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January 18, 2025 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:37):
My name has Pastor gil Krock, and I am glad
you're listening. I don't know what you're doing this morning,
whether you're running down the road, maybe you're laying on
your bed listening, or maybe you're thinking, Hey, another healing
begins program and you're all set to go and set back,
relax and get some good information to get something that

will help you. How many people do you know on
a daily basis that struggle with mental health issues or
different spiritual issues are facing and they don't know what
to do and they don't know where to go, And
that would be thousands of people. And you know a
lot of people today they can't afford to go out

and get all the counseling they need, and some of
them are just really afraid to go to church and
get some of the help they need, and they don't
know where to go. And that's why a lot of
people come to Spiritual Care Consultants of West Michigan. We've
been around seventeen years doing healing with people with an
eighty nine percent satisfaction rate with the hardest of mental

health issues. And when I started Spiritual Care, I was
determined not to do what I've always done. I was
going to write a new healing process, and that new
healing process is called the Heart of Healing. Because God's
heart is to heal you. Always knew someday i'd write
a book and publish a book on that to help people.

You know, I can't help everybody in the whole world,
but it can write a book that can be read
in different parts of the world, that can be read
and all over. So recently on Amazon dot Com, I
wrote a new book. It's called The Heart of Healing.
Because God's heart is to heal you. That's what God
wants to do for you and what he wants to

do for me. He doesn't want you to suffer an
emotional pain and agony and never think you could ever
recover from that. I know that's the way it seems
at times, and I know many times people feel absolutely hopeless.
But I've got good news for you. We serve a
good God who loves you. He knows how to care

for you, and he knows how to heal you. So
the first half of the book is all about how
we started as a nonprofit. Believe me, I am surprised
that we even survive. In those early years, we didn't
have much to go on. We just had one quarter
of doctor Carlson's break room. It was me in a chair,
didn't have any money or nothing, and no team. And

now seventeen years later, look where we're at. We have
a healing center, a team at thirty seven and we're
in two other countries, Honduras and Costa Ricam. So the
first half of the book is about the little miracles
that happened that God used to keep us alive. The
second half of the book is about our healing process,

how it works, how it can benefit you, how it
can benefit a friend. Now, a book is not a
big investment. It is if you don't have a lot
of money, but it's not a big investment. And this
book is on Amazon dot com. Just put in the
Heart of Healing, or put in my name gay Lga L. E.

Kroc KRGT, or if you want three or more, why
don't you email me at share at Healingbegins Radio dot
com and I'll give them to you at a discounted rate.
And so this book could read really good for Christmas,
could really help a friend. But I encourage you if
this is the first time you're hearing about it, I

want you to get the book, read it, write a
review on Amazon. You want to read it first before
you give it to a friend, because you want to
be able to tell them, Hey, I found a book.
It's really good. I really like it, so I bought
a copy for you. Let's talk about some of the chapters.
Each chapter is a story. I like to write stories

and I like to tell story. So chapter one is
the unexpected. Chapter two is it came to pass. So
these are the early days and how spiritual Care came
to be and never saw it coming in my earlier ministry.
This happened when I was about forty five years old.
Chapter three is why Spiritual Care Consultants by doctor Troy Carlson.

Chapter four is the beginning of something new. Chapter five
is a leap of faith. Chapter six is here they come.
It's about just after we started seeing adults and doing
that really well, children begin coming and we begin to
help kids. Number seven is the Miracle on Green Street.

Number eight is giddy Up. Number nine is It's all
about Jesus. Number ten is a stretch of faith. Number
eleven is the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Now you
can see from listening to me how This could really
benefit a lot of people in a lot of different situations.

