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June 9, 2024 • 42 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You're listening to Food for Thought withBilly and Jenny, brought to you by
the Box Center. For more thanfifteen years, this dining duo has been
eating their way through New England,mixing it up with top chefs, jumping
behind the line of the hottest restaurants, and giving you the inside scoop on
where to wine, dine and spendyour time. So get ready, it's
Food for Thought giving you something tochew on. Hey, everybody, welcome

into Food for Thought. Billy Costahere. Jenny's got the week off.
I believe she'll be back next week. But I've got my good friend,
the Prince of the City is whatI like to call them, Steve di
Filipo, owner operator of Davio's Restaurants. I mean it is Food for Thought.
Prince you want King of the Okay, okay, all right, King

of the city. Well not kingof the city, but yeah, king
of anyway. We have a lotto talk about Davio's. You've got so
many locations, you're always opening newones. You've got the wholesale operation going
on. But I wanted to startwith this. You who came out with
a book. What's the name ofit? It's about the guest. It's
all about the guest. It's allabout the guest. And you featured me

in your book. Yes, whatwas the decision making profit process to put
me in the book? I thinkwe were just trying to put people in
who really helped me in my lifeand helped me get where I where I
came. You know, you werethere. I've known you for forty years.
You know you were You're part ofmy life, so you were very
important. Well, you know,it's fun I make fun of you,

but I'm being kind of nice today. Yeah, I'm surprised I haven't gotten
a shot, that's true. Yeah, uh, you get started. I
know, we're just why are yousitting so low? First of all,
this chair, it's the furniture here. It's not a whack. It's a
multi billion dollar company and the chairsare all out of whack. So you

mentioned everything I've done for you,but you've done a lot for me.
And what do you know, Jennyand I are coming out with a book.
Oh I don't even know if Iwas supposed to announce that, but
we're coming out as did and you'rein the book. Yeah I know.
So when does the book come outin October. October, so it's all
restaurants office, this is what youdo. I just said, I don't

know if I'm supposed to talk aboutthe book, and right away you said,
oh, so when's the book comingout? So now I have to
talk more about the book. It'sit's the Taste of Boston, and it's
featuring sixty odd chefs from around thecity, their stories, their anecdotal stories,
their recipes, their favorite their famousrecipes, and also including hospitality some

of the hotels that are doing wonderfulthings in the city. It's going to
be a nice book. So isit Boston or the Cambridge? Is it
other you know it towns in Boston, Boston, Greater book, Greater Boston.
So you're not not restaurants just inBoston. So it's more riot.
Okay, you're in the book.That's all that mattened. I'm just trying
to let the listeners understand, youknow, yeah, because that's what I
do. Interview people. Oh no, actually, you do inter people.

I'm you right now, but usuallywhen i'm interviewing you, you start interviewing
me. Well that's kind of I'ma deflector. Speaking of interviewing you.
You mentioned forty aren't you celebrating fortyyears old? May of eighty five is
when I started. May six wasmy first day. So May sixth of
twenty twenty five, which is nextyear, we're gonna have a huge fundraiser.

We're gonna raise a lot of moneyand do just a big celebration.
I did it for the thirtieth whichyou were there. You remember we did
that live auction. I'll never forgetit. We our buddy, Herb Chambers
donated as helicopter. Do you rememberthat? And so you don't you?
One of the prizes one of theauction was to fly around with Herb Chambers,
have lunch for dinner with him,and then go fly in the helicopter

for forty her brain and then Igot to go with the guy that got
it. Oh and it was.It was a lot of fun. Yeah,
a lot of things. Like yousaid, he gave away his helicopter.
No, he kept the helicopter,but you get to use it.
Yeah, no, he doesn't dothat. Who was the beneficiary? I
forget that was the boss food bank? Oh good? Yeah, and do
you already have a beneficiary? Ihaven't told him yet, So I'd rather

tell them you haven't told who yet? Who's the best the beneficiary? Can
you whisper it? No? Yousee me. You might tell people about
the book too early, but Ikind of told things back a little bit.
Yeah, I break the rules,you don't, Is that what you're
trying to say? No, Ijust I'm excited about telling them. And
I how many locations dab Oh?We have eleven. We're in five states,

but we're basically basically Boston. Imean, I'm you know, I'm
a Boston guy, live in Boston. Uh, and we have seven restaurants
in mass So the other ones,who are you know, we're in Virginia
or in Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, but basically Boston. I mean,
you know, have you been inthe one at the airport by the way
terminal many many times? Yeah?I love that one. It's just the
coolest thing. But you know what'sgreat about it is you can have breakfast

thing. Yeah, five in themorning, have breakfast in any of the
other time right now. Most ofmy people aren't even up until, you
know, in the morning. Yeah, So it's really I love it,
you know, because I go alot. I'm there all the time,
and you know, it's it's it'sit's fun about the airport because we're going
you're you're leaving the airport. You'renot like landing, and everyone's in great

