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October 20, 2024 • 42 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Food for Thought with Billy and Jenny,
brought to you by the Box Center. For more than
fifteen years, this dining duo has been eating their way
through New England, mixing it up with top chefs, jumping
behind the line of the hottest restaurants and giving you
the inside scoop on where to wine, dine and spend
your time. So get ready, it's Food for Thought giving
you something to chew on.

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Hi, everybody, welcome into Food for Thought. Billy Costa here
and okay, so I think it was back in May
I had some very special guests in studio, one of
whom is my wife Michelle. Hi, honey, Hi, and we
were talking about biomagnetic therapy or biomagnetism, I guess it's

another way of saying it. And my wife had studied
with Janelle Elisee, who is also back in studio. Hi, Janelle,
good to see you for having me. And you've now
got a clinic, a whole facility up there in New Hampshire.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
We do.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
So things are working out pretty well.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
They are word is spreading and it's exciting stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Okay, speaking of exciting, I thought the good doctor Garcia
was going to fly in for the show, but it
turns out you took the train. Yes, thank you, Billy.
I can't tell you how many times around my house,
doctor that your name has come up my wife, just
like an idol of hers as. I'm sure you are
of Janelle's. So you are the person behind biomagnetic therapy

in a big way, right, Yes, thank you very much.
First of all, thanks for coming in. How was the
train ride? It was excellent? Yeah. Did you take the Amsella.

Speaker 4 (01:36):
I took the Essella last night?

Speaker 2 (01:37):
You go first class? Yes? No, I only say that
because it's pretty affordable, and it's such a huge difference.
If you're taking the Essella super comfortable and you came
into Boston on a beautiful weekend, that's always good. Yes,
So I need to start now. You need to understand
my wife, Michelle, hi, honey, is a practice Okay. She

has worked so hard developing her skills at biomagnetism, and
she studied under Janelle. And it's incredible to have the
three of you here in studio. So I need to start, doctor,
What is now? I live with this? You know, Michelle
is in our home and she's practicing biomagnetic therapy, But

I still really need a strong answer on exactly what
is it.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
Sure, So, in a nutshell, it is the use of
magnets of medium intensity to restore the body's bioelectrical magnetic balance.
So picture, if you will, how acupuncture needles placed in
very specific locations have certain results on the body. Well,

when you place magnets on the body in very precise locations,
those two will cause certain movements of energy within the
body that restore balance and allow your body to heal naturally.

Speaker 2 (03:08):
Okay, but I need to point out initially you were
a traditional doctor of medicine. Yes, correct, So at some
point you decided to switch to biomagnetism. Where did the
decision come from? Sure?

Speaker 4 (03:22):
So, after several years of practicing conventional medicine, I became
frustrated by my patient's lack of results. In conventional medicine.
I would write prescriptions for antibiotics and analgesic medication, and
proton pump inhibitors and you name it, medications that we
were taught in medical school. But I quickly realized that

those were only treating the symptoms and they weren't actually
taking care of the underlying cause. So it's very frustrating
for me knowing that the patient would come back again
and again and just get frustrated and say, you know what,
You're no good to me because you keep loading me
up with medications. So that was very frustrating knowing that
I had studied. I did a seven year medical career,

and after having gone through that, the end result was
my own frustration with the results I was getting. So
I started searching for more options, and so I learned homeopathy.
I learned neurotherapy, neurofeedback therapy, it wason therapy, biological, functional medicine,
you name it, modality. I studied it and once I

was introduced to the concept of biomagnetism using magnetic fields
static magnetic fields in the magnets placed on the body
to restore homeostasis, which is the body's natural ability to
restore balance to itself and in that very way, allowing
the body to heal itself of fractures, of discomfort, soreness,

all different conditions that if you give the body the
proper pools and conditions, it can heal itself in miraculous ways.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
Okay, so that works right. I mean basically, the magnets
are like, you know, some other forms of therapy that
work that are not traditional medicines. So that makes sense.
The part of it that I'm still fascinated with, and
again I live it with my wife at home. The
remote part of it, like how you don't have a

living person in front of you, but you can treat
that person wherever that person might be. How does that work?

