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January 10, 2024 • 56 mins
Another week, another trophy to discuss. Join the voice of Sun Devil Hockey Tyler Paley and Sun Devil Hockey Head Coach Greg Powers as they recap the latest tournament victory for the Sun Devils.
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You're listening to Hell Frozen Over withSun devilhead Hockey coach Greg Powers Lie from
Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers on Fox Sportsnine ten and the iHeartRadio Welcome to the
course light first period of Hell FrozenOver Now alongside Coach Powers, the voice
of Sun Devil Hockey Tyler Piley,you don't have to look far to find

the hottest team in the valley.Right now, Sun Devil Hockey is on
an absolute tear, undefeated in theirlast ten games and winners of a pair
of trophies over the last two weekends. Hardware is nice, winning a whole
lot of fun, and yet thejob is far from over. The mission
is still an NCAA tournament bid comeMarch, and the long and winding path

of the college hockey season continues thisweekend against a familiar foe in the Cornell
Big Red. Hi. Everybody,Happy New Year. Welcome into season two,
Episode seven of Hell Frozen Over Livetonight from Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers in
Arcadia for the next hour here onFox Sports nine to ten and streaming on
the iHeartRadio app. I'm Tyler Paley. The radio play by play broadcaster of

Sun Devil Hockey, happy to haveyou along as we discuss the team's latest
news and notes and get you readyfor another week of college hockey. Joining
me tonight and every show this yearare Arizona State head coach Greg Powers and
my broadcast partner Alex Coyle, coach. Up until last night, you were
the most recent Power five coach towin a championship game. How does that
feel? A well, no,just just I mean j barbar now,

but like previously, yeah, youknow, like you Yeah, Michigan had
to go ruin it. Yeah,I guess right. Have you commissioned more
shelf space in your office for allthe trophies you're collecting lately? Yeah?
You know. I gave the trophyuh Saturday to Matthew Copper and said bring
it back tuesday, and mysteriously Idon't have it back, so that things

are gonna come back in a fewpieces. Wondering what condition it's going to
return to me in. But we'llsee tomorrow hopefully if you bend it,
I assume we'll be needed. Butthat was that was really cool. We're
gonna talk a lot about that.We just had it showed last week,
so we'll use this first period torecap the past weekend, the Desert Hockey
Classic, preview the Cornell series comingup. Of course, so so Friday

night as doing. Harvard a historicallysuccessful program under Ted Donado. But look,
this is a rebuilding here for theCrimson. You previewed that last week
Sun Devils jumped out to a onenothing lead in the first never trailed in
that game. Harvard kept it tighton the scoreboard for a while, but
to Alex and me up in thebooth, it really never felt like the
game was actually that close. Thefinal was five to two. I know

you were really impressed with your team'seffort. We felt we felt like we
were in recontrolled the game. Youknow, even I think the first period
was was probably pretty even, butwe found a way to get into the
intermission with the lead, and secondperiod we were we were dominant. We
played really really good hockey, executedexactly how we want to play. We
just got pucks in behind their dand really grinded him out down low,

used our our our size and ourour you know age to our advantage.
We are a much older team thanHarvard, and and we we really took
it over in that game. Reallyall weekend, that third line was just
phenomenal in terms of generating scoring opportunities. They scored ten points on the the
entire entire weekend, but I believeit was five total goals. And in

game one it was really Ryan O'Reillyeither setting up or being on the receiving
end of a lot of those chances. He seems to be playing some of
his best hockey of late. Hashad his best two weeks if you count
Lake Placid and last weekend that he'sthat he's had at a su So you
know, he looked like, youknow, a fourth round draft pick that
he is. You know, hereally he really has and you know he

he he knows, you know,he could be the engine that it drives
this thing. When he plays thatway, he gives us our identity because
he's so big and so talented andso strong, and he's a great leader.
The guys really follow him in theroom. So when he plays like
he has the last four games,everybody raises their level of play. And
he knows that, and I wouldcount on him looking that way for fourteen

more games they get us into thetournament. It's really cool to see him
like an older guy like him,a leader on this team, and then
you know, juxtapose him with KyleSmollen, who is you know, really
coming into his own We'll talk abouthim more in a moment, but let's
jump to the championship game. ASUadvanced to its first ever championship game in
the Desert Hockey Classic, this timeagainst future conference opponent Nebraska Omaha. The

Mavericks incredibly physical, difficult to getthrough, and that proved true through really
two periods plus. It was onenothing Omaha until three minutes into the third.
That's when Ryan O'Reilly netted the tyinggoal. We go to overtime yet
again, and Kyle Smollen had abeautiful feed from Lucas Cillinger right right off
a change, He found some space, finished the job, secured that two

to one win and a trophy onhome ice. Alex and I kind of
bowed our heads and took a momentafter that one, I think, because
it just underscores just how special thisseason has been so far, has it
not. Yeah, I think that'sa microcosm of our season, you know,
going into the third down goal,big game, big stage, trophy
on the line, and our guysfind a way to get it done.