moods. They're going away. They'regoing to Vegas, they're going to Florida,
you know, and it's just agreat time to be there. And
we're fast. You know, it'sa quick menu and people really enjoy it.
Oh that's right, because you're gettingeveryone as they're leaving town. So
everybody's in a good mood. Youdon't want to get them on the other
end. I mean occasionally we dohave delays there, which you know,
it's funny. I never thought rainwould be a good thing, but when

it rains, yeah, they getdelayed and then they end up you know.
I remember when you I think itwas the day or the week you
first opened the Airport Davios. Youwere working it. Oh yeah, of
course you called me. You said, believe it or not, I'm actually
at the Airport Davios and I'm waitingon table. Well, we underestimated how
busy it was, honestly, youknow, it was. It was crazy,

you know, because it's you knowat Davio's, normally you go for
two and a half hours. Youknow, I could remember almost every guest
every night you know you go there, it's like a half hour forty minute
and people it's so fast. Soit's just a very different environment. Now,
when you worked that first week atthe Davos Airport, did they tip
you? You know, like ata hair salon. I guess you're not

supposed to tip it if it's theowner. Yeah, people had no idea
who I am. Okay, Ilike it that way, not like you,
Billy, you and I walk around. Everyone knows who you are.
Givemember that time were it was thefunniest thing. We were at Patriot Place
and we did a story out therefor your TV show, one of your
nine jobs you have by the way, that's dining playboard anyway. So what

should we talk about the other shownow you have afterwards? Yeah, tell
me the story you were just thisis how it goes. Make it quick
and then we'll go to commercial andwe'll come back okay quickly. So we're
at Patriot Place where with Jonathan Kraft, the owner of the Patriots. So
he's giving you a tour with mewalking around the facility, right, Remember
walking by and there's a lot ofpeople because it's open, so there's a

lot of guests and customers walking around. Not one person said hi to Jonathan
Billy, Billy, do you rememberthat? And I looked at you and
I go, this is getting alittle We're with the owner of the freaking
place. It was a perfect timeto take a break. I don't need
Jonathan Kraft mad at He wasn't mad. He loved it. We're talking with

Steve de Filipo, the owner ofDavio's eleven locations and still growing. We'll
take a break, We'll be rightback. You're listening to Food for Thought,
brought to you by the Box Centerand Salem Waterfront Hotel in Suites.
Hey, everybody, welcome back toa Food for Thought. Billy Consta here,
we're sitting with my buddy, Stevedi Filippo, owner of Davio's Restaurants
eleven locations. What was the newestis it Virginia? Yeah, Virginia opened

last year. That's the newest one. It's in Resting. It's about thirty
five minutes from DC, so youcan go to Dallas, so you can
go to Reagan one of those twoairports. Is how we get there?
How do you pick and choose whereyou're gonna ho Well, most of the
times it's a relationship. Compscott whoowns this huge, like four million square

feet of stuff that we're in.Uh, they their kid, one of
their kids went to bu and theyused to love to come to Davio's.
And that's how I met them.And I had no idea who they were.
They would just guess. And thenone day I get a call from
their guy and you know, soand so loves your restaurant. He wants
you to come, you know,And that's one of I got this crazy
call. I mean, that's kindup how most of them happened. Usually

a relationship. What's your relationship?I picked up an article this morning and
it's a big article that you andMark Wahlbrough. Yeah, it's pretty remarkable.
I think Mark Warburg is. Imean, I think the guy's busy.
I mean, the guy owns hundredsof companies, right, He's all
over the world. He's got somuch going on. But you text him
or call him, he gets backto you within seconds, and you know

that, I know he's done thatwith you. Last two weeks ago.
You know, we reached out Jennyand Odyssey if he wanted to do the
full to or a book which I'mnot supposed to be talking about, and
within sixty seconds he texted back saidanything you need, Billy, just send
me the stuff and I'll do whateveryou want me to do. That's like
within sixty seconds. He's one ofthose guys that remembers where he came from.

