Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Food for Thought with Billy and Jenny,
brought to you by the Box Center.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
For more than fifteen.
Speaker 1 (00:05):
Years, this dining duo has been eating their way through
New England, mixing it up with top chefs, jumping behind
the line of the hottest restaurants, and giving you the
inside scoop on where to wine, dine, and spend your time.
So get ready, it's Food for Thought giving you something
to chew on.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
Hey, everybody, welcome into Food for Thought. Billy COSTI here.
Speaker 3 (00:24):
There's going to be an interesting show, interesting segments at
Lisa Dunovan is joining us on Food for Thought right now.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
And I'm happy to be here. And Paul Wahlberg is
in studio.
Speaker 3 (00:34):
Hello, Paul, how are you? I'm wicked happy to be here.
Speaker 2 (00:37):
Okay, And as always, Paul is here. We're going to
talk about.
Speaker 3 (00:40):
All things Wallberg, Wallburgers, the Wallburg family. He's got about
four thousand restaurants now, so every time I talk to him.
Speaker 2 (00:48):
There's another thousand. But we'll get to you in a minute, Paul.
Speaker 3 (00:52):
But feel free to join in in this first segment
of conversation. Okay, absolutely, Mel Robbins, Paul, are you familiar
with Mel Robbins.
Speaker 4 (01:02):
No, okay, well he's going to be in two seconds.
Speaker 3 (01:04):
Absolutely, Okay, Lisa, how would you describe Mel Robbins to
Paul Wahlberg?
Speaker 4 (01:09):
She is a MOTI motivational speaker, a podcaster, she's done
a few TED Talks, she's an author, and she's from Boston.
Speaker 3 (01:19):
Yeah. So now, Mel Robbins, I know, you know Lisa
dun him as a book club. That's this phenomenal. Mel
Robbins is the first book club event of twenty twenty
five with Lela Donovan. Okay, congratulations at.
Speaker 4 (01:33):
Big Night Live. A lot of people, over a thousand
people are coming.
Speaker 3 (01:37):
Oh that's amazing. How about this, Paul, There are seven
hundred and fifty people on a wait list hoping that
somebody cancels. Are you kidding? That's how popular? Not Jason's
book Club and Mel Robbins is well, it's the book club.
Speaker 2 (01:49):
It's the book club. But it gets better.
Speaker 3 (01:52):
Yeah, because I'm sitting at home the other day and
I just happened to go through my Instagram. Do you
follow me or Lisa of The Morning Show and his?
Speaker 2 (02:00):
Oh yeah, absolutely, you really don't.
Speaker 3 (02:01):
Absolutely, I'm a big followers. Okay, I don't follow you either,
but no, I'm kidding. So I'm sitting there goofing around
with my Instagram and because Mel Robbins has been in
our studio on The Morning Show and Billy Lie's The
Morning Show just recently, because she's got a new book
coming out and we are announcing the book Club exactly.
So I'm surfing through Instagram and there's Mel Robbins on
the floor with her hair in rollers, sobbing, crying uncontrollably.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
Are you following me so far? You're painting a picture.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
I see that because trust me, a lot of people
listening right now know who Mel Robbins is. Okay, yes,
So there she is on the floor, crying hysterically, rollers
in their hair because she was less than an hour
away from meeting Oprah Winfrey. Oprah flew her to her home.
I have a clip, Paul to put this in perspective. AJ,
could you do the honors in lessen an hour.
Speaker 5 (02:59):
I'm good meeting Oprah and I'm gonna sit down with
her and talked to her about my life's work, which
is the let Them theory and the five second rule.
And I'm just reflecting on the gravity of this moment
and how far I've come and how much I've changed
in the last fifteen years.
Speaker 2 (03:26):
And how.
Speaker 5 (03:28):
I really have become a much better version of myself
and become a better person, a better mom, a better spouse.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
A better friend. Okay, you've got that so far, right, Paul, absolutely?
Speaker 3 (03:39):
Okay. About an hour later, Emel Robbins posted again okay,
And at that point she was with Oprah at Oprah's
home and talked about her book with Oprah, We've got.
Speaker 6 (03:51):
That this changed my marriage, it changed my parenting, it
changed my relationship with how I am at work. The
let them theory is going to make space for change
to happen because people need to feel like changing is
their idea. People only change, Oprah when they are ready
to do the work to change.
Speaker 3 (04:12):
Okay, you ready for this. This is Oprah telling Mel
how much her book meant to Oprah. Okay, here it is. Okay.
Speaker 2 (04:22):
So let me say this.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
I have over the years read.
Speaker 7 (04:27):
Probably thousands of books, and this is by far just
one of the best sellf helped books I've ever read.
Speaker 3 (04:40):
It is.
Speaker 7 (04:42):
It is right up there with all the greats, all
the greats, and the reason it is I think it's
a life changer. It's life altering for anybody who reads
it because it's your personal story.
Speaker 3 (04:57):
It's like you're speaking.
Speaker 8 (04:58):
Into our ear and it comes with your knowledge and
your acknowledgement of the mistakes that you have made, and it.
Speaker 7 (05:11):
Just is there to set people free. Yes, that's what
you've done.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
Thank you. That's what you did. Thank you.
Speaker 3 (05:19):
It's incredible.
Speaker 2 (05:20):
It's incredible.
Speaker 7 (05:21):
I couldn't believe it, page after page after page after page.
Speaker 3 (05:24):
Yes, yes, I believe it. I couldn't believe it. I
couldn't believe it.
Speaker 2 (05:28):
And it's so simple.
Speaker 7 (05:30):
You know what I love about it is is that
you are saying in these pages everything I was trying
to say for twenty five years, day after day after
day after.