You know, Omaha is very good. They're a very good hockey team.
I think that their pairwise is probablynot justified right now as well. I
feel like they're a top ten team. They're that good. They're big,
they're strong, they're structured, they'refast, they have skill. They have
the best defenseman we've seen all yearin Victor Mancini, maybe the best player.
That kid will be in the NHLthis year. You can mark my

words. He's that good. Sothey're they're tremendous. Their goalie was good.
They're well coached. So to geta win against that team when they
played really well too. But butI think the first half of the game
they executed how they wanted to,and their size and their speed overwhelmed their
guys a little bit. And thenonce we adjusted and we made some adjustments

as a staff as the game wenton, that seemed to work really well.
Boy, we tilted the ice inthat third period and we got it
done, and we felt like weplayed well enough to get it done in
regulation, and it took overtime todo it, but we're glad we got
it. When Smullen scored that overtimegoal. I looked over you and you
gave one of those Tiger Woods esquefist pumps, like as if you were

thinking a big putt. But howmuch did that mean to you? Winning
that tournament on home mites for thefirst time. Yeah, I mean I've
wanted obviously, we've all wanted towin our own tournament. It's a fifth
time, and and we hadn't evenwon our opening round game, which was
really frustrating for us. So itif just to win in front of our
fans and get a trophy in frontof our fans that support us so well

and give them that, I thinkit was a great moment for our program,
for our kids, for me,for our staff, everybody. So,
you know, to to win twotwo trophies back to back like we
have, you know, when youtaste that as a as a team and
as a program, you can buildoff it. Just like back in our
you know, second second season asa as an NCAA program, we went

to Las Vegas. We won IceVegas. We beat two top twenty teams
and Northern Michigan and Michigan Tech,and and really that was the sounding board
for going to another level for ourprogram. We played UMass Lowe the next
week and who was top ten andsplit with them. Then the next year
we make an NCAA tournament. Sothese things matter for young programs and independent

programs. When your kids get thechance to celebrate something, it really means
something. Just one more note aboutOmaha. They came in by a lot
the best face off team in thenation. You guys beat them in that
ca It was a huge emphasis.I mean Nolan Sullivan, I think on
the year was sixty nine percent oncham Yeah, and he was he was
below fifty on the night, Sowe pre scouted him and really prepared for

their their centers. Hicksy does agreat job pre scouting their centers and going
over with our guys what the opposingcenters tendencies are. And we really hammered
home the importance of starting with thepuck. We have all year, but
that game it was really important becausethey're so good at face off. So
our guys just did a good joband they found a way. A little

bit more about Kyle smoln He's obviouslybeen unbelievable over the last few series,
some game winners, some other clutchgoals, always hustling. He told us
on Saturday on the postgame show whenwe talked to him that every moment he
waited and didn't come to ASU andthat he had to wait to come here
was so worth it, and thathe has one hundred percent trust in you

and the coaches to do what's bestfor not only him, but really the
whole program. What does that meanto you to hear one of your youngest
guys say all of that, andnow being producing so much, Well,
it's always nice to hear. Imean, they can all trust us all
we have our best interest, youknow their best interest. You know one
hundred percent of the time, youknow every one of them. And as
a coach, it's impossible to keepeverybody happy all the time because everybody wants

to play, and everybody wants toplay and play more, and so juggling
that is difficult. But we havea room full of kids that understand and
you know, there's a bigger pictureto this, and and it's it's about
It's about the fork. It's notabout the name on the back, and
Kyle's a prime example of that.It's always been about wearing the jersey for
him and whatever he has to doto do it, and he played over

two hundred games in the us HL, so you know he he he was
patient with our timing and when wewanted to bring him in, and and
and as a coach, when akid is like that, and he's loyal
to you, and and he sticksit out for an extra year junior hockey,
when you have him to do it, I feel an obligation to to
to really stick by the kid andgive him the opportunity that I told him

I would give him. And he'sdone nothing but exceed expectations. He's a
future captain here. He He's atwo hundred foot guy. He does everything.
He's got a hard skill. Heplays hard, he finished his checks,
plays down the middle, he's greatdefensively. He is a really good
hockey player. And the best isyet to come for that kid. I
spoke to him earlier today and theaudience will get to hear that this weekend

during our pregame shows. But hementioned playing with some of the veteran guys
on the lines, whether it's beenthe Eckerlees or the the O'Reilly's currently on
his line, and he called ita cheat code to be able to play
and learn from those guys at thesame time. Is that something that you
think about when you put together yourline charts. I think so. I
think, you know, we hadthose three together the first six games of

the year, and they were reallygood, and then some things happened where
we kind of mixed it up,and obviously it's all worked. But they
have been when they have together.When they're together, if you look at
analytics and you take everything into consideration, those three have been probably our most
productive line on both ends of theice, and so I think you could
probably expect them to stay together therest of the year because I just trust

them. I trust them in everyzone. Oh and Benji are playing the
best hockey of their careers. They'vebeen through everything here. They went through
the COVID year, their freshman yearof being on the road and living in
a hotel for four months, playingin the Big Ten, and then ramp
in the program back up and thenopening molt Arena. So they've been you
can consider those guys founding fathers ofour program, and they're playing their best

hockey and then they get a reallytalented freshman that bleeds maroon and gold in
between them, and it's just aline that's really working. Let's talk a
big picture here in the couple ofminutes we have left before we dive into
the Cornell series. You've played twentyfour of thirty eight games. That means
fourteen left, ten of which areat home the best opponents you have left
for Cornell and Alaska Fairbanks. Iknow you say winning every night is the

mission, but can you put inperspective the margin of error here that you
have at this point? How manywins of the next fourteen will it take
to earn a postseason spot? It? Pairwise is tricky, you know.
I mean, there's so many differentthings that go into to calculating the pairwise
and a big thing is obviously winningon the road, you know. And
we have a schedule. Obviously it'svery home heavy, and we've been very