Oh yeah, I mean I was. He's a billionaire now or close
to it, and you know,he's just a regular guy. You know,
we did this big event because histequilas. Oh you had him in
the restaurant, in the restaurant withYeah, it was you know, and
he's just so Greaty takes pictures withpeople, and he's out with people.
You know, he's one of thoseguys that talks to you. Yeah.
You know. You know you meetfamous people all the time, and they

just going to the next person afterthey talk to you for a second.
Well, I was there talking tosomebody, minding my own business, and
all of a sudden I hear MarkWahlberg talking about me and like he was
really nice to me, and I'mlike, oh, and he said Billy,
why do I have a microphone?If Billy Costa is in the room,
he's got to have the microphone.Well you were this is the event

you're at. Yeah, yeah,right, I forgot. H was awesome.
That was a great event. Thatwas good too. The tequila does
really well. People love it.That was the event when when I was
chatting with him about my son,Max, who's gonna has worked in the
store in New York where they havethis funky clothes and everything and and so
uh, he goes, you know, I'm going to New York tomorrow.
I love to I love to gosee the store. So I said,

oh, it's too bad Max ishere, and he looks at Max's Max,
why don't you come back with metomorrow. I'm like, on the
plane. So my son is onthe plane. The next day, Max,
you texted me a picture Max standingin front of the plane ready to
take off. I've never been onthe plane, but my son's been on
the plane. I just I wantto come back as my kids. You
know, they seem to doing well. Uh don't we all, yes,

don't we all yes? Talk aboutthe wholesale business. Yeah, well,
you know we I do the sausage. You know, we we partner with
Cayam and we sell our sausage andall all over the place that we have
five different flavors. You mind whileyou talk if I have one of your
meatballs? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the meatballs in the world.

Yeah, well I make that's mynana, Nana, Uh, she
and my grandmother U. Nana andmy mom had this amazing recipe and we
kind of Roddy and I worked withit in Eric and back Bay and uh,
you know, we took the hamburgand stead of regular Hamburger was Kobe.
But it's really about the technique andhow we do it. And by
the way, is this book comingout in October that's going to have like,

you know, sixty restaurants and therecipe, the meatball recipe is going
to be in that book. Yeah. I think it's Jenny's book. Actually,
Jenny, Jenny and Bill Funny.Jenny's done most of the work because
that's what she does. Well,if you did anything, she would just
correct you anyway, So you know, might as you just do it from
the beginning. But you told mea secret to the meatballs. Are you

allowed to share that? Well?Yeah, well, it's the recipe.
So to me, there's a bunchof secrets. But the biggest thing we
do is after you make them theday before the whole batch, and then
you cook them the next day,and after we brown them, we actually
cook them in the sauce for threehours. So it just they just gets
so tender and so flavorful. Thatmarin Arra sauce, which is a Semuizano

sauce, uh, just is amazing, right, and then the sauce that's
with them right now in there isthe sauce that was they were cooked with
for three hours, so the sauceis like kind of thick and flavorful as
well as the meatball. So it'san old family recipe. Oh definitely.
Yeah. But your chef Rodney,yeh, hash to make them. Yeah,

we make a No. It's funnybecause about fifteen years ago, the
first Dobby's is almost forty years old. The first twenty years twenty five years,
I didn't we didn't have meatballs inthe restaurant because meatballs they're not really
Italian, you know, it's anAmerican Italian thing. So really yeah,
so I Dobbs dabils, you know, I always wanted to have like more

of an authentic our own dishes.You know, I didn't really want to
have the American Italians. Then theygrew up on which I love. You
know, I love veal palm andchicken parme. We don't have that on
our menu. And meatballs is oneof those things I just never didn't really
want to do. And then Ijust it just kind of took off.
You know, Wolfgang Puck was doingmeatballs, and you know, all the
big chefs around the world, soI see, you know, I think

we're gonna have to do meatballs.So so we did. We worked on
the recipe, got it right,and now it's our number one appetizer.
We saw more meatballs than anything wouldconsider going to Davis without meat balls.
Yeah, you know, it's justone of those things that you know,
you just smell. I can justsmell them. I just think of my
mother, you know, I justthink of you. So I wake up,
you know, Sunday morning. That'show she would get me to come

downstairs and she I can smell thatfry and going down there. And you
know something else about Davio's And Idon't know if you're aware of this one
of the best things, okay,of so many great things that Davios your
martinis, yes, and cosmos right, no one comes close. That's why

we talks about it. You couldonly have two, I can't have two,
well anywhere else, but Davio's oneis plenty. It's a big glass
obviously, yeah, you know.But and we use Raika vodka. You
know, we use really good premiumjuices and everything. But uh, you
know, they're big glasses, youknow, and we limit you can't have
three. We only have limited tooafter two years. That's it. Oh

with the bartender stop, you wouldtoo, That's cool. Anywhere in the
restaurant and all the restaurants. IfI had two of your cosmos, I
wouldn't be able to walk out ofthe restaurant. Well, you know,
we also want you to eat too, you know, just don't come in
and drink. Oh. Absolutely,I wouldn't think of not eating. I'm
eating the meatballs right now. I'mjust saying, So, what are the
plans going forward? Are you goingto open more dome try right now?