Speaker 2 (05:39):
Day after day after day.
Speaker 3 (05:41):
Speaker 4 (05:41):
Okay, so the book is called the Let Them Theory.
She will be talking about that book at my book
club January twenty second at Big Night Live. I couldn't
be more I'm overwhelmed with joy.
Speaker 3 (05:55):
At least it was about to cry again. I've heard
this a few.
Speaker 4 (05:58):
Times, I don't know, just because to get people background,
I have been working on trying to get mel Robins
to do the book club for two years and the
fact that it's now happening and this just happened to
Mel is just like such a great feeling. And I'm
so happy that she's doing a book club with her
hometown radio station. You know, it just makes it really special.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
Well, obviously it's amazing to hear that in the way
that played out, because you're meeting such an iconic person
and you're, you know, this person you look up to,
and Therek's so excited to meet you.
Speaker 3 (06:35):
She changed Overrazi exactly.
Speaker 2 (06:37):
Yeah, like that, you know, not that she needed validation,
but that validation coming from that, and like, no, I'm
supposed to be paying homage to you and you're covering
me with Prinness. That's amazing. That's that whole thing. I
can't even imagine how she felt, so Lisa.
Speaker 3 (06:52):
Quickly the book club with Mel Robins. I know it's
sold out, but when is it?
Speaker 4 (06:56):
January twenty second? Big Night Live.
Speaker 3 (06:59):
What's the name of the book?
Speaker 4 (07:00):
The left them theory?
Speaker 3 (07:02):
You're going to get the book, Paul.
Speaker 2 (07:03):
I'm getting the book as soon as I'm going to
follow Mel Robins when we get home.
Speaker 3 (07:06):
Absolutely, you're going to follow us when you get home. Okay,
you're getting closer. Okay, we got to take a break.
Paul Wahlberg was not expecting any of that, so I
apologize if we could you by surprise.
Speaker 2 (07:18):
I will tell you all good because it's great to
learn things like that, and I'm so excited for you
because because that's going to be a great event.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
Absolutely, all right, we got to take a break. Now
we'll talk to Paul Wahlberg. Right after the break.
Speaker 1 (07:30):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale in Waterfront Hotel in sweets.
Speaker 3 (07:36):
Hey, folks, welcome back to Food for Thought. Paul Wahlberg
still in the studio. Want to thank Lisa Donovan for
spending a few minutes and letting us share the Mel
Robins thing, which I thought was a really cool moment
on the Billy at least some morning show. But Paul,
how you doing, buddy? I'm doing great. Are you ready
for the holidays?
Speaker 7 (07:55):
Speaker 3 (07:56):
This so close? This year.
Speaker 2 (07:57):
It's unbelievable, you know how it is. It's like I'm
slightly linear about things. So you got to get through
Thanksgiving and then okay, now I can start Christmas and
then oh my god, it's three weeks.
Speaker 3 (08:06):
Why is everybody saying that more than ever. This year
is because Thanksgiving was later than you sure, it.
Speaker 2 (08:12):
Was almost the end of them. It was just about
the end of the month. Oh okay, And so next
year it'll be the same. So be it that we
have to plan better. It'll be a little more chaos
next year.
Speaker 3 (08:20):
Now, does the entire Wallberg family, all four hundred of you,
do they all count on you to make the dinner?
Speaker 2 (08:28):
Oh no, no, okay, you know what. Everybody's got families.
Everybody kind of does the thing. We find other times
to get together. But we're a lot of homebodies, which
is great with your own beach, with each with our
own homes and our home bodies, and we'll get together.
We got together for a couple of days. You know,
you get together when you can. And it's hard because
you know, we're we're so spread out now.
Speaker 3 (08:52):
But what's the same with me and my brother Frank,
he lives in Florida. But I always make sure I
pick up the phone and touch base, so you take up.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
The market the text of being passed around, the pictures
of happy kids and all of that. You know, you
do what you can, but it's just hard. It's just hard.
And you know, like I said, with so many of us,
we were thinking about getting together maybe Christmas Eve.
Speaker 3 (09:17):
But we'll see. Yeah, we'll see, but I'm working. So
you know, the restaurant is open on Christmas.
Speaker 2 (09:23):
Alma alman Ove is open Christmas Eve. It's it's it's
very important to us. We've done it since day one,
and we have so many regulars that we we sell
out and it's great because it's that really nice time
for people and kind of kick off that thing, and
it's great for the staff and every.
Speaker 3 (09:39):
Now do you do a big Christmas dinner, a traditional
Christmas dinner?
Speaker 2 (09:43):
Yeah, yeah, we have the menu and then we have
specials we have we have you know, very you know,
we have you know, I think this year we prime
rib or like a ribb By Steak and things like that,
and we have some nice dishes, we have nice desserts,
so we we we make it special. The restaurants decorated,
so it works out well. And then the Wallburgers you
know obviously, and it's hard because you want to bounce around,
you want to see everybody and do your thing. But
it's been great. Like I said, it's something that people
do every year. With Almanova.
Speaker 3 (10:12):
You mentioned Wallburgers. How many are there now, just.
Speaker 2 (10:15):
Over one hundred and twenty, one hundred and twenty.
Speaker 3 (10:18):
And you're basically the culinary director for all of them.
I know, we've got a whole team. Oh, I know,
but no, it is. It's just that there's a.
Speaker 2 (10:26):
Team of people that get it done, and you know,
there's so many amazing people that work with us, and
you know, we just do you know, everybody's everybody's got
roles and stuff like that, so it works out really well.
