Episode Transcript
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Good morning, everybody. Welcome toHealing Begins. This is Pastor Gala.
Hope you guys are all having agood morning or if you're listening to this
on the podcast channel, I praythat you're having a good day to day.
The subject I have chosen entitled livingbefore and After an election year.
You know, I have seen somany people when we're in an election year,
fight with each other based on beingRepublican, Democrat, third party,
Green party, Ah, I don'tcare. There's so many parties out there.
Now there's a blank party. Andit goes on and on and on,
and friends and families are divided becauseof elections and because of what part
of they are. And sometimes peoplecut one another off because they didn't vote
the way they think they should vote. And let's try to get away from
all that this election year. Youknow, I'm sixty three years old.
I have seen many elections. I'veseen presidents come and presidents go. I've
seen Democrats come and Republicans go,you know, and we're still here today.
And the thing I have to sayis that America is a great country.
And you and I have the opportunityto vote on election day. That's
our duty, and don't think yourvote doesn't count, because it does.
And I just encourage everybody to taketheir duty and go vote and vote for
what you feel is right. Afteryou've prayed, you've sought the Lord,
just vote the way you feel isright, and don't tell anyone about it,
and going about your Your friends andfamily are very important. Relationships are
more important than elections. Did youknow that. Yeah, your relationship with
your brother or your sister, oryour mom, or your dad, or
your grandpa or your grandma is moreimportant than politics, and especially a relationship
with Jesus Christ. And so Ijust want to help you today to just
keep everything in a proper perspective andto be able to live through the election
year and after the election year successfullyand keep on going and not live being
dominated by a spirit of fear,but rather a spirit of faith. It's
even our faith that we overcome theworld. And so you know, when
it comes to elections, I mean, God's throne is not shaken if there's
a public or a democrat in office. All right, That doesn't say we
shouldn't have a good leader in officewith godly values, But God's throne will
still go on into twenty twenty five, and it will not be shaken,
because the Bible says that we arereceiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken.
So I have some key points thatI want to kind of talk to you
about this morning that I think willhelp you live through an electioneer Point number
one, keep your focus on Jesusand not on what is going on around
you. Hebrews twelve two says,fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer
perfector of our faith, who forthe joy before him, endured the cross,
scorning it shame and sat down atthe right hand of the throne of
God. Whatever you do, keepyour eyes on Jesus. Another name and
title for Jesus says in Isaiah ninetysix. His name shall be called wonderful
counselor and the Prince of Peace.You know, a political storm could be
raging around you, but if youkeep your eyes on Jesus, then you
can have peace. Jesus said,in this world you will have trouble.
In me, you may have peace. Take heart, I have overcome the
world. So in the midst ofeverything that's going on before the election and
after the election, keep your eyeson Jesus, because you know there will
be a lot of anxiety before theelection. People will be super excited thinking
their party's gonna win, their Canada'sgonna win. Then after the election,
one Canada is lost. Then youhave one party super excited, somebody else
mad and depressed. Well, I'vedetermined in my heart that I'm not gonna
do that. I'm going to keepmy eyes on the Lord. I'm gonna
use my duty and vote, andI'm gonna leave everything else up to the
Lord to take care of. Pointnumber two, don't get involved with meaningless
arguments and discussions two Timothy, Chaptertwo, verses twenty three through twenty four,
don't have anything to do with foolishand stupid arguments because you know they
produce quarrels. And the Lord's servantmust not be quarrelsome, but must be
kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful. Man, I'm
telling you that is such a goodsuggestion, because you know, people know
who we are. People know ifwe're Christians, they know who we represent.
And if you get in a meaninglessplace political argument, it's gonna hurt
the people that hear you more thanit is yourself. And you're gonna hurt
your own witness and your own testimony. So take my word of advice today,
do not get involved with meaningless argumentsand discussions. I have seen people
involved with arguments as it relates topolitics and religion, and I knew that
those arguments were not gonna go anywhere. And I knew that the two friends
that are arguing were most likely notgonna be friends when the argument was done.
And that's not worth it. Idon't mind discussing, but I will
not argue because I'm gonna leave beforeand after the election. Leader up to
Jesus. Point number three, Loveyour brothers and sisters in Christ unconditionally,
John thirteen thirty four. A newcommand. I give you love one another
as I have loved you, Soyou must love one another. Look,
loving one another is not an option, it's a command. It doesn't say
love one another except for in anelection year or after an election year.
It says love one another. Andso as we go into twenty twenty four
and then twenty twenty five, it'simportant that we go in filled with the
Holy Spirit. You know, theBible says that we are to be wise
as serpents. But harmless as doves. And I pray that God would give
you that type of anointing going intothe new year. Number four, do
something kind for a neighbor Matthew seventwelve. So in everything, do to
others which you would have them doto you. For this sums up the
law in the profits. Oh man, it is so fun to do that.