You know Florida. You know everybodywe know is going to Florida. You
know, That's that's where I'd liketo be some someday, you know,
And I'm really looking down there.A lot nothing's im and it, you
know, there's nothing happening. ButI've just it's been frustrating because a lot
of the big national companies have goneto Florida, and you know, Capitol
Grill. I think there's like tenCapitol Girls in Florida alone. Yeah,

you're talking the East coast, Westcoast, East coast, West coast,
you know, so many different places. Coast, west coast. Yeah,
I mean I like, you know, I like Naples, obviously, Tampa's
in the west, and you know, the east coasts. You know,
Pombe's Gardens. There's a lot ofgreat places, but a lot of the
great spots have been taken by thenational guys. You know, I'm just
a little guy, you know,I'm just you know, Kelly's just go
to Florida. Kelly's is down theresomewhere. Yeah, So everybody we know

is going there, you know,And I think as the baby bowners,
you know, age, they're allmoving to Florida. And obviously the tax
benefits of living down there in theweather, you know, so we'd like
to be down there. You know. What's Ryan but I'm not going to
force the issue. You know,I'm very happy with what we have now
and things are going well. Ifyou've just tuned in, we're talking to
Steve d Filippo from Davio's owner operator, coming up on forty years. Uh,

let's say you leave the house right, yep, you go to one
of your restaurants. You haven't hada bite to eat, you're starving.
Just pretend for a second you don'town Davio's. You're walking into Davos as
a customer. What are you ordering? Well, if if it's lunchtime,
you know, you know, okay, give me the perfect lunch. Well,
I think lunchtimes, we just haveamazing salads. I mean it's incredible

salads we have, and of courseare we have great sandwiches and we had
a Dabos burger. I mean absolutelyour burgers are amazing. And pizza.
I think a lot of people thinkof Dabbis as this you know, expensive
high end steakhouse where we have youknow, seventy dollars steaks. But we
have a lot of other things,uh you know that were economical that that
are like I said, pizza,we have a lot of a lot of

other things, you know, AndI think that's what's great about our restaurant
is the variety. You know.You can never really get tired of our
menu, you know, and Ithink some people do come in and get
the penny with smoke chicken, getthe same things we've had forever. But
you know, it's nice that wethat tower, the hot towel, we
have absolutely when I call the dabuspoopoo platter, you know, because of
every time we shoot the show withyou at one of the restaurants, you

make sure they bring out the tower. Well it shows beautifully. Yeah,
it's it's a little bit of allour appetizers, you know, from all
this stuff. And I think that'ssomething that I'm really proud of. People
love that because everyone has the coldone, you know, the shrimp cocktail
and stuff, oh the other things. You know. We don't have shrimp
anymore. We only have prons.I stopped doing shrimp last year and we
switched to pronce, so we hadthe prons at war with shrimp. No,

I'm not well, I like pronsis more healthier. Uh, they're
water. We get them from afresh it's more of a better water.
Yeah, and they're amazing. There'sso much more tender and healthier and flavorful,
and you know, so we lovethem all. Right, hold that
out. We want to take abreak. When we come back, I
want to see going forward, whatelse is going on with Davios And uh,

it's Food for Thought. Billy Costahere sitting with Steve de Filippo from
Davio's. And we'll have more conversationright after the break. You're listening to
Food for Thought, brought to youby the Box Center and Saling Waterfront Hotel
in sweetes Hey. Everybody, welcomeback to Food for Thought. Billy Costas
here with my pal Steve d Filippofrom Dambio's. How's the staffing situation going?

Staffing is good, you know,we're we're we're We've always been good
with that. You know. Thebig thing since COVID is really lunch lunch
is it's really a box of chocolatesevery day. You just don't know what
you're gonna get, you know.I mean, by the way, speaking
of chocolates, are you the onethat like touches each one to see if
you like it? Oh? Abox of chocolate around chocolate. So yeah,

when I would be you know,punchable hole in the box. So
you're one of those people anyway,So lunch is just it's just kind of
weird. You know, like Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, we tend to
have more people in town. Yeah, so that's those days are pretty good.
But you know, Mondays and Fridays. But you know what's really changed
is companies now doing a lot morestuff at night with their people. So

our function business at night has reallyincreased and it's kind of made up for
the lack of lunch. Well,you've got beautiful function space because you trying
to get people together, you know, want you know, and they want
to have mentors, and you know, if you're zooming all day long,
it's hard for people to get inthe same room. Well, the wedding
at the Seaport, Davio's upstairs.Yeah, we don't got to imagine with
the view. We have a hugeparty there tonight. A lot of companies,

big anniversaries. You know, it'sa great space. Speaking of which,
anybody that wants to do a privatefunction, whether it be you know,
any one of your restaurants at theseaport, whatever, Linfield, where
do they go and how far inadvanced typically do they have Well, it
depends how big it is obviously thebusy months May and June or November,
December. You know. You know, every restaurant has a sales manager,