Speaker 3 (10:38):
A couple of weeks ago, my wife Michelle, and I
had to fly down to Florida for a couple of things,
and of course I stopped at Wallburger's first. You can't
oh without going to Wallburgers.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yeah, I love it because you know, I'll walk in
and people like and he'll sit down because usually I'm
an early morning flight guy, so I'll go it in
there and I'll have a breakfast sandwich and I'm just
as happy as a clam.
Speaker 3 (11:02):
Oh yeah, and then people the family pictures and then
people look and they look at me, they look at
the picture the exactly now, when you go in to
the Logan or any other Wallburgers. Do you do you
boss people around or like, oh no, no, no, no never.
Speaker 2 (11:19):
I My job is to support, right, and so if
a table needs to be busted, I'll help bust it, right,
But I'm not going to sit there.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
It's it's it would be.
Speaker 2 (11:31):
You know, everybody's trying to do their best and do
what they can, especially when it's busy. I feel, you know,
my job is to support and to make sure that
they know that people are there to help.
Speaker 3 (11:41):
But do they get nervous because you're coming in? You
don't say anything coming?
Speaker 2 (11:46):
No, I don't. I don't announce that I'm coming in.
I just kind of show up because again, I don't
want to put undue pressure because if people are walking
on eggshells for whatever reason, they're not really focused on
their job.
Speaker 3 (11:56):
Now, since you're the owner, do you also tip? Of
course I do. If you have a meal there, I
pay for it just like everybody else. Just don't get
him a credit card. You a tab, I pay the tab.
There's no way you pay the tab. Absolutely, you are Wallburgers.
It doesn't know it's but I tell you one thing.
You think Mark is paying the tab? Of course not,
of course he is actually, if I know Mark, he's
probably paying the tab for everybody in there, exactly.
Speaker 2 (12:28):
So it's no you you go in there and and
I don't. We don't look first, I'm not looking for
something special treatment and stuff like that.
Speaker 3 (12:36):
That's not what it's about. But I'm just you know why.
It's like I said, Ernie bark is a good buddy
of mine, right now, a lot of do right. So
I was always curious, and I finally asked him, I said, hey,
do you have you go to the ATM? Ever? You know,
because I'm kind of curious. What's a guy like that do,
Like does he need cash?
Speaker 7 (12:58):
Speaker 3 (12:58):
Does he go to the ATM? Like all of us?
You know what I'm trying to say? Here, do you
go to the ATM?
Speaker 2 (13:06):
You've got a nine hundred foot boat that you keep
start like you are everywhere. You've got a guest selling
cookbook out thank you, and you're in it. Yeah, but
it's best sell in spite of me, right you know,
I'm telling you, like.
Speaker 3 (13:24):
It's well, yes, I go to the ATM one yes,
once in a while exactly.
Speaker 2 (13:28):
So people live their lives like everybody puts their pants
on one leg at a time. That whole okay, right,
and and I've you know, I've had the privilege of
meeting he's a regular guy doing the regular guy couldn't
and do it does things.
Speaker 3 (13:46):
While you were sitting here, you know, you witnessed it.
Ernie called me on my cell phone because he was
of course I am. He's having a big thing f
Auday and he for Sutherland is going to his house
to perform and he wanted to invite. That's amazing. That's
the kind of guy he is. And to take him
up on it. It happens. I had plans, what are
your plans? What's more, I had plans that we made
with friends, because we try to get together with certain
friends during the holidays, and you.
Speaker 2 (14:16):
Know, a couple of friends, and you get to use
it as like, you know, I could have been over
Ernie box House, but I'm here.
Speaker 3 (14:21):
With Oh my god, thank you for giving that to
me here with you, just so you know I could
have been.
Speaker 2 (14:29):
I was already written down somewhere.
Speaker 3 (14:31):
No it wasn't, but I'm gonna write it down right now.
By the way, I could have been at Ernie South.
That's a good one. Thank you for that. I'm gonna
take that with me. In fact, I'm going to do
it with anyone I'm with and during the holiday, you know, anyone,
you know, Just so, what is the newest Wallbergers? Didn't
you didn't you tell me you were opening a second
one at Logan or so thing?
Speaker 2 (15:00):
Yeah, we opened the second one at Logan and then
Donnie and I went out and did that place. Chicken
Ranch just opened. And then also you're in Canada, right, yeah,
we're we we were still in the airport in Canada.
You know, we have the restaurants in in Australia and
New Zealand. Puerto Rico is going to be opening up
what part of Puerto Rico? God, there's there's going to
be five of them and whoa just like that five
that the plan. People sign agreements and they say, you
know that the goal is to open five. So we're
starting with one and we're happy with that.
Speaker 3 (15:40):
Yeah, it's in.
Speaker 2 (15:41):
It's in one of the large developments. We're super excited
about the partner and it's just gonna it's gonna be great.
Speaker 3 (15:46):
So you know, you're you're, you're gonna. It's just well,
I'm always curious because I'm the worst business man. I'm
not a business. I don't know. I'm not good again.
Speaker 2 (15:56):
We have we have great people who you know, do
all the planning and stuff like that, and you know,
I try to, you know, we we do. Everybody does
their part and so we do the best we can.
But we're very excited.
Speaker 3 (16:09):
And you know, but you do have two Wallburgers at Logan, Yes, okay,
what terminals Terminal Sea and Terminal Ill the internally just
that's the new one in the food court there. I'll
be traveling internationally soon. I'll have to make sure I
go to that one. Oh you know what I want
to note? At Wallburgers, do you carry marks tequila? Yes?
They do. It's amazing. I was.