It is so fun to be ableto do something good for others.
You know many of you. Idon't know if you know this, but
I work in Costa Rica in SanJose with rescuing children from sex trafficking,
drugs, and prostitution. And theywork with a particular rehab up in the
mountains. It's a Christian rehab andevery August they have a new group of
forty girls and age rains from twelveto seventeen who have been rescued from sex
trafficking, drugs, and prostitution.Well, just recently something amazing has happened.
One of my board members, Barbis on the million Dollar round Table,
and we applied for a grant.We wrote for a grant of twenty
five thousand. Just yesterday I gotthe news that we got one of the
top grants fifty thousand dollars. Sothis is gonna be fun. Why we're
gonna do something good for Anita andSergio in the rehab. We're gonna fly
to Costa Rica, come in witha big check and they don't know it's
coming and present because you know they'vebeen suffering this year being able to make
ends meet. Oh, it's gonnabe shock and all. They're gonna be
so surprised. It's gonna be somuch fun doing something kind for a neighbor.
But maybe not even getting the credit, right, not getting the credit,
go there, drop something off tocome home something their need is under
doorstep. How much fun is that? Do something good for a neighbor,
give to someone in need. Matthewsix one through four says, be careful
not to practice your righteousness in frontof others to be seen by them.
If you do, you will haveno reward from your father in heaven.
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets,
as the hypocrites would do in thesynagogue and on the streets, to be
honored by others. I tell youthe truth, they have received the reward
in fum. But when you giveto the needy. Do not let your
left hand know what your right handis doing, so that you're giving maybe
secret. Then your father, whosees what is done in secret, will
reward you openly. I just toldyou I did something. We did something
good for others, and we helpsomebody in need. And because it's just
a good example of what we cando to make a difference in the time
we're living in. Number six,Take your burdens and concerns to the Lord
daily, because during an election yearand after election a year, people are
weighed down with burdens, with stressand anxiety. One Peter five seven through
nine says, cast all your anxietyon him because he cared for you.
Be alert and sober of mind.Your enemy, the devil, prowls around
like a roar lion, seeking someonewhom he may devour. Resist him.
Stand firm in the paith because youknow that the family of believers throughout the
world is undergoing the same type ofsuffering. So during an election year there
will be a lot of anxiety,a lot of stress that people will have
to deal with. One time Isaid to the Lord, what does casting
my cares on the Lord and thedevil have in common? And the Lord
is quick to remind me. Ifyou don't cast your burdens on the Lord,
they will devour you. They'll devouryour time, your health, your
mental health is just not worth it. Give your burdens to the Lord.
Number seven. Pray for your nationand its leaders daily. One Timothy III
one through two says I urged it, and first of all that petitions,
prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving bemade for all people, for kings and
those in authority, that we maylive a peaceful, quiet life in all
godliness and holiness. Now, nomatter who's in the office, whether you
like the person or not, isirrelevant. When a person becomes president or
governor, or whatever the office is, our job is to pray for that
person and ask God to be withhim, guide them, help them to
make godly decisions. Because once aperson is in office, our job is
to pray. Number eight. Rememberthere is a spiritual battle going on for
our nation. If hees in sixtwelve says for our struggle is not against
flesh and against blood, but againstthe rulers, against authorities, against the
powers of this dark world, againstthe spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms. So our job. Ourjob is to pray and ask the Lord
to bind the enemy in the nameof Jesus. Our job is ask the
Lord and to plead the blood ofJesus over our president, our governor and
everybody involved, asking God to sendhis holy angels to minister, to the
president, to the governors, toeverybody in office. It's so important that
we understand. Our fight is notagainst a person. Our fight is against
principalities and powers and demonic forces,rulers of powers of this dark world in
the heavenly realms. All right.Number nine, be a peacemaker wherever you
go, Matthew five nine. Blessedare the peacemakers, for they shall be
called children of God. That isso important. Blessed are the peacemakers.
And so do things when you're outand about in the public or when you're
talking. Do things that lead topeace, not to unrest, not to
anxiety, and not to anger,but to lead to peace. All right,
So be a peacemaker wherever you go. And number ten, remember,
no matter what the outcome is inthe election, the Kingdom of Heaven is
not shaken. Listen to what itsays in Hebrews twelve, twenty eight.
Therefore, since we are receiving akingdom that cannot be shaken, let us
be thankful and so worship God acceptablywith the reverence and all. Here's what
I believe. No matter what happens, God isn't shaken in his boots.
He isn't Things aren't falling into part, They're falling into place. We are
living in the last days and weare looking for the coming of our savior,
Lord Jesus Christ. We believe hiscoming is soon. And my question
to you is are you ready?Is your heart right with God? If
Jesus was to come back today,would you go to be with him?
