Episode Transcript
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I want to welcome you to HealingBegins. My name is Pastor Gale Krack,
and I'm glad you're listening. Iwas thinking about what you might be
going through out there tonight. AndI have an interesting guest on my program.
Her name is Lexi. Say hello, Alexi. Hi, And I
just met Lexi yesterday and I wasHer and Jeremiah were in McDonald's and I
was in McDonald's and I'm always friendlytalking to people, and she was waving
at me. Weren't you waving atme? She looked like she was waving
at me, but she really wasn'twaving at me. There was somebody standing
behind me. But I was ableto strike up a cover station with Lexi
and Jeremiah. And I'm going totitle this program what listeners go through and
why it's important that we're out atone am in the morning giving hope to
people. So about a month ago, you were just driving around. Was
it in the Mendelville area, yep? And what were you doing? Just
driving back home after working And Iwas flipping through the radio stations because I
wanted to listen to something different,and I just kept pressing the button,
pressing the button, and next thing, you know, I heard the Bible
being read, and I was like, you know what, I'm going to
stop right here. Don't know whyI'm going to stop. And I started
listening, and I just remember puttingmy car in park and just like sitting
here, just like listening. AndI was like, this happened for a
reason. There was a reason whyI stopped on the station and I needed
to listen to this and it wasI don't remember exactly what it was,
but it just had to home andit just gave me hope and faith to
keep going forward. You know,this is the reason that I chose.
Well, actually I didn't choose that. The Lord said I want to give
you a radio program, and Iwanted to be at one am in the
morning, and I stopped. Andthat's not the normal time people want the
radio program, Matt, but theLord kind of spoke to my heart that
that's my target audience that at oneam, they say there's approximately seven hundred
people listening and they're going through thingsand they're on the road. And so
Lexi, you began to share yourstory with me a little bit in McDonald's
when you and Jeremiah were sitting thereand I thought it was extremely interesting.
It really speaks to what you're goingthrough, the hard time you're going through.
But at the same time, youhave a goal for your life and
you talked about being homeless, right, Yeah, Can you speak a little
bit about what you've been going through? I mean you could share what you
want. Uh, you don't haveto share everything, but what as a
listener, what are you going throughand where are you headed with your life?
So I've been through a lot ofstuff with going through the foster care
system and just kind of feeling thesense of abandonment. I was put in
there when I was seven years old. My mom was a drug addict and
my dad was never around ended upgoing to prison, So who who went
to prison? My dad didn't reallyhave a connection with him much. But
later on I ended up having somebehavioral issues and a lot of the foster
families couldn't handle it, and sothey ended up putting me into a mental
stane asylum called like residentials. Whenmy mom lost custody of us, me
and my siblings, we were splitup and ended up going there. Showed
up in a hospital, didn't knowwhere I was, didn't know how I
got there, ended up being therefor almost three years, moved around to
a couple of them, ended upgetting out by this family, and they
changed my life for the better.They were very good Christians, helped me
lean more towards God and just gaveme hope. But with all of that
trauma from those like from the past, it was hard to move forward.
It was hard to accept love.And I remember learning in church like God
loves people unconditionally and no matter whatyou go through, he chooses the people
that he chooses. I still strugglewith things today. How I became like
kind of homeless was I was adopted. I finally got adopted at the age
of like thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, I don't remember quite well. I
think it was like fourteen though,and lived there for like three years,
and they ended up dropping me offto another house. Just when I thought
that I had a family and thoughtthat I could settle down. It was
just the cycle all over again.So I felt abandoned and not accepted,
just as I felt before, overand over and over again, and moved
around and ever since, I've beenmoving around from house to house. I
have some people to guide me,but I'm really just going on by myself.