Chapter twelve is zero Session. The reason we call it
zero session there's a lot of people sign up for
the ministry but never show up, and in zero session
we put down and talk about our findings on why
that is. Chapter thirteen is legal grounds, Why am I

a Christian and still so bound? Chapter fourteen is soul
slivers in mental health I mean. Chapter fifteen is Brian
Rourke's healing story amazing client who went through spiritual care.
Chapter sixteen is a military vet's healing story. Now, this
military vet had a lot of PTSD and it's his

story about how he got healed. Chapter seventeen is the
First Step. Chapter eighteen is the Heart of healing. Chapter
nineteen is the Power of true Identity. Chapter twenty is
Inner Healing. Chapter twenty one Changing the Way You Think,
Part one. Chapter twenty two Changing the Way You Think

Part two. Chapter twenty three Breaking the Enemy's Lives, and
chapter twenty four Sophia's healing story. Chapter twenty five is
called the Fat. That chapter is dedicated for all those
who were once in the faith or once in ministry,

but fell in the sit and found themselves removed from ministry.
Then we have the closing. Then we have spiritual care resources,
the spiritual Care handout, book, recommendation donating the Spiritual Care
about the author and contact Pastor Gail Kruk. This book

could really benefit a lot of people. There are a
lot of people out there today that are just absolutely struggling,
and they're looking for every resource they can to bring
healing into their life. And I really encourage you to
reach out and find a friend, but I would first
encourage you to order the book on Amazon dot com,

read it for yourself, process it, and then decide who
the Lord might have you give a copy to. Because
you know, we're coming into Christmas, for coming into New
Year's right, and there's a lot of people going into
the holiday seasons that are depressed, They are full of anxiety,
they don't look forward to any holidays. Why not give

them a gift of healing. Why not get the book
The Heart of Healing and share that with them. It
could be a big help, It could be a really
big encouragement. And so, you know, you look at what's
going on in the world today. We have earthquakes, we
have hurricanes, not one but two big old hurricanes. We

have wars, rumors of wars, we have political violence. We
have so much going on that people worry about their future.
They worry about their kids, they worry about their family,
they worry about their friends. And then we have people
that feel like they're in spiritual limbo. Where do they go?

They want to leave spiritually, but they're just in a
big old struggle. Well, the book The Heart of Healing
would be the perfect book for that person. I encourage
you today to get the book. In fact, I want
to pray for you right now. I want to spend
a time of prayer just praying for you who are listening,
that maybe God would give you the courage to reach out,

buy a book, share it with a friend. Lord. I
pray for those that are listening right now. Lord, there's
so much going on in the world today. Lord, we
don't think anything about going out and grabbing a cup
of coffee or going out to eat. Father, this is
much something, much more valuable than that. This is buying

something that could affect us positively for years to come.
It could change the lives and the hearts of our
family and our friends. Lord, I pray for those that
are listening, that you had strengthened them, that you would
keep them, that you would just help them in every situation, Lord,
to look to you. Lord, I want to thank you

for giving me the book, Lord, because in it there
are many keys, many keys that can help people that
are struggling, who need a touch from God, who have
been looking for healing for their life for years. So
I thank you for keys. I thank you for them,
I thank you for what you've done, and thank you
for the book. I thank you, Lord Jesus, that you're

going to provide for some people just to buy the
book and that they can use it to help their
life and to help a friend and to help maybe
a child, a son or a daughter that's struggling out there,
or maybe an employer who buys some for their employees
that are struggling, that are dealing with hard times. And so, Father,

I pray that you would encourage us each and every
day to walk with you faithfully, help us to see
the opportunities that you've put around us every day where
we could be a help to someone, we could healing
to someone, we could be encouragement to someone. In the
name of Jesus. And so Lord I just thank you
for those that are listening today, God, that you would

bless them by the power of your spirit. Lord, I
pray that you would bring healing to the sick and
healing to those that are down. And I pray that
you would encourage those that are discouraged today. So Father,
in the name of Jesus, I thank you that your
heart beats for us. Your heart is to heal us,
Your heart is to transform us, set us free from

the things that have us bound. So Lord, I just
pray that everybody that gets a copy of the Heart
of Healing would just be able to use it for encouragement,
for blessing. I pray that you would just use it
in so many different amazing ways. And Lord, I know
there are people listening right now that are thinking that's

