All Episodes

December 11, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:18):
Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Healing Begins. My name is
Pastor Gail, and I hope you're having a great morning.
I don't know when you're listening to this. You might
be listening to this on WHATFM one O six point
nine at one am in the morning, or you might
listen to this later on the Spiritual Care podcast channel.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
A lot of good things going on right now.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
By the time that you listen to this program, I
will probably have my brand new book out called The
Heart of Healing, because God's heart is to heal you,
and you can find that on Amazon dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
And if you.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Enjoy my programs, enjoy the things I'm talking about, you're
gonna want to get The Heart of Healing on Amazon
dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Just put in my name Gail G. A L. E.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
Kroc k R A G T. And you'll actually pull
all of my books up. Or you can go to
Gailcrocbooks dot com. You can find me in a couple
different ways. But I want to welcome you this morning,
and I want to share with you a subject that
God has put on my heart for you this morning. Now,

this is a very common subject. I think it's something
we've all had to deal with that one time or another,
and it very well could be that some people have
a harder time with this than others, depending on.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
Depending on your situation.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
So I just want to talk about have you ever
walked in front of the mirror in the morning and
looked at yourself in the mirror and you went, WHOA,
I can't believe it, man, I don't look great this morning.
I don't think any of us really truly like how
we look in the mirror. But we got to begin
to like ourselves because you and I were made in

the image of God, and I've been titled this morning's
message in His Image, and it's important to know and
understand that you and I are not a mistake. That
if you're born and you're living on the planet, God
has a plan for you.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
God loves you.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
You might say, wow, you don't know what I've been
through and you don't know what I look like.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
Well, I don't need to know. All I need to.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Know is that God loves you. He created you, and
he did it for a reason and a purpose. And
I want to share a scripture with you this morning
that I really love. In fact, in the few programs
I had I'm going to pick a scripture, give it
a title, and share with you why I love the
particular scripture scripture this Morning is found in the Book

of Genesis chapter one, verses twenty six through twenty eight.
So I would really encourage you to get your Bible out,
check out the scripture for yourself. Check out what I'm
saying for yourself, Read it, meditate on it, pray about it.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Very important.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Genesis chapter one, then God said, let us make man
in our own image, in our likeness. Now sometimes it
blows me away that God has made man in his
image and in his likeness. Where it says in the
beginning God the word is elohem, speaking of like the

Trinity or the Godhead. When he says, let us make
man in our own image, it's God, the Father, God,
the Son, God the Holy Spirit having a conversation about
the creation called man. They're going to create man, and
they're going to create woman. And they wanted to make

sure God the Father wanted to make sure that you
and I were not made in the image of an animal,
were not made in the image of a tree, were
made in the image of God.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
In fact, let's go on.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
What it says so that they may rule over the
fish in the sea, and the birds in the sky,
over the livestock, and all the wild animals, and over
all the creatures that move along the ground. So God
created mankind in his own image, in the image of God.

He created them male and female.

Speaker 2 (04:47):

Speaker 1 (04:49):
So when when you're in the womb, when you were
in the woman, your mother's womb, you were created by
God in that place. And then he said in verse
twenty eight, and God blessed them and said to them,
be fruitful and increase in number, and fill the earth
and subdue it. Rule over the fish and the sea,

and the birds in the sky, and over every living
creature that moves along the ground. According to scripture, you
and I are made in the image of God. It's
so important. We are God's masterpiece. And again I hear
the thought coming to me, but you don't know what

