Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:53):
Lord. This morning, I pray that everybody knows that they
were created for something special. That whoever is listening this
morning or later by podcast would know that they are
not a mistake, that they are precious in your sight,
and that you have an amazing plan for them in
the name of Jesus. Amen. Welcome to Healing Begins Radio
when AMA's pastor Gail Kroc and the subject I feel
led to talk on is called created for something special.
Everybody on the face of the planet, when created, was
created for something special. It's just that there are times
where people choose to go down the wrong path in life.
There's God's way or Satan's way. There's no middle of
the road, and so you're either walking down the right
path or you're walking down the wrong path. And if
you're walking down the wrong path this morning, I would say, hey,
turn to Jesus, give your life to him, and hop
back on the right path. The meaning of repentance is
turning from your sin and turning to God and never
going back. It's as simple as that. And so this
program that I'm sharing with you came out of a
dream in the middle of the night. I don't know
if it was a dream. But let me share with
you what was going on. I don't mind share things
that I experienced in the middle of the night with everybody,
because I believe there are people out there listening that
are experiencing probably some of the very same things as
I am. Well, in the middle of the night, I
knew I was asleep, and yet I was talking. At
the same time, I was having a conversation with the
Lord about Adam and Eve. Now that's a strange thing
for me. I've never had a conversation in the middle
of the night. I couldn't see the Lord. I was
just talking to him, and he was talking to me
about Adam and even why he created them. You know
the whole stories in the Bible. That whole story is
in the Bible. All you gotta do is open your Bible,
go to the Book of Genesis and read chapters one
through five. It'll give the full account of creation. The
Lord was kind of talking to me about how when
he originally created Adam and Eve, he created them to
have unbroken fellowship with him. He created them and put
them in a very special place called the Garden of Eden.
It was there for man to enjoy. There was no sin,
there was no death, there was no pain. There were
no weeds in his garden. How would you like that?
To have a garden with no weeds in it? And
Adam and Eve had everything they needed. Now, I want
to read a couple of scriptures for you. Genesis chapter two,
verses four through twenty five, reading with verse eight. Now,
the Lord God had planted a garden in the east
of Eden, and there he put man that he had formed.
The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out
of the ground, trees that were pleasing to the eye
and good for food. And in the middle of the
garden there was the tree of life, and the tree
of knowledge, and good and evil. The river watering the
garden flowed from even that was separated into forehead waters.
And the name of the first was Pishon, that winds
through the entire land where there is gold verse thirteen.
The name of the second river is Givion, that winds
through the entire land of Kush. The nameber the third
river is Tigris, and it runs along the east side,
And the fourth river is Euphrates. The Lord God took
the man and put him in the garden of eating
to work it and take care of it. And the
Lord God commanded the man, you are free to eat
of any tree of the garden, but you must not
eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
for the day you eat of it, you will surely die.
The Lord God said, is not good for man to
be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Now,
the Lord God had farmed out of the ground all
the wild animals and all the birds in the sky,
and he brought them to the man to see what
he would name them. And whatever the man called each
living creature was his name. So the man gave all
the names of all the livestock, the birds of the sky,
and all the wild animals. But for Adam there was
no suitable help or found. So the Lord God caused
man to fall into a deep sleep. And while he
was sleeping, he took in one of man's ribs, and
then he closed the place in the flesh. And the
Lord God made a woman from the rib that he
had taken out of the man, and he brought her
to the man. Wow, what an amazing story. Then it
goes on to talk about the serpent. Now, this is
really interesting. In Genesis chapter three. So in Genesis chapter three,
we have a talking snake. Now, I gotta be honest,
if a snake stood upright and spoke my name and
said hello, Gail, I think I'd kill it. I would
freak me out. Obviously, when the serpent spoke to Eve,
it didn't surprise her because not only did they have
communion with God, they had communion with the animals. Everything
was in perfect harmony. So that leads me to believe
that the animals had a way of communicating to Adam
and Eve. Everything was in perfect harmony. And it also
leaves me believe that the animals listen to what God
was saying to Adam and Eve, because the serpent repeats
back to Eve everything God had said to try to
deceive her. And so in the Bible, when Balen went
to curse the Israelites, God gave the donkey of the
power of speech. You can go read that in the
Old Testament. So God created Adam and Eve in the garden.
He put him in the perfect place. Adam and Eve
didn't have any clothes like we have clothes. They were
clovered with the glory of heaven. They had everything they
needed to fulfill God's plan and destiny for their life.
There were perfect human relationships in the garden. Adam had
a perfect wife and Eve had a perfect husband. Because
there was no sin in the world. They walked in
the glory. The heavenly Father loved his creation. That's why
he created us. Because he loved us. Adam and Eve
were clothed with the glory of God. God would come
walking through the garden in the cool of the evening
to talk to Adam and to talk to Eve. You
should read the Book of Genesis. It's a very interesting book.