Speaker 4 (05:36):
That is a great question. And the answer is quantum
physics and quantum biology, and that is something that still
needs to be explored more. And it's kind of like
asking Albert Einstein fifty years ago about his theories and
him realizing that the technology wasn't quite there yet and

that decades had to pass before the science was ready
to prove. So in the one sense, it's also like asking,
you know, the lay person, how do you get to
FaceTime with another person that's around the world. Where do
those signals go up to a satellite, to a relay center,
down to the phone and then get transmitted. Ultimately, all

of us we are energy, We are beings of energy.
And so it's like asking about the power of prayer.
You can pray for someone's health and you are simply
sending them positive energy, positive thoughts.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
No, I totally believe in it because I witness it
at home. But doctor Garcia, you have to understand that
the very first time I walked into my house and
Michelle had a mannequin in the living room, and I'm like,
what's going on here? And she was attaching the magnets.

The mannequin has a name to me, doctor, Mimi is
who lives in my house. And you understand how weird
it is if a contractor comes into the house and
Michelle forgot to move the mannequin. They're looking at each
other saying, Okay, what's going on here? But we have
to take a break. Okay, when we come back, we're

talking about biomagnetism, and folks, you really need to learn
about it all getting aside, I have witnessed miracles through biomagnetism,
and for that reason, we're going to spend the whole
show on it. Thank you doctor for coming in. We'll
talk more right after the break. It's Food for Thought
and I'm Billy Costa.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Salem Waterfront Hotel in switees Hey.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
Everybody, Welcome back to Food for Thought. Billy Costa here
and again. The topic this week is biomagnetism. When Jenny
Johnson and I started this show, how many years aj
have we done this? Six six ish years? And it
was all about you know, food restaurant chefs celebrating them.
But eventually we thought about the title Food for Thought,

and we thought, you know, there are so many things
that can and should be food for thought, and biomagnetism,
to me, is one of them. And that's why you know,
I know you took the train, but for effect purposes,
Doctor Garcia came in in a private jet and I'm kidding. Oh,

so we have doctor Garcia here, we have Janelle Elise here,
and my wife Michelle, who's currently a practitioner in biomedicine.
Now I got to say, we just got back from Africa, okay,
and I hope I can tell the story and the
person involved doesn't mind. But one of the people who
came on expedition with us learned about the trip that

Michelle and I were taking listening to the Billion Lisa
Morning Show and I was talking about going to Africa,
and she was fascinated by it and loan to hold.
She went on the trip to Africa. Halfway through the trip,
we were just about to sit down for dinner and
she tripped over a stair and fell with this giant
lens camera and everything, and she hurt her knee. And

I guess she was in a lot of pain, right, Michelle,
Yes she was, and I didn't even know. But she
was talking to Michelle, and Michelle said, hey, you know what,
why don't you take these magnets and put them on
your knee for how long?

Speaker 5 (09:15):
I told her to keep them onto like fifteen sixteen minutes?

Speaker 2 (09:17):
Fifteen sixteen minutes. Now I witnessed the next step in
this process. Okay, this woman came walking over I think
it was breakfast the next morning, and she said, Michelle,
I have to tell you I am the world's biggest skeptic. Okay,
I didn't even know what you were talking about when
you handed me the magnets, but I put them on
my knee and it feels fabulous. Are you thrilled to

hear that? Doctor Garcia? Absolutely thrilled.

Speaker 4 (09:44):
But for me, it's a common day experience, So you
just get used to, you know, hearing all of these
success stories of before magnets, after magnets, and the results
are just incredible.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
So where did it come from and how did it begin?

Speaker 4 (09:59):
So actually this all started back in the eighties thanks
to NASA. So the back then, the NASA researchers realized
that astronauts when they went into outer space and left
Earth's magnetic field, that the astronauts would come back with
having one leg longer or shorter than the other one.
And so it was NASA that discovered that placing magnets

on insols inside the shoes would restore leg length back
to evenness after about thirty days. So one of those researchers,
doctor Broingermeyer, really went into studying the magnetic field's effects
on the human body. And so he started going around
the country and around the world giving conferences describing the

placement of the magnets on the body and how it
would cause a leg to shorten or lengthen. And so
doctor Isaac Gooyes happened to be at one of those seminars,
and because he was from Mexico, his cultural background being
everything as a year yang sun moon, everything's opposites, so
he thought, why work with one magnetic field, meaning either

