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April 4, 2024 11 mins

➡︎ The Jubal Show’s First Date Follow Up

What happens when you get ghosted after a first date? You call The Jubal Show and have them find out why! It's like putting yourself in a situation to get roasted, when you really just want a second date.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
First date follow up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys
online at Advocateslaw dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Tank is on the phone today for a first date
follow up. He's not getting a callback from a date
he went on with Jenna. I love the fact that
his name is Tank Tank. Is that your real name
or is that a nickname?

Speaker 3 (00:17):
Yeah? No, Tank Tank, it's my real name. My parents
were in the military.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
That's cool. That is cool. It also could be a
little intimidating just saying.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
It's it's it's been a weird day, but it's.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Fine, all right.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Well, we're about to see if we can figure out
why you're getting ghosted by Jenna and maybe get you
another date if you still want one. First, before we
get into everything, how long has it been since you
heard from her?

Speaker 3 (00:40):
It's I think it's been about week in a couple
of days now that I'm counting to days, but I
feel like it's it's been by nine days.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Yeah, okay, not that I'm counting, but exactly nine days.

Speaker 3 (00:49):

Speaker 1 (00:51):
And in that time, how many times have you tried
to reach out to her?

Speaker 3 (00:55):
I did. I did the thing where you wait like
a couple of days at first, and then I and
I it was like three days, and then I tried
the day after that. Then I wanted to give it
another day, and then I went it another day, and
I sure, I just haven't heard anything. I don't know
what's going on.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Tell us about your date then, well, first of all.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
It was great. You know, we we met on Tinder
and we took it to the next step. So we've
been chatting on Snapchat for a while, like about a week,
and you know, we just wanted to make you to
make sure that neither of us were crazy, and we
decided to meet up, and you know, we changed pics
in each other and so we could you know, not
be catfish, I guess. And it was great. It was

really really nice. We decided to meet up and we
went to a coffee shop. You know, first of all,
when I saw her, it was so great because she's
more beautiful than the pictures were. She was really really beautiful.
She's really nice and talkative, and she just she kind
of had everything. So I was really really excited. Our
plan was to you know, have a cup of coffee,

take a long walk throughout the city, and then have dinner.
And we did. We did the coffee, but then all
of a sudden, she was like, she said she had
to be back, she had to go somewhere and come
right back. And I was like, oh, okay, we'll probably
be about like ten fifteen minutes or something like that.
But I ended up waiting there for about an hour

and a half. What yeah, I was. It was like
it was like it's like the one through the movie.
So I was just it was weird. But then she
came back after the hour and a half.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
For an hour and a half, you didn't question that.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
I kind of did. But then I was like, I
thought maybe something may have happened something, maybe she got
hurt or something. So I just wanted to you know,
who knows, you know. So I waited and then she
came back and then we went to dinner and the
date kind of continued. But that's the thing. The date continued,
and the dinner was good. You know, we even kiss

at the end. It was great. So now I'm like, well,
I don't really know what happened to.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
Me when she came back. Did you say anything of
why she was gone for an hour? And yeah, she'll
tell you where she was.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
I answer, and she said she said she just had
a bunch of stuff to handle, and things kind of
got on top of each other, and she's kind of
apologetic about it, but you know, she she seemed she
seemed earnest, and I was just like, well, I guess
if it must have been something really personal, so she
would tell me if she really needs to tell me that.
I'm a little concerned.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
Oh, Tank, bless you. That's really nice of you to
be patient like that. I'm sure she appreciated it. But
also what, I'm surprised you were there. Are you still there?
Isn't that kind of flaggy to your tank?

Speaker 3 (03:37):
Yeah, I mean it is. I didn't feel great about it,
but I mean then she came back and, like I said,
the date, we're really good after that and everything, Okay,
I mean the absence in the middle was it was weird,
But I mean I still want to see her. I
mean that the date was great everything, so.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
You want to at least give it another shot.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
I liked you. I liked you. I mean it was
weird that she took.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Maybe she wanted you to. Maybe it was like a
game she wanted to see if you would leave. Yeah,
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
You sound really sweet, so I don't know that you
did anything, but I guess we'll find out.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
Yeah, we'll play.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
A song and then come back and call her and
see if she'll tell us why she's ghosting you and
maybe get you another date. Okay, cool, all right, play
a song, come back, get your first Day follow up next.
If you're just joining us for today's First Day follow up.
Tank is on the phone and he is getting ghosted
by Jenna. So we're about to call her and see
if she'll tell us why she is ghosting him and
maybe get him another date if he still wants one.

But before we call her, why don't you refresh everybody's
memory about your date with Jenna?

Speaker 3 (04:35):
All right? Cool? So Jenna on Tinder, he upgraded to
Camp Chatt and like kind of got to know each
other a little bit better. And then we went out
and had a coffee date where we were going to
have a nice we'll walk afterwards and then go to dinner.
And then right after the coffee, Jenna disappeared for that
hour and a half and then she came back and

then we resumed the date and it was great, Like
we had a really nice time and I really want
to go out with her again. But it was kind
of weird that she took off for like the length
of a movie, and.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
I see what's happened?

Speaker 3 (05:08):
And I asked her and she didn't really divulge anything.
So I was like, let's go on, wepe.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
You ready for us to call her?

Speaker 5 (05:16):

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Yeah, yeah, okay, here we go.

Speaker 3 (05:28):

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Hi'm asking to Jenna please. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
This is Jenna.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
Hey, Jenna, how are you? My name is jubal In
hosts a radio show that's called The Jebel Show.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
Hi, Jenna, the show's here too. I'm Nina, Hi, and
I'm Victoria him.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
Hi. Everyone, I'm good.