Speaker 2 (16:40):
I was fortunate enough to go down to to to
when they were doing it and making it and and
watching all. We went to the fields like we did
the like. I got to do the whole thing and tequila.
It was amazing. And so I went out to the
Agavi fields got literally they gave me the it's all
like this big like scraper sickle and you've scraped the
thing down and we went to the whole fermentation process,
really went through the whole thing.
Speaker 3 (17:08):
They had the sickle in your hands. Yeah, I forget
the name of it.
Speaker 2 (17:11):
But it's like this big long pole with a big
sharp round blade, and they're giving me sharp tools, which
is always I would never know. At one point, I
had an axe and I was splitting. Okay, hold this thought, okay, because.
Speaker 3 (17:27):
I've always been curious with this. You know, you see
the celebrities with their own perfumes and their own cologns
and their own liquor and their own beers, and I
always wonder, is it just their name? Did they actually
get involved? You're telling me Mark did, and you did.
Hold that thought. I have nothing to do with that thought,
and will take a break. It's Food for Thought. I'm
Billy Costa with Paul Wahlberg and we'll be right back.
Speaker 1 (17:50):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale in Waterfront Hotel in sweets Hey.
Speaker 3 (17:56):
Everybody, welcome back to Food for Thought. Billy Costa here
and I'm sitting here with the Paul Wahlberg. Before we
went to break, we were talking about your brother Mark's tequila.
Mark Wahlberg, and I always wondered when celebrities come out
with a product, you know, whether it's a perfume or
a cologne or whatever, a liquor, a beer, and I
wonder if they're actually involved in it. You were telling
me that you and Mark were there where they make
to hell. I was there.
Speaker 2 (18:22):
Mark had been there prior to me being there, but
I had gone down to Juillisco down in Mexico where
they make, where the fields are and when you drive around,
it's it's such a huge business now, the tequila. It's
taken off so crazy, and you go out there, the
fields are everywhere, and the agave plants grow everywhere, so
you just and you just see it. And the whole
process is amazingly brought us through it all and to
see it. Mike is very active in what he does.
You know, he likes you know, anything that he gets
involved with, he participates.
Speaker 3 (18:55):
So he dives in.
Speaker 2 (18:56):
Yeah, he works, he works at it and then he
still tries. There was regular job right right, which is
obviously you know, making movies and things like that. But
it's amazing like he you know, he and Donnie are
very similar. And the and the fact that like then
they they're working, they're going twenty four hours a day.
You know, they get their sleep, but you know, trying
to jam in everything that they do and then you
know all the you know, especially with their fans and
anything like that. It's amazing to see him in action.
But Mark is very, like you said, very involved in
what he does.
Speaker 3 (19:28):
Well, you just mentioned Donnie the New Kids have a
Vegas residency. Now, yeah, and that's crazy. You're gonna get
out to Vegas and oh absolutely, absolutely, Like I can't
believe it. Like, and they sell out everywhere they go,
multiple areadas.
Speaker 2 (19:41):
They they've had to add more shows to it. It's amazing.
But I will tell you it's earned. Oh right, God,
And that's the thing, right, And you know, you know,
I'm sitting there talking to you, and you know, right,
I've been around you. You are so kind and so
generous and so nice to everyone, right because those the
peop people who listen to you are the people who
keep you on the air.
Speaker 3 (20:03):
Oh yeah, right.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
So the relationship that you've built with all of them,
and in your involvement with all of the community programs
and all of the different things. Everything you get involved with,
you do it one hundred percent. And so I've watched
Donnie and Mark and it's amazing. What was most impressive
for me is the first time I was on set
with Mark and I watched him interact with everyone on set,
and I'm talking, you know, electricians, grips all of these
people nice. He's polite, he's friendly to everybody. He's a
professional through and through. Donnie is absolutely the same way.
When you see Donnie in action, and you know the
new kids fins, they grew up together.
Speaker 3 (20:41):
All right, Hold that thought. We got to take a
break with Paul Wahlberg. Will continue to the conversations. Oh yeah, well,
you got to pay the bills around here, you know
what I'm saying. We'll take a break. We'll be right back.
Speaker 1 (20:50):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale in Waterfront Hotel in Sweets.
Speaker 3 (20:56):
Hey, guys, welcome back to Food for Thought. Billy Costa
here once again talk to Paul Wahlberg. We haven't really
mentioned this, but Paul, I want to talk about al Minove.
But Jennie Johnson and I recently launched a cookbook and
we featured some of the best chefs in the Boston area.
You are featured in the book.
Speaker 2 (21:13):
What was the dish you featured in the book and
why we did a salmon A pan said salmon, and
it was served with black rice and ruberb vinagrette. And
it was something that like I really kind of wanted
to work towards in terms of it's a dish that
we had run before, and people of it. I love
the taste of spring. I love rubarb. It's one of
my favorite things, and it really matches up well with
the salmon, and you know, just having those different things.
And again, I was just honored for just the mayor mention.
You know, when you guys reach out, and I was
so happy, but I knew that nobody could do it
better than you guys because of you know, all of
the connections that you've made and all of the chefs
that you've worked with, and you just know everybody. But
you're so caring about the restaurant industry as a whole.
It's amazing.
Speaker 3 (22:01):
I got to tell you, I wasn't even thinking about
a cook a cookbook. And I gave Jenny Johnson all
the credit because it was her idea. And when I
saw the book, I mean, you know, we did a
bunch of interviews. You know, we talked with the publishers,
talk with the writers. When it came out, I said,
oh my god, this is it's like a coffee table book.
It's beautiful to look at it. So it's the real deal.
It really is a great story.
