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August 10, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:19):
Good morning everyone, Welcome to Healing Begins. My name is
Pastor Gail Krock and I am glad you're listening. So
don't know what you're doing this morning. You might be
listening to this on wood Radio one on six point NINEFM.
You might be listening to this by podcast later. You
can always go back and get past programs on my

podcast channel, Healing Begins Spiritual Care, which can be found
wherever you get your podcasts, or you can go back
to the Wood Radio website under podcast look for the
Healing Begins show and you can pick up previous episodes there. Well,
you know what I was thinking about today. I was
thinking about making a difference, and so I don't know

if you've ever experienced this in your life. I've had
times in my life where I'm going through a struggle
or a trial and out of the blues, someone will
come up to me and say, hey, you're gonna make it.
And then I'm like, what do you know? I think,
do they know what I'm going through? And I know
they don't. Or someone comes up and says something to

you that you need to hear right at the right time.
I mean, that's how we make a difference in somebody's life.
And you know it says in Mark chapter twelve, verses
thirty through thirty one, love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind,
and with all your strength. The second is this, love

your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater
than these. And then I was thinking of the commandment
that or the scripture that says do on to others
as you would have them do on to you. And
so I think that's how we make a difference on
a day to day basis. We just try to do
on to others as we would have them do unto us,

And that's how we make the difference. But you know,
maybe maybe you need some people to speak over your life.
Maybe you need to hear a word in season. Often
when we travel on a mission trip, if something happens
it's kind of funny, or you could get stressed out
about one of the team members will say, you're loved,

you're accepted, you're on it, you're treasure. You Why it's
important to speak positive things into our lives and over
our lives. So this morning, I'm just speaking to you
whoever is listening, to me. Maybe you got your headsets
on and you've chose to listen to this podcast today.

I'm glad that you're listening to me, and I know
my voice is coming in through your earphones and however
you're listening. But I want to speak these over your life.
Did you know you're beautifully created, your Christ's friend, You're accepted,
you're loved, You're wanted, You're chosen, and you're a treasure.

There's so many more I could say. You're peaceful, your
Holy spirit constrolled, you're healed by the stripes of Jesus,
your God's workmanship created for good work. There's so many
things that I could say. I just want you to
know that you are so valuable to God, and I
want you to know that He knows what you're going through.

So recently, I was on a mission trip to Costa Rica.
I know when you think of Costa Rica, many of
you think of vacation, right, But where I go in
Costa Rica, where my team goes is not vacation areas
like we will work in PAVs and tirasas. Those are

gang areas. We will go to La Carpio, which is
one of the worst slums in Costa Rica. There are
like forty thousand people that live in a quarter mile
square radius and tinhouses on top of a landfill. We
will go up in t Renecere, which is a rehab

that helps taken care of girls that are being rescued
from sex trafficking, drug houses, and prostitution, and my team
and I will go and we will do a group
training with the girls, and then we will minister to
different individual girls that they pick out for us. But
we're never alone with them. There's always three or four

people in the room when a kid comes in when
we're talking to them, So everything is really done in
a way that's excellent. But when in my life, I
never saw myself doing what I do now. I grew
up in Diamond Springs, Michigan, in the middle of a cornfield.
I always say, no, I'm not a child of the

corn but I grew up in the middle of the cornfield.
I never saw myself doing what I'm doing now, going overseas,
ministering in Costa Rica, ministering in Honduras and helping those
people that are needy there. But there are people right
here in our own area that are just as needy
as the people down there in Costa Rica. Now it's

just different. You might not live in a tin house,
but you can go through struggles. You could maybe go
without food, you might be homeless. I don't know what
you're going through as you listen to me this morning.
But one day, it was like five years ago, I
was in Lacarpio. Now Lacarpio is a community built on

a landfill as approximately around forty thousand people, many of
them are displaced refugees. A lot of them came out
of Nicaragua because there was a time when Ortega was
shooting the men and the boys and there was war
going on, and so the women were fleeing with the children.
And so I was up in Lacarpio at a staging