so we really take care of peoplewith their parties because it's hard as a
manager to really have all the detailsstraight when you function, you know,
because there's so many details when youhave a function, and a manager is
really worried about the restaurant and peopleshowing up and the people walking to the
front door, and they can't reallyconcentrate on that party. So that's why
we have specific people who concentrate onyour party. You know what hit me

the other day? I knew yourdad of course, and your brother before
I knew you. Yeah, you'regoing to hire me and fly me around
to host their management conference. Isn'tthat crazy? Wow? Yeah, you
were alright, Tony. Uh Okay, we got to go one more time.
Information. Where do people go theywant editing? Davios well, dabus

dot com. I mean it's verysimple. I'm Steve at Davius dot com
if anyone want every wants to reachme? And when is the big forty
year anniversary space next May? Well, we have plenty of time to talk
about we invited. Uh yeah,we're gonna have a lot of your books
to come out in October. We'regiving them away, I think. Yeah,
look for Steve d Filippo in thesoon to be released uh book,

Yes, the Taste of Boston Meatballs, and I want to thank our friends
for meat Boston for for that.Anyway, Steve, great to see you
about it. We'll take a break. We'll be right back. It's Food
for Thought. You're listening to Foodfor Thought, brought to you by the
Box Center and Sale and Waterfront Hotelin sweets. Hey, everybody, welcome
back to Food for Thought. We'regonna change gee is kind of an extreme

change of gears. But interestingly,once Steve, the owner of Davio's,
heard what we were going to betalking about, he said, you know
what, I don't have to beanywhere. I want to hear this.
Maybe there's something to learn. SoI have Janelle Elise, and as it
happens, my wife Michelle is makingher first appearance on a radio show ever.

And I'll explain that in a coupleof minutes. But Janelle, you
own a company called Indra biomagnetism.Correct, And first of all, for
my sake and for Steve's sake,and for aj my executive producer's sake,
what is biomagnetism. Well, thankyou so much for having me first off,

But biomagnetism, it is a brilliantscience that tunes right into the body.
So basically, you're utilizing magnets inpairs. So you have a pair
of magnets coined biomagnetic pair therapy.So you're using magnets, high powered magnets
about over one thousand gals and they'reused in the North and South poles separately

on the body and certain patterns totarget infection. So we're targeting infection,
we're neutralizing infection by getting the bodyto a pH neutral That's basically how this
works. So we utilize these magnetsto break down infection and bring the body
to its natural state, along withother things that we'll talk about other than

infection. Well, interestingly, Imet you through Jenny Johnson, but then
through that you hooked up with mywife Michelle, who's in the studio.
Oh hi, honey, Hi coffeetime not really, so explain more.
I think it was lime disease.That brought Jenny as well as Michelle to

you correct because it seemed nobody coulddo anything for lime disease. And you
arrive right right. So I startedoff about almost nine years ago at a
crossroads. I'm an occupational therapist andan iovetic practitioner, and I really missed
the hands on piece of being atherapist. So I was looking for something
and biomagnetism fell into my lap andI said, I'm going to try this.

So I trained in a specific protocolcalled the Lime Magnetic Protocol, and
with that, within months, Ihad quite an extensive wait list because people
have been to so many other practitionersand Western and Eastern and really have lost
a lot of their function as wellas a lot of their finances and their
lives. And this modality just worksreally well, really really well for lime

disease. It targets lime but alsomany co infections and slowly breaks down the
infections based on finding homeostasis in thebody. The body, when it's in
its natural healthy state of pH neutral, infection can't grow in it. And
again, my wife Michelle is inin the studio and you struggled mish with

lime disease and had tried every optionavailable until you met Janelle. What was
the big difference. Well, Iwent to five different doctors and specialists.
I had suspected that I had limeand various co infections through reading various periodicals
and things, and the doctors weren'thelping. My symptoms are actually getting worse,

and they had no answers for me. And as you mentioned, Jenny,
who had seen Janelle, recommended Janelleto me, and I started seeing
Janelle and after the first visit,I started to feel better. I mean,
when you have lime and co infections, you know, between the achy
joints, the stomach issues, theskin issues, you could go on and

on. You just you feel horrible. You don't even want to get out
of bed. And I noticed myenergy was coming back, and little by
little I just started to feel well. It was just so humbling. It
was like a miracle. So doyou know, how do you explain that
so many doctors couldn't provide any reliefand yet they come to you into biomagnetism
and suddenly there is relief and there'san answer. Sure, So I think

it's even a broader spectrum of limeis one piece of it. But even
if you look at things like MS, you look at things like unknown autoimmune
diseases, like the root of Parkinson'sof ALS, A lot of these,
there's a root in a perfect stormof infection. And I think what happens
is that a lot of times,let's use lime for an example, antibiotics

