All Episodes

January 11, 2025 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
Good morning everyone. My name is Pastor Gail, and I
want to welcome you to Healing Begins. I don't know
what you're doing out there as you're listen, either by
the radio or later on podcast, but I want you
to know, Hey, I'm glad you're tuning in. You've come
to the right place. You know. I often say this,
and i'd like to say this again. I'd love to

hear how you like the program. My email is share
at Healing Begins Radio dot com. Share at Healing Begins
Radio dot com. Drop me a line, let me know
what you think of the program. Is there a subject
you'd like me to hear me talk on? Please let
me know how you feel. So what I was thinking

about today is walking in His presence. And you know,
Jesus is so good and he gives us the tough
spending time with him and spending time in his word
to walk in His presence. The thought that came to
me is we create the atmosphere we walk in. So

depending on what you're doing, how you spend your day,
you can actually create either a positive atmosphere or a
negative atmosphere around yourself that can literally be felt in
the same way you can spend time with the Lord
and be in his presence, and then when you leave

that people can tell that you've been with the Lord.
You will begin to radiate his presence. It's like walking
with as it's like walking being surrounded by a bubble.
You know. First thing that Jesus did, he was with
the disciples just before he ascended. He gave them this command.

On one occasion, while he was eating with him, he
gave them this command, do not leave Jerusalem, but wait
for the gift my Father promise which you have heard
me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in
a few days you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
So Jesus was telling the disciples basically, hey, you need

to wait for the promise of the Father because you're
gonna need that, because you're going to need the presence
of God going with you wherever you go to really
have an effect on people. And the first time you
see this really play out, and I got thinking about this,
was a little bit about Peter Acts, chapter five, verses
twelve through sixteen. I'm going to read that a minute,

and the title of this morning's message is walking in
His Presence, Walking in his presence. How do we walk
in such a way where the presence of God radiates
off us and touches everybody around us? Act Verses twelve
through sixteen. The apostles performed many signs and wonders amongst

the people, and all the believers used to meet together
in Solomon's Colonnade. No one else dared to join them,
even though they were highly regarded by the people. Nevertheless,
more and more men and women believed in the Lord
and were added to their number. As a result, people
brought the sick into the streets and laid them on

beds and matt so that at least Peter's shadow might
fall on some of them as he passed by. Crowds
gathered also from the towns surrounding Jerusalem, bringing their sick
and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them
were healed. I don't know if you've ever thought about
this scene. People know Peter, and they know the type

of gentleman he is. They know he spends time with
the Lord. They know that he is just when you
get by Peter, you just know he's been with Jesus.
So one day everybody heard that Peter was coming to town,
and so they know the route that Peter would be taken.

So they're bringing the sick and those tormented by evil spirits,
and they're laying them by the side of the road,
just hoping that Peter's shadow might fall on some of
them and heal them. And the Bible said they all
were healed. Now, that's quite an amazing and anointing to be carrying,
to be like Peter, who he didn't even have to

pray for people when he walked by him. Just them
being in his presence was enough to heal them and
set them free. You see, Peter had a bubble of
the presence of the Lord around him, and wherever he went, signs, wonders,
and miracles happened. The same thing with Philip and Samaria.

Let's read about that, because here's another interesting story. In
Acts chapter eight, verses four through eight, it says those
who had been scattered priested the word everywhere they went.
Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaiming
the Messiah there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw
the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to

what he said, for with shrieks impure spirits came out
of many, and many who were paralyzed and lame or heeled.
So there was great joy in the city. So just
like Peter, Harry Philip. Everywhere Philip goes, signs, wonders and
miracles happen. We see it in the city of Samaria.

You see when you're in the presence of God, it
will affect you physically, it will affect you spiritually and emotionally.
And we see this when Moses goes down the mountain
to get the ten Commandments. Listen to this. Exodus thirty
four twenty nine through thirty five says when Moses came
came down from Mount Sinai with two tablets of the

Covenant in his hands, he was not aware that his
face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.
I want you to get that his face was radiant.
When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face
was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.

But Moses called to them, so Aaron and all the
leaders of the community came back to him, and he
spoke to them. Afterwards, all the Israelites came near him,
and he gave them all the commands the Lord had
given him on Mount Sinai. When Moses finished speaking to them,
he put a veil over his face, But whenever he

entered the Lord's presence to speak to him, he removed
the veil until he came out. And when he came out,
he told the Israelites what he had been commanded, and
they all, here it is again. They all saw that
his face was radiant. Then Moses had put a veil
back over his face until he went back to speak

with the Lord. And a lot of people say he
put the veil over his face because he didn't want
them to know the glory was fading. But Moses's face
was radiant, and thinking in the Hebrew has said it
was like flashing forth light, and so his face was shining.
I remember being in Honduras, and I said to the

group with me, I want to go pray for a
couple of those people over there that have guns on
their hands, so that I would walk up they would interpret.
They lowered their guns, they let me pray with them.
We had a great time. Later I said to them,
I said, can anyone do that? Just walk up to
those people with guns by the side of the road,
and pray with them. And they said no, but we