I look like, pastor, it doesn't meanter what you look like.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
What matters that you understand.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
That you are God's masterpiece in his own image. You
are his creation. He created you to love him and
to worship him.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
You are in God's image, And because you are, you
know how very special you are. I want you to
think about this for a minute. Psalms one hundred and
thirty nine, verse sixteen says that God knit you together
in your mother's womb. So God took the time when

you were conceived in the womb to knit you together.
Every detail of your body, your life, your spirit, your
soul he knit together in your mother's womb. When a
baby is in the womb, it's a baby. It's not
a blob. It's not something to be aborted. Although there's

a lot of babies that are aborted, and that's very sad.
And if you're listening to me and you've had an abortion,
I want you to know God loves you, and there's
forgiveness at the foot of the cross, and you can
find the forgiveness and cleansing and you don't have to
live in regret. And what's so terrible about abortion. They're

not just aborting the person that child in the womb.
God created them and knit them together with a destiny,
with a purpose, and with a plan. And when a
baby is ripped from its mother's womb, not only is

the baby aborted, but everything that God had planned is
also aborted. Now good news. If you've lost a baby
through miscarriers or you had an abortion, you regret it.
Now you've asked God's forgiveness, You're forgiven. And the other
thing is God doesn't.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
Lose babies when they're in the womb.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
I believe they automatically go right to heaven and then
when you get to heaven, they're there waiting for you
when you arrive. So there's hope, there's healing. There's no
condemnation on the program. Right now, if you've had an abortion,
I pray that God would hear you, give you hope,
show you his love, and just set you free from

those thoughts in images or maybe, as I'm talking on
being made in His image, maybe you struggle with a
weight problem. You know what, God doesn't look at the
outside appearance. He looks at our hearts. That's what he
looks at. You're made in his image. I mean, I
get up in the morning and I look in the

mirror and think, man, I need to bail the belly.
I know that sounds funny, but as I got older,
I put on a little weight and I'm trying to
take it off and that can be a really big battle.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Right and then, by the way, we look on the outside.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
People judge us, people condemn us, They say mean words.
I mean, thanks to us. Have you been in that,
have you experienced that. If you are, I've got good
news for you. Jesus loves you. Don't listen to the words.
Don't listen to the negative words that have been spoken
over your life. Just stay in the presence of God.

Just focus on him. And if you are struggling with
the weight problem, then ask God to bring you to
somewhere where they can help you devise a plan where
you can lose the weight you want to look. But
the bottom line is you're still beautiful. Beauty is from
the inside out, not the outside in. So you're still beautiful.

You're still handsome no matter what the outside looks like.
And so I just hope I am being in encouragement
to someone right now that is listening to me, that
needs to hear this message. Many people they get in
deep depression because they don't like how they look. I
remember working with people that were in the modeling industry.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
They were models.

Speaker 1 (09:49):
They were absolutely stunning to look at, but when I
looked at their arms, they had cut marks. That's right,
they were cutting their arms because they didn't think they
were beautiful. I have worked with people that struggle with
anorexia where when I look at them, they're skinny, but
they eat food and they go purge in the bathroom

and throw up because they think they're ugly. They don't
think they're beautiful. It's all a lie of the enemy.
And if you deal with purging or you deal with anorexia, listen,
Jesus loves you right.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
Where you're at.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
He thinks you're beautiful, and food doesn't have to be
your enemy. And you know fact, I want to pray
right now for two things. I want to pray for
people that are trying to lose weight and I want
to pray for people that are struggling with how they
look in with anorexia. Okay, so Father, in the name

of Jesus, I thank you. This says in the Book
of Genesis, you made man in our in your image,
male and female. You made them, and I pray that
you would bring deliverance in healing to those that are
bound by how they look, those that are in bondage

to food, to cutting, to purging. I pray in the
name of Jesus that the power of the Holy Spirit
would go forth as I'm praying, and break the back
of addiction, break the back of bondage. Lord, I pray
that you would send your angels out to minister to

those that are listening right now. And I thank you
for it in the mighty name of Jesus.

