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December 28, 2024 25 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:17):
Good morning everyone. This is Pastor Gale with Healing Begins,
and I'm really glad that you have chose to join
us and this morning. The topic I've chosen is called
when Your World Is Falling Apart? And there's so many
reasons why I picked this topic. One is the hurricanes

have been going on recently. I don't know what it
would be like to lose everything I had in a
hurricane and then lose a family member or a loved
one in that same hurricane. On top of that, How
in the world do you survive such things. It's just

got to be through your faith. We've got to look
to the Lord during the uncertain times. The times in
the world is falling apart. Above all that, by the
time that you listen to this program, the elections will
be over and there will be some people that are
happy and rejoicing. There will be other people that feel

like their world is falling apart. But you know, my
eyes are not on who's in the White House. My
eyes are on God's house because in the end, I
know that in all things God is in control. Sometimes
it seems like he's out of control, and we wonder,
why have you ever wondered why you're going through what

you're going through, and that there don't seem to be
like anyone that can answer the question to the why.
Oh man, that is frustrating. I have a friend right now,
he's just going through a lot of turmoil in his
life and his question is always why, And I don't
have the answer. All I can say is when I

feel the why or why am I going through something?
My grandma used to always say, trust in God. Put
your trust in God. He will see you through, no
matter if you can't see your way ahead. And now
that's not fun because it takes a lot of maturity
to say, no matter what has happened to me, I'm
still going to trust you God. It's kind of like

in the Book of Job, Job lost everything he had
and yet he said, though you slay me yet, well
I trust you. Wow. What a statement. I don't know
if I'm there yet. I still need a lot of
help in that department. John sixteen thirty three is a
scripture I like to go to. It says I have

told you these things so that in me you may
have peace. In this world. You will have trouble, but
take heart, I have overcome the world. And so Jesus
tells us ahead of time that in the world we live,
there will be times when it feels like everything is

falling apart. But he gives us a promise that if
we keep our eyes on Him in all circumstances, we
can have a peace that surpassed us all understanding, that
will guard our hearts, in our minds, in Christ Jesus.
But you know, when my world is falling apart, that

is when it's the hardest time to keep my eyes
on the Lord. Because many times when things are happening,
we tend to get angry or mad or upset. And
you know, I worked eighteen years in trauma between three hospitals,
and I won't mention what's ones they were, but I
can tell you that I have been with families and

in circumstances where I saw their lives change in a
heartbeat and in a moment of time. I have seen
the faces of parents experiencing extreme grief. I've been at
the bedside of people suffering from sickness and disease. And

some of the greatest heroes, some of the greatest men
and women of faith I have found, have been the
people that have been suffering, and yet they kept their faith.
They looked to the Lord to see them through their circumstances.
And you know, in times in which we're living in,

I tend to revert back to the old hymns of
the faith that my grandma taught me. You always hear
me talking about my grandma. She irritated me when I
was a young man because she always told me what
to do. But now that I'm older, I really know
she had my best interest at her. There is a
hymn like to sing. It was called in times like these.

I want to read the lyrics to you. In times
like these, you need a savior. In times like these,
you need an anchor. Be very sure, Be very sure
your anchor holds and grips the solid rock. This rock

is Jesus, Yes, he's the one. This rock is Jesus,
the only one. Be very sure your anchor holds and
grips the solid rock. Then the next verse is, in
times like these you need the Bible. In times like
these will be not idle. Be very sure your anchor

holds and grips the solid rock that him. I like
to look up the history of him who wrote him
the hymn In Times Like These was written by Ruth
Cray Jones during World War Two, drawing inspiration from the

Bible verse two Timothy three to one, which speaks about
difficult times in the last days. Using this concept of
Jesus Christ as a steadfast anchor during turbulent times, she
reportedly penned the lyrics while reflecting on the anxieties and
the sufferings of the war, finding solace in her faith

and expressing it through the song's message that in challenging
times one needs a savior like Jesus Christ. This was
during World War Two, and you know, if you lived
during World War two, those were extremely challenging times that
she's talking about. There was another song that I really

liked that my grandma used to always teach me, and
I love focusing on those hymns and it's this Why
should I feel discouraged? This is called His Eyes on
the Sparrow. By the way, if you have a computer,
you can google in Times like these and just say
YouTube gathers and you can pull these hymns up, even

this one, His Eyes on the Sparrow, and listen to
the music. You know, when I'm in on certain times,
and I'm going it feels like my life is falling apart.
Music can really minister to my soul even when I
don't have all the questions. The eye, his eyes on
the sparrow. The lyrics go like this, Why should I

feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my
heart be lonely and long for heaven and home? When
Jesus is my portion, my constant friend, and does he
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he
watches me. His eye is on the sparrow, and I

know he watches me. And I love the course it says.
I sing because I'm happy. I sing because I'm free,
For his eye is on the sparrow, and I know
he watches me. Let not your heart be troubled. His
tunder word I hear, and resting in his goodness, I

lose my doubts and fears. Though my path he leadeth,
but one step I may see. His eye is on
the sparrow, and I know he watches me, and I
know he watches me. Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,

when songs get placed aside, and hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to him from care, he sets
me free. His eye is on the sparrow, and I
know he watches me. His eye is on the sparrow,

and I know he watches me. In the song, does
your anchor hold and grip the solid rock? I love
that statement. Does your anchor hold and grip the solid rock?
That rock is Jesus. We just heard me talk about this,
right so, And on certain times when people can't answer

your questions and it seems like you're not hearing from God,
you have to throw your anchor down and grip the
solid rock and trust that as you keep your eyes
on the Lord in the midst of your circumstance, he
will see you through. And you know, if you're anything
like me, I want answers, I want my why questions answered,