just a north pole or just the south. He thought,
why not combine and work with them in pairs, and
so he started placing magnets in pairs on people and
discovered that when you place one magnet, it will cause
a certain muscular contraction in an armor leg or in
the individual's body. And then you place the second magnet

in the opposite polarity, it restores balance to the body.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
And nobody else thought of this. No, not back then,
by the way, can it make anything grow? Just kidding,
I'm just kidding. So in the everyday circle of life,
so to speak, right, Michelle and I we socialize that
we have friends, and you know, when Michelle first started

getting into biomagnetism, you know, obviously they didn't know what
she was talking about, nor did I. But it's interesting
about the NASA thing because I think Michelle and I
Janelle were introduced to you by Jenny Johnson because she
was struggling with lime and nobody had any answers. She
went to doctor after doctor after doctor, and then she

found you. I think she had gone all the way
to Germany or something, but then she landed on you
and all of a sudden, no line.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
Yeah, yeah, I would say, my first training that I
ever did was with lime specific almost ten years ago,
and yeah, pioneered it, and it finds a way of
and truly, honestly, it's not just lime disease really ever,
and we can have a consensus for that. It's lime
and all of its coinfections. But quite frankly, a lot

of times it could be some viral loads, it could
be an emotional instability, it could be some other bites
that happen. It's not always just a tick. Mosquitoes carried
the same things. So yes, how I look at it,
it's a cup mentality. So this we start off as
a baby, and our cup fills up little by little
with different things, certain traumas. We get croup, we get strapped,

we get a heartbreak, and we spill over. And a
lot of times I think in modern medicine, and I
could speak, I'm licensed in medicine, we just treat the
spillover the last piece. We in biomagnetism look at emptying
the entire cup to be able to get to the
root of what really happened.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
Well, the end result was then Michelle hadline and then
Michelle ended up going to you, and that's how you
Michelle were introduced basically to biomagnetism.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Yeah, Jenny had recommended Janelle to me, and I had
been to many doctors, many specialists, and nobody could help me.
So I started seeing Janelle and immediately starting to get well.
I was just so fascinated by it. And then she
encouraged me to take doctor Garcia's training, and I took

his first training and then his advanced training, and then
since have trained under Janelle and my life has changed.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
And there was some connection, honey, to Bessie. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (14:05):
So in between somewhere around the second training that I
was about to take what doctor Garcia, and Bessie became
ill and she was diagnosed with degenera of myelopathy, and
they said she had about two to six months to live.
I remember asking doctor Garcia at his training, does this
ruck and animals and he said, yes, he just doesn't
have the time because he has so many clients. So

I went home with heart full of love and great
intention for her well being. I had a bunch of books.
I can remember exactly where I was sitting, and I
just sat down and plugged away and did everything he
taught me. And after the first treatment, she started to walk.
It was like a miracle, and I kept up with it.
She lived for another two years, and during that time,

whatever came up each by luri giardia, skin infection, air infection,
I would just use the magnets. I never even took
it to the vet, and she would just get better
and better. And then people from there would say, well,
can you treat my dog? Can you help my I horse,
my cat? And I would say, I don't know, I'll
give it a shot, and they all got well.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
And so here I am quickly tell the story about
the veteran because early on when you started practicing, you
decided to offer free treatment to veterans in memory of
your dad. Ron.

Speaker 5 (15:16):
Yeah, so my dad was a veteran and he became
very ill. No one could help him. And I'll never
forget the conversation when he called me in the car
and said, do you know anything, I'm not getting any veteran.
At the time, I didn't, And then after I learned biomagnetism,
I knew it could have helped him. So in his honor,
and because we always gave to veterans, I have a
page on my website that donates time to veterans to

help them. One at a time. I treat them for free.
And my first one was a person who had lime
and so many other issues. And I used the training
that I got from doctor Garcia and Janelle and just
little by little, and I think you told the story
at the beginning. After the first treatment, he said, Oh
my goodness, I think I can go back to work.

I'm seeing my children again. It was just it was amazing.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
And I have to understand for me, these are the
first stories I'm getting, and it's just starting to learn.
In fact, doctor, I took the trip on the Asella
with Michelle out to New York, and all I knew
was that Michelle was going to one of your Is
it safe to call it a seminar? Yes, absolutely, And
again I knew very little about it. But I'll never

forget the day she came from your first seminar seminar
back to the hotel, the look on her face and
the excite she said, Oh my god, that was the
best afternoon of my whole life. Of course, initially I'm thinking, honey,
we've had a few and then I'm like, who's this
doctor Garcia guy. You know, I got to tell you

a doctor, the look on her face and the elation
that she had from that afternoon. How often do you
do these seminars?