They were fulfilling what God had created them for. There
was no death, no pain. They had free will. The
whole garden was at their disposal, except the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil. Then one day Satan
got a bright idea, and I don't know how this
all came down to enter in through the serpent. It
to deceive Eve and Adam to eat of the fruit.
And the minute they did, Sin came into the world.
And instead of having unbroken fellowship with the heavenly Father,
now they have broken fellowship. So God come walking in
the garden and he's going, Adam, Eve, where are you? Well,
he knew where they were. God knew exactly where they were,
and Adam said, we're hiding. We're naked, and God said,
who told you you were naked? Did you eat of
the fruit of the tree. And then they went through
the whole blame game, you know the Adam said, my
wife gave it to me, and Eve says, well, you know,
the serpent deceived me. And you know the story. You
can read it from there. So when man sin and
aid of the fruit, sin came into the world, death
came into the world. The glory covering that they we
were clothed with, was stripped from them, and they were
kicked out of this beautiful garden, and the human relationship
started to have problems. Satan thought he had won. So
when God knew man had sinned, God had a plan.
He went out and he killed animals, and he made
coats of skin for them and put him on Adam
and Eve. Now, if you read the Genesis, you'll read this.
And that was the first animal sacrifice. That was a
foreshadowing of what Jesus would do when he would come.
We would be clothed with his righteousness. He would give
his blood so we could have eternal life. And so
I really believed. That day, the heavenly Father was disappointed.
He was devastated because no longer could he go walk
in the garden with Adam and Eve. The relationship was
severed and broken, but God, in his great love and mercy,
wanted that relationship restored. John three point sixteen says, for
God so loved the world that he gave his only
begotten son, that whosoever believed on him should not perish,
but have everlasting life Isaiah fifty nine two. But your
sins has separated you from your God. Your sin has
hidden his face from you, so he will not hear you.
Romas three twenty three. For all have sinned and falls
short of the glory of God. I don't know what
Adam and Eve went through once they realized what they
had done and how many people they were affecting. Their
sin affected the entire world and brought pain and death
on the entire world through one man, But through one man,
God brought life eternal through Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn't just
a good man. He wasn't just a good teacher. He
wasn't just a good prophet. He was God who came
in the flesh, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
John chapter one, verse one says, in the beginning was
the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. And verse fourteen says the Word became
flesh and made his dwelling among us. So the heavenly
Father knew he wanted that unbroken relationship restored. He wanted
healing to come to brokenness, and so he sent Jesus
down to die for us. First he lived three years.
He showed us the way. He performed signs, he performed wonders,
he performed miracles, He proved that he was the Messiah.
And then he died on the cross and was crucified
for you and me for my sin, was buried and
put in the grave, But on the third day rose
again so we could have eternal life. His blood is
the solution to the broken fellowship. You don't have to
have broken fellowship with God anymore. If you will turn
to the Lord and accept him as your Lord and
your savior, you can have unbroken fellowship. And you can
find out why God created you, that you are his
special creation, and he created you for something special. The
blood of Jesus is a solution. First John one five
through nine says, this is the message we have heard
from him and declared to you. God is light in him,
there is no darkness at all. If we claim to
have fellowship with Him and walk in the darkness, we
lie and do not live by the truth. But if
we walk into light as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another. In the blood of Jesus,
Christ's son purisifies us from all sin. If we claim
to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth
is not in us. But if we confess our sin,
he is faithful. He is just to forgive us of
our sins and purify us from all on righteousness. God
is calling everyone to come into a new relationship with Jesus.
If you don't know Jesus, Jesus wants to have fellowship
with you. The heavenly Father wants to get to know you.
Jesus loves you. If you don't, if you have that
broken relationship right now with God, just say the Lord,
my relationship with you is broken. I asked you to
forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and
be my savior in Jesus's name, and fill me with
the Holy Spirit. Jesus' name. Amen. You know God created
you special. He created you for a purpose. You're not
a mistake. I say that many times on this program.
You were created for something special. It doesn't matter the
circumstances of your birth. It doesn't matter how you were
born and what other people have said about you. What
matters is what God says about you. But I believe
many times the reason we do not reach our full
potential or the reason for why God created us, is
we bought into the enemy's lies. You know, people have
spoke word curses over our life. Many of you maybe
have heard these words. You're not going to mount to anything.
You're a loser, You're a failure, You're worthless. Well, them
are all lies from the pit of hell. Those are
not true. If you have accepted Christ. This is what
God says about you. You are a God's beautifully created,
Christ's friend, accepted, clothed in His righteousness, sound minded, an
overcomer forgiven, seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, complete
in Christ, peaceful, free in Christ, free from all fear,
holy spirit, controlled, healed by the stripes of Jesus, God's workmanship,
created for Good's works, confident to come before God in prayer,
able to do all things through Christ, who gives you
strength a treasure. And how about this? I am and
I was created for something special? You might say, how
do I get to know that? How do I find
that out? We'll start seeking the Lord. Jeremiah thirty three threesays,
call to me, and I will answer you and show
you great unsearchable things you know not of God wants
to reveal to you and to me the reason why
He created us, and so that can be found. If
you begin to seek God, he'll begin to unveil that
to you. He'll begin to reveal that to you. He'll
begin to show you the way. Now do I believe
you need to be a part of a good church home. Absolutely.