But many times those questions are not answered. The Bible
tells me I walk by faith and not by sight.
I walk by faith, not by how I feel. And
so my scripture tells me that when I walk through
the water, He'll be with me, and when I walk

through the fire, it will not send me a blaze.
And so when I don't know what to do, and
I in the midst of a time it seems like
everything is falling apart, I draw the all the more
closer to Jesus and I just keep walking straight ahead
in the path I know the Lord wants me on,

and I don't deviate from it from the right or
to the left. The thing that I try to do,
and I'm not always perfect at this. When things are
falling apart, there all the more, when it seems like
everything is caving in. That is when I draw closer
to Jesus. That is when I'm compelled to spend more

time in his presence, to spend more time in worship,
knowing that I need his presence, I need his peace,
and I need his strength to get me through. And
there are many of you that are listening to this
either on wood Radio one oh six point nine at
one am in the morning, and there's some of you
that will catch this later as a podcast. I know

we have one listener who listens on her bed with
her dogs on each side of her. So I welcome you.
And for all of you that have written me notes
and sent me encouraging letters about how you're enjoying the program,
I want you to know He's with you. He's going
to see you through. And I pray that whatever's going

on in your life right now, God would send his
Holy angels to your location to minister to you, to
give you peace, to give you strength. Some of you
are facing hard decisions and you kind of not You
don't know what to do. The decisions are hard, and
I pray that God would give you his peace, that

he would lead you by his peace. Others of you
just seem to be stuck. You might say, I'm just stuck.
I'm not going anywhere. I feel like I'm going backwards
more than I'm going forward. And a lot of people
will tell me, I feel like I take two steps
forward and five steps backward. God is with you. He

wants to help you, He wants to be your friend.
And on certain times, you know, the Bible says that
Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than the brother.
I love it. The Bible tells me Jesus said, I'll
never leave you nor forsake you. You know, recently, I'm just
reading the book the Letters and read in my Bible.

I'm going through and just reading the words of Jesus
and concentrating and meditating on what he has said. I
encourage you to get a good Bible and open it
and read the words and read. If you don't have
a Bible that has the words and read. Now, if
you're Grand Rampas, you can go to Baker book House
and there's a Christian bookstore in Holland, and you can

get bibles online really easy on Amazon and other places.
I just encourage you to read the letters and read
so Jesus wants to be with you. He said that
the Word of God says that God is close to
the broken hearted, and he saves those that are crushed
in spirit. And so if today you're grieving, you're hurting,

you're suffering, you've got things going on. It feels like
your world is caving in, throw your anchor out and
get a hold of Jesus and he will keep your
ship from crashing into the rocks. That's what they were
doing on the New Testament time that there were been

being driven across the ocean by the wind, they would
throw the anchors out and to slow the ship down.
And sometimes when it feels like life is falling apart,
we do need to slow down and say, God, give
me discernment, help me to see what I need to
see helping him know what I need to do, where

I need to go. The Bible says that the steps
of the righteous are ordered of God. So God order
my steps in my situation, in what's going on in
my life right now. So I'm just so thankful all
of you that are listening. And I know the reason
that my voice is out there at night is because
or on podcasts, is because there are so many people

who need hope. There are so many people that need
a lifeline. There's that old song throw out the lifeline
someone is perishing today. Well, the Lord is a lifeline
to me, and he has been throughout my sixty four
years of life. Yes, I'm sixty four years old. Can
you believe it? I remember when I was nineteen and

thought I'd live forever. But now I'm sixty ford I
realized that more of the years are behind me than
our ahead of me. But in the years I have
no matter what, I want to serve the Lord. I
want to encourage people who are hurting. I want to
pray for those that are sick going through hard times.
So I'm here to say you're going to make it.
You know, as believers, you know we have a hope

that a lot of people don't have. You know, in
Jesus and John eleven spoke to marrying. He said, to Marrying,
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believeth
in me will live even though he dies. Do you
believe that? And Mary said, of course we believe it.
And you know the story Jesus walks to the tomb

and raises Lazarth from the dead. Well, when we belong
to Jesus, we have eternal life. This world is not
our home. We're just a passing through. And I want
to be as prosperous as I can so I can give.
I want to help as many people as I can.