Speaker 4 (16:56):
So I do them about three times a year, six
months depending usually level ones and then advanced seminars.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Wow, and it's growing fast. I'm getting a sense and
people are believing it more and more. And we got
to take a break. But when we come back, I
want to ask that question biomagnetism. How is traditional medicine
accepting it? Because I got to think it may create
a bit of a chip on their shoulder and that's
okay with me because I've got stories to tell too. Anyway,

it's food for thought. We're having a lot of fun.
Doctor Garcia is here. He took to you sella just
to be here. And Janelle Elise, it's going so well. Janelle,
You've got an entire building now up there and away again.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
We're growing.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
We're growing. We love to teach due to our trainings
and see the local.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
All right, we got to take a break. It's food
for thought. I'm Billy Costa will be right back.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale and Waterfront Hotel in swees Hey.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Everybody, welcome back to Food for Thought. Billy Costa Here,
we've got doctor Gusts, we have Janelle. At least we've
got my wife, Michelle. And the topic is biomagnetism. There's
so much talk lately about the medical profession, and you know,
there are so many people dealing with so many things
in the world right now, and a lot of people
need answers that for one reason or another they can't get.

So we're talking about one option, and that's biomagnetism, Doctor Garcia.
What's the science behind it? Sure?

Speaker 4 (18:27):
So, there is a ton of science behind the use
of bomagnetism, and it all starts with a field called
magneto biology, which studies the effects of magnetic fields on
human cells, animal cells, the microbiology, the chemistry molecular biology

of the use of magnetic fields on the body. So
if you google or do a Pubman Church on static
magnetic fields and mitochondria or a static MAGA magnetic fields
and cellular energy, you'll see that the studies are being
done around the world, in Asia, in Europe, in Latin America, Brazil,

all over the world on the use of static magnetic
fields and humans, and so there's a ton of research.
There are a lot of clinical case studies coming out
of Brazil, and there are lots of scientific studies coming
out of Asia as well exploring magnetic fields and the
human body.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
So the scientist I'm dealing with it, are they accepting
of it? Do they kind of have a attitude about it?

Speaker 4 (19:36):
For the most part, traditional medicine does not know about
it just yet. It's just now coming to light from
word of mouth, because one person tells another tells another,
and eventually doctors are starting to hear about it, but
only because their own patients are getting better and coming
back to them and saying, hey, I you know, sprained

my ankle or fractured this and I did bomagnetism and
I got better, and so you know, here's my X ray.
What do you think? And they realize, wow, you healed
fifty percent faster than normal, where this is an unexpected,
tremendous healing for a seven year old. You healed as
if you were a twenty year old years old. So

with the magnetic fields, you can direct the circulation and
reduce the inflammation directly on a molecular and biological All.

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Right, We've got to take another break, but we definitely
will come back. I've got a story I just saw
this past week Jake Tapper, who's an anchor on CNN.
His seventeen year old daughter has a best selling book
now and it's about well, things that kind of went
haywire at a hospital for her. So we've got that,
and I want to get each of your outstanding success

stories in terms of biomagnetism. But we do have to
take a break. We'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale in Waterfront Hotel in sweets.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
Hey, everybody, we're back. It is a food with odd
Billy Costa. Here. We've got doctor Garcia, we have Janelle,
we have my wife Michelle, and we're talking about biomagnetism.
And a couple of minutes ago, doctor, we were talking
about the medical profession and how accepting it is of biomagnetism.
And I think your answer pretty much it was they
don't know enough yet. But I will say the last

few times I've been around a doctor, whether it's an
appointment or something, they are aware. And I think that's
a good sign, and they say, yeah, I'm open to
it absolutely, So that's a good sign. But I couldn't
help but notice a story that made the news this
past week. Jake Tapper, who's an anchor on CNN, has
a seventeen year old daughter who now is a best
selling author New York Times best selling author. It's a

children's book and it's called use your Voice or Your Voice,
And it's because at thirteen or fourteen, she had incredible
abdominal pain and went to the hospital several times. They
kept sending her home saying, oh, you've got a stomach bug,
you've got a stomach flu. You'll be fine, get through it.
Turns out, weeks later her appendix had burst. Way back