probably the book I need. You know you've been listening
in the Name of Jesus, and then some of you
have been listening now for a couple of years. You've
been listening to me talk on Saturday. You've been listening
to Me talk on Sunday, and I just want to
encourage you that this book is worth the financial investment. Recently,
I just got a review on Amazon that I want

to share with you that I thought was really good
written by a lady named lou Anne, and I thought
maybe you'd like to hear the or you'd like to
hear the review. Book review by leu Ane van Buskirk,
Oh my Land, This book is one of the best

books I have ever read, definitely in my top five,
if not the very first other than the Holy Bible.
I couldn't put it down. I must put it on
the same best library shelf must have next to boundaries
by Henry Cloud and John Townsend, as well as Love
Must Be Tough by doctor James Dompson, by a few

copies of the Heart of Healing by Pastor Gail Krot
because you're going to want to pass them out to
everyone you know. Many years ago, I was certified in
a certain method of Christian inner healing that has proven
to be very effective, and since then I've paid close
attention to other inter healing formats, various forms and styles

that have made me question their intention of that ministry
for reasons a monetary gain that completely dismissed the biblical
approach simply by recommending a suggested donation for their services,
which I find to be manipulative at best. Jesus clearly
said freely you have given, freely received. Jesus gave his

life for anyone who called on his name to be saved, healed, delivered,
and redeemed from the clutches of Satan. So why does
so many ministries feel that charging for healing or deliverance
is appropriate? And she goes on to say, I met
Pastor Gail a year ago when someone I knew needed

deliverance and inner healing. Gail was committed to helping this
young man, and today's spiritual care consultants continues to monister
his growth even years later, without any monetary gain of
any kind, by truly showing him the love that vested
interest of the Father's heart. Pastor Gail models his entire

ministry after the Father Heart of God and the solid principles.
Gail's genuine humility signs through through all the pages, being
very careful to point the reader to the love of
Christ and the power of the provision of the Holy
Spirit and the immense Heart of God. The principles in
this book are for every human being to encounter God's hope, love, peace, joy,

healing and freedom. Are you needing him out for a
loved one. This book is for you. Are you being
privately tormented? This book is for you. Do you feel hopeless?
This book is for you. Are you stunted in your
growth in Christ? This book is for you. Are you
lost like a ball in a high grass field, separated

from God, trying to find your purpose on earth? This
book is for you. Are you a mature follower of Christ?
This book is for you. Are you needing to be
set free? Or no others who are in need of
God's help to be set free? This book is for you.
Throughout this book, Pastor Gale invites you to utilize Spiritual

Care Consultants ministry materials and resources for all free. Find
out more about their amazing ministry at Spiritualcareconsultant dot com.
Jesus doesn't ask people to clean up their lives before
they come to him. He invites people to come to
him and he can help them clean up their lives.

He does not condemn people for their sinful lifestyles. He
invites them to come to him to experience his presence
and healing, and then people will want to give up
their sinful lifestyle for something better. This is the Jesus
that sec believes in. It was a quote directly from me.
So if you want to read that Amazon review, just

go to the Heart of Healing and click on the
one Amazon review right there and you can read that
for yourself. And So, this book has really impacted Lewan's life,
it has really impacted her family, and it's going to
impact many other people that she knows for generations to come.
And so if you're out there listening to this and

you're trying to decide whether you want to bit it
or not, ask the Lord to give you peace, Ask
the Lord to provide, Ask the Lord for a confirmation.
Let us pray, Heavenly Father, I thank you you are good,
that you are the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Lord.