Speaker 5 (05:43):
How are you? Guys?

Speaker 1 (05:44):
Good? Do you this is the show at all?

Speaker 5 (05:47):
Yeah? A little bit?

Speaker 1 (05:48):
Yeah, sweet.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
I don't know if you listen to the first eight
follow ups at all, but that's the segment we do
where if you're ghosting somebody, they can email us to
get you on the phone and ask why you're ghosting them.

Speaker 1 (05:58):

Speaker 2 (05:59):
Yeah, well, well we got an email from somebody about
you saying that you're ghosting them.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
Oh my god, do you know who that would be?
Maybe you want to take a shot.

Speaker 5 (06:14):
Is it Tank?

Speaker 1 (06:16):
Yes, it is Tank. Oh boy.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
He told us about your date and he says, he
cannot figure out why you're not calling him back?

Speaker 1 (06:24):
Would you mind telling us?

Speaker 6 (06:27):
Yeah, when we were on the date, I kind of
like left the table for a while, and I just
didn't really love how he handled it. When I got back,
like to be honest, me leaving and coming back with
a bit of test and I even I like took
that time to quickly go like grab a little something

to eat. I wouldn't eat too much on the date itself,
but like the whole point of it was to really see,
you know, if he would stick around or if he
kind of correct the behavior when I came back and like,
you know, would speak up. And he didn't. He just
ac feel like it was no big deal, and I
was kind of disappointed. I was really hoping he would
kind of, you know, man up and tell me that

he didn't appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
Wait, WHOA is this something that you do regularly?

Speaker 5 (07:18):
I mean I don't know I would say regularly, but
you know, I liked him, and I just I feel.

Speaker 6 (07:23):
Like I don't have time to waste, so I just
want to see from the very beginning if like these
are people when I'm on dates, if there are people
that I could actually build something with you know.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
So if you like somebody and you think there's a
potential long term thing, it's a red flag for you
if they don't call you out on leaving them somewhere
for a long time.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
Yeah, I mean I don't want to push over.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Okay, I was, you know, we talked to him about
day and he told us that you left for a while,
and I said he was very patient. And then I
also was joking about it. I was like, maybe she
was testing you, but you actually were interesting.

Speaker 6 (07:58):

Speaker 4 (07:59):
I don't know what to say to that. I mean,
I do have a lot of questions, but I'll just
leave that. Yeah, there for right now. Thank you for
being honest with us. I appreciate that.

Speaker 5 (08:08):
Yeah, of course.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Also, I don't know if you remember or not, but
the first day follow ups, the person that want us
to call you is on the phone. So Tank is
on the phone. He's been listening to this whole time
and wants to talk to you.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
Oh nice.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
I mean, it's interesting, interesting point of view. I don't know.
I guess if you want to mean a man out,
I understand that, but I mean I don't know. My
parents are like really aggressive and so I just kind
of like, if someone wants to do something, I think
they have the right to do it. But I mean,

I don't know. I didn't want to. I didn't want
to get in your face about it generally, like what
exactly did you want me to do?

Speaker 5 (08:54):
I think I really would have liked you to just
say something and be like even I mean, you are
such a great guy and you know, like wanting to
give me that time. But even if you just had
been like, hey, is everything cool? Like you were gone
a while, you just didn't even like bring up the
elephant in the room. You just kind of act like

acted like nothing really, you know, how of the ordinary happened,
And we just kind of kept going about the date.
And I don't know, that was just a little odd
to me.

Speaker 1 (09:23):
It's trying to be nice.

Speaker 3 (09:24):
You guys just met, Yeah, I mean, and I remember
being like if everything was everything okay? Is everything all right?
And you were like yeah, it's like you kind of
brush off. So I was like, oh, well something important
must have happened. Let me not pressed, because you know,
I was making was trying to make a good first
impression on you.

Speaker 5 (09:41):
I appreciate that, but I pass the test. Mom entirely.

Speaker 3 (09:48):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (09:49):
I guess I guess it did come off a little
bit as like push overy And I mean the name's tek,
like you shouldn't be movable, I shouldn't be able to
push you over?

Speaker 1 (10:02):
Uh gentle you know.

Speaker 6 (10:06):

Speaker 5 (10:06):
So yeah, it's like a like a toy.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
All right, Well, I mean I can I can sure
you that I can be like like a tank. Hey,
I am. Why don't we just do a second day
and I'll I'll show you what you want. I totally care.
Wait wait, wait, Jenna, you're going on the second day
with me?

Speaker 1 (10:26):
That's it?

Speaker 5 (10:26):
All right?

Speaker 1 (10:27):
Wow? Hello Tank, Jenna? Would you like to get that first?

Speaker 4 (10:31):

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Would you like to go on another date with Tank?
We'll pay for it?

Speaker 5 (10:35):
Yeah, I would. After that, I would definitely go on
another date.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
Good. This makes me so sad. I'm just confused.

Speaker 3 (10:43):

Speaker 5 (10:45):
Yeah, I mean I like that energy. If you could
you could keep that up, Tank, that would be good.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
You'll see I will.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
Oh, okay, have fun.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
Well, Hey Tank, you got another date? Congratulations, And Jenna,
I can't. Maybe you know you guys talked about an
issue out of Tank and he's going to fix that
for you and become the big firm take that you
need him to be.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
Thanks yeah, thanks, guys, appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
Ju Will's first Day follow up
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