her first visit to the hospital, her appendix were already
burst and they didn't see it. Finally, it was her dad, Jake,
who said, I want to get an X ray, and
when they got the X ray, boom, it was right there.
The appendix burst and poisons were just circulating through her body.
She was in the ICU for four months. And she's

telling a good story because she wants to let young
people know. However, young don't be afraid that her doctors
wouldn't listen to her at one point. This was really aggravating.
They said she was making it up for attention. Yeah,
that happens a lot, like a social media queen or something.
It was just a terrible story. Anyway, how about outstanding

stories that you can remember, any particular cases. We'll start
with you, Janelle.

Speaker 3 (22:49):
Yeah, we've had on recently. Like doctor Garcia said, we
haven't weekly. We have just such cool stuff that becomes
to be normalized. But we never take for granted because
your people's lives are changing. But this little boy came
to us seven eight years old at the time, and
he came with something called nephrotic syndrome, which is just
a condition of the kidneys and they start to fail
over time. And the history of it is he had

been accidentally double vaccinated with a het bee vaccine. I
think he got his sisters and his in the PDH.
It was a mistake, but it's never just one thing.
So we were able to look through and do our
techniques that we do to find that it was a bucket,
a perfect storm of a lot of different things that
were going on, and over time we were able to

remove layers. It's like an onion process, layer by layer,
and he's now thriving. He was having massive behavioral issues
and he's on hardly any medication and the kidneys are
in full function again. So he has his life back.
And little stories like that are huge to families and
huge to us.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Well, I've witnessed a lot, Michelle. With you, you'll tell me. Oh,
I just got a call and I can't believe how
happy they are. Is there one that stands out for you?
We talked about the veteran earlier.

Speaker 5 (24:02):
I just have to say my first Bessie. I mean
that to me, it was a miracle and it built
my confidence my first time and she got well and
that started me dealing with animals, not just people, but animals.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
And had it not been for Bessie, you wouldn't have
ended up in biomagnetism. That's correct. And now a practitioner,
do you have one doctor? Yes?

Speaker 5 (24:25):

Speaker 4 (24:25):
So, actually, going all the way back to after having
completed my first training being a medical doctor, I thought, wow,
you know this sounds too good to be true. I
need to test this out for myself, and so I
finished training on a Sunday, flew back Monday morning. The
first patient I saw, I decided, whoever walks in, I'm

going to place magnets on them, and we'll see how
it goes. The patient that walked in had the worst
case of pneumonia. His heart rate was over one hundred,
his breathing was over twenty, he had fever, he had
turned cough, and just I should have literally sent him
directly to the emergency room to be hospitalized. But I thought,

you know, let me pull out my notes and see
where I can start placing these magnets to help restore
balance to his lungs. And so I simply pulled out
my notes and started placing magnets all around his body,
on top of his lungs, on the backside of the lungs,
on the sides of the lungs, and just you know,
kind of hoping for the best because I didn't have
enough time to practice the training or you know, learn

about the proper placements. And I just thought, I'm placing
all these magnets to restore the pH and the homeostasis
to his lungs and other areas of his body. And
I gave him two prescriptions for antibiotics and said, listen,
take this home and if you start to feel worse,

you know, take them. But for now, I think I'm done,
And how do you feel? And an hour had passed
between the time that I started placing magnets and the
time he left, and he's like, listen, take my temperature
because I think my fever is gone and I'm breathing
better and I feel better. I came to you with
aches and shortness of breath, and I'm already feeling so
much better. So I said, all right, go home, and

you know, talk to me to tomorrow. He called the
next day and said, Doc, I slept great, I had
no night sweats. I feel amazing. My cough is gone,
my fever is gone. I'm breathing fantastic. And I never
took the antibiotics, so I feel great. And I said, wow, amazing.
You know, let's talk in three days and see if
this wear is off or you know, see what becomes
of this. Three days later, it came into my office

and he said, I've felt phenomenal since you placed some
magnets on me. So that was my first introduction to
bomb actism dealing with respiratory issues, and it was a
very serious case that he was able to heal on
his own through the use of the magnetic fields.