area because the lord had told me to feed the refugees.
I didn't have a lot of money, but I had
enough money to put twenty four bags of food together
to feed twenty four families per approximately a month. And
so the missionary would bring the families up to me
and I would we would set with them, hear their stories,

give them their food. And during this time there was
a young girl helping deliver the food to us up
in the staging area. Her name was dre Jireli's and
her daughter was Aldonza, who was four years old at
the time, and so she was working diligently for the
missionary in that place. She had her own little tinhouse

she lived in with her daughter of eight And one
day I was standing there and I said, Lord, I
can't help everyone in this place, but what can I do?
You know, the team back home, the Spiritual Care team,
decided we would adopt this young mom and her young girl.
She was serving so hard in that place. She was

working for the missionary, running through the garbage dump, helping
the different families, and living on practically nothing. So I
said to the missionary, my team and I have decided
that we want to help her. We're going to give
so much a month and then her we'll give her
so much for food and so much for her little
girl to ride the bus. And that was like four

years ago, and I know that we're making a difference.
I'm looking at her picture in my office wall right now,
with her daughter, and I'll be going back August twenty first,
twenty twenty four, back down for two weeks to Costa
Rica to work in that same area, I will see
her and her daughter again and sold the team and

we will go to her little house. We go down
these this steep slope in the garbage. I'm down over
one hundred and thirty big steps, way down to the
bottom and off to the right between the ten houses.
We come to her house. We always go in and
we sit there. We talk to them, we pray with them,
we find out what they need. And we've been working

in that area with Mary Alos who's the missionary there,
with a ministry called the Steps. And so going down
isn't too bad. Coming up can be a trial if
you're out of shape. Let me tell you that right now.
So helping her out has been a journey and helping
her young girl. And yet in our own area, in

Hastings and Grand Rampants, wherever you're hearing me, we have
people in need in our own area making a difference.
I'm going to say this to you right now. I
know a while back, the Lord is saying, I want
to use your voice, Gale, I want to use your
voice why to encourage people? What time one am in
the morning? So here I am doing message is that

our sent out at one am? Or you listen to
them later on podcasts, and God wants you to know
today that you matter and that He cares for you,
and that he loves you, and that he has a
plan for your life. You may say, well, you don't
know what I'm going through. You know, you're right, I
really don't. But you know what You're going to get

through that storm you're in. You're going to come through
the other side of what you're going through. And I'm
here to tell you hang on. I'm praying for you
that God would bring you the resources you need, that
he would bring you the people you need, and whatever
you need in your current situation. Maybe you got medical bills,

maybe you're dealing with the sickness. Maybe you're going through
a divorce. I don't know what your situation is. It
was like when Jesus told the disciples to go across
the lake and to the other side. And he went
and he went to sleep in the bow of the boat,
and they are rowing across the lake and they get

hit by a storm. I mean, it's called a squall,
and I don't normally use that word a squall or
a tempest. It's a really bad storm that comes up
it hits you out of nowhere, and if you're not prepared,
it can sink your ship and put you under well,
the disciples got hit and they were bailing the water

for all they were worth. They were going nowhere, and
then finally one of them got the bright idea, let's
wake Jesus up. So they shook him and they said, Master,
carry you, not that we perish. Then Jesus stood up,
and he stood on the bow of the boat, and
he rebuked the winds and the waves, and they all

went quiet. And the disciples said, what manner of man
is this that even the winds and the waves obey him.
I want you to know that Jesusus is not sleeping
in your situation. There's a good word for you this morning.
Jesus is not sleeping in your situation. He is aware

of what you're going through. Call upon his name. You
know it says in Proverbs three five and six. Trust
in the Lord with all your heart, lean out on
your own understanding in all your ways. Acknowledge him, and
he will make your path straight. And if you're going
through his storms James chapter one. If you read now,