or a heavy hitter that people willuse and they'll put a lot of docs
rightfully so, and it does workfor some clients, it really does.
Let's put that out there. It'scaught early. Antibiotics work very very well.
You put someone on a six weekcourse of doxycycling right after a good
tick bite, they're going to getrelief. But a lot of times I
use this cup analogy where a bodyover the lifetime from conception all the way

to the current age slowly accumulates rightso they have like a of strap,
they have mono, they have aheartbreak, they have a tragedy in their
life. Because we always look atemotion and all of a sudden it spills
over and we want to treat thelast thing that shows up like lime.
But a lot of times we haveto look at everything that came before that,
and why biomagnetism works well is becauseit looks at the root and it

gets down deep into tissues where alot of times lime hides in bones and
tissues. That's why it doesn't showup in blood work and why antibiotics don't
always work. Did it always exist? No, So it was created.
Actually, it's a very late science. It was created in the late eighties
by a doctor and a physicist nameddoctor doctor Goy's and he had found that

by putting magnets on the body inpairs, he was able to target his
first pairs for HIV. Actually,and you put a one magnet, one
magnet right up here on your thymusand then one on the rectum or tailbone
area, and he was able toclear infections from the body. New,
very new science, and over theyears has grown into something much more.

Okay, hold that thought. AllI know is I've never seen Steve d.
Flo Filipo's eyes wide or open,so apparently he's taking it in.
But hold that thought. I haveto go to a break. See he's
got questions already, and so doI. All right, and we'll get
more answers right after the break.You're listening to Food for Thought brought to
you by the Box Center and Saleand Waterfront Hotel in swedes Hey. Everybody,

welcome back to Food for Thought.Billy Costa here. Steve d Filipo
didn't leave because he can't believe someof the information he's picking up. I've
got Janelle Elise here from Indra Biomagnetism, and my wife Michelle is now a
practitioner, and you guys are doinga lot together. And right before the
break we were talking about lime diseaseand how biomagnetism has really helped out people

with lime. And then I turnedto Steve, remembering your daughter Ella really
suffered with lime for a long No, it was unbelievable. Everyone thought she
was psychotic, I mean, anda lot of the doctors didn't think that
there was anything wrong, and wehad to find a doctor down in Connecticut
to help her, you know.And I used to go with her all
the time down there. Yeah,it was right there Peppi's Pizza. So

I remember going to well there yougo. No, but no, it
was really tough. And you're goingto really help a lot of people.
This is very exciting. I hopepeople are listening to you and you know,
because there's not a lot of peopleout there that understand this. It's
amazing, you Knowell and Michelle,how many different things. I don't know

if things is the right word,that you can treat with biomagnetism. I
know I've come I've had like achronic back pain once in a while,
and Michelle will just say, let'sput some magnets on you. In the
next morning, I wake up andbut how does it work? And I'm
still fascinated by the remoteness you caneither treat I don't know if you know

this. You can treat people withbiomagnetism in person, or you can do
it remotely. They can be inanother part of the country, right right,
And that's true. And I'll letMichelle that's that's her. This is
her, this is her wheelhouse.So to answer the first part of your
question, we look less at diagnosisbecause a lot of times diagnosis it's just

too blanket. We want to lookat We go in with fresh eyes and
say, okay, we're going tomuscle test you. And muscle testing is
a whole we could talk hours about. This is how do you use kinesiology
of the body through leg length?Discrepancy to get a yes or a no.
Is there an infection or is therenot an infection? We go through
thousands of pairs of infection or strains, so we look less at People will

say, do you treat this condition? Do you I don't treat the condition.
We look at the root cause.So and Michelle could go on and
on about the animals that she treatsand how you'll see a face. You
sent me a picture yesterday of thisyet the face fall the face of skin
falling off, and she if sheyou can't go in thinking you know what
it is. You have to scanto find out and then it don't.

We say, we go on ascaven to hunt basically, so we find
what's going on, unique blueprint toyour specific case. Okay, so even
your daughter, her line turns upneurological, Caroline my assistant, neurological.
So so you find a lot aboutthe history. You go back. You
have to go back over an incrediblelong list of things that may have led
now, Mish, I watch youoperate at home, and it blows my

mind because a lot of what youdo a is remote and you're treating a
lot of animals and horses. Yeah, well it blows my mind too.
Yeah, seriously humbled by this therapyevery day. How I started remotely is
after I went for training, Icame home and at the time, our
dog Bessie was diagnosed with the gentlemanof myelopathy, and you know, she

had about six months or so tolive, and she was having trouble walking.
And I remember asking the doctor thatI trained with, doctor Garcia,
and asked, does this work onanimals? And he said, I'm sure
it does. Give it a try. So I came home with, you
know, a heart full of lovefor our dog, information that I didn't
know anything how do I use it? And I just sat down and started

plugging away. And after the firsttreatment, the dog, our dog walked.
So interestingly, the death of Bessiegot you into biomagnetus. Well hurt
condition to treat animals, And sobecause it's a dog, I tried to
put the magnets on it. Theywere falling off. So I said,
well, I'm gonna people treat remotely, so I started putting them on myself.

