thirteen secondsto call back. Here we go,
our final name of the day.Our Winter. This hour is page
Bruning, running brunning, bruning,b r u E ni ng Okay,

So our Winter this hour is pageBruning from Brooklyn Center. Call in now
six five one nine eight nine fivethree nine two. Your ten minutes and
thirteen seconds starts now. The goodnews is if page call in she does
get the Taylor's version nineteen eighty ninevinyl. We're going to send her that

and then she's in the drawing,the official drawing for a trip to sy
Taylor Swift in Paris from the ParisStore Again. The number is sixty five
one ninety nine ktw B. Ifyou know her Facebook or Texter, let
her know, give her a headsup. Today's trending with Felon and Cold

on one on one kt WB.World's oldest man has passed away. Guess
how old he was? And itwas just weeks before his next big birthday,
which is sad, but he hadan amazing life. It seems like
one nine years old older, onehundred and eleven eleven older, one thirteen
older? What how old is this? One fourteen? He was almost one

hundred and fifteen years old and it'saccording to Guinness World Records, he was
the fourth oldest living person in theworld. Where did you live he lived?
And thank you for asking, becauseI don't have that answer in front
of me, so thank you somuch for getting me. His name I
don't I don't know. His nameis Juan Vincent Perez Mora and he had

eleven children, six sons and fivedaughters with his wife and very two for
sixty years. Okay, well,anyway, that was that's crazy. I
mean that what a life for sure, this is really crazy. The first
pig kidney transplant into a human wasa success. WHOA, yeah, I

mean that's that's like, could becompletely life changing. Sixty two year old
Rick Slayman. He was discharged froma hospital Wednesday after becoming the first living
human to receive a genetically edited pigkidney. He spent two weeks in the
hospital after the procedure, but hesays he now has one of the cleanest
bills of health he's had in along time. There were two other previous

attempts at a transplant like this,both failed, but doctors say, like,
I don't know, I don't knowwhat the new thing is, but
it's genetically modified, like they said. So if that continues to work and
it doesn't fail, big cuge,huge, and I probably won't stop just
a kidney's either. No, they'llprobably like look into other things, absolutely
if they can. It's National BurritoToday Burrito Day, and I'm only telling

you that because I think you shouldcelebrate by deep throating and burrito tonight.
I mean I do that usually tothird Yeah, I do that on Thursdays
usually. Oh is that your Thursdayroutine? Deep throat? And we've always
said that, We've always said cultloves a deep throat Thursday game. Yeah.

Yeah, And I'm sure nicolay Lawwill be happy. They sponsored this
segment that is trending brought to youby nicolay Law dot com. By the
way, our Taylor winner did notcall in, so sad news. Yeah,
get your stuff to radio app listen, I mean shout out, because
we did have Lauren and Shauna.They both called in. Yeah. No

comment to Paige and Elizabeth today.Yeah, they're just kicking themselves right now.
Well, actually, uh, Paige, our Elizabeth legit is. Elizabeth
was our three twenty person and shesaid she got a new job. She's
working in a spa so she can'thave her phone around her or check messages
and I was I felt really bad, But that is the name of the
game. You have to hear yourname, listen to win, or have
a friend lined up to tell youso you can call back in and win

for TDWB your chance to go toParis. Sy Taylor Swift, go become
a verified fan. We just calledthat on our last name. But you
can still become a verified fan atTDWB dot com. Ballancoult, it's the
unbelievable story of the day. Onone on one kt WB, thieves are

getting so creative. There's actual footageis up on TMC. A guy in
Sacramento caught footage on his doorbell campa guy trying to steal his packages disguised
himself as a trash bag. He'sliterally in the trash bag. You would
only see a little feet out ofthe bottom of the trash bag. He
is squatted by the door waiting forthe packages. When the packages arrived,

he swoops them and waddles away inthe trash bag. You can literally go
see the video at TMZ dot com. Like they need more web hits from
us. But it's just unbelievable andI had to share that with you.
I mean, at that point,give him the package that deserves it.
Maybe get into acting. You area creative person. Yeah. One on

one point three KDWB with Fallon andCult good News. I'm out. I'm
out, I'm out on vacation.See you on Tuesday. Sucks to be
you called. You know, youactually bought me lunch this week, so
I'm gonna let that slide. Thatlittle rub in the face that was a
little bit much. Honestly, yougot me a good rap this week,

which is weird. I don't knowwhy you're trying to make me eat healthy.
I actually try to buy you asalad and you were like, I'm
ne something was so stinid and youmade me get you a rap version of
the salad. So I did.I didn't force that on you. God.
Oh well, we got to gokick him, wake him up a
little bit sweeping in a different studioso he'll be on surely. But anything

before you leave, like any wordsof inspiration. Do you want to wish
me a happy early birthday? Maybe? Well, okay, let me just
say this. We had a birthdayparty for you. No last weekends that
was a birthday. There were balloons, Eastern there's balloons. Apparently my mom
texted Colton said it's a birthday gathering. No one told me. There wasn't
a cake. And then now Igot to say happy birthday on the sixth
when it's your birthday. A birthday, Yeah, that's fair. And then

next weekend. It's another birthday partyfor you. Okay, well, sorry
that I have all kinds of fun. Listen. If anybody deserves three birthdays,
it's definitely not you, but II will, I will tell you.
Still haven't said Happy birthday, HappyBirthday,
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