good at home, but you don'tget as much credit for home wins.
And you're feeling that and it iswhat it is. But we we owed
it to our fans, we owedit to our players. We've traveled so
much, we had so many teams, the otis trips back, we play
the schedule. I still feel like, you know, we just keep doing
what we're doing, We're gonna getin. All right, let's dive into
Cornell this weekend. It's a teamyou just saw up in Lake Placid in

the championship game of that tournament.Officially that went down as a tie,
but as you got the shootout win. Cornell very good defensively. We knew
that going into that game. Theyhaven't played since Lake Placid, so this
will be a couple of weeks ofrest that they have. What did you
learn from that game about the BigRed and what kind of weekend should we
expect? Our heavy discipline, wellcoached, they're they're they're good. They're

they're in the tournament every year fora reason. We took a trophy from
him in Lake Placid. They're gonnacome in rested with a week off.
They got in I think tonight,So they're coming here and there's gonna be
no jet lag. They're gonna comeout flying. It's gonna be a packed
house. We expect two sellouts.It's gonna be exciting. If if there
are tickets left, you better getthem quick. They're gonna be very very

good game. And it's Maroon Monsoonweekend for everybody listening. So where Maroon
this weekend? I got time forone more. Sorry to cut you off,
alex but listen, you know it'sjust how to cookie crumble sometimes.
Want to get a quick injury reportwe shared on Saturday, Ryan Alexander is
out with an upper body injury.Not a long term one, thankfully,
but you said he'd be out forthe series against Cornell. Is that still

the case in? Are both heand ty Jackson still on track to return
for Augustana. Ryan should be backfor Augustana. We expect him be back.
He will definitely be out this weekend. Tye might be back for Augustana.
So you know, Dylan's out forthe year. Unfortunately, we lost
him for the year. It wasa surgery that he opted to get and
needed to get and it's one thatobviously will have him back next year for

a fifth and it was successful.So the Jacksons will be back next year
for the fifth year, which we'reexcited about. But we think that we
think that obviously the bye week's comingat a great time after Augustana. Worst
case scenario, we expect Dylan ourtie in Ryan to be back for that
Alaska series. All right, lookingforward to that. Coach Greg Powers with

the lowdown on this Tuesday night.We're giving him a period of rest tonight.
We need Coach at his best forCornell this weekend. Save the voice.
Yeah yeah, I lost it,lost it. We got the brunt
of it. Hey, that's okay. I always appreciate talking to you,
sir. Have a great night andgood luck this weekend. We'll see you
Friday. Thanks guys. All right, Head Coach Greg Powers. When we
return to Hell Frozen Over on thisTuesday night, a special guest joins the

show for the very first time.Associate head Coach al B O'Connell is in
the hot seat the second period,right after word break on the Mountain America
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can change or be withdrawn at anytime. You're listening to Hell Frozen Over
with Sun Doublehead hockey coach Greg Powers, Let's start the busy Hard Seltzer second
period on Fox Sports nine to tenand the iHeartRadio WAPP. Thanks for sticking
with us for the second period ofHell Frozen Over, our hour long show

talking all things sub Devil hockey.We're live every other Tuesday this season from
Cold Beers at gi Now in theArcadia location right near fortieth Street and Indian
School. Hey, if you're notout here tonight, hope you'll consider joining
us on Tuesday, January twenty thirdat six pm. You can come,
grab some delicious food and talk somecollege hockey with us. This past offseason,

a rule change in college hockey allowedfor schools to add a third assistant
coach. Arizona State added too withthe departure of Mike Field, and one
of those was Albi O'Connell. He'sa veteran coach who was once the bench
boss at Powerhouse Boston University. We'vehad the privilege to get to know him
a bit over the season, andwe're excited to welcome him on and learn
even more tonight. Albi O'Connell joinsAlex coiling me now on hell frozen over.

Great to have you on, sir. Thanks for being here tonight,
Thanks for having of course. Allright, so first things first here,
you got back from Canada yesterday toa new trophy apparently in the coach's lounge,
or according to coach powers, apparentlyit's missing in the hands of Matthew
copperud right now? Is that newsto you? And well, hopefully you
get to see it at some point. I'm sure you were bummed to not

be there for that tournament went.But how special is it to have consecutive
tournament victories consecutive weekends. Yeah,I any chance you have to win a
trophy, especially mid year is It'sa good opportunity and we took advantage of
both. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Have you ever coached up in Lake
Placid prior to that tournament there afew weeks ago? No? No,

I as a player, I wasthere up there for like the Select sixteens
and seventeens back many moons ago.But I've never been involved in any hockey
again, Now, how special wasthat experience? It was fun. The
weather was not that great at thestart, but chilly. I didn't mind
the cold, but the rain wasnot great. Yeah, at least we
got a little snow up there,right, Yeah, a little bit.
It was little bit. You're aBoston guy, You're used to that.