I often reference a lot of Bible verses that I
want you to go back and look up yourself. But James,
chapter one, it talks about wisdom through trials. That if
you're in a trial, and if you're going through a
hard time, the Bible says that you're to ask God
for wisdom and that God would be faithful to give

you the wisdom that you need in your situation. And
so I pray for you right now for that. So
I want to encourage you guys out there, right now,
throughout your day, make a difference. Make a difference in
somebody else's life. You know, it could be as much
as a kind word. Maybe you're going to bring up
make a nice apple pie and bring it to somebody's house,

or maybe you feel lad to call somebody on the phone,
visit somebody in the hospital. I don't know what the
situation is, but reach out. Even in the situation, even
when you're going through hard things, reach out and do
something for somebody else. Make a difference for somebody else,
and God will make a difference for you. I remember

when I was standing in Lacarpio, Costa Rica, and I
said to the Lord, this was like in twenty and sixteen.
I said, Lord, why do you have me here? There
is a lot of needy people in our area. And
he said, no, there's not they're needy here. He said,
you spend a little bit of your time in Lacarpio,

you'll always have enough in Hasting. It's not that there's
not needy people here, but some places are just poorer
than other places. And I think it's important that we
support food pantries. It's important that we donate clothes the goodwill.
It's important that we do the little things that make

a difference. I got a sticker in my Bible says
the key to success is doing the little things right,
and I truly believe that with all my heart. So
I don't know what you're going through, but I want
you to know that Jesus is aware of your situation.
And many times I need to hear that from somebody.

I need to hear that, especially from somebody who doesn't
know what I am going through. And you know, sometimes
the simple phrase you are loved, it is hard to
receive if you do not feel loved, or the phrase
you are accepted, especially if you have received a lot

of rejection in your life and you don't feel accepted.
And so I'm here to be a voice in the night.
I'm here to be a voice in your situation. You
are accepted, you are loved, you are wanted. The Lord
is aware of what you're going through. He cares about you.
You're not alone, and so you know, if you like

this program, i'd like to hear from you. My email
is share at Healing Begins Radio dot com. Share at
Healing Begins radio dot com. Send me your prairiequest. Let
me know what you're going through. I'd like to hear
from you. And many times, when we're walking in a
really dark place, it is really hard to reach out.

You know, it's hard to send the email out when
you hear something on a radio program. Why you got
to take that extra step to make the email and
some people consider that a lot of work. Well, I
just want to encourage you. I want to number one,
hear from you. I want a number two know what
you're going through. And I want to number three, I

want to be able to pray for you personally. So
I get every email that's sent in, I read every
email that's sent in, and I pray for every person
who sends an email in, and I pray for all
my listeners right now that are listening to this program,
that God would bless you, that he would keep you,

that he would cause his face to shine upon you,
that he would give you his peace. And what's coming
to my mind is the words of Jesus. I love
the words of Jesus. Jesus said, I will never leave you,
and I will never forsake you. And he also says,
lo I am with you always, even onto the end

of the age. I'm so glad he didn't say, lo
I am with you sometimes, but he said, lo I
am with you always, even onto the very end of
the age. Then Romans eight twenty eight says, all things
work together for good to those that love God and
are called according to His purpose. And here's the problem.

When you're going through things, we can't see the end
from the beginning, but God can. We cannot see the
outcome of our situation this morning. I hope that my
voice is making a difference in your life right now.
I pray that what I've had to say would encourage

you put your feet on the right path, would lift
your spirit and may and I pray right now too
for you that the presence of the Lord would fill
the place and space right where you're at. I pray
that God's home. Only angels, according to Hebrews one fourteen,

would go minister to you, strengthen you like they did
Jesus in the garden. Remember, with Christ, you can do
all things. Maybe you're struggling with an addiction. Maybe you've
had this addiction for years and you're just trying to
conquer it. Don't give up. Listen to me, don't give up.