Speaker 2 (11:39):

Speaker 1 (11:40):
So you and I were made in the image of God.
You and I were made in the lightness of God.
And the body we have is the body we have.
It's our temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit, according
to the Word of God.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
So I need to take care of it. You know.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
I want to live a long life. I want to
fulfill the plans that God has for me to fulfill.
And if I'm going to do that, I need this body.
And also, I'm thinking right now I need to say
another prayer. I need to pray for those that are sick,
you know, because there are many out there you want
to fulfill the plan. But maybe you're dealing with cancer,

maybe you're dealing with diabetes. Maybe I don't know what
sickness is. God a hold of your life, but I
want to pray for that too. If you're sick right now,
I want you to just to lay your hand on
your body right now, and your hand's going to be
my hand, and I'm going to say a prayer for you.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Lord. I pray for those that are sick, Lord, that the.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Sickness that they have is hindering them from fulfilling your
plan for their life. In the name of Jesus, I
now release healing over the airwaves. Lord, and I pray
that everybody that's listening that has their hand on their

body as I'm praying that your presence, your peace, your healing,
and your heat, they would feel the warmth and the
heat of God going into their body, Lord, and you
would provide for them the healing that they need now
from the top of their head to the bottom their feet.
They pray for those that are really feeling hopeless. They
just they don't feel like there's any hope left. That

you would restore hope to people that feel hopeless. In
the name of Jesus the Lord. I just pray for
those that are driving down the road right now in
their car. They're listening to this and they got both
hands on the wheel and they say, Pastor, I want
to lay hands on myself, but I'm just driving my
car or I'm at work. Lord, I pray that the

spirit of God would come upon people wherever they're at,
bringing healing, bringing strength, bringing hope, and bringing encouragement to
them in the name of Jesus.

Speaker 2 (13:56):

Speaker 1 (13:57):
You might say, well, this is the strangest podcast radio
program I've ever heard, but I know it's great, isn't it.
It's really great. I thank God that I have a
chance just to talk to you now right now. As
I say that, I'm not thinking about talking to seven
hundred people or a thousand people right now. I'm talking

just to you, the one who is listening to me
right now. And when I'm speaking, I see people crying.
I see different pictures that come across my mind, and
so I pray that if you're crying in your car
right now as you're listening to this, I just pray
that God would strengthen you. And what's coming to my

mind is i'm talking. Is I am the subject of
people that hate themselves? You know, people that struggle with
hating who they are. Well, God made you, Why hate
who you are?

Speaker 2 (14:54):

Speaker 1 (14:54):
I pray that your light would pierce the darkness right
now where people are at, and I pray that people
would come to a new understanding of who you created
them to be. Lord, it is so important that we
take off the old and put on the new. It's

so important that we take off the old way that
we see ourselves and put on the new. So, Lord,
if we're ever going to become all that You've destined
us to be, Lord, then we need to take off
the old.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
And I want you to listen to.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
The following comments I want to make many people growing up,
they hear words like you're stupid, you'll never amount to anything,
you're no good, you're worthless.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
Those are all the lies of the enemy.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
And right now, if those types of words have been
spoken over your life, I want to break them off
you now in the name of Jesus, Oh Lord, for
those who have had what I call word curses spoken
over their life, like you're no good, you're stupid, you're ugly,
Those words that are so powerful and pierced the heart. Lord,

I pray to you would break every word curse spoken
over people's lives right now. Help them to reject the
word curses and say, God, I want to receive what
you have for me. Let's look at what God says,
and let's look at some in Christ's statements. I am

God's child. I am beautifully created. I am Christ's friend.
I am accepted. I am clothed in his righteousness. I
am sound minded. I am an overcomer. I am forgiven.

I am seated with Christ in heavenly realms. I am
complete in Christ. I am peaceful. I am free in Christ.
I am free from all fear. I am holy spirit controlled.
I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. I am

God's workmanship, created for good works. I am confident to
come before God in prayer. I am able to do
all things through Christ, who gives me strength. And my
personal favorite that I love is I am a treasure.
And I like that because the Southern Corinthians we have

this treasure in jars of clay, and the word treasure
in the original language is the secret purposes and plans
for your life before you were born. I like treasure
because it speaks of value, it speaks of worth.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
I like the I am statement. I am chosen. Wow,
that's an amazing statement. You know.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
I am confident is another amazing statement. So take off
the old, put on the new. Reject the negative words
that been spoken over your life, and when you say
these I am statements out loud. What I want you
to pray for is I want you to pray that

God would give you a revelation of what it means.
What does it really mean to be God's child? Have
you ever thought of that? Have you ever contemplated that?
Have you ever meditated on it? What does it mean
to be complete in Christ?