Overall, at this point of theseason to only have lost three games,
of course, is there anything thatsurprises you about the group and the way
they've played so far? No,it seems like we're continually getting better.
Yeah. I think our power playhas been good from the start, our
goalpending has been good, Decor haskind of grown quite a bit, and

the forward group seems like they're gettingto find a ground game a bit and
play a little bit more on theother team zone. We've always been good
off the rush, but to getinto their zone and possess pucks and and
play the right way, it's been. It's been good to see recent but
it's been kind of an ever goingprocess. I want to get into a
little bit of your history if youdon't mind it, correct me if I

get anything wrong here, but uh, long time assistant associate and then head
coach at Boston University. Of coursea very story program. You had massive
success there, seven NCAA tournament,tournament appearances, seven Hockey East titles,
five Beam Pots, three Frozen Fours, two championship games, and now you're
at ASU. Why Well, whenGreg first called me, I've always kind

of had it on my on yourradar per view a little bit, but
it's always been intriguing to me.Uh. We came out and played here
when I was with BU and obviouslyloved the area. Uh, the rink
at the time was you know,just okay, and and I came out
to watch them playing Minnesota last year. I had brought my son out just

to visit the school. I waswatching for the Montreal Canadians. I was
watching the one of the draft eligiblesoff their team. It was just,
you know, Greg showed me aroundand kind of blown away, but like
where he started and where he gotthe program, and you know, it's
just a bright future. So itwas it was pretty intriguing and the then
the conversations kind of grew over,you know, towards the end of the

year and then it was you know, it became real and came out with
the family, visited and you know, made a decision to move out here
by myself. Pretty cool. Nowyou have your son here as well that
the attends a s U. He'she's a freshman on campus, helps out
with the team as well. Howcool is it to have him here as
well in your first season at aSU. Yeah, it's pretty good.

He's a little bit of a pain, but but yeah, it's not bad
to see him. You know,he just kind of way, Hey,
what's up. You let him enjoythe college. He's going about his own
business and he's trying to figure thingsout himself, and you know, figure
out what he needs to do totry to help help the program in any
way. That's gotta be cool to, like, you know, I know
he's been on some road trips andlike, you know, I know he's

doing his own thing. You're doingyour your coaching thing. But it's got
to be cool to like have thatspecial bond with him, is it not?
You? No, it's good,it's good. It's good. That's
all right. Fair enough. Partof your duties as an associate head coach
are acting as recruiting coordinator too.And I have a lot of questions about
this because I've always been fascinated bythis part of developing a team. Right.

Many regard you as one of thebest recruiters in college hockey. I
trust your pitch to recruits has changeda bit since coming to ASU. Can
you give us kind of the elevatorpitch of becoming a sun Devil? Well,
there's there's just so much to like. Obviously have the facilities, you
have the support of the athletic department, and the campus is beautiful. The

quality of life from like the livingarrangements where the guys live, how they
get treated, the food they eat, how they're trained, the medical staff.
It's all first class. You know, if I was comparing it to
anything out of the East, Iwould say it's better than anywhere I work.
So it's been really Uh, thatwas pretty eye opening when it came
out. You know, just thatvision of what it is now and where
it's going is is pretty high level. It makes your job bit easier,

I would have. I would say, what are some of the things that
that recruits ask about as U thoughobviously it's a new program and and not
you know, around some of theblue blood programs. What are some of
the things that you know some recruitsask you about, oh, why would
I should I go here instead ofA b U, A b C,
A Yukon even I think kids arepretty open nowadays. I think as long

as we can get them out tocampus right right and have them and show
what we have, then we're ina pretty good situation. I think it's
pretty attractive, you know, inall regards. You know, the academic
piece is really good, the athleticpiece, the quality of life, uh,
those are those are the biggest things. The living arrangements, the travel

geography definitely doesn't help us with wherekids live. You know, obviously,
if we can get some of thetop local kids, that would be great,
but getting kids from you know,different areas and getting them to come
see what it's like. You know, we have we have one guy coming
out from out east and you know, the family went to a couple of
blue Blood and maybe Notre Dame andBC and they really had no idea about

the place. They came out andthey were kind of blown away, kind
of the same way I was throughthe process. That's all you need,
right you just need one visit,and you know it's hard to not be
sold. I noticed one thing youdidn't mention in there is NIL, and
I want to ask about how muchof a factor that has been in your
recruiting. Obviously relatively new in termsof the college athletics landscape, but but

we see so much media coverage rightof football and basketball and even baseball and
some other sports. I haven't seena whole lot about nil and college hockey.
How much of a factor is thatin recruiting. It's not massive right
now, but it's starting to creepin some schools, in some some leagues,
and you know, I think eventuallyit'll it'll be a little bit of

a factor, but right now it'snot. It's more about you know,
opportunity, right situation. You know, we've got eighteen scholarships like everyone else,
so it's pretty even playing field atthis point. I think as we
move, I think the Big Tenand some of the schools out there have
the opportunity to maybe you know,lend some money into kids. Yeah,

yeah, fair. I hope LasVegas isn't listening right now, because a
little birdie tells me, and thatlittle birdie is seated over there, a
little birdie tells me that you area card counter. I want to hear
more about this, is that likeyour secret weapon? Tell us, like,
do you enjoy playing cards that allabout? I do like playing CODs.