The way I look at it is quite simple. Then,
you know, I may not meet many of you that
listen to me under the sound of my voice on
Radio War the podcast channel, in all the different countries
that listen in. You know, we got sixty two countries
that listen in right now, Praise God. But I know
someday I'll meet many of you in heaven. And I

told the Lord in my matching. You know, I said
in John fourteen, behold, I go to prepare a place
for you. And if I go to prepare place for you.
I will take you to be where I am, that
where I am, that you may be. Also. That was
the words of Jesus. He said, do not let your
heart be troubled. He said, trust in God, trustco and
me in my father's house. There are many mansions. If

it were not so, I would have told you I
go to prepare place for you while I have a
place in heaven. I already told the Lord ahead of time.
My place has to have a big deck in a
lot of chairs, because someday, someday, when I get there
and you get there, I want to see you at
my mansion. I want to be able to meet the

people that have been contacted and helped by this program.
That's what life is all about. To me. We're all
trying to get to one place, and that's get to Heaven.
And you know, you might say, well, I'm not right
with God, and I really need to be right with God.
Will The good news is you can be right with God.
The Bible says that that Jesus said, come to me,

all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. Jesus says words to those that
are lost, has come to me, and it says in Romans,
if we will confess with our mouth that Jesus is
and believe in our heart that God has raised them
from the dead, well we would be saved. So if

you're not right with God and you want to put
your anchor down in Jesus, just say this prayer with me. Say, Jesus,
I know I'm a sinner. I asked you to forgive
me of my sins. Come into my heart and be
my savior. Help me to walk with you every day
and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I put my
anchor in you, Lord, and I trust you to get

me through that no matter what is going on in
the name of Jesus. A meant I would really love
to hear from you. My email is share a Healing
Begins Radio dot com. Share a Healing Begins Radio dot com.
I'd love to know how you're liking the messages. I'd
love to know how the program is administering to you,

or if you listen to this by podcast, I'd love
to hear from you and where you're listening from and
what's going on in your life. Me an email love
to hear from you, or if you say I'd like
to help out with the program, you can pay ahead
for the programs. If you want to make a donation
to the Healing Begins Radio you can go to Spiritualcareconsultants

dot com Spiritualcareconsultants dot com and click on donate and
you can leave a donation and specify that it is
for the radio program. So, having said that, I want
to lift up a prayer for you today, Lord, I
pray for those who feel like their world is falling apart. Lord,

when their world is falling apart, I pray that they
would have a fresh encounter with you. I pray that
they would know that you are not falling apart, that
you are the solid rock that doesn't move on which
they can stand. I pray that they would understand and

know when they stand on you, it's a certain thing
problem that you do not change your mind, that you
are the same yesterday, today and forever. Lord. I also
pray that you will send your ministering angels to minister
to those that are down and hurting, those who are
depressed and feeling in despair. Lord, May they know that

you are with them and that you love them. And
I pray that you would embrace them, And even as
I'm praying, I asked Lord that they would feel your
presence right now wherever they're at. Maybe they're driving the
car going down the highway, maybe they're in their house listening,
sitting on their bed. I don't know where the different

listeners are at, or even what country they're going to
be at, but I know that you are not limited
Lord by time and space. That you can be with
them right where they're at in a second. And Lord,
it says, and so I'm thirty four to seven, that
your angels in camp around those that love and fear Him,
and that you deliver them. I pray now in the

name of Jesus, for an encampment of angels to be
with every person that is listening and who will listen
in the future. Thank you Lord, that even though the
world is shaking, you are not. You are not falling apart.

And Lord, the Bible says you have a kingdom that
cannot be shaken. Lord, we thank you. You're the King
of the Kingdom, and we serve you, and we serve
those that are round us each and every day. So Lord,
I asked that you would heal, bring healing to those
that are sick physically, bring peace to those that are

suffering from mental torment, and give hope to those that
feel hopeless. In the powerful, mighty, matchless name of Jesus Christ,
I pray a meant well. I just just want to

thank you for listening. Please share this program with your friends.
Please let the radio station one six point nine what
FM let them know how you like the program. And
I just want to thank the sponsors in Grand Rapids,
Michigan that actually sponsored this year's programs ahead of time.

And I want to give glory to God for all
the great things he has done. And I want to
leave you with this thought that Jesus Christ, he is
a friend that sticks closer than a brother. And I
want you to know and understand that you are never, never,

never alone, and that Jesus loves you. God bless you.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
As Healing Begins.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Is brought to you by Spiritual Care Consultants, located in Hastings, Michigan.
At the Healing Center. We see children and adults at
no costs. We do virtual and in person sessions. We
invite you to learn more about us by going to
www dot Spiritualcareconsultants dot com. We also value your feedback
and would like to hear from you. You can email

me at Gail G. A. L. E. At Spiritualcareconsultants dot com.
We would like to invite you and your family and
friends to go and listen to the past programs by
going to Wood Radio dot com then click on podcast,
then look for Healing Begins and click on that. Thank

you so much for being a faithful supporter. May God
bless you, keep you, cause us face to shine upon
you and give you peace. Thank you for listening.
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