Went to church again because wasn't goingbecause that was just so life was
just so hectic. It's like,how do you do that? And how
do you like believe in somebody thatlike it continues to happen. But in
reality, everything's happening for a reason, every interaction, every single thing God
does for a reason. I believethat God put me through the things that
I went through to be there forpeople, and to be there for those
young kids that feel abandoned or olderpeople that feel like they've never felt belonged,
like they that they've belonged, Andyeah, you know, Alexi,
God is looking for you. Iwas going to write a program and I'm
going to still do it. It'scalled Come Home, and it really you
know, working with sex trafficking likewe do in the mountains, and working
with the kids coming out of thegangs, kids that have just been thrown
away. And then in McDonald's.That was strange, wasn't it? Yah?
Was that not strange to sit downwith you and Jeremiah and to listen
to you share your lives. Imean, Jeremiah's homeless too, living in
the back of your vehicle. Imean, folks, listen, if you're
a sponsor of this program, thisis why we do it. This is
why we sponsor. This is whywe do this program because Alexi, there's
people like you listening. Now I'mgoing to have you do something for the
listeners you're not prepared for. SoI'm going to hand her and I am
card, and I'm going to haveher read these out loud and tell us
what's one of these really? Maybeshe struggles with yet today I am God's
child, beautiful inside and out.A friend of Jesus, wanted forgiven,
calm, able to do anything withJesus, Safe, cared for, protected,
loved, hopeful, joyful, confident, blessed, free from all fear,
an overcomer, a champion, atreasure, brave chosen, a peacemaker,
created for good works. Okay,talk to me about that. What
are you feeling. It's okay tocry in the air. What are you
feeling. It's just something that everyonealways wants to have, like just to
have somebody that you can go toand no matter how many times things happen
and people kind of break that trust, there's always going to be God there
for you. And I always askmyself, like why I've done these things?
I've done so like much, I'vebeen through so much, Like why
do you choose me? Why doyou choose the people that you choose?
You know, we know what theBible says in Jeremiah, before you were
born, I chose you before youwere born. And it says in Psalms
one thirty nine, verse sixteen,it says, before you were born,
all the days ordained for you werewritten in his book before one came to
be LEXI, there are all there'stwo paths we can take. There's God's
path and there's the enemy's path.The other thing I don't I'm gonna tell
you what I don't. Can Itell you what I don't understand. I
don't understand why some people go throughwhat they go through and I go through
what I go through When I standin the garbage dump of Costa Rica,
I don't understand why they're living here, and I'm not because the only reason
is where they were born. Andyet God loves them just as much he
loves me. He loves you justas much as he loves me. And
I mean, I haven't had alot of conversations with you, have I
I don't even know if you're whereyou need to be with the Lord.
You may have said, Hey,God, if this is what you're all
about, I don't know if Iwant to follow you or not. You
know you, I imagine you've hadsome of those thoughts. And how long
were you in the psych word,like in that area totally in overall?
Probably like five years. Wow,that's a lot. That's just a lot
to handle, you know. Ikind of don't know where to go with
this except to say to you,looking at you right now, my second
time to meet you is how muchGod loves you and how much he cares
for you. I imagine when youguys went back to your car, you
may have had a conversation about thatcrazy guy you met in McDonald's, right.
I was just talking to him aboutwe had a conversation the night before,
which was kind of crazy and everythingadds up for a reason. You
know. He was telling me abouthow much he was struggling with just feeling
lost and don'es that have a purposeand doesn't feel like he can just be
himself and like live because he's justhe can't get a job. All these
things he's jumping from house to houseand I'm trying the best that I can.
But it's it's hard to see himgo through that much, you know,
because I've been through it. I'mgoing through it, and I just
want to do the best for him. And I was like, hey,
God is here, You're here fora reason. All of this stuff that
you're going through happens for a reason. And I hate that and I always
have to tell myself that the samething. You know, everything happens for
a reason. Now, I wantto quote a scripture. You've probably heard
it before, and when you're goingthrough a hard time, a lot of
times people don't like to hear thisscripture. It's Romans eight twenty eight.