Speaker 2 (22:23):
I mean, I mean, you could cut my page out
and just kind of move on, but I will tell
you it is the real deal in some of you know,
the real heart and soul of our industry is in
that book. And you you were able to pull them
all together. You enjoy and just like again, amazing job.
And the book is beautiful, the recipes are beautiful, the
photographs are beautiful. It's just and great stories in there.
Speaker 3 (22:45):
And your brother Mark, I texted him one day out
of left and I know he gets up at like
two in the morning, so I waited until four in
the morning and I texted him. I said, hey, buddy,
just asked.
Speaker 2 (22:56):
You realize you're head. Oh I know he's he's so
it's earlier that Oh yeah, but he's up.
Speaker 3 (23:01):
All the time.
Speaker 2 (23:02):
Within sixty seconds, all I texted was, hey, buddy.
Speaker 3 (23:05):
Any any chance you might want to do the forward
to our cookbook. Within sixty seconds, he responded, anything you need,
I'm happy to do it. Just send me the information
and there he is.
Speaker 2 (23:17):
I'll tell you he he really is amazing that way,
and he'll get you an answer right away.
Speaker 3 (23:24):
But you know, and he did a great job. It's
written beautiful.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
He did an amazing job. But I will tell you again,
don't how long have you known us? You know, just
and I mean obviously me a much shorter time in
terms of the restaurant world. But with Mark and Donnie,
I mean, you were there in the beginning.
Speaker 3 (23:40):
Funny story. I don't even know if you know this one,
but Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, And I know
never to mention that to Mark. He doesn't like to
talk about the Funky Bunch. But when they recorded Good Vibrations,
I was there. It was like in a room in
a house and they were like rehearsing it and every thing.
You know, I'm a drummer off and I've been drumming
for years, and they let me drum for the during
not for the actual recording. You go, oh, you got credit. No,
I didn't get credit either, but it was cool. And
then when the song came out, it was so big.
It was really cool.
Speaker 2 (24:13):
It was amazing. And the first time I heard it,
like when I'm like you gotta be kidding me. And
and oh my god, ill a jam. Yeah, it's it's amazing.
And and again the work that you know, that that
he put into it and everything that went along with it,
and and again it's just a testament to like to
who he is and that the battle that he's fought,
oh yeah, in his life, just always succeeding, always pushing hard,
always working, always focused. It's amazing.
Speaker 3 (24:42):
Uh, I got to tell you, and I totally love
his movies, but there are some like, for instance, last
week the Shooter. Yep, it must have been the twelve
time I've watched the movie. Oh, if it's on, I
can't turn away from it.
Speaker 2 (24:53):
There are certain parts to it that you watch and
you're like, yeah, and it's just he did such an amazing.
Speaker 3 (25:00):
Job with it.
Speaker 2 (25:00):
How about Loan Survivor, Loan Survivors amazing. I will tell
you Four Brothers. Yeah, and then another Invincible And these
are going backcible, but Invincible, like I thought, really kind
of captured that time in Philadelphia and that time in
the in this country.
Speaker 3 (25:17):
Yeah, play playing in that field.
Speaker 2 (25:20):
You know, it's fun. Isn't just a couple of guys talking.
But but like I said, watching four Brothers, so funny,
so funny, so and so, and I mean obviously they
you know, it gets gets a little rough and.
Speaker 3 (25:33):
Tumble, but it's a great job. Do your kids and
their kids, did they get you know, what you guys
have accomplished as as brothers, you think they really like
your own children, Do they understand where you guys came
from and what you've accomplished.
Speaker 2 (25:50):
It's not I don't think it's that that they it's
it's it's not about accomplishment, it's about it. I don't
look at it that way in terms of it. But
it's my kids laugh, like if we're in the airport,
if we're traveling somewhere or where anywhere, and someone goes,
oh my god, Paul Olberg, and they'll andy, they'll say
something nice and say, oh my god, we love you mother,
we love Mark, we love Donnie, whatever, and they just
laugh because they see me kind of get uncomfortable because
you know, it's just it's just my nature. But they
but but they know that they know that we work
hard for it, right.
Speaker 3 (26:23):
I got to ask you Almonov, which is one of
my favorite restaurants on the planet. Very quickly, Hingham shipyard.
Why haven't you opened a second one.
Speaker 2 (26:30):
It's really hard to duplicate that.
Speaker 3 (26:32):
That thing you need, I need almon Nove on the
north Shore. I have to I have to insist.
Speaker 2 (26:38):
Yeah, I will tell you, you know, finding a location is
ideal as that you know, on the water, that whole thing,
the way, the building, the intimacy of it, but so
the open space of it, all that, like there's a
lot of stuff that went into into that.
Speaker 3 (26:50):
All right, hold that thought because you just said the
words on the water. Because we're going to take a
phone call from Carrie, who is uh you know, involved
in and in charge of the Bust the boat show,
the New England boat absolutely and it's coming to town
in a few weeks. Yep. So we're going to get everybody.
It's always a possibility. I doubt it. I did that
last year. I don't see that happening maybe not ever.
But I'm just saying, well, take a break.
Speaker 2 (27:16):
You've got a best seller out there, yourself a boat.
Speaker 3 (27:18):
We'll take a break and we'll be right back.
Speaker 1 (27:20):
You're listening to Food for Thought, brought to you by
the Box Center and Sailing Waterfront Hotel in sweets.
Speaker 3 (27:27):
Hey, guys, welcome back to Food for Thought, to Billy Coste.
Here it's still got Paul Wahlberg in the studio. So
Paul Alman Novay is right on the water Hangham Shipyard.
It's one of the most beautiful settings I've ever seen.
You get to watch the boats up and down the river,
and but you're not a boater. I'm not a boater.