Speaker 2 (26:54):
Wow, even on a small scale. You know some days,
you know, if I'm goofing around with the boat, the
boat weighs fifty tons and I'm pulling in Yankee and
I get home my back. Kurtz and Michelle say, want
you to throw a couple of magnets on I'm lying
in bed fifteen minutes, magnets on my back and it's fine.
I'm thinking someday everybody should be walking around with magnets
in their pockets or something. We have to take a break.

We'll be right but back. It's all about biomagnetism. Believe
it when you see it. Okay, we'll take a break.
We'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale in Waterfront Hotel in swees Hey.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
Everybody, welcome back to Food for Thought, Belly Costa here.
This is a fascinating topic, and mostly because I've witnessed
it myself by way of my wife, Michelle. She's now
a practitioning biomagnetic therapist. Be the right word, doc, Okay, yes, correct,
I've got to go back again. My first introduction to
it from my wife was a little strange, you know,

I mean, your first introduction, it's like really So then
my first visit to you, Janelle, Michelle brought me said, oh,
you have to meet Janelle and you have to let
as scan you. Uh So I go to Janelle's office
and all of a sudden, Now you have to understand,
this is new to me. Now I'm lying on a
table and she put these weird little shoes on my

feet and starts like tickling my feet, which by the way,
wasn't bad. But this is the way you scan, right, yeah, Janelle.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
Yes, yes, yeah. So again going back to what doctor
Garcia said with NASA, when you get that leg length discrepancy,
according to when you when the biomagnetic field is interrupted
and you're looking for an imbalance, when we scan and
we're able to find certain conditions going on in the body,
and we restore the balance of the body through placing
them in certain patterns. So that's what we're able to

lift them up and kind of see when that leg
shrinks up a bit. Wow, and we go that line.
We got to write that down because we need to
address that certain area of the body.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
To see how pissed off Michelle got when when you
scan me, I didn't really have much their injur saying
everything I do for myself and you're the one with nothing.
But yeah, it was awesome, and I mean, I totally
believe in it. But doctor, what is the training like
if somebody wants to get into biomagnetism.

Speaker 4 (29:15):
Sure, so, we in particular offer in person training. It's
five days as well as online training, and so it's
just under thirty hours, so you can actually learn this online,
but when you're in person, you have more of a
hands on experience to be able to practice the technique

with myself or the staff there to guide you in
terms of knowing what to look for. We describe it online,
but there's nothing like being there in person and interacting
with everyone else.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
And you don't have to have come from the medical field.

Speaker 4 (29:50):
Correct, So our trainings are set up so that anyone
can learn this and you do not need to have
a medical background because it doesn't take a rocket scientist
to place a magnet on the body. So literally you
can place one magnet on the right quadriceps and another
magnet on the left quadriceps, and that in and of

itself has a certain effect on the body, and the
same thing. You can sit on two magnets. Place a
black magnet on your right butt and.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
I've done that.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
Magnet yeah, on the left butt, and you can place
magnets all over the body. We have a guidebook and
we guide people were and how to place magnets on
themselves to restore pH balance.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Well, one of the things I've learned from both my
wife and certainly from Janelle, that I never would have
thought is that we all are walking around every day
of our lives carrying viruses of all different types, right
you know.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
Yeah, yeah, I mean we're meant to have a microbiome.
That's a really important thing to know. If we didn't
have anything in the body, we would cease to exist.
We'd be in a bubble. So we need to have something.
But it's when things become out of balance and they
start to cause symptoms in the body. So we have
all these diagnosis which we don't even focus on. It's
not about diagnosis, because someone who presents with one condition

might show up completely different than someone else. So it's
restoring balance to the body that is.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
And in a lot of cases, let's say all of
a sudden somebody comes down with the Epstein bar or something.
Chances are they were already carrying the Epstein bar, like
hiding behind a joint or something, and something happened that triggered.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
It correct And from time am I doing?

