Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:17):
Good morning everyone, Welcome to Heley Again's my name is
Pastor Gail Krock. I'm going to talk about the subject
passing the test. All you remember tests in school, right?
Oh yeah, I remember how I didn't like them. But anyways,
I want to open with a word of prayer before
we start this message. In the name of Jesus, I
thank you for everyone listening. Lord, I come to realize
in my life that life is a test and at
the end we're going to be graded for how we did.
And yet I know as I read the Bible, my
Bible tells me that you're a good, good father and
that you give do overs and second chances, and you
want us to pass the test at the end of
our life in flying colors. You want us to do well.
That's your heart for us. So, Father, for everybody that's
listening who maybe has really a bad father God image,
or you have a hard time thinking of God as
a father because you went through on earth, I pray
that you would help the people listening today to have
ears to hear and actually spiritual eyes to see and
hear the message that is going to be spoke in
this program. In the name of Jesus, amen this program.
This subject came because of a dream I had a
couple of nights ago. I didn't like the dream at first,
but when I woke up wrote it all down. I
didn't know the meaning of it until two days later.
But God will often speak to me through a dream
at night, through a vision, and when I'm praying, Joe
two twenty eight says afterwards, I will pour out my
spirit on all people. Your sons and your daughter shall prophesy.
Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men
will see visions. And so I guess I'm in the
old category. I'm sixty four. I know that's not very old.
Job thirty three, fourteen to sixteen bep. For God does
speak now one way, now another, though no one perceives it.
In a dream, in a vision at night, when deep
sleep falls on people they slumber on their beds, then
He may speak in their ears. Boy, I really love
that scripture. And going back to my original thought was
have you ever took a test at school and failed?
How did it make you feel? Well, You're gonna say
you just said it like a failure. Yeah, it doesn't
feel good to fail a test. Then have you ever
had a teacher say I'm going to give you an
assignment so that you can do extra credit to bring
your grade up, or I'm going to let you take
that test over. How did that make you feel? What
made you feel a whole lot better to get a
second chance. You know, when you're in school, it's not
the big exams normally that cause people to fail. It's
all the little assignments the teacher gave from the very
beginning of the class and to the end that are
not handed in. And it's all the little quizzes you
take and fail that you don't do. Those are the
things that, in the end really affect your grade and
determine your grade. Life is like a class, and at
the end of our lives, the Lord will have us
stand before the judgment see to Christ, and we will
give an account for how we lived our life, each
one of us. If that doesn't scare you, nothing else will.
Now I want to share the dream I had with
you and what God shared with me through the dream.
I dreamed that I had a test that I had
taken with many questions on it. I also realized that
I had rushed to fill out the answers of the
test and I handed in my test right away, even
though I knew many of the answers were wrong. When
I got the test back, my grade was a D minus.
E Oh man, that did not feel good. Then the
teacher looked at me and said, you get a do over.
I thought, wow, a do over. Praise God for a
do over. But when I first woke up, I took
the dream as all negative. Many times, when we think
about our heavenly father, how he looks at us, how
he feels about us, we have a negative view on
that when we should have a positive view that our
heavenly Father wants us to succeed. He wants us to
not only pass the class, he wants us to do well.
Don't you want your own kids to do better than
you ever did? We all want our children to do well.
We all want them to be a success. We all
want them to succeed. So the meaning of my dream
number one life is a class or at the end
we will be graded. That is the test. Two Corinthians,
chapter five, verse ten says, for we all must appear
before the judgment see to Christ, so that each one
of us may receive what is due for us for
the things. While in the body, whether good or bad.
That's a sobering scripture. Thank you Lord for the blood
of Jesus that washes our sins away. Number two. All
the questions on the tests are all the little assignments
that the Lord wants us to do in our day
to day lives. The question is will we walk in
the simple obedience to what Jesus wants us to do?
Number three. The do over represents how God wants us
to pass the test in the final grade. It also
represents how God's grace is there when we make mistakes,
and how God gives us second chances, and how He
can make all things work together for good to those
that love God and are called according to His purpose.
Thank you Lord for giving us do overs. Thank you
Lord that when we make mistakes, you don't hammer us
and wash us like a bug, but you love us,
encourage us to get up and go on. I love
Tewod Peter three nine. The Lord is not slow in
keeping his promise, as some understands slowness. Instead, he is
patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone
to come to repentance. You see right there that scripture
speaks to how God gives do olvers. He wants everyone
to repent, everyone to come to repentance, because when you
repent and come to repentance, the Bible says, the blood
of Jesus washes away all our sin. The Bible says
the First John chapter one. If we walk in the
light as He is in the light, we have fellowship
with God, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from
all sin. First John one nine says, if we confess
our sins, he is faithful and justin will forgive us
of our sins and purify us from all on righteousness.