I get seasick in the shower, so really yeah, okay.
Speaker 2 (27:46):
But it's funny like people get try to get me
out and I'm I'm a worker, so I I like
keep them busy. But I watch people. It is their
pride and joy. Well, think of it.
Speaker 3 (27:56):
You could have the boat right there on the dog
right outside the restaurant. You know what, But hold that thought,
because I'm going to change you. I'm going to change
your life. You're going to be a boater. Okay, Carrie
is on the phone. Carrie is bringing the New England
Boat Show back to Boston. Carry you there, I'm here, Hi, guys,
how are you good?
Speaker 2 (28:14):
Speaker 3 (28:14):
This is your mission over the next ten or fifteen
minutes is to turn Paul Wahlberg into a boater.
Speaker 9 (28:20):
Yeah, Paul, I don't like to hear this that you
work on the water and you don't have a boat.
Speaker 2 (28:24):
I tell you, watch, I watch everybody else in their boats,
and I get invited on boats and it's great, but
I just don't have the time because it's a lot
of work too. It's a lot of but it's work
of love.
Speaker 3 (28:39):
The work is the fun. It's the fun.
Speaker 2 (28:41):
Yeah, taking care of it.
Speaker 3 (28:42):
And I watch people.
Speaker 2 (28:43):
And they manicure and they do this and they do that,
and they're so boat proud. It's amazing. And obviously the
boat show is such a huge event every year.
Speaker 3 (28:51):
Okay, so Carrie, first things first, what are the dates
of the New England Boat Show this year?
Speaker 9 (28:56):
So save those dates. We are back at the BCEC
January eighth through the twelfth, so it's coming in hot
right after the holidays.
Speaker 2 (29:05):
Oh you hear a new boat And.
Speaker 3 (29:07):
It couldn't be easier. The BCECY plenty of parking. They
actually have valet parking at the New England Boat Show,
or you can park it yourself. But okay, and if you.
Speaker 9 (29:16):
Park it yourself, they bring the little trolley and bring
you right to the doors of the boat show.
Speaker 2 (29:20):
It's awesome, that's awesome. That's awesome because I know, I
know Billy's looking for a new boat, because he's got
a best seller out there that you can find on Amazon.
Speaker 3 (29:28):
Make sure you look.
Speaker 9 (29:29):
You're finally going to get that new boat.
Speaker 2 (29:32):
He got one last year. But it's just a little
small by the way.
Speaker 3 (29:36):
That's a Taste of Boston by Billy and Jenny and
it's available at Amazon. Well, it so happens, Carrie. I
got a new boat like a year ago, but I
could be in the market for a new inflatable, maybe
a trade in. Oh good.
Speaker 9 (29:55):
That's the thing when you're a boater, You're always in
the market for something, right, That's why the boat show
so great. You're either getting your accessories or your new
marine electronics, or you're shopping all the new boats. We
have more than five hundred boats at the show this year.
Speaker 8 (30:09):
You know, it's.
Speaker 9 (30:09):
Pontoons, wakeboats, personal watercraft, in latables, center consoles, yacht like
every single kind of boat that you need and at
every price point, you know, for every budget and lifestyle.
Speaker 3 (30:21):
And here's the thing about the boat show, okay for boaters,
because you know, some boaters are lucky enough to take
their boats south and have their boats in the winter.
But for boaters, most of them have to store their
boats during the winter. The boat show kind of gets
them connected to the boats because you missed them as
though they're your children. So you go there and you
buy a bunch of stuff because you're getting excited about
the next season in May or even April and Mi case,
and so you buy stuff you don't need but you want.
Speaker 9 (30:52):
Well, and you connect with everybody. Yes, I mean you
see your you know the marina owners, or you connect
with the people who sill you the boat, or you
just connect with like myoters and really kind of get
a pace of that lifestyle in summer, in the middle
of winter.
Speaker 3 (31:05):
And Carrie, every year at the boat show you have
the Queen of the show. It's not a beauty pageant,
but it's the well, the boat of this year's show.
So what is the boat of this year's show.
Speaker 9 (31:19):
So we actually have not only the Queen, but the
Queen in her court because there are so many incredible
boats in this kind of forty to forty five foot
range that have every bell and whistle you could want.
But the actual Queen, which we name for the longest
boat in length overall, is the Tiara forty three LF.
Oh yeah, this is a super cool boat. Have you
seen it?
Speaker 3 (31:44):
Yes, I have. Tiera makes a great boat. That's another
thing voters do in the off season. All you do
is read boat magazine, boat magazine and yeah, and you
get to know like people who collect cars, Like I
can from a distance any boat going by. I can
tell you how big it is and what brand it is,
and what kind of motors are in the boat. It's
like a freakish thing with boaters. Well, same as golf's
like a game.
Speaker 9 (32:06):
When you're on the water, You're like, I know what
that is.
Speaker 3 (32:08):
Yeah, now correct me if I'm wrong. At this year's
boat show, you're going to have paddle board yoga.
Speaker 9 (32:17):
Yes, yes, So we always have the indoor paddle pool, right,
so for kind of kids twelve and up, we have
the indoor paddle pool. So kids and adults, mini.
Speaker 2 (32:29):
What does Billy still count as twelve and up? Kid,
I'd like to see that paddle board yoga.
Speaker 3 (32:35):
I'm telling you, I've done it.
Speaker 2 (32:37):
I've done it, done it right. Yeah, it's fun.
Speaker 3 (32:40):
Speaker 9 (32:40):
Yeah, So you can do the yoga or you can
just go and take a spin on a stand up
paddle board in the indoor pool, which is really fun.