Yeah, but it's uh, what'syour game of choice? Blackjack?
I like poker a little more poker, Yeah, I would play. Yeah,
I like all sorts of games.But I think you know, when
you're playing with people that are reallyhorrible. Sorry, it's just not no,
but uh yeah, no, thatthe Yeah, I played CODs about

my life, so that's always lookingfor the advantage, right, Yeah,
it's a good it's a good pastime, good, good way to play a
lot of different games. No,family, My family's big god family now
here. You also like to enjoyyour big animal guy. You enjoy wildlife
as well. Coach Powers tells methat you've even gone up to pets and
coyotes. What's that? What's thethought process there? No, yeah,

he's never exaggerated his life. Ohmy god. No, it's it's uh
yeah, no, it's some ofthe animals out here a lot different than
the city of Boston. Yeah,you know that's nice and have Alena has
never heard of that until I gothim, But yeah, I know,
it's it's been interesting. I Ilive right by the rink. So it's
okay, there's nothing there. Now, what's the most shocking thing that I

guess you said, have Alna butabout the wildlife in Arizona, it's just
a lot different. It's foreign.Yeah, yeah, all right. As
we wrap up things with you,coach, you and your son Devils will
take on Cornell, try to beatthem again, hopefully in regulation this time.
You were there for the Lake PlacidTournament win. And while Cornell and

BU aren't conference rivals, I trustyou saw them quite a bit in your
time over the years. What shouldwe expect from Cornell this weekend and what
will it take to win? It'llit'll take a team effort. You know.
We're gonna have to have good goaltending, our special teams. They have
a good power play, they've gota good penalty kill. They they defend
really well. They don't give youa lot. Uh. It's going to

be tight checking their physical so we'regonna have to be ready to outskate them,
put pucks into into areas where wecan get him back, and try
to work in their zone. They'revery good in the offensive zone and they've
got a big team, so theycan hang on to pucks, So we're
gonna have to try to kill playswith their stick at the puck and then
go on offense. So that's that'sgonna be the biggest thing. How we
how we manage our zone. Uhand if we're willing to play in behind

them because they play pretty tight throughthen intra zone. Yeah, and their
goaltender is outstanding. Ian Shane waswas unbelievable and thoughts. So, I'm
curious about the difference between a headcoach and being an assistant. What do
you see differently? Is it differentin the preparation more of the film dive.
What's different about being an insistent yearrole now than what you have been
in the past? To be youwell, I think all head coaches are

different. I think Greg has avision of what he wants, the way
the team, the way the teamwill play. But he also has done
a good job of of giving eachguy on the staff a role, and
then within that, you know,we were able to work within our structure
Hicks. He's done a good jobat the power play, Dan's done a

good job with the PK, andGreg overkind of overseas it all. I
work with the defense more than theforward, so I spend a lot of
time with them, so it's aclear vision for our staff and then we're
able to execute what do he wantsall right, He's the man spear hitting
the charge to find the best talentacross the globe, bring them to Tempe
Arizona. L B. O'Connell onthe hunt for future Sun Devil's doing a

great job coaching the current ones aswell. I'll be appreciate you spending the
evening with us. Best of luckthe rest of the way and on the
recruiting trail as well. We'll seeon Friday and hope you come back soon,
sir. Thank you, thanks foring up Next to the Sun Devils
leading points scorer and alternate captain LucasCilinger is in the hot seat to chat
with Alex and me about his seasonso far. Our conversation right after this

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for the third period. You're listeningto Hell Frozen Over live tonight on the

Mountain America Credit Union Sun Devil RadioNetwork from Cold Beers and Cheeseburgers, a
good time to remind everybody to markyour calendars. Our next show is on
Tuesday, January twenty third, sixpm. He can come, grab a
burger and hang out with Coach Powersand our Sun Devil Hockey guests. For
a lot of the first half ofthe season, there was no question who
the Sun Devil offense ran through.The top line trio of Ty Jackson,

Dylan Jackson and Lucas Cylinger were thestars of the show. They appeared in
some way, shape or form onthe score sheet every game. Now,
with two thirds of that trio outfor the long term, there's one man
left who still shoulders a lot ofthe workload and he's helping to carry his
team through the season both on andoff the ice. That man is Lucas
Cilinger. He joins Alex and menow on health frozen over silly. Great
to have you on, appreciate youbeing here tonight. Thanks for having me

all right, So first things first, well, of course, happy New
Year to you, but I trustyour celebrations over the last two weeks.
We're much better with some hardware inhand. After a couple of fun weekends
up in Lake Placid and that mulletwere they not absolutely. Lake Plaster trip
is a great, great trip.Obviously, it's so went Smarrd. We're
there before the break and then obviouslyit's great to raise a raise a trophy

in your own building. That wasvery special for all our players and staff,
and we try to make it specialfor our fans too. You said
Lake Placid was cool. How specialwas it for you and the boys to
play at the iconic rink like wesaw up at the Olympics Center in Lake
Placid. Yeah, it's something we'regonna remember forever. Obviously, you know,
if you haven't some movie miracle,obviously it's the one you gotta watch

for sure. But I think thatcame to all our minds when we were
playing, you know, and gettingthe tours or in the locker rooms.
It's something you'll keep in your mindforever and great experience for every room.
Yeah, so cool. Of course, your dad played in the NHL.
What was it like growing up withhim? What some of the takeaways that
he taught you going through the biggestthing I took with him is just just

compete level. He's always taught meto work hard. I think one thing
I remember is just being around therink all the time with my brothers.
Everything we did, we would alwayscompete against each other, whether it was
playing Mini stix or card games,you name it. Everything was a competition.
That's so cool. I mentioned amoment ago your original linemates of Tye
and Dylan Jackson, they went downon the same play up at Colorado College

last month. I guess this iskind of a two pronged question. How
tough was that for you both wellas their teammate, linemate, friend,
and frankly someone who benefited from playingwith them. Yeah, no, it's
obviously tough whenever and when anyone getsinjured, especially those those two guys and
sucks they both coach together. Butyou know, all you can do is