You see, we don't have to be afraid of the
judgment seat of Christ because the judgment seat is not
about salvation, it's about our works. But also, if you've
lived a life of repentance and you've asked forgiveness, the
blood of Jesus will wash away the sins and they
will be remembered no more, according to the scripture. And
I love First John one nine because First John one
nine was written to saints. It was written to believers
that if they did sin, they have an advocate with
the Father Christ, Jesus the Righteous. He died, he rose again,
so we could have eternal life and forgiveness of sins.
I love John chapter three, verses sixteen through seventeen. You know,
sometimes I'm marvel at the simple things that are in
God's word because they're not so simple. Actually they're very
they're very profound. John three, sixteen and seventeen says, for
God so loved the world. We often don't think about
that phrase right there, We dislike gloss over it. God
doesn't hate the world. He loves the world. For God
so loved the world that he gave his one and
only son, that whosoever believeth in him, Now there's a
great thing right there. Whosoever the thief on the cross
that was dying looked at Jesus and said, Lord, remember
me when you come into your kingdom. And what did
Jesus say to him this day? Shalt thou be with
me in paradise? He was a whosoever. How about the
guy in prison or the gall in prison on death
throw that turns to Jesus and says, remember me, Lord,
and repents, and really, from the bottom of their heart
turns to the Lord. The Bible says that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Now
they might face the death penalty, but they'll have eternal
life because God didn't put a qualifier on whosoever. He said,
whosoever may come Verse seventeen. For God did not send
his son into the world to condemn the world, but
to save the world through him. Wow, how often when
we think about God do we feel so negative? Man,
it's a lot, you know. Let's review our points again.
The meeting of the dream number one. Life is the
class and at the end we will be graded. That's
the test number two. All the questions on the tests
are the little assignments the Lord gives us and wants
us to do on a day to day basis simple
obedience in our daily walk with Jesus. Point number three.
The do over represents how God wants us to pass
the test in the final grade. It also represents how
God's grace is there when we make mistakes, and how
God gives us second chances and works all things together
for good to low's that love the Lord. Point number four.
We have a good, good Father who doesn't want us
to fail. He loves us and he cares for us.
Why do we have such a negative impression on how
our heavenly Father looks at us and feels about us.
You know, growing up, if I did something wrong in
the house, my mom would say, you wait till your
dad gets home. Well, I would lay upstairs on bed frightened,
and then I would hear his truck come rumbling in
the yard. I'm like, oh, I'm gonna get it now.
And then I could here Mom talking to Dad. Then
here he came up the stairs gonna talk to his boy.
And I did not like those times because it really
scared me. Well, the reason we have such a negative
view of our heavenly father, it's because of how our
earthly father, how he looked at us, treated us and
spoke to us. That's why. And so we have to
recognize that, over a course of our life, we come
to believe lies about God, lies about others, and lies
about ourselves. And I have to know him, believe in
my heart that God is a good, good father. Seemed
just like when he first gave me this dream. My
first impression of this dream was a negative one, that
God was saying I failed, and that I wasn't making
the test. I was going to fail the test. And
it wasn't what God is saying at all. He was saying, son,
I love you, son. There are do overs, Son, You're
gonna make it. You see, we're not orphans. If you
know Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, you're a son.
Or if you're a lady, you're a daughter of God.
We are kings and we are priests in Christ Jesus.
We are the head and not the tail, above and
not beneath. Oh I love Deuteronomy twenty eight, verses one
through fourteen. Great scripture. You should read Deuteronomy twenty eight.
And so let me ask you a question. Maybe you
need healing in your life. Maybe you've got such a
negative view of God. Maybe you've never processed that with anybody.
You should cause Spiritual Care Consultants at two sixty nine
nine two nine oh one set up an appointment to
talk to us. You can do it over zoom. You
can do it, you know in person. You don't have
to live in Michigan. You could be from another state. Hey,
you could be from another country. Who's listening to this
later on podcasts? But the way we grew up the
way our dads and our moms spoke to us translate
to how we feel about ourselves, how we feel about others,
and how we feel about God. That stuff is so
true and so big and so as I've gotten older
in my life and I've read the Bible, and here's
the thing. If you have a negative view of God,
when you read the scriptures, you'll get nothing but the
negative from it. All you can see is the negative.
Or when something is said in scripture, you'll take it negative,
when God never met it that way. Have you ever
had someone say to you, I need you to I
need to talk to you tomorrow, meet me in my office,
and man, the whole night you're frightened, and you get
into the office the next day and your boss doesn't
have anything bad to say to you. In fact, he
wanted to talk to you because he's got a promotion,
or he commends you for something you did. But you
worried the whole night, thinking your boss, you were going
to get in trouble with your boss. And so often,
you know, we think we look at God the very
same way. Now I'm praising God that we serve a
God of the second chance, we serve a God who
has doovers. Now I'm not saying there isn't any negative
consequences sometimes when we make mistakes, but you can ask
for forgiveness. You can ask God to forgive you and
cleanse you with the blood of Jesus. Maybe you're saying
I need a do over, and you're listening to this
great me. Just say, Jesus, I need a do over.