So when you treat remotely, youneed a surrogate, which is like
the antenna, and you need tohave a strong intention. You know,
you need to do the work andfigure out where the pairs go. And
it's just energy. And you know, again, we could go on and
on about the transfer of energy,and that's a whole nother program. Well,
it's funny you bring that up,because I was just going to to
say, to see if if youwitness this right, like if Michelle is

treating a really sick dog and understandinga lot of these cases, the dog's
owner had been through multiple channels andnobody had the answer as much like the
lime thing, and they couldn't fixit. But Michelle will call me over
in the middle of the treatment remotely. She has a picture of the dog
or the horse, and she'll haveme come over and say hello and send

positive energy. And the results areunbelievable. It's amazing. I find that.
I don't know if Janelle the samefor you, But animals respond quicker,
they need less treatments. I getwithin hours. My dog is walking,
my dog is energy, my dogis eating. It's I'm telling you.

You understand what I'm saying. Steve, the dog is not in the
house. How's the dog today?Is a dog? Okay? Do the
dog lived? Two years six months. She lived two years. It's been
a year, but she started mypractice with animals. I also do people
as well, but that's how Istarted with animals. And then people would
say, well, can you domy dog? And I'd say, oh,

I don't know, I'll try andthe dog would get well, so
you cats, can you do horses? And they would get well. What
would be if I asked you totell us the one case that still blows
your mind that you can't believe youpulled that off. Well, there's there's
so many. There's so many,and where lime is a big focus,

it tends to there's such a bigger, broader spectrum of it right now.
But I would have to say startedoff early on Caroline, my assistant who's
here now, she's twenty one.She was fourteen when she came to me,
and she was so paralyzed neurologically anddigestively with what they didn't know.
They had no idea what it was. Long story shot over helped me develop

my protocol. She could even walkto the mailbox. She couldn't finish,
she couldn't reading, was difficult,didn't finish eighth grade, Like we're talking.
One of the brightest people I knowand fast forward through a lot of
growing my protocol, which has helpedme develop my protocol moving forward talking about
the trauma of it. She's oneof the smartest people and she's fully functioned
now running a good chunk of myclinic. Yes, yeah, so there's

that. You know, everyone hasa little there's little winds everywhere a lot.
Another one, I had a caseof MS and I scanned. I'm
like, you're not presenting with MS. This is not classic MS. By
this finding out the root is epsteinbar virus, which is the leading infection
that I treat that we that wework on with clients, and it causes
irrational anxiety, sleep issues, brainfog, fatigue. And you treat somebody

with UH with epstein bar virus andmiracles happen because it's not it becomes diagnosed
as mental health issue. So wherewe're where do we find you? I
mean, this is unbelievable facility's Andthat's I appreciate the offer being extended by
Michelle and Billy is it's hard whenyou're one person and I teach, I

teach a motion protocol training, whichis what I've developed because it's great to
have the infectious piece, but weneed to talk about the trauma around it.
We need to talk about the emotionsaround it, the nervous system that
gets just regulated, hormones that getdysregulated. So I've created my own protocol
that I teach. I have almostfifty practitioners that are on my websit a
lot on my website so that youcan access them as well. As I

was only one person. So nowI opened up a clinic in Nashua,
right over the border, three minutesover the border Indra Biomagnetism, and it's
a clinic style where you could comein, go online, book your evaluation,
book your session, forty minutes andyou come in. You get the
same treatment in a beautiful recliner.We muscle test, you put on what

is necessary for that day, whateverit is. Gosh, a concussion.
I have a lot of hockey players, a lot of retired NFL because of
CTE and brain injuries a lot ofso I have my young better to catch
it early. That's the point ofthe clinic. Come in early. I
have a hockey player, a footballplayer that's ten eleven years old. They
come in the next day, theyget the pairs on their brain, which

rains the inflammation out. They're backplaying the next day. So that way
we're not dealing with a full oncase of Parkinson's age thirty forty five,
fifty years old. So the pointof clinic is you come in preventative therapy.
A lot of my practitioners do prevention. That's the key, so we're
not spilling over into these unknown diagnosesthat are crippling people. Well, I

remember the very first time I camein to see you. You did the
scan and you find things that mayhave been lingering when you were from childhood
or I can't imagine what she foundwith you all. She did find a
mild concussion. I think that wasprobably from prep school hockey or something.
That's right. I asked, Sowhat about like hips and knees. It
seems like I just had my hipreplaces and on December everyone I know is