wish that they have a healthy recovery, and obviously it gives us someone else
in the chance or someone else thechance to line up to step up.
And obviously, you know, ourthird line had had a huge performance there
last weekend, and a guy likeKyle SMOs Smollen has taken great advantage of
that and hopefully keep continuing to seeperformances like that from guys. You better

watch your back. He's catching up. And so I know, I know
he's dangerous. You mentioned guys steppingup. What about the team? We
were told about this depth coming intothe season, but we didn't know exactly
what to expect with it. Nowthat we see all of that production from
everybody, what about the group allowseverybody to feel comfortable to be able to
provide at the same rate. Yeah, I mean it wears teams downs for

sure. When you can play fourlines for you know, a heavy,
hard, fast game, it takesa toll on team. So you know,
when each line is producing and thenit's one guy doing one thing that
night and then another guy doing somethingelse the next night, that's gonna help
it in your team win. Youknow, you gotta win in different ways,
and you had a really good jobof that this year. You seem

like a fairly home But I'm goingto brag about you for a moment to
all of our listeners. If youdon't mind, your offensive production this year
has been phenomenal. I'm not tellingyou anything you don't already know. Last
I check, you have twenty eightpoints this year, leads your team good
for third in the nation. That'salso seven more points eight more. In
fact, I didn't update this eightmore points than you had all of last

season. You're also tied for theteam lead and assists you've gotten on the
score sheet in by my count,fourteen of twenty four games so far this
year. I guess my question issimple, what's been working this year?
I don't want to compare it toprevious years, but like, what has
been the massive boost for you thisyear? I would say I'm just a
lot more comfortable this year. Youknow, coming from Bimigi last year,

obviously it was a little bit abig change for myself. You know,
you come to a new team,new coaching staff, and takes a bit
of time. I think comfortable andconfident. I think when you're playing the
confidence much more dangerous than when you'renot. I feel like when you're playing
the confidence, you got much morecontrol of the game. You know,

you're engaged in the game, andI think that's just been a big part
of it for this year for me. Yeah, you can just tell you're
more loose out there, and it'sit's great to see you mentioned transferring over
from Bimidgi. What led you toasc Why did you come here? Why
not? Right? You know they'regreat coaching staff, phenomenal rank that we're
in here. You know, goingto the NHC next year. You know,

everything's just going going to skywork skyrocketinghere. But my family has always
at a spot here. My olderbrother was actually originally committed here, so
as always in the back of mymind, and you know, when the
opportunity came up, I you know, crapped onto it right away. So
this last weekend Saturday in particular,I know Kyle smollen deservedly, so we'll
get a lot of the glory forthat game winner over Omaha, but people

will forget that you're the guy whopassed him a puck right off the Chaine.
Did you did you? Was thatlike a plan? Did Was it
like, Hey, if you know, if we get a clean change here,
we're gonna do that. Did youjust have a beautiful view of him
and just hit him walk me throughthat play? Well? I think in
overtime, honestly, you just wantto possess a puck, and I think
that's a that's a big part overtime. So I just kind of took

it back. There's nothing there.And when I kind of you know,
peeked my head up and took anothercircle, I think uh young Air popped
up the ice and slowly came onfor a line change in there he was
and I kind of ripped it upto him as he made a great catch
and when made us to spectacum move, he was saying that his main focus
was making sure he actually got hegot the puck, yeah, which was

so fun. I no doubt hehandled it perfectly. You were named one
of the alternate captains by your teammatesbefore the season began. You're now the
fourth of five captains that we've hadon the show this year. So we
got to get cop on to makea note of that, write it down.
Yeah. Yeah, So I'll askyou the same question I've asked all
three others. How much of anhonor was it to have that vote of

confidence by your teammates and to wearthat letter each game? Yeah, it's
privilege. There's a lot of leadersin the room. But I think when
you get that vote from your teammatesand you know, you get a lot
of trust in that, and Ithink you know there's thirty leaders on the
team, but you know, I'mit is a true honor to wear a
letter and to represent a su It'sit's privilege. Yeah, how do you

describe your leadership style now that youdo have that letter and people do look
to you to lead. Yeah,I'd say I'm much more vocalist year than
it was last year. You know, it just comes from knowing the guys
more and being more comfortable, likeyou said, But obviously I try to,
you know, lead lead by exampleon the ice of my play.
But I just making sure you're kindof backbone of the guys and someone you're

always there to talk to. Let'sfocus for a moment here on kind of
the team overall, from your vantagepoint twenty four games into a thirty eight
game season, what's the biggest strengthof this team and where is perhaps an
area of opportunity to improve and andcontinue to get better and rise to the
next level. Yeah, I thinkthe biggest strength for us right now is

going hockey games, you know,like that that's the main focus. I
think we play every game like it'sour last. And I think we're really
comfortable having TJ back there. Youknow, we're gonna have a good,
good goaltending night in and night out, and you know, just making sure
we're a very offensive team. Butwe gotta gotta stay, stay disciplined,
but also you know, tenacious andheavy and heart in the fore check,

and you know, doing the littlethings we're gonna make the big difference in
the in the long run. Thepower play really all year has been clicking
on all cylinders. What makes thatgroup so special? And even though that,
you know, guys have been interchangeableup there, Yeah, Hicks,
He's done a good job of bringingus in and kind of meeting with us
we can and we get out andsetting a game plan and kind of sticking