All things work together for good tothose that love God and are called according
to His purpose. Now, Ihave a very hard time with some things,
wondering how good's going to You know, when I went to nine to
eleven and I went to ground zeroand I talked to people in that tragy,
it was hard to see if anythinggood could ever come out of that.
But I know that when I metboth of you, I knew you
guys were supposed to meet me.I knew that this place we're in right
now would be a place that youguys could run to to get prayer,
to get support. I actually lookedonline and found a place in Camel Zoo
called the Ark where he could actuallygo and maybe find a place to stay.
I don't know if you know aboutthe Ark, but there's a place
called the Ark, and I don'tknow the Ark, but we're going to
look into that. But what doyou want to say to people out there
that are listening right now, thatare hurting. What's your message to them?
Lexi, You're not alone. Everythingis happening. God is going to
be there for you. And knowyour lowest moments, you're going to see
light. You're gonna have hope.Just keep moving forward because then that you
went through, you're still moving forward. So I quit now exactly what I
am. Statements really stand out toyou that you struggle with on that card?
Why don't you read the ones youstruggle with. I'm loved, I'm
chosen, and I'm wanted. Yeah, then are big, aren't they?
What are you feeling right now?I don't know it just hits. I
know we're live on the air,We're gonna be this is gonna be on
the air, But you know,can I can I pray for you a
minute as we're doing this show becauseI think it's important. Yeah. Lord,
she picked three very important I amstatements. I am loved, I
am chosen, and I am wanted. Lord, we pray for Lexi that
you would heal the wounds of hersoul that have come from abandonment, from
people that have come from so somany things that she's went through. I
pray for the healing of the yearsof being in the psychiatric ward for five
years. I pray for the healingof unkind words that were spoke over her
life and even word curses, maybethat she would never amount to anything,
and I break those in the nameof Jesus. Lord, you brought her
here, she found the program,You brought her into the office, and
now she wants to give a messageof hope to those that are listening.
I ask you bless her and blessedJeremiah with hope in healing. In Jesus'
name. Amen, Lexi, youhave a goal for your life. What
do you want to be someday?Going to college Randaro to be a choir
teacher. Yeah, hey, youknow what Jeremiah twenty nine to eleven.
Know the plans I have for you? Say it. The Lord plans they
prosper you and not harm you,plans to give you hope in the future.
But I got one more for you, Joel two twenty five. I
will repay you for all the yearsthe locusts have eaten. Do you know
what that means, Lexi? Thathe'll fix all of the broken pieces,
everything you went through in the past. As you get healing and restoration from
that, he will make your miseryyour ministry. He's gonna bring and restore
and pay you back for what youlost. Do you know what the Bible
says? Says a lot of things, doesn't it. It says when the
thief is caught, he must repayseven times everything he tried to steal from
you. The enemy's tried to stealfrom me, Alexi, and I decree
over you seven times payment, Lexi. I'm gonna right on the air.
I'm going to ask you a question. Are you where you need to be
with Jesus? I think that there'salways still work that needs to be done,
But you've invited him into your heart. Yes, So go, folks.
I don't know what you're going throughout there as you're listening to Lexi
her story what she's been through,and she was just one of the listeners
that listen every night. Listen.If you're listening, I would like to
know your story. My email isshare at Healing Begins Radio dot com.
Again that share at Healing Begins Radiodot com. Any final thoughts from you.
Lexi is reading the Bible heart foryou sometimes. Yes and no.
I'm just a little dyslexic, soit's kind of a little bit hard.
So also am I so join thecrew? Have you found a good church
to connect to? You know?Now I'm speaking to you listening out there
by radio and later by podcasts.I want you to know that God knows
right where you're at. And asI'm as I am talking, I see
a lady who has pulled her carover and she's crying, and I pray
that God would give you a restoredsense of hope as you're parked by the
side of the road, and wewould really like to hear from you.