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Doctor? Okay, it's good, right, absolutely perfect? Your understanding is great.
When's your next training session? No, I'm kidding, well, Janelle,
you now have a full flag. When I came to
see you, you had an office in a clinical building,
but now you've got your own oper I do.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
I still we Caroline, my brilliant, beautiful assistant, right arm,
you're not allowed to come work here. You're staying with me, Okay, Carol,
I don't please don't. So I see have a private
room where we see people for a lot of complex,
difficult conditions. And then it was just we knew there
was a bigger community need, like we need to expand this.
So there's a lot of prevention. We want the person

to come who's feeling really well and to come into clinic.
We run a clinic with four private stations, and the
person's able to come in and receive their session and
we address all kinds of neat things it's quiet, it's beautiful.
They get noise canceling headphones and we're able to bring
the body to balance. So we do that, and we

also teat my trainings that are done right in that
same space where the clinic is. We clean it out.
We do them twice a year, in March and in September,
and my protocol, I have doctor Garcia to think for
a lot of my roots, my foundation for learning, and
I also have roots in dealing with lime. With another

instructor that I had and I realized that I really
my love is in trauma, emotions, restoring the nervous system
back to balance, because when we're dealing with all of
these conditions, the nervous system and emotions can really be dysregulated.
So my training is very heavily rooted in that.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
Also, because I think I'd be afraid to tap into
my emotions. I don't think anybody needs to see or
hear those.

Speaker 3 (33:28):
Well, what we know is that from an arovatic perspective,
there's no physical manifestation of disease without an emotional roots.
So we have to look at all of that.

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Well, how about my wife, Michelle, she treats a lot
of pets, yeah, and has had incredible seces. I almost
cry when I hear some of the success stories.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
Right, Yeah, it's humbling every single time I do it.
It's humbling. And I do find that because I also
work with people. But I find that pets heil faster.
They plus there's no barriers, They're just accepting their open
and they heal faster. I mean, day one, it's you know,
the dog's eating again, the dog has energy again. And

I've also dealt a lot lately with pets that are
passing and it's almost like they need that emotional part
that Janella has taught me for their owners to accept
and for them to let go. So the whole family
let's go. And I felt like a failure because they
put the dog down the next day and they called
and they said, thank you so much. That was the
most beautiful thing you ever could have done for us. Wow,

we all let go, right, we allow life to be
And so lately I've been getting a lot of that
and it's just so touching.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
So doctor, are there contra indications.

Speaker 4 (34:40):
No, Actually, there are only precautions with regards to placing
magnets on the body. So the precautions are primarily when
people have implantable devices such as pacemakers and other devices
that have battery packs inside the body. So simply all
magnetic fields will drain batteries. That's why even Apple phones

and Samsungs and Android phones also recommend not to be
placed directly over pacemakers, because all of the phones have
static magnets in them, and so simply if a battery
pack is meant to last fifteen years, and you place
a magnet, say for an hour or more, well it
may last fourteen years, eleven months, and twenty eight days

instead of thirty days. So you simply want to avoid
placing the magnets directly on top of the battery pack
of whatever implantable device. But in terms of pregnancy and
all other conditions, bomb actism should be used because in pregnancy,
pregnancy is a natural phenomena that the mother has to

actually take care of two beings herself and the moor
child inside. So you always want to make sure that
that mother is at her healthiest and most balanced state,
and so using the magnets you can help her achieve that.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
Now, I know you tore around a lot, you spend
a lot of time on the road, do you still
practice and do you still have a facility. Yes, I do.

Speaker 4 (36:10):
I have a New York office and New Jersey office space,
but I've no longer accepted any more new patients in
the New Jersey office for over a year and a
half because I have a six month wait list, and so.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
I'm sorry, Can we hold on for a second? You
have a six month wait list? Yes? Wow, good for you.
Thank you. Actually, that's another thing I remember about Janelle
the first time Michelle brought up Janelle's names. Oh, it
takes five years to get a meeting with her? What well, Janelle,
how about you wait list?

Speaker 3 (36:42):
Yeah, the waitlist for the private room is extensive. But
what we're doing is it's really we're starting to be
able to work through that because with this clinic model,
we're getting people to come down and we're doing the
foundational work of their immune systems and all of their
biochemistry to that most things could be worked on writing clinic,
and if we find a glitch where there's something that's

a little more intense, we bring them into the private room.
So the model's worked really, really well. We can see
people writ in Nashville, three minutes over the mass border,
it works really really well to not have people waiting
in the wings.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
Well, if you've been listening and you're curious about biomagnetism,
the good news is I've got three experts in the studio.
We have to take a break, but when we come back,
we'll give you all and any information you need to
reach out to any of these three folks. Okay, we'll
take a break. It's Food for Thought. This is a
different but a very informative episode. Will take a break

and we'll be right back.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Salem Waterfront Hotel in sweet Hey.