getting a hip or do you workwith those things? So this is the
thing is a lot of times.Yes. So the answer is a lot
of times, and a body thathas a lot of imbalances in it will
manifest into Sometimes it's an injury dueto a hip, and sometimes they just
start to degrade down, they startto break down. So I have a

woman right now we saw yesterday whoshe's trying to avoid knee replacements, right,
So we found a load of infectionin her and some hormone stuff going
on. Within three sessions, She'slike, my knee pain is pretty much
gone and I'm able to walk.So you get it all the time at
home, And I said, Michelle, I got you know, my knee
hurts and put magnets on and younever know. Oh, you're gonna get

another ten year extension here, kissyou or get fired overall. Oh,
we gotta take a break. Whenwe come back. I want to talk
more about the clinic. How canpeople get a hold of you? Because
all I ever here is that,oh it's two years to get an appointment
with Janelle, but not anymore,not anymore, there's a clinic. Okay,
we'll get that information. It's Foodfor Thought. We'll be right back.
You're listening to Food for Thought,brought to you by the Box Center

and Sale and Waterfront Hotel and sweets. Hey, everybody, welcome back to
Food for Thought again. Billy Costahere, Jenny's got the week off.
But Jenny has a connection to thiswhole segment here on biomagnetism, because it
saved Jenny from lime disease, aswell as my wife Michelle, who's in
studio with us, and it allstarted with Janelle at least, who's also

in a studio with us. Andwe only have a couple of minutes left.
I want to make sure we getthe most important things in. Right
before we went on the air,Michelle, you were saying, make sure
you say something about Janelle's Okay,you have a core Yeah, I as
I said, we need we needmore practitioners so we can continue to help
more people. So it's called theEmotion Protocol training. But that's not just

limited to emotion and trauma. It'spathogens, which are infections, it's nervous
system hormones. Teach the September.From the September, everything's on the website.
Everything's on the website, which iswe are Indra dot com. Okay,
now, the clinic just opened Ithink a few weeks here in April.
Yeah. Yeah, And where inNashville is it? We are Exit

five E right literally next to thePorschouty dealership. It's three minutes over the
border. On rout three and peoplecan get appointments. Yeah, you go
right on to the clinic site.We have full days and it runs on
the fifteen minute, but you geta full forty minute session, very very
specific, and it's pretty comfy andyou get your needs met. Headaches and

sometimes people know, I just don'tfeel good. My digestion is off,
something's not right. Sleep is off, my hormones are off, I have
headaches. We can find a biggerproblem early. It's all about prevention.
And that's what I remember about thefirst scan I went in and whatever you
found, And I remember Michelle wasupset because I had less things than she
did. Yeah, and you knowshe lives a better life than I do.

And she was literally pissed off.And I'm like, what do you
want me to tell you? That'swhat she came up with. But if
you scan and you see those things, you can immediately treat those things,
right, miss, Yes, Yes, And what's your website my biomag dot
com, m ybio mg dot com. I also you can find me on

Janelle's website because she trained I tookher protocol. After I took doctor Garcia's
protocol, I took that a coupleof years. And doctor Garcia is the
big guy. Yeah, yeah,he's a good a big pioneer. He's
a descendant of by doctor Boys andJoan Randall did the line magnetic protocol I
trained with. So yeah, somereally good colleagues were very fortunate. Wow,

because he travels the country and everythingright, and he does trainings in
Texas and Jersey. And yeah,he's a good friend. He's a good
colleague. And so Steve, Iknow you just had hip surgery. These
women probably could have saved you fromsurgery. Although you told me you loved
it, I love it. Wellthey put you down. Well, now

I'm concerned to my my one thatis my natural one is starting to kind
of have problems. So I'm thinkingmaybe I should go up and see it.
Come on up. Yeah, Ithink I'm gonna do it for you,
no question. Okay, Now whatwould you what kind of a procedure
would that be? So what youwould do is just it's we've made it
so much more so simple. Weso w E R A R E Indra.

We are Indra dot com. Yougo on and there's a tab that
says clinic and if it's your firsttime you click on the evaluation spot.
So it's a one hour comprehensive evaluation. We scan you, show you around,
and uh then any follow up visityou just schedule right online on and
right now we're running it on Tuesdaysand we're going to be expanding, so
you just click session appointment and you'rein within the next week. All right,

once again your website, Janelle,we are Indra I n d r
a dot com and Michelle my biomagdot com and Steve your forty years and
you'll be walking much better about that, I think, so, I bet
I have to have one session.I think going to be good. All

right, thank you so much forcoming in. A lot of important information
passed along, but we gotta go, unfortunately, but the good news is
up next sixty minutes
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