see what they see when you're here. Your face shines.
I said, Lord, how can that be? And the Lord's
said to me, hey, what is the first thing you
did when you got to Honduras? And I thought, well,
I spend time with you, Lord, I spend time in prayer,
I spend time in the world, and we do it

every day when we're here. And he said, that makes
the difference. And we're going to talk about Two Corinthians three,
ten and eleven a minute, because that scripture says we
live in a new and a better covenant where the
glory does not fade. So folks, we can have a

radiance about us that stays day after day after day.
It doesn't have to fade. So the atmosphere around you
and me can be what we want it to be.
If we spend time with the Lord. Then you got
to ask yourself a question, are there things in my

life that take away from the presence of God being there?
And I think we all have to say, yes, there's
probably things we ought to eliminate, things we ought to
cut back on. But you see, you can walk with
God and you can have his presence all around you,
and you can see God do amazing things in your life.

I remember being at one red light in a car
pulled up beside me, and the person looked at me
and he flipped me off for no reason about what
the world you know. I just think that demonic realm consents.
When you're in the presence of the Lord, your bubble
can extend beyond your car. I mean, you can affect
people just just by coming in contact with them, even

without words. Many people know whether you're a Christian or
whether you're not. Now you know, Jesus always had three
of the twelve that were his favorite. They were Peter, James,
and John. Not that they were his favorites, but you see, Peter,
James and John always wanted to be the closest to Jesus.

And I'll say this, the closest you get to the Lord,
the more you will radiate his presence. The more you
live and walk like Jesus did, the more his presence
will come from you. Luke nine twenty eight to thirty
six says about eight days after Jesus said this, he

took Peter, John and James with him and went up
into a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the
appearance of his face changed. His clothes became bright as
flashing of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in
glorious splendor talking with Jesus. They spoke with him about

his departure, which he was about to bring fulfillment at Jerusalem.
Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they
became fully awake, they saw the glory and the two
men standing with him. As the men were leaving Jesus,
Peter said to them, Master, it is good for us
to be here. Let us put up three shelters, one

for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. He
did not know what he was saying. When he was speaking,
a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid.
As they entered the cloud, a voice came from the cloud, saying,
this is my son whom who I have chosen. Listened

to him, and when the voice had spoken, they found
that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept this to themselves.
They did not tell anyone at that time what they
had seen. Can you imagine being with Peter, James, and
John going up to the Mountain of Transfiguration with Jesus

in all of us said, and watching Jesus change his clothes, change,
watching him be transformed and filled with the glory of heaven,
and radiate light. I'm telling you, as we spend time
with God, we can radiate the light of His presence

that can shine from us in such a great way
it'll affect everyone around us. And then in Ephesians five eighteen,
I love this one. Do not be drunk on wine,
which leads to debauchery, but instead be filled with the
Holy Spirit. Have you ever seen people that like to

get drunk. They'll go out and weekend after weekend after weekend,
they'll get so drunk they cannot operate. And so maybe
you're driving down the road right now one am and
you're leaving the bar. Well, God loves you, But I'm
telling you there's something better than wine to drink. It's

the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit. But
the Bible says that we're not to be drunk with wine,
but be filled with the Holy Spirit. And here's my
thought on this. We should just be so excited to
have our time of the Lord. We should be we
should want to be as drunk on Jesus. As people

want to be drunk on alcohol, we should want to
be that way. In the Acts chapter two, after the
bad custom of the Holy Spirit came, they were accused
of being We're not drunk with wine as you suppose.
We are just filled with the Holy Ghost. And you say,
you and I are to radiate the presence of Jesus.

You know, you're going to look like, walk like, talk like,
and smell like the person you spend the most time with.
And you know, if you spend time with Jesus and
you just spend time in his presence and read his
word and listen to worship music and read good books
and just be in the presence of God, you are

going to look like the Lord you are. The presence
of God is gonna be with you to radiate around you.
You're gonna have divine appointments during the week. You're gonna
meet people that you've been wanting to meet. All this
stuff is going to happen around you, you see, And
the Lord, the reason Jesus came and died is so

that we could have full access to the throne of Heaven.
You see, Adam and Eve walked in the glory of
God before sending of the world, they were clothed in
the presence and the glory of God, and they walked
in that presence and glory each and every day, and
God had very close fellowship with him. Well, God wants

to restore that today, and he did it through Jesus
coming die on a cross for our sins so we
could have eternal life, so we could be His son
or his daughter and have full access to the throne
of Heaven and the presence of God. Hey, do you
know the Lord this morning is your life where it

needs to be? If your life isn't where it needs
to be, I invite you to pray this prayer with me.
Say Jesus, I know I'm a sinner. I asked you
to forgive me of my sin. Come into my heart
and be my savior. Ask it in the name of Jesus,
and Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name. Amen.