Speaker 2 (37:48):
Everybody, welcome back to Food for Thought. I don't know
about you folks listening, but I'm learning a lot. And
I already knew a certain degree about biomagnetism. But doctor
Garcia is in from out of town and you are
the guy biomagnetism. And I want to ask you when
you first decided to leave traditional medicine, you were a doctor, yes,

and tackle biomagnetism, right. Could you have imagined that it
could be going this well? And what does it make
you feel like?

Speaker 4 (38:17):
I would have never imagined, you know, the roller coaster
that I've been on in a million years. But you know, basically,
once I understood the basics that through magnetic fields, through
balancing the body, restoring the environment to allow the body
to heal itself, that miracles could happen, I was blown

away and I saw the bigger picture and thought, maybe
I can bring this back to the United States. Maybe
I can you know, start to spread word and let's
see where it goes. And so today it has spread
to you know, hundreds thousands of people. And now I'm
so blessed to have students that have followed me and
developed their own methods and taken it to you know,

other air and so specialized in the emotion, specialized in pets,
and you can take this and explore so many other
fields and specialties within bombingtism. You can take bomb actism
and explore it in just pregnancy, with the ventary world,
et cetera.

Speaker 2 (39:15):
So I'm sure a lot of the original acupuncturists are
pretty much thinking the same way. Correct look at how
big that is. And I'm guessing initially a lot of
people were like, what wow, Okay, we need websites and
everything first and foremost you're now congratulations on your facility
in New Hampshire. Where exactly is it?

Speaker 3 (39:33):
We are in nash With pretty much like three minutes
over the border off Route three north exit five E.
We're at one fifty seven Main Dunstable Road, and it's
the clinic is it's Indra. Indra Biomagnetism is the name
of the practice. And you could find all of my information,
our information online at we are Indra i ndr dot com.

You can book clinic sessions, evaluations, learn about trainings, all
of that.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
I was going to say, are you offering trainings there
as well?

Speaker 3 (40:02):
Yeah, the trainings are right there and this next will
be March third through the seventh.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
So intent piercing for something new in their life, whatever
they're doing isn't working out.

Speaker 3 (40:11):
Yeah, even even we get a lot of moms at
home that just want to be able to take care
of their families. And it's a brilliant way for both
protocols to learn and be able to have a toolbox
at home.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
Now, quick question, Janelle, I know my wife Michelle is
going to be getting a space there.

Speaker 3 (40:25):
Yeah, she's going to be She's going to be joining us,
and I have anything to do with it very soon?

Speaker 2 (40:29):
So will she take the mannequin with her?

Speaker 3 (40:31):
Oh yeah, but Bessie's Bessie's I mean me me me sorry, me?
Me's allowed?

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Have you me me Hobby?

Speaker 3 (40:38):
I have, I've had met Hobby.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
Bobby is like a puzzle. That's right, and that's the
one on the boat. And when she's training from the boat.
It's amazing. Doctor. We've got to get all your information.
You made the trip all the way in here. I'm
not going to say a sella again. So what do
we need to know? How can people get a hold
of you? How can people take advantage of your incredible knowledge?

Speaker 4 (40:58):
Thank you very much, Billy. So you can look me
up through social media at doctor Garcia Biomagnetism. So my
instagram is that, my YouTube video LinkedIn Facebook. Everything can
be searched for by doctor Garcia Biomagnetism and I give
trainings about every four to six months. You can find

the information on my website which is doctor garciabomactism dot
com and we have the online as I mentioned.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Do you see your day when everybody will be walking
around with magnets in their pockets?

Speaker 4 (41:30):
I absolutely can't wait for that day.

Speaker 2 (41:32):
Wouldn't that be something? Yes, you know, I have a
little headache. Let me just put these on for fifteen minutes. Hey,
everything's fine, that's the ideal. Okay, once again on the website.

Speaker 4 (41:42):
Doctor garciabomactism dot com.

Speaker 2 (41:43):
All right, we gotta go. Michelle, what's your website? How
do people find you?

Speaker 5 (41:47):
My biomag dot com, m y b io m ag
dot com. Do that again, m y bio mag dot com.

Speaker 2 (41:56):
All right, thank you so much everybody. That was awesome.
We do have to go up next sixty minutes.
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