Speaker 2 (18:57):
What does it.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Mean to be seated with Christ in heavenly realms? And
so there's so much in those statements that sounds so simple,
but they are so transformative and they are so impactful
that if you really begin to meditate and pray for

a revelation of what they mean, they'll change your life.
And so, if you're looking for a change of your life,
you want to change your life, it isn't going to
happen overnight, and it isn't always going to be easy.
But if you begin to put on what God says
about you, and if you begin to believe what God
says about you despite not feeling it, it will begin

to transform you. You know, we say a lot in
spiritual care that our words chart a course for our future,
and so you can have a beautiful, bright future, but
you also have to break the lies that the the
enemy is used to keep you bound over the years,
like you'll never amount to anything. Why are you trying

to do that? You're not smart enough to do that.
All of those things are lies from the pit of hell.
Because my Bible says and my God shall supply all
your needs. And it also says in Christ I can
do all things. If he called you to do it,
he will equip you to do it, and you'll be

able to do it. Now. I know you might say, well,
you don't understand. I've tried to do things over and
over and it didn't work. Well, don't give up, don't
give up, keep fighting. You were made in his image,
in his likeness, and God put his plan on the
inside of your heart before you were born. Therefore, all
you got to do is say, Lord, what is your

plan for my life? And help me to walk that out.
And you begin to reject the old, put on the new,
and begin to see things as not mountains, not obstacles,
but opportunities to see God show himself great in your life.
And so in his image is a powerful thought. In

his image and in his likeness, you are to be
like him. But that's everything the enemy is trying to
take away from you as you go about your day
to day life. The enemy tries to take it away
from me too. I remember when he said, first, I
want you to do a radio program and a podcast channel.
I thought God was crazy. I thought what am I me?

But I branched out and I launched out, and God
showed us how to do it, and now we're impacting
thousands through the airwaves. And I'm really thankful for God.
You know what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful that you
did not turn off your radio or the podcast, because
that means God's got your ear. He's got something he

wants to say to you. And I want you to
begin to believe that you are who God says you are.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
And I want you to begin to believe that with
all your heart. Let me pray for you, Lord. I
pray for those that are listening that they.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
Would begin to believe that they are who you say
they are, that first of all, that they were made
in your image, they were made in your likeness, and
that you created them with a plan and a purpose. So, Father,
for those that are discouraged today, I pray that you

would encourage everybody under the sound of my voice. I
pray that you keep them in the palm of your
hand and bless them everywhere they go. In the name
of Jesus. Amen Well. I would like to hear from you.
My email is Share at Healing Begins Radio dot com.
Share at Healing Begins Radio dot com, or you can

email me at Gail at Spiritual Care Consultants. Made the
Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you made the
Lord causes faith to shine upon you. May the Lord
be gracious to you and give you peace. And may

you always know and understand that you were made in
the image of God and in His likeness.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
Have a great warning.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
Healing Begins is brought to you by Spiritual Care Consultants
located in Hastings, Michigan. At the Healing Center, we see
children and adults at no costs. We do virtual and
in person sessions. We invite you to learn more about
us by going to www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We
also value your feedback and would like to hear from you.

You can email me at Gail G. A. L. E.
At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would like to invite you
and your family and friends to go and listen to
the past programs by going to wood Radio dot com
then click on podcasts, then look for Healing Begins and

click on that. Thank you so much for being a
faithful supporter. May God bless you, keep you, cause us
face to shine upon you and give you peace.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
Thank you for listening.
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