But we're excited. We haven't done the stand up paddle
board yoga yet. We've got our indoor pool and we've
done all these different things, so we're pumped about this.
We've got great partners at sub Yo, you know, they're fun.
Speaker 3 (32:59):
Another one thing you guys do at the boat show
that a lot of people don't realize, even voters, is
you have classes that voters can go to.
Speaker 9 (33:06):
Right, Yeah, so many free educational opportunities. So at Fredshed
is kind of the DIY center, right. If you want
to learn how to fix little things, know how to
tinker on your boat yourself, that's a great place to start.
Then we have other classes that are straight up like
take the helm, How are you going to operate your boat?
Speaker 7 (33:26):
What are the latest?
Speaker 8 (33:27):
You know?
Speaker 9 (33:27):
Everything everything you need to know, not tying, you know
what I mean. It's literally everything you need to know
when you hop a board.
Speaker 3 (33:32):
Yeah, Paul, you have to understand there are so many
different classes and you can't take enough as a boater
because it's not a joke out. Oh no, especially if
you're cruising long distance.
Speaker 2 (33:41):
Trust me, I've heard, I hear, because we have the
marina behind it. Oh r, I hear all of the stories.
Oh I was doing this and we have a few
people who will take their boats down south. Oh yeah,
they'll do it themselves.
Speaker 3 (33:54):
Speaker 2 (33:54):
And so we got to such and such and the
weather turned and this happened, this broke whatever it is.
So it's you really have to know what you're doing.
There has to be a real mount of focus. And
so again I'm kind of not qualified as far as
I'm concerned.
Speaker 3 (34:09):
I'll give you an example. I took a course of
course years ago for night cruising. Yea. And the way
they teach you, oh yeah, the way they teach you
is they put you in the bridge of a boat,
but the windows are all blacked out so that you
have to offer the rate. It's like a pilot who
you know, flies by instruments, only like if it's foggy
or dark out, same thing as a boater. You've got
to be ready to boat in the dark by using
your electronics.
Speaker 2 (34:35):
And that was a great It's amazing.
Speaker 3 (34:36):
Yeah, it's a cool course.
Speaker 2 (34:38):
Cool. Now do we have the class with the libations
as well, because that's like a thing that goes with boating.
Speaker 3 (34:43):
What's a big thing with boaters. I choose not to
drink while underway, as we say in the biz. But
what am I missing about the boat show? Carry? What
else do you have?
Speaker 9 (34:52):
Actually, Paul hit on the other thing we should chat about,
which is the Discover Boating Beach Club, where we will
have a taste of Boston and chef demos and sampling
and happy hour tastings and really fun stuff.
Speaker 2 (35:06):
And now I'm okay, did you say chef demos?
Speaker 3 (35:10):
Are you demoing?
Speaker 8 (35:11):
Speaker 3 (35:12):
I'm not demoing, but I'm going to eat.
Speaker 7 (35:15):
Paul. Are you a chef?
Speaker 3 (35:16):
Yes? Are you kidding me? He's the chef. It's Paul
Wahlberg Almanova. Are you familiar with Wallburgers?
Speaker 4 (35:23):
Speaker 7 (35:23):
Oh my god, I wasn't making that.
Speaker 3 (35:25):
This is mister Wallburger.
Speaker 9 (35:29):
Oh Paul, we need to get you in on the
beach buck Well.
Speaker 3 (35:33):
Absolutely, I'm telling you I wasn't playing roping you in, Paul.
Speaker 9 (35:38):
Paul, you're coming as our guest to the opening night party.
So that's on January eighth. Wednesday, January eighth, five thirty
to eighty, we have an oyster bar from Island Creek Oyster.
Speaker 2 (35:47):
Oh my god, I love Island Creek chipping skipping his guys.
You're amazing. Oh my god, I love those guys to death.
Speaker 3 (35:55):
You know what makes through the butt. Yep, you know
what this is, Carrie. It's party already. We haven't even
gotten there.
Speaker 9 (36:00):
I know, I know you guys are coming, Billy, you'll
already be there because we've got to do our tours
and get you on all the new boats. Paul, really, I.
Speaker 8 (36:07):
Want you to come.
Speaker 7 (36:08):
It's so much fun.
Speaker 9 (36:08):
So we'll and it all benefits. Our opening night party
on January eighth, benefits Save the Harbor, the Bay.
Speaker 2 (36:15):
Perfect, perfect, perfect, that's yeah, yeah, absolute Oyster.
Speaker 9 (36:18):
Bar chef demos and now we'm going to I'm going
to put Paul on stage. He's getting he's doing a
surprise demo.
Speaker 3 (36:23):
So now you're doing a presentation on stage. Well there
you go. Thanks, you know, good? No good? Then we
tied my hour up here. Paul has never said no
to me. I think this could be a first. Now
you're getting me.
Speaker 9 (36:36):
You're coming as our guests to benefit Save the Harbor's.
Speaker 2 (36:39):
Absolutely I'd love to be part of it. And you know,
we should definitely figure out something and we can. We
can definitely put something together.
Speaker 3 (36:45):
Can we get them a discount on a boat.
Speaker 2 (36:48):
We'll start we'll start with the dinghy.
Speaker 3 (36:51):
Yeah, we'll get you a nice dinghy, like a fourteen
foot inflatable. Uh, Carrie, this is awesome. Once again. What
are the days? What are the hours of the boat show?
Speaker 9 (37:02):
January eighth through the twelfth. The tickets are on sale
now and you got them online and ps they make
great stocking stuffers, et cetera.
Speaker 2 (37:09):
Oh yeah, and we're open once.