And I'm just going to take amoment and I want to I want to
pray for our listeners because if you'reup at one am listening to this there
could be several things. I don'tknow what's going on in your life,
but there could be a lot ofthings. But Lexi, I want to
thank you for taking the time tocome in to talk with someone you only
met a second A second time.Doesn't that sound crazy? For sure?
But you know what, I'm spontaneous. I like to do things and I'm
just gonna I feel like just totell you and I'm not I know I'm
not only saying it to you,but I'm saying it. Are those that
are listening out there when she readthose I AM statements, They're true.
They're true. See, the enemyhas built his house on lies, and
the only thing that is power overyou, Lexi, is the lies the
enemy has taught you, or hastold you in the midst of your pain,
that the only power. But whenyou realize that, and you realize
what God has said about you istrue, you can begin to break those
lies that you've come to believe.Now, I know you've been through a
lot of hurt and pain. Youwant to read those I AM statements again
one more time? Yeah, Iam God's child, beautiful inside and out,
a friend of Jesus, wanted forgivencalm, able to do anything with
Jesus, safe, cared for,protect it, loved, hopeful, joyful,
confident, blessed, free from allfear, an overcomer, a champion,
a treasure, brave chosen, apeacemaker, created for God work.
So I've chosen I am statement foryou. What do you think I chose?
I chose I am a treasure.Do you know why I chose it?
The Bible says before you were bornGod, when you were born,
God put a treasure in you.It's the secret purposes and plans for your
life before you were born. Andas you come to know Jesus, he
will unveil what the treasure as He'sput in your heart. He will guide
you in your college. He willguide you in your education. I really
got a feeling, Lexay, You'regoing to do much more than just teach
music. You're going to do muchmuch more. God's got a destiny for
you, and He's got a destinyfor Jeremiah. That's really incredible. So
I want you to remember you're atreasure. And of course I like jokes,
because treasure is what pirates look for. Our treasure get it. But
it's something valuable. So valuable.Jesus gave his life for you. Well
think of that value, well,hapvenly, Father, I thank you for
each and every person listening out there. I thank you that you love us.
I thank you that you want us, and that you accepted us so
much that you died on the crossto give us eternal life. I pray
for those that are feeling hopeless thatyou give them hope. I pray for
those that are away from you,that right now they'd open up their heart
and say, Jesus, I'm awayfrom you. I asked you to forgive
me of my sins. Come intomy heart, be my savior, fill
me with the Holy Spirit, andgive me new hope. I pray for
those that are lost in darkness thatthe light of heaven would pierce the darkness
right where they're at. I praythe angels of heaven would go and minister
to the heirs of salvation right now. In the name of Jesus, Thank
you, Lord for hope. InJesus' name, Amen, LEXI, thank
you you are loved, chosen,accepted, and wanted. May the Lord
bless you, May the Lord keepyou, May the Lord cause his face
to shine upon you. Be graciousto you, and may you always know
in your heart that you are loved, chosen, accepted, and wanted,
and that you are never alone.I'm so glad you've made it out.
Let's say thank you for sharing yourstory. Everyone. I hope you have
a good morning in a good week. We live in a world of worries,
stress and fear, and many timespeople don't have a very good support
system. I would like to hearfrom you. I would like to know
how you like the program, anyprairie question might have, or any future
subjects that you would like me toaddress on future programs. My email is
Share at Healing Begins Radio dot com. Again that Share at Healing Begins Radio
dot com. Healing Begins is broughtto you by Spiritual Care Consultants located in
Hastings, Michigan. At the HealingCenter, we see children and adults at
no costs. We do virtual andin person sessions. We invite you to
learn more about us by going towww dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We also
value your feedback and would like tohear from you. You can email me
at Gail G. A l E. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would
like to invite you and your familyand friends to go and listen to the
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to shine upon you and give youpeace. Thank you for listening.