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December 6, 2024 12 mins

➡︎ The Jubal Show’s First Date Follow Up

What happens when you get ghosted after a first date? You call The Jubal Show and have them find out why! It's like putting yourself in a situation to get roasted, when you really just want a second date.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
First Day follow Up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys
online at Advocates Law dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Damon is on the phone today for a first date
follow up, and he's getting ghosted by a woman named Hazel.
So we're gonna call her in a few minutes and
see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting her and
maybe get him another date if he still wants one.
But first, Damon was, man, how long has it been
since you heard from Hazel.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
It's been a week. It's almost like six days not
since I heard her. Farma, Okay, Yeah, Hazel, we met
on Instagram. One of her paintings came up on my
full you page and I slid on her. Damn you.
I saw the paint and one on her page saw her.
He's a very beautiful woman. So shiit her DMS and

inquired about a few paintings for and a bit that
I was going to have.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
You slid into her DMS, but you didn't tell her
straight up it was because you thought she was pretty.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
N you know, you know, I wanted to see if
she were respond first, so you know, I kind of
just asked for a couple of pictures, some paintings to
hold at my event, you know, just for some aesthetics.
But unfortunately the event never happened. But that didn't stop me,
you know, it didn't stop me from asking her out.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
You had a legit event, though, you didn't make up
an event, just talk to her.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
Yeah, no, it just it didn't happen. It wasn't able
to happen because of schedule of conflict with the building,
I had to cancel it. After canceling it, you know,
I still reached out to Hazel and still she wanted
to go out, and she agreed, so we went to
she she mentioned somebody painting step she wanted to like.

She said, she wanted to see how how I could
handle a paintbrush. And you know, but we ended up
going to get piecea next door through the painting step
and there it was a great evening. You know. We
we was touching, she you know, laughing, joking, and I

think towards the end the piece was making us sick.
So I called up Uber, you know, to get her home.
We kissed, we you know, laught. She said she had
a great time with me. I text her and I
haven't heard nothing back in six days, man, So I'm
kind of just like wow, and so I was just
trying to see watch the ghost of me. Though I

think it might have been because you know, I got
a little anger issue and the young man at the
pizza shot. I kind of had to yell at him
because he, you know, he just couldn't get the order right,
and so I got a little frustrated and kind of
yelled at him. But I hope that Hazel didn't see.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
That when you say he kind of yelled at him,
like how bad? Like how big was the yelling was?

Speaker 3 (02:49):
I popped off for a little bit, you know, I
popped off for a little bit on him. I told
you to get his act together. And that was only
pizza that he was he was taking an order for.
So you know, but you know, I kind of lost,
and I feel like that might be the reason because
I kind of lost my last relationship because of that.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
That's kind of alarming. Especially on her first date.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
I think he was high, you know, lazy eyes. I
just red, you know, a little smoothy. So I'm like,
you know, I get the benefit of the doubt though,
because I'm like, okay, it's ten o'clock at night. Probably
was tired, but I don't know, you know, but he
probably would have probably was high.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Okay, Okay, I mean how did she react after you,
you know, hopped off.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
Yeah, well I don't I don't know if she really
seen it, because we sat down right after and ate.
Like I say, the night ended great. We kissed after
before she got her uber. She said she had a
great time, and like I said, I text her and
I haven't heard nothing for six days now. Okay. Probably
not something that I would think that not heard from

a person for six days after a night like that.
I mean, she really thought this was the one.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
I mean, she could have been buzzed. She couldn't needed
the pizza to absorb it. She could have just wanted
to get out of there. I hope not for your sake.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
But yeah, I mean, well we'll see, man, We'll play
a song and then come back and call her and
see if she'll tell us and maybe get you another date. Okay, okay, man, great,
all right, man, play a song, come back, get your
first date. Follow up next. Right in the middle of

your first day follow up if you're just joining us,
Damon is on the phone and he's getting ghosted by
a woman named Hazel. He said that he had a
great date with her and he doesn't know why. So
we're about to call her in a second see if
she'll tell us why she's ghosting him and maybe get
him another date. But before we do that, damon, why
don't you catch us up on your date with Hazel.

Speaker 4 (04:45):

Speaker 3 (04:45):
Man, so the date was great. I met Hazel on Instagram.
He I saw my FU page, reached out to her
about some paintings for an event that never really happened
for me, but we still ended up going out to
us painting and when I got some pizza, the night
was going great. You know, I had to pop off
a little bit, got a little angry at the waiter

for you know, he's seen you know, in need reated,
so you know, it was really frustrating. But like I said,
the date ended very well. We embraced, We gave each
other kids, and you know, ordered an uber and made
sure she got home safely. But I just hadn't heard
it from a sixth day.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Okay, man, Well we're gonna call it right now, shall us?
Okay you ready, yes, sir?

Speaker 3 (05:29):
All here we go. Hello Hi to Hazel please, Yeah,
this is she?

Speaker 2 (05:42):
Hey Hazel, how are you my name is Jewbel and
I'm calling from a radio show. It's called the Jewbeil Show.

Speaker 1 (05:46):
Gangs all here, Hazel, my name's what? My name is
Nina also on this show, and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
What's going on?