John three point sixteen says, for God so loved the
world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever
believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.
I thank you, Lord, that you came to give us
everlasting life, that you came to give us healing, That
you came Lord to give us freedom and peace of mind. Lord,

there's so many people out there today that are struggling
with mental torment. They don't know how to give by,
they don't know how they're going to get through. Lord,
I just pray for peace in the midst of the storm.
I pray for people that they could find that peace.
In the name of Jesus the Lord, I do praise
you because you are with us, and that you desire

to help us, and you desire to walk with us
each and every day. In the name of Jesus Amen.
Some other resources that I have out one is God Moments,
Amazing Encounters with the Divine in Everyday Life. Again, it's
on Amazon dot Com. This book has done amazing. I
mean we've had over in a year and a half

eighteen hundred copies sold. And nobody knows Pastorgueil Crock very well.
But God Moments. If you know someone that really wants
to have it, a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ, then
God Moments would definitely be the book you would want
them to read, because God Moments are not me writing
about somebody else's stories. They're me writing about my own experiences,

my own stories that I've seen over the sixty four
years of my life. And so God Moments. It's in English,
it's in Spanish. It's in audible, English and Spanish, and
it's in kindall English and Spanish. The other book we
got going on is Jesus in the Mountains. This is
a book about my missions work in Costa Rica and Hunduras.

This is another book you're going to want to get.
I talk about the miracles in the mountains. I talk
about how we see Jesus move in the mountains of
Costa Rica and Hunduras. Another great book on Amazon dot Com.
Once again, it's in English, and it's in Spanish, it's
in audible. It's on Kendle, and so you can buy

it in many different ways. And then we have the
first book I ever put out, The Unexpected Call. This
is about my trip to nine to eleven, two weeks
after the terrorist attack. I spent two I spent a
week in Lower Manhattan. So what it is, it's every
chapter is the story. One chapter is a big red

fire truck, one chapter is the Jesus Train, and the
chapters go on and on, and so that book is
also in kindle. It's in English, it's in kindle, it's inaudible,
but it's not in Spanish. And then on the God
Moment's book. I forgot to mention this one. God Moments
has a study guide that will go with it. If

you want to learn to have more God Moments in
your life, you can get the study guide to go
of the book, and you can follow the study guide
and you can begin to practice getting out there where
you're experiencing God's supernatural move in your own life. When
you're out with other people, you might say, well, you

don't know what I'm going through, pastor Gale, Well, you know,
sometimes the best way to get out of a funk.
Sometimes the best way to get out of what I
mean by a funk is about like a bad attitude
or just a bad mood or boy, you feel stuck
in the muck and you're just you just got a
bad attitude and you just can't you're discouraged. Sometimes the

best thing you can do is go help somebody else.
Sometimes that's the very best thing you can do. So
I really, I really would encourage you to look into
God Moments and the study guide to get the unexpected
call to get Jesus in the mountains. You'll be glad
you did. You'll be glad you spent time and the
money to invest in these books. Ten percent of all

my proceeds go right back to our missions department. So
I praise God for that. So and God Moments has
about thirty seven Amazon reviews on you want to get those.
It's really good, It's really excellent. So I want to
thank you for tuning into Healing Begins. I want to
thank you for maybe sharing this with a friend. I

want to thank you for taking the time just to
listen to me as I go through this broadcast. You
know what, there's a lot of people that buy the
airtime to make this happen. So this can go out
and encourage you to let you know there's hope, there's encouragement,
there's healing, and their strength found in the mighty, matchless,

incredible name of Jesus Christ. Now, may the Lord bless you.
May the Lord cause his face to shine upon you.
May the Lord be gracious to you and give you peace.
And may you always find that He has a heart
that is for you, a heart of love, a heart

of compassion, and a heart of healing, that you might
become all He's created you to be, spirit, soul and body.
And in the immortal words of Kim Clement, I see
you in the future, and you look much better than
you do right now. And I want to leave you

with this. God loves you and his heart is to
heal you. A Healing Begins is brought to you by

Spiritual Care Consultants located in Hastings, Michigan. At the Healing Center,
we see children and adults at no costs. We do
virtual and in person sessions. We invite you to learn
more about us by going to www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com.
We also value your feedback and would like to hear
from you. You can email me at Gail G. A.

L e. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would like to
invite you and your family and friends to go and
listen to the past programs by going to wood Radio
dot com then click on podcast, then look for Healing
Begins and click on that. Thank you so much for

being a faithful supporter. May God bless you, keep you,
cause us face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Thank you for listening.
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