If you're not right with God today, I encourage you to pray this prayer.
Pray this prayer after me. DearJesus, I know I'm a sinner.
I ask you Lord to forgive meof my sins. Come into my
heart and be my savior and fillme with the Holy Spirit. You know,
ladies and gentlemen, we can beGod's ambassadors in a dark world.
We can be a light shining ina dark place. We can be a
candle in the darkness. We canmake a difference in an election year and
after the election year. So theBible says that we are to let our
light shine that they may see ourgood works and glorify our Father, which
is in heaven. You know.I grew up in Sunday school and we
sang a song like this, onelike this, this little light of mine.
I'm gonna let us shine, youknow what, this little light of
mine, I'm gonna let us shine, Let us shine, Let it shine,
let it shine. I pray thatthe light of God would shine all
over Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ipray that the light of God was shine
in every community under the sound ofmy voice, whether my voice is heard
on the radio or in the podcasts. I pray that the light of Jesus
would pierce the dark places. AndI just pray for hope. You know
that's a big thing. No matterwhat happens, we always have hope.
You know. The old songwriter said, My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Idare not trust the sweetest frame, but
only lean on Jesus' name, onChrist, the solid rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking, sad, All other ground is sinking, saying
ladies and gentlemen, stay on therock. Don't let politics, don't let
anyone move you off the solid rock. His name is Jesus Christ. Stay
on it. Depend on them.You know. If you're listening today,
I would really like to hear fromyou, whether you hear us on What
I Am, What IFM, whetheryou hear us on Wood radio or online
on the podcast channel, I'd liketo hear from you. My email is
Gail G. A L E AtSpiritualcareconsultants dot com and my mailing address is
Spiritual Care Consultants, Carol Pastor,Gail Kroc k R A G T one
three seven five West Green Street,Sweet One, Hastings, Michigan, four
nine O five eight. No.I'd like to pray for you, Lord.
We have an election year coming up. Lord, I pray for those
that are worried, those that areconcerned about this year and about twenty twenty
five. I pray for those inauthority, those in the government. Lord,
I pray for the President, thegovernors across this nation. God send
your angels to minister to them.Lord, you are the light, and
your light is in us, andI pray that you would cause us to
shine when there's darkness in this world. Lord, I'm reminded of that scripture
that says, arise, shine,for your light has come, for the
glory of the Lord has risen uponthee. So Lord, let us arise,
Let us shine with your light.Let us be a force for good
when everything else is falling apart.And let our words that we speak bring
hope, encouragement and love. Letour words be your words. Let our
mind be your mind. And maywe go where you go. May you
direct our footsteps to wherever you wantus to go, whoever you want us
to speak to. You are good, and you have been so good to
us. And so Lord, Ithank you once again for the opportunity to
vote and to be alive during thistime in our nation's history. So I
pray that you would be glorified andeverything. I pray for those that are
listening right now that are struggling withfear, depression, loneliness. Lord,
May your light in your presence piercethe darkness, and may your love surround
them. I pray for those thatneed healing, that they would receive a
touch from God right now. Ipray for those that are in pain,
emotional pain, physical pain, Lordto One of your names is Jehovah raphe
God, our healer, and Ijust pray right now that your healing would
come and go through the airwaves nowand touch people as they're listening. Lord.
Another one of your names is JehovahShama, the Lord who is near.
Lord, you said you are nearto the broken hearted, and you
save those that are chust in spirit. And I pray for those that are
grieving tonight, those that have lostchildren, that you would comfort them.
Lord. And I pray most ofall that this program would lead people to
drink of the living water, whichis you. Lord. The Spirit and
the Bride say come, Let allwho are thirsty come and drink freely from
the spring of the water of lifein Jesus's name. Amen, Well,
may the Lord bless you, Maythe Lord keep you. May the Lord
cause us face to shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you
peace. We live in a worldof worlds stress and fear, and many
times people don't have a very goodsupport system. I would like to hear
from you. I would like toknow how you like the program, any
prairie question might have, or anyfuture subjects that you would like me to
address on future programs. My emailis share at Healing Begins Radio dot com.
Again that share at Healing Begins Radiodot com. Healing Begins is brought
to you by Spiritual Care Consultants locatedin Hastings, Michigan. At the Healing
Center, we see children and adultsat no costs. We do virtual and
in person sessions. We invite youto learn more about us by going to
www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. Wealso value your feedback and would like to
hear from you. You can emailme at Gail G. A. L
E. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com.We would like to invite you and your
family and friends to go and listento the past programs by going to Wood
Radio dot com, then click onpodcasts, then look for Healing Begins and
click on that. Thank you somuch for being a faithful supporter. May
God bless you, keep you,cause us face to shine upon you and
give you peace. Thank you forlistening.