Speaker 9 (37:12):
And all the hours are on the website. It's easier
to just go to New England Boat Show dot com
and get all of the details. You can get your tickets,
all the features, all the hours of parking, all the details.
So January eighth through the twelfth at the Boston Convention
and Exhibition Center.
Speaker 3 (37:25):
That's a great idea of stocking stuff, rocking stuffer. Yeah.
And by the way, get the voter in your family
a class that he can attend and learn a little
bit more about voting. Carries. So nice to talk to you.
We'll see at the show.
Speaker 9 (37:35):
Thank you, ball see you there, thank you.
Speaker 2 (37:38):
We'll take a break. One more break, Paul, that's it
and we'll be right back.
Speaker 1 (37:41):
You're listening to food for Thought brought to you by
the Box Center and Sale and Waterfront Hotel and sweet Hey.
Speaker 3 (37:47):
Folks, welcome back to Food for Thought the Lly Costria.
We still have Paul Wahlberg. See that, Paul, you're a voter.
Yeah you came. You weren't a vouter. Now you go.
My ferries on them all set there you go.
Speaker 2 (37:59):
But yeah, but they still wear sperries.
Speaker 3 (38:01):
I don't even know. Some do not me. Well.
Speaker 2 (38:05):
Now, okay, so let's talk about your phone attire. What
do you wear the boat UFOs UFOs?
Speaker 3 (38:10):
Yeah, you're familiar with UFOs. Yep, UFOs are fabulous. I
have UFO's boat's shoes and I have UFOs flip flops.
Flip flops. Yeah, that's the way to go. Okay, boaters,
if you're listening, you gotta go to UFOs. Okay. So
Almanov is right there at Hingham Shipyard. Beautiful setting. I
asked you earlier, why not a second location? I'm okay.
Speaker 2 (38:32):
Yeah, it's again that that trying to duplicate everything. It's
such a perfect sight, and you know, it's just it's
just that thing, you know, And and Wahlburger's kind of
keeps us busy.
Speaker 3 (38:44):
So it does. If someone's coming to Almanov for the
first time, I know my specific dishes I would like
to get. Every time somebody's walking in for the first time,
walk them through the perfect meal, starting with an app,
an entree, and a dessert. If you want them to
sample your restaurant Alma Nov for the first time, give
us the meal.
Speaker 2 (39:02):
I would always start with the meatballs perfect I mean
personally or a saloony platter, but meatballs, like with the whipperata,
just amazing. For the salad, I would I'm a bit
of a snob, I will say that we have one
of the most amazing season of salads. We make the dressing,
everything in the house. It's fantastic. My kids love the croutons,
you know, stuff like that. Like it's the simple parts
of it. Okay, wriggles a salad. But we also have
very we're very seasonal, so there's lots of opportunities. But
there's also that thing, will you can ask us for
something if we have it? And this makes all everybody
in the kitchen their head spin around, But I'm we're
it and make you happy at the end of the day, right,
And we.
Speaker 3 (39:47):
Can imagine they're busy Saturday night. Yeah, somebody comes in
the kid. Yeah, Billy Costa's asking for this, And Paul said,
that's sound of a no no.
Speaker 2 (39:55):
But I will tell you I'm a duck guy, and
we always have duck on the menu. So there's always
different opportunities for people to kind of come in and
see things, and depends, like I said, the seasonality of it.
In the summer, we have beautiful airloom tomatoes. We do this,
we do that, So there's always different bits and pieces.
We're open for lunch and dinner seven days a week,
so it's a great opportunity.
Speaker 3 (40:15):
Speaker 2 (40:16):
Yeah, the patio is spectacular, and and and you know,
and and right across the street is the original Wallberger's location.
So it's always, you know, always a good take in.
The shipyard is beautiful. You can what's great about is
you can take the boat over. Oh, you can take
the boat. Yeah, and well not everybody has a boat
bigger than the commuter boat. But I didn't want to
say you could take the ferry.
Speaker 3 (40:38):
Speaker 2 (40:38):
You can take the ferry from Boston, come right over
it right to our back door, to Almanov's backdoor, and
to Wallburger's and there's other restaurants, there's a movie theater there,
there's lots to do, just meander around, enjoy the day.
There's bands during the summer on Friday nights. So it's
it's it's it's a great take. But that take getting
on the boat, coming over, having a drink on the
boat and kind of rely and then have your dinner.
It's almost like a mini vacation.
Speaker 3 (41:03):
You're taking notes. AJ, this is a perfect you get
when the warm weather hits. Okay, it couldn't be easier.
The ferry right out of Boston, you'll be and hang
him what twenty five.
Speaker 2 (41:12):
Minutes, twenty five minutes, and it's a beautiful it's a
really nice ride.
Speaker 3 (41:15):
Live band literally right outside, you're.
Speaker 2 (41:18):
Right right outside the paddy. You've been there when you've come,
because you've come out. And the great thing is, says
transient slip space. You know, oh yeah, the marina behind us.
So people come, they'll stay for a couple of days
and join themselves, and obviously it's it's a great take,
and we're very very fortunate to be there.
Speaker 3 (41:33):
Paul, can't thank you enough for coming by, can't thank
you enough for being a part of our cookbook, and
I can't thank you brother Mark for being the forward
in the cookbook. By the way, again it's a Taste
of Boston. Taste to Boston, Billy and Jenny and go
to Amazon. By the way, makes the perfect holiday gift.
And happy holidays, Paul, Happy holidays as well. Thank you,
Merry Christmas to everybody. And just you know, thank you
for again for all that you've done. And you're having
a pretty good year. So far, so good.
Speaker 2 (41:59):
Absolutely and up next sixty minutes