I'm not going to start naming churches because this broadcast
goes all over. If it's on Wood Radio, it covers
most of West Michigan, but if it's on the podcast
channel later, it goes to over fifty nine countries. And
so find a good church in your area, a good
Bible believing, Holy goes filled church, and become a part
of a home group. Find someone to pray with, begin
to study and read your Bible, and God will lead,
He will guide you. He will guide your path because
He promises to do that. God wants you to know
why He created you. You know, I'd really love to
hear from you. My email is share at Healing Begins
radio dot com. Again that share at Healing Begins radio
dot com. Share with me your prayer request, Share with
me what you're going through. Let me know how I
can pray for you. I'll keep your name confidential. Would
love to hear from you. And so created for a reason,
created for a purpose. I love It's in Roma's a
twenty eight out quote that old scripture. Again, all things
work together for good to those that love God. And
I called according to his purpose. And now I love
this next verse for those he fore knew he did
predestined to be conformed to the image of his son,
the Bible says in Jeremiah chapter one, I think it
is in verse five. Before you were born. God knew you.
He knew you, he knew your name, he knew all
about you. And so it doesn't matter what you've been
through right now, if you look to him you might
feel like a failure. You're still created for good works.
You're still God's special creation. Maybe you've just really blown
it big time. You're still God's special creation. That doesn't
negate what God has for you, the Bible says in
Jeremiah twenty nine to eleven. Know the plans I have
for you, says the Lord plans to prosper you and
not harm you. Plans to give you hope in the future.
So right there, if you're breathing and you're listening under
the sound of my voice, God still has something special
for you, and you are God's special creation. So I
just really want to encourage you to walk with Jesus.
I want to encourage you not to give up. I
want to encourage you to keep going and that you
are something and someone special. I don't care what somebody
else may have spoke over your life. In fact, right now,
in the name of Jesus, I break every word curse
that was spoke over your life from another person in
the name of Jesus Christ to the blood of Jesus. Now,
I want to pray for you right now, Heavenly Father,
I pray for those that are listening, those that are
under the sound of my voice right now. I pray
that you would let them know that they were created
for something special. You created them perfect, You created them
without a flaw, And now we might make mistakes, Lord,
but you came to redeem us. You came to save us.
You came to heal us. You came, Lord to heal
the broken places and to bring wholeness to the broken
places of our lives. So Heavenly Father will rejoice with you.
And I thank you for everybody that is listening this
morning or who will later listen by May they always
know they are your special creation. Lord. I thank you, Lord.
I pray that your presence would fill every place and
space where they're at. I pray that you would encourage
those that are down, break the chains of those that
are bound, help people overcome addictions, bring encouragement and hope
to those that are depressed, and bring peace to those
that are full of anxiety. In the name of Jesus, Amen,
I want to thank you for joining me for the
Healing Begins program. And I do want to say again
you are created for a special reason and for a
special purpose. I don't know what you're going through, but
I know Jesus loves you anyone. He wants to walk
with you in the midst of your situation, Isaiah forty
one to ten. Fear thou not, for I am with THEE,
be not dismayed. For I am thy God. I will
strengthen THEE. Yeah, I will help THEE. Yeah, I will
uphold THEE with my mighty right hand. And Isaiah forty
one to fourteen. Now the Lord will take you by
the right hand and walk with you. Well. May the
Lord bless you, May the Lord keep you. May the
Lord cause his face to shine upon you. May he
be gracious to you, and may he give you peace.
And may you always know you are God's special creation
and you are created for a special purpose. We live
in a world of worries, stress and fear, and many
times people don't have a very good support system. I
would like to hear from you. I would like to
know how you like the program, any prairie question might have,
or any future subjects that you would like me to
address on future programs. My email is Share at Healing
Begins Radio dot com. Again that Share at Healing Begins
Radio dot com. Healing Begins is brought to you by
Spiritual Care Consultants located in Hastings, Michigan at the healing Center.
We see children and adults at no costs. We do
virtual and in person sessions. We invite you to learn
more about us by going to www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com.
We also value your feedback and would like to hear
from you. You can email me at Gail G. A. L. E.
At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would like to invite you
and your family and friends to go and listen to
the past programs by going to wood Radio dot com,
then click on podcasts, then look for Healing Begins and
click on that. Thank you so much for being a
faithful supporter. May God bless you, keep you, cause us
face to shine upon you and give you peace. Thank
you for listening.