I asked you to forgive me of my sins, cleanse
me with your blood, Give me a second chance. Give
me your wisdom to walk with you to know what
not to do. Help me not to make my same
mistakes over and over again. In the name of Jesus.
Now I know you're thinking. You may bee prayed that
prayer a million times in your life, and God has
given you a million doovers. You know what. I'm so
thankful that God's doovers are unlimited. I'm so thankful that
if we want to do over and we come to
the Lord, he will give us a do over. I mean,
he's so patient, He's so kind. God is so merciful,
just the opposite of our earthly fathers. God has a
lot more patience than people get him credit for. One
of the first attributes of God in the Old Testament
is the Lord, Lord, God, am a merciful God. Why
is that important? Mercy is the first attribute of God.
It's the first attribute, it's the strongest in his entire character,
and that's good to remember. So here's a good question
to ask yourself. Lord, where have I failed in my life?
Where am I getting a failing grade in my life? Lord?
Reveal that to me. This is not a negative because
when he reveals it to you, ask him to forgive you,
ask him for cleansing with the blood of Jesus, and
he will help you to start getting a passing grade
in that area of your life. It's so important to
be able to do that. Look, just because you make
a mistake doesn't mean that you're a failure. Maybe you've
said that about your life, your whole life. I'm a failure,
I'm no good, I'm a failure. Quit saying those things.
You're a child of God he loves you, or you're
a daughter of God. You are loved, you are accepted,
You're a treasure, you are wanted. You have the mind
of Christ, or you're able to do all things through
Christ that strengthens you. That's who God says you are.
So let's start believing what God has said about us.
So if there's areas where you're not, you don't have
the grade you want, just say, Jesus, forgive me, help
me to walk in obedience with you. Help me to
get a good grade in this area of my life,
and just help me to find the right people to
talk to so I can get counsel and guidance and wisdom.
And God wants to be there for you. That's the
thing we don't get. Have you ever had a kid?
Who have you ever had one of your children? They
didn't talk to you for a long time, and when
they did they came crying. They waited til the last
minute to talk to you. Well, as a parent, you're like, well,
why didn't you come to me sooner? I would have
helped you. But they were afraid. What would mom and
dad think? Well, you know, our heavenly father isn't like that.
He wants you to come to him. Now. You know
the prodigal son. He went off to a field and
he spent all of his money, and when he came
to the end of everything, he finally thought, I'm going
to go home see my dad, see if my dad
will accept me. And Dad was waiting for him. I
got news for you. Our heavenly Father is waiting for
you to come back to him. Let's pray. Heavenly Father,
I thank you that you are a good, good father
and Lord for those that are listening out there, that
you're waiting them, You're waiting for them to come back
to you. Lord, I thank you that you're kind, loving
and caring and so in the name of Jesus. For
those that are listening that feel condemned, they feel down,
they feel like a failure, I pray that they would
pick themselves up, get back up and come to you
because I thank you, Heavenly Father, that you are a good,
good father and that you love them very very much,
in the name of Jesus. Amen. Now, maybe you need
to get some healing ministry. Call Spiritual Care two six
nine nine nine one. Come in. You can have appointments
in person. You can have appointments over zoom and they're
at no cost because our donors give generously to the
work of Spiritual Care. If you like my messages that
I bring and would like to leave a donation to
Spiritual Care, you can go to Spiritual Care Consultants dot
com and just click on donate and leave a donation,
or I'd really like to hear from you. You can
email me at Gail at Spiritualcarecoonsultants dot com. Again, that's
Gail at Spiritualcareconsultants dot com, or at share at Healing
Begins Radio dot com, share at Healing Beegins Radio dot com.
Well as we close out, I want you to know
how important you are to God and how much God
cares about you. You know it's not too late to
turn back to him. It never is. If you're breathing
and you can hear me and you're alive, come back
to Jesus. Don't stay away, don't run, don't hide from him.
He knows exactly where you're at. He's just waiting for
you to turn your heart back to him. Just say, Lord,
I've been running. Lord, I turn my heart back to you,
and I come to you now. Forgive me my sins.
I rededicate my life to you in Jesus' name a man.
Thank you for listening. Please email me. I want to
hear from you. I want to know how you like
the radio programs, the podcast. I want to know how
they're helping you, and any subjects that you would like
me to address well like I like the client clothes off.
Made the Lord bless you, made the Lord keep you
made the Lord causes face to shine upon you. May
He be gracious to you and give you peace. And
may you always remember that your heavenly Father loves you
and He's going to give you a doe over so
that you can pay the tests. Have a good morning.
Healing Begins is brought to you by Spiritual Care Consultants
located in Hastings, Michigan. At the Healing Center, we see
children and adults at no costs. We do virtual and
in person sessions. We invite you to learn more about
us by going to www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We
also value your feedback and would like to hear from you.
You can email me at Gail G. A. L E.
At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would like to invite you
and your family and friends to go and listen to
the past programs by going to wood Radio dot com,
then click on podcasts, then look for Healing Begins and
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face to shine upon you and give you peace. Thank
you for listening.