to that game plan. And we'vebeen able to capitalize on a lot of
chances this year and hopefully more buckskeep going on that. You know,
I didn't ask you about this,and it seems like you're fine and we
don't have to talk a whole lotlot about it. But I'm just curious
you you went off the ice inLake Placid. I believe it was game
game one for give or take twentyminutes or so. Overall, though,
how's your help been this year?How are you feeling? You know,

this many games? I mean,people don't understand like this is a long
season, this is a physical sport. It wears you down, Like,
how are you feeling at this point. Yeah, absolutely, that's a that's
a funny question. Actually, youknow, college hockey, especially when you
only play forty some games, peoplethat don't really know through or people don't
really understand what players go through.You know, every player wants to play

night and a night's night out.So some guys are battling through injuries.
But right now I feel feel healthyaboud. It feels really good. Last
week in Lake plast just a freakincidents. Yeah, you just kind of
went down a little bit. Yeah, to bad cross check. But again,
sometimes you just need to shake itoff. That's that's quite all right.

All right, let's ask about thisweekend. You and your son Devils
obviously have Cornell a couple more times. You saw him in Lake Placid.
A big theme this year from fromeverybody, I mean, from Coach Powers
on down, has been the termidentity, right playing to the Sun Devil
identity being difficult to go up against. How important is that going to be
to earn a couple of wins againsta really good Cornell team? Yeah,

it's going to be very important.I think every time I go into a
weekend, we really want to worryabout playing Sun double hockey, and that's
sticking to our identity being heavy,hard, fast, it tenacious. So
if we do that, you know, hopefully we'll come out with a few
wins this weekend. Hopefully. CoachPowers has also spoken about the resiliency of
the group. I think that's reallyshown getting down multiple goals and coming back

from those deficits a number of timesthis year. Where does that come from
with this group? That's just findingdifferent ways to win. You know,
we it's playoff hockey at us.We know we got to win hockey games.
I think just in the long run, it's just we're just finding it
away. It seems like there's nopanic at all. Yeah, I know,
we just well there might be,but it's a good panic urgency,

not panic. Do you have anymore eligibility left after this year? Hey?
What have a fifth year? Okay? So in theory we could see
you as a Sun double next year. I don't want to make you promise,
in theory we could, Okay.Do you have any goals for this
season? Maybe personal goals, classroom, stat sheet, weight room, any
goals you're working toward or perhaps havealready achieved. Biggest school would be the

Maked ENCAA tournament. Yeah, yeah, that's one of the biggest ones.
Obviously, do get in the classroom. It's very important. But came ready
to play hockey and making tournaments oneof the biggest, bigger things in my
mind. Well, you're well onyour way, sir. If you are
in need of a goal or ahelper, all you got to do is
look towards Silly. He's been thespark for the Sun Devil offense all year

here still hoping there is no slowingdown for number sixty one. We'll let
you go, enjoy your dinner.Really appreciate you coming out, spending the
evening with us, and we'll seeon Friday, sir. Good luck this
weekend. Thank you all right,always a pleasure. Three periods down here
on Health Frozen Over. Much moreto come in our overtime segment when we
return on this Tuesday night, AlexCoyle and I will discuss our observations from

last weekend's Desert Hockey Classic and whatthe Sun Devils could do to continue their
winning ways against the Big Red Stickwith us help. Frozen Over back in
just a few minutes on the MountainAmerica Credit Union Sun Deevil radio network.
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on Hell Frozen Over with Sun DevilheadHockey Coach Greg Powers on Fox Sports nine

ten and the iHeartRadio w app logetCold Fears and Cheeseburgers in Arcadia. For
overtime on Hell Frozen Over, TylerPaley joined by my broadcast partner on the
Mountain America Credit Union Side Devil RadioNetwork Alex Coyle. As we get you
sat for Arizona State's upcoming series.How sweet it feels to be back at
home. No, I mean youdon't like the travel as much as I

do. Let it getting out there. I love experiencing away team rinks and
cities. It's awesome. The travelitself is you know, it wears on
me. I can only imagine playinghockey and you know, like we're just
we're just talking and sitting in abooth or or sometimes on a perch or
the concrus depending on folding table.Yeah, right, listen, whatever it

takes. We're not where we can'tcomplain. We had oceanside for a while.
But look, I almost forgot howmuch of an advantage Mullet gives Arizona
State. I mean, you gotto give credit to all three teams,
primarily Omaha then loll than Harvard,but they traveled really well. But Asu,
I mean it's just advantage sunned up. Yeah, we were walking the
suitet level concourse during I think itwas the first game over the whole tournament,

and we're talking about how like wedon't usually get that advantage point of
the rink to see. Actually,how many fans are there and it was
impressive to see how much they traveled, but also how cool it is to
see that many people come watch hockeyat Arizona State. Now had that be
our rink, yes, so cooling, and you can only hope that it
will be the case this weekend.We'll dive more into the Cornell series in

a few minutes, but I mean, this is so critical, right.
We were talking with Coach Powers beforethe show and like, this is the
best opponent they have left. It'sjust the fact of the matter statistically,
and and frankly we've gotten a chanceto see them now they're as good as
just about anyone that we've seen,and seeing them comparing them to Omaha,
like, I don't think we sawCornell at its best either. I think
back to that first period in theOmaha game, like that was the most

intense, physical, competitive period ofhockey that we've seen, and like that
kind of brought the adrenaline up,Like, all right, this is playoff
hockey. This is finally the stuffthat we want to see against an intense
opponent and the kind of stuff thatyou're gonna have to play if you want
to number one, make the tournament. But then advance in it and then
in future years. That's I mean, it literally is a team we will

see, right, if not everyyear, just about every year. And
that's yeah, it's gonna be ablast. All right. Let's rewind for
a second game one Desert Hockey Classic. ASU never trailed, really never any
alarm in that one. I thinkit just shows that this team has the
ability to dominate on the ice inthe right circumstance. I mean, I
think that's the good takeaway from it, because the first period, a portion

of the second, like it,I was a little more down on the
play than you were, just becauselike we had seen a level, a
certain level of play and like Placid, that didn't show up right away.
But once they got to that styleof play, the sun Devil identity that
we hear every coaching player talk about, then that's when they took control of
that game and really dominated it.I mean, that third period was remarkable.