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Well, we do a thing on our show. It's the
first eight follow up. That's where if you go out
on a date with somebody and then you end up
ghosting them, that person can email us to call you
and ask why you're ghosting them. So we got an
email about you from a dude named Damon.

Speaker 4 (06:12):
Oh yeah, this is like my worst nightmare right now,
you guys, I swear I've been thinking about.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
This for days and days talking to us.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
No this no. First of all, I feel terrible. I
really didn't mean to like let it go on.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
For so long.

Speaker 4 (06:31):
I guess it has been almost a week now. I
guess it is ghosting. I was going to say, like
that seems like too strong of a term, but honestly,
all I've been trying to do is is kind of
like work my own uh like feelings out about this,
I guess. Okay, yeah, getting nervous, Yeah, okay, So I
have I have a thing. It's called micefonia. Do you

guys know, Missonia, it's the sensitivity to sound okay, and
like auditory stimuli, and it is a lot of times
triggered by saying that most people would consider normal, like killing.

I did have a wonderful, wonderful time with Damon, and
we have definitely a lot of chemistry. I was so
excited to meet him and find out that he was
so much everything I had sort of hoped he was,
and then also things I didn't even think to hope for.
And when it became time to actually, you know, sit

down and have dinner, oh my god, the chewing, like
I have a pretty good handle on, you know, getting
ready to expect like, okay, there's going to be human
chewing sounds. I'm gonna be okay, But oh, you guys,
it was next level.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
Is his chewing is too loud for you?

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Is it next level for you or for anybody?

Speaker 3 (07:57):
No, it's for.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
Anybody, because I understand my predisposition to feel like, oh
my god, this is terrible.

Speaker 3 (08:03):
But it was like.

Speaker 4 (08:04):
It became not just auditory and also visual because there
was so much like open and down chomping, like oh uh,
I could not I didn't even know how to tell him.
He's like taking tiny bites and then just chewing them
so big and so much, and it's so splashy, and
it's like I couldn't. I couldn't. I could not even

like focus anymore, and it ruined the whole thing for me,
and I felt so embarrassed. I was like, by the
time it had gone on for so long, I'm like,
I can't tell him this now. I usually don't tell
people about this like right away, because I don't want
them to feel self conscious. And it's something that I
had a pretty good hold on. Usually i'll bring it

up after a few dates or whatever. But I just
I've never had like such an intense problem like this,
and it just felt too late to tell him. Oh
so I feel awful, and I've been trying to figure out, like,
how do I address this with him? How do you
talk to somebody about this after it's already happened.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
I regret it.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
I feel I have like a problem with I don't know, confrontation,
or it didn't have to be confrontation, right, I just
needed to be direct, But I I just like, I
don't know what happened so fast, and I couldn't think
of a way. I was too just I was having
a reaction, and I was afraid that in the middle
of a reaction, I wasn't going to be able to
say it in a way that was thoughtful enough or

kind enough. And also just how do you tell someone that?

Speaker 1 (09:29):
Yeah, I don't, I don't know how you would tell
somebody that, especially in a thoughtful way, because it's just
like brothy little mouth.

Speaker 4 (09:41):
I this sound this sounds so stupid, and I can't.
I still so embarrassed that youse guys are like even
involved in it now, and that I haven't just dealt
with like an adult on my own. But I honestly,
this has just never happened to me before.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
Damon, do you know that you chew that loud?

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Wow? Wow? You know my mom used to yell at
me all the time about the way I hate. I
just thought she was picking on me. You know, no
one else ever said anything to me about it.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
Okay, wait, why he's on the phone.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
You have him on the phone and wants to talk
to you.

Speaker 4 (10:19):
Okay, Wow, I'm I'm I'm really sorry.

Speaker 3 (10:22):

Speaker 4 (10:22):
Hi, I'm sorry that's taken me so long to talk
to you about this.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
Well, how you doing Hazel, like in my defense, the
piece was really good, wasn't it. It was really good.
It was worth it was worth too and loud for man, wow,
I do I do have. I feel very embarrassed. It's

something I should have listened to my mom tell me
a long time ago, learned how to chew at your
mouth closed. But you know, but I would really love
a second chance with you the you know, just to
be able to go out with you and show you
that you know, I'm not this, I'm not sious, you know,
chomping cookie monster, eating with his mouth open, you know,

living fool friend everywhere. Yeah, that's something that you know,
I definitely will work on, uh because if you know,
I want my friend back and I want to be
able to see how you're doing, Hazel.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
Would you like to go on another date with Damon?

Speaker 3 (11:23):
We'll pay for it, guys.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
I feel so bad and but also thank you. I
really needed to just say this. I can't even tell
you like how sick I felt to realize what was
going on, and then now just to be like, I
can't believe it could have been over this easily. And yeah,
I definitely want to go on a second date. I
had such a great time. I really really did. And

in the future. Well, now that I know, Damon, that
you can be so open to this feedback, I guess
I just feel so much more comfortable and I won't
let it get to this point anymore.

Speaker 3 (12:01):
It's gonna get picked up good. Well, you know what,
Thank you, thank you. Hey, uh, I can't wait to
go out with you again. About to ask you, about
to go get on YouTube right now and look at
a couple of videos of mice eating and see how
those guys do it. Don't want this to happen.

Speaker 4 (12:25):
Congratulations. Jubile's first date follow up
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