So let's talk about the things that can affect our
bubble in which we live. I talk of it, look
at it like a bubble. But let's talk about what
are some of the things that can hinder the presence
of God from radiating in and through our lives and
out other people. You know, there are the habits we're

involved with. If you're doing drugs, getting drunk, playing with
weezy boards, the occult, that will greatly hinder anything coming
from the Lord through you. Maybe you are involved with pornography.
Maybe there's other habits in your life you know are

not good. You need to ask God to forgive you
of those habits, of those sins, and look to the
Lord and get free from that stuff. So all of
those stuff, see what we see, what we hear where
we go, what we watch on TV or in movie theaters,

can all have a negative effect on our lives and
on God's presence being around us in a greater way.
Some time, we just got to make a decisions. We
got to say, Lord, you know what, I want you
more than I want that bottle. I want you more
than I want those drugs. I want you more than

I want that TV program that I know is not
good for me. I want you more than all those
things that distract me and detract me from really getting
to know you. And if you will eliminate some of
those things from your life, God can begin to fill
you with His presence more. You know, what spending time
in the Bible, spending time in prayer, listening to good

worship music. Well, you know, I really love Jesus' image.
I love there's a lot of great music by Jesus Image.
You can look it up on YouTube, a lot of
great stuff that you can listen to that can really
usher in the presence of the Lord for you each
and every day. So there's all those things you can
do to draw close to God. If you know you

got sin in your life, where be there? All you
got to do is say, Lord, I asked you to
forgive me for name the sin. Ask for forgiveness, Ask
for cleansing with the blood of Jesus, ask for a
fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't all happen overnight.

God takes us in layers, But the Bible says, draw
near to God, and He will draw near to you. See,
the closer the Lord is walking with you and with me,
the more his presence will radiate from us as we
walk with him. And it's truly our goal to walk
with Him each and every day, each and every day.

You know what, you don't have to be perfect to
have His presence surrounding you. You don't have to be
a preacher. Anyone can enjoy the presence of Jesus. You know,
even animals recognize when the presence of Jesus is on
a program. They'll be very calm. They'll lay there calmly.

I know I've got a listener. When you listen, you
have your dogs laying by each side of you, and
so and there's many other of you who listen, who
have sent me cards and letters, and you have wrote
me telling me how you like the program. And I'm
so grateful that you're listening. Now. I'd like to lift
up a prayer. I would like to lift up a

prayer for each one of you that God would be
with you and they would help you get rid of
those things in your life that you know are taking
away from God's presence being with you. And now only
that I want to pray for you, that He would
help you put things in your life that would help
to increase the presence of God Father. I just pray

for those that are listening right now. Lord. There are
many Lord that have things in their life right now
they know should not be there that take away from
the presence of God being with him. So I pray
in the name of Jesus Us, that you would be
with these persons. I pray that you would help them
to repent of the sin they have in their life.

If it's a sin issue, Lord, forgive me, cleanse me
with the blood of Jesus, fill me with the Holy Spirit.
I pray for those that have habits, those that just
watch movies or at pornography or what it is. Lord,
I pray that through the power and presence of the
Holy Spirit, people would begin to get rid of everything

Lord that just takes away from the presence of God
being in their lives. Lord, I pray that in the
name of Jesus. Then, Lord, I just pray for those
that really want to walk in a greater level of
Your presence. I pray that they would have a fresh
encounter with You, like Peter, James and John on the

Mountain of Transfiguration are like Moses on the mountains when
he got the Ten Commandments. I pray God for people
to have a fresh, beautiful encounter with the King of
Kings and the Lord of Lords, because I know that
is the one and only way, that is the greatest
way for His presence to be felt in and through

our lives more. I pray you would help people to
pick up their Bibles and begin to read their Bibles.
I pray that you would speak to people through your word.
I pray that you would help them to find a
good home group or fellowship to be involved with. Lord,
and I just pray that you would give people dreams,
give people visions, keep them in the palm of your hand.

I pray you would heal people that are sick, touch
people that are hurting, and encourage people that feel hopeless.
And Lord, I pray for those that are lost that
you'd find them, because Lord, to you, they're not lost.
You know exactly where there are. You know exactly what
everyone is going through. So Lord, I thank you for everything,

and I give you the glory and Jesus' name. Amen.
Love to hear from you. My email is share at
Healing Begins Radio dot com. Will I'll get a closet
for now. May God bless you, May He keep you,
May He cost his face to shine upon you and

give you peace. Remember look up our website www dot
Spiritualcareconsultants dot com or SCC Healing Begins dot com. We
would love for you, and I pray that you would
have a blessed mourning and I pray that God would
help you to walk in His presence each and every day.

A Healing Begins is brought to you by Spiritual Care
Consultants located in Hastings, Michigan. At the Healing Center, we

see children and adults at no costs. We do virtual
and in person sessions. We invite you to learn more
about us by going to www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com.
We also value your feedback and would like to hear
from you. You can email me at Gail G. A.
L e. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We would like to

invite you and your family and friends to go and
listen to the past programs by going to wood Radio
dot com then click on podcast, then look for Healing
Begins and click on that. Thank you so much for
being a faithful supporter. May God bless you, keep you,
cause us face to shine upon you and give you peace.

Thank you for listening.
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