This is the second period to threeand shot. Yeah, like they
just took over the game. AndI don't I don't think they even played
that poorly in the first period,but but it was really the second and
third that you were like, allright, like this is this is such
they get that that crisp passing,and uh, they really start humming.
That's when they go Game two Omahadiscussed it a bit again, at least

for me, I'll speak for myself. No panic at any point despite trailing
most of the game, right,you trailed for the first forty two to
forty three minutes of that game.But all you needed was to get yourselves
back in it. And all thattook was one goal. Yeah, it
only took one. And I thinkthat was one of the best coach games
from that coaching staff. Yeah,I really do. Just seeing the adjustments
that they made in the intermissions,especially out of the second intermission, once

they got the flow, the howthey were generating and cycling the puck in
their offensive zone, they really didthe same exact thing for three consecutive minutes
in the zone that ended up leadingto that goal. Then they continued to
go back to it and tilted theice that way, and as coach Powers
mentioned, probably could have won thatgame in regulation, but ultimately win the

game overall against an intense and atruly intense opponent, and you get a
trophy. I mean, look forsure, I was saying and I really
don't want to be kind of thenegative person here, but two things can
be true. Right, that wasa fantastic win. It's super fun to
get a trophy, but it's alsonot going to be enough if you win
in overtime down the stretch. Imean, look, that's just the fact

of the matter, right, Like, as much as fun as it was,
I mean that that goal, likeit was a blast of a weekend.
It's super cool to have two wins, but it's just not enough,
and that's frustrating, and that's nobody'sfault. But that's just it's the structure
of the way it is, andI think it should probably, you know,
the last time that ASU has togo through this. But in the

future, hopefully the structure goes backto what it used to be, where
an overtime winner gets seventy percent ofthe point as opposed to just fifty five.
Like that's you won the game andyou only get fifty five percent of
a win. That that kind ofstings. And on the other side,
it's like, Okay, we lostthe game at overtime and we basically still
get half a win, like right, right, you think of the two

best wins for Asu, Providence andDenver. It's fifty five percent of a
win against the top ten team,like you imagine if you have the regulation.
All right, Look, we havegotten to nearly the bottom of the
hour without talking about a big reasonfor a lot of the success both games
this weekend, and that was TJsemptm Felter. Perhaps less of a workload
than usual, especially Friday, butlook, he continues to make the big

saves. He continues to be theguy to start in net and deservedly so.
Coach Powers has said it a coupleof consecutive media availabilities. It's,
you know, he's not making aton of saves, like he's not seeing
a ton of shots, but it'sthe situations that he is making those saves,
the great a's that he is savingto keep you know, a one
nothing deficit, one nothing, tokeep it tied at two after you tie

it in the third period, thosekind of things to keep your team and
allow them to either get to anovertime or to win a regulation game.
He's stepped up in the big moments. Let's talk big picture for a moment
before we dive into Cornell sixteenth inthe pair wise for a while now that's
where Arizona State sits as we talkhere tonight, big chance this weekend to

jump up. You kind of wantto secure a spot in the top twelve
right to feel comfortable, and asidefrom Cornell, where you gotta win no
less than one. But I wouldargue too, you have to beat teams
like Augustana, linden Wood, LuAnchorage, the lower tier teams coming up
on your schedule. You definitely dothe four against Alaska Fairbanks are going to

be big. The two at AlaskaAnchorage are gonna be nice as well.
But also don't sleep on Augustana.They're a top half of the pairwise team.
They are coming into Malan Arena,so that's gonna help. Some of
the wins are gonna get start tolook a little better when the conferences start
to play one another and just liftthe strength of schedule on that end.
But you know, I'm not asdown on the prospects of what it looks

like. I still think that there'sa good path there as long as you
truly take care of your business.About fifteen seconds here Cornell nineteenth and the
pair Wise learned how stout defensively theyare Ian Shane is fantastic. Where should
ASU's focus be this weekend. Ithink it's a shot Volume that's been really
one of the keys to the gamethe last four games. Shot Volume trying
a way to figure out a goaltenderlike that, and when Asus needed to,

they've been able to control that pace. That's for sure. Games twenty
five and twenty six of the seasonare this weekend arguably the most important series
of the season. You can followalong with us here on the Sun Devil
Radio Network. Pregame Friday at sixthirty with a seven pm puck drop.
Saturday is at four point thirty witha five pm puck drop. That'll do

it for us. Our thanks tonightto you, Greg Powers, alb O'Connell
and Lucas Sillinger for joining us.Special thanks to our producer and engineer Sean
Crespin and his fantastic team behind thescenes. We will see you on Friday
night six thirty for ASU and Cornellover at Mullet Arena in temp Thanks for
tuning in to help frozen over.Until next time, I'm Tyler Pailly.
Good Night,
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