Keep calling on the name of the Lord, keep going
for counseling, keep going for your own healing. Never, never,
never give up, because Jesus wants to set you free.
Jesus wants to help you. In fact, right now, I
speak freedom to those that are bound. I speak freedom

and liberty over those who are addicted. I speak hope
to those that feel hopeless. Right now, in the name
of Jesus, this program came to me at like four
point thirty in the morning, making a difference. As I
was praying this morning, I saw myself doing this program

speaking to you. I could hear some of the things
that I was going to say, and I pray that
it has made a difference in your life. And so
the big thing you can do and go into a
storm is keep your eyes on Jesus. The second thing
you can do is don't be isolated. Third thing, stay
in God's word. Fourth thing I would say, find a

church to attend or a small group to be a
part of. And the fifth thing I would say is
like go for counseling, get some help, press in and
don't isolate yourself from other people. Reach out and get
the help you need, because that's what you really need

to do. Because the Lord cares for you, and you
are precious to him. You are valuable to him, and
he died so that you and I could have eternal life.
Are you right with Jesus this morning? If not, pray
this prayer with me? Say, Lord, I know I'm not

right with you. I believe you are the son of God.
I believe you died on the cross for me. I
asked you to forgive me of my sins. Come into
my heart, be my savior in the name of Jesus. Amen.
And so I just encourage you to find a good church,

to be a part of a small group, get some counseling.
The Lord loves you. I just was hoping that my
words this morning or whenever you listen to this will
make a difference in your life. Now, I want to
pray for you, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus.

Your name is higher than any other name. And Lord,
I ask Lord that you would just begin to bring
light into people's darkness, hope into people's hopelessness. I pray
that every demonic force that is attacking people would be bound.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that people could

feel a noticeable difference as I'm praying that the atmosphere
of the room would go lighter. Lord, your name is
above every name. Your name is unlimited in power, and
you see everything going on on this earth. And Lord,

I pray that you would enter people's situations. I pray
that you would strengthen people who feel weak. I pray
that you would guide people that feel lost. And I
pray that you would break the chains of addiction that
are holding people bound. Lord, your name is the difference maker.

Your name is life. You are the bread of life.
You are the bright morning Star. You are the Alpha
and the omega, the beginning, the end, the first, in
the last. You are dead and behold, you are alive,
forever and ever. Amen, and Lord, I pray that you

would come to people through dreams, through visions, through revelation,
and I pray that you would make yourself known to
those that are suffering in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Maybe even you're a pastor and you're listening to me.

I pray that God would bless your congregation. I pray
that God would strengthen you, and I pray that God
would give you wisdom in what He's about to do
in the next stage of your life. As I close
out the program this morning, I was sure love to
hear from you. My email is share at Healing beginsradio

dot com. May the Lord bless you, May he keep you,
May He cause his face to shine upon you. May
He be gracious to you and give you peace. May
He help you to make a difference in other people's lives.

And may this morning or whenever you're listening to this
you would.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Know that He is with you every step of the way.

We live in a world of worries, stress and fear,
and many times people don't have a very good support system.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
I would like to hear from you. I would like
to know how you like the program. Any Prairie question
might have or any future subjects that you would like
me to address on future programs. My email is Share
at Healing Begins Radio dot com. Again that Share at

Healing Begins Radio dot com. Healing Begins is brought to
you by Spiritual Care Consultants located in Hastings, Michigan. At
the Healing Center, we see children and adults at no costs.
We do virtual and in person sessions. We invite you

to learn more about us by going to www dot
Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We also value your feedback and would
like to hear from you. You can email me at
Gail G. A. L e. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We
would like to invite you and your family and friends

to go and listen to the past programs by going
to Wood Radio dot com, then click on podcast, then
look for Healing Begins and click on that. Thank you
so much for being a faithful supporter. May God bless you,
keep you, cause us face to shine upon you and
give